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(from our own correspondent.) The annual Show of the Blueskin Agrioultural and Pastoral Association was held on the grounds of the Society on the 9th inst. The day at this season of the year could not have been a more favourable one for the purpose, and a number of Bettlers and visitors from a distance were present, enjoying the fineness of the weather and the Show at the same time. In short horn cattle the exhibits were few, the number entered having been, in all sections, 28 ; but the stock exhibited was good, and the animal which took the first prize in Sections 1 and 2, for bulls of any a«e and two-year-olds, belonging to Mr John Duncan, of Cherry Farm, was much admired ; indeed, that gentleman may be complimented upon his deserved , success for the tine stock he showed m different rings of Class A. So far as his j two-year-old bull is concerned, I understand he was purchased not long ago, lame, for 100 guineas, and was sacrificed at that figure. The lameness has not yet quite left the animal. Mr Pitt's bull was also much admired by connoisseurs, in Avrshires, there were 35 entries ; and here another splendid display of stock was made, the judges in Section 1 (7 entries) having taken some time to decide between the merits of Mr Jackson's animal from Forbury, and Mr John Jones s, of Waikouaiti, Mr Annan coming in third with a one-year-old bull, a son of the sire which took the cup at the Forbury Provincial Show last year. In Section 2Mr Jackson was again successful with his hrst prize-taker in Section 1 ; and Mr Annan, in Section 3— one-year-old, was hrst, with his third bull in Section 1. That gentleman, however, although allowed to bo one of the, if not the, foremost breeders of Ayrcshirea in the Province, was hard run by many of the local settlers, which proves, at any rate, that * o y* h °»"3

influence in causing an improvement in the breed of cattle. In Provincial-bred there were 46 entries, and some superior stock shown ; and in class D.— Special— 17 entries, regarding which the same remarks apply. Thus, it will be seen 126 entries for cattle of all dsscriptions -were made, and so close were some rings in merit, that the judges frequently had great difficulty in deciding, which necessarily prolonged the show. It would be much better, however, in the future, as there is a spare ring, were the horses to be shown simultaneously with the cattle, as people get tired of waiting, especially when they have a distance to travel home. In horses altogether, draught, thoroughbreds, and hacks, there were 91 entries, and Mr Boag's entire Southern, about the finest horse of his sort, I heard many remark, which has ever travelled this district — and we have had many first-class animals in the season doing so for years past — was awarded the first prize without hesitation. In Section four, brood mares (six), were a fine exhibit, and Mr Duncan, as will be seen from the prize list, was Ist, 2nd, and 3rd. Sections 5 and 7(6 in each) were also good exhibits, Mr Ferguson, Waitati Flat, taking the prize in former, and Mr Duncan in the latter. In Section 9 (pair of horses) ' there was a close run between those gentlemen. In draught stock, I understand many of the Ist, 2nd, and 3rds at different Bhows this season are offspring directly of Sir William Wallace, an entire imported by a man who lost his horse after one season, and his all at the same time, i Competent judges allow Sir William Wallace's stock to be second to none, so the Province has gained by another person's ruin. In thoroughbreds, there were good exhibits in different Sections ; but re3pect for your space compels me to pause. Sheep — Not many exhibits, it not being a pastoral country, yet still more than in previous years. In that sleepy, easy-going, stubborn kind of beast called a pig, which grunts out in angry tones when touched up with a long pole, as plainly as if spoken in words, " Don't meddle with me,"— this is the only animal a writer can be humorous about when describing dry details of an agricultural meeting. There were also more exhibits (17) than usual in former years ; and Mr Charlton, another local man and Forbury prize taker, was very successful. In dairy produce— butter, 4G entries : very good, considering the predisposition that article has to" change its nature at this season of the year, and become an oily fluid instead of a solid. Mrs Watson was first in powdered and fresh butter, and Mrs Chapman, of Waikouaiti, second in both classes, rather a singular occurrence, The judges in this department had great difficulty in deciding which was the best of the different samples shown. Mrs Park took the first prize in cheese, and a taste of it reminded me of the old Cheshires I have partiken of at home, for the portion I tried melted like butter in the mouth, and had a <apital flavour with it. If all dairies turned out cheese like that, I think it would pay to export. Mrs Bell's cheese (2nd prize) was also a very good one. Mr Thos. Brown, of the North-last Valley Hotel, had a capacious booth on the ground fitted up as a bar in froit, with a luncheon-room behind, and tabes at which 25 could sit with comfct. j Honest Tom was well patronised, as id deserved and deserves to be — for he is always in the same humour (good), aid seems to me to be getting fatter on it every day. Mrs Brown and her your; lady assistants were assiduous in their a; tention, and the liquids and solids sup plied of the best description. I have to thank Mr Wm. Pullar, tht Hon. Sec, for his courtesy in giving me| any information required. The annual dinner was to have been held as usual, as a proper wind up to the day's proceedings, at the Waitati Hotel ; but illness in Mr Souness's family prevented it. This is to be regretted, for it is only a proper compliment to pay tc crentleraen who come a distance as judges, and, besides, at such reunions one alwayE hears remarks from practical men which are valuable lessons to learn. The noni carrying out of the dinner has been a disi appointment to many well wishers of the l Society, but it was really unavoidable. i The Judges were : For Cattle — Mi i Warnock, Green Island ; Mr W. Hecklar, I Waikouaiti ; Mr Wm. Lindsay, Kilmog. i For Horses — Mr J. Robinson and Mr R. l Muir, Taieri ; and Mr A. Bannatyne, . Waikouaiti. For Dairy Produce— Mr D. i, Malloch, Waikouaiti, and Messrs John l Brown and John M'Farlane, Dunedin, L For Sheep, Swine, &c.— Mr H. Orbel' . and Mr Bannatyne, Waikouaiti ; and Mi b Jeffrey, Saddle Hill. The Committeemei: in attendance were— Messrs James Green, l M.P.C., A. Wilson, D. Dunbar, J. . Downs, W. Park, R. Hyslop, Isaac Green, ) J. Harvey, W. Evans, A. Watson, and G. i Oharlton. I Much more stock would have beer i sent, only partieß at a distance could noi I find men to drive it, as labour is so scarc< i The Show was a mo^t decided success,

