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Dunedin Commercial Report.

Witness Ofpiok, Thursday Morning.

We are in the opening week of the month. The charmed fourth has just been got o»er. The biggest half of the bnsiness of the week has been between the first and the fourth. And yet, instead of being worse, it has been slitrhtly an improvement upon the last. Brandy is in no way altered, quotations for Henneasy remaining the same, viz , 32a 6J for case, 9s 6d for bulk. At these prices, business on a limited scale continues to be done. Other brands (say as samples, Otard's, which is quoted at from 8s 3d to 8s 6d bulk, 27a 6d case; and A. V.U., which is quoted at from 7s 6d to 7s 9d and 225) maintain similarly former rates, and a limited business. But, if we consider the Ur.ce stock 3in bond, iv neither Hennessy nor ether brand's, can the amount of pales effected be satisfactory to holders. vyiiidHy is in precisely the bame p -aition. Stocks are immense, and for the winter season of the year when the consumption of this spirit is largest, ii.stead of sales being on a, proportionate scale, it keeps moving off only in parcels designed for immediate supply, these sales futther being conQnol to the most popular brands. Geneva has been a little looked after. In wine, the transactions which have come under our notice have been too few or small to modify the statement that wines coutinue as dull is they have been for many mouths. Ale lemains qu-et also. In porter, a few cases iro off occasionally, but the demand is far beiow what it ought to be at this period of the year. In tea, we remark that some transhipments of tho earliest arrivals of the new season to Melbourne have been made to this port, and that they are now being landed. But it is of greater interest for in that stocks of last season are now running low, and that our own direct imports to suit the trade of the Colony will arrive to a good market In provisions, we have no less doleful a report to offer than

what virtually has had to he repeated for some weeks. Hams and bacon, imported and local, are exceedingly languid and dull. Butter has accumulated till offers of almost anything would be accepted. In the same way of cheese ; the nominal price for Akaroa and local is 5d to ■ 6d, but any price almost would be accepted. The new' fish' is now here, and salmon in lib tins (American) is quoted at from 9s 6d to 10s ; lobsters the same ; oysters (old) at from 5s to 6s (id. In fruits, we hwe ho change to note ; the same prices continue to rule ; the market, if anything, is a little weaker, although Home advices, and the aspect of Home affaiis, point to higher prices. The response will be made, but it may be made perhaps a little too late. Candles maintain last quotations. In kerosene, the* arrival of the Elsinbre has further augmented already full stocks, and depreciated further the value of this article. We are advised by the importers of Devoe's patent nozzle of large sales having been effected at Is 6d, of smallei quantities at from Is 7d to Is Bd. By the importers of Noonday (also patent nozzle), sales are reported at from Is 9d to Is 10d ; all, of course, in bond. Hops continue very inert. Importers here are advised from London, under date of 7th June, " that the values of all English (1876) hops have improved from 5s to 10s per cwt." The harvest prospects in England, as well as in Germany, appear not to be very bright. The American are spoken of as being- much more favourable. Weak in the growth from lass year, the weather has not been such as to repair the injury. Ai>d " and attack of the aphis fly is reported as occurring; very generally in the Weald of Kent and the adjoining parishes of Mid Kent." Flour has slightly declined since our last. The demand is now fair at per ton, in sacks, £18 ; in small bags, £18 10s." Wheat has been offering in very limited quantities, in consequence of farmers being bu«y, but stocks are very small in both the Northern and Southern districts. Prime samples are readily saleable at 73 Bd ; medium samples at from 6s 6d to 7s 3d. Oata axe in improved enquiry, and easy to quit. Quotations tor prime are from 3a 6d to 3s 9d, for feed at from 3s 4d to 3s 6d. The hardening which has taken place here is no doubt opnns to their having advanced 3d per bushel in Melbourne. Barley continues quite neglected.

SKENE'3 LABOUR EXCHANGE. August Bth, 1877. The labour market hM been considerably relieved by the supply of work on the railway at Balclutha. Those who cannot possibly get a start at their own legitimate trades can eke out a sc*nt existence untd matters improve. People suited for country and farm work are in quite a different position, iv fact, skilled experienced lolks of this class are decidedly scarce. The season for shipments is fast approaching. Couples are more enquired for, and their time is also approaching, We are always flooded with too -many, city .men, clerks, &c,, many of the late arrivals are composed of such. If the immigrants expected are composed of general country-bred folks, and female servants, they can at once be well placed. Skilled tradesmen are not wanted. Hotel business being quiet, psople for such are in small request. Wages— Cooks and laundresses, and general house servants, 103, 12s, 15s, 208, 25s ; boys and nurse girla, 5s to 10a ; station and farm couples, £65 to £80 : shepherds, £61) and £70 ; ploughmen, £52 to £55 ; superior do, £60 and £65 ; day, hotel, road, rail, and buau (not Gjvernment strokes), 7s, 83, and 9s ; gardeners, grooms, cooksj and hotel men, 20s to 403 per Week, and found ; country, storemen, 30a to 40j per week, and found.

