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CuMen's GREAT PRE-XMAS SALE Cullen's Commences Saturday, December 3rd. BARGAINS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS* Mete a,te a few samples of the reduction that have been made; Ladies' Coloured Moreen UNDERSKIRTS in navy, sky, green, brown, and black, Black Fancy LUSTRES, double w.dtb, usual price 2 s 6d, Cullcn's sale price is 3d. White Muslin EMBROIDERY, reduced to ifd, 2 |d, 3d, 3 R 4d, 4 |d, s d, S fd. Pretty designs in CRETONNES, "usual "price 6fd, Cullen's sale price 4 *d. worth 2siid, Cullen's sale price is 6d Turkey Red Washing PRINTS, 32 inches wide, usual pncc 4 H Cullen's sale Men's Blue and White DENIMS, all sizes, 3, 4. 5, 6, 7, reduced to 2siid. Unbleached Turkish TOWELS reduced to 7 5 d. t. ah 1 HTTMsinrii iMr ■ 1 1 am i a i i mt Aih nrice^d Children's Frilled SUNSHADES, usual prices 2s ud and 3s6d, Cullen's sale Ladies' Coloured, 1 weed Dress SKIRTS, usual price 7s 6d, Cullen's sale price 5/6 French All-^UN^ILING m c^m Bkyßky pmk, and black, double width, | Washing PRINTS, 32 inches wide, special value, price is 1 id. ' Ladies, Coloured Tweed Dress SKIRTS, extra special value, reduced to 2S 6d. usuai^rice9 a a,^uHcnbsaiepiicesad. , ■ „ , 1 imuil nnce 6M Cullen's sale nrice 14 Men's Strong Grey DENIMS, sizes 4, 5, 6, and 7, reduced to 3s 6d. Fitu CuRSETS, straight form, with suspenders, reduced to 3s 1 id,. Lad^extrala,^ d,Caliens,J^^^^ Cullen , s sale pric6) 3fd . Men's Wh.tcf Felt HATS, all'sizes, &%', 6*. 7, and ;J, usual pnce, 3 s 6d, Special value in Wh.te CORSETS, extended hip and four suspenders, reduced to Coloured Silk VOILES, pink and white, blade and white heliotrope and white Dress CREPON s Sil[e Men's IslandPlATS^ Heavy F,ne Tw,ll SHEETING, two yards, reduced to ,ofoV champagne and white, in.pretty des.gns, double width, well worth Diess MAlE^ e L^7 UlMc- WIClth ' cicara lanCy St"pC ' pnct Ib) Men , s Soit Felt H ATS, usual prices 2s nd and 3 s 1 id, Cullen's sale pnce is 3d. We have the finest and cheapest sample set of INFANTS' BIBS ever shown , r-,i3S U j,«V U \j S c P"cf 25,^ nri: . T , , tt m pt, CP cWhitprATiro n np v-m-1 wiflr reduced to s Ad Coloured Silk RUCHES, usual price is 6d, Cullen's sale price is. from 2d. French all Silk and Wool double w.dth. CREPON in .navy, brown, cream, sky, H™™*"B™l^ reduced to 3 fd. White RUCHES, trimmed with lace or ribbon/reduced to 7 *d each. Ladies? Coloured Lace Lisle HOSE, seamless, reduced to ud. \ \ T t.^^ di ie\ l? rOP-Arial^C2S6^ CullenS l SalepnCe ISJ~* 1 1 ww£™s£eS 6kl, is 9 d, Children's White Hemsti'ched HANDKERCHIEFS, reduced to ikl. Ladies' Fine Ribbed Black Cashmere STOCKINGS, seamless, guaranteed all Dress LINENS, double width, 42 inches wide, navy, sky, green, and pink, usual White Camiso c EMBROIDERY reduced to 1,, is 2,d, 4 2 c1, b.c, 9 , . CORSETS, all s.zes, reduced to is " wool, reduced to is 3d. price is, Cullen's sale price 9^d. Ib 1 iv, ami Jb zu ydiu. >*._... W. M. CULLEN & CO., PAEROA.

