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THE SUN a.m. P.m. *o-day—Rises T. 25 nets 4.13 THE MOON a.m. P.m. r» *o-day-Sets 11.04 rises 8.48 PHASES OF THE MOON FOR MAT ,' First Quarter, 7th, at 8.54 a.m. full Moon, 14th, at 8.10 p.m. l< " last Quarter, 23rd, at 0.06 a.m. ft\ Sew Moon, 30th, at 1.30 a.m. ARRIVALS Wednesday, May 18 City of Yokohama, s.s. (10 a.m.), T 341 tons, '■Seav, from Halifax, via northern ports, isew .Sieafand Shipping Company, agent. Ollvebank, m.s. (1.80 p.m.), 5154 tons, Mblock, from Nauru Island, via Lyttelton. H. I* . Tapley and Co,, agents. »•■ Walkoualti, s.s. (0.10 p.m.), 3026 tons, Mackenzie, from Sydney, via Bluff. Union Steam .Ship Company, agent. l DEPARTURES ' Wednesday, May 18 •' ,i Fordsdale. s.s. (4 p.m.), 9949 tons, Christie, vfor New Plymouth. , Breeze, m.a. (11.20 p.m.), 622 tons, Horler, "for Wanganui, via ports.- <"' BERTHAGE LIST FOR TO-DAY Vessel Berth From Loading For , City of „ , - Yokohama Vic. wf. Canada .Ollvebank Vic. wf. Nauru I. : Waikoualtl Kit. stwf. Australia Australia '"' Pt. Walkato Rat. it wf. Auckland Auckland > via ports via porta

BHIPPINO TELEGRAMS AUCKLAND, May 18.—Arrived: Cumberland -16.15 a.m.), from Liverpool. Sailed: Rotorua ft '( a.m.), for Welllmiton; Narbada (10 p.m.), "'for Wellington. ■ *i WELLINGTON, May 18.—Arrived: Futurist '(1.10 a.m.), from Cook Strait; Rangatlra (I a.m.). from Lyttelton; Kiwltea (7.25 a.m.), from Newcastle; Kalwarra (7.35 a.m.), from West'port; Gale (8 a.m.), from Wanganui; Swartcnvhondt (noon), from Auckland; Port Hunter <• (4.50 p.m.), from Gisborne; Walnul (7.33 p.m.), iVfrom Plcton.- Sailed: Malmoa (6.55 a.m.), for Auckland; Clydebank (5 p.m.), for Melbourne; ' Matangl (7.33 p.m.), for Nelson; Rangatlra M 7.47 p.m.), for Lyttelton; Awatea (8.5 p.m.), ' LYTTELTON, May 18.—Arrived: Karu (6.5 a.m.), from Dunedln; Foxton (6.10 a.m.), from 'Foxton; Wahlno (6.45 a.m.), from Wellington; • Storm (8.25 a.m.), front Tlmaru; Holmlea (11.10 -».m.), from Tlmaru; Rabaul (5.5 p.m.), from 'Suva; Otalo (8.25 a.m.), from Tlmaru; Waitaki > (1.15 p.m.), from Dunedin; James Cook (1 vp.m.), from Dunedin. Sailed: Port V»al»kato (6.10 p.m.), for Dunedin; Storm (8.10 p.m.), for Wellington; Foxton (5 p.m.), for Foxton; Mahia (2.15 p.m.), for Wellington; '.Wahine (8.15 p.m.), for Wellington; Karu (8.30 i; p.m.), for Wellington; Holmlea (10 p.m.), for .Wellington. ■ . : BLUFF, May 18.—Arrived: Matal (4, 'from Stewart Island. Sailed: Waikoualtl ; (3.50 a.m.), for Dunedin. - MELBOURNE. May 18.—Sailed: Walana, for Bluff. , ...„,' LOS ANGELES, May 18.—Arrived: Mariposa, '"from Auckland. *3 BALBOA, May 16.—Arrived: Tamaroa, from Wellington; Mamari, from Auckland. CURACAO, May 16.—Sailed: Cambridge for London. ..*•.' CRISTOBAL, May 16.—Arrived: Bomuera «»nd Trojan Star, froia London. ' KINGSTON (Jamaica), May 16.—Balled: ■ 'Mahana, for Dunkirk. i NEW YORK, May 10.—Arrived: Anhatt, from i Auckland. o ■ » WITHIN WIRELESS BANGB "'■ The following vessels were expected to be J» within range of the undermentioned wireless " ■itatlons last night:— ■' "' Auckland.—H.M.S. Endeavour, Aorangl, Kairanga, Haurakl, Narbada, Anglo Canadian, -«Nanlwa Maru, Port Bowen, Port Sydney, Roto- . rjrua. Weirbank. . _ .. Wellington.—Rangatlra, Tamahlne, Wahine, •Awatea, Gabrlella, Kallngo, Maul Pomare, '"Niagara, Rabaul, 'Canr.dlan Challenger, Akaroa, Clydebank, Coptic, Hertford, Mahia, Malmoa, Mataroa, Pakelia, Port Denlson, Port Hunter, Rangltane, Remuera, Kuahine, Tamaroa, Tekoa, Westmoreland. Awarua.—Matai, Karetu, Walana, Waikoualtl, Trlona, Brisbane Star, City of Yokohama, Comorln, Maetsuycker, Ollvebank, Otra.nto, Oronsay, Pegasus, Port Montreal, Trlenza.

