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GRAND THEATRE To-day at the Grand Theatre the muchdiscusssed British picture, “ Evensong, will be given its lirst screening supported by the film, “ Mystery Woman. Starring Evelyn Laye in the principal role, the story is a strong one, which should hold the attention of the audience, the action moves to a rhythm of great music, covering a range of the operas as well as many lighter favourites. There have been many musical pictures of note m the short life of the talking screen, but it has been stated that none so far nas approached “ Evensong either in wealth of music or in strength of plot. Based on the sensational novel of the same name by Beverley Nichols, it is the life story of a singer who rose from obscurity to world fame by virtue of her glorious voice, and with its decline found only tragedy. “ Mystery Woman,” which will be the other pictlure, tells of a woman who dares a life of intrigue for the man she loves. She feels that the life of this one man belongs to her, and recklessly searches out the secret that has separated them. With its action laid in France, in New York City, and aboard a transatlantic luxury liner this stonf moves swiftly through a series of highly dramatic situations. Mona Barrie plays the beautiful and clamorous Marguerite, and other members of an able cast.- are Gilbert Boland and John Holliday. The box plans will be found at the theatre and Begg’s. EMPIRE THEATRE Kay Francis. Warren William, and George Brent are associated in the loading roles in “Living on Velvet,” the current attraction at the Empire Theatre. The stpry presents another view of the eternal triangle, in which this well-used theme is given yet another variation. Miss Francis, whose personality is suggestive of mystery, gives a delightfully polished and graceful performance, while the finished portrayals achieved by Warren William in his earlier productions have scarcely reached the standard of his work in this film, in which ho is the friend of George Brent, an aviator whose sense of proportion has been affected by a terrific crash in which he has been involved. Miss Francis appears as the young society beauty who is torn between affection for one man and a mad infatuation for the other. When the two men themselves fall in love with her the story takes many unexpected twists, for the lady acts less in accordance with her own desires than might have been expected; since she is prompted to do the best she can in consideration for the men concerned. The supporting programme is a varied and interesting one. The box plans arc at the theatre and the D.I.C. ""WINGS IN THE DARK.” Cast in the role of a daredevil aviatrix who risks life and limb for the sake of the man she loves, Myrna Loy, a screen favourite, heads the cast of Paramount’s “Wings in the Dark,” which will come on Friday to the Empire Theatre. t Cary Grant is coupled with Miss Loy in the romantic leads of the picture as an airman who is a scientist and adventurer. His life is devoted to making flight safe through the perfection of instruments for blind flying. On the eve of his transAtlantic flight which will prove the complete success of his experiments, he is blinded by an accident. Despairing of ever recovering his sight and disdaining charity, he retires to a cabin in the woods to brood. But Miss Loy, who lovee him, persuades him to return to his work, and even furnishes money which he believes is coming from a series of articles on aviation which he is publishing. Just as his experiments are nearing completion the aeroplane is recovered by the company from jvhom he bought it. Then Miss Loy, in a final desperate effort to help him. undertakes a flight from Moscow to New York for an enormous purse. In a final, gripping climax Cary Grant goes aloft to bring Miss Loy down when she is fog-bound above the landing field at the end of the flight. An accident restores his eight,-and the two lovers are happily united. ST. JAMES THEATRE Jeanette MacDonald, whose charm and accomplishments as an actress have been almost as much responsible for her striking succces as her beautiful soprano voice, gives another delightful performance in “Naughty Marietta,” the current attraction at the St. James Theatre. It is a romantic operetta with a colourful and exotic background, and the musical numbers composed by Victor Herbert give a distinctive character to the production. Another of its attractions is the appearance in an important role of - Nelson Eddy, a young man, who, besides possessing an excellent baritone voice, has also decided strength of character, wbiph he is able to transmit to the screen. Moreover, bis performance as Captain Warrington, the leader of a band of mercenaries in French Louisiana, is so impressive as to ensure his future success on the screen. The story opens with a colourful court scene, and the taste of the audience for the spectacular is already satisfied before Jeanette MacDonald appears on the scene, and in a setting worthy of her beauty sings a number of capital songs. From this point her adventures begin, for she is captured by pirates, and Inter rescued by Captain Warrington and bis men, who sharethe passion for song which is a characteristic of their leader. Warrington believes Marietta to be merely a husband-seeking immigrant girl, and treats her with effhand familiarity, but although she appears to resent his attitude she is m reality attracted to him. The pair sing their way through a gallant courtship, and the climax is in keeping with the general brightness of the production. Specially attractive supports are shown. The box plans are at the theatre, Jacobs’s, M'Cracken and Walls s, and the D.I.C. “FORSAKING ALL OTHERS.” Metro-Gold wyn-Mayer’s rauch-talked-about filmisation of the Tallulah Bankhead stage hit, “ Forsaking All Others, starring tloan Crawford, CJark Arable, and Robert Montgomery in one picture, is the special film attraction for the St. James Theatre for its season commencing on Friday. Based on the successful play by Frank Cavett and Edward Roberts, which presents the eternal triangle from a fresh and highly-diverting viewpoint, the new picture was directed by W. S. Van Dyke, whose long string ot successes culminated with the recent “ Thin Man ” and “ Evelyn Prentice. From all reports there is a surprise in store for thousands of film enthusiasts, for Joan Crawford in her latest vehicle is said to have been assigned a role which presents a decided departure from her usual characterisations. Cast as a young social girl who lends in a mad whirl of gay living, Miss Crawford has been finally given the chance to do a comedy characterisation for which her legion of admirers have long waited. Gable, fresh from his recent triumph with Miss Crawford in “ Chained, this time plays the role of a man who returns from a distant part of the world to marry Joan, only to find that she is about to face the altar with another. To Montgomery, the rival, falls the kind of part he plays to the hilt. With a star in each corner of the romantic triangle, the plot is based largely on situations arising from the competitive tactics ot the two men who are trying to win the love of the same girl. A brilliant cast supports this trio. Billie Burke plays a society matron; Charles Butterworth is seen as Gable’s right-hand man who always says the wrong thing at the right time; Frances Drake, the former London night club star, Rosalind Bussell. Tom Ricketts, Arthur Treacher, and Greta Meyer. REGENT THEATRE The fact that Eddie Cantor, the famous Jewish comedian, is seen in only one film a year makes his appearances nil the more welcome, and his latest. “Kid Millions,” which heads the programme at the Regent Theatre this week, is well up to the standard set by his earlier successes. Briefly, the story is -that Cantor is a ragged kid on the waterfront who declares .that if ever he is rich he will build a huge ice cream factory and supply ices for all the children who have never had ices before. Ho becomes rich, and Ids ice cream factory and its inhabitants mid plant are like something resulting from the joint work of Heath Robinson and Walt Disney. Cantor's adventures while he is becoming rich provide much scope for good comedy. From the time he is discovered to be the heir to a

