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RUGBY FOOTBALL COUNTRY-TOWN COMPETITION The first matches in the Country-Town Competition were played on Saturday, two taking place at the Oamaru Show Grounds and two in the country. There was a good attendance at the Show Grounds, where the Rugby was of a fairly high standard, the Country teams, although defeated, making good showings. Athletic accounted for Georgetown-Toka-rahi by 21 points to six, and Old Boys snatched a last-minute victory, defeating Ngapara by 18 points to 17. In the Country Maheno obtained a good win over Kurow-Pirntes by 18 points to_ six, and Excelsior registered its first win of the season in defeating Duntroon by eight points to six. ATHLETIC v. GEORGETOWNTOKAKAHI.

Athletic ........ 3 points. Georgetown - Tokarahi 3 points.

The country team kicked off from the eastern end, and after even exchanges the Athletic backs went away in a good passing movement, the ball travelling out to Kilgour, whose inpass to Steele was not accepted. Play returned to the other end, where G. Ledingham cut through in a good effort, but the" attack was held up on the Maroon line. Mason relieved with a good run, transferring to Stichman. to Brown, who was well tackled. Country once more took up the attack, the backs showing up in a good passing movement. Thompson secured, and sent on to L. Ledingham, and from a melee Scott dived over for the opening try. L. Lerlingham failed to convert. Georgetown-Tokarahi three, Athletic nil. Carrodus was prominent in a fine solo effort, and the

Old Boys 18 points Ngapara 17 pointa Mr W. May was the referee. MAHENO v. KUROW-COUNTRY PIRATES.

country forwards were penalised, but Park missed with the kick. Didham opened up play from a handy position, the ball going to Mason, for Dwyer to come round on the outside and transfer to Steele, who dashed over well out. Park's kick missed the posts. Half time came .with the scores:'

Shortly after the commencement Hollands, who was following up a determined rush by the Maroons, gathered in to cross for a weii-deserved try. Park converted. Athletic 8. Georgetown-Tokarahi 3. Th-i Maroons were penalised, but Carlyson missed with the kick at goal. The couiw forwards went away with the ball at their toes, and Athletic was penalised, L. Led'iiyhaui brcling a'good goal. Athletic S>, Oeorgefown-l'okarahi 6. The Maroon forwards launched a hard attack, and Hollands Bn<ipved up the ball to score \i\fi second try. Park failed to convert. Athletic Jl, Georgetown-Tokarahi 6. L. Ledingham failed to find the posts from a penalty in an easy position. Mason was making many fine openings for the Maroon backs, who were throwing the ball about in cood style. Dwyer made a tfood opening for Kilgour to finish up behind the posts Park converted. Athletic 16} Georgetown-Tokarahi 6. Perhaps the best movement of the day came just before the final whistle, when a passing movement was started by the Maroon forwards, the ball going out to Steele, who outpaced the defenders .to score a great try. Park added the extra points. The final scores were: Athletic 21 points Georgetown-Tokarahi 6 points Mr C. J. Mollison was the referee. OLD.BOYS v. NGAPARA.

Ngapara kicked off and immediately took up the attack, the ball travelling out to Johnston on the wing, who crossed for the opening try. The kick at goal failed. Ngapara 3, Old Boys nil. Stung by this reverse, Old Boys put up a strenuous attack. M'Laren secured, and, after a clever movement, sent out to his backs for Rutherford to race over the line. Easton converted. Old Boys 5, Ngapara 3. The town team was driven back right on to its line where, after hard scrummaging, D. Hampton snapped _ up and dived over. The kick was again unsuccessful. Ngapara 6, Old Boys 5. Ngapara kept up the pressure and again crossed'Old Boys' line, F. Howard being the scorer. The half-time score was: —

Ngapara 9 points Old Boys 5 points / Old Boys went much better in the second spell, and towards the close of the game, especially, made it very fast and spectacular. From a good dribbling rush by the forwards, J. O'Brien , seized _an opportunity to score. Again the kick was unsuccessful. Ngapara 12, Old Boys 5. The Old Boys' backs then took the offensive, and Easton ran through almost the entire country team to pass out to Rutherford, who crossed. Easton's kick found the posts. Ngapara 12, Old Boys 10. Determined packing by the Ngapara forwards saw Old Boys again the defenders, Samson diving across for Ngapara's final try. This time D. Watson landed a good goal. Ngapara 17, Old Boys 10. Ngapara was penalised in a dangerous position and Easton gonled, bringing the scores to: Ngapara 17, Old Boys 13. For the remaining few minutes play was at its brightest and best, the game ranging up and down the, field. Hunter, however, made a determined run and scored a few feet out from the posts. Everything depended on the kick nt goal, and luck was with Easton, the ball hitting the upright to bounce over the crossbar. The final scores were:—

