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Tlie regular weekly meeting- of the Wiusto Lands tfoard was held on IVedmisUay. Piescnt: The Chi Commissioner (in the chair), Jles->rs lint tor woith, Claik, D. Reiil, and Strode. TIIU MINI HIS. Tho minnlc of tho previous meeting ha\in:r been re-id, Mr Harris s:iid, before the IJimkl uonlinnud them, hu bf,.fi,cd rehpoctfully to ])iii!it out a most important, error. He appeared on bob ilt of Mes^r.s .U'Dunald :md wliosu iippKc.ttitin «a> rcfiiMjd by the CummihMoner after it h.ul l)uen continncl by tho tioard He nailed their attention to tho uircuinstune tint tho Cmnini«sionor's attention wtis diiocted to the land bciim iv tlu. Tuapeka B.isin, and he (the ConiuiiMMiinor) had t ikon upon himself the res ionsibility of rcfusina tho application until the ensuing mectiny of the LSoanl. Jlr Jl.irr s took thu opporl uinty to point out tlial sui-tion IS of tho "Was to l.uuls Act, 1572, ran n, tnliows : - " The doti-ion of the Hau-d on all miiteih to ba by it hoard and determined shall, subject to nuht of appeal to tho Supreme Court, .is pnnided in the Wajte Lands Board A]>|>e»l A>. , ' ISIiT, be and conclusive. Provided ah\\ij-> that the Jio.ird may, on thu ap])lic,itio:i of any poison, jjiijut a re-lyjarinij of any cisg deuided by it if it .shall think that jiiititu requires it, and on such rohoaiiii'4 - may revise, alter, modify, or oontirm nny prc\ious ilcci.siou in thesainu case." 110 uoutunded that tho/o was nothing s,.id at tho jirovinis mooting of tlie Board to ■-how that an application for a re-hd'u'm:> had beeiinndc by any person whatever. It w?s. merely said by tho Oomuii«.ionur that one of tho ofti er-i of hisd jurtment had callc.l his attention to the&ci-tion beinu in the Tuapeka Basin, and ho then refused the application. The objector should have been informed of tho appKcitinn for a re-hearing. He could conldently tv those who wcro present at tho previous meeting to corrobori'e wlnt he liad said. It was stated on tlie minutes that Mr A'lchols-on had "objected, hut ho had not been present. The CoMMissroxEß : Mr Js'ioh Ison had objected purely upon public grounds. 1 mentioned Mr Nichol son's name, and he could have been called in jf necessary. Mr Harris : Pcrlvips the Commissioner will read the minutes em the subject. The following minute was then read :—: — "Application refused. Mr Strode and Mr Butterworth objecting : Mr Clark and Mr Thomson supporting : carried by the casting vote of the Chairman ; Mr Nicholson having asked him for a re-hcarma, t' le site beiiu \ aluablc to mining interests.." J\lr llains : i believe if that is referred to the Hoard it will be amended. I call this minute, incorrect and irregular. Mr Ki:m : Would it not have been competent for any member of the Board to ask for a re hcmujyV Mr .Si'hodi:: Mr Nicholson should have been present to support tliis application. Mr Jjiuris : I it is not competent for the Coinii.isiioncr to he agent for any pei&on for a rehearing The Commissioner ; I mentioned the nutter to the Hoard, and Mr N'juholnon could ha\e 1 eon call ad Mr Han is: I am i>uio that everyone present will there was no application \\bato\er for a re-hearing. Tic point now disputed, 1 submir, i.s this: Ir that minute i- placed on the hook, and confirmed, it will put a false miprcot-inn on what, took placs.'. 1' looks very much as i the llnaid, or iiouvj oiii oi, took st'jjis to have ihe ([iivation brought w.tlnn tho proviiions vi the IStli section. Mr Xichoiwin hid not linked tli ■ Board for a ro-hearh g. The c ise should be submitted to the Supreme Court. Mr Council, would you be Kind enough to slate what took place? Mr Council c vpros<-vd his willm^ncss to givo evidence if pcunittcd by tbo Board. Mr m-kodi; : It is clear that an act of tho Board coal 1 not be vetoed by the Chief Commissioner, but the Uoirel could veto any action of the Chief Commi <sioncr. Mr iltvi'x ia : I may state that my oxpsriente