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' —_—""'♦' . ' y—' .' y .'" THE HOIJDAX MEETIN&Sr , , AUCKLAND AND OTAKI. ' ANTICIPATIONS TOB TO^MOKBOW . Wellington, This Day. To-morrow ' (the' King's Birthday) will be a busy clay in the raemg world and enthusiasts will have-plenty tc interest thorn as Otaki and Auckland will open their winter programmes and Dunedin will continuo its three-days meeting. So far as the Wellington •movineo is concerned the chief draw will be the* Otaki meeting where the fields arc large for the opening day >nd if, the .weather holds .good a large crowd can be' expected from iWelling'ton and the Wairarapa.' The Otaki Meeting. With excellent acceptances and , the prospects of a line day the Otaki Maori Kacing Club should attract a largo crowd to-morrow and business on the machine should be brisk. The review of the Holds for to-morrow arc given bv L.M.M. as under:— TARARUA HACK HURDLE HANDICAP, of 150 sovs. One mile and ahalf. Avro .. ..10 0 ' Wyeford 9 2 Airforce .. 910 Sir Moment 0 2 Lin Arling- First Ruler 9 0 ton .... 9 9 Crown EmLimosa .. 9 J: - blem .. 9'o High Society 9 3 Frilford ..9 0 Air Force shon'ed up • w r ell in the Manawappu Hurdles "at the Egmont meeting and .should bo much improved .since then. He was third in that event. Avro is a good jumper, who will carry the weight well. Wyeford and Limosa are. both greatly improved hurdlers while Crown Emblem is a customer likely to pop up any time. Of the field engaged form points to Air Force and Wyeford. KUKU MAIDEN RACE, of ■ 1.00 sovs. , Sis furlongs.

[Agrestic. 810 Platilno .8 10 Aniun Ea SlO R.angimahoc' SlO Amaryllis 810 Spcarform 810 Arankuku "" i 8 10 Troubadour 810 Spearwood . 8 10 " Valpino 8 10 Etolii Eangi 810 Hone Whero 810 Hystride 810 .rayson S 0 Imperial - Nightmare S 0 ! Coin 810 Okapua. S 0 Jadarino S 1(1 ; Terra Firma 8 0 Magic Land 8 10 ■'•' Trojan Mel-' Motoa Acre 810 • ody 8 0 Poppy Day S'-.10 . Passon 8 0 The Maiden race lias drawn the usual large field. Agrestic scored an attractive win at the Mastcrton meeting and is reported to be in good. trim. Etehi Eangi is more than a fair sort while" if anywhere near Trentham form Jayson should be a very hard one to beat. Trojan Melody is an unlikely starter.. Terra?-Firma will probably have the services of E. Reed. C. Broughton rides Magic Land. It is a difficult, race for punters .but two that, can be expected to make, a good Tace of it are Jayson and Agrestic "... WAITOHIT HACK HANDICAP,- Of 130

sovs. Six furlongs.

