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THE SHARE MARKET DUNEDIN STOCK EXCHANGE There was marked improvement in the demand for Australian shares on 4V ie Dunedin Stock Exchange yesterday, and of the 14 sales that were recorded all but one was in Commonwealth issues. Goldsbrough Morts were again prominent, and several parcels changed hands at up to £-1 13s lOd, closing buyers being forward at £1 13s 9d. Australian Glass and British Tobacco shares were in good demano at £4 13s 3d and £2 3s respectively but no business was recorded Dunlop Perdriau Rubbers were sold at the low price of 17s Id with a further parcel offered at 17s 2d. There was considerable activity in the Australian mining section. Broken Hill Souths improved considerably with business at £6 2s 6d, a further buyer being unsupplied at £6. The Electrolytic Zincs were again in favour. The preferreds had a keen market with buyers at £2 5s 9d and sellers at £2 6s 6d and three parcels of the o/dinanes changed hands on the afternoon market at £2 3s 9d. There were further buyers at £2 3s Bd, but sellers would not accept less than £2 4s. There was even greater' interest displayed in Mount Morgans, which rose again to considerable business at up to ,14s sd, at which figure there were further buyers with sellers only a penny away. Mount Lyells had reported business at the firmer price of £1 9s 8d and North Broken Hills were keenly sought at £9 10s. Other features of interest in yesterday's trading were the improvement of Bank of New Zealands to £1 19s and the rise in P. and O. Deferred Stocks to £1 12s 9d. Argos had reported business yesterdayat Is 9d, at -vhich figure they remained firm. \ ' SALES ON 'CHANGE


CHRISTCHURCH Sales on 'Change

PRICE OF FINE GOLD (United Press Association) (By Electric Telegraph—Copyright) LONDON, Oct. G.

DIVIDENDS PAYABLE The following is a list of shares on which dividends will shortly be payable:— Amalgamated Zinc (De Bavay's)—Half-yearly, 5 per cent. .. .. ?.- i. .. Oct. 9 Amalgamated Wireless Final, 6 per cent., and bonus 1 per cent., making 11 per cent, per annum .. .. .. Oct. 12 Woolworths, Ltd.—Quarterly, ord., 2 per cent Oct. 15 Woolworths (N.Z.), Ltd.—lnterim, pref., £2 14s per cent Oct. 15 Burns. Philp (South Sea)— Hali-yearly, 5 per cent, per annum Oct. 15 G. J. Coles—lnterim, quarterly, 2J per cent Oct. 15 Wunderlich, Ltd. half-yearly, ord., 6 per cent, per annum; Ist and 2nd pref., 6 per cent, per annum; 3rd pref., 7 per cent, per annum Oct. 15 United Provisions—Pref. halfyearly, at 8 per cent, per annum, ord. 2 per cent, per annum .. Oct 30 N.Z. Guarantee CorporationFinal, 2d a share, 9 13-18 per cent, per annum .. Oct. 30 Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd.—lnterim, 2$ per cent., on ordinary shares .. .. Nov. 2

WELLINGTON Sales on 'Change P. and O. Deferred Stock

FOREIGN EXCHANGES (BritUh Official Wireless) (United Press Association) (By Electric Telegraph—Copyright)

ON "NEW ZEALAND CURRENCY BASIS The Bank of New South Wales, Dunedin, quoted tho following rates for purchases and sales of foreign oxchanse yesterday:— London- Buylna. SelllnH

411 rates subject to allerntlnt) without ounce DOLLAR RATES The Associated Banks (other than the Bank of New South Wales) quoted the following dollar rates yesterday 6n a New Zealand currency basis. They are subject to alteration without notice:—

