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Pqr Sale or to Let, THE WAIHOLA STORE. — Apply to JL WILLIAM GREY, On the Premises. 3Sew Ironmongery, Hardware, Cutlery, and Tool Shop. f^- SIGN OF THE " HAND SAW," Walker Street, Dunedin, opposite the Barracks. ROBERT & JOHN THOMSON, late of Glasgow, beg to intimate that they have OPENED the ahove Premises, where they intend to carry on the above Business in all its Branches on terms which will suit the most Economical Buyer, and having brought With them nothing hut First-class Goods, invite inspection of the same, and trust to merit a share of public patronage. ON HAND, AND TO ARRIVE MONTHLY, Table and Dessert Knives and Porks — Ham, Butchers', and Skinning do. — Table and Tea Spoons Grubbing Hoes, Hand Saws, Ripping and Tenon <do. f warranted — Planes, Plane Irons, Gimbleta, Screw and Shell Augers of Thomson's make, - Spokeshaves, Firmer Chisels and Gouges, han< ' "died and unhandled— Socket Chisels & Gouges, Mortice and Turning Chisels, Screwdrivers, • Hammers* Drawing Knives, Masons' and Bricklayers' Trowels, First-class 2 and 3-foot Rules, Pocftet fievils, Mortice and Cutting Guage-s Spirit Levels, 'Caulking Irons, Timber Scrib?s, Brass and 'Iron Locks and Hinges, Castors, - Spirit Flasks, Screw Nails all sizes, Bra«s Lock-, Corkscrews, Spectacles, Fleams, Lancets, Shoeing Hammers. Saddles, complete — First-class Lady's do. <Gig,or Van Harness — Cart and Plough Harness jFish .Hooks, Gr:ne6, Shark Hooks, Copper T..cks, "Nails and Rooves. all sizes — Brass Sail Thimbles •iCopper and Brass Sprigs Marine Barometers — Adie's Sympisometers .And other Goods in his own line of Business 100 iv«ripus to enumerate. Orders taiten for at! kinds of Machinery and Agricultural Implements from First-class Makers only. THE following GOODS have now arrived, ex 4i Pirate." Inspection invited : — Morewpod'a Best Corrugated Galvanised Iron — Ma'hiespn's Planes — Household Brushes, Bellows, 'Vices, Tea Kettles, Saucepans, Round and Oval ;P«t«, &c. — Cut Tacks- Saw Files — Hand *nd. Cross- cut Saws — Sharpe's Ayeg — Lanterns - '—Brass and Japanned Candlesticks — Grubbing . ' Hoes— Patent Saw Setts— Spirit Levels— Tapes • , — J.^tH. Sorby's Sheep Shears — Screw Augers — .Tubs and P«u!s — Galvanised do. — Candle Moulds and Cotton Wick — Bullock and Horse Bells— Bullock and Horse Hobbles — Bengal Clothes Lines — Manilla Rope — Cut Nails — ■American Cooking Stoves, complete — Baking, Pie, and Milk Dishes — Zinc Wash Boards — American Spades and Shoveh — ; * Tomahawks— Hatchet, Shingling, and Cali*eoinfr Hammers — Best Iqprv Table and Dessert Knives and Forks— Tea, Table, and Dessert Spoons— Chamois Skins — Saddle Straps — 'Newcastle Grindstones — Camp Ovens and <Covers — 3- Legged Pots — Rim Locks and - Telescopes. - AH dutlery and Tools Sold Warranted. . Terms — Cash, and" only One Price.,

