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Furniture Chintz, 6*4, 7*4, 9*4, 10* d, Is. per yard; Furniture Cretonnes, Is. 9d. per yard— yard wide; Damask Dimity, 10* dls per yard - Double-width Damask Dimity, 2s, 2s. 64, 3s. per yard; Cotton Ticking, 6*4, B*4 per yard; Union Tick, Is, Is. 3d, Is.' 64 per yard' Linen Tick, Is. 9d, 2s. per yard. * Winceys, 5*4 per yard; Winceys, 9*4, 10*4, 11*4, Is, Is. 3d, Is. 64, Is. 6*4, Is. 84, Is. 94, 2 S . per yard Full assortment of Coloring's Shepherd Check Winceys, Aberdeen Winceys, Saxony Winceys, Twilled Winceys, Steamed Winceys. PATTERNS POST FREE. The Stock of Hosiery for this Season is more than usually numerous, and includes all the latest improvements in manufactures, and very good value White Cotton Hose, 6*4 per pair ; White Cotton Hose, Bs. 64 per dozen ; White Cotton Hose, 10s. 64 per dozen ; White Cotton Hose, BM." 10* d, Is, Is. 3d, Is. Gd. per pair; Plain and Stripe Cotton Hose (new mixtures and colors), B*d., 10*4, Is, Is 6d Is 9d 2s 2s 3d * 2s. Gd. per pair. The 6 and 3 Bibbed Glove-fitting Hose ; White Bibbed Cotton Hose, White Gauze Cotton Hose, White BalbrWan Hose' Brown Balbriggan Hose, Sandal Lace Hose, Silk Embroidered Hose, Transparent Lisle Thread Hose, White Lisle Thread Hose, Is. 64, Is 9d ' 2s, 2s. 3d, 2s. 64, 3s, 3s. 64, 4s, 4s. 64 per pair. Rough Brown Cotton Hose, 84, 104, Is, Is. 3d, Is. 64 per pair. ' Bright Brown Hose, Fine Finish, Is, Is. 3d, Is. 64, Is. 94, 2s. per pair. Striped Lisle Thread Hose, Misses' Hosieiy in Balbriggan, Lisle Thread— Plain and Striped, Coloured Cotton, White Cotton, Brown Cotton, Sandal Lace; Colored Balbriggan and Colored Knickerbocker Socks 3 . Every variety and make in Children's Socks. ' ?*? *

Advantageous Purchase of JMaclc Silk Velvets. No. I.— Black Silk Velvets, £5 Bs. Od. the Dress; No. 2.— Black Silk Velvets, £6 6s. Od. the Dress; No. 3.— Black Silk Velvets, £7 4s. Od. the Dress ; No. 4.— Black Silk Velvets, £7 10s. Od. the Dress ; No. s.— Black Silk Velvets, £9 6s. Od. the Dress ; No. 6.— Black Silk Velvets £9 18s. Od. the Dress ; No. 7.— Black Silk Velvets, £11 ss. Od. the Dress ; No. B.— Black Silk Velvets, £11 15a. od. the Dress ; No. 9.—' Black Silk Velvets, £12 12s. Od. the Dress ; No. 10.— Black Silk Velvets, £13 10s. Od. the Dress ; No. 11.— Black Silk Velvets, £15 0s Od the Dress ; NO. 12.— Black Silk Velvets, £16 os. Od. the Dress. Black Silk Velvets— 9s, 10s. 64, 12s, 12s. Gd, 14s, 15s. 64, 16s. 64, 18s. 64, 19s. 64, 215., 225. 64, 255, 265. 6d. 30s, 355. per yard.

