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JEAN BATTEN'S AUTOBIOGRAPHY (Published by the Otago Daily Times under special arrangement) CHAPTER XII (continued) RIO DE JANIERO That night a dinner was given by the Royal Empire Society at which several hundred people were present, including the British Ambassador and Lady Gurney. Speeches were made by President Justo and the Ambassador and I felt deeply moved by the poetic text of a speech delivered by the head of .he Brazilian press, who spoke in fluent English During the evening I was presented with an exquisite Brazilian diamond set in a platinum brooch by the British community as a token of admiration for my flight, which, it was said, not only demonstrated the capability of the modern aeroplane and engine, but did a great deal for British prestige in South America.

The following day 1 visited the Director of Civil Aviation and heard all about the wonderful new aerodrome being made in Rio. The site for this aerodrome, which was already in course of construction, was on a promontory near the wide Avenida Ric Branco, and almost in the heart of the city Part of the harbour was being reclaimed and the aerodrome when finished promised to be one of the largest and most modern in the world. “ You must fly back to Brazil when it is ready.” the smiling Director of Aviation said, as he gave me a design of the projected airport Just before leaving I learned that the functionaires—the girls working in the Department of Aviation — wished to meet me. I was delighted by the warmth of their welcome as they crowded round and congratulated me. Suddenly there was a hush, and the group of pretty Brazilian girls parted to allow their spokeswoman to come forward. Although she spoke in Portuguese it was not difficult for me to interpret the words, for her lovely dark eyes alone were eloquent enough. She handed me a small case, and on opening it I saw a most exquisite aquamarine. The girls were pleased at my appreciation of their gift as I gazed entranced at the gem. Resting on the pale satin lining of the case it resembled the translucent blue of the water lapping up on to the creamy beaches of Rio, where its shallowness and transparency toned the sapphire shade of the deeper waters almost to pastel tints. A visit to .the headquarters ot ne Naval Air Force followed, and to my joy I learned that it was the intention of the Aviaeao Naval to make me an honorary officer of the force. The naval air base was on the large island of Gobernador, and I learned that British aeroplanes were used for training purposes. The following morning a flight of aeroplanes from the naval base flew over to the military aerodrome of Campos dos Affonsos, and officially I was presented with the gold wings and diploma making me an honorary officer of the force. The colonel and officers were very charming, and I accompanied them back to their base in my own aeroplane. It was a glorious afternoon. and_ the city was bathed in strong sunlight, so before returning to the military aerodrome T decided to fly once more over Rio and explore the numerous little beaches, coves, and islands with which the great harbour abounds. Leaving the island of Gobernador and the naval base I flew first round the Sugar Loaf rock, guarding the entrance to the harbour, then low along the silver strand of Copacabana beach. Speeding back, I passed once again over Rio and along the palm-lined avenidas, and circled the site for the new airport. I put the machine into a climb and soon gained height, then at an altitude of well over 2000 ft fled round the shoulders of the giant Christ on top of the Corcovado Mountain. At close quarters it appeared to dwarf everything in the city so far below. I felt almost awed by the immensity of the majestic figure, standing as it does 220 ft high on the peak of the mighty Corcovado. Gliding down again, I flew for miles up the harbour, passing over unbelievably beautiful little palmfringed islands encircled by silvery beaches. On some of the islands were coconut plantations, and I could see the tall, graceful palms clustered closely together as if afraid of slipping into the limpid sapphire water surrounding them. Turning back at length to the military aerodrome I landed, and then drove into Rio. An English lady had very kindly offered to lend me several light frocks: the costume I had brought with me was too warm for Rio. The heat seemed very sudden, for only a few days previously I had left the chilly autumn of the Northern Hemisphere. It was with a very critical eye that I surveyed the gowns, for that day was to be a momentous one in nay life. I was to be presented to the President of Brazil that afternoon, so that the selection of a suitable frock had assumed a position of great importance.

