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Witness Offiob, Thursday Morning 1 .

Since our last, literally no business lias been done. The busineti of pleasure has been pursued with utter disregard almost to the other, and the New Year's Day holidays now ensuing upon the Christmas, they too must be over et'e our trading community settle to thoir wonted devotion to the interests of buying and soiling. Flour continues at the same quotation ; breadstuffs have not altered. Sugar is moving off in trade parcels, and the recent cargoes of teas, especially of from medium to good, were passing into consumption. DUNEDIN WHOLESALE PRICES CURRENT. Flour, Ll3and LI 3 10s ; bfan, 60s; oatmeal, L 26; pearl barley, L 25;2 5; chaff, 80s ; potatoes, 200s. Dried Fruits — Currants, sd ; Sultana raisins, 7Jd Elomes, 6^l. Ales.--Devcnish's, 13s; Tennant's 13s; jfounger'B, 13s. Porter, duty paid— Blood's, 13s ; Byass's, 12s 6d ; Guinness's, 14s. Pig brand, 14s ; Machin's, none ; Manders's, none. Tea, duty paid.— Common, 2s ; good medium, 2s 3d to 2s Gd : superior kinds, 2s 9d to 3s ; boxes, 27s to 32s ; orange pekoe, 2s ftd to 3<? ; gunpowder, 2s fld to 3s. Sugar, duty paid.— F ine whites, L 47 to L 49 ; grey crystals, L4O to L 47 : yellow do, L 45 to L 46 ; ration, L 4 ito L 42 : Victorian whites, L4O to £48 Y-.rraville whites, 4ds finest ; counters, L4O to L 42. Spirits, in bond. — Brandies, Otard s, 9s 6d ; do. in case, 295 ; Martell s, none ; Associated Vineyard, 8s 6d and 265; Central Vineyard, in bulk, 8s; Hennessy's, 10s 6d per gal. : do. in case, 31s ; Bisquit's brandy, 8s 6d and 28s. Whisky, Glenlivet, 9s ; Old Highland, 9s ; Glenury, 7s ; Scotch and Irish, 5s to 7s ; Longjohn's in case, 18s 6d. Rum, 4s 9J to 5s Lome bulk wlvsky, none. Geneva, JDKZ, per case, 14s : Old Tom, per case Burnett's, 16s ; Swaine Boord's, 15s. RETAIL HOUSEHOLD MARKETS. Butcher meat remains at last quotations. Roasting bee', 6d to 8d per lb ; boiling, 4d to 5d ; stewing, 4Jd to 6Jd ; steak, 6d to 9d. Legs and loins of mutton, 4d to 5d per lb : chops, Gd ; boiling, 4d. Pork very scarce. Co'onial bacon. Is ; hams, Is ; cheese, 5d to 9d ; fresh butter, Is Gd to Is 9d per lh ; salt do, Is to Is 4d ; eggs, Is 4d per doz ; potatoes, lOlbs for is. Mr Archibald Mom, Manse street, reports the following as the latest quotations :—: — Flour— Ll3 to LlB 10s por ton. Oatmeal— L27 per ton. Pearl Barley— L2s v>er ton. Bran— Ls 10s per ton. Pollard— L6los per ton Chaff— L4 10s per ton. Hay— L6 10s per ton. Potatoes — LlO per ton. Carrots — None. Wheat— ss to 5s 6d per bushel. Barley — 4s Gd to 5s per bushel. Oats — 5s to 5s 6d per bushel. Butter — lOd to Is per lb. Cheese— 6d to 8d per lb. SKENE'S LABOUR EXOHANGE. It would be out of place to go into the usual particulars this the last week of the year. It can brieflly and safely be said that the Otago labour market was never healthier. All are busy— plenty of work and to spare for skilled and ordinary labour— even the unsuitable people who were presented to us during the year are setting employed. Too many grumblers ar« still in our midst, but they are the drones in the hive, and have no sympathisers. The New year holds out good prospects for all industrious people who may come to Otago. Wages are firm, and useful servants of all kinds are scarce. Prices of produce are hiirn, and the condition of the settlers is improving every day. No steady engagements are made till the New Year enjoyments are over. Messrs Wright, Stepiicxson, and Co. report for the weeke rjdingj3oth December, 1874, as follows :—: — Fat Cattle. — 186 head were yarded, and this, being beyond trade requirements, a portion had to be turned out unsold. We sold, on account of vir Wm. Souter, and Mtssrs Goodison and Matheson, 66 head, at from £7 15s to £13 5s for bullojks. and from £7 to £15 15s for cows. We quote prime quality, 30s to 33s per 1001b ; medium ditto, 255. Privately, we sold 25 head at 30s per 1001b. Fat Calves.— ls were penned, and sold readily at from 22s Gd to 57s each. We sold 10 at these rates Fat Sheep —1300 of all sorts were penned. Our sales consisted of 900 cross-breds in wool at from 22s to 265, and, privately, 1000 cross-breds, shorn, in Canterbury, at 13s. We quote prime half-breds, in wool, 4^d per lb; do shorn, 2Jd to 3d ; merinos, in wool, 4d ; do shorn, 2-^d. Fat Lambs.