Maheno kicked off, and took play to the opposing twenty-five. The Kurow backs threw the ball about well, and Perkins made several good runs down the line. On one occasion he got clear away with only the Green custodian to pass, but Ewing made a great save. FtPm a loose scrum. Soilness set his backs in motion, the ball going out to Bruce, who scored an excellent try behind the posts. The scorer converted. Maheno 5, KurowPirates nil. Shorty after Davis, following through smartly, snapped up and found an opening to score. The kick at goal failed. Maheno 8, Kurow-Pirates nil. Davis repeated this performance not long after, and this time the try was converted by A. Newlnnds. Maheno 13, Kurow-Pirates nil. Kurow-Pirates took play to Maheno's territory, where the Greens were penalised, and D. Grant piloted the ball oyer between the posts. Half-time came with the scores:— Maheno 13 points Kurow-Pirates .. 3 points

Kurow-Pirates was a changed team in the second spell, and the backs, especially, put up a good perforinance. The home team initiated a strong attack from the very outset, and had Maheno hard pressed for a time until Gray cleared with a good line kick. Maheno was penalised, and once more D. Grant found the poets with the kick. Maheno 13, KurowPirates 6. The Maheno backs and forwards combined in the best passing movement of the day, carrying play right to the home side's line, but a penalty brought relief. M'Krnnon played well on the wing in the Kurow-Pirates team, and together with Perkins showed up in several promising movements. G. Newlands broke away with the ball at hie toes and kicked the ball over the line for Sim to touch down for the. final try. A. Newlanda converted. The game ended with the scores: Maheno 18 points. Kurow-Pirates .... 6 points. Mr Dewess was the referee. EXCELSIOR v. DUNTROON.

This was a very closely-contested game, and the scores, Excelsior eight points, Duntroon six points, was a fair indication of the respective merits of the teams. Fast, open play was witnessed in the latter stages, and some nice passing bouts made the game interesting and lively. In this respect Excelsior was on top, the Blue backs combining better than their opponents. In the scrummaging Duntroon received more than its share of the ball, but was unable to take advantage ol the opportunities presented. There was a good attendance of the public, and the weather conditions were excellent for Rugby. The ground was also in good order. For Excelsior. M'lvor and Stewart each scored, and Easton converted one. M'Kenzie was responsible for a try for Duntroon, while a penalty goal accounted for the other three points. JUNIORS. Old Boys 29, Maheno nil. School 37, Excelsior 4. Southern 17, Kurow-Country Pirates 6. THIRD GRADE. St. Kevin's 11, Old Boys 11. FOURTH GRADE. School 16, Athletic G. PRIMARY SCHOOLS. Results in opening matches of the Primary Schools' Competition:— South A 33, North B nil. North A 0, St. Patrick's nil.

PORT OF OAMARU High Water. —June 15; 11.10 a.m. and 11.38 p.m. The Wainui is due at Oamaru on Tuesday, June 23, and sails the following day for Wellington, Napier, and Gisborne, via Timaru and Lyttelton. The Karu is expected here on Friday, June 19, to load for Wellington, Nelson, and New Plymouth, via ports. The Karetu, from Sydney, via Bluff. Dunedin, Lyttelton, and Timaru, is due here about June 19. The Wingatui is due to clear Auckland on Friday, June 19, bringing sugar and general cargo for Oamaru. She is due at this port on Monday, June 29, and after discharge will load for Wellington and Auckland, via porta.