EXPECTED ARRIVALS Port Walkato, Auckland, via port*, to-day. Kauri, South Australia, May 20. Port Jackson, London, Lyttelton, May 20. Babaul. Galveston, May 20. Kauri, Bluff, May 21. ' . Holmglen, Port Walkato, via porta. May 23. Holmdala, Wellington, May 23. , Gale, Bluff, May 24. Walpahl, Bluff, May 24. Karetu, Sydney, Hobart, May 24. Waiana, Geelong, Bluff, May 24. r r Klwltea, Newcastle, Wellington, May M, v Karu, Wellington, May 25. "» Waiplata, Auckland, via ports, May 25., '• Kalmal, Westport, via ports, May 25. 0 Pegasus, Sumatra, Auckland, May 26. City of Mobile, New York, via ports, May 28. . , Tekoa, Bluff, May 28. Antigone. Nova Scotia, via ports, May 28. * Narbada, Calcutta, via porta, May 30. r Rlgault de Gcnoullly, Akaroa, June 1. v Bramora, Richmond, via ports, June ].. ''; Cumberland, Liverpool, via ports, June T. " Mataroa, Lyttelton, June 7. Pt. Wyndham, New Tork, via ports, Juno 10. V Remuera, London, Auckland, June 13. Port Montreal, Hall tax, via ports, June 14. Tolten, Vancouver, via ports, June 21. '" Turaklna, Liverpool, via ports, June 21. /'• Port Hardy, Liverpool, via porta, June 25. »X i ■ * PROJECTED DEPARTURES °». Port Walkato, Auckland, via ports, to-day. City of Yokohama, Sydney, to-day. ;-, Kauri, Bluff, May 20. „ Walkoualti, Tlmaru, Lyttelton, May 21. Kauri, Auckland, via ports, May 21. i' Tolten, Melbourne, June 22. V Holmglen, Port Walkato, via ports, May 23. V Holmdale, Plcton, Wanganui, May 23. ' "• Port Jackson, Bluff. May 23. p J Walpahl, Napier, (Ilsborne, May 24. . Gale, Wanganui, via ports, May 24. .j Karu, Nelson, New Plymouth, May 25. Karetu, Tlmaru, Lyttelton, May 25. Waiplata, Bluff, May 25. Waiana, Oamaru, May 26. City of Mobile, Sydney, May 80. Tekoa, Lyttelton, June 1. Narbada, Bluff, June 1. Mataroa, Wellington, June 11. Port Montreal, N. York, Montreal, June ll Port Hardy, Tlmaru, June 28. COASTWISE MOVEMENTS Port Walkato Is due here to-day, and Is to sail this evening for Auckland, via Tlmaru and Lyttelton. Holmdale is not now due until Monday, and is to load and sail the same day for Welllng- -* ton. Plcton and Wanganui, via ports. f Holmglen is scheduled to load here on MonVday for Wellington, New Plymouth and Port Walkato, via ports. Breeze was despatched last night for Welf'lington and Wanganui, via ports. -', fialo Is now due here next Tuesday from Bluff to load for Wellington and Wanganui, via ports. Kauri is now to leave Lyttelton to-day for -Dunedln, where she is due to-morrow to complete discharge and sail for Bluff. WAIKOUAITI ARRIVES : * The Walkoualti arrived here yestorday from Sydney and Bluff and berthed at the Kitchener street wharf to continue discharge. She is to '. sail on Saturday for Timaru and Lyttelton. OLIVEBANK IN PORT '-, The Bunk Line vessel Ollvehank arrived here ... yesterday from Lyttelton and berthed at tho Victoria wharf, to continue discharge of her •'phosphate cargo from Nauru Island. She Is to ".move to Ravensbotirne about Monday to complete, and is then to dock at Port Chalmers for ', cleaning and painting. FORDSDALE AWAY The Shaw Savlll and Albion steamer Fordsdale, which has been discharging London cargo at Port Chalmers and loading, was despatched ■• yesterday afternoon lor New riymouth. * i „ *~ CITY OF YOKOHAMA ;• With cargo from Halifax, the steamer City "of Yokohama arrived here yesterday from northern ports to complete discharge. She Is no sail to-day for Sydney to commence loading. RUAHINE'S "ALL WELL" , The New Zealand Shipping Company has re- ' ceived a wireless report from the master of the "liner Ruahlne, which left Wellington on May g 9 for London, via Panama, stating that the };weathw is unfavourable, but all on board are ft well. , fi THE NANIWA MARIi $1 Wright, Stephenson and Co., Ltd., have received further advice that the Y.K.K. Lino ~vessel Naniwa Maru, en route from Japan, left Walpole island on Sunday owing to had ''weather, after loading only a small quantity of J guano. She is now due at Auckland to-day, land at Wellington on May 2!!, and later proceeds to Lyttelton arid possibly New Plymouth. Her Dunvlhi cargo will be transhipped at Wel'"'llngton.