Messrs &I. and J. Mbbkax, George street, report the following as the latest quotftions :—: — ' , Flour— Large bags, LlB ; small do, LlB 10s per ton." Oatmeal— Llß per ton. Pearl Barley— L22 per ton. Bran— L4 los, including bags. Pollard— L7. ss per ton. • Chaff— £s per ton. Hay — L 55s per ton. Potatoes, £2 103 to £3. Wheat— 7s 6dfor milling: ; fowls' feed, 4* to 4s 6d. Barley— 3s to 3s 6d per bushel. Oats— 3s 4d to 33 6d per bushel to 3s 9d milling. Butter— Fresh, Is 2d per lb. Chsese— sJd to GJd per lb. ' Egcs— ls 9d per doz. Straw— £2 per ton. ' 1


Flour, LlB and LIS 10s; bran, <50s; oatmeal, L 18; pearl barley, £22; chaff, 80s ; potatoes, £5. Dried Fruits.— Currants, 5Jd ; Sultaua raisins, Sd :" Elemes, 6^d to 7d ; muscatels, Is 2d. ■ Ales.— Devenish's, 12a; Tennant's, or founder's, 12s ; Arroa's, lls ; Bass's, 12a. Porter, duty paid — : Blood's, 12s 6d : Guinness' j 12a fid ; Pig brand, 13s. ' ! Tea, duty paid.— Common, Is lOd to 2s ; good medium, 2s 3d to 2s (id ; superior kinds, 2s 9d to 3s ; boxes, 26s to 325; orange pekoe, 2s 9d to 3a .••gunpowder, 2s 9d to 3s. - Sugar, duty paid.— Fine whites, LSO to Lsl ; grey Crystals, L4B to L 49;4 9; yellow do, L 47 to L4B • second yellows, £45 to £»6 ; ration, L39-to L4LVictorian whites, L 49 to £51 ; crushed loaf, 565, in kegs. ~ ■ Spirits, in bond. -Brandies : Otard's, 9s 3d ; do. in isase, 28s ; Associated Vineyard, 8s and 245; Kennessy's, 10s 6d per gal. : do in case, 34s 6d ; Bisquit's brandy, 9a and v 28s. Whisky, Glenlivet, 9s ; Rob Roy, case, 19s ; Old Highland. 10s ; Glenury, 6s 6d; Scotch and Irish, 5s to 7s ; Longjohn's in case, 18s 6d ; Hazelburn whisky, bulk, 6s. Hum, 4s 6d to ss. Lome, buls, 6s 6d ; case, 19s ; Geneva, JDKZ, per case, 13s 6d ; Old Tom, per case, Burnett's, 15s ; Swaiue Boord's, 14s. Kerosene.— Devoe's, 2s 4d (duty .paid); JDiamond, none ; Neonday, 2s 7d. . Candles, lid to lljd. " •

COMMERCIAL TELEGRAMS. -. Melbournb, July 28th. Sales of wheat have heen made at from 7s 5d to 7s 5Jd. Flour is selling: freely at "215 155.' " Large sales <$t ljevoe's oil have been made. * - ~ — - New Plymouth. August 3rd. ' At Mr Courtney's ! cattle sale, yesterday, fat cattle fetched £7 15s to £8 ss ; three years steers. £5 17s 6d to £6 ; dairy cows, at calving. £8 to £9 ; cows, £6 103 to £8 ; heifers, £3 10 ato £7 ; calves, £2 2s 6d : younz ewes, 12s each. Wellington, August"3rd. Mr George Thomas reports -.—Flour, New' Zealand £18 to £19 ; Adelaide, £23 lOs to £24 ; oats, 4s, firm; potatoes, £3 10s ; bran, Is Id ; wheat-. 4s 9d, for fowls: milling, none ; hams, lOd ; baon, 9d ; pollard, 7a 6d ; cheese, 8d ; maize, 4s 3d to 4* 6d. OAMART7, August 3rd. Very little wheat offering ; Irom 7s 'to 7s 3d for prime samples. Oats are offering freely at from 3s 2d to 3s 4d ; barley, nominal, <no good m»lting samples offering. Flour, £18 to £19 ; oatmeal,. £20 "; pearl barley, £22 ; pollard, €6 10s ; bran, £4. Potatoes offering freely, but no outside "demand. - " c Sydney.' August 3rd. Case brandy, 31s 6d to 32* ; quarters, 9j 3d. Kerosene dull, at 2s 2d. Eice, £22 to £23. Small sales of Adelaide flour have been'made at £18 to £19 ; Adelaide Wheat, 83 to 83 3d; sales have been made at 8s ' but holders now a»k 83 3d. . New Zealand wheat is unsaleable; New Zealand oats, none in the market. Barrel's twist, Is 4d ; a large parcel of Black Swan sold at Is 6d. Company's sugar is reduced £2 per ton. Belmont sperms aie unchanged. - '.'