A meeting of the country sub-branches of the North Otago Phmket Society, convened by Mrs A. Gardiner, of Tokarahi, was held in the Tokarahi Hall to discuss the country's share of the expense of the society, and a scheme for the finances ol the society as a whole. The Tokarahi, Kurow, Duntroon, Ngapara, and Herbert sub-branches were well represented, 40 delegates being present. They were addressed by Mrs T. A. Munro (president of the society), Mr Charles Hedges (president of the Oamaru Rotary Club and chairman of the Plunket Advisory Board), Mrs A. Gardiner (president of the Tokarahi Sub-branch), and Mr Glen (treasurer of the society), and a general discussion followed. The Advisory Board and Rotary Club wished to place the society's finance on a sound footing, and accordingly the Rotary Club was canvassing the town and the Advisory Board the country for annual subscribers. The question of interference with country quotas wa6 fully gone into, and on the motion of Mrs Gardiner, seconded by Mrs Hore (Tokarahi), it was agreed that where brandies had nlready collected their quotas for 1936-37 all that could be expected of them now would be to call upon any who had not already subscribed for the purpose of increasing their quotas; and in districts where quotas had not been collected, the collectors in that district, who had been asked to act, should receive every assistance from the local committee in doing their work.

It was also agreed that as long as any sub-branch could collect in any one year a sum equal to or in excess of its present quota, it should not be called upon to send in any additional funds to the society. A hearty vote of thanks was passed to Messrs Hedges and Glen, and thanks were also expressed by the visitors to the Tokarahi Committee ladies for the afternoon tea provided and for their hospitality.

MONTHLY MEETING There was a good attendance of members at the monthly meeting of the North Otago Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, which was held in the vicarage. Mr T. Green submitted a report of the proceedings at the annual meeting of the Federated Societies which he had attended in April. A vote of thanks was passed to Mrs Swindley for a generous gift of £5 towards the work in North Otago. Mention was made of the number ol dogs that are to be seen without collars, and it was decided to advise people to be more careful about this matter, as a dog without a collar was hard to identify it A letter was received from the Christchurch Society stating that members of that branch had several times lately witnessed the lethal chamber in action, nnd were satisfied that the method was a good one if the chamber were properly operated. The local inspector, Mr Green, expressed the same opinion. The inspector reported having attended to two cases during the month.

The Waitaki-Hilderthorpe Young Farmers' Club held a field day at Mr J. B Chapman's farm. Waitaki, when Mr Dosser delivered a very instructive address on internal parasites in sheep. There was a large gathering present of farmers and members of the Young Farmers' Clubs from Waitaki-Hilderthorpe and Papakaio districts. A number of Waitaki High School boys, under Mr B. B. Blackmore, attended and took a keen interest in the lecture. Mr Dosser made a thorough search through a small mob for the bloodless lamb, which was a sure sign of parasitic infestation. He explained fully the parasites found in the sheep's stomach and intestines, and slaughtered the selected lamb to show the colonies of parasites in the stomach, intestines and lung. He dealt fully with the cures recommended, and dosed 120 hoggets with speed and ease. On behalf of the club. Mr J. B Chanman (president) thanked Mr Dosser for the instructive and interesting afternoon they had spent.

GENERAL NEWS The usual weekly stock sale will be held at the Waiareka sale yards to-morrow, present entries including fat ewes and fat cows and heifers. Further entries are invited. Mr A. W. Woodward (secretary of the North Otago Farmers' Union) has received advice that Mr W. J. Poison (president of the New Zealand Farmers' Union) will be unable to visit Oamaru, and will therefore be unable to address a meeting at Enfield that was being arranged by the local executive. On Saturday afternoon the Mayor (Mr Cooney), accompanied by the borough foreman (Mr K. M'Lean), and gas manager (Mr J. H. Grenfell) made a visit of inspection to the Railway Department's quarry at Waihao Gorge, near Waimate. The quarry is being opened, and appearances indicate that ample supplies of suitable stone will be available for foreshore protection works at Oamaru. The stone is being railed by the department, and will be used for the protection of the department's property and the municipal gasworks. The rails are already laid along the foreshore at the gasworks, and the work should be in full swing in the course of this coming week. Thirteen degrees of frost were recorded at the Oamaru Public Gardens on Saturday morning. This was the most severe frost so far this winter, exceeding the previous morning's frost by half a degree. Yesterday steady light rain set in, with mild temperatures, and the change will be very welcome to the country districts, where in some parts there has been a decided shortage of water. The Oamaru Badminton Club is to be congratulated on arranging a visit to Oamaru on Wednesday of Mr J. F. Devlin, the world-famous badminton champion, who was six times champion of England. Matches will be played at Oamaru between Devlin and Neale (New Zealand champion), R. Hull (New Zealand Doubles title-holder with Neale). and M. Wilson (ex-New Zealand champion). In addition Mrs Clarke and Miss Bolwell, of Dunedin, are expected to play here. On Thursday the North Otago Scottish Society will hold an Ingleside evening at the Scottish Hall, where old-time dances will be interspersed with vocal and instrumental items and national dances. An extended dance will follow the Ingleside. Over 150 couples attended the weekly dance held by the North Otago Scottish Society on Saturday night, and those present included visiting hockey and football players. The new decorations were greatly admired. Rae's Orchestra played excellent music, and Mr G. C. Craijr carried out the duties of M.C.