PERSONAL Advice lias been received that Mr F. M. RndclifTe has passed his chief marine engineer's Diesel endorsement examination in London. MATAROA REPORTS The Shaw Savlll Company has received a wireless message from lis liner Mataroa, en route from London to Wellington, reporting that sho experts to nrrivo In the stream at 2 p.m. to-day. Sho will leavo again about May 24 for Auckland, to completo discharge and to commence her Homeward loading. MASS DISTRIBUTION A record for rapid discharge and distribution of meat cargoes was set at the Royal Victoria Dock, when 1647 tons were landed and delivered ex the Duquesa at Z berth to 364 road vehicles and 62 rail trucks. This Involved the handling of 22,460 quarters, 1151 bags and 155 carcasses of chilled beef in 1055 gang hours, and was rendered possible by the mechanical equipment available. LONDON SHIPPING During the week ended April 22 897 vessels representing 997,465 net register tons, used the Port of London. Of these 503 vessels (856.418 net register tons) were to and from Empire and foreign ports and 394 vessels (141,047 net register tons) were engaged In coastwise traffic. The arrivals included 10 meat cargoes—four from Australia, three from New Zealand, and three from South America, comprising 152.000 carcasses of lamb and mutton, 152,000 quarters of beef, quantities of pork, rabbits and sundries. A YEAR'S LOSSES The statistical summary of merchant vessels totally lost, broken up, condemned, etc., during 1936, Issued by Lloyd's Register, shows that the gross reduction of the mercantile marine of the world amounted to 739 vessels of 1.401,345 tons gross, excluding all motor ships and steamers of less than 100 tons gross and sailing vessels of less than 100 tons net. Of this, total 678 vessels of 1,358,639 tons were steamers and motor ships, and 61 of 42,706 tons were sailing ships. These figures, compared with those for 1935, show a decrease of 62.367 tons gross In steamers and motor ships lost, and of 39,101 tons for sailing ships. The annual summary of mercantile shipbuilding In 1936, Issued by Lloyd's Register, showed that 999 vessels of 2,117,924 tons gross were launched In the world, 856,257 tons being from berths in Great Britain and Ireland. The figures of losses and breaklng-up now Issued therefore show that thero was a net Increase In the tonnage afloat during 1936 of 260 vessels and 716,579 tons. During the year 412 steamers and motor Bhlps of 993,904 tons gross were broken up or condemned, excluding casos which are known to have been consequent upon stress of weather. Of these 104, of 340,708 tons, were British. The number of sailing vessels broken up, etc., amounted to 29, of 22,556 tons gross, Including four British vessels of 861 tons gross. The British t0ta1—341,569 tons gross—compares with 471,467 tons In 1935,

