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President, Mr John Shaw; Vice -President, Mr James Shand, M.P.C. ; Secretary and Treasurer, Mr U. Somerville. Committee of Management—Messrs Donald Eeid, M.P.0., J.Sutherland, 11. Muir, P. Grant (Gowrie), J. B. Blair, K. Charters, J. Forrest, James Allan, M.P.C., J. Sim, J. Aitken, W. Jaffray, G. Pram, J. Culleu, C. b'indlay, J. Robertson, S. Young, D. Grant, John Roberts. M.P.C., W. Grieve, 11. A. Kempshell, aud J. Shennan.

The thirteenth annual show of live stock, implements, and dairy produce, under the auspices of the Taieri Agricultural Society, took place on Wednesday, utOutnim, West Taieri. and was numerously attended. Mr Borrie kindlylent his centmliy situated and extensive paddock for the occasion, and there were ahout 1000 persons present. There were many from Dunedin and the surrounding districts. The day was beautifully fine, but during the morning the wind raised considerable clouds of dust along the road, so thnt it was occasionally impossibleto see any distance before one. A large number of the exhibits arrived at Outram on Tuesday, sis did also many visitois. The consequence was that the hotels wero ciowded, and could u«taffoid sufficient accommodation for the parties that anived there yesteiday. For nearly a mile along the road hoi ses and vehicles had to be located, and the cattle yards were utilised for several suddle horses. It was currently reported that the publicans' highest offer for the privileges connected with the booths was L 5 9s, and that a well-known Presbyterian clergyman gave LlO for them on behalf of the Good Templars. Be this as it may, however, teetotal driuks only were vended in the show yards, and this had a marked beneficial effect. Mr George Shand had charge of the principal booth, and amongst the customary establishments was a book -stall, provided by the Eev, W, Gillies and others. Thedairy produce wap exhibited at tho West Taieri Drill Shed, 4tf)icVJwa ]}fis» iwwtjfoU?' 4ev«wte4 fey tlw

occasion. A great many ladies and gentlemen visited this important section of the show. Amongst the visitors we noticed the Rev. Mr Bluett, of Canterbury, who is well known as an excellent judge of stock, and he kindly gave valuable assistatce in that class yesterday. The exhibits in the various classes were not n early so numerous as were anticipated, there being about 200 entries less than at the previous show. There was a falling off of 50 entries in the dairy produce department. This has been accounted for through local jealousy, but such trifles should not be allowed to interfere with_ such an important exhibition as that of the Taieri Agricultural Society. The magnificent agricultural country in the vicinity of Outrani would warrant a far superior show than that of yesterday. However, the principal cattle and horses exhibited were of the very best blood imported into the Colony, and their excellent points could scarcely be surpassed. The awards of the Judges were freely criticised by the well-conducted assemblage round the ring immediately alter the bellman announced the names of the successful competitors. Some splendid sheep were shown, but the poultry section was almost a complete failure. The competition in dairy produce was very keen, and the rich samples of butter attracted much attention. A small collection of vegetables, exhibited by Mr J. C. Millar, was highly commended. Implements were but poorly represented. The office-bearers of the Taieri Agricultural Society may be congratulated upon the completeness of their arrangements. With one or two slight exceptions no mistakes occurred during the day. The luncheon provided was not of the