PERSONAL At the monthly meeting of the North Otago Society for the Prevention ot Cruelty to Animals the secretary was instructed to write to Archdeacon Russell conveying the society's congratulations on the attainment of the twenty-fifth anniversary of his coming to the Oamaru district. New Club Hotel.—Mr and Mrs H. J. Thompson, Mr J. Burke (Dunedin), Mr R. Porter (Timaru), Mr S. Stevens, Mr Robinson (Christchnrch), Mr B. J. Anderson (Auckland), Mr and Mrs F. Insull (Invercargill).




Waimate A and Totara, with points equal, met at King George's Park on Saturday, and as the result of obtaining a win by two goals to nil Waimate now takes the lead in the competition. Oamaru defeated Municipal, and Waimate 13 accounted for Rovers. The point now are as follows:—Waimate A 12, Totara 10, Oamaru 9, Rovers 4, Municipal 3, Waimate B 3. Rovers met Waimate B at Waimate. Rovers attacked from the bully-off, but offside play spoilt the effort, and Waimate invaded Rovers' circle, a penalty corner for obstruction resulting. A further attack by Waimate looked dangerous, but offside played saved the position. Rovers then set up an attack, Leonard clearing, and Churchill took the ball along the line, and a good centre followed. Finder went through for Rovers, but hit too hard. a 25 yards bully resulting. Waimate set up an attack, London and Leonard being prominent, but Frew, in goal, saved. Rovers took play to Waimatc's territory, M'Donald sending in a good centre, a long corner resulting. M'Donald again sent the ball into a handy position, but Davis cleared. Play later went to Waimate's circle, and Moore had an unsuccessful shot at netting. Davis sent Waimate away on the offensive, but Brain again sent the home team back. Finder went into the circle with the ball, but this time Stevens proved safe, and cleared. Half time sounded with no score. Waimate attacked from the outset for Young to bring relief. Hedges put Rovers in a good position, but Davis again cleared, and London transferred play to the other end of the field. Brain gave sticks, and London received the ball from the free hit, to send in a hard shot, but Frew saved well. It appeared as if Waimate would score, but Moore brought relief by taking the ball through. Hedges was also prominent, but offside play spoilt the movement. M'Leod then went up the line, and centred nicely to Harvey, who piloted the ball into the net. Waimate 1, Rovers nil. Play then became very fast, each side attacking in turn. After a time Leonard went through and registered Waimate's second goal. Waimate maintained the pressure for a period, but Hedges and Moore returned to tbe attack. Play continued even until the final whistle, with the scores: Waimate 2, Rovers nil. Messrs J. Samways and E. H. Coker controlled the game.

BOYS' COMPETITION Rovers A, with 1 goal by Watson, defeated St. Patrick's B, nil. Municipal, 2 goals, by Bottle and Thorpe, defeated Oamaru, 1 goal, bv Minty. St. Patrick's A 8 goals (M'Phee 2, Whitburn 2, Sinclair 2, Collin* 1, and another), beat Rovers B, nil. WOMEN'S MATCHES The final match of the first round for the B Cup was played at Maheno on Saturday between Pirata A and Maheno A, resulting in a draw, each side scoring one goal. The game started at a fast pace, as both teams were very fit, and good hockey was witnessed. From the bully Maheno attacked strongly, the forwards combining well. The right-wing gave some good passes to the centre, but the good work of the centre-half for Pirata held the Maheno team. Pirata launched a strong attack, the ball going to the right-wing, who gave her centre a splendid pass, but, unfortunately, a knock on spoilt what looked like a certain score. From a free hit Maheno once more took the attack to Pirata's twenty-five. The centre-half passed to the right-wing, who got the ball on the full and sent a good pass to the centre, who was in position to goal. Maheno 1, Pirata nil. Both teams played good, clean hockey, and each tried to improve its position, but the spell ended with no further score. The game became very fast in the second spell, the ball travelling from one end of the field to the other. A free hit was awarded Pirata for obstruction in its twenty-five. Ihe left-wing took a splendid pass and centred for the inside-right (G. Munro) to score. Both teams worked hard to gain the lead. The half for Pirata broke up some good movements by the Maheno forwards. There was no. further score, the game ending: Maheno 1 goal, Pirata 1 goal. , , , Mr J. H. Mushet controlled the gacie. In the match between Waimate and Maheno B the former secured a win by 5 goals to 1. Both teams took the held with 10 players, and, considering the Maheno players were much lighter than their opponents, they did very well. Waimate played its best game to date, the forwards showing good positional play and passing well. Had it not been tor the good defence of the Maheno goalie, the score would have been much greater. Goals for the winners were obtained by Mrs Purvis (2). Miss Foley (2), and Miss Montcricf (1), and for Maheno Miss L-. A. Oir goaled. The final scores were. Waimate 5 goals, Maheno 1 goal. Mr J H. Mushet controlled the game. Athletic won by default from Arawa.