OVERSEAS VESSELS FOR OTAGO Port Jackson (due May 20).—Left London April 8 for Suva, Lyttelton, Port Chalmers and Bluff; arrived Lyttelton May 16. City of Mobile (due May 28).—Left New York April 12 for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedin; arrived Auckland May 16. Tekoa (due May 28).—Left Glasgow April 16 (In ballast) for Bluff, Port Chalmers, Lyttelton. Wellington and Auckland; due Bluff May 20. Antigone (due May 28).—Left Liverpool, Nova Scotia, March 22 for Auckland, Whangarel, New Plymouth, Wanganui, Wellington, Lyttelton, Tlmaru and Dunedin; arrived Auckland May 2. _ • . . .„ Narbada.(due May 30).—Left Calcutta April 15 for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton. Tlmaru Dunedin and Bluff; arrived Auckland May 16. Bramora (due June I).—Left Richmond April 26 for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton and Dunedin; due Auckland May 22. Port Montreal (due Juno 14).—Left Halifax April 21 for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton and Dunedin; due Auckland May 29. Cumberland (due June 7).—Left Liverpool April 10 for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton and Port Chalmers; due Auckland May 19. Remuera (due June 13).—Left London April 28 for Auckland and Port Chalmers; due Auckland June 4. ... Turakina (due June 21).—Left Liverpool April 23 for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton and Dunedin; due Auckland June 2. Port Wyndham (due June 10).—Left New York April 28 for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton and Dunedin; due Auckland May 28. Tolten (due June 21).—Left Los Angeles May 10 for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton and Dunedin: duo Auckland June 6. Port Hardy (due June 25).—Left Liverpool May 7 for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin and Tlmaru; due Auckland June 13. Pegasus (due May 26).—Left Sumatra May 1 for Auckland and Dunedin; due Auckland May 22. FOR OTHER DOMINION PORTS Matakana, left Newcastlo-on-Tyne April 9 for New Zealand; due Oamaru May 18. Mataroa, left London April 14 for Wellington and Auckland; due Wellington May 18 Trojan Star, left London April 28 for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton and New Plymouth; due Auckland.June'6.'. Surrey, left London April 23 In ballast for New Zealand; due Napier June 2. Kerimoana, left Clyde March 15 for Wellington, via Suez; due Wellington middle of June. Akaroa, left London May 12 for Auckland and Wellington; due Auckland Juno 16. INTERCOLONIAL SERVICES Awatea, left Wellington May 18; due Sydney May 21. Wanganella, left Melbourne May 18 and Sydney May 20; duo Auckland May 24. Kauri, loaded Edithburg, Adelaide and Melbourne for Auckland, Napier, Wellington, Lyttelton and Dunedin. (Melbourne cargo for Auckland and Napier only.) Due Dunedin May 19. Waitaki, loads Melbourne June 1 for Bluff, Dunedin, Lyttelton and Wellington; due Dunedin Juno 7. Kiwitea. loaded Newcastle May 11 for Wellington, Lyttelton and Dunedin; duo Dunedin May 24. , Karetu, loaded Newcastle May 10 and completed at Port Stephens, Sydney and Hobart for Bluff, Dunedin, Tlmaru,'Lyttelton and Oamaru; due Dunedin May 24. Watana was to load at Geelong on May 17 for Bluff, Dunedin, Oamaru and Wellington; due Dunedin May 24.' LONDON-AUSTRALIAN SAILINGS Largs Bay, left Southampton April 9; due Fremantle May 10; Adelaide May 14; Melbourne May 16; Sydney May 19. Ascanlus, left Liverpool April 9; duo Fremantle May 15; Adelaide May 21; Melbourne May 23 and Sydney May 26. Cormorln, left London April 14; due (fremantle May 17; Adelaide May 21: Melbourne May 23: Sydney May 26. Oronsay. left London April 23; due Fremantle May 24; Adelaide May 28: Melbourne May 30; Sydney June 1. Maloja, left London April 29; due Fremantle May 31; Adelaide June 4: Melbourne June 6; Sydney June 9. • Themlstoclcs, left Liverpool May 7; due Fremantle June 13; Adelaide June 18; Melbourne June 20: Sydney June 24. Strathnaver, left London May 13; due Fremantle June 14; Adelaide June 1; Melbourne June 19; and Sydney June 22. ISLAND SERVICES Matua leaves Auckland May 19; due Rarotonga May 23; due back at Auckland June 1. Maul Pomare left Wellington May 17 for Apia and Nine; due Apia May 24, Nlue May 28, Lyttelton June G, Wellington June 7. Leaves Wellington June 14 for Apia and Niue. PACIFIC MAIL SERVICES Aorangl, left Sydney May 12 and Auckland May 17; duo Suva May 20, Honolulu May 27 Victoria June 2 and Vancouver June 3. Niagara, left Vancouver May 11; duo Honolulu May 18; Suva May 27; Auckland May 30 and Sydney June 4. i Monterey, leaves Melbourne May 23, Sydney May 27, and Auckland May 30; due Suva June 2, Pago Pago June 3, Honolulu June 8, I.os Angeles June 13, and San Francisco June 14. Mariposa leaves San Francisco May 24 and Los Angeles May 25; due Honolulu May 30, Pago Pago June 4. Suva June 7, Auckland June 10, Sydney Juno 13. nnd Melbourne June 17.

