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The By-laws' Committee recommended that the council pass the necessary resolution exempting the setting back of certain frontages in Ayre and Weaver streets in accordance with the provisions of section 128 of the Public Works Act, 1928.—Adopted. The Works Committee recommenaed that the residents of Tweed street be informed that owing to the number of authorised works not yet commenced, the tar-sealing of this street could not be undertaken in the meantime. —Adopted.

The Works Committee reported that Mr A. Coatman's request with reference to Chelmer street had been referred to the foreman for attention. The Works Committee reported that the application from Mr A. llae requesting the council to pipe, the stormwater drain running through his property, had been referred to the chairman and foreman' for inspection and report. The Works Committee recommended that- in the event of the proposed railway deviation through a portion of the Defence Department's property being proceeded with, the council provide a site and bear the cost of removing the buildings occupied by the caretaker. — Adopted. The Works Committee reported that Mr R. Adamson's request that the channel in Wahsbeck street be piped had been referred to the chairman and foreman for inspection and report. The Reserves Committee recommended that the Unemployment Board's offer to supply trees on payment of lifting, packing and freight charges, be referred to the curator with power to act. —Adopted. The Reserves Committee reported that after full consideration of the clause deleted and referred back to the committee at the last council meeting, the Committee adhered to its previous recommendation that the reserve in Chelmer street be used as a horse paddock, and recommended that, the, foreman be instructed to have the area sown down in grass.—Adopted. Cr Familton urged that the intention to plant this area with native shrubs and trees should not be overlooked. If they carried out the council's intention to beautify this area in Chelmer street, it would make a desirable picnic resort for townspeople, especially those who did not own motor cars. Cr Butterfield supported these views, and it was stated that the Works Committee would keep in view the desire to beautify the area with native shrubs and trees, and see that the work was carried out properly. The Salvation Army acknowledged with thanks the council's grant of £5 to the band funds. —Received.

The Waitaki Hospital Board and Waitaki Electric Power Board wrote fully supporting the protest of the council against the action of the Unemployment Board in placing men on sustenance in Oamaru at lese pay then they received on relief work. —Received. Formal resolutions striking the general rate at' Is 6d, special rate at Is, and hospital rate at 3d in the £1 were carried. The Hume Steel Company, Ltd., forwarded signed agreement for the supply of; steel fluming, advising that the manu-. facture would be commenced and # delivery made as early as possible.—Received. The application of M. W. Allan for permission to connect stormwater to the drainage at a residence being erected in Tamar street was referred to Inspector Fischer for a report, permission to be granted if favourable. The borough inspector' (Mr A. F. Crump) reported that grazing fees to June 1 amounted to £3 Is, making a total to date of £53. He reported on license fees paid and breaches of motor regulations, stating that 881 motor drivers' licenses had been issued during the current year.—The report was received. . , , . • The Salvation Army extended an invitation to the Mayor and councillors to attend the seventieth anniversary of the inauguration of the Army, and the fiftysecond anniversary of the corps in Oamaru, to be conducted by Colonel Walls on July 14.—The invitation was accepted. F. T. Milnes wrote stating that the zig-zag track at Orwell street was not safe for pedestrians.—The letter was referred to the Works Committee. . The question of granting permission to the Railways Department to carry out the proposed deviation to do away with the Severn street crossing in the event of the work being proceeded with was referred to the Reserves Committee for consideration. , • . Cr Tait gave notice of motion that the resolution of the council that no further kerbside petrol pumps be permitted in Oamaru be rescinded. Cr Butterfield reported that an application would come before the warden to place a dredge on the Maerewhenua River, which would cause grave pollution of the town's water supply. Before being granted by the warden, the council should lodge an objection.—lt was agreed to adopt this course. Cr Hodge stated that three taxis were occupying one of the most valuable parts of the borough at the monument stand, and the whole of the seven taxis in the town could go to Wear street and the carriers to Coquet street. —It was decided to move the taxis to Wear street, and ; the question of removing the carriers stand to Coquet street was referred to the By-laws Committee for a report. It was resolved that the monument stand be declared" a public parking area.