ha- bee i n that no application for a re-hearing was hoard unltst minuted by the Board. The Commissioner (to tho Board) : Do you wish t> hear Mr Connel! ? Do you, Mr t- ekl, wish 'to hear him? Mr llBiD : I should like to know actual p.jiut is undjr discussion. Mr -tuo de : Tho form of the minute is under consideration. Mr U.rris : I call the attention of the Board to tho fact that Mr Nicholson directed their attention to the section bom;* in tho Tuapi'ka Ha-in. Mr Kicid : I le id tho ropoi t in the Daily Times. Mr Harris . The rcporn was sLited nearly in the words oi the minute. bo Commissioner did not mci.lion "lie w.ird about the ro-hearmg of Uio c.i-c. 'Jhe Commihsk .;i.!t : Yej ; Mr "Nicholson look the aotion on tubliu grounds, tic wished me to state Im objection. Mr Hiirrh : Then you d ! d not elo so. Mr Keid : From wh it T can gather from the dismission, Mr Nicholson intoinud the Commissioner that this Tuapeka Basin was a very valuable section. Mr Harris : As tho Board is only desirous of doing what is just, 1 think, between me aud the public, that Mr Council should be heard. Tho CoMMUSioxEii hiivnv,' expressed his willinfiiio«s in aci ord nice with a suggestion made by Mr Ki:id, Mr Ilarri'i : Mr Jteiel was not present at the meeting. I should think that those gentlemen who were pieseiit arc most com ictent to give an opinion. Mrlluiu: The minutes should show exactly what has otctirred. Tlie Coii.Mi«sroxi:ii : I made application for lit Nicliolhini tor an -hewing;. Would you L-ugged't un amendment, Mr stiodo? Mr yruoDi: : This is mv view of what occurred iit tht; time. Tbo minute .should read this way :— " Application refused. Mr Clark and Mr Thomson .supporting ; Mr Butterwiirtli and myse f objecting— it h ivinir been intimated by Mr Nicholson, of ths Survey Office, to tho Board that the Tuapoka Basin was specially roserved." Mr Harris : That is not correct. The Commissioner-! memory seems to have been defective. The Chairman did not, obje t to and combat the argument that there had been an application for a re-hearing, but I contend that there has been no such application. Not at the time nor on any previous occasion was there said that there had been an application for a rehearing. Mr Ssthodk : The question is, what did actually occur? I think some unprejudiced person should be called upon to give an opinion. Mr Heid : I think the question resolves itself into this— the use of the word ' ' re-hearing." It is drawing the point rather too fine if that word is nsedod to protect tho public interests. Mr Strodb : Yes, Mr Reid ; but we sit hero as a ju-licial body and must bo guided by the Act. As in the case of Courts of Justice, certain rules are laid down for our uuidauce. Mr Reid : It, U v matter of indifference whether tbo word " re-hcarui!' " was actually used oi not. Mr Hirri-j : What 1 object to is an untruthful statement appearing on the infinites. If the members of the Board wis^ to shelter themselves from an i le^al act,sthe minutes would to a certain extent shelter them The Commissioner, : We had better decide tho question by putting it to tha vote. Tbo voting resulted as on tho previous occasion, and tho Commissioner gavo his casting vote in fai our of the minutes being confirmed. M>- Reid refined to vote, in consequence of not having been present at Uio previous meeting. Mr HiuTis : 0 > the part of my client, 1 solemnly protest anainst the untruthful report. You have refused to receive evidenca by disinterested persons who were present. I shall take ulterior measures iv this caso. EXI'KESbIOXS JtIM'OHTED TO HAVE BEJSN USED BY MIC KAURIS, The Commissioner called the attention of tho Board to the expressions used by Mr Harris at the previous meeting, to wit—" The sower tho Waste Lands Board was done away with tho better," and the proceedings wjere "iJJegsi ft nd jniquifaMß," #8 reported kilisPaUy