Annexed ia the prize list, -which, it may be stated, is correct throughout :— CATTLE. Class A. (Shorthorns).— Section 1, bull any age : Ist prize, silver medal, Mr Duncan • 2nd, 20s, Mr W. A. D. Pitt. Sec tion 2, bull two years old : Ist prize, 15s, Mr Duncan. Section 3, bull one year old : Ist prize, 10s, Mr A. W. Anderson ; 2nd, H. C, Mr W. A. D. Pitt. Section 4, cow in calf or milk : Ist prize, silver medal, and second prize 15s, Mr Duncan. Section 5. heifer two years old : Ist prize, 15s, Mr Duncan ; 2nd, H. C, Mr Charlton. Section 6, heifer one year old : Ist prize, 10s, and 2nd, H. 0., Mr Duncan. Class B. (Ayrshires). — Section 1, bull any age : Ist prize, Bilver medal, Mr Jackson ; 2nd, 20s, Mr Jones. _ Section 2, bull two years old : Ist prize, 15s, Mr Jackson ; 2nd, H. C, Mr White. Section 3, bull one year old : Ist prize, 10s, Mr Annan ; 2nd, H.C., Mr J. Porteous. Section 4, cow in calf or milk : Ist prize, silver medal, Mr Annan ; 2nd, 15s, Mr W. Pullar ; and 3rd, Mr Pullar. Section 5, heifer two years old : Ist prize, 15s, Mr W. Park ; 2nd, H.C., Mr Annan. Section 6, heifer one year old : Ist prize, 10s, Mr Annan ; 2nd, H.C., Mr Lamont. Class C (Provincial bred).— Section 1, bull any age : Ist prize, silver medal, Mr Adams ; 2nd, 20s, Mr Duncan. Section 4, cow in calf or milk : Ist prize, silver medal, Mr Jones ; 2nd, 15s, Mr W. Park. Section 5, heifer two years old : Ist prize, 15s, Mr Ferguson ; 2nd, H.C., Mr Armstrong. Section 6, heifer, one year old : Ist prize, 10s, Mr Annan ; 2nd, H. C, Mr Lamont. Class D.— Special prizes: Section 1, best pair of cows, any breed, fit for dairy purposes : Ist prize, 20s, Mr Pullar ; 2nd, H.C., Mr Park. Section 2, best pair of fat cattle : Ist prize, 20s, Mr Charlton ; 2nd (special prize given by Mr Charlton, 20s), Mr Charlton. Section 3, best pair of heifers, any age : Ist prize, 20s, Mr Armstrong ; 2nd, H.C., Mr White. Class E. (Horses, draughts).— Sectioi 1, best entire : Ist prize, silver meda", Mr Boag's Souththorne ; 2nd, 20s, Mr Johnston's Windsor Castle. Section i, best two-year-old, Ist prize, 20s, Mr Join Eeid. Section 4, best brood mare with foal at foot : Ist prize, silver medal, jind 2nd, 20s, Mr J. Duncan. Section 5, gelding or filly, two-yeara-old : Ist prize, 20s, Mr Ferguson; 2nd, H.C., Mr Millar. Section 6, gelding or filly, one year old : Ist prize, 15s, Mr Duncan ; 2nd, JH. C, Mr Adams. Section 7. dry mare or gelding, any age : Ist prize, silver medal, Mr Duncan ; 2nd, los, Mr Thompson. Section 8, best foal : Ist prize, 10s, and 2nd, H.C., Mr Duncan. Section 6, best pair of horses suitable for farming purposes, not being entires : Ist prize, silver medal, Mr Duncan ; 2nd, los, Mr Ferguson. Class F. (Thoroughbreds).