treasure of 77,000,000 dollars until he escapes from Egypt after having rescued it from the sheik who has recovered it from the persons who took it from an ancestor’s tomb, Cantor succeeds in getting into and out of all sorts of trouble. The final sequence of the film, depicting the huge ice cream factory, with its crowd of eager customers, is in teehnicolour, and provides a brilliant finish to an outstanding film. The strong supporting programme is headed by a delightful Walt Disney coloured cartoon entitled “ The Tortoise and the Hare. The box plans for the season are at the theatre and the D.I.C. “ SWEET MUSIC.” ■ Again Warner Bros, have turned out a hit in their Jatest musical, a type ot picture for which that company is well Known. But “ Sweet Music ” is said to top everything they have done before. ‘‘Sweet Music” is a stirring musical romance starring Rudy Vallee, and with a cast including Ann Dvorak, Ned Sparks, Helen Morgan, Allen Jenkins, Alice White, and A 1 Shean. Hollywood’s most beautiful chorus girls take part in the dances staged by Bobby- Connelly, while the catchy songs sung by the star singers werewritten by three famous song teams —Warren and Dnbiu, Fain and Ivahal, and Dixon .and Wrubel. An unusual fan dance is one of the highlights of the production. Viewed from the distance, these fan dancers, with their blonde hair, rouged lips, and powdered bodies, look entrancing. But a closer scrutiny reveals these beauties as youths, who, in the picture, impersonate college boys putting on their annual show. An interesting news item about fan dancers is that, divested of their make-up, they are the sturdiest of ex-fighters one could possibly assemble. The production abounds with catchy songs, the most outstanding being 11 Sweet Music,” “ Every Day,” “ There's a DiffTent You,” ‘‘ Good Green Acres, “ Fare Thee Well, Annabelle,” “ Sweet Flossie Farmer,” “Winter Overcoat,” and “I See Two Lovers.” “Sweet Music will come to the Regent Theatre on Friday next. STATE THEATRE Jack Buchanan, the inimitable British comedian, has the leading role in “Brewster’s Millions,” which, despite the fact that it is now well into its second week at the State Theatre, continues to draw crowded houses. The film abounds in tuneful music, original dances, and spectacular settings, as well as that delightful type of humour for which Buchanan is famous. The story deals with a_ young man, who is forced to spend £500,000 within six months so that he may inherit another £6,000,00Q. How he accomplishes this rather no\ 4 el task keeps the film at a high pitch throughout. The settings range from the bridge of a luxurious yacht to a carnival street scene, while the singing and dancing are of a high order. The strong supporting cast includes Lili Damita, Fred Emney, lan M'Lean, Allan Aynesworth, Sydney Fairbrother, Amy Yeness, and Sebastian Shaw. There is an excellent supporting programme, and the box plans are at the theatre and Begg’s. “ DIRTY WORK.” The names of the leading players in “ Dirty Work,” the comedy which will be the featured film on the State Theatre’s new programme commencing on Friday, should be sufficient to make the public aware of the excellent entertainment that should be offered. The featured players are Ralph Lynn, Gordon Harker, Robertson Hare, Lilian Bond, Basil Sydney, and Margaretta Scott, who are seen in a gay, hilarious story of jewel robberies. The plot deals with the mysterious thefts of stock which arc worrying the manager and staff of the Sterling Jewel Company. The manager, Gordon Bray, has engaged a private detective, Charlie Wrench, and has also called in Scotland Yard. The records of the staff —Milligan, the floor walker; Peck, an assistant: Toome, the .night watchman; and Nettle, the commissionaire—are above suspicion. Actually the thieves are a Mr and Mrs Stafford, old and trusted friends of Bray, who have “ planted ” Wrench in the shop. With Ralph Lynn as the floor walker, Robertson Hare as Peck, and Gordon Harker as the commissionaire, comedy aplenty is introduced into the preparations that ttre made to denounce the thieves, and the carrying out of the plan is said to produce comedy of the best type. Tom Walls directed, the film, the story of which is by Ben Travers. OCTAGON THEATRE An unusual theme, which has been extremely capably handled by the cast as well as by the producer of the picture, is embodied in “Lest We Forget,” which is now being shown at the Octagon Theatre. Although the root of the story is a pact made between four soldiers in a shell-hole in No Man’s Land during the war, this is not a war story in the generally accepted sense of the term. Its very simplicity is its chief charm, and this, combined with the excellent portrayals given by the four principal characters, makes it a worth-while and intriguing picture. Four soldiers —an Englishman, a Scotsman, a Welshman, and an Irishman—take refuge in a shell-hole on Empire Day, 1918, and before making their dash for safety they make a pact to meet at the house of the English captain on the same day 16 years later. Only three of them are able to be present on the auspicious occasion, the fourth having died of war injuries, but his son has been deputed to take his place. The rest of the picture deals with the happy reunion that is held in the Englishman’s old country house. There is a strong supporting programme. The box plans are at the theatre and Begg’s.