Ex Dono .' 9 0 Dormod .. 7 7 Cadland ... 811 Arrowhead 7 7 Sapient 811 Anbridge- 7 0 Patearoa 8 1 Adventus 7 0 Statuary . 8; 1 Merry Glee 7 0 .Grand Jury 7 S Kotaki Eka 7 0 (Coon Song",, 7 7 Killigrew 7 .0 Ex Dono did not fare too well on the •Nelson-Marlborough; circuit but with less weight to carry he might make emends. However he is meeting much better class, here. Sapient, the South Island representative who did'not incur a penalty for the Ashburton win will be a strong fancy, on the day of the a'acc. Statuary comes from a good stable and although ho disappointed his followers in his last few outings can be expected to make a bold showing tomorrow. Coon Song, If he repeats his Wanganui form ami! it is unlikely lie will not, must be. seriously considered. Kotahi Eka had-an unsuccessful run at the Nelson meeting,'but' that was mot his true form. He should know (the Otaki course :well. It is a field of good hacks and taking a line through Blue Paper and Brilliant Light's Wanganui form I fancy the chances of Coon Song and with K. Voitre in. the saddle, and Sapient and Kotahi Eka the most dangerous of the others. EAUKAWA CUP, of 3,50 so vs. : One mile -and a-qnartcr. , Merry Danion Balloon 7 8 . 10 1 Mountain Panther ..8 12 •' Heath. Y,G The Swell . 8 r> -Full Mark ' 7 0; lAdmiTal Tourist .. 7 0 Drake 8': 2 Miss Ransom 7 0 Cashier .. ■7 12 Lyn Du .. 7 0 We now come to tlie main" attraction of the programme, the Eaukawa Cup. Merry Damon (O. Broughton) ,'.■ is a telass.on his-own, tout his weight might (trouble him, over the last bit. Nevertheless I expect: Mm, to run a great .trace... Panther, (B. Morris), is a very fit .candidate and is the Tilling favourite. The Swell with R.'Reed, tip is expected in certain quarters to have a rrfortgage' On the Cup.; He certainly is very well and can make a. merry pace, but if *I be correct he will require to be hard 1 ridden' over the.-* las*-tfiirlong or so* ,lCashier has been a disappointment but "Snow" Morris has him. in the pink .and if he strikes his galloping mood tomorrow he .'Swill bo : in. (he picture. Mountain 1 Heath, has his chance with (7:6 while Full' Mark with the successful apprentice S. Gerrand to assist him end improving Llyn Du (W. Broughton) read the .best, of the 7.0 ■ lot..- -'., ■ :;. ~■"'... I ";'/' "■

Panther and" The Swell look tie selection on tie /weights but •with a good passage Uyn Du mus,£.be hard. ■■". • ' ©TAE3 HACK. HAITOICAP, of 130 sots.. One mile and 55 yards. Motbplane '-9,- o'' Spear Form.. 710 . Merry/ : Fallow' .; 7 7 Melody -S 12 Bobbie ; s .'. : 'Masher .. 8 ,7 -•" .Mistake v 7; J) .Jjneretia : .".-'"&.'2'.i■■.■Mount ■'■■ ■ ! Myola : ''"i..- &* 2 ..■'•; : Shannon 7 .'5 Best' 1 Hortense " 7 5

'■ Edend" S 0 . '* '" ' ~, ' _ lincretia is beingv'tried over a distance, 'and-.the stable is pretty-conijdeiit. jf his going; a .great race. Mothslane; is' a gftod mile horse while Merry. Melody (B.Heed), Myola (K. Voitre), Masher aafl • Bobbie'.* Mistake Wiggins) all' have, excellent winning . chances. ,', .:■ ' • Merry Melody- and Ma-shier look like fighting it out with Robbie's" Mistake sis the' Kkely lightweight/ :.- HDIAHAKaJICAI*, of 200 sovs. -Six ''furlongs.' ' '.'-■"'' Laughing Staghunter J S ■ Prince i) " 8 Callanmore- 7 7 Mandy •• S 5. .Chopin .. 7 7 Eidgemotult ! ; 8 ' 2 Moutoa " Equitant .-"" 7.11 -' .' Treasury'-,7 . 5 ;ITe Atiawa 7 11 -last .So '.. '.?/\o. Melissa 7 10 Bonogne .-... 7 * >jQoblin ■-.;».■■- ..■..'••■ '.Maui,..,.. .. / .7, .2 * Market - '7 '9 Broad Acre 7 Q Kedflar '.,7. 8'; Brown Sugar 7 0 -Dobbin '-..7 S :; ., • ~' • - , -The, chief.' 'sprint ..of the .lay has .Jtraun n uno li.'lci ami running throngh the list it undoubtedly'•'; looks eliffieult (to sort them. Three that strongly ap- ; peal 3*f 'iSquitanf (W.>, -Broughtun), 'Lauglsinj.- Prince (B- Morris) and '. Mamty. ""' : ' H " < '"'""'"■ • SHE HOBO HACK HANDICAP, of lyQ sfivs Seven furlong*. '- Potoaforns If* 7 .'Olcnrossier, S'.., 6 Bro-,n Su;ijr !» 3 Itie.'fh.ul , .. S .. Pniko . .. 5 11 »-" A.-iv « 0 XKt.Tl.lrj IjJC 1 » .**»i