DOLLAR AND FRANC (United Press Association) (By Electric Telegraph-Copyright) LONDON, Oct. 6. Exchange on New York is quoted at 4.91 dollars to the £. and on Paris at 105 francs. MACKY, LOGAN'S DIVIDEND (Special to Daily-Times) AUCKLAND, Oct. 7. An interim dividend at the unchanged rate of 5 per cent, per annum for the half-year ended August 19 has been declared by Macky, Logan, and Caldwell, Ltd. COLOMBO TEA SALE Mr L. M. Wright has received the following cabled report .on the Colombo tea auction of October 6;— At yesterday's tea auction of 1,250,000 pounds common teas advanced one to two cents, low medium teas two to four cents, and good teas three to five cents, while fine teas declined. Quality of offerings is falling off. Next week's sale has been catalogued for 1,250,000 pounds.

MINING NEWS ALEXANDER MINES, LTD The following is the report of Alexander Mines, Ltd., for the month of September:— No. 5 North Drive.—This level has been extended to 310 feet north of the main crosscut, and stone is showing in the roof for 156 feet of this distance. The face shows stone four feet wide with no walls showing, but it comes down only two feet below the level caps. The full width of the reef is unknown at this point, but in the leading stope above this level the reef is from 10 to 14 feet in width. The strike of the stone continues much the same as last month. This level is opening up well, and if nothing unforeseen happens it will provide the mill with ore for a long time to come. Stoping Stoping has been carried on above the intermediate and No. 5 levels. Above the intermediate level the reef showing in the face varies from two to eight feet of clean ore. All stoping faces above No. 5 level look well, no face showing lode under six feet in width. Battery.—During the period 510 tons of ore were crushed for a return of 3140 z 9dwt of melted gold. The cyanide department treated 315 tons of sands for 750 z 18dwt of bullion The total estimated value of these returns is £2613. In addition 12.3 tons .of concentrates were saved, valued at £351. In estimating the above valuds, gold has been taken at 140 s per fine ounce. BIG RIVER MINES The returns of Big River Gold Mines, Ltd., for the month of September are as follows: In the battery department 220 tons were crushed for 1720 z 7dwt of melted gold. In the cyanide department 270 z 2dwt of bullion were recovered at an estimated value of £1290. In addition 3 tons lOcwt of concentrates were saved valued at £75. In estimating the above values gold has been taken at 140 s per fine ounce. AUSTRALIAN STOCK EXCHANGES (United Press Association) (By Electric Telegraph—Copyright) SYDNEY, Oct. 7. (Received Oct. 7, at 10.30 p.m.) . The investment market was rather quiet to-day, but there was inquiry for most front-rank industrials at higher figures. Gold shares showed a firmer tendency, as did tin shares. THE MORNING SALES

LONDON MARKETS HIGH COMMISSIONER'S REPORT The Department of Agriculture has received the following cablegram, dated October 3, from the High Commissioner for New Zealand, London:— Tallow.—Market quiet, but steady at about last quotations. Hemp.—Manila: All markets quiet on exchange. "K" grade for OctoberDecember shipment sold at £26. Sisal: Nominal value for October-December and November-January shipments £26 10s. New Zealand: Market nominally unchanged. Eggs.—Market steady; tair demand. English supplies small. Prices are: English, national pack, 16s 6d to 19s 6d; English, ordinary pack, 16s 3d to 16s 6d. Danish, 12s to 13s 9d: Australian, 10s 9d to 12s 6d. Apples.—Fair demand imported, offerings small. Bulk recent arrivals lacking colour. Prices are: Californian Newtown,* 12s 6d to 13s 6d; Jonathan, lis to 13s 6d. Pears.—Fair demand. Until last few days prices inclined easier. Prices are: Californian Cornice, 15s to 18s; Beurre Bosc, 12s to 13s; Winter. Nelis, 14s to 14s 6d. Peas. —Maples: Fair business done at beginning of last month. No., 1 New Zealand for October-November shipment, £2 10s< to £2 17s; SeptemberNovember shipments on samples according to quality, £2 8s to £2 16s "A" grade Tasmania for OctoberNovember shipment sold £2 17s 6d to £2 18s; present demand quiet. Blues: Market dull. "A" grade Tasmania for October-November shipment sold £l2. Japanese declined £3; Dutch. 10s to £2. according to quality. Casein.—Market steady, about unchanged for New Zealand and Argentine. French outlook affects exchange situations. Current values are: Casein. New Zealand, £33 to £4B, lactic casein, French, £4B to £SO; lactic casein. Argentine, £SO.