COMMITTEE FORMED AT HERBERT On Saturday night a meeting of about 20 returned men was held at Herbert, with a view to forming a committee ot the Returned Soldiers* Association in the district. The following members of the Oamaru Executive attended the meet iug:—Messrs H. C. Jeffery (president) E J M'Nultv, D. S. Smith and Neil H Colquhoun (secretary). Mr Jeffery was voted to the chair, and he and JUr M'Nulty explained to the meeting the objects of the association. On the motion of Messrs H. Hore anil James it was decided to form a sub-com-mittee of the Hampden sub-branch of the Oamaru Returned Soldiers' Association. Messrs M'Mann. H. Mursell, H. Robertson and H. Hore were appointed to further the object. Afterwards a social hour was spent, the following toasts being honoured: " The King," " Newlv-eleetcd Sub-commit-•tee" (Mr M'Nulty—Mr 11. Hore): "Hampden Sub-branch" (Mr Jeffery— Mr F. Hampton): " Oamaru Returned Soldiers' Association" (Mr Dungey— Messrs Jefferv and M'Nulty);- ' The Ladies" (Mr D. S. Smith—Mr Neil H Colouhoun); and "The Chairman" (Mr G. Fisher).

MAJESTIC THEATRE "The Ghost Goes West" is an original story taken from Punch, and is a delightful romantic comedy about a handsome Scotsman (played by Robert Donat), who sells his ancestral castle to the wealthy father (Eugene Pallette) of a beautiful American heiress (Jean Parker). But an amusing ghost (also played by Robert Donat) who haunts the place—not a mean ghost who likes frightening people—refuses to be left behind when the castle is shipped to America. And even spooks have their romantic moments, as this story proves when ho pursues the American heiress, who carted his home across the Atlantic. Patrons will revel in this laugh-a-minute situation, as Alexander Korda. the famous director, weaves a fast and gay pattern around the amorous adventures of the Ghost who went West. This super-attraction will be shown at the Majestic to-night, finally. Plans are at the Bristola.

DRUIDS' LODGE A.D. Bro. R. Roney presided over a good attendance of members at the fortnightly meeting of the Endeavour Lodse. U.A.O.D. Accounts and sick pay amounting to £IS2 17s Id were passed for payment.

The Social Committee reported on arrangements for a social evening, and Miss Rita Millar's intimation that she would be pleased to help in entertaining was gratefully accepted. A hearty welcome was extended jo Bros. O'Conucll. Gibson, Francis, Drennan, and Tallentire. of the Star of the Dtmtroon Lodge. Bro. Tallentire was present to inn-tall the officers into the following chairs:—A.D., Bro. C. Hinkley; 1.G., Bro. T. G. Smart; V.A., Bro. E. H. Cleverley; O.G. Bro. S. Roney; treasurer, Bro. G. M. Gardiner; A.D. Bards. Bros. M. L. Thyne and G. Harris: minute secretary. Bro. W. G. Bain; V.A. Bards, Bros. C. Jackson and I. Robertson; master of ceremonies, Bro. G. Harris: auditors — Bros. J. Gerrie. J. Corlett, and H. Grocott.

Bros. W. Henderson. M. L. Thyne and J. M'Lcod were elected to represent the lodge for the welcome extended to the members of the Star of Duntroon Lodge, and a hearty vote of thauko was accorded


(he district president for installing the officers. A vote of thanks was also passed to (he retiring officers, surgeon, and chemists.