"D 1 F L E CLUB. A meeting of those interested in the formation of a Rifle Club will be held in the Council Chambers on Wednesday, 7th inst., at eight o'clock. E. SHAW, Convener. /? T H DECEMBER, i9i o. BY ORDER OF THE MORTGAGEES. The Farmers' Co-operative Auctioneering Company Limited (T. A. Dunlop auctioneer) have received instructions to sell by public auction upon the property at Mackaytown on above date at 12.30 p.m. ALL THOSE valuable Residence Site Sections Nos. 7, 19, and 20 of Block 3, Mackaytown, containing in all 3 roods 26 perches, together with the large and commodious dwelling house and outbuildings erected and being thereon, and known as the property of Mrs Margaret Moore, and now occupied by a tenant. Easy terms may be arranged. For further particulars apply to Messrs Miller and Sou, solicitors, or Mr S. T. Whitehouse, Thames, or to the Auctioneers. TTI.KUTAIA SALE. THURSDAY, Bth DECEMBER, at 12 o'clock sharp. The Farmers' Co-operative Auctioneering Company, Ltd., will sell at the yards, Hikutaia, on above date, 300 HEAD OF WELL - BRED CATTLE, Including 60 head of prime Fat Steers, Cows, and Heifers, 60 head of two, three, and fouryear - old fresh conditioned Steers, 65 head of strong Yearlings and Calves,' 30 head of Dairy Cows and Heifers at or near profit, 20 head of empty Heifers, 60 fat Ewes and Wethers, "7 Bulls. On behalf of Mr Edwin Walters, of Matatoke, who is giving up milking — 16 choicely selected young Jersey and Shorthorn Dairy Cows, all heavy milkers and good testers. 9 Also—a few good Hacks and Harness Horses, Pigs, Poultry, etc. Entries Solicited. T. A. (BERT) DUNLOP. HPE AROHA BACON FACTORY. I am a buyer of PRIME BACON PIGS weighing from 120 to 150 pounds. Pigs over or under weight are subject to be bought at a less price or cured on owners' account. All curing done at owners' risk. Receiving Days, Tuesdays and Thursdays. JOHN ROWE. " /"CHRISTENDOM ASTRAY." The book for all who are distressed by Clerical Doctrines or Clerical Criticism, and who therefore desire to become enlightened as to the best way of deliverance from the contusions, disputings, and contradictions of an apostate world. Accepting the Scriptures of the Old Testament as Christ accepted them (and consequently the New Testament also) it not only demonstrates that Christendom is astray, but faithfully exhibits "-The Truth " from which it has departed. It will make the Bible a new book for you. For loan from H. MILVERTON, Taihaoe. J A R R AH Is the best and most economical timber on the market for BUILDING FENCING WHARVES BRIDGES GATES And for all purposes where strength and durability are essential Scantling from JBs per JOO. Posts from £3 J6s per 100* Send for price lists, MILLARS' AUSTRALIAN HARWOODS CO., LTD. MECHANICS' BAY AUCKLAND. Telegraphic Address, "JARRAH."

Ladies and Gentlemen, you ca>mot be too insistent in asking for Roslyn Unshrinkable Pure Wool Underwear, " Delta" finish, since it will add so tremendously to your comfott and enjoyment of life. $

Serious Kidney Trouble Cured. ♦ Mr Wesley Martin, Upper Queen * Street, Onehunga, Auckland, says :— " From the age of 16 I have been caused much-pain and suffering by stone in the kidneys. I took a lot of medicine and had advice and treatment from doctors, but without any good result. I have been particularly bad of late years. No insurance company would have accepted the risk ot my life, and I was hopeless of ever getting well myself. I was not always in pain ; there were months when 1 would be tree of any discomfort barring that my health would be bad and my appetite poor. But I alvvay noticed the longer my spells of relief lasted, the more severe would be the return of the ailment. A few months without backache would mean such agony when the pains came on, that I would feel it was almost an impossibility to live through if. Of course I was not always aware of the nature of my complaint. Medical opinion did not agree in my case ; however, one doctor told me that it was stone in the kidneys. On one occasion I had the bladder scraped, and I took fifteen months' course of one treatment without any beneficial result. It was sometime after I had discarded this medicine, hopeless of ever getting better, that I heard Doan's Backache Kidney Pills well spoken of, and commenced using them. 1 had taken three bottles when I passed a stone bigger than a bean, I have since shown it to many, including chemists, and they tell me it is the largest kidney stone they have ever^ seen. In fact, people are incredible tliat such a large stone could have been passed. Just before it came away I was seized with frightful pain, then a lot of gravel came away, followed by the stone. Since then, I have had complete relief. I | have taken more of the pills to make a complete cure, but nothing further has come away; there can be nothing harmful left; I am so well. I could not enumerate all the benefits I have derived from using Doan's Backache Kidney Pills, suffice to say that I am now in perfect health. I had spent hundreds of pounds trying to get a cure, and have been tortured with operations, but Doan's Backache Kidney Pills have cured me effectually, at very little cost. I am well-known and my case is talked about, everyone knowing how much this wonderful kidney remedy has done for me." Five years after the above was given; Mr Martin makes a second statement: —" It is now five years since my cure, and I am as well to-day as when I made the above statement. I have kept free ot Kidney and Bladder trouble, and I feel fit and well." Doan's Backache Kidney Pills are sold by all chemists and storekeepers at 3s per bottle (six bottles 16s 6d), or will be posted on receipt of price by FosterMcClellan Co., 76 Pitt Street, Sydney. But, be sure you get DOAN'S.

