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; ftOVERNMENT NbTIOE^If 12 to 17, bIV ; 3to 17, bY ; 3to 5, 9, b VI ; 2 , to&S.b VII: 1 to4,b,Vin; 2t07,9,b1X; 2 to 7, bl >.-*,•; Bendigo— Sections Ito 15, bI ; Ito 12, 14 to 18. b . II; lto 12, 15 t0 18, bill; lto 14,'b1V.; 1,2, 1 11, 12, bY ; Ito 18, b VI ; Ito 18; b VII ; Ito " 6, BtolO,b YIH ;-l, to -9. 13,t024,-bIX; 7to 30,.bX. f , .t. t . _ r _ -„-- . '' April next, at noon, Sections . in the Townshipsiof ' > ■i Queenstoira, Frankton, :Glenorchy, Jamestown, £ Kinloch, Arrowtown, and Cardrona. " '■ - : • , ■ Queenstown— Sections B'to 9, b XLVI ;, 6- 7, b XLVII * (See also special notice). ' ' . Frankton -Sections 15 to 18, bI; 5 to ß^ 10 to 12,. ' 14 to 23, bII ;~2, 7 to 12,' 14 to 17, 19 to 24J4) HI j '-< lto 10, 20to 24,b1V; 1,2, 4 to 12, 14. 18 to 24, bY; sto 12, 14 to 24, b VI; Ito ,22, 24, b VIL; 2, 3, 5 to-24V b VIII ; 2, 3, sto 7, 9to 24, b' IX ; Ito 24, b XI ; l; 2, 4 to 24, b Xll •'■ 2, 3, sto U.- 1 13 to 23, 25, b XIII ; 1, 4to 20, 22 to 25, b XIV y" 1 t0, 24, b XV;. 1t0 8,10 to 24,bXVI; 1,3,t0 i 17, 19 to 23, b XVH ; 1/2, b XVIII ; Ito 3,:i0, , . 11, b XXIII : Bto 11, b XXV ; 6to 14, b XXVI ; • '6 to 12, b'XXVII;'IOtoIS,'bXXIX. ' ' ' . Glenorchy— Sections 7'to 28, b' l ; 1 to 1 34j b II ; 2'tb ■• 23,bH1; 2t032,b1V; 1t026,b.V; 1.t026,b-; VI; 1 to 20, b vn;-l to 26, b VIII; 1 to 26.,b IX;ltbl2,bX:lto27,bXl.' ■ 1 ' , Jamestown— Sections 8^ 10, 12. b I ; 10, 12 tp'14; 16,' 18 to 22, bll ;-8 to 21, b'lHM' to 20, b IV-; 8,.' 10, 12, 14 to 19, bY: 3 to 18, bVI. „ v.'d Kinloch— Sections 6 to 12, b I; Ito 17, b II ; Ito 21, b III ; 1 t0.24, b IV,; Ito 27, bY ; Ito 28, b VI ; Ito 28; b' VII ; 1 to '2B,'b VIII ; 1 ;tbs2B,' b I IX; 1 to 2B, bX'; 1 to 'lß, b XlMtilß,<b' , - XII ; Ito 18, b XIH ; lto 18, b XIV ; ,I to 21, b XV ; Ito 24, b XVI ; 1. 2, 5 to 26. brxVII,; 1 . I 1t05.7t031, bXVIII; 1 to 16, b XIX ; 1, 2,7 22, b XX ;'l to 7, 9, 10, 16 to 22, b XXI. ; Arrowtown-^-Sections 7t09, b XIX." . '• ■'.')' '' Cardrona— Sections Ito6, bI ; 1 to 6, b II ; Ito 8, bill; lto9,blV; 1 tol2,bV; Itol2,b Vl;*' 4,9,10,bVH;'1..3;bV1tt;'1,'2,4rt0.9,'b1X;.', Itas,bX;l to 5, b XI; Ito 10, b XH ; 1,7 to 9, bxm. <>>••.■ •'• - - • - At Kingston, on Friday, 20th April next, at 1 .p'clook : a.m., sections in' the township of Kingston/ the terminus of the railway. J ' ' '• '-' '-'■' ''" • Kingston— Sections 9, 11, b II ; 3to 12, b III;' 3, 4, < 1 , B,' 11; 12. b 1V ;. 