ADDINGTON STOCK MARKET (Per United Press Association) CHRISTCHURCH, Oct. 7. There was a firm market for all classes of sheep at to-day's Addington market, but a drop in fat cattle values. Store Sheep.—There was a much smaller entry and a larger attendance of buyers. Wether hoggets more than recovered last week's drop of Is 6d, whilst ewes and lambs showed further slight firming. The best of these sold to 22s 6d, wether hoggets, to 26s 9d; and ewe hoggets, to 33s 9d. Spring Lambs.—The entry of 150 sold spiritedly at a 2s increase in value, recovering last week's drop. ' Fat Sheep.—About 4000 were penned, and, with a smaller entry, it was a much improved sale, wethers being better by 2s and ewes by 2s 6d. Best wethers made 36s to 40s; medium, 31s to 355; best ewes, 30s to 375; medium, 25s to 295. Fat Cattle.—There were 509 penned, mostly of excellent quality. An oversupply caused an easing of 20s to 25s a head'for steers, and less for cows and heifers. Best beef made from 36s to 38s; good, 34s to 35s 6d; inferior, down to 30s. A show steer made £2O 2s 6d, but other heavy-weights, £ls to £l7 7s 6d; good, £l2 10s to £l4 10s; best heifers, £ll to £l3 10s; good, £9 to £lO 10s; best cows, £9 10s to £l2; good, £8 to £9 ss. Fat Pigs.—Values were scarcely up to those of last week. Porkers made from 36s 6d to 50s 6d (average per lb, 6d to 63d); baconers, 52s 6d to £4 13s 6d (average per lb, 53d to 6|d). ANTWERP FUTURES (United Press Association) (By Electric Telegranh—CopyrlPht) LONDON, Oct 6. Antwerp futures are steady. November. January, and April, all 27Jd. Fraser and Co., selling agents for Otago and Oamaru Egg Circles, report as under: — Eggs: Market rates. Butter: Separator pats, lOd per lb. Bulk, lid per lb. Tallow, 14s per cwt. Pigs: Good bacon weights, 5Jd to 6d per lb; overweights. 2d to 3d. Porkers, 6d per lb. Potatoes, £5 to £5 10s per ton. We have a varied assortment of seed potatoes on hand, prices on application. Chaff, £5 per ton, sacks extra. Whole fowl wheat, 5s 6d per bushel. Bulk honey, 4d to 4Jd per lb; 21b pottles, 10s per dozen: 101 b tins, 6s to 6s 6d. Poultry: White Leghorn hens, 4s to ss; heavy breeds, 6s fo 7s. Cockerels: Light. 3s 6d to 4s; heavy, 7s to 9s: roosters, Is 4d to 2s. Ducks. 4s to ss. Ducklings. 5s to 6s, all per pair. Turkey gobblers, 8d to 9d per lb, live weight; hens. 7d to 8d per lb. We stock "Palmer's" chick food, " National " meat meal, leg rings Is per dozen. (Special quotes for quantities.) We are Otago agents for " Gamble " electric incubators, and the "Betteridge " egg cleaning table, particulars on application. We are agents for "Champion" egg crates, " Isco " cod liver oil for poultry, prices on application. Consignors, please note that all pigs and poultry must arrive not later than Wednesday morning of each week. We have a stock of poultry crates on hand for the use of our clients.

