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Witness Office, Thursday Evening. DUNEDIN WHOLESALE PRICES

CtJRBENT. Flour, £13 ; bran, 60s ; oatmeal, £14 ; pearl barley, £19 10s ;■ chaff, 80s ; potatoes, 100s to 110s!

Sugar, duty paid — Fine whites, £52 to £54, Very scarce ; grey crystals; £47 to £49 ; yellow do, £45 to £47 ; yellow counter, £43 to £45 ; ration, £40. Victorian whites, £54 to £56. . , .

Tea, duty paid — Common, 2s ; good medium, 2s 3d to 2s 6d ; superior kinds, 2s 9d to 3s ; boxes, 27s to 35s ; ■ orange pekoe, 2s 9d to 3s 3d. , /< , Kerosene, ;2s Bd, duty paid.

Sardines — qrs, 8s ; halves, 13s 6d. ! Dried Fruits — Currants^ 4d;. Sultana rai? sins, BJd j Elemes, 6Jd ;. Capes, 6d., Spirits, ,, in bond — Brandies, MarteU's or Hennessy's,, 7s 6d per/ gallon ; ditto, in case, 28s 6d; other brands,, ,jin bulk, 7s ; Whisky, Scotch. , and Irish, 5s to 7s ; Stewart's do, in case, 13s. 6d. • Ruin, 4s 6d to 4s 9d. „ Geneva,' JDKZ, per case, 14s ;VH and Co., 11s. Old Tom, per case, 15s.

Ales — Tennent's, 12p ; , pther brands', from 10s ,6d to I,lb ; I)evenish's, 12s. „,,,- „ „ . " Porter,, duty paid— Bioodfs, 12s ; Byaas'si ils 34; Guumess?£,l2sj Pig,123,6d, {.

j Mr Archibald Moib, Manse .street, ,re.ptfrts the following as 'the latest qiiotati6ns :— ' ' ■'"'.' '■ ilour— £11 10s to i\2 per ton.

Oatmeal — £13 10s per ton. . Pearl Barley — £18 per ton.' ' Bran — £3 per ton. Pollard — £4 per ton. , • Chaff— £3 5s per ton. ' Hay — New, £3 10s per ton. Potatoes — £4 per ton. ' . • Carrots — £3 per ton. Turnips — £3 per ton. Wheat —4s ■3d to 4s , 9d per bushel. Barley — second, 2s 6d; malting, 5s per bushel. Oats — Is 9d to Is lOd per bushel. Butter— Bd to lOd per lb. Cheese Id to 6d per lb. Bacon and hams — 8d per lb. ' • Bags — 10s per dozen.


Meat. — Beef, roasting, 5d to 7d per lb, ; steaks 5d to 7d per lb. ;, boiling, 2sd to 5d ; mutton, 2£d'to 4id; pork and -veal, 4d'to 7d, To hotels, 4d to 5d all round. 'Dairy Produce.— Bacon, lOd to Is Id per lb ; butter, fresh, 8d to lOd j salt, 8d; cheese, Colonial, 4d' to 7d; do, English, unsaleable; eggs, Is 4d per dozen ; ham — colonial Is, English Is 4d, per lb ; milk, 3d to 4d per quart.

Vegetables.— Cabbages, Id to 2d each ; carrots, 2d per bunch ; celery, 3d to 6d per bunch; leeks, 3d per bunch ; lettuce; Id to 2d each ; onions, 61bs to 81bs Is ; .parsley, 3d per bunch ; radishes, 2d per bunch ; turnips, 2d to 3d per bunch ; potatoes, 4s to 5s per ■cwt. „ „

Messrs Wright, Stephenson, and Co. report:—

J'at Cattle.— The number yarded, 85. being in excess of the demand, there' was a slight decline in value. Our sales comprised' 55 head at from £3 10s to £6 7s 6cl, equal to from 18s', to 20s per lOOlbs for good quality, and 17s for middling do.' We also sold privately 54 head < fair quality at satisfactory rates, and 11 head prime, at 20s per lOOlbs.

Fat Sheep. — 300 penned, all half-breds, which we sold as follows :—240: — 240 good, at 11s 6d ; 60 prime at I2s to 16s.*" We also sold privately, for forward delivery, 1000 wethers, at 2.|d per Ib, 400 do at 2£"d, and'4oo ewes' at 2d per lb. We quote prime quality mutton 2|d per lb, middling do If d. Store Cattle: — We have enquiries for good grown cattle, and have placed two lots under offer. We quote 1 bullocks; 3to 4 years old, £3 5s to £3 10a ; mixed herds, £2 5s to £2 15s. !