20, b VI ; 2to 16, 20 t0 23,b > '■ VH ; 2to 10, 24, b VIII ; 3to 11, 15, bXI ; 13 to, , 1 17, b Xn ; 1 to 22, 24, 25, b XIIT ; B|to 15, b 1 ' XIV. ' J. P. <MAITLAND, : ; • , ' Commissioner of Crown Landt. i .Crown Lands Department/^ » ,' * ! Duaedin,'March 13th; 1877. , l.lifm, | LAND UNDER DEFERRED PAYMENT. <' f" , GLENKENICH DisTBICT-^CONICAL HILLS), J WAIPAHEE. „ . .r -, , r Open for Application on WEDNESDAY, the 2nd • May, 1877. ' J- ".' : TWrOTIOE'IS^HEREBY GIVEN r that r -Ll i the following .sections in the above-named-district will be open for "application on WEDNES- . DAY, the 2pd May next. ' Applications must be wade by the applicant pn ''person,' sti any. Land Offlca in the Province, and a deposit A of .Is 6d per acre paid ,at. r the .tima; .of ..making "the, application, .beibg the . first half yearfs occupation' fee.! The purohase'jtnane'y/ is 'payable 1 at the "rate 'of 3s l per'acre- per annum' for'ten years. 1 »o >c j « v > o -i '- \'j: h . "->r ■.» -i, '•'.'». j Plans to he seen, and lithographs obtained; afcitho j .Crown Lands Office, Dunedin. . . . . ,, Sections U, 12, 13; 14, is. 16, 23,' 24; 31, 32, 33, 34. 36, 136 i - 36i 37.W39,' block XyGlenkenich district 1 , s.'L' N.B.— Section! 21, b ;X;: has been withdrawn {frbm-> application under payment, and'added tathar special value, sections, to be sold 16th May next." "'. ' I Sections *li; 12^13, 14, 15^16rarid 39 ' are witßiii the .Lawrence Land district.. Sections 23, .24:3 1; n 3«; L 33. r 34, 35, 36;*37/ana f 3B ara'in tKe'ldVenSrglll Land district. '' ■ ; j"->.v j,f • 1 1 1 -.- .'<"■■ vi >-i. if ' Note.— Section 17, bX, is withdrawn front sal«. .• ■ ,V ' The sections for which more than one applicatioiiv may be received will be decided by auction, by MrVßi '' B: Martin/at the ' Town Hall, Tapauni, 1 oh WBDNESDAY,' the'3oth ; .(ndt 16tb/as previously advertised) ■ May next, at noon. X ' '■-" '• .' .M lt -iJ v Viu/^iA . > ,'- i.'--,J. P.^MAITLAND.'O- .MY! zU-Ml -■■< .1 .'■ '. jCommissioner of Crown I*ndi: , t ,' Crown Lands .Department; , , ~ ~ . r '',•.-" t Dunedin, 2nd March', 1877', L'" " ' "Sni 1 ' ! GLENKENICH AND "WAIPAHEfi DISTEICTSJj " .BLQCK' J Xr,,GLEN^NlckrblSTßicT< "'.'", " i .' \ .Conical Hills; about six miles from TapanuL . " .'- , 'To be sold : by auction onIWEDNESDAYisOtn'MAYii "■ f 1877. -V'P.'VO \i'S:>-\\v. s*l'. . .-' (Sale postponed from 16th to 30th Mayi)> rVFOTiCE, JS HEEjjßY.OTEN^ifcnai;? jLJI .the following .Seetions: in the: above District!, Martin, at the Town Hall, Tapanui,"6n Wednesday, 80th May next.' ' After the 'sale of the Duplicated Deferred Payment sections in same' Block. ; ;Asjlandof special .value; under clauae 85, ''ptago^VV'aitQ, Lands, ' Act, 1872,", at. the" upset r 'Jprice' "opposite ,'eacK Secf,' Jtion':^- 1 ;, '," ',', \ u ,\,)' „* ,;','„'"-■"'' •"■ 1<l "~ l( ' Section.' Bik. Acreage. '" 'District/- Upset Price. , "8"; X .V2OO 000 Glenkenich" £264: 7 ; 6 tJ •' 9 ' „ 200 000 ' " - '•• • '42815 n o > 10 „ 2472,36 ;; < ' 663;i4'6;/ 21 „ 208139 „ • 62510)0,, 1 25 „ 200 000 , „ 400' 00 ' 26 „ 137.2 27 „" 206 10-0 ■ 27 „200 0 00' „ 400 0 0 28 „ 200 000 ■ „ . 