■will Tie a good betting race. "Without ■ going into details, form points, to TJanbridge, Audience and P&iko as being the best ,of the bunch, Bert Morris will-ride Glenrossie. ... ;.-.-; CKtEAT NORWBRN^MBBTING. PBOOTECTS TiOB TO-MOBEOW."* ' - (By L.M.M.) The-Great Northern meeting opens to-morrow, continues on. Thursday, and concludes on Saturday. Owing to the number of acceptors : in the Jervois Handicap exceeding the safety number, at the starting post, the field has had to,bo divided.,, As there are only jtoven races on the programme, the A JVC. lias increased the stake'' to £3OO for each division and will treat each division as separate • races first and second divid-, ends being paid out .on each. After a careful study of the trackwork and jJ'JsT#ayed .by candidates tikei writer.sums up his prospects for tomorrow as under:— Greenlano Steeplechase (about 2i miles.—Marita,, Mymestration and P'o toanui. ; ' ' . _ Jervois Handicap (one mile) ■ first division.—Goldlike and Sir Mond. Jervois Handicap, second'division.— Snow Prince, and Gay Cockade.-. Penrose Hurdles (Is miles).—Sir Archie and Quincoma. .Great Northern Hurdles (2& miles).— King's Jest and Aurora Borealis.' Cornwall Handicap (Ij miles). — Pahu, Standfast and aiendip. Club Hurdles ( 2 miles).— Dark Prince and Pukerimu. In the event of the last named not fulfilling engagement, Odin.... Members' Handicap (6 furlongs).— Gold Money, Nancy Lee and Havering.

TIT-BITS FOR PUNTERS. (By LAI.M.) • Wellington, This Day. Irojan Melody is said to be a doubtful starter in the Kuku-Maiden Race to-morrow, but will no doubt will bo be-a starter on , Wednesday. - Watch Chopin on Wednesday. a youngster in Mrs. A. McDonald's stable is due to compete at the meeting on Wednesday. He is a big fellow and worthy of watchin" in future events.

Admiral Drake ran two good races at the Wanganui winter meeting, being third to Bright Glow and Hi«h lalutm in the Connolly Handicap with 7.12 and finished fifth in the Empire Handicap on the .second day. This three-year-old is said to be right at his best and taking a lino through Bright Glow must have an excellent chance in_the Eaukawa Cup to-morrow. Eqmtant, who is in the same stable as L,anghmg Prince, is sure to give her stablcmate a tough. battle in the bitr sprint to-morrow. She won well on the first day of the Wanganui meeting, and when tried over a mile and a disS°airth t e ll way! pond *?> sWed *> Gay Coelcade is shaping well in his essays at Ellerslie and .success must come the way of his mentor, W. J Hawkins. He is nicely placed in the second division of .tho Jervois Handicap with 21bs over the.minimum " Connax has been through a sound preparation under the supervision of tho fl T^ 01 i at , ml * rsli <> and despite the fact that he is being asked to) carry a 0,2 in the Cornwall Handicap 10-morrow, he should run a good race' If the goinsr ls extra j. ea however " Jl <>t be in his favour. Gold Money has been working Menit is reported she is n wonderfully imhei V sl llo [ SC -, 1 T ' Green t 0 ""St her she should make a great bid for victory to-morrow. ' Grattus' special mission in attending the .Auckland nwi.,.r ,„ i\, p r , ~-i > ;„„ mte; the ,mi,e race at set l%s£To OnK-" 11 0D , the h ? f,f iie Meeting. Only amateur riders are allowed to compete n this e vent and Mr. Orraond, .Tnr. r will rule Gratnis. To HoiE. an-" f od Tims Y n ' S OWUOr ' Mr - M. H.