WANTED— Youth for the factory. Apply Manager, Thames Valley Co-operative Dairying Company. WANTED— A girl to assist in housework.— Apply to Mr W. Moore, Paeroa . — WANTED TO SELL—A secondhand perambulator in good order ; cheap. —For address apply this office. LOST —Gold challenge bowling star. Finder rewarded on returning same to Gazette office. , TO LET—Six-roomed house, with bath-room, scullery, wash-house, set in copper, etc. ; water and gas laid on. — Apply E. Bromwicb, Victoria Bakery. ATORTHERN STEAMSHIP COY., IN LTD. . REDUCED FARES FOR XMAS & NEW YEAR HOLIDAYS. Excursion Tickets, saloon return lOs, will be issued between Paeroa and Auckland from Monday, December 12th, to Saturday, January 7th, available for one month from date of issue. DAVID PENMAN, Agent, Paeroa. T O BUILDERS. Tenders are invited, to close at noon of Saturday, December 17-th, 1910, at my office, Paeroa, for repairs to and re-roofing grandstand for the Ohinemuri Jockey Club, Paeroa. Plans and specifications may be seen at my offices, Te Aroha and Paeroa, or had on request. E.-E. GII^MAN, Architect, Paeroa. 'Phone No. 12.

WIOLETTA'S GUARANTEE. In reference to the Guarantee offer by the Wioletta Toilet Company's Preparation, Wioletta Hair Food and Tonic, now appearing in the papers throughout New Zealand, the reason we make this guarantee is on account of so many Genuine Testimonials sent us, completing cures, from one bottle upwards. We make 12 bottles the limit, as we feel certain if 12 bottles won't effect a cure nothing in the wide world will. We firmly believe no other Hair Tonic in the world has ever offered this Guarantee, and the following is all we require : ■—In case of Baldness, we must have the assurance of a medical man that the hair roots are still alive ; the date each bottle is purchased from our agent until the 12th bottle has" been used ; then if the purchaser has received no benefit, we return £2 2s (two pounds two shillings). WIOLETTA is an Absolute Cure for Baldness, provided the roots are still alive, Alopecia, Dandruff, Irritation of the Scalp, Falling out of Hair, and all Hair troubles. Procurable from chemists, storekeepers, and hairdressers. Pirce 3s 6d. t

'"TENDERS. Tenders, returnable up to noon on December I2th, 19.10, are. invited for the Grandstand and Show Buildings at TeAroha, labour only. Tenders to be left at Mr Wild's -office, Te Aroha, where plans and specifications may be seen. "COR SALE OR LEASE. Six-roomed house, chiefly kauri, together with 4£ acres land, including half-acre orchard in full bearing. Situated Thames Road .about one mile from post office.—-For terms, etc., apply J. BLACK, Land Agent, Wharf Street.

life's little things. If you were able to live just right all the time there would be little need for medicine, less need for doctors. But some little thing is constantly coining along to put us out of balance —exposure, change ot diet or drinking water, irregular meals are little things that will at times upset the best of us. Nothing particular the matter, but we don't feel good. At such times the wise among us will take a few doses of Chamberlain's Tablets with certain knowledge that they will put us right, right away. Sold by all chemists and storekeepers.

Ladies, The Corsets we most strongly recommend are the Warner's rust-proof, as they are right ahead in point of fashion design, and guaranteed to comfortably fit your form; but in addition to all this you can wash them as safely as your Roslyn "Delta" Underwear.

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Ohinemuri Gazette, Volume XXI, Issue 2727, 5 December 1910, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Ohinemuri Gazette, Volume XXI, Issue 2727, 5 December 1910, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Ohinemuri Gazette, Volume XXI, Issue 2727, 5 December 1910, Page 3