£ s. d. Goldsbrough Mort (2).. .. 1 13 9 1 13 10 Electrolytic Zinc (ord.; 3) 2 3 9 0 14 0 14 4 5 SALES REPORTED Dunlop Perdriau Rubber-.. .0 17 1 6 6 2 1 9 0. 1 ay aft 8 9 erThe following are yesterd noon's: buying and selling quotations, which are subject to the usual brokerage ''~ ' BANKING Buyer. Seller. £ s. d. £ s. " d. N.S.W. .." ... •• '— ■ 33 0 0 — Commercial _,' .;. 0 18 3 0 18 6 Natl, of N.2?. .. ; - J ": 3 0 0 Natl, of A'asia ~~ INSURANCE National 1 .... 0 18 6 0 19 0 0 Standard* • — 3 2 SHIPPING ■ P. and 0. Deferred Hn n —'■ U.S.S. Co. (pref.) 1 6 0 —• -MEAT PRESERVING. N.Z. Refrig. .y l n : tk £■■ N.Z.. Refng. ■ •. 0 19 4 (cont.) ,...,. 0 9 2 0 9 6 South OtagoFreez. 7 12 0 8 0 0 '■'--, { ; £6aN AND AGENCY ' Goldsbrough Mort 1 13 9 1 14 0 Natnl. Mortgage — 2 11 0 N.Z, Guarantee f i 9 0 CorpV' ..." . •• .■■...—;,., ..1 Perpetual Trustees — Wright, Stephenson (ord.) 0 18 3. —4. .. ■'. .'; C0AL"v" f\. ''- ■ '/ :i Kaitangata .. '#! 11 ° 1 3 3 Westport, •• ■•••'•' — WOOLLEN COMPANIES Bruce (ord.) '.'*■ — 0 14 6 Kaiapoi (cont) .. — 0 6 0 19 9 15 5 6 0 Kaiapoi (pref.) .. -~ Mosgiel- .. •• — . MISCELLANEOUS Anthony Hordern •'" — ■'■■ ■ Associated News 12 9 0 18 9 — Australian Glass 4 13 6 4 14 6 Aust. Iron and ' - . Steel .. ,. * 5 0 ~~~ British Tobaccd . 2 3 0 ~~ Broken Hill Propy. — 3 18 0 Broken Hill Propy. ; (cont.)- .. .. 2 16 9 ~~ Brown, Ewing „ ,,„ „ (ord.V .. .. 0 17 0 _ Brown, Ewing , - (pref.) .... 12 3 __ Cons&lidated' : ■ Brick .... 0 9 6 ' ~~ Crystal Ice .. .. 2 5 6 — Donaghy's Rope 2 11 0 "" Dunlop Perdriau Rubber >. ;. — • ' K0 17 2 G. J. Coles ' ;. •*■ . '• * 3 18 0 G. J. Coles '; , ■ ■•- .„ ' (rights) .... ttl If f ■ —' Hume Pipe .. .. 0 18 3 Milburn Lime .. — 0 18 9 2 3 0 M'Leod Bros. .. . -jNaTl. Electric .. 0 14 0 34 0 0 N.Z. Newspapers — • N.Z. Paper Mills 18 9 Regent Theatre .. — 2 0 1 10 1 1 6 0 6 Woolworths (ord.) +t5 5 0 — BREWERIES N.Z. Breweries — 2 12 6 Dunedin .... 19 0 1 10 0 ,,,. AUSTRALIAN MINING Broken Hill. South 6' 0 0 — Electro. Zinc „ „ (pref.) ... ., 2 5 9. 2 6 6 Zinc :(ord.) .... 2 3 8 2 4 0 Mount .. ~ • Mount Morgan .. 0 14 5. 1 10 0 0 14 6 North Broken Hill 9 10 0 ' —

