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The following corTspoi d.-nc 3 , wl-i^h lias taken place httw. eu the Director- of the Witer-Work CYmpany ami ihe <.<ov r-im-nt, b.i« bepn for war ed to us for public tion. Ifc will be seen that some a'ight a\iei-rition iv the con itum* in favor of the public have be> n made by the Wo vernment, which have b^en receded t > i>y th Couipiny, and we trust n > tuithtr difficulties lie n the way of the scheme being cairLd out with all '•peed :—: — " OtKcs of the Dunedin Water- Worl<3 Cofljpuriy,

"10th Ju-«, 1554. " To his ' onor the Superinfu .dent

" Wr — 1. In consequence of tho Government having exprtssid then i:it>ntiun of bringing i-r a bill for tu,. plying bune.lm with wa'er, i am in-struct-ri to communicate 'o you what ha* already been done by the Stane.lin Water- Works Company, in older that the L'ireetors may be e^-onoi-ited in ihe eyes of the public, and 'that th.* Government aay consider whether it is expedient toalJow the company to compete their unJer taking.

"2. At a public meeting, held on 19th Jan. last, the urgent necrssity of a supply of pure water for the city of Duutdin, was unanimously admitted, and it was resolved t^ organise a company to bring in an efh'c'cnt supply. Di'ectirs were' appointed who engaged a thoroughly qualified gentleman as engineer, att u r due enquiry, andinsfiuctel him to lay a report befoie them of the best plan, in his opinion, lor auiain" iug the object iv view.

"3- The Directors entered on their duties solely on public eroutids. Fully encased as th<-\ all were in th ir o« n tespective businesses, and unwiiliug to assume responsibility whu h v.-< uld engross much of their time, they felt the wdu 1 proposed to be supplied so urgent, as t>> r quire that they should pive b'.th time and attention to carry out the undertaking, trusting to the hearty support and co-opention of the pioprietoia and inhabitants of the city and neighbourhoo 1.

"4. The engineer. Mr Donkin. reported that in his opinion the water from Bnss'-t Creek, a tributary to the Water of Leith, could be brought in at a moderate cost, and that from the nature of the ground, a spai'ious reservoir could ba formed to ensure an abundant S"pply for ail domestic and manufacturing uses, and with such a pressure as would be of signal service in th event of any fire. A committee of the Direct rs visited the ground nnd satisfied themselves that the scheme propo-ed was ju licious, aud likely to be complete! at a less co-t than any othe • whicli had been brought under their mtice The engineer was therefore instructed to p-f t a survey made and detiile.i plans and se't-ous com plete J, and report again to the Directors

"5 On the 3rd Ma c'u his report was laid o-\ their table, and the !>. rectors felt justified in appealing to the pubic to interest themselves i > the unaertakinar. Th-y instituted a nouse-to-house canvas at considerable personal inconvenience, bi get shares taken up, and tbi-. ws continued ov r two month's with con-ider*bV success. Jr Hector was r. queftpd tofivort'ic Directors with ai analysis 'f the wate' 1 . ant steps were also taken to Ki-tthe estima'^s verified, so that the Dir o:or> might he fully warrantr I i,' carrying out t"'ic scheme p'-opo?sl. A c rul'ul examination was al-^o in >de of other b ■uree-, oi supp'y. in order that no doubt might exi>-t that the public in'ere-its were not sac-ifi yd to men cheapuess of outlay. Kven they have til-f" confirms thtm ii their original opinion as to the practicability a -id i (Eci- ncy of t'.e plan s g Rested, and Dr Heot >r repoi ts the water to bt pure, and well ada^tid for dompsti; use. "6. A fommittpe was th"n formed to frame a mem iranduTi of ass-'chtion, wiih a cm«titut!o i fir theregul tion of the company pr vi >v* to re jjistration. Tho committee irpoilet on 6 h June, and, as 2023 -.hares bail been applied iov a ?AS^, mises fiivejl f>! ' 701) a' H 'ti'>na!. making in all s.har-8, the dirclors rpsolv .1 to proeee ' and to register the c->mpvjy forthwith under the Joint Stoik ( ompanies Act

