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Mr J. 1). McGruer, of Invercargill, is one of many who aro stranded at Vancouver afr-~ present. Mr McGruer had crossed frorri^ England on his way back to New Zealand^ m response to an urgent cablegram, and.^ was to have sailed m the "Niagara" when the war upset everyone's plans. The Otautau Dairy Factory Co.'s shareholders havo given the Directors full permission te go forward this yedjr with plans for improving and enlarging tho faotory. In pursuance of this, tho sub-committee, consisting of Messrs A. Manson, John Lindsay and John Swap, havo 1-st a con- ! tract to Mr R. Scatter, tho well-known builder, for enlarging tlie present building, and making necessary alterations. The work is to be proceeded with immediately. Owing to tho patriotic meeting being held m the Town Hall on Thursday evening, the ordinary praotioe of the Otautau Presbyterian Church Choir will not be hold. Notwithstanding the fact that there ar» a number of German cruisers reported to be on the look out for British merohant vessels, so far the vessel carrying Glen, Glen and Co.'s shipment of Spring and Summer Goods has avoided capture, and thare is overy prospect of the goods reaching hero safely. The display of Summer Goods will bo just as up-to-date as ever at Glen's Stores, for most oE their goods have been on order for months betore war was predicted. Of course it will be a few weeks before the shipment will be opened. We understand that a first-class programme is being arranged for the Presbyterian Church Social, to be held on Friday, 28th August. Besides items from a number of visiting performers, a number of local artists are working up some good musical items. Those having horses for disposal to the Defence Department should bo careful that, they are not exploited by nncredcntiU*- I *'! ( buyers, who are operating very freely. T_^ instance of how one of these individuals is working was cited at yesterday's meeting. A farmer had a li-rse for sale, nnd was approached oy a do-dor, who asked him to place a figure on the horse. Being under the impression that the dealer was acting for the Defence Department, the seller said he world let the horse go for £18, as he was not one to exploit the Government at suoh a time. *'WeU," said the dealer, "if you can stretch your patriotism to let it go at £16, I'll take it." Thus challenged, the farmer accepted the offer, and his anger may be surmised when it was ascertained that the animal had later been turned over to the Government buyer at £25. Mr Dugald Ferguson, well-known as the autor of "Bush Life m Australia and New Zealand," and " The King's Friend," is at present m Otautau introducing his new work, produced by Hodder and Stoughton, called "Mates." If the new work is as good as its reviewers make it, it will be well worth buying. Xbn Tuesday last, an incident oocurre ' , 'which shows the dangerous state of the i road m the upper part of Hulme street, and emphasises the justness of the strictures of our contributor, "Bystander," which wero > written before the affair occurred. It ap- ; pears -that Mr Wm. Walker, of Bayswater) ' by Mr Nat. Gately, were rash enough to endeavour to drive up to M I Ford's house m a light trap, with Renee" the well-known steeplechaser, m the shafts. I They had not proceeded far from the ter mi nation of the gravel, wheti^they were m I difficulties. The trap sank m the mire to r . the axle, and Rpnee, m a vigorous effort to I extricate it, broke one of the traces; .IBM' catastrophe seenjed imminent, but fortu„^*% • ately the beautiful animal seemed wondetjV derfully quiet and docile, and no greaT ; harm was done beyond Renee incurring I cut on the fetlock from the edge of one of the tramway sleepers. If the horse had '_ played up, as might reasonably have been ', expected from so high spirited an animal, . serious damage must have ensued. The trap would in' all probability have boon , smashed or capsized into the gully, and there would have been a bill of costs for someone to pay. Mr Ford having arrived on the scene, the three mon, m mud up to the knees, succeeded m turning the cart , round and dragging it baok to the metal ; road. The broken trace having been repaired, tho brave adventurers returned to Otautau considerably muddier than when 1 they came. That such an occurrence should be possible within th 9 town belt is but little credit to the city fathers. Otautau stock sale on Friday/^ .Stevenson's Pictures will be screened m the Town Hall on Wednesday evening. The monthly meeting of the Women's Christian Temperance Union will be held m the Methodist Churoh on Thursday at 3 p.m. All women and [girls are cordially invited to attend. An excellent specimen of that somewhat rare phenomenon, a lunar rainbow, was to be seen m Otautau at about 7.30 p.m. on Friday. The full moon was shining brightly m the eastern sky, and a heavy shower was approaching from tho west. On the dark bank of clouds, a oorn plete bo*v was projected with great distinctness. Our Aparima correspondent writes that Mr and Mrs Miles Ford, of Aparima, had the misfortune to lose their baby last week. Mr N. A. McLaren, the first seoretary Al the Wallace A. and P. Association, anm, one of the Foundation Members, who reHftoved to Mendqsa, Nelson, some timo ago, is confined to bis room. To an active n^at*. like Mr McLaren, his illness must be a sore trial, and it is hoped that \yith the f\x\o • weather his health will improve, A private message states that Mr W. S, Baird, the well-known "medico," has sold his practice at Riohnjond, Nelson, to an old Nelson boy, and his intention is to proceed to England with his family, and go m for specialisation. All German and Austrian subjects, residents of Now Zealand, are now required to report themselves forthwith to the officer m charge of the noarest police < station. On Sunday last, the Rev. J. W. Shaw, M.A., of Knox Church, Inveroargill, preached at both morning and evening services at the Otautau Presbyterian Churoh, and at Bayswater m the afternoon. Mr Shaw dealt exclusively m the evening with "War, and the European Crisis." The reverend gentleman expressed himself m no measured terms as regards the action of the Germans m forcing war upon Europe and their violation of neutral territory. Thoy had been traitors before tho whole of the nations, and he predicted their loss m the campaign to be not a small one. For Chronic Ohesfc Complaints, Wood*** Cjrreatb Pepperujinfc Cure, 1/6, 2/6, Enrolment forms fqr those desirous joining the National Reserve can be h"""} from the Secretary *qf the lpoal Vano"***. qf the Southland Leaguq. oslt is said that three malcontents from the Riverton Football Club wended their weary way to Winton and home again in_V the vain search of proof that some of ourV looal boys had not been transferred. WitfP* that true sportsmanship, so characteristic of our port friends, they doubtless will now accept tho inevitable wijtfia good grace, and make the play-off tHW^eoiding factor,

