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An aeroplane, going north, passed over Otaki this morning. After weeks of unsettled weather .the -renter part of England has been' Soring in a heatwave. The .hade temperature at 3 o'clock onJYedne*day afternoon in London was .)_. In September a lecture, on "The Coming Of Christianity into England, will be: given in All Saints' parish hall bv Eov. Wilson, of Paraparaumu. It will be followed by very interesting lantern slides on English Cathedrals.

-Piloting a Simnionds-Spartan aero-, plane, Lieutenant BuckridgC, of Commercial Airways, Ltd., arrived in Palm 'torsion North yesterday afternoon from The 'plane will operate from a paddock adjacent to the city ■ and will lie commissioned over the week-end for passenger flights. About half an hour after midnight this morning an outbreak of (ire at M Ferguson Street West, Palmerston North, badly gutted the six roomed residence of Mr. William B. Crump, who is attached to the postal stall a' the Post Office. The cause of the lire is a mvsferv, Mr. and Mrs. Crump having been absent on holiday at Kactihi sine Saturday last.

The party of Fcilding bowlers who visited Suva recently spent a delight*!.'. holiday sight seeing and playing dowis. The party comprised Messrs O. MeElroy, C. B. Aitkcn, A. Williamson and J. ilanagh and the two first named who have returned cannot speak too highly of the hospitality of the islanders and of the really wonderful time the party had ill taking part in the sport which is so dear to their hearts.

It is reported from Bulls that human remains have been recovered during tin past few days on the Rangirifcci beacti on the southern side of the heads. Hew■dents have no doubts but they an those of Messrs Guimiu and Campbell who lost their lives over a fortnight ago while on a fishing expedition whei the river was in high flood.

A man who had 'been an inmate of the Auckland Hospital for a lengthy period, running up a bill of £BS, was recent iv awarded ■ £I2OO as compensation for an accident. The man refused to pay his hospital bill, and had. taken out a" passage for England. lie was arrested, when lie paid the fees due, plus expenses incurred, in cash.

"It is amazing to find so many poo pi,, in Australia and New Zealand wlu regard the Empire as an abstract thinj/ —something divorced from our every (lav life," said Mr tl. M. Kushworth MP., for the Bay of Islands, in an ad dress at an Auckland Rotary Club lutt cheon. "During the next decade or sc the Empire must become an economu unit or disintegrate," he said.

. As showing bow the price ni wheat in Now Zealand lias doubled since prc-u-.r davs, Captain F. Colbeck, of Morrinsvillc, recalls that in WMtawW the then Prime Minister. Mr \\. *• Mawcv, it the Government would guarantee "3s 0.1 a bushel for "beat at country stations in the South Island. Mr Massey replied thai tins proposition was ridiculous. Wheat was then selling at 3s (id a bushel in Christehureh. The price of fowl wheat in Auckland at present is 8s a bushel.

A Stratford body held ■'< meeting the other evening, and the secn-tnrj , very thoughtfully, placed tho electric radiator under the table to warn, the tea of members. However, the meeting rt ! S!:™ W not be amounted for until it was found that the heat of the radiator had caused the he.iv> board tabic to s P ut ri S hr ,lo%rn th " middle.

"Thousands of honest, solid, intelligent workers would gladly break away from unions if they could," said Mr AS'. G. Wood, the other evening, when addressing the Timiiru Employers! Association (reports the Herald). -'From what I can learn, a very large number of men out of work would readily accept work at lower rates to keep their homes going during this crisis, bat for the threats of the "lied Feds" and agitators. There is much work about, but employers cannot afford the high wages demanded." "1 can't for the life of me see how they expect to break in unimprove;, laud at the present eost of things,

said a'Kawatahi fanner, when discussing land settlement recently (says the Morrinsville Star). He mentioned that in 1913 he bought fencing posts for £3 ISs and Hi-la a hundred, whilst recently he paid £l2 10s a hundred. Fencing wire, which was then -II a Urn, now costs £2O, and battens were three times the pre-war price. On top of this, prices for.wool last season were just half those of the previous season. Under these circumstances, he staid, ton breaking in of uninrp/oved country vest* a rich man's job. To dream of a racehorses-inning a_ad to gamble (tn it the following; clay with handsome results was a■ coincidence experienced by a voting Gisborae man last week. On the eve of the meeting at the 'Part racecourse he dreamt that a chestnut horse, whose numt>e.» was ~;, had passed' the "post ■•_;&_ winner. .HJS dream seemed so reals.?* ie that he related it to a friend on the morning «• the race. and. .glancing through tse card, tins horse of hit dream turned oato correspond almost _ identically w;tb L-ittle Wonder, the winner o* tod «*«• event., who returned- a »u-'staril;al dividend. Some of his frseii'is werts not decniv impressed. hat, desp-ie tnelr protests, he mad..- a small investmeat.