MINING Buyer Seller £ s. d. £ s. d. Argo 0 1 8 0 1 10 Big River .. .. 0 1 10 0 1 11.} Blackwater .. 1 12 0 1 14 0 Central Shotover — 0 0 5 Clutha River .. 0 2 4 — Gillespie's Beach 0 1 4 0 1 6 King Solomon .. 0 0 6 — Martha .. 0 19 6 — Mossy Creek 0 1 3 — Mount David — 0 1 0 Nokomai .. — 0 2 0 Paddy's Point .. 0 2 0 0 3 3 0 10 4 — Waimumu Sluicing — 0 0 10J Waipapa Beach 0 0 7 0 0 10£ Waitahu .. — 0 2 0 GOVERNMENT LOANS 3% p.c. Stock, Nov., 1938-52 .. ".. 103 15 0 —. 3i p.c. Stock, Mar., 1939-43 .. .. 101 10 0 — 3£p.c. Stock, Sep., 1939-43 .. .. 101 10 0 _ 3J p.c. Stock, May, 1939-52 .. .. 103 15 0 — U p.c. Stock, Mar., 1941-43 .... 101 10 0 — 3£ p.c. Stock, Sep., 1941-43 .. .. 101 10 0 — 3J p.c. Stock, May", 1941-52 .. .. 103 10 0 — 3J p.c. Stock, Nov., 1941-52 .. .. 103 10 0 — 4 p.c. Bonds, 193740 .... .. 101 10 0 — 4 p.c. Stock. 193740 101 0 0 101 15 0 4 p.c. Bonds, 194346 103 17 6 — 4 p.c. Stock, 194340 103 17 6 ■— 4 p.c. Bonds, 194649 ...... 105 7 6 —' 4 p.c. Stock, 194649 105 7 6 — 4 p.c. Bonds, 1952.55 105 5 0 — 4 p.c. Stock, 195255 .. .. .. 105 5 0 — •ft Cum dividend.

Sales on 'Change £ s j N.Z. Insurance (3) .. .. 3 0 0* Farmers' Auctioneering (A . pref,) .. 1 2 9 Auckland Gas (2) .... 1; 3 0 Wellington Gas .. .. ;. 1 17 6 Kauri Timber (2) .. .. 1 4 7 National Timber 0 13 6 Kaiapoi 'Woollen .. 0 14 6 Anthony Hordern .. .. 0 18 H Broken Hill 3 17 3 3 17 6 3 17 4 3 17 6 Broken Hill (rights) .. 0 2 6 Colonial Sugar .. .... Consolidated Brick .. 43 2 0 9 6 9 Farmers' Trading .. .. 0 19 1 Farmers' Trading (A pref.) 1 1 9 G. J. Coles '.. .. .. .. 3 16 9 3 16 6 Milne and Choyce (pref.) .. Milne and Choyce (B pref.) 1 2 6 1 3 0 Morris Hedstrom .. .. 1 6 3 0 17 9 1 16 3 0 0 3 1 9 6 Mount Morgan (2) ; . .. 0 14 0 14 4 5 Unlisted Stocks Selfridges (A'asia: new) ... 1 8 1 8' 3 • 9 Woolworths (Sydney) 5 9 3

1 12 m Waitomo E. P. Board 4i p.c, 1943 101 15 0 Commercial Bank Australia 0 18 5 National Timber .. 0 13 7 Electrolytic Zinc (pref.; 2) 2 5 0 2 5 8 2 4 0 2 3 10 Electrolytic Zinc (ord.) .. 0 18 11 Farmers' Trading .. .. 0 19 0 Broken Hill (rights) .. 0 2 3 1 16 6 0 0 33 19 9 1 9 8 Unlisted Stocks White's Electric (Is paid) .. .0 010 Shillings, Ltd 0 17 9 0 17 9.', 0 17 10