—Cr Gillies suggested that the system of parking alongside the kerb after 6 o'clock, as used in other centres, could be introduced in Oamaru, and the Mayor inti/iated that before the present council went out of existence they could remove all parking areas from the main street and beautify the avenue of trees with lawns and flowers. By so doing, they would render a service to the town. Cr'White reported on the danger caused by overgrown trees in Dee street, and it was decided to ask the curator to report on the . general pruning programme of trees within the borough. MAJESTIC THEATRE To-night the Vitagraph mystery story of Paris life—" I am a Thief "—shows for the last time, and is well recommended to lovers of mystery plays spiced with comedy. " Evergreen," a Gaumont-British romantic comedy with music, shows to-mor-row afternoon and night. Jessie Matthews, Sonnie Hale, Betty Balfour, and Barry Mackay play important roles. Jessie appears in the part she played in the production, investing it with her compelling charm and revealing her distinct flair for the dramatic. She is given her big opportunities in the piquant situations provided by the story, sings delight numbers, and dances with that lissom grace for which she is famed. . Plans are at the Bristol. HOCKEY Teams for to-morrow:— Pirata A.—Misses L. Thompson, C. Clare. E Bedford. M'Kerrow,E.Malcolm, J. M'Lcod. R. Clare. J. Waterreus, G. Miinro, D. Berry, Mrs Milne. Pirata B.—Misses A. Bedford, J. Tait, T Bell. J. Tait. M. Patterson, J. Reirl, O'. M'Pherson, M. Pa ton, J. M'Kay. F. M'Kenzio. The draw for the mens games and referees are as follows: Rovers v. Municipal, at 1.45 p.m., Messrs Thomas and Arnott; Totara v. Oamaru, at 3 p.m., Messrs Pindcr and Jacobs. The draw for the ladies' games and referees are as follows: — . ' Pirata A v. Arawa 13, at 3 p.m., Mr ft. Richardson; Arawa A v. Athletic, at 2 p.m.. Mr J. Mushett; Pirata B v. Maheno, at 3 p.m., Messrs J. Mushett and French. Municipal v. Rovers. —Thornhill, Stevenson, Lochart, Nightingale, Walsh, Webb, Frieker, Mayne Amies, Steele, Bremner.



The fortnightly meeting of the Oamaru Borough Council was held last night. There were present: The Mayor (Mr M. F. Cooney), Crs A. E. Hodge, K. Familton, A. Wilson, F. Butterfield, G. White, A. E. Tait, R. Jenkins. L. Macrae, and G. T. Gillies. The Finance Committee reported a credit balance of £1727 lis 2d in the district fund account, and accounts totalling £865 4s lid were passed for payment. The Finance Committee recommended that all relief workers whose names appear on the borough pay sheet for the ■week ending June 29, be granted an extra 2s per day for eight weeks as from July I.—Adopted. The race inspector (Mr D. Eraser) reported that though periods of pollution occurred daily in the race from Maerewhenua raining tailings, the reservoir was not seriously affected, and the supply could be regarded as fairly satisfactory. —The report was received. The By-laws Committee recommended that the letter from-the Post and Telegraph Department concerning the installation of kerbside pumps be received, and that all pump proprietors be informed that before a renewal of any right can be granted they must indemnify the council against any cost that may be incurred in the removal of such pumps should the department require such for the purpose of laying cables, etc.—Adopted. The By-laws Committee recommended that the application of Oamaru Motors, Ltd., for a kerbside pump at the garage in Severn street, be granted, provided they indemnify the council against any cost incurred should it have to be removed for the requirements of the Post and Telegraph Department. — J matter was referred back to the committee. , ■ The By-laws Committee recommended that consent be given to the transfer of lease of section 9, block XIV, W. 0. Simons to Joshua Wright.—Adopted. The By-laws Committee recommended that the new stock route suggested by Inspector Crump be adopted for the droving of cattle only, and that stock of any description under proper control being driven to or.from the Agricultural and Pastoral Association's Summer Show, be allowed to use the present stock routes. —Adopted.



Taking the averages for the various clubs into account, the shooting generally was of a fairly even standard. Three clubs—Hampden, Totara, and Maheno—each obtained an average of 77.2 for the first 10 riflemen, and Oamaru returned an average of 77.4. There appears to be a general improvement in the shooting this season, and it is expected there will be close competition in the shield shoots. During the week Oamaru secured two more wins in interclub matches. At the beginning of the week a team journeyed to Hampden, and after a very interesting match the visitors were successful by a margin of 26 points. H. Koppert registered the only possible of the evening. J. Caldwell, I. Swinard, E. Taylor, and J. I. Robertson all shot well for Oamaru. T. D. Gibson and I. York were the top scorers for Hampden, each securing 78. On Wednesday night Oamaru met Maheno on its own range, and this time won the match by a margin of 16 points. The various clubs have been, communicated with in connection with the appointment of local scrutineers, and p each club