Mr J. A. Mackenzie reports lor week ended 4th August as follows : — Sales.— National Bank of New Zealand (Limited), £3 Us ; Colonial Bank of New Zealand (LimiteJ), £2 2s 6d; Nation il Insurance, £1 12s 9d ; Standard Insurance, 17sj 6d ; Just in Time (Reefton), 16s 3d ; Keep it Dark (Keefton), 13a 3d; Anderson's Extendtd (Reefton), 5a 6d. Buyer3— Nation il Bank cf New Zealand (Limited) £3 lOi ; Colonial Bank of New Zealand (Limited) £2 Is ; National Insurance, £1 12s ; Standard Insurance 17a ; Mosgicl Woollen Company, £'i 5j ; New Zealand .-hipping Company, £3 13, ; Keop it Dark (Reefton) 12s 6d ; Just ii 'lime (Reefton), 14s. Sellers — Bank of New Zeiiand, £22 10s ; Colonial Bank of New Zealand (Limited), &i 2a Cd ; Mo9giel Woollen Company, £3 10s ; New Zealand Shipping Company, £3 15s; Wealth of Nations (Reofton), £5° Keapit Dark (Reef ton), 15s ; Just in Tims (Reefton)' 16s ; Anderson s Extended (Keefton), 5i 6d.

Mossrs Whitelaw and Co. report sales of shares during tho past week as follows : — '

Insurance. — National, 325 61; New Zealand, 98-5" South British; 85s; Standard, 17s 6d. Banks.— Colonial, 44s (cum div.) ; New Zealand,' £22 ids ; National, 70s. Other Companies. —Mo«giei Woollen Factory, 673 6d ; New Ze iland Shipping, 75* (cum div.) ; Walton Park Coal, 12s 6d ; Albion Brewing 43 61 ; Greymouth Coal, 453.

Buyers. — Insurances: National, 32s ; "New Zealand, 05% ; Standard, 17s ; South British, 82s. Banks : Coloniil, 42s (ex div.) ; New Zealand, £22 ss ; National, 695. Other Companies: Albion Brewing 4s Od ; Greymouth Coal, . 42s 6d ; Hopeful Gold Mm-, lag, Reefton, West Coast, 105s; Keep it Dark Qold Mining, Reefton, West Coast, lla Od ; Mosgie

Woollen Factory, 65* ; Mount Ida Pastoral Association, £8 10s ; New Zealand Shipping 4 73s (cum div.) ; New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency 95s old issue, 50s new issue ; Otago and Southland Investment, 255 ; Walton Park Coal, 12s; Welcome Gold Mining, Keeften, West Coast, 255.

• Mr Jenkin Evans has, we learn from tho local paper, sold his interest iv the Perseverance Claim, Blue Spur, to Messrs M' Hat tie and J. M'Laren, for the sum of £12Q0. This is considered a splendid price.