best quality. About six p.m. Mr Maclean submitted several lots of cattle for competition, but the bidding was anything but spirited. The Show Yards were shortly afterwai ds cleared, and preparations made for the homeward trip, which was rendered thoroughly enjoyable 'by the fine weather. The following gentlemen officiated as Judges in the various classes mentioned : — Short-horn Cattle— Rev, W. G. Bluett (Canterbury), Mr Corsan (Tokomairiro), and Mr Chrystal (Oaniaru). Ayrshire- Messrs Young and Orr (Oaniaru), and David Peyton (South Tokoniaiiivo). Draught Horses— Messrs Aitkenhead (Oamaru), W. Warnoch (Waugaloa), and W. Park (Blueskin). Thoroughbreds— Rev. W. G. Bluett (Canterbury), Mr Philp (Milton), and Mr Fleming (Oamaru). Sheep and Pigs — Messrs W. Shennan (Glenore), Thomas Murray, and Abel Kerr (Tokomairiro 1 ,. Poultry— Mi Thomas Murray. Dairy Produce —Messrs D. Wood (Dunedin), E. Mari-yatt (Milton), and Moore (Milton). Implements—Messrs Bryce (Milton), D. Thomson (Tokomairiro), and A. Macanow (Hampden). The Show Stewards acted as follow : — For Shorthorn cattle, Messis Young and Robertson ; Ayrshire, Messrs Kempshell and Shennan ; Draught Horses, Messrs Cullen and Sim ; Thoroughbred and Hack Horses, Mr J.B.Blair; Sheep, Messrs Grant and Jaffrey; Dairy Produce, Messrs Shaw and Findlay ; Implements, Messrs Pram and Muiv. For further particulars we now refer our readers to the subjoined prize list : — CATTLE. SHOUT HORN". Bull, calved before August, 1872.— 15t prize, £3 ; 2nd, £-2 : 3rd, honorary certificate. Three entries. P. and D. Grant, 1 ; Andrew 1 odd, 2 ; Peter Grant, 3. Bull, calved after Ist Aueust, 1872.— 15t prize, £3 ; 2nd, £2 ; 3rd, honorary certificate. One entry. K. A Kempshell (Premier), 1. Bull, calved after August, 1873.— 15t prize, £2 ; 2nd, £1 ; 3rd, honorary certificate. Six entries. Mrc> Miller, 1 ; Donald Grant., 2 ; Alex. Dodd, 3. Cow, in calf or in milk.— lst prize, £3 ; 2nd, £2 ; 3rd, honorary certificate. Nine entries. H. A. Kempshell (Sally Dundas), 1 ; R. A. Kempshell (Hose), 2 ; Joseph Allan, 3. Heifer calved after Ist August, 1872.— 15t prize, £2 ; 2nd, £1 ; 3rd, honorary certificate. Four entries. D.ivid Burrie, 1; Donald Grant, 2; 11. A. Koinnsliell, 3. Heifer, calved sfter Ist AugUbt, 1873.— 15t prize, £2 ; 2nd, £1 ; 3rd, honorary certificate. Four entries. Donald Grant, 1 ; R. A. Kempshell, 2 ; David Borrie, 3. Cow or Heifer in the yard — Siver Cup, valued at £0 6s, presented by Henry Driver, Esq. Three entrie.-, li. A. Kempshell (Sally Dundas), 1. For the Hiiinial of greatest merit. — Silver Cup, ■\ alued £0 6s, pfoented b y Mesxn> M'Leui JBi others. Four entries. K. A. Kempshell (Premier), 1. AYRhHIUK. Bull, calved before Ist August, 1872.— 15t prize, £3 ; 2nd, £'2; 3rd. honorary certificate. Four entries. \V. Waddcll, 1 ; Thonns Miller, -2 ; James Cullen, 3. Bull, cal vert after ldt August, 1872. -lbt prize, £3; 2nd, £2 ; 3rd, honorary certificate. No entry. Bull, calved after Ist August, 1573. — l->t prize, £2 ; 2nd, £1 ; 3rd, honorary certificate. No entry. Cow, in calf or in milk.- Ist prize, £3; -2nd, £2 ; 3rd, honorary certificate. Four entries. Smcllie and Young, 1, 2, and 3. Heifer, calved after Ist August, 1872.— 15t prize. £2; 2nd, £1 ; 3rd, honorary certificate. One entry. Smellie and Young, 1. Heifer, calved after Ist August, 1873.— 15t prize, £2; 2nd, HI; 3rd, honorary ceitifioate. Four entries. Smailie and Young, 1 and 2 ; J.uucs Aitken, 3. Best bred Cow or Hei er in the yard. — Silver medal. Two entries. Smellio and Young, 1. Best Bull in the yard of any age. -Silver medal. Three entries. Win. Waddell, 1. (JOLO.MAL BRED. (Of any Breed except Shorthorn and Ayrshire). Bull calved before ls>t Ausuibt, 1572. — Ist prize, Xi : 2nd, £1 ; 3rd, honorary certificate. No entry. Bull, calved alter Ist August, IS72.