400 0 0 : «29 „-• 200000 „ . , 400,0, iO') -30 „ .- 162231 „ 244 0 0 . 41 „ 200 000 „ 305 0 0 ■ 42 „ ' 200;0 00 „ '316 "5' ; 0. And at the same time and place, the following Section in' BLOCK" VL; GLENKENICH DISTRICT, - adjoining Block X. :— ection. Bik. Acreage. District Upset Price. 42 VI 123 007 Glenkenich ■ £255 12 6 ' 43 „ 235 0 16 „ 664 15 0 ! 45 „ 224126 „ • - 448 10 0 47 „ 77? 18 ~ „ " 139 0 0 51 „ 227 224 ' „ 340 10 0 v 52 „ 2000 0 „ . 7400 O'.O ;- 55 „ 240 0 13 »» , • 360 » 00 ' And following the sale of the above, will be offered .. ; BLOCK' X,. WAIPAHEE DISTRICT:— ).:,-- Section. Bik. Acreage. District. v Price. ' ■ 14. X ' '203 308 Waipahee "£305 12 '6 ; * ! ,16 „ - 200 000 "- .',','•' - ;: .aOO-'O 05 © •21. „• -,198,121 ' " ,', ■ •''"•297.-10"0 ' 22 •„ 121300 ■„ .• ■■■■ 182.12<'6^ '■ 23 „ 200 000 „ 300 0 0 , '24 ,', -91100 „ '" 136 17 "6 • 25 „ 147 000 • ;i ,', ■'• 22D10' (l o^ i" ' - J. P. MAITLAND, , ' ' l ,^ 1 ■ , .Commissioner of Crown Lands. jCrown Lands Department, '' ' i ' ' I,_ Dunedin, Bth March, r 1877. ", , ' 9m' Colonial Secretary's Office, , ' /' - 1.. .. "■.W.eUington, April 6th,'lS77.' iiCTOTrOE IS HEREBY; 'GIVEN, that _L^i His Excellency the Governor did,- on the 20th day of December, 1876,. confirm the Bye-Laws passed; by the Corporation ef the Town of East InvercwgiU-' : on the 20th day of November, 1876, and which Bye-Laws a-e published in the Otago .Daily Times of date the .thirteenth December, 1876.' ,• - - , -■ I . -BANIEL POLLEN, , Colonial Secretary. APPLICATION FOR LAND BY DEFERRED ' PAYMENT.- ,' ;■• • INVERCARGILL LAND DISTRICT. 1 SECTION 16, BLOCK V., WAIKAKA DISTRICT, 199 a. 2r. 30p. ' OBJECTIONS must be lodged in writing before Noon on FRIDAY, the 20th APRIL,at the Land Office, Invercargill, when and where the above application will be decided W. H. PEARSON, * • .. t " . District Officer. District Land Office, Invercargill, 12th March, 1877. Date and place confirmed. J. P. MAITLAND, Commissioner of Crown Lands. Crown Lands Department, ' ' Dunedin, 3rd April, 1877, 4sp

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Otago Witness, Issue 1324, 14 April 1877, Page 12

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Page 12 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Witness, Issue 1324, 14 April 1877, Page 12