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HOUSE AGENCY OFFICE. TAMES KNOX Respectfully intimates to *J the inhahitants of Dunedin, andthc pub* > lie generally, that he has opened at his STORE, GREAT KING-STREET, (near Knox Church) a Register of all House Property that may be to SELL or LEASE , within the Province of Otago. '' He also keeps a Register for Domestic Servants, and will be happy to give any information to parties applying. Parties having Property for SALE or LEASE, will find this a good medium for* laying it before the Public. N.B.— Several houses to LET, by the month or year. A HOUSE TO LET, either by the Week or Month, situated in Great King-street, containing Two large Rooms. Apply to Mr. Knox, Storekeeper. BUILDING SITES TO LET c TN Maclaggan-street, Dunedin, on long A leases and moderate terms. For particulars enquire of Mr. David Scott. PETER CREW BEGS to inform Residents in the South Mid the Public generally, that he intends IS . RUNNING A SPRING CART, Between the Mataura Bridge Inn and 2 Invercargill, 1, Leaving the Mataura on the Thuhsday and Invercargill on the Saturday of each ireek, com. a mencing 10th January, 1861. He trusts that those residing inland "will avail i themselves of the convenience he offers for the Conveyance of Goods and Parcels. Passengers will find it an easy conveyance, being provided •with extra springs, to meet inequalities of surface, and performing the distance in eight hours. Mr. John M'Gibbon, Mataura Bridge Inn, wil I receive Orders, Parcels, &c. n Pure Fluid Magnesia. ;'; ' '"piIE great advantages of this elegant prer > J. paration are, that being in a FLUID v state, yet possessing all the properties of Magnesia in general use, it is not liahle to form ts dangerous concretions in the bowels ; it corrects Acidity and Heartburn effectually, vrith- - out injuring the coat of the Stomach, as tht Carboiiates of Soda and Potash are known to ). do ; it prevents the food of Infants from turn- ,. ing sour, and in all cases it acts as an agreeablt aperient, peculiarly adapted for females. J PREPARED AND SOLD AT THE MEDICAL HALL, PRINCES STREET, - DUNEDIN. N.B. — Manufacture of all hinds of JEratcd $ Waters. PURIFY THE BLOOD/ SECURE GOOD HEALTH., 1 HOLLOW AY'S PILLS. Pure Blood. Y> A S the vital fluid, when in a healthy state, x"\ sustains and renovates every part of the system, it is abundantly manifest that any medicin* which does not act powerfully upon the blood can never exterminate rooted disease. E I The Heart, .unrigs, Liver, Stomacß, Kidneys, and Bowels. This medicine acts immediately upon all these mainsprings of life, stimulating and restoring them to a healthy notion. It is the greatest purifier of vhe blood ever known — has the largest sale of any medicine in the world, and is advertised in every language, and is used by all classes from polo to pole. £ General Disorders of the Liver and Stomach. The average duration of human life might br almost doubled by giving careful attention to what _ we eat and drink ; but, as few will exercise this ~" caution, we must have at hand an effectual remedy for restoring those great organs, the liver ami ,O stomach, to healthy action. Such as indulge at table, either in eating or drinking, should take nbout ten of these famous Pills at bedtime, from which will result a clear head and good- stomach the fol» )oning *rtO)Tiis)g. Thousands of Ladies are alway* iTimpirfining of sick headaches, want of appetite, . want of energy, and a want of strength. To correct '" all these evils, three or four of these Pills should be* st taken twice a-week, when they would enjoy the health and appetite of a ploughman. Females of all Ages and Classes. The fame of these extraordinary Pills is partly based upon the beneficial effects they have upon the ■ constitutions of females. Obstructions of any kind, !y either in young persons, or those between forty and fifty years of age (the most critical period of life)-, may be radically removed by usintj these Pills, nccordingto the printed' directions which accompany ench box. Youns; persons with sickly and sallow complexions, and even mothers of a similar \\n 1 healthy appearance, may have the bloom of health restored to their cheeks by this wonttterful corrective, - which purifies the blood, and expels all gross and impure humours- from tire system. Beware, then, p of the critical age from forty to fifty, it sends so ** many thousand mothers to a premature gray*, 4 These Pills should be taken at that period of lif« I. two or three times a week, and by so- doing there i» rs little to fear. Ie Children and their Ailmontff. The measles, the cow-pox, the small-pox, the hooping cough, and the many complaints to which children are heirs, should be treated as follows ; — Let mothers, when they see such diseases approaching, bruise two or three of the Pills, according to* the age of the child, giving them night and morningin a little water in the form of a powder. This , invigorating medicine will remove and cure all com111 plaints incidental to'childhood. Want of Strength and Energy. Persons of sedentary habits, or troubled in mind, 3 or working in factories or coal pits, or such other* as cannot obtain that amount of fresh air and exercise which nature requires, suffer from weakness - and debility, lowness of spirits, and want of nppeiite. All such should take a dose or two of these Pill* every three or four days, as they act gently and > effectually on the system, imparting vigour and 1. energy to the body, which is always followed by a good appetite, sound and refreshing sleep with » high flow of spirits. Every family and traveller ~ should keep a box of these invaluable Pills by them' against all emergencies. ¥ Hollotoat/'s Pills are the best remedy known in th* " ' world for the following diseases : — Ague Female Irregulo- Scrofula, o* )f Asthma rities ' King's Evil' Bilious Complaints Fevers of all kinds Soro Throats Blotches on «he Fits Stone and Gravel c skin Gout SecondarySyp_u-> c Bowel Complaints Head-ache j toms Colics Indigestion ;Tic Douloureux : " Constipation of the Inflammation , Tumours— Ulcers Bowels Jaundice | Venereal affecConsumption Liver Complaints . tions Debility Lumbago ( Worms, all kinds Bropsy Piles I Weakness, from ysentry Rheumatism j whatever caus* Erysipelas Retention of Urine! &c, &c. Sold at the Establishments of Pkofbssor H loway, 244, Strand (near Temple -Bar), London also by all repectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicines throughout the civilized at the following prices:— ls. ljd., 2s. 9d,, 4s. Gd., 11s.. g 225., and 335. each Pot. 1 *** There is a considerable saving by taking th* larger sizes. <, N.B — Directions for the guidance of patients ,b every disorder are affixed to 'each Pot, Asbnt for Otago :— A. S. WILSON, Chemist and Druggist, Medical I-fall, Dunedin. Sub- Agent at Oamaru — k v Mr. HENRY FKANCE, Ghemistj &et ' -^ 8 Sub' Agent at InvercargiUy 1 ,MR. J. B LACK; L.QC K. * Printed and Publißhed«Ye^y : Satttrdilytao!CX-i--g>|iy: T). Campbem., at th§ d_gc£<tf the QtagoJ^^^^ Clifton. Cotjtage* Princ^ Street, Dune&i£Ot«jjfo », New Zealand. "-" -;£, . -

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Otago Witness, Issue 490, 20 April 1861, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 6 Otago Witness, Issue 490, 20 April 1861, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 6 Otago Witness, Issue 490, 20 April 1861, Page 8