Lodge members accepted the invitation to visit the Star of Duutroon Lodge on Saturday night, on the occasion of the. installation of officers of that lodge. During the evening items were given by Broa. Cox, Roney, M'Leod, Jamicson, and Blackie.

BANKS CUP .COMPETITION The first round of the Banks Cup Competition (mixed foursome) was held at the Awnmoa links on Saturday, under good weather conditions. Many good scores were registered in this match, which is one of the most interesting held during the year. The best ne.t score by Miss Marjorie Ireland and Munro Wilson, the youngest competitors, was a record for the links in mixed foursome competition. The gross round of 85, handicap 21, net 64, was a remarkably good performance. Another record established during the day was the gross score of Miss 13. Cuthbertson and Mr S. Cuthbertson, with a card of 80. The following are the results:—Miss Marjorie Ireland and Munro Wilson 85— 21—64, Miss Familton and R. Hedges 84— 131—70.1, airs Wvlie and F. S. Milnes 01—20*—701. Miss B. Cuthbertson and S. R. Cuthbertson 80—8—72, Mr and Miss Fraser 100—28—72, Miss Catto and G. Catto 89—16i—72|, Mr and Mrs D. V. G. Smith 96—22—74, Miss Ireland and A. W. Woodward 102—27—75, M : ss M'Callum and P. W. Hargreaves 91—16 —75, Miss S. Lane and R. B. Nichols 91—14—77, Miss .1. Ireland and R. H. Watson 104—27—77, Mrs Rickman and H. B. M'Dowell 95—18—77, Miss Mackie and C. C. Cook 99—22—77, Miss C Nicolls and C. R. Hedges 90—12i —771, Mr and Mrs D. L. Grant 101—23—78, Miss E. Nicolls' and R. Crombie 98—20 —7B, Mrs Meek and H. R. Domigan 91— 13—78, Mrs Cook and M. Fastier 97 19—78. Miss Hall and 11. Hall 99—20$ —m, Mr and Mrs B. Roll 97—18—79, Miss Bee and A. Millar 105—26—79.

STROKE COMPETITION A stroke competition was played by those not participating in the Banks Cup, the best scores being as follows: —J. C. Rowe 99—30—09, W. Widdowson 94 22—72, G. Resticaux 95—23—72. It might be mentioned that the attendance on the links on Saturday was a record, there being 90 competitors Hi the Banks Cup and about 30 other players. LADIES' GOLF The best cards returned in the Bogey Match were as follows:—Mrs M'Beath 3 down, Miss Stevenson 5 down, Miss P. Lane 6 down. T TT -,r ~ i The draw for the L.G.U. Match on Wednesday is as follows: — First Tec.—Miss P. Lane v. Mrs Ireland. Miss B. Cuthbertson v. Miss B. Familton, Mrs Meek v. Miss Stevenson, Mrs Brown v. Miss M'Quade, Mrs Grater v Mrs M'Beath, Miss J. Cuthbertson v. Miss P. Robins, Mrs Burton v. Mrs Orbell, Mrs Cook v. Miss Armstrong, Miss C. Nicolls a bve, Mrs Spooiier v. Mrs J. Wilson, Miss M'Callum v. Miss Mackie, Miss C. Lane v. Mrs M'Culloch. Thirteenth Tee.—Mrs Fotheringham v. Mrs Rickman. Mrs D. Smith v. Mrs Roll, Mrs Donaldson v. Miss E. L. Smith v. Mrs K. Familton, Mrs I inch v. Miss Ireland, Mrs Clark v. Mrs D. Grant, Mrs Wylie v. Mrs Irving, Miss Simpson v. Mrs Hunter, Miss J. Miller v. Miss Donaldson. Mrs Forrest v. Miss Maxwell. Tenth Tee.—Mrs Crawshaw v. Mis Dawson, Mrs M'Diarmid v. Miss M'Lay, Mrs Sinclair v. Mrs F. Grant. Miss Wills v. Mrs M'Douall. Mrs Crimp v. Miss Mariorie Ireland, Miss M'Donald v. .Miss Robins, Mrs Ewart v. Mrs Mathieson, Mrs R. M'Dowell a bye.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 22907, 15 June 1936, Page 12

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NORTH OTAGO Otago Daily Times, Issue 22907, 15 June 1936, Page 12

NORTH OTAGO Otago Daily Times, Issue 22907, 15 June 1936, Page 12