TO LOAD FOR NEW ZEALAND Anhalt, to leave New Orleans June 10, for Auckland, New Plymouth. Wellington, Lyttelion and Dunedin. Cambridge, to leave Liverpool July 16 for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelion. Port ChalCanadian Constructor, to leave Montreal June 21 for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelion, Dunedin and Bluff. Canadian Challenger, to leave Montreal July 21 for Auckland, Napier, Wellington, Lyttclton, Tlmaru and Dunedin. City of Bedford, to leave New York June 15 for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton and Dunedin, Cornwall, to leave Liverpool June 4 for Auckland Wellington, Lyttelton and Dunedin. Doric Star, to leave London September 1 for Wellington. Lyttelton and Tlmaru. Essex, to leave Liverpool May 21 for Auckland. Wellington, Lyttelton. Dunedin and New Haurakl, to leave Los Angeles July 20 for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton and Dunedin. Kozan Maru, to leave Kobe June 0 for Auckland Wellington, Lyttelton and Dunedin. Melbourne Maru, to leave Mojl May 18 for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton and Dunedin. Opawa, to leave Liverpool July 2 for Auckland, Napier, Wellington. Lyttelton and Dunedin ,„ , Otalo, to leave Liverpool August U for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton and Port Chalmers. . , , ,„ , .., , Port Alma, to leave London June 10 for vYclHngton, Auckland and New Plymouth.