7. 'Ihe va-iom step-, t ,ken by the directors during the last f- v.- months shoiv'that th y ha ! not ber-n i 'le or neglectful of tb- iinworraut in tereH eiHruste Itoth ir eire O.) tlu 7r)mf June they heird th it it w.i . the intention of tho (iovernraent to take the matter into their" o>vn handa, aud bring in a Bil! for a »un >ly ot witer and for the sewerage of the city. The -lirecwl were at oiieop.irdlv.seUn their prrcedinas athey believe'! the pulvre would cease to int rt^t themgplves in '.he comp-iriyfinee t c Govern m n had undertaken the duty of brin^iutr in watei. and (hey h«lieved no other pains'; waF open to them than to le.sign their funeti -us, which the\ had undertaken solely on pu'-lic grounh. "8. They have fe-en p;^ non 'o undcr-tind, however, that the Government do not intend to proceed, provided the c .nuuny will J , so : and the directors now bes to ftjte tbat they are l.Tpartsd to carry on their und> rtaHnar— if the. G vr-rn ment wilt co-operate with them, by ffLi\!iii" their countenance and support — and give an immediate guarantee on their capital, as was anticipeted and has been a'ready agreed to be civen to nny compmj completing such an undertaking With that view, th" directors are willing to submit the present portion of their affairs, and the whole scheme generally, for the examination and approval of the Goveinmeut.

"9. If the Government p-efer taking the entire responsibility on the matter, the directors have no doubt the. shareholders will be ready to hand over their whole to the Given-merit • and as the ex-enses incurred up to this date nr,' not heavy, the directors trust the Government willenable them to return the entire deposits received from the shareholders without any deduction.

1 10. Ikjji impossible to overrule the inip-irt-ance of an adiquate supply of water beine nfforded to the inlmbitints at as early a data apassible. whether it 3 eff ct be inducive as reeards the hourly comfort and ihe sanitary condition of the poput stion, or its use in the emergency of nre in a city built chiefly of wood ; aud tbe directors be* respectfully to state their opinion tbat, looking at the progress they have alrradv Jna< c, they believe that the object in view will he much sooner obtained by the company pnreedins to their undei taking with the efficient countenance and suppnrt of the «overnmeiit than by any other course.

"11 The direc'ors have under consideration a plan by which wart of the scheme could be completed so as to afford a supply io the leading linca of thoroughfare (including tho Bxhib'tton ?Jl dl « g *L na - he y gr . e ? t9f PPortion. ortion of t' !e baßine s^ ,?» .- 6f ,thi-i, th i-i! ty) Wlthiu 6ix at s comyaratiTSly triftwg eat.

" 12. In conrluMou, the dircelors further resepectfully express th ir op'nion that sines it hacot ab-o.1 ! that the Givernmeac ii t nd moving in the matt'r. there ii no hope ot any privatpoti.pany brii g abl«- to tfi'i.t the oljpef i.i view, •mdthei earsonly two cours-s opim. either fo' ■re Govornmei' t'iduisalv.'s to p.oeeel untne-di-t-Mv to supply tilt" n ffssirv ».!'it- of t> c cornmuiiily, or ior the Governnu nt to ;?i'>'- B'ieh » s iii' tion to th* pro Oi-e 1 v ideitrii injr ns w.ll l>o apoA(rfnl h lp in the c "npletfou of th? Sb .ie Ii t a,Tul the pros culbii of tbe p un to a bucce-s-tul is^ue.

'■ I liare tho hrn>2- to b), " i our obj'lipnt sprvujt, "Jmi s J. Taink, 11 li;tei:m .Ncrutary. " To Hi, Ho:>nr tin Suprji-mteailent. "20th Juno, 1864"

" Provin i,t' Ssoiarv'-s Office, "Duu'.in, >2-il June, 18Gi Sir ~1 Inv-> tin honor to a'.-kuo.vleil^ the receipt of joii-- letter of he lOoh mutant, if p .it inj — for the infoim .tion o his Hoaor the Superintendent -th° steps which had been taken by the i)im din Water 4 or.-.!. Oompniy towards the completion of tl'gir undertaking, a"d requesting an expresMon of opii.ioji ou the part of tlie Governm ut a-* to the course to b^ ad'ipte 1 ia consequence of t!ii; U-overnment having submitted to the Provincial Council a •■■cheme for tli3 se.verng.' ahd water supply ot the city.

'' 1 have ii»w to ntata for the information of the directors, that- thu Prou.icia! Omni-il haviu^ declitipd to entert.iin tbe pioposal ot' the GoVrn ment. the po iiion of their Company as legaris the Govern m"iit remains unchanged, and it is thewfoi'e romp tout lor them to apply for the trna-antee uud.r authority of the Ordinance of ISU3.

"Before, however, such an npplication couli he conside'-e';, it wou'd he nacc'ssary fiat the uire.'tors bhoul « furnish the G 'V^inm^nt with all the nauicuiara refened to in Mr Dick's leHerto Mr Donkin, ths Company's Engineer, of the 28.ii of Oct .her la=t. " I have the honor to be, Sir, " Yoi\r obedieat servant, " Jas Pat ebs on " Proviuciil Secretary.

"James J. Tame, Esq., " inUrim Secret >ry, " Dunedia Water Works Company."