DOUBLE-FEATURE PROGRAMME. “ Sisters Under the Skin,” which will be screened at the Octagon Theatre nest Friday, brings together three of the screen’s outstanding players—Elissa Landi, Frank Morgan, and Joseph Schildkraut—in a modern romance of a woman who seeks happiness in a mansion bufc. finds it in an attic. Her loyalty holds her to the man who can give her everything, but her heart asks for the other who can offer her only love. Elissa Landi plays Blossom Bailey, an actress, the woman who figures in the triangle. This is another in the series of important roles which have been responsible for Miss Landi’s recent rise to popularity. She has! appeared in “ The Warrior’s Husband,” “ I Loved You Wednesday,” “ By Candlelight,” and “ The Masquerader.” In “ Sisters Under the Skin ” Miss Landi is again given a colourful, dramatic role in line with the upward trend of her recent vehicles. “ Shadows of\ Sing Sing,” the , supporting feature, is the screen adaptation of an original story, “ Rogues’ Gallery.” with Mary Brian and Bruce Cabot in the principal featured roles. The Identification Bureau of the Police Department figures prominently in the action of this picture, and it is through the efficient work, of this bureau that Cabot is cleared of a crime and the guilty party apprehended, even though the evidence against the boy is such that it seems impossible for him to escape the death sentence. STRAND THEATRE Joe E. Brown has the leading role in “ You Said a Mouthful,” which is now showing at the Strand Theatre. He is cast as a poor shinning clerk who goes to Catalina in search of employment, and there finds himself committed to a longdistance swimming race despite his lack of prowess in the water. Round this theme has been built a series of laughable incidents, which keep the audience in the best of humours. Although Brown lias the lion’s share of acting honours he has the assistance of a capable cast, whose performances provide a suitable background for the star's peculiar type of comedy. The other picture on the programme is entitled “A Night at the Ritz,” in which the leading roles are taken by William Gargan and Patricia Ellis. Trds story is also of a light nature, and has to do with the dilemma of a newly-in-ducted director of cuisine at an expensive hotel, whose knowledge of cooking is ch - eidodly slender. The programme also includes a newsreel. The box plans are at the theatre and the D.f.C. MAYFAIR THEATRE Commencing a season at the Mayfair Theatre to-day is the mystery picture, “ Charlie Chan’s Courage.” In this film Warner Gland is said to be even better (ban usual as the wily Chan. In order to track down his man. he has to wear a disguise for the first time in his career in criminology. In this picture he has the assignment of delivering a 300,000dollar necklace of pearls to a man who

lives in a magnificent home far out in the desert. Chau s aid is Donald Woods, the engaging son of the jeweller who sold the pearls. Woods is suspicious of the supposed purchaser. Then Chan arrive* disguised as a ragged Chinese cook to investigate before delivering the pears, and from then on adventures of a tin 1 1 - ing nature ensue. Donald Woods, who he Ins Chan clear up the mystery, supplies the romantic interest along with the lovelv Drue Leyton. On the same protn aiiime is “ Krakatoa. which . brings actual photographs of a voicano in action. This is described b y Graham M'Namee. The plans are at the theatre and the D.I.C.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 22631, 24 July 1935, Page 16

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AMUSEMENTS Otago Daily Times, Issue 22631, 24 July 1935, Page 16

AMUSEMENTS Otago Daily Times, Issue 22631, 24 July 1935, Page 16