— lst prize, £2 ; •2nd, £1 ; 3rd, honorary certificate. One entry. No au-ai d. Cow, in calf or in m"k.- Ist prize, £2 ; 2nd, £1 10s; 3rd, £1 ; 4th, honorary certificate. Six entries. Smellie and Young, 1 ; T. Blatull, 2 ; R. A. Kemp-shell, 3. Hoifer, ealvt'd after Ist Auj-fust, 1872.- Ist prize, £2 ; 2nd, £1 ; 3rd, honorary certificate. No entry. ANY BKKEP. Best three Cows for dairy purposes, the property of one exhibitor.— lst prize, £2 ; -2nd, £1 10s ; 3rd, £1 ; 4th, honorary certificate. Two entries. Smellie and Youdji, 1 ; K. A. Kempshell, 2. Pair Fat Oxen.— lst prizo, £1 Is, gift of Mr Geo, Nichol, Outram ; 2nd, honorary certificate. No entry HOUSES. Draught Stallion, foaled before Ist August, 1871.— Ist prize, silver cup, presented by Messrs Wright, btepheusim, and Co.. Dunedin, Viilue £0 (is ; 2nd, £3 ; 3rd, honorary certificate. Four entries. Kobert Hamilton (Yoimjr Prince of Wales-, 1 ; James Fowler (Heather Jock), "i ; James Fowler (Wallace), 3. Draught Entire Colt, foaled after Ist August, 1871. —Ist pri/c, £3 ; 2nd, £1 10s ; Srd, honorary certificate. Two entries, J. llaugh, 1 ; Alex. (JampboM, 2 Draught Entire Colt, foaled after Ist August, 1872. — l&t prizo, £3 ; 2nd, £1 10s ; 3rd, honorary certificate. Six entries. Kobert Charters, junr., 1 ; Peter Grant (of Gowr.e), 2 ; Kobert Muir, 3. Draught Entire Colt, loaled after Ist August, 1873, —Ist prize, £2 ; 2nd, £1 ; 3rd, honorary certificate. Eight eutries. Robert Muir, 1 and 2 ; Mrs Miller, 3. Draught Brood Mare, having foaled or to foal this season, — Ist prize, £3 ; 2nd, £2 ; 3rd, honorary certificate To entries Mrs Ninnno, 1 ; Peter Grant (Gowrio). 2 ; Hryi'o Bids , 3. Dry Mare, for eh might purposes.— lst prize, £2; 2nd, £1; 3rd. honorary cortlficaic. Tenantries Kobert Muir, 1 ; Peter Grant (Gowrie), 2 ; William Sawori. 3. Pair Dry Mares or Geldings, for draught purposes Ist prize, £3 ; 2nd, £'2 ; 3rd, honorary "certificate. Six oi.trio-'. Peter Grant (Gowrie), 1 ; William bawers, i ; John Shaw, 3. Draught Filly or Gelding, foaled after Ist August, 1873.— Ist prize, £2; 2nd, £1 ; 3rd, honorary certificate. Four entries. James Fowler, 1 ; Robert Brown, 2 ; John Shxw, 8. Draught Filly or Gelding, foaled after Ist August, 1872 —Ist prize, .-C2 ; 2nd, £1 ; 3rd, honorary certificate. Ten entries. Mrs Ninnno, l ; J. and A. Robertson (filly), 2 ; John Kirkland (filly), 3. Draught Filly or Gelding, foalod after Ist August, 1871. Ist prize, £3: 2nd, £2; 3rd, honorary certifi. cite. Seven ontriew. John Shaw, 1 ; H'Farlanc aud Waniock (filly), 2 ; Mrs Miller (filly), 3. Draught Gelding, above tljree yews.—lst prize, £,2 ; 2nd, £i ; 3rd, honorary certificate, Four entries,

Best Draught Entire in the yard, of any ago —Silver meial. Seven entries. Robert Hamilton, 1. Uest Draught. Mare or Filly in the yard, of any age. —Silver medal. Eleven entries. Mrs Nimrao. Thorough-bred Stallion. — lst.prize, £3 ; 2nd, honorary certificate. Two entries. Edward Pritchard (Bungarabee), 1 ; N. J. B. K'Gregor, 2. Thoroughbred Mare. — Ist prize, £*! ; 2nd, honorary certificate, Nine entries. James Shand, 1 ; Samuel Oldfleld, 2 ; James Shand, 3. Thoroughbred Filly or Gelding, foaled after Ist August, 1873. — Ist prize, £2 ; 2nd, honorary certificate. Three entries. John Shaw, 1. Thoroughbred Fill}' or Gelding, foaled after Ist August, 1872.— 15t prize, £2 ; 2nd, honorary certificate. Seven entries. T. Blatch, 1 ; Walter Grieve (filly), 2 ; John Shaw, 3. Weight-carrying Hack. — Ist prize, £2 ; 2nd, honorary certificate. Twelve entries. JP. Barker, 1 ; Alox. Todd, 2. Pair of Carriage Horses. — Ist prize, silver medal ; 2nd, honorary certificate. James Shand (t pair chesnuts), 1 ; Bacon and Sons (2 chesnut mares by Bungarabee), 2. KXTRA STOCK. Pony under 14 hands.