As a rule U is only: important WEeial visitors or travelers of, cnaijsual wealth who are fortwasatc- enough to have a ear to themselves on a .New Zealand train. August is a month in which few traveller* art astir, and it so happened the other evening; that there was only one passenger in the ordinary sleeping-ear on the Xorth Limited. A young woman stepped from the ear next morning very pleased with the service of the Kaifrray Detrarlairat. The de luxe ears, whose occupants' had paid 7* fid re-w- for their berths than she had, were fairly well filled, but the ■ young wet-ran travelled in solitary splendour.

Messrs Bills Bros, offer linoleuss mat? at .Is. ■.,

The Fire Brigade'*-) euchre party wi-l be held on Wednesday night, I nave pleased many. I,can please you; 1 .know tfhat the o/itasity :..*' my goods will do. Otters hare tried use and found i this Ig'.trac; so;b«»-.aU-I aak- lis. iba.t yea try see; too-—:FBKpJ.BtAK* EETTJ boot and sitaeaafeer,. CkakL*. -;.

Now Zealand has the third greatest number of telephones per head in tha world. . It is likely that one, if not two, business places in Otaki will shortly change hands.

The gutters in and adjacent to Otaki had a coating of sulphur to-day after last night's rain, probably due to soma volcanic eruption.

I Among ihse who were successful at the June theory examination of Trinity College of Music were Miss Kilsby an'i Miss Kathleen Edwards, of Otaki.

A witness in the Arbitration Court at Wanganui said he believed tkero | e vas now- sufficient scope in radio for boys to enter the trade.

The pastime of stealing motor cars! continues in Palmerston. Between S o'clock and 10.30 p.m. last evening yet another motor vehicle disappeared from the Square.

Included in the cases of wandering stock heard in the Police Court the Wanganui County Council prosecuted one of their own roadmen who was unfortunate in his cow getting on to a road at Fordell.

Commercial egg farmers are now

living ducks more attention than they ised to do, for it has been definitely In jud im,i sipnp jiu.j pojuisuoiuop •veu greater records for egg-productiou han fowls.

1 Says the Herald: Although there is a good deal of unemployment in Foxton fhore was only one tender received by the Foxton Racing Club for the delivery of some spoil on tho racecourse when tenders closed.

Dances will be held at To ltoro and Kikiorangi to-night, one at I'aekakariki to-morrow night, and another at Mauakau on September 3rd. On Tuesday ,i social will be held at the Anglican Hall at Otaki.

The vicar was inquiring of one of his lock why he had not been to church for several Sundays. "Well, you see," ■aid the man unctuously, "I've, been troubled witli a bunion on my foot." 'Strange," commented the parson, 'that a bunion should impede the pilgrim's progress."

A child. Timothy O'Hourko, who lives with his parents 'at. No. L'O Cottlevill; l'errace. Wellington, received severe scalds on his face, his neck, and his -boulders hue on Wednesday afternoon when he upset a pot of boiling tea over himself; He was attended to by a doctor and then taken to the hospital by the Free Ambulance.

It is said to be highly probable that Mr. A. E. .lull will be asked to carry the banner of the United Party for tho Waipawa election, and it is understood he will receive official endorsement at the next meeting of the Dominion executive of the party. -Mr. William Tucker, a wool merchant of Clive, has been selected as the Keform candidate to contest the seat, rendered vacant by the death of si r George Hunter. The Parish Hall socials prove as popular as ever, ami oil .Monday night there was a good uttendance, all "f whom spent a pleasant time. Airs. Ileperi and Father Dovoy won the chief prizes, while Mrs. Kun'shold and Mr. Arekiitcia won the second prises. Tho poinss prizes were won by Airs. Ileperi (-17 points) and Mr. Heperi (41). First prizes at the previous euchre tournament were won by Mrs. Smyth and Mr. C. Enoka and second prizes by Miss M. Morgan and Mr. Ileperi. The Hautero Defence Biile Club's

eueure ami dance on Wednesday night was well attended and proved eujoyabJc. Arrangements were well carried out and keen interest was shown in games. Prizes were won by Mian !->• Butt and Air. K. Cundy (firsts), and the consolation trophies by Mm. Hig Kott and

it, W. Jt'imen. Splcwliti riiuwc was supplied for the dance by the Cook orchestra, while Ueksm XV. U. Hay ward and Jim Fielding- were cap* nble M. r sC Supper v.-a* enjoyed. TJin next social evening will l)t; tin September loth.