— Section 1, entire : 1 prize, silver medal, Mr Curran's Architect ; 2nd, H.C., Mr Lewis's Forester. Section 2, brood mare : Ist prize, silver medal, Mr Curran's Lady of the Lake ; 2nd, H.C., Mr Pratt's T.S. Section 3, gelding or filly : Ist prize, 15s, Mr Lewis's Cassandra ; 2nd, H.C., Mr Pratt's Nora. Section 4, foal : Ist prize, 10s, Mr C. M'Donald ; 2nd, H.C., Mr F. M'Donald. Class G. (Hacko).— Section 1, brood mares : Ist prize, 15s, Mr D. Dunbar ; 2nd, H.C., Mr D. M'Donald. Section 2, roadster : Ist prize, 15s, Mr C. M'Gregor ; 2nd, H.C., Mr G. Wilson. Section 3, pony under 14 hands : Ist prize, 10s 6d, Mr J. Armstrong; 2nd, H. C, Mr Brunton. Class H. (Sheep).— Section 3, best long woolled ram : Ist prize, 10s, Mr Hecklar. Section 4, pen of three long- woolled sheep : n.os, Mr Heoklar. Section 5, pen of five ;at sheep : 10s, Mr Duncan. Class K. (Swine). —Section 1, boar any ,ge : 10s, Mr Duncan. Section 2, boar nder oue year old : 10s, Mr Charlton, Section 3, sow any age : 103, Mr Duncan, fection 4, sow under one year old : 10s, Ir Charlton. Section 5, fat pig : 10s, Mr Garlton. Class L (Dairy Produce).— Section 1, pwdered butter: Ist prize, 20s, Mrs ; 2nd, 10s, Mrs Chapman ; 3rd, HC, Mrs C. M'Donald. Section 2, frah butter : Ist raize, 20s, Mrs Watson ; 2nl, 10s, Mrs Chapman ; 3rd, H.C., Mra Adms. Section 3, salt butter : Ist prie, 20a, Mrs Bell; 2nd, 30s, Mrs Hylop ; 3rd, H.C., Mrs Adams. Section, cheese : Ist prize, 20s, Mrs Park ; 2nd 10a, Mrs 8011. Section 6, ham : Ist prizL MrsClent, 10s; 2nd, H.C., Mra Bel? Ciss M (Poultry).— Section 1, cock and wo hens (Dorking) ss, Mr Duncan. Sectjn 3, cock and two hens (Cochin Chins) 5s ;Mr Duncan. Section 5, cock and to hens (Bantams) ss, Mr A. Wilson. I Section 6, drake and two ducks j (Aylejbury) ss, Mr Hyslop. Seotion 8, i gand*. and goose, ss, Mr Duncan. Sp^al Prwee ;^-speoial priso o* on« i

box of tea, value 355, given by Mr W. D. Sutherland, George street, Dtmedin, for best powdered butter : Mrs Watson. Special prize awarded to Mr Curran for handsome pair of children's ponies. Special prize of 20s, given by Mr Puddy, for the best foal by " Ben Lomond." Mr A. J. Grant ; and special prize of 20s, given by Mr Johnston, for the be3t foal by "Windsor Castle": Mr J. Porteous. Kilmog. Sections not named in the above prize list there were no entries in.

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Otago Witness, Issue 1155, 17 January 1874, Page 2

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THE BLUESKIN SHOW. Otago Witness, Issue 1155, 17 January 1874, Page 2

THE BLUESKIN SHOW. Otago Witness, Issue 1155, 17 January 1874, Page 2