Store Sheep. — This class >of stock is still in great reqitest. Our. sales consist of 3300 full-, mouthed ewes, at 3s ; 1500 dp, at 3s ; 1800, mixed ages, at 4s 3d ; 500, 4 and 6- tooth and full-mouthed, at 4s 6d. We also .sold 55 Leicester ram lambs, at 42s to 60s each ; 20 ditto rams, 2 and 4-tooth, at £3 10s to £4. We quote half -breds, 2 and 4-tooth,, 7s ;' ditto lambs, . 6s ; merino wethers, 4, 6, and Btooth, 5s ; ditto ewes, 4 and 6-tooth, 4s 6d ; full-mouthed, 3s : mixed lambs, 4s each.

Country Sales. — We held' our monthly sale at Mosgiel, on Tuesday, the 2nd inst* A good many lots changed hands, but at very low rates. 40 head fat cattle brought from £3 15s to £6 ss, equal to 18s 6d per 100 lbs, for prime quality, and 16s for middling , ditto,; 70 head of mixed stores, from'3ss to 70s each. We also,, held a sale of dairy stock, on account of Mr. Hugh CaldevCaversha'm, ori Wednesday, the 3rd inst. Dairy cows brought from £3 to £5 10s ; yearlings, 16s ; light horses, £5 to £9 10s. Horses. — We offered at our yards 8 heavy draught provincial-bred colts, -which met with very poor competition, only a few of them changing hands at from £28 to £38. We also offered a team ,of six horses and waggon, but as the prices bid not reach vendor's expectation, only a portion of the team was sold, at, £2s each. , Light and inferior stock are very difficult to move. We quote first-class draughts, £40 to £45; medium ditto, £25, to £30; first-class ' saddle and light harness horses, £18 to £23 ; medium do; £10 to £12 ; light and inferior, £3 to £6. Wool. — jf 0 public sales -were held this week. Buyers are waiting the arrival of the Oalifornian Mail before operating at an advance 'on late rates.

Grain. — Good samples of wheat, sell; readily at 4s 6d to 4s 9d. Oats. — Milling are saleable at 2s to 2s Id ; feed, Is Id to Is lid. Barley. — Malting, wanted and saleable at 5s to 5s 3d per bushel, for first-class parcels.

Messes Driver, Stewart, and Co.,.report :—: —

- Messrs Driver, Stewart, and Co., report for the 'Wfeek .ending 6th April : — ' . ; Fat Cattle^ — A" full supply was" brought forward on Wednesday, 65' -head 'being yarded, comprising" a large proportion of medium; and inferior quality. All -were, however, cleared off, our prices for 30 head ranging from £4 2s 6d to £7 10s. We quote medium quality beef at 18s, prime do, at ,20s per. 100 lbs. ' ' " - .', " Fat Sheep. — About 300 were'perined,' and met with a very brisk , market., Fa'irerossbreds fetching 11s 6d^- and' very ordinary merinos ! 8s '6d each. - We' have placed, privately 800" merino ewes and wethers /ab, 2£d per lb.,'for immediate ' delivery ; 300; merino wethers at 9s each; <and we .quote really prime cross-bred mutton at 2Jd, do do merino at 2id-per,1b. ..,.", Store Cattle. — No' transactions. 1 „, Store Sheep,— lJhere ,is ,no alteration to j the'jpo'sit^on'of the market 1 for this] class of stocki Enquiry'contuiues ver^active, ,|

while few or no sheep, with the, exception of 'eialls, are',offering. We' have placed' 1500 cull ewes, at 3s j 1000 do, at 3s ; and we hare to report.the sale by.Mr Henry Connell, Oamaro, of 2500 full and broken mouthed ewes at 2& to 3s 3d each. -We have also placed CO 1 ram iambs, at dE3 ; 60 do, at £2 10s; 11 aged ratas r atr£2 10s; and 130 inerino rams and ram lambs, at los to 30s each.

, "Wool.— There has been * fair private demand during the week; but pending the arrival of the San Francisco mail, buyers do not appear disposed to operate at any material advance on late quotations. __ The quantity now remaining for offer is limited to a few hundred bales, of which- we shall submit the greater to public auction on Wednesday, 17th inst., if not previously disposed of privately. — Since writing the above, the arrival of the San Francisco mail at Auckland has been telegraphed. The reportsbythis mail from the London market are scarcely so pronounced' as those received ■via Suez, the advance during the first week ,of the February sales being roundly stated at 10 per cent, upon the closing rates in December. From New York the advices are of the most favourable, nature, sales of Australian wools, ex Frances Milly, having been effected at 60 to 62^ cents ; while aome parcels were being held for 70 cents — prices which cannot fail to leave a handsome return to the shippers.