— W. Snow, 1 ; Geo. Pram, 2. Pony under 12 hands.— John iStephenson, 1 ; James Aitken, commended. SHEEP. , LEKJEHTEIt. Ram, 4-tooth and upwards. — Ist prize, field glass, value £-2, presented by Mr John Hislop, watchmaker, Dunedin ; 2nd, £1 ; 3rd, honorary certificate. Seven entries. James Allan, 1, 2, and 3. Ram, 2-tooth.-lst prize, £2 ; 2nd, £1 ; 3rd, honorary certificate. Five entries. James Allan, 1 and 2 ; David M'Pherson, 3. S Ewe, 4-tooth and upwards, in milk or . h lamb at foot.— lst prize, £2; 2nd, £1 ; 3rd honorary certificate. Nine entries. James Allan, 1 ; David A. M'Pherson, 2 ; James Allan, 3. Ewe, 2-tooth.— lst prize, £2 ; 2nd, £1 ; 3rd, honorary certificate. Eleven entries. James Allen 1 2 and 3. Best Pair of Ewes in the yard, of any age.— Silver medal. Five entries. James Allan, 1. LINCOLN. Ram, 4-tooth and upwards.— lst prize, £2; 2nd, £1 ; 3rd, honorary certificate. One entry. A J Grant, 3. Ram, 2-tooth.— lst prize, £2 ; 2nd, £1 ; 3rd, honorary certificate. One entry. A. J. Grant, 3. Ewe, 4-tooth and upwards, in milk or with lamb at foot. — Ist prize, £2 : 2nd, £1 ; 3rd, honorary certificate. Four entries. A. J. Grant, 3. Ewe, 2-tooth.— lst prizo, £2 ; 2nd, £1 ; 3rd, honorary certificate. No entry. MEKIN'O. Ram, 4-tooth and upwards. — Ist prize, £2 ; 2nd, £1; 3rd, honorary certificate. No entry. Ram, 2-tooth. — Ist prize, £2 ; 2nd, £1 ; 3rd, hono- h rary certificate. No entry. j Ewe, 4- tooth and upwards, in milk or with lamb nr foot. — Ist prize, £2 ; 2nd, £1 ; 3rd, honorary uertificate. No entry. Ewe, 2-tooth.— lit prize, £2; 2nd, £1 ; 3rd, honorary certificate. No entry. CItOSS-HKED. Ewe, 4-tooth and upwards, in milk or with lamb »t foot.- Ist prize, £2 ; 2nd, £1 ; 3rd, honorary certificate. No entry. Ewe. 2-tooth.— lst prize, £1 ; 2nd, honorary certificate. No entry. Pen of six Lambs.— lst prize, £1 ; 2nd, honorary certificate. Two entiic. Da\ id Borrie, 1. Pen of six fat Wethers.— lst prize, £1; 2nd do, honorary certificate. No entry. EXTIIA STOCK. Meriuo Negretta Rams, 4-tooth Five entries. Prize £2. James Fulton. Ronmey Marsh Ewes, 2-tooth. Two entries.— No award. Romney Marsh Hams, 2-tooth. Two'entries.— Priee, £1. James Fulton. Cheviot Rams. Two entries.— Prize, £2, Holmes and Son. SWINE. Boar, of the large breed.— lst prize, £2 ; 2nd, £1 j 3rd, honorary certificate. One entry. John Grant, 1. Boar, of the small breed.— lst prize, £2 ; 2nd, £1 : 3rd, honorary certificate. No entry. Sow, of the large breed.— lst prize, £2 ; 2nd, £1 ; 3rd. honorary certificate. One entry. John Grant, 1. Sow, of the small breed.— Ist prize, £2 ; 2nd, £1 ; 3rd, honorary certificate. No entry. POULTRY. Gander and pair of Geese.— lst prize, £1; 2nd, honorary certificate. One entry. Donald Gr»nt, honoraiy certificate. Turkey Cock and pair of Hens.— lst prize, £1 ; 2nd, honorary certificate. No entry. Drake and pair of Duck*. Ist prize, £1 ; 2nd, honorary certificate. No entry. Cock and pair of Hens, Dorking breed.— lst prize, £1 ; 2nd, honorary certificate. One entry. R. A. Kempshell, honorary certificate. Cock and pair ol Hens, Spanish breed.— lst prize, £1 ; 2nd, honorary certificate. No entry. Cock and pair of Hens, Brainapootm breed.— lst prize, £1 ; 2nd, honorary certificate. Two entries. P. and D. Grant, honorary certificate. Cock and pair of Hens, Game breed.— lst prize, £l ; 2nd, honorary certificate. Two entries. Thos. George, 1 ; F. Snow, honorary certificate. DAIRY PRODUCE. 211). Fresh Butter.