REWARD OFFERED.— MISSING. 0 \ DARK CHESTNUT Three^year- old -f~V COLT, having a white spot on >the forehead, a little white on the near hind foot, - and hranded Jou the off shoulder. Last seen. ,t, t on (ribbon's Range, Flagstaff Hill. Whoever will deliver or give information for recovery of the jsrtme to ' Mr. M'Glashan, Balmacewen, will be handsomely rewarded. f NEWLY SURVEYED DISTRICTS IN 1 ' OTAGO. [ Notice to Purchasers. t TVT R -. EI:^Y ARD V - BRIS COE, Surveyor. -"J- is willing to run Lines for Fencing in ' Open and Bush Land at a moderate charge. J All orders to be left with Mr. James Reid, Watchmaker, Uattray-street. ■ JOSEPH KAINTOX'S ESTATE. 1 Notice to Debtors. WE, the Undersigned Assignees of the Estate of Joseph Rainton, hereby authorise G. M. ALDKICH to Collect and Sue for all the Outstanding Debts due to* said Estate. '* . ' J. S. WEBB, } a • JAMES FINCH, } a******, , Dunedin, Jan. 21, 1861.' ' IHE.RRBY GIVE NOTICE, that all Debts due to the above Estate must be paid to me. on or before the Ist of MARCH Next, or they will be summarily recovered. G. M. ALDKICH. ELECTION FOR BRUCE COUNTY. T. B. Gillies, Esq., Dunedin. SIR, — We, the undersigned Electors in the County of Bruce, hereby request that you will permit yourself to be nominated as one of the Representatives for the County of BRUCE -in the- New Zealand House of Representatives ; and we pledge ourselves to support you.hy our votes and influence. We are, Sir, ' Your obedient servants, [Signed by Andrew Todd, and 58 Electors in the Taieri District ] Dunedin, 3rd February 1861. To Mr. Andrew Todd, and other Electors of u the Bruce District (formerly the Dunedin » Country District.) /~* ENTLEMEN,— I thank you for the renewed \JT expression of your confidence in me as your Representative to the General -Assembly, conveyed in the above jequisiiion. Although I had almost reso'ved not on this occasion Ito solicit your suffrages. I feel tbat I should . be wanting in my duty to you were I not-to respond ;to your -call, which I do the more readily as the next session has been promised to be held at Wellington. •If I am returned as your representative, I shall lend my aid to overthrow the unduly centralizing anti-provincial Stafford ministry : but I shall not give my entire support to any ministry who will not support his Excellency's policy with regard to the Natives. I have the honour to be, Gentlemen, Your most dbedient servant, THOMAS B. GILLIES.