has been asked to nominate suitable men to carry out this work. When sufficient names have been obtained, perhaps the president and the secretary of the association will interview these men with a view to making a final selection. The various flubs should assist the association in every way possible to obtain suitable scrutineers for the shield shoots. Fifteen members of the Oamaru Railway Men's Club and three of the Ladies Club journeyed to Dunedin last Saturday, and all were loud in their praise of the hospitality extended to them by the Dunedin Railway Club. The visitors spent a very pleasant time, and everything was done to make their stay a memorable one. Dunedin Railway proved too good for the visiting team, winning the match by a margin of 17 points. A. Thompson, with one off the possible, wag top scorer for Dunedin, and A. Gillespie, A. Peterson, J. Williamson, and A. Renney also shot well for the home team. C. Hinkley, one of the younger members of the Railway Club, headed Railway's list of scores with a 79. Mrs Andrew is to be congratulated on her fine performance in registering a 77, in spite of the fact that the range conditions were somewhat different from the local range. The Railway Club is holding a social to-morrow night, when each member is asked to bring a friend. Various competitions are being arranged, and all are looking forward to this function. At Maheno this week, E. Sinclair notched a possible. Others who shot well were Price, Gould, and L. Dougherty, each obtaining 78. A possible was also registered at Enfield this week, the successful rifleman being J. Allan. With the exception of W. Allan, H. Bradley, and A. H. Gibson, the remaining members did not reach a very high standard. There was a slight slump in the scores at the Totara Club's weekly shoot, writes a member of this club, although there were one or two good individual efforts. The average on the whole, however, was back. The most noticeable drops in ecorea were those of J. Richardson from 79 to 73 and V. M'Donald 78 to 74. D. Marshall, who got only 75.f0r his official shoot, improved later in the evening with one down, which is nearer Dave's weekly returns. D. Seaton, who is compiling good scores each week, kept his end np with 79. Bill Smith returned his useful score of 78, and is never far off the possible. M. Sinclair slipped two points. The most improved shot this week was R. Riddell, a young member, who returned 79. This was his third shoot at the targets. Next week Totara will have a hard proposition when it meets Oamaru. Reports from Hampden show that the members had a night off in their match against Oamaru on the Hampden range, nearly all the riflemen shooting below form. This week members improved on their scores considerably. W. T. Ford, M. Gdanitz, D. Watson, T. Gibeon, and K. Gdanitz all secured 78 e. This was K. Gdanitz's best shoot this Season. He is a first-year member and is showing great improvement every week. I. iork and H. Nicolson are shooting consistently, and a possible. should not be far off for each of these members. E. Nicolson, one of the club's most consistent riflemen, dropped this week. Miss H. Woo ford and Miss M. Woodley have been shooting very well for learners, and will probably show improvement soon. Miss i. Murray registered a 57 for her first time with a rifle in her hands. These .young ladies, with Miss G. Green and Miss M. Aitcheson, a new member, should make a strong team before the season ends lomorrow night the Hampden Club will hold a social in honour of ite patron (Mr A. A. M'William , who has been a very keen supporter of the club for some time. RAILWAY DEFEATS RANFURLY. In postal matches between the Oamaru Railway and Ranfurly A and B teams the Oamaru club was successful in both matches'. The Railway A team had a lead of 10 points and the B team a lead of 32 points. The following are the scores: — «■*..•»! n m Oamaru Railway A.—G. Brightwell 79, C Hinkley 79, J. Mackie 79, G. Ward 78, A. Rennie 78, C. Tempero 78, W. Anderson 78, J. M'Pherson 78. C. Rennie 77, A. Brown, sen., 76. G. Wisneskv 72, A. Brown, jun., 72;—924. Ranfurly A.—A. Macdonald 79, W. Aitken 79, A. Petherick 78, G. Spence 77, F. Morris 77, J. E. Kearney 76, W. Pringle 76, J, Davies 76, F. Healey 75, B. Simons 74. J. Cromb 74. L. Lonie 74; — 9 1 4 - „ , Railway B.—C. Andrew 79, A. Banks 78, D. Williams 77. B. M'Gregor 74, R. J. Brown 74, J. Tempero 74, G. Frame 74, R. A. Moore 74, M. Ward 73, J. Larcombe 73, W. Middleditch 72, D. Mason 71; —892. Ranfurly B—A. Cromb 77. P. M'Connell 75, A. Carson 74. G. Gilbert 74, W. Cunningham 74, T. Lonsdale 74, J. M'Gill 72, J. Hanrahan 70, Rev. Hally 69, J. Scott 67, J. P. Kearney 67, P. Kane 67: 860. OAMARU v. MAHENO. The following are the detailed results of the match between Oamaru and Maheno: — _ _ Oamaru—W. Collins 80, H. Koppert 80, E. Sinclair 78, 1. Swinard 77, A. North 77. J. Dunn 77, E. Taylor 77, S. Pile 77, J. I. Robertson 76, W. Munro 76, R. Hinkley 75, A. Sandelin 75, G. Doran 74. W. Gemmell 74, J. Leslie 74, T. Kennedy 74, Miss Bee 73, L. Roney 73, H. Rawson 68, D. Little 66;—total, Maheno.—G. Clark 80. A. Price 79, J. Currie 78, H. Arbuckle 78, E. Sinclair 76, D