— 2so were penned of middling to good quality. We disposed of 02 at from 8s to 13d 9d each. Fat Cattle.— Tn ere is still a good demand for wellgrown cattle. At Mosgiel, on Thursday, 24th inst , v c sold at auction, on account of James Wright, Esq., 151 head bullocks and spayed cows at fioni £4 to £7 2s 6d per head for former, and £3 1 3s to £5 12s Gd for latter. Those prices may be taken as current market value. Store Sheep. — We have enquiries for merino and half-bred wethers and 6-tooth merino ewes, but do not anticipate much business will be done till shearing operations are over. We sold 750 2-tooth half-breds at 7s Gd each. Horses.— Heavy draughts and strong cab horses keep in good request. We beg- to call attention to our sale on Thursday, 31st December, when we shall offer, on account of Richard Symmons, Esq., of Carrick, Tasmania, 33 very superior heavy draught mares and geldings, ex India, from Launcestou. We quote firstclass draughts, £70 to £80 ; medium ditto, £35 to £45 ; good hacks and light harness horses, £25 to £35 ; medium do, £14 to £18 ; light and inferior, £4 to £7. Wool.— Since our last report, there are no later telegrams from England. In this market there is a good demand for light greasy wools for shipment to America, and any clips offering suitable for that market are saleable at prices that should be satisfactory to growers. We shall hold our opening sale for this season on Tuesday, 29th inst. Sheepskins. — Our sale on Wednesday was well attended by buyers, and prices obtained were about equal to last week's rates. We catalogued and sold 1000— chiefly station skins— at the following prices : — Butchers' green skins, half-breds, 6s 2d ; merinos, 53 5d to 53 Sd ; station skins, from Is lOd to 5s lOd each. Hides keep in good request, commanding from 4d to 4Jd per lb. We sold several lots medium weights at from 16s Gd to 18s 6d each ; also calfskins, at 2s 6d each. Grain. — Wheat is in fair demand, with but little offering. Good milling samples are saleable at 5s 6d per bushel. Oats. — Very few offering. They are worth from 5s 6d for feed, up to 6s for milling samples. Barley.—Good malting is saleable at from 5s to 5s Gd per bushel. Messrs Maclean Brothers report for week ending ECUi December as follows : — Fat Cattle.— There was a large supply at the weekly market, close on 200 head being forward. About 40 head were turned out unsold, the balance being taken by the trade. The demand for medium quality was limited, while prime quality commanded attention and realized full rates— heavy weights (Christmas beef) realizing us high as £26 10s per head. Our sales consisted of several lots on account of Messrs Petrie, Wilson, and others, which were disposed of at satisfactory prices. We quote really prime beef 35s to 40s per lOOlbs ; medium and inferior, 22s Gd to 80s. Fat Sheep.— About 800, of all sorts, were penned, which were taken by the trade at the following prices, viz., Cross-bieds, in the wool, 22s to 26a ; do shorn, 15s to 17s 6d ; merinos, shorn, 7s 6d to 10s. Our sales consisted of 150, at above quotations. We quote prime cross-bred mutton, shorn, 3d to 3}d ; ditto, in the wool, 4Jd to sd; merinos, shorn. 2Jd, in the wool, 4d. Fat Calves.— A few were forward, which realised up to 46s each. Fat Lambs.— About 250 were penned, which were all disposed of at from 8s to 13s (id each. Our sales consisted of 50, on account of vendors, at above quotations. We have placed xinder offer and sold several lots privately, during the week, »t market rates. Store Cattle are still in active demand, and any good mobs coming- forward meet with ready sale at from £6 to £7 for good well grown bullocks ; cows, from £4 10s to £5 109 ; mixed herds, 50s to 70s, according to breeding and quality. fcStore Sueep.— We have numerous enquirers for