The amount of Customs Revenue collected at the Custom House, Dunedin, for the month ending 3lst March was as follows,! — ■ Spirits, £4939 <13s ; Colonial do., £617 2s 6d; cigars and snuff, £167 ; tobacco, £1511 15s j do, sheepwash, £1 2s 9d ; wine, £510 18s 7d j beer (bottle), £342 9s 5d ; do (wood), £270 j tea, £1022 15s 3d ; ooffee, cocoa,' chocolate/ and chicory, £109 11s 6d ; sugar, £1622 3s odj firearms,. £4 5s ; powder, £28 6s' j' shot, £6 los ; goods by measurement, £2958 2s 10d' ; goods by weight, £1388 8s 4d j opium, £96'; ad valorem, £164 4s sd ; sundries, £742 6s 4d.— Total, £19,500 19s 4d.

Messrs M'La-mdress, Hepburn, ,& Co. report that, on Wednesday they sold by auction Mr W,' N. Blair's freehold property, being part of section 7, block XXVII, fronting Castle street, together with the dwelling house erected thereon, for the sum of £480, net cash. -

Messrs Power, ' Pantlin, & Co.j sold the Otamatata Station by auction on Thursday at the Criterion Hotel. The attendance was good and the bidding spirited. The amount realised was £22,500, the purchaser "being Mr Teschemaker, one of the late partners.

The following is the Station Produce Report of Messrs J. H. Clough and Co., Melbourne, dated' April 2nd: —

Since our last report there has been no public sale held in Melbourne. , "We have, however, sold several lots privately, consisting' of greasy, from lid to 14i-d ; handwashed, 18id to 20id ; and fleece, at 22£ d. The season here is now over, and only small lots, being remnants of clips, are now offering.

Sheepskins. — Our usual sales of the week have been well atttended, and ,we have disposed of a considerable quantity, at full rates, prices, ranging, for full-woolled skins, 4s 6£d to 6s 3d ; .butchers' green peljbs, with two to four months' wool, 15d to 4s 7d ; dry pelts, 15d to 3s 9d each ; and dry station skins, 64d-to 9d per lb ; and a lot of New' Zealand skins, up to lid per lb. ' Hides.— We have still to report a good demand, and large lots of both Queensland and New Zealand hides have been in the market, all of which, together with the local slaughtering, have been cleared off by the trade. We have had a good supply at our sales, and have sold green ox hides, at 25s to 335 ; extra weight, up to 40s ', cow, 17s to 23s 9d each ; and wet salted, 4£d to 6|d per lb ; calfskins, 6£d to 7|d per lb. "

Tallow. — At our weekly sale on Thursday,, the 28th ultimo, we had a large attendance, and prices are firmer. We sold 63 pipes at the following quotations, viz. :— For mutton, £36" to £38 10s ; beef,' £33 to £34 los ; mixed, £32 to £35 15s ; inferior, £29 to £31 per ton ; and there is a good demand for all good lots, 'which are readily taken at full prices.

Our Melbourne files by, 4 the Omeo are to the 2ndinst., but owing to the Easter holidays , the latest commercial , report is dated the 30th ult., and relates to the business done on the 28th, the 29th being Good Friday. We extract the report ,in , question from the Argus :—: —

In the import market a fair amount of business has come under our notice to-dayj notwithstanding ' attention having been engrossed by home correspondence, as "well as the fact that, as a' rule; little ' disposition' was evinced to entertain transactions of importance on the eve 'of the holidays. In breadstuffs, flour' .shows' a decidedly,, improving tendency. The millers generally ask £13 for tqw^n flpur, but country brands,, though, not offering .very freely, are quoted' at prices ranging from £12 10s to £12 15s. Wheat maintains the advance reported yesterday; sale's having been made by auction this forenoon again at 5s B£d ;'for medium to good samples ss*4d to 5s 6d is required. Oats do not present, any,appearance of (activity^, yet ; we hear, however, of 1509 , bushels common Tasmanian coast oats haying been* placed at 2s lOd ; good feeding sort's were sold publicly at 3s ; Id.' Maize is lower again ; new has dropped fyown to 3s 4d ;' and' sales' r 'of 'old are malting at all prices'/.accbrdihgtd quality, up to 3s' 4ctf Malt is enquired for.) We hear of

!sipmen£s" to ~thV extent "of 4000 /bushels j ftavingohanged hands in parcels at 'very' full -rites. 'Kerosene oil "<<is in good request. Diamond' brand has been placed at Is 9£d, And we jare informed of some 2700, cases Brilliant having been disposed of at Is 9Ad. Business in timber has been reported, shelving, cedar, &c, to a fair extent, having been •offered at auction. In liquids we learn of the quittance of a line of 500 cases Hennessy s brandy at a-f all- figure, to arrive.

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Otago Witness, Issue 1063, 13 April 1872, Page 12

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Untitled Otago Witness, Issue 1063, 13 April 1872, Page 12

Untitled Otago Witness, Issue 1063, 13 April 1872, Page 12