A robbery with some unusual features uas committed in I'ulincnston North, on Monday night, when Mr. Maurice Millar's residence was broken into during the owner's absence. Although the house contained silver and other valuables, and jewellery was lying on Miss Millar's and Mr. J. Millar's dressing tables, all that appears to have been disturbed are volumes of boys' books removed from Mr. Millar's bedroom. Sis of these, all of them of a type likely to appeal to young reader.-, were found in the wash-house.

The report, of Dental Nurse Ay-ton on the work of the Levin Dental Clinic in July shows that there were 13S attendances of children. .\'o fewer than 212 fillings were carried out, and 55 extractions with a number of other operations, such as cleaning. Thirtyeight new patients were examined and 2'J were in August tberj wore 1(4 attendances, tX'j Jjjliug.s, 51 extractions, and Z'J patients completed, with two new patients examined. In both months pamphlets dealing with dental ,'aealth education were distributed. Just prior to the fourth test watch

the Wellington Town Clerk wrote to the Eugby Union suggesting that, that body should contribute £7 towards the •cost, of the special traffic control re» '•jui.-ed. The suggestion .was received wjth remarks of astonishment, as being "over the fence altogether," and was declined with marked emphasis. The Council has met the position iti another,, and rather more expensive way, for on Thursday night it was decided that the by-laws should be amended to provide thai annual license fee* for spSrts grounds aceouiraodaling K'.oof* to 20.0iW should be increased from £2. 2s to £2O, and for those holding 20,CMX> or (ivwioKO per annum. The abundance of piiotog.raph\.o£;th<r recent iaee meetings which appear in this iTMit'i iss;n- of the " IVlu ■ sporting and Djdii.a'i'- ii'-.vww." w iU ,ieI light the hearts of .all pi-iwih - til ■'thf, I turf. Tiie coloured nuppleotent I*UI be I prized by all admirer* of - the scosea star "Iktretta Young," and the troutl*pieeo is also occupied by aaotiber btwr "GwenJUe" Jo the■■ latest of bathing susls. ihu British Athletic Association .s eaampionthiijs at .■ Stanford J-rmgc are vividit- depicted in a graphic l T? : -uf with special oir-sorja> tK-atment ».» the opening of T-'te D'.-p bridge at Weymouth, Very un-iisiiai fe t'fctr series of picture* of toe s t£ua:,nt eeiebrations of the lOOjhb Anaiyersarj' of leeiand's Parliament. vnih a .page of humour and another of -"tunning fashion novelties, stage and screen portraits, this week's issue a-iJI and a ready *aie. The "f£evic-w" 5* oa sale at all booksellers and st&tioaers. A yoang woman desires work, su«: as washing and eleaning. Mess r , jjjij, BTO4 , advertUo their prices for various lines in thba ji,* a e. ■ The ajannai meeting of the Hsater? Defence Eifie Club will be h*M on Ttsesdav Bight at 7M.

A chance to buy goods -at yonr own price is. offered in this issue, 3fr. Wcodroo._e, fcnetioaeer, having been instruete«_to sen uraperj-, etc, on September

The wanderer''* song, ever gay aad giad Sul! cheer, the way wlten his heart is "- sad — With tightened belt as he tradgxs along, He l!ft;f : hi« soul in The Wftiaderer'* Song. U V ffS >S iiS eJialk>a S' s *ad: flaoat at

As nsngry «wi drilled ite : Salt* : : br yow «*&—' •.;:/; Th«- » gatiiatfe menl Jor wa:r»t!i; : a:nd Woods' Qtmt' BewMJUf .'■ t ' IQtttli 081*.,,;'.'

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Otaki Mail, 29 August 1930, Page 2

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THE OTAKI MAIL. FRIDAY, AUGUST 29, 1930. LOCAL & GENERAL. Otaki Mail, 29 August 1930, Page 2

THE OTAKI MAIL. FRIDAY, AUGUST 29, 1930. LOCAL & GENERAL. Otaki Mail, 29 August 1930, Page 2