young merino ewes and wethers, but teW ate offering so far. and wo do not expect much business will be done in this class of stock until after shearing. We have sold 1000 merino wethers, 4, 6, and 8-tooth, at Gs, and have placed several large lots under offer. Land Sale.— On Saturday last, the lflth inst., we held a sale at our Rooms of the township of Abbotsford, surrounding tue Green Island Railway Station. The sa'e drew together a lar.e attendance of buyers ; the bidding was bpirited, and all the sections sold realised satisfactory prices. Wool. — The opening »ale of the season was held at our warehouseb this afternoon, and we are pleased to be able to report that a disposition to operate wa» freely manifested both by local and American buyers, that competition was spirited, and that with one or two exceptions all the lots offered were disposed of at prices whiuh we have no doubt will be satisfactory to growers. The wools submitted were for the greater part what may be described as medium quality, and in small lots. A parcel of merino from the celebrated flock of W. A, Tolin c, E-.q., which attracted [much attention, and was generally admitted to be superior to anything ever exhibited heie. was passed in at lCd per lb, while a jxu'uel of cross-bred realised the handsome figure of ISJd, There i.s no room for doubt that a market is now established here for all descriptions of wool, to which growers may confidently consign their clips, with the assurance of their being competed for up to full value, and as regards greasy wool specially, it but fasts with growers themselves to conserve their own interest by meeting the American demand, and making the best pfolH otlt of their 1 wools by selling, in effect, direct to the manufacturers. Annexed is priced catalogue of wools sold, aggregating 427 bales. Greasy fleece, M'K, 5 bags, B^d ; greasy merino and half-bred, M, 4 bale*, lid ; do pieces, M, 1 bale, 6Jd ; do locks, M, 1 bag, ljd ; do merino, AT, 2 bales, lOJd ; do half bred, AT, i> bales and 2 bags, lljd ; do do, W ii, 2 bale 9 and 2 bags, ll^d ; do locks, W B, 2 bags, 3d ; do cross-bred, D over P, 3 bales, lUd ; do merino and cross-brcil, H X iv di minnd, 100 bales, I2jd ; do merino, M in diamond over M S, 170 bales, 13d ; do do, 1 bale Leicester, JOB, 12 bales, lljd ; do locks, do 1 do, 4Jd; dv meiino, HI, 5 do, lOd ; do half-bred, M over W, 25 do, 12d ; do merino, do, 7 do, 10£ d ; do broken, do, 2 do, 9d ; do merino, W, 11 do, lOJd ; do do, 08, 2 do, lOJd ; do half-bred, do, 24 do, lljd: do do, 1 part merino, D, 8 do, lO^d ; do do, and Leicester, LivT in circle, 11 do, lljd ; do pieces, do, 1 do, 63d : do locks, W, 1 do, 4}d ; do Leicester, DH, 1 do, 12d ; do fleece, 00, 2 bales and •Zba^s, lOW ; do cross-bred, DB, 2 rales and 1 bag, 12Jd ; do locks, do, 1 bale, 3§d ; do merino, JW conjoined, 3 bales and 1 bag, 9^l; do locks, do, 2 bags, 3d ; do cross-bred, F over W, 2 bales, lOJd ; do locks, do, 1 bag, 3d ; do cross-bred, CV over JW, 3 bales and 1 bag, llfd ; do pigces, do, 1 baa", fld ; do cross-bred, JC over S, 2 bales, 11-jd ; do locks, do, 1 bag, ssd ;do scoured, 1, 1 bale and 2 bags, 15Jd ; washed cross-bred, SB, 9 bales, 19d , greasy cross-bred, JS, 4 do, 12d ; do locks, MX, 1 bag, 3fd. Sheepskins, Hides, &c. — At our last Friday's sale we sold a quantity of preen and dry skins ; green halfbreds realizing up to Cs 3d each ; do merinos to 5s 7d ; dry station skins, 2s Cd to 4s Od exch. We also cataloaued a few medium weight hides, which realised up to 18s 3d each Calfskins, 4s each. Grain.— We have no alterations to make on our last week's quotations, viz.— Prime samples wheat, 5s Gd ; medium and inferior, 4s 3d to ss. Oats, for good feed, 5s 6d ; milling samples, 6s. Malting samples barley, 5s 3d to 5s 4d ; feeding samples are enquired for at 4b 6d. Messrs M'Landress, Hepburn, and Co. sold lease hold and freehold properties last week as follows : — The unexpired portion of the lease (18 years) of the business site in the Octagon lately occupied by Messrs Fulton and Co., timber merchants. The lease, for which a sum of £150 a year has to be paid, was knocked down to Messrs Herbert, Haynes, and Co., after a spirited competition, for a bonus of £750. Freehold sections 2 and 3, Port Chalmers, with premises thereon, area 1 rood 88 poles, sold by order of the Registrar of the Supreme Court. The property was knocked down to the mortgagee at £2000. • Freeheld building allotments on the estate situate between the old ami now roads, Saddle Hill, and known as Morrison's farm. 30 of the~e wore sold at from £10 to £10 10s each. A small house and two sectiohs were sold for £65.