5-Frame Brussels Carpet, 4-Frame Brussels, 3*-Frame Brussels. Kidderminster Carpets, 3s, 3s. 94, 3s. lid, ss, ss. 64, yard wide. TapestryCarpets, for Drawing Boom, Dining Room, Lobbies, Offices. Stair Carpets, 10.U1, Is, Is. 3d, Is. 64, 2s, 2s. 3d. per yard. Brussels and Tapestry Stair Carpets. Felt Carpets, Is. 94, 3s. 64, 4s, 4s. 64, ss. Hemp Carpets, 9*4, Is, Is. Id, Is. 24, Is. 44, Is. 6d. per yard. Hearth Rugs, Bs. 64, 10s. 64, Us. 64, 21s, 275. 6d. Jute Mattings, 2s, 2s. Gd. per yard. Cocoa Mattings; Cocoa Mats; Wool Mats; Door Slips; China Mattings, 9*4 per yard ; Striped Cocoa Matting. Hassocks, Floor Cloths, new patterns, and thoroughly seasoned for Rooms, Halls,' Lobbies, Passages, Stairs. Bordered Floor-Cloths, American Leathers, Crockets, Ducks, in Single and Double Japanned. Men's Fancy Tweed Trousera, 9s. 64, 12s. 64, 15s. 6d. per pair ; Men's Nelson Tweed Trousers, 16s. 64, 18s. 64, 21s. ; Men's Fashionable Striped Trousers, 12s. 64, 15s. 64, 18s. 64, 20s. per pair; Men's Ribbed Tweed Trousers, 18s. Gd, 21s, 255. per pair; Men's Fancy Tweed Trousers and Vest, 17s. 6d, 20m., 225. 64, 255, 275. 04, 30s. ; Men's Colonial Tweed Trousers and Vest, 255, 30s, 355. ; Men's West of England Tweed Trousers and Vest, 275. 64, 30s, 355, 375. 6d. ; Men's Moleskin Trousers, 6s. 9d, Bs. 6d, 9s. 6d. ; Men's Drab Cord Trousers, lls. per pair— Extra Quality ; Men's Colonial Sac Suits, 355, 40s, 455. ; Men's Albert Sac Suits, 455, 50s, 555. ; Men's Nelson Tweed Sac Suits, 555, 60s, 655, 70s. ; Men's Galatea Jackets (Silk Mixed), 21s, 255, 275. 64, 30s. ; Men's Galatea Jackets (Nelson Tweed), 275. 64, 30s, 355, 375. 6d. ; Men's Paget Coats (Nelson Tweed), 255, 275. 64, 30s, 355. ; Men's Paget Coats, Black and Blue Cloth, 425. 64, 455, 50s, 555, 60s. ; Men's Sack Coats, Heavy Cloth, 16s. 64, 18s. 64, 21s. ; Men's Sac Coats, Black Cloth, 255, 275. 64, 30a. 355. ; Men's Alpaca Sac Coats, 10s. 6d, 12s. Gel., 15s, 17s. 6d. ; Men's Tweed Vests, Single and Double-breasted, 6s. Gd., 7s. 6d. Ss. 6d. 9s. Gd, 10s. 6d. ; Men's Waterproof Clothing, for Summer Wear, 15s, 17s. Gel, 20.5. ; Men's Blue Serge Trousers, ss. Gd. Iglf 5 Mcbi's Snitts Made to Order. Boys' Knickerbocker Suits, Braided, 12s. Gd, 14s. 64, 165. 6d, 18s. 6d, 20s. ; Boys' Sydenham Suits, Blue Cloth, 225. 6d, 255, 275. 6d. 30s. 355, ; Boys' Sailor Siiits, in all the New Colorings, lls. 6d, 12s. Gd, 14s. (id, 16s. 6d., 20s. ; Boys' Prince Alfred Suits, Colonial Tweed, 255. 275. Gd, 30s, 355. ; Boys' Paigby Suits, Fancy Tweqls, 17s. Gd, 20s, 225. 6d, 255. ; Boys' Rugby J ackets, Blue Serge, 7s. 6d, 9s. Gd, 10s. 6d. - YOUTH'S Oxford Sac Suits, 255, 275. 6d, 30s, 3)s. ; Youth's Galatea Sac Suits, 455, 475. Gd, 50s. ; Youths' Trousers and Vest, Colonial Tweed, 255, 275. Gd, 30s, 355. ; Youths' Galatea Jackets, Fancy Tweed, 17s. Gd, 19s. Gd, 21s, 255. ; Youths' Sac Coats, Fashionable Shapes, 9s. Gd, 10s. 6d, 12s. 6d, 15s. ; Youths' Mole Tousers and Cord Trousers, 6s. 9d, 7s. Gd, Bs. 64, 9s. 6d. ; Youths' Alpaca Coats and Holland Coats, Gs, 7s. 64, 9s. 64, 10s. 64 ggg 3 Boys' and X-onflns' Made t® Order. Men's Crimean Shirts, 4s. lid, ss. 64, Gs, 6s. Gd, 7s; 7s. Gd, Bs. Gd, 9s. 6d, 10s. 6d. ; Men's Heavy Tweed Shirts, 7?. 6d, Ss. Gd, 10s. 64, 12s. 64; Men's Crape Cloth Shirts, 7s. 64, Ss. Gd.'j 10s. 64, 12s. 64; Men's Oxford Shirts, (Shakespeare Collars), 4s. 64, ss. Gd. ; Men's Harvard Shirts, 3s. Gd. ; Men's Jeau Shirts, 2s. Gd. ; Men's Brown Cotton Pants, 2s. lid. ; Men's Brown Cotton Shirts, 2s. Gd, 3s, 3s. Gd, 45.; Men's Shetland Merino Pants, 3s. Gd, 4s. 6d, 5., ss. Gd, 6s. 6d. ; Men's Flannel Undershirts, 4s. lid, ss. Gd., 65., 6s. Gd, 7s, 7s. Gd.; Men's Scotch Plaiding Pants, 3s. lid, 4s. Gd, ss, te. Gd. ; Men's Scotch Lambswool Pants, ss. 64, 6s, 6s. 64, 7s, 7s. 6d. ; Men's Brown Cotton Socks, Gd, 84, 94, lOJd, Is, per pair; Mel's White Dress Shirts, 6s. 64, 7s. 64, Bs. 64, 10s. 6d. ; 200 yards Bliss Tweed, 3s. Gd. per yard — Extra good Value; 500 yards Nelson Tweds, 4s. lid. per yard; Fancy Stripe Tweeds, 2s. 64, per yard. Men's, Boys', and Youths' Hats and Capsin all the New Shapes. Railway and Carriage Rugs, from 12s. 6d.