" Office of the Dunedtn Water Woiks G'mraiss'oneis, " Dunedin, 23 d June, 18di. "Sir— l have the 'loaor to acknowledge the receipt of }cir le*ter of tin 22nd instini, and h»x t>> inform you that tne Bngineer's report ami plans wdl he imine lia'ely siibuiittal to the Go vernment for examination, a r i ' Mr Doi)k"i wi'l b ■ rtady at a iy timp to wair on the Gjyerument whenever r< quired 111 1 do so " 1 have til? honor to he, Sir, " Ycur obedient s'-rvant, " Jajik-s J. Taink, '• Inteiiiu Secretary. " James Pa^-^o R<q,, " iTuvinciai csecrctir\."

" Provincial HrcictaryV Office, " Daiifdin dU'h Jun^, 1.304 Sir— l nave th>? honor 111 1 wqu ii if- y.uthil. tho pans and p per^ fcrvv.irde i wUh your lur.-j of the 27th in-taut b.ive linn refened to J T Thomsnn, R-q , 0. l .. tor th it ga^Hein v.'.-i pio-tVs-iioual opinion, and I have to r- quest ib ie you tvilJb.'gO)! cuoa^h to jn>fc net th* 1 - (Jo n,»; iiy't Knaineer to funiis'i Mr Thim»o!) with ajiy further infn iv ition h<« may uqtiir ■ otb -r thaa icouUiue<l in tho papers ami [il.v s •■e/tired to. •' I hiv.; the honor to be, .""ir, " ioui o 'c lieut sanaufc, "Jaxies atekhoN, "Provincial tiecretu-y. " James J T.-ine, Esq., " Int J iiui iSorrftiu v, " D'lucdin Wat^r Works Company."

" Provincial Peeretarv's Of're. " i>une>iiri, sth July, 1864 "Sin— Ref-M-i ing to your letter of " the nl'iiuo f h .ye n' w the ho 'or o acquaint yuu tint the GoVTfiu, j .t ge-erall. approve ot the p'au-< of the Dutiaiin *at.'i- VVoiks Co for supp'ymir w.ner t-> the city of Duntdi i, a'"d ■ hoy wll cDu-i er th> cuipanv pntitleJ to tli • mi oMiitee, iiDdar authoriiy of the Ur inance oi LRG'3 ou the i'lllowm-j conditi ms : -Fi'->fc tlui the Govirument reserve 'h>> rig it t->lnvt- the woik- carii" I on u'ider tiio i'l^pect ou of a G > v«-iii!!ent Epgun-r; and, scoud, thu tlie (■Jovcnm-iiit h tve tiie pow-r to d Ermine thrate at which the uonaumers shall be supplied with water <s .' hiv- the linnnr to be Sir, " Yuur vibuiieut serv-mt, " Jas Patkhron. " Jimrs J.Tai.e F-.q , '• In.'oiim Se "etav,\ '' Duiieili-i \V it"r Woiks Compviy." '' OlHoe of the Puiic-tuu Water Works " Company, . •• 7th July, 18GA. " James Patervon, , " Provincial Secretary. "Sir -I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter ot t'>e sth instant. Immediately on its receipt I hid the same before the Provisional Diiectors, tit a meeting called Bpecia'Jy for purpose, and have been desired respectfully to infii'-m you that the Provisional lYvev-toi-j are perfectly willing that the additional nqturem°nts of the Privineial Government >h >uld bo acceded to, it being undersloo 1 that the Company shall recive the ben fit of the resolution, guaraatieing x eight per cant., pas-e.l it t l ip elos^ of tha rec int sitlin<? of the Provincial Council. " I hava the honor to he, Sir, "Your obedient servant, "James J. Tame, •'Interim Secretary."

Lord Kelly, who in rubiuundity of no-ie surpassed Bardolph himself, ha\ing ii temjwaryquarrel with Foote, once rode through Northend intending to avoid his old acquaintance, but Foote, being at the drawing-room window, saw him pass by, and, with all the familiarity of former friendship, called "Holla! holla! my lord, pray do me the honor to alight and walk in " — " Not now," was the reply. ' Well, if you will not, I can't help it; but let me entreat yon to do me the favor some other time; my peaches nre very backward, and if yoj will any day stand two or three hours with you nose fronting my south will ripen them more than two pr three days 1 suosbioe would."

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Otago Witness, Issue 659, 16 July 1864, Page 5

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THE DUNEDIN" WATER-WORKS COMPANY AND THE GOVERNMENT. Otago Witness, Issue 659, 16 July 1864, Page 5

THE DUNEDIN" WATER-WORKS COMPANY AND THE GOVERNMENT. Otago Witness, Issue 659, 16 July 1864, Page 5