— lst prize, silk drcs, value £44*, * presented by Messrs Brown, Ewing, and Co., Dunediu ; 2nd, lady's riduig habit, value 255, presented by Messrs V. Almao and Co., hatters, Dunedin ; 3rd, 10s. Twenty-six entries. Mrs John Hunter (Mosgiel), 1 • Miss Doig, 2 : Mrs John Shaw, 3. 21bs Powdered Butter.— lst prize, china tea service,, presented by Messrs Snow Bros., Outram; 2nd, box tea, value £2 ss, presented by Messrs Mills and Grant, Outram; 3rd, 10s. Thirty-six entries. Mrs John Hunter, 1 ; Mrs John Shaw, 2 ; Mrs John Shennan, 3. Sample of Salt Butter t not less than lOlbs.— lst prize, box tea, value £2 ss, presented by Mr John Healev, grocer, Dunedin ; 2nd, value £2, presented by Mr Jas. Walls, ironmonger, Dunedin ; 3rd, 10s. Thirteen entries. Mrs John Hunter, 1 ; Mrs Robert Muir, 2 ; Mrs James Cullen, 3. Ik Fancy-made Butter for the tea-table.— Prize, valuem £3, presented by Mr George Young, watchmaker,T "" Dunedin. Nine entries. Mrs James Cullen, 1. Sample of Cheese made in the Province. — Ist prize, value £2 2s, presented by Messrs firiscoe and Co., Dunedin ; 2nd, £1 ; 3rd, 10s. Four entries. Mrs R. Charters, 1 ; Mrs John Shennun, 2 ; Mrs James Allan, S. Sample of Cheese, made in the Province since September last.— lst prize, value £2 2s, presented by Messrs Oliver and I'lph, Dunedin ; 2nd, £1 ; 3rd, 10s. Two entries. Mrs R. Charters, 1; Mrs John Shennan, 2. Best Cured Ham, £1. No entry. A Best Cured Side of Bacon, £1. No entry. ~ IMPLEMENTS. Double-furrow Plough.— lst prize, Silver Medal ; 2nd, honorary certificate. No entry. Double-furrow Plough and Subsoiler combined.- l»t prize, silver medal ; 2nd, honorary certificate. No entry. Harrows for genoral purposes. — Ist prize, silver medal ; 2nd, honorary certificate. One entry. W. Nichols, jun., 1. Field Roller —lbt prize, silver medal ; 2nd, honorary certificate. One entry. No award. Clod Crusher.-- Ist prize, silver medal; 2nd, honornrv certificate. No entry. Field Grubber.- -Ist prize, silver medal; 2nd, honorary certificate. No entry. Drill Grabber'.— lst prize, silver medal ; 2nd, honorary certificate. No entry. Drill Plough,— lst prize, silver medal; 2nd, honorary certificate. No entry. Broadcast Grain or Grass Seed Sowing Machine. —I*l prize, silver medal ; 2nd, honorary certificate. No entry. Turnip and Mangold Sowing Machine. — Ist prize, silver me lal ; 2nd, honorary certificate. One entry. No award. Reaping Machiuo, manual delivery.- Ist prize, sil\ er medal; 2nd, h"iior r* certificate Four entries. John Bi-iiwn, combined mower and lT.ipor, 1 and 2. Reaping Machine, bide delivery.- ls-t prize, silver modal ; 2nd, honorary certificate No entry. Chaff -eutt or for steam or horse-power,— Ist prize, silver medal ; 2nd, honorary certificate. Ono entry. J. Rankin, 1. Corn-bruiser for steam or horse-power —Ist prize, silver medal ; 2nd, honorary certificate. No entry. Collection of Cart and Plough Harness.— lst prize, silver medal; 2nd, honorary certificate. Oneeutry. Win. Young, Outnun, 1. Collection of Dairy Utensils Ist prize, silver medal j 2nd, honorary certificate. No entry. Horse-power Hedge-cutter, subject to trial.- Prize, £5 ss. No entry. BVTHA tMPIiKMK.vrSi Pair Fanners- -B. Gibson. Grain Separator— W. E, Richardson. Wire Strainer Fetor Grant, Gowrip. Churn— W. Gorrte. Wire Strainer—Donald JJorri?.

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Otago Witness, Issue 1205, 2 January 1875, Page 10

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TAIERI AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. Otago Witness, Issue 1205, 2 January 1875, Page 10

TAIERI AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. Otago Witness, Issue 1205, 2 January 1875, Page 10