Mr Hknrt Driver (on behalf of the New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Co.) reports for the week ending August Bth : —

' Fat Cattle.— There was a moderate supply of 105 head yarded at the market today, chiefly of good to prime quality. Prices were fully up to last quotations, and a few pens of very prime beef, for which there was keen competition, brought 353 per lOOIbg Best bullocks realised from £10 10s to £15 10s • do cows, £7 10s to £12 10s ror about equal to 323 Od per lOOlbs. We soid 35 head on account of F. D. Rich Esq. ; and have placed 50 privately. ' - ' " Fat Sheep.— l6so were penned. Although this • number maybe considered somewhat short of the requirements of the trade, prices did not advance as was expected. -This may be accounted, for perhapg from the fact that nearly the whole supply forward ' changed hands previous to the auction, and those of the trade in want only.purchasing sparingly ; but we look for an improvement next week. Best cross-breds brought from" Us 6d to 16s 3d -or slightly over 2M perlb. ' -

Store Cattle and Sheep.— Both these descriptions of stock remain without alteration r and we have no important transactions to report. ' - Wool.— The trade and shippers are anxiously looking forward to the opening of- the August s*les in, London, which -wero to commence on the 14th, with a catalogue of 300,000 Dales. There is a fair local demand for fellmongers' lots. "YVa sold a few lots at auction on Monday at fair rates. . Sheepskins — We had a large attendance of buyers at our weeklyauction onMondaylast, whocompeted freely for every lot. . We catalogued 1200 akins, which sold at_ considerable advance, butchers' green cross-breds bringing 6s Id to 5s 7d each, merinos 3s 8d to 3s lid. Hides w.ere in good demand, especially extra heavy weights, bringing 25s 6d to 30s 61 each, orequ4 to 6d per lb. ; medium weights, 185. 6 dto 22s 61, or 4Ad • light and inferior, 10s 9d to 16s 3d. , We sold 150. Tallow.— Very smallsupply '; inferior, £25 ; medium. £30 ; prime, £33.

Grain.— Millers will not offer for secondary and inferior wheat. Prime samples, 7a 6d to 7s 9d ; none offering. . Oits are coming to hand very slow, and find buyers for feed at 3s 4d to 3? 6J ; milling, 3s 8d ; seed are enquired for, prime quihty is very scarce,' will bring high rates. Barley— Have sold some parcels of fair malting, at 4s 3d to is 4d ; milliu,-- is: wanted, 3s to S3 3d. No cheap feed in the market. .

Messrs Wright, Stkphenson, aud Co., report for the week ending Bth August, 1877, as follow* :— -

Fat Cattle.— For to-day's market an average supply came to hand, 130 head being yarded, of which a fair proportion wa« of good quality, the balance being only medium, r and" prices ruled a Bhade higher than last week's rates. We sold, on account of Messrs John Duncan, William Souter, and James Wright, 54 head. Bullocks'brought from £8 to £12 2a 6d ; cows, £7 10s to £11 -ss— prices equal to 303 per lOOlbs for good quality, aud 263 for medium do. Privately we have placed 36 head.

Fat Calve.—O nly a few peuncd, which sold at from 37s 6d to 50s each.

Fat Sheep.— The number penned was 1726, of which about half were of good quality, price 3 showing an " upward tendency, advancing at least Is per head on late quotations. We sold, on account of James Smith, Esq., Greenfield, 671 cioss-breds, at 18 j 4M ; on account of Messrs Begg Jtfros., 5U3 do, at from 133 ' 6d t0,15s 3d'; on. accouut of A. Brown, -Esq., 160 do at - 12s 9d ; on account of Mr George Wallace, 292 do, at I3s 6d; on, account of John Duncan, Esq., 200 do (small and medium quality), ac lOj'Cd.' We quote prime mutton at 2|d to 3d per lb. Privately, during the week, we have quitted for forward delivery 2300 cross-breds, at 3d per lb. - * '. - : Store Cattle. -We have enquiries for grown stores but at present few are offering. - ' - Store Sheep.— There is a fair demand for both youn^ merinos l and cross-breds. During the week we have ■ placed 2500 full-mouched merino wethers and 600 cross-breds at satisfactory figures. Country Sales.— We held our usual monthly sale at Palmeraton on Thursday, 2nd inst'. There was a large attendance, but very little stock came forward. We -« sold f nil-mouth 3d merino ewes at 4* each ; lamb/ 5s 6d ; store cattle, Irom £5 to £5 10* ; light harness horses, from £10 to £15. .On Tuesday, 7th inst., 'we ' held a sale by auction, on account of Mr J. Snow, at " M'wiel, when we dwposed of the lease of the Mosgiel '" Hotel, with five years to run, to Mr James Hastie for £020; and the lease of 2^-acre section, with - cottage " to Mr John^Green for £6S ; also, a number of lights harness horses at from £6 to £15.- * . " . Horses.— There Is a good demmd for both heavy draughts and light harness horses. At our yards on Saturday a fair proportion of all classes chinged hands at satisfactory rates. We quote first-class draugh sat fom £45 to £55 ; medium, £35 to £40 ; light, £25 to £30 ; good hacks and light harness horses, £25 to - £30; medium, £12 to £20 ; light and inferior; £5 to * Sheepskins.— Our weekly sale on Monday was well - attended by the trade. We catalogued 1000 skins.'for ■ which the competition was very keen, - and prices obtained show an advaneo on last week's rate 3 Butchers' green skins, half-breds, brought from 4* 8d to ss' 9d - each ; merinos, 3s 8d to 4s Cd ; station skins -up to 6s.4d_ -_ ' Hiaea are in brisk demand, hut very few are coming forward; any good- lots arriving will command" full values. We sold 50 medium weights at our sale this ' week at from 17s 6d to 22* 6d each. • Tallow.— We "did not offer any. this weak. Parcels suitable for shipment wanted, and saleable at Jull rates. We quote pr'ine mutton at from £33 to £34 " pet ton £28 to £32 ; inferior, £24 to £26. •'" ; Grain. — Wheat is coming to hand more freely, -principally of medium quality; for -which the demand is yery limited. ""Prime simples would meet a ready sale - • at from 7s 6d to 7s 9d per .bushel.- "O»ts are in "fair demand, bat quotations remain unaltered. We quote prime milling at from 3s 7d4;03* 8d ; feed, 3s 4d to 3a Gd.~- Barley very dull of sale. - • '