Tourist should be better suited on the_second day at Otaki. • Keddar is a good,sprinter and with ni£& on the wn"- ' lst - He-might be a good one for the second day at Otaki. Callanmore is due any time now. Will n- e , t<, - lnorr °'v- or Wednesday? Eidgemount seems .to be re<*ainin-> his best form,.but-he has been°sncn f disappointment when expected that one commenT'v ™™™tzn™s°™ conimend him for to-morrow, despite i~° f ?«f .that R. ,Eeed will ride him seen f * ,TYI£ U V that «mah« tfbe &W'*f? Wmas a Possibib Jity for the second day' if ae arts , j OTAKI ENGAGEMENTS. l,^ llUO f- 0 " *<*tt«V; horsemen and are !'V fnT) ming i Ci,gagemeilts at OUU I are as follows: j R. Reed.—Eidgemount,, The JWpII «oivg,^Touri s T aiyola ' Calla ? Dlor e, 6oon an]T"Llyl 0 l!u. t<,n - Arr£>Wlieaa - W* : Montoa Treasury. . ' takeV gPnS: ~" Keadar ' M. s Acre. ?f "5 Morrls -—Glenrossie. M. H. Nieol.—Limosa. ! M te Dl \T Fn l I ? lark ' Maui„Paiko. I m - ,^ e -"Z Mountain Heath. thn did ' no . t J& tum home after I the Ashburton meeting, the localhorseman going straight on to the J)unedin ! * b £ C ¥ Alan Mel)onald not gong north to Ellerslie, he will probably bo associated with : Airforce and |Potoaformat Otaki.- " " | . down to compete at- the Otaki fixture,, but no horseman has ,be«n engaged for him Us,yet: | tally, Dobbin's mentor, E. W. Watson jhas a rising three : year-old by Royal sJJ^voree—:Eaiiand in work, but the filly iis a very plain looker, although time :n»ight prove that, she has her dam's "pace. i . -/-:■■'

j «T?°3 au Melody is an unlikely s-tarter tfii the first day at Otaki and' G. W. Ntjw's stable may be .represented on the -King's Birthday Terra Firma, a commanding Acre youngster. Troiah Melody will no doubt be found in -on the second day. * ;■ ■■■■'■.■■•■

; Horses that' should "run, well at Otaki according to our local are: ' j Hurdles.—Avro, Airforee. '• Maiden.—JaysoV Terra Firraa; ; , Waitohu.—-Ex Dono. Coon Scrag; I m Clip.—Admiral Drake, Merry Damon, The. Swell. ~.',-'. .-'•""■:.. „ I Otaki Hack. —■ Lucretia, Merry , Melody,'.,;" •'; , ■ ■ l . .v." j Huia.—f-Laughing Prince, Melissa; j Te-Horo.—-potoafo.rm, (trlenrossie. 1 * - "":.;FI3ETTOES. -«" ! ,Tone 3, 4—Otaki r Maori E.c: " , - [ June; .1, 5, 7-^-Auckland B.C: June 13, 14—-Napier Park 'B.C. : * I June 14—Oamaru J.C. ' June 39 3 21—South Canterbury J.C. Jane 20, 21—Hawked Bay .T;C. ' - June 25—Egsiont-Wanganui Hunt Club; j Jane 28—-Ashburtoa County E.C. I Jnly-9, 10, 12—Wellington E.C. | «T«lj- 19*-Waimate' jDis'triet "Hunt Club. t ■■Jaly'-.24,. : 26i-Gisborne l ''E.'Ci'. ! '..-:■-,' J Juiy .2fh—Sonth Canterbury Hunt Club. J tiiy 3 ] .—Maaawatu ' 8.C.;;.. , , . ■

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Otaki Mail, 2 June 1930, Page 3

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SPORTING. Otaki Mail, 2 June 1930, Page 3

SPORTING. Otaki Mail, 2 June 1930, Page 3