With a spray ot orchids adorning my dress, I went to join the Ambassador at the appointed hour. We drove along the wide, palm-lined avenidas to the President’s house. On entering we were shown into a large, cool room with a highly-polished parquet floor. The furniture was upholstered in brocade, and between the large gilt-framed mirrors on the walls were several oortraits in oils An attache in a dazzling white uniform embroidered with gold cord escorted us into another room, where we awaited an audience with the President. It was only a matter of a few minutes before the door opened and a man wearing a tropical suit advanced and warmly greeted the Ambassador It was the President. On being presented I found him charmingly natural and unaffected as he spoke to me of my flight and congratulated me on the record I had established. He said that the Brazilian nation wished officially to show its appreciation of my achievement. It had been decided to confer on me the decoration of Officer of the Order of the Southern Cross in recognition of my flight, which had linked England with Brazil in the fastest time in history. Taking a green and gold leather case from the desk by his side the President opened the box and produced the insignia of the Order of the Cruzeiro do Sul. It was an exquisitely designed gold cross with a centre medallion ofblue enamel, on which were embossed in gold the stars of the Southern Cross constellation. The cross was joined to a pale blue ribbon

by a green enamel link representing a laurel wreath. Pinning the decoration to the bodice of my dress, the President shook my hand warmly. The first British person other than royalty to receive this decoration—no wonder I felt pleased. Although the President was such a busy man he courteously agreed to pose for a photograph, which was taken on the terrace of his beautiful house.

The following day I drove to the aerodrome and made preparations for refuelling the aeroplane, as I had received cordial invitations to visit both Uruguay and Argentina before leaving South America. I felt very reluctant to leave Rio de Janeiro, for apart from the fascination I felt for the beautiful city I had made many friends and enjoyed the wonderful hospitality during my stay Although it was very early when 1 arrived at the aerodrome a large crowd had assembled to see me take off on my flight to Buenos Aii’es, 1350 miles farther south. As sti'ong heads winds were px-edicted I wished to take off at dawn in order to arrive at Buenos Aires in daylight. The aeroplane looked like burnished steel when it was wheeled out on to the tarmac, for it had been carefully washed and polished, and the windows and metal fittings were gleaming. The blue-and-green star symbol oi the Brazilian Air Force had been painted on the rudder, and I had never seen the machine look so smart A squadron of-aeroplanes was to escort me for a few miles, and the colonel had detailed a fast fighting machine to accompany my aeroplane as far as Santos, 200 miles soutlx-west of Rio. After shaking hands with all my friends and bidding them good-bye I was just about to step into my aeroplane when an officer hurried forward and asked me to wait for a few minutes, as the colonel wished to make a presentation. Almost before the officer had finished speaking the colonel appeared and walked across the tarmac towards us. He was carrying something in his arms and as he drew near I saw that it was a beautiful bronze statue. “On behalf of the officers of the Aviacao Militax I wish to present you with this trophy as a token of our gi'eat admiration of your magnificent flight from England,” said the colonel. I looked at the statue which he presented to me. It was an exquisitely wrought bronze female figure. She was poised on a globe representing the world and on which were embossed the stars of the Southern Cross. In one hand was an olive branch of peace, and in the other a scroll on which the words “ Conquete de I’Air ” were written, The statue was mounted on Brazilian marble, and a gold plate bore a suitable inscription. I was quite sure that all the British people present felt as proud as myself at this signal honour. “ I wish it was possible to take the statue with me,” I said. “ Yes, do,” said someone in the crowd, who added, “ then your aeroplane won’t take off and you will have to stay in Rio.” “ That’s a very good idea,” I replied laughingly, and handed back the lovely trophy, which was so heavy that I could scarcely lift it.

It was arranged that the statue would be safely packed and sent to England for me. Thanking the colonel for the beautiful present, and once again for the kindness I had received from the Aviacao Militar, I bade farewell to my friends and climbed into the cockpit. Waving a final farewell I taxied to the end of the aerodrome and took off to join the squadron of military aeroplanes circling overhead. Rounding the high mountains almost overhanging the aerodrome I drew level with the other machines and recognised the pilots, whom I now knew quite well. We flew in formation for some distance, then one by one the escorting machines flew close to my aeroplane, while the pilots waved a last good-bye and flashed back to the aerodrome.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 23527, 16 June 1938, Page 2

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“MY LIFE” Otago Daily Times, Issue 23527, 16 June 1938, Page 2

“MY LIFE” Otago Daily Times, Issue 23527, 16 June 1938, Page 2