Bazaars* Ladies purchasing for Bazaars or requiring Fancy Wcjk will find a Beautiftil Assortment of Wool Work Slippers, Wool Work Cushions, Wool Work Banners, Wool Work Hand Banners, Wool Work Beakfast Mats, Wool Work Coseys, Wool Work Fender Stools, Wool Work Kettle Holders, Wool Work Mats, Cosey Trimmings, Stands, Brackets, Grd and Tassels, Taborettes, in lengths, or by the yard ; Russia and Pearl Braids — all colors and varieties ; Purse Twist and Filoselle — in all coks ; Brooches, Ear-rings, Bracelets, Necklets, Clasps, Tortoiseshell Combs, and Hair Pins. An immense variety of Albums, Satchells, Silk-lined and Lather-lined ; Ladies' Work Baskets, Lined and Unlinecl ; Fancy Soaps and Perfumery ; Gosneli's Florida Water ; Silk Russia Braids and Embrokiiry Braids — all colors, Silk Alliance Braids, Worsted Alliance Braids, Imperial Cashmere Braids, Washing Coronese Braids, Lacet Braids, Mexican Bsiids, Swiss Cashmere Braids ; Mantle Trimmings, Mantle Ornaments ; Dress Trimmings, Fringes, Buttons ; Jacket Trimmings, Jacket Ornaments ; Dress Ornaments ; Velvets, Headings, Headings. ALL GOODS MARKED AT NETT CASH PRICES WITHOUT DISCOUNT OR REDUCTION OF ANY KIND.

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Otago Witness, Issue 1155, 17 January 1874, Page 32

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Page 32 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Witness, Issue 1155, 17 January 1874, Page 32

Page 32 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Witness, Issue 1155, 17 January 1874, Page 32