Goldsbrough, Mort .. .. 1 13 8 2 3 3 Broken Hill (rights to Wellington Alluvials; 3) 0 2 4 Consolidated Brick .. 43 2 6 0 9 9 0 17 1 G. J. Coles (cum div. and ex 3 17 0 0 0 4] 0 14 5 (2) 0 14 6 w 0 14 5! Sales Reported N.Z. Refrig. (£1 paid) 0 18 10 Colonial Sugar 43 5 " u G. J. Coles (cum div., ex rights; late sale 6th) 3 16 9 Unlisted Stocks SeJfridges (A'asia; old) .. r 9 6 Shillings (17s 6d paid: 2) .. Woolworths (Sydney; ord.) 0 17 9 5 8 3 (2) 5 8 6 Sales Reported Woolworths (Sydney; ord.) 5 8 6

£ s. d. October 6 .. .. 7 1 7 October 5 .. .. 7 1 0 October 3 .. .. 7 1 0 October 2 .. .. .. 7 1 0 October 1 .. ..7 0 5 J September 30 .. ..7 0 2 September 29 .. ..7 0 7 September 25 .. .. 6 17 9J September 24 .. .. 6 17 3 September 23 .. .. 6 17 21 September 22 .. .. 6 17 4J

RUGBY, Oct. 0. Paris — Par Oct. 5. Oct. 6. Francs to £1 124.21 105 21-61 101 63-61 Brussels— ■ lieicas to £1 30 29.24J 29.174 OsloKroner to £1 18.180 19.90 19.90 StockholmKroner to £) 13. Kill 19.391 19.39 J Copenhagen— 22.40 Kroner lo £1 18.150 22.40 BerlinMarks to £1 20.34 12.231 12.24 MontrealDollars to £1 4.80 2-3 4.914 4.902 New YorkDollars to £1 l.«6 2-3 4.911 4.94 13-16 Yokohama — 14 1-32 Peure to yen 24.562 14 Hongkong— 14 29-32 I'ence to dollar 24 58 MJ Bombay18VS Pence to rupee — 1S ! ,3 BnltWaI'lurtns to £ 1 12.10 9.341 9.311 MilanLire to £1 82.48 64| 934 AmsterdamGuilder to £1 12.107 9.24 9.25J Prague— Kroner to £ 1 104) 122 1311 Geneva— Francs to £ 1 2&.22J 21.41J 21.30 ViennaSchillings to £1 .. .. 81.804 261 201 Uelslngfors— 227 Marks to £1 103.23 227 MadridPesetas to £ 1 25.221 55 JO Belgrade— 216 Dinars to £1 25.22J 220 AthensDrachma to £1 .. .. 375 530 550 Lisbon— Kacudos to £1 .. .. no no 3-iG no u-itt BucharestLei to £1 .. 931.6 C75 075 Klo de JaneiroPence to milrels .. 5.890 4} 41 Buenos AiresPence to pesos 47.22 36 38 ShanghaiPence to tael _ 14 11-18 14 11-16 MontevideoPence to pesos — 38 1-16 28% Warsaw— Zlotys to £1 — 26.75 26.75