Port Halifax, to leave Montreal May 21 for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton and Dunedio Port Hunter, to leavo London July 21 for Wellington and Lyttelton. Rangitane, to leave London July 21 for Aiickland and Port Chalmers. Rangitata, to leave London June 23 for Auckland and Wellington. Uangltfkl, to leave London May 26 for Wellington and Auckland. Rcmucra, to leavo London August 18 for Wellington and Auckland. Rtialilne. to leave London June 30 for Wellington, Tort Chalmers, Lyttelton, Bluff and Napier. Rotorua, to leave Liverpool August 2l for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Port Chalmers and Bluff. Tainui, to leave London June 10 for Lyttelton and Port Chalmers. Trchata, to leave New York May 22 for Auckland. Wellington, Lyttelton and itunedin. Trolawny, to leave New York July 8 for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton anil Umiediii. Walruna, to leave San Francisco June 15, for Auckland. Napier. Wellington and Duuedln Zealandlc to leave London May 18 for Lyttelton, I'ort Chalmers, Bluff. Timaru and Nelson. TO SAIL FOR OVERSEAS POUTS Arawa, to leave Wellington May 21 for Southampton and London, via Panama. Coptic, to leavo Auckland May 1" for London. Doric Star, to leave Auckland June 4 for London, Hull and Newcastle-on-Tyne. Empire Star, to leave Auckland May 31 for London, via Cape Horn. Hertford, to leave Wanganui May 19 for London and west coast ports, via Panama. Maimoa, to leave Auckland May 24 for London, Hull and Newcastle-on-Tyne, via Panama. Mahla, to leave Auckland May 24 for London and west coast ports, via Panama. .Mataroa. to leavo Wellington June 17 for Southampton and London, via Panama. Matakana, to leave Auckland June 4 for London and west coast ports, via Panama. ' Otaio, to leave Wellington May 24 for London and west coast ports, via Panama. Pakeha, to leave Glsborne May 18 for London, via Panama. Port Gisborne, to leave Wellington May 26 for London, via Cape Horn and Las Palmas. Port Hunter, to leave Wellington May 21 for London, via Panama. Port Jackson, to leave Auckland June 22 for London. . Rotorua, to leave Wellington June 16 for London, via Panama. Surrey, to leave Wellington June 25 for Southampton and London, via Panama. Tekoa. to leavo Auckland June 20 for Southampton and London, via Panama. Walrangl, to leave Wellington June 4 for London, via Capo Horn. BOUND FOR OVERSEAS PORTS Brisbane Maru, left Auckland May 10 for Yokohama.

Brisbane Star, left Auckland April 27 for London and west coast ports, via Panama. Cambridge, left Port Chalmers April 15 for London and west coast ports, via Panama. Canadian Challenger, left Bluff May 13 for New York, Boston and Montreal. Dessau, left Wellington May 9 for New Y'ork.

Mahana, left Auckland April 19 for Dunkirk, Hook of Holland and London, via Panama. Mamari, left Auckland April 21 for London. Piako, left Wellington April 9 for Southampton, Dunkirk and London, via Santos and Rio de Janeiro. Port Caroline, left Wellington May 9 for London, via Cape Horn. Port Chalmers, left Wellington April 30 for London, via Cape Horn. Port Denlson, left Lyttelton May 17 for London and west coast ports, via Panama. Port Dunedin, left Wellington May 5 for London, via Cape Horn. Port Sydney, left Auckland May 14 for London, via Panama. Rangitane, left Wellington May 11 for London, via Panama.

Ruahine, left Wellington May 9 for London, via Panama. Talroa, left Wellington April »5 for Halifax and London. Tamaroa, left Wellington April 27 for Southampton and London, via Panama. Westmoreland, left Wellington May 17 for London and west coast ports, via Panama.

a.m. p.m. .. .. 5.49 0.12 At Taiaroa Hcacla .. .. 5.59 0.22 At Port Chalmers . .. .. .. 6.39 If.02 .. .. 7.09 7.32

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 23504, 19 May 1938, Page 10

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SHIPPING NEWS Otago Daily Times, Issue 23504, 19 May 1938, Page 10

SHIPPING NEWS Otago Daily Times, Issue 23504, 19 May 1938, Page 10