ILLUSTRATED NEW ZEALAND HERALD. In consequence of the success of the ILLUSTRATED NEW ZEALAND HERALD during the past year, the Proprietor has, with a view of increasing its circulation, determined to reduce the price to 6d per copy. The HERALD is now entering on the Bth year of its existence, and will from Ist Jannary, • 1875, show considerable improvement. It will then appear with a new Illustrated Heading. I have also engaged the services of a competent Artist, and I Bhall be able to produce more New Zealand Views, thus rendering the paper of more interest to Colonists, and their friends in the home country. R. T. WHEELER, Proprietor. Office : Stafford street. BLUESKIN AGRICULTURAL AND PASTORAL ASSOCIATION. HIHE Seventh Annual Show of this Asso* JL ciation will be held on the Association's Ground at Waitati, Blueskin, on Friday, the Bth January, 1875. All exhibits to be on the ground by 11 a.m. WILLIAM PULLAR, Secretary.

Company. Capital. Amount paid up. Last Sales. Banks. Sew Zealand. National Colonial ?iji Insurance (Tew Zealand. National sth. British.. Standard Jold Minmg. Shotover — Ordinary .. Paid up . . Stars Elizabeths .. jueknows . . Arrows Miscellaneous. tf.Z. L. Si M. A. Co. ..\ new issue I tf.Z. Trust &. Loan Co. . . 3. & S. I. Co. ?ara P. Co. . . Dunedin Corporation 6 p. c. Deb. . . Dunedin Water Works Co Hosgiel W. F. Co Guardian Newspaper Co [>aily Times and Witness Co 3ruce Coal Co £ 600,000 2,000000 •2,000000 250,000 £ 10 10 5 5 & s d. 10 0 0 3 10 0 10 0 ■i 10 0 & s. d. 17 15 0 3 10 0 0 15 9 2 13 0 Pr ot. 15t 1,000000 1,000000 750,000 1,000000 10 10 20 10 2 0 0 0 10 0 12 6 0 10 0 4 10 0 18 0 2 8 0 0 9 6 10 10 I 14,000 18.000 12,000 6,400 7,800 9,000 13s 6d £1 10 5 3 1 10 0 4 17 (i 12 6 0 10 0 0 4 0 7 5 0 2 5 0 2 7 6 0 7 6 |4s.p.s. 1,000000 (25 1 5 2 10 0 1 0 0 3 10 2 0 0 }m 500,000 500,000 75,000 25 5 5 5 0 0 10 0 1 10 0 6 0 0 15 0 10 10 100 100 0 0 I 102 0 0 6 65,000 io ! I jio o o IV 10 0 12 eo,ooo 5 I 3 0 0 2 18 0 10* 25,000 5 I 2 0 0 15,000 50 40 0 0 I I 50 0 0 12J 5,415 1 0 2 0 '0 2 6' * Ex div. t Including bonus, iber, 1874. Dunedin, 2! Ith Dccci

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Otago Witness, Issue 1205, 2 January 1875, Page 12

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Untitled Otago Witness, Issue 1205, 2 January 1875, Page 12