£1 N.Z. to £100 8te r.T. 124/-/-124/10/ o.u 123/10/124/8/9 Australia— £ A to £100 N.Z. T.'l 100/10/01) 100/10/fiji- £ IT to £ 100 N.Z. r.T. 00/7/6 89 1 O.D 90/7/6 89 New YorkDollars to £ N.Z. T.i 3.96? 3.03% O.D. 3.98 3.33% Montreal— • Dollars to £ N.Z. r.T. 3.90} 3.93 O.D. 3.97i 3.93} Austria— Shillings to £ N.Z T.r. O.D. — 20.77 20.79 Belgium— Belgas to £ N.Z. r.r. — 23.301 \ O.D. — 23.312 rzcchoslovakla— Crowns to £ N Z. r.T. O.D. _ — Denmark— Kroner to £ N.Z. T.T. 18.203 17.893 O.D. 18.203 17.903 France— francs to £ N.Z IT. — 84.09 O.D. — 84.13 Uerraany— Ueirhsmarkj to £ N.Z. .. .. T.T. — 9.733 O.D. — 0.738 Holland— florins to £ N.Z r.r. — 7.381 O.D. — 7.335 ItalyLire to £ N.Z. r.T. — 74.63 O.D. — 74.68 Java— florins to fl N.Z l,T." — 7.338 o'd. — 7.342 NorwayKroner' to £ N.Z. r.r. 16.181 I3.S91 O.D 16.241 13.901 SwedenKroner to £ N.Z. r.r. 15.785 15.490 OD. 13.845 15.500 Switzerland— Francs to £ N.Z. r.r. — 17.023 O.D. — 17.028 NoumeaFrancs to £ N.Z. r.T. — 82.72 . OD. — 82.78 Papeete— Francs to £ N.Z r.r. — 82.87 OD. — 82.93 Hongkong— N Z pence to 1 dollar .. .. r.T. 18 9-3: ! 18 25-32 O 0 181 18 49-H4 India and Ceylon— N.Z. pence to 1 rupee .. ., r.T. 223 22 21-32 ou 22 J1-32 ! 22 41-64 Japan— N.Z. pence to 1 yen .. .. T.T. — 17 33-61 O.D ' — 17} . Shanghai— N.Z pence to 1 dollar ,. .. T.T 17 37-01 1 18 5-B4 O.D 17 35-04 18 1-16 Singapore— N.Z. pence to 1 dollar .. .. r.T 34 23-3i 1 35 13-64 OD 34% 33 3-10

U.S.A. Canada (Per £ (Per £ N.Z.) N.Z.) Selling— Dols Dnls T.T. .. .. .. 3.933 3.93* O.D .. .. 3.93J 3.94 Buying— T.T .. .. 3.97 3.981 O.D .. .. 3.981 3.98J

£ s. d. Commonwealth Bonds — 102 5 0 101 12 6 1953 101 15 0 Bank of Australasia .. 12 0 0 Australian Gas (A, new) .. 7 5 0 1 11 9 2 16 0 2 4 0 Broken Hill Proprietary (new) 2 18 0 3 11 9 0 17 U pref. 1 13 6 Electrolytic Zinc .. 2 4 3 2 2 9 ADDITIONAL SALES Bank of Australasia .. .. 12 0 0 2 16 3 1 11 9 Goldsbrough, Mort .. .. 1 14 0 Morris, Hedstrom .. .. 1 6 (i Millaquin Sugar 2 2 9 2 4 3 Australian Gypsum .. .. 0 19 10J 1 7 " 6 1 9 0 Waldus Shoes (New Zealand 1'14 0 1 4 6 0 14 8 1 10 0 3 18 3 South Broken Hill .. .. 6 4 0 North Broken Hill .. .. 9 14 0 0 2 3 Placer Development .. .. 4 18 6 New Guinea Goldfields .. 0 4 9J 0 9 0 1 4 0 1 1 3 Tanah Biji Tin .. .. • • 1 0 0 MELBOURNE, Oct. 1 1. There was a firm market for industrials. £ s. d. National Bank (£5 paid) .. 7 4 0 2 2 6 3 3 0 3 18 6 1 10 6 Aust. Iron and Steel (pref.) 1 6 0 4 14 9 0 17 3 Dunlop Perdriau (pref.) .. 1 14 0 Electrolytic Zinc 2 4 9 Electrolytic Zinc (pref.) .. 2 6 9 0 12 9 0 14 8 1 10 0 Broken Hill Pty 3 18 6 North Broken Hill .. .. 9 13 6 4 11 9 0 15 2 1 3 3 1 3 3 Kauri Timber 1 4 7 1 19 6 Sulphide Corporation .. 0 16 5 0 19 0 Melbourne Electric Stock .. 0 19 3 2 0 6

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 23006, 8 October 1936, Page 7

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COMMERCE AND FINANCE Otago Daily Times, Issue 23006, 8 October 1936, Page 7

COMMERCE AND FINANCE Otago Daily Times, Issue 23006, 8 October 1936, Page 7