Jlr Harris : Here is another instance of an irrc.' proceeding on thu part of the Roard. I now state that I did not use the word "iniquitous," but I said that the proceedings of the Board uoro " il'ot>.il and ineuiisidlcnt," and that the sooner the IJoard w,i* done auay with the belter. I should be sorry to use such ,m expression »} " ini'iiuton-.." Tho CoM.Mis',io<i.u : I did not hear it myself, but it was put forth in the D.iily Time-. Jlr Clark: Thouuh th' it word not used, there were other o^protsioiio \. should not h.ivebocn ma-io »sa of. Mr Harris: I think it the minutes of the lirmd's proceedings for tho past three months were looked over- — Mr I?i;i» : If the 1 proceeding; of the Board are to bo conductcel in this nunnur, and tjrofessional gentlemen d-i.t.ito to the lioaul, no s!; ill h.ive b ill liunudm in to wit'iuss tho pioiwdnifjs. lit'.ill.N, it this is to t.uc plar-'\ tho sooner the YVj-itu Lain!-. Kuard is done away with fie belter. Tbo (.'o.M-Mi-.'-iovri! : The JJoard is sitisficl, then, that tho won! " iniiiui'oiis" was not used. '1 hal, is all that X nccesnry. (If com so it wis m;, dut.\ to bn'iy tho nutter forward, it lviving oppi'are,i in the public papers I did nut heir tho iwpres .ion m) self. Tho Boirel was satisfied with ilr. Hanis's explanation, and "no withdrew. At a later s{,iye of the procecdii":s, Mr UiiMtK f-aid : It is n mistake on all parties. I think it should bo v. itluli.iwu from the minutes The Co.MMishio.Nhii . There is nu doubt thar, Jlr Harris has used expres-ions to-day which no gon'leman should ha\ c u-ed towards another, .mil sOiich ho would not ilaro to use tow .ads mo piivalcly. Of coin-so, in my public capably, be m.iy almost do as be pic ises. The minute was .struck out. JI'IIOXAIjII AND JUI'IIKSOX'S CASE. 3fr Harris suggestod that a case 'etting foith the fact-; of the reversal of tlie approval of JIo-mn M 'Donald and ilatheson's ajiplication to pui-ch:use section :«), block XVIII , Tuapoka West, should be submitted for the decision of his Honour Judge Chapin in. Mr Srßoin: : I would stitc a case under the sth section. Mr Hum : The applicant doc-, not say by whom the case should be prcpaied. Jlr antoni;: luvaiiahlv the applicant draws up a case, and w<t the icvpondeut. It was die-ided that " Mr Harris may .submit a case for the consideration of the Board for submission to the btipicme Court if he wishes." iiiciAhS to oeci py. Mr W. S. Douyl is, for Mr Wm Aitken, applied for a lireiHC under uU'ise 101 to o(;cn))y sections - 20, ill, and 2', block LI 1., Oaniiru. Approved, and rental fixed at £1 per annum. ■run ut.kmvn kvmilids. Mr Hilyondorf asked for v ro-oonsldoration of his application for authority to be giNun to midic Ucimm families U> occupy Inlf, in acre cash of W.uhoLi to»nslnp. llu eloquently ile.s.iibod the capabilities of liis clients Mr Reid: Tho land m'ght be declared wf special value, and leased. Mr CiiAi'.'i : l hcs n men are fully employed, and in a very few wockd they will be able to huy'j, suction (or them-olvcs. After some further uiscu^sion, the appliuition was refused. M"ssrs Driver, Stewart, and Co., for Oar.len and Pctrie, app'ied tor a saw-mill leiue, behind Pollock's saw-mill, at CJlenomaru. Referred to the Hanger. KJIt SALE. Mr George Cooper applied that section .30, block VI., Moor.iki district, should bt' offered for sale, lteforreil to the Govenmient for report of Engineer. K. I,ANC.ISn-,'<.'.S APPLICATION. Ranger TTuslian'h report on the application of lliohard Lanc.ister for a lease ot i'OO aeros.ii eluding a bush, about live milv s\o Beaumont, was read. Alc-sh Council and ?.loodic (for Mr Lancaster) applied for the- Uo.ird'h fin 1 dociaion. Mr Connoll said this was a most important application, and o c in the wholo of tbo Tuapeka distnet was intciested. The Hangci's icport was in ilj f.ivcv.r, and ho produced a memorial signed bj forty rebidonts ot the di.stnct. ( Mr llagqitt, on behalf of Mr ICeil, oppo cd the ajiplication, a ci a gued that it could not bo planted on two