Messrs, Macman Brothers report for the week ending Bth August, as follows :— " " '. Fat Cattle.— The supply forward lor to-day's market was a moderate one of 142 head, of which' tho greater proportion was good quality., ,For best pens * prices were a shade higher, but the average rates were only about equal to those ruling- last week— viz 323 6d for -prime, and from 27s 6d:to 30i, for ordinary quality, per lOOlbs. At the yards we sold 50 head oil account of the New Ze*laud and Australian Land Company,, Messrs Davidson, Patrick, and others ab prices ranging from £7 5s to £14 17s Od for bullocks. and £6 12s 6d to £14 7s 6d for cows ; the latter price being obtained for a pen of polled Angus cows of very superior quality, bred and fattened by the New Zealand and Australian Land Company, on their Moeraki estate.

Fat Sheep.— l 726 were penned, all medium to good quality, which found buyers at from Is to Is 6d advance on list week's rates, or say,' equal to 3d psr lb. For cross-bred i the prices ranged from 11s 6d to 14s 6d. • Store Sheep.— Young cross-breds and merinos still continue in request, but we h.we heard of no transactions of any importance during tha week. Oursa'.es ' consist of 750 cross-breds. We have buyers for 10 000 maiden merino ewes.

Store Cattle. — No transactions.

Country Sales.— We would direct attention to our sale to he held at'BUuket B iy on 13th inst. on account of "Francis Smith, Esq. Sheepskins —We had a very small supply for our saie onMondaylast, but prices realised wore satisfactory. We quote butcher*' green skins at 4) 9d to 5s 6J ; do merino, 3s 8d to 4s sd, which we reckon very full rates, considering the unsettled state of the Homa wool market. , Hide 3 still command- full price3— say 4d to 4}A for good sound wet-salfcjd At auction on Monday we disposed of 50 at 16s to 25s each

Tallow is in easier request, and prices may be quoted - at from 20s to 30s per ton lower for ordinary soris ; prime bright mutton, however, commands about rates quoted last week. By auction and privately we have sold, during the week, 60 casks and 13 packages aa follows :-36 casks good bright at £33; 24cisks mix:d, £30 10s ; and 13 pickaxes rough fat, £22 por ton. Grain. —Wheat has been de lit in to a very limited extent during the p\at week, aa arrivals have been quite inconsiderable, and the stock in hand for offer very light. We quote prime quality at up to 7s 9d, ordinary to good, 6s 9d to 7s ; inferior and fowl feed at 3s 3d to 5s 6d, according to description. Oats have been more freely enquired for, and are firmer in price, ' although we cannot quote' any advance. Best millinc " samples are worth from 33 7d to 3s 9d ; feed/from 3s " 4d to 33 6d ; inferior do, 8s to 3a 2d. • • Barley is ■ inu ' changed both aa regards demand and value.

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Otago Witness, Issue 1341, 11 August 1877, Page 11

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Dunedin Commercial Report. Otago Witness, Issue 1341, 11 August 1877, Page 11

Dunedin Commercial Report. Otago Witness, Issue 1341, 11 August 1877, Page 11