TF You Want Value for Tour Money in the BOOT or SHOE Line, call at CM. FAIRWEATHER, BOOTMAKER, RATTRAY STREET, DUNEDIN, $S|P" OBSERVE THE SHOP— Next Mr. Hogg's, Watchmaker, Rattray Street. AUSTRALIAN HOUSE. STiTIQNERY, TOBACCONIST, AND FANCY REPOSITORY, (Nearly Opposite the Oriental Bank), PRIN CJE S STREET. GEORGE CASPER announces having OPENED the above Establishment with an **'' Assortment of Goods suitable to the various branches of his Business, the same having "been carefully selected and imported expressly for this Market, and among which will be ibund — Horn, Shefl, Gutta Percha, and other Comb 3 Copying Press, complete Hair, Nail, Tooth, Crum, and Cloth Brushes A choice collection of Engravings from the Art Looking Glasses, Perfumery, Puff Boxes Union ' Vase, Toilet, andotner very handsome ornaments , A choice collection of Crayon and other Drawings Cutlery, Playing Cards, Cribbage and -Draft by Jullien and others Boards '\ „,.-. Also, a small assortment of Clocks, of the best 9?ortmonies, P^cfeQti Memorandum, anji Scrap manufacture, to which G. C. especially Books " , '- invites attention, each having been carefully Albums, ladies' 33esks, Papeterie, ,&c, &c. examined, and will be warranted for correct Novels, School, Historical, and Prayer Books performance, varying from 10s. each. Children's- do. do. • iG.*G. being desirous of establishing himself in Dunedin and surrounding districts, will use €very exertion to win the confidence of the Residents ; and to ensure this object he will sell Good Sefiriceable Articles at ja, most Moderate Profit, and confidently hopes- so. to deserve (patronage ;aaad support. . •• . • ■Closed from Friday Evening until Saturday Evening at dusk. up qjn^AN t. [■ E. L. BEGG, TN jßetjpTilßg thanks for the liberal support he has received since commencing Business in i#-" Dunedinj begs to inform his numerous Customers. and the Public generally, that he has, in connection ■with \Mr. JAMES CH R I STIE, purchased the Business formerly conducted by \Mrs. Patehbo?!, and presently carried on by the Firm of Wm. Hall & Co. The-New 'Firm will take possession of the Premises in March, and Commence Business Tvitb a, Splendid Assortment of DRAPERY GOODS, suitable for the Season, selected, in the ■F.rendh, iEngSsh, .and. Scotch markets, by Mr. Ross, who is expected to arrive here at the above date. Particulars in a future Advertisement. _„ A Tn consequence of the above arrangement, R. L. Begg will DISPOSE of his present ,STOCK : IN-TRADE, at greatly Reduced Prices ; also, the REMAINDER of the LEASE f his present Premises. A 'PHLICATIONS FOR RURAL LAND received at the I^nd Office, iDunedin, from " cm - the 30th January to the sth February 1861, inclusive. To be Decided on THURSDAY, the 21st February. • 4- ■ ' ' «' ! eS. iHajißOFyyßMpA^rr. g iooalitt and DE&cairTtox of lands. •5457 ; JohnjPowJey 25 Tpkomairiro, remaining half section 9. Block XXXII. }3«8 Robert oo«d.worth 25 Clutha, hqlf section Ne>. ! 8, Block 1. ,34?9 Allan Catpqrqn' 30 Otukia district, 2, Block 111. *3440 ■ S.'FVTaylor " 45 Otakia district, section 2 of 3, Block I. 8441 William Goseer 69 Dunedin and Bast Taieri district, section, No, 2&.v#lo<yuifc «3442> CHas. Fnlkner . 40 Akiitore, section No. lof 28, Block I. ' '^PSp^ 1 ,3443 Grant 48 Akatore djstnci, section 1 of 28, Block I. „-3444 William Cplville 25 Clutha district, half 6, Block I. ; .344.5 ' John Hwlop 25 Cluiha, half 5, Block' I. ' 3446 W. B. Ojdlvia 31 Dunediii and East Xaiori district, 47, Block VII. 3tfl f:' B -®» il¥ « 85 Ho. ' do. 23, B\oqkVlll. , 18448: John, Mojnson IS Do. do. part 3.4, „ Vil #*4&. Jiphn-Shafr,. 60 Clutha, 12, .Block X.XII. *4f)Q. 4le*ai?der.saU^spr 31 Otokio district, part of section 21, Block-I. .345J, Jphu M'Crae 115 Dunedin and East Taieri-dutrict, section 40,:Blot?k IV., '3452/ Johjn-M'Rae 70 Do. do. . 28, Block IV. "3453- Johns M'Rae 69 l Do. do. 24, Bl<x;k IV.■^13.454! Allan Cj»ai«rfln ,4.5 Otoskia, /section 2of 3, Block I. ' .' '.' "ss& Sr°-?£ ld!] W a 3fc r ♦ '34 Dunedin and Js»Bt Tateri districts, section 23, BlockVlll. .Mgj, -Wilhajrn, J^r,ey ,78,' Do; do. " ' .4, Block VIII. JMf ApkiW* ¥'901 l9 01 l 15 Do - do. • 14, BlockVlll.- ■ 3498' MargarK.U'Ma.jAtt ' '20 Otokia dj?trict t1 partof.s<»cu7m:ll,- Block I. „.,,-- <3459 5 D.a-ftdW; Mitchell 75 Cluth^pecjion 7 and,^»lf 8, Block I. • ,' >X ' ' iiSiSOs \Ri\liainJt>hTimn }U> district, section No.' 3, Block I. Ijg*^ ■' ,7 • jD#t9- ' „60^ .D.O section No. 4, Block' l. ' ,' 3462 IVilHam Ejrftsh. - /14 Dunedin and -East Taiferi districts, part of sectvon 20, Block VIII. t 3462 a Andrew Hj>tnas 45 Otokia district, 2of 3, Block I* , • < HS^Sti lafiesilosvorUi ' • jSO' Dunedin .and East Taieri dißtricjs,, parts of sections Nps. 42 and <.!*"•■■ , ' ' ,52, Blo.k VII, . . !. . l|*H? 1 * ,50. Qlutha, section No. 11, Blogk XCVIII. sfflW j^flpT^fer '" , ■ 8, 'Ovaßb-PeniiiHula, next 1669 «nd 1694, to complete a property. x&Hh ift9'W- Ch^» e ' '■ $3 "Otokia district, part of section -No. 1, Block 11. Hpw . jvoppr^ ; 14 " Dunedin and East- Taieri districts, section /No. lof 5,; Block k VIII. 1 liifftj £$MV c anjerott . , k « Otokia r diitrict, section No. Ipf 6(ißlqek6 (i ßlqek I, \ u ,^i, „ .. ..;, , „;tj. „ — — ■ ;■■ „, _ ? ~f&>k *^»« applications willhe decided- o». TfiUJEISD AY, the f 2lst February ,lß6l, *t £\ per acre. $?-'~.-y*^l"i i..---i • , «*j^ppUM7o*'-Oo I«Af*e(d1 «Af* e ( d ? i y^ lu «l to-he ABcWeeLljy Aiaction. ; ■, •

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Otago Witness, Issue 480, 9 February 1861, Page 10

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Witness, Issue 480, 9 February 1861, Page 10

Page 10 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Witness, Issue 480, 9 February 1861, Page 10