grounds- (1.; TnoSu-jeiiuicudont'si; •nsent not having liccn obtained, and (:>.) the Hoard liuving no power. A lengthy .md interest n^disjussion'tuok place, and thelio.ird reiused the a])plic.u.mi. COAL MIM.VO Mr D Miller applied for put illusion to prospect for coal in the Bush Keicrve, il -it-way Liu-sh. The Boaid decided not to inter .'ere. i:x''ii •>Xoi:. Mr William S ibino applied to exchange his lease of sevens '.), 10, 11, I^, 16, :J.J 01, 85, and J(i, block 11., Shotovor diotrict, U'lilor t aiuh trl. \pptovud. GSM. MK,.Vl,'tf API'LIUATION'. A letter was read from Mr 11. Bu.sho, asking the Board i o re-consiacr (_!oo. Milne's- appucition to purchase .sections 51, 102, 103, and 104, block V., Waitahiina East. Kefused. AI'I'LIOM'ION" TO Pl'UCn \i ]'„ Mr Divid And-cw applied to purch.tso -section 2, block XiV., Duncdui ami Last Taleri. The Board decided to sell the land under section 40, at £3 per acre. ax i.-,la:;i> is \. - v:<nii\M. Messrs Fletcher .md M'^ilhvray ajjplied for licons?, un.lenlauso ltu, to o.'jupy an island iv Wyndlum township fur grazing e-uttle. Kofu-cil. r im; town < j- iivm: roit .-,\L!;. The Go\ eminent notified i);o l<oar>' tint they had rc-vohed tint the town i>i Hyde should bu sold with cirrt-iin reserves ltcferrod to the Dibtrict Land Ollicer for advice. D. SINCLAIR'S AI'PIiIC Vl'IvJX. The District Land o'lljor reported on Jfr Duyald Sinclair's application to pun-h.i-e ono-i'Uhth ot an acre in>eby, at present held by him :t3 tent ground. JJofoired. Ul"-CO.NbIDEU.VlIOS.U l "-CO.NbIDEU.VlIOS. Mr H. L. S'juires applied to purchase section il, block X, \v aitahniui East llufused. SAW-.MILIj LHAhK. Messrs Council und Moodio, for -\. md W. T. M:icf irlano. applied for decision ot tho 13n. t rd on their adjourned application for a .s.w mill leaad vii block XIII . G'onlujnich Ref jrrod to tha I!a"gor. Ai'iTiicmov to pt-tciiA.jr. Messrs Smith and Anderson, for Thomas Ifopwood, applied to ])urcha'-e scct'ons 4, lei, 17, and 18, block VII., Waitahuna West. The Hanger reported the land had been reserved for an Athenaeum. Mr Anderson argued that it had not been properly reserved. They could find no mention of it in the Calottes. Tha foMMi&noxuit : All lands have been tenv poivvi'ilv withdrawn by the < onsent of the Miperintendant, therefore the section applied for i.s a reserve temporal ily. Mr Andoroon : It has not boon legally reserved. Mi-Claisk: We will make it legal till tho Council meets. The application was refused. liAXll OX TIM GOt,l>rii;Ll)S. The following applications to purchase land on the Goldlields wore refused : — Thomas Brunton, section 30, block XIX., Tuapeka East ; J. Maekay, section GO, block VI., Tuapeka West; John Tuckoy, section 8, block X., Tuapeka East. James Cameron's application for section 49, block VI f ., Waitahuna East, was granted. Ihe Board adjourned.

" Ou Saturday night," remarks tho Auckland Star of the 24th August, " tho at-iects of Auckland were enlivened by one of tho'-c popular elemonstnitioiis which not unusually | mark strong political inrli^natiou. At th>i i close of tho public meoting on Thursday nielli; it beuam« known thftc n, was iutendeJ to burn in effiay the Pzvuiier of New Zea land, and several of the supporters of his resolutions for aggrandising the South Island by the subjection and spoliation of tho Worth." The Sfcai', which appeareel to strongly favour the senseless proceedings, devoted about a column of its apace to an account of -them, From this account it appears that Mr Vogel, Mr Reader Wood, Mr Buckland, .Mr (Jreighton, Mr Lickie, werfl burned in effigy. The crowd dispersed "with three ringing cbeera for Mv O'Korke,

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Otago Witness, Issue 1188, 5 September 1874, Page 11

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WASTE LANDS BOARD. Otago Witness, Issue 1188, 5 September 1874, Page 11

WASTE LANDS BOARD. Otago Witness, Issue 1188, 5 September 1874, Page 11