Farmers all over the district are advised that half and three-quarter draught horses are wanted by the Defence Authorities for military purposes, and application should be made to the Constable at Otautau. Last Tuesday evening, the Knox Bible f , Class members held a debate m their class room, when there were 30 present. The , Bubjeot, "Has the Women's Franchise had an uplifting effect on our Local Goveminent," was well discussed by Miss K. Shaw, Messrs H. C. McKenzie, R. Scatter, p and H. Gould for the affirmative, and Miss w Donnan, Messrs W. Bird and A. Gould for the negative. ' On a vote being taken, the verdict was given against the negative side of the case. Needless to say, the women's vote predominated, and thus again was the ends of justice defeated. Owing to tho increased roll number of the Wairio sohool, it has been found necessary to appoint an assistant teacher, and at Friday's meeting of the Education Board, Miss Gallagher waa appointed to the position* A visit to Thomson and Beattie's Sale will pay you. Special prices m Boys' Norfolk and Three-garment Suits. These are all good wearing garments, and prices range from 10s 6d to 2*2s 6d. For Influenza take Wood*' Great Cure. Ne fer fails. 2/61/6 There is not the slightest doubt that many every-day commodities will go up m price while the nresent crisis last 9, m fact, advanced price-lists havo already been issued by wholesale merchants. It is reassuring to be informed by Robertson Bros, that they are holding fairly full stooks of all Groceries, and that not one article will be advanced m prioe until their supply is wholly exhausted. The Government requests the publio to husband their resources, and Robertson Bros, will do their part towards helping the housekeepers' purse on to the farthest limit of spending power by keeping all groceries at the very lowest possible prices. Mr W. Walker, of Bayswater, has disposed of his farm to Mr R. Ford, of Otautau, and will hold a clearing sale on 4th September. . Farmers and Sharehqlders— We wish V let you know that we have put iv a heavy '•fC'stook of Groceries for you, m case it may. be required, and are specialising m bulk orders. — Co-op. The Fairfax Baohelors held a most successful ball m the Fairfax ball last Wednesday evening, when there was a representative gathering of persons from far and near. The. M.'s.C. were Messrs Mollison and Spencer, who attended to their assiduous duties with credit. The joint secretaries, Messrs S. Mcintosh and J. Marshall, had eyerything well m hand for the oomfort of their guests, and a very successful evening resulted. A grand supper was , handed round at the hour of 12 (high moou), and dancing continued till the wee sma' oors, i_"S7 c / ybody come totho Military Ballon 14th August and see tbe local volunteers m uniform before ther go to the front. The fu T 1 " 1 be P afcriofcical, y decorated, and with the show of uniforms will stir up your feolingß to one of admiration of what courage there is m N.Z. troopers. The event of the year so do not fail to come. Members of Ti Ara Rebekah Lodge, IO 0.F., are hereby notified tbat Ihe meeting called for Thursday night is postponed until the Tuesday following, 18th in.-t, on account or the patriotic meeting on Thursday m the Town Hall.

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Otautau Standard and Wallace County Chronicle, Volume X, Issue 481, 11 August 1914, Page 4

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Untitled Otautau Standard and Wallace County Chronicle, Volume X, Issue 481, 11 August 1914, Page 4

Untitled Otautau Standard and Wallace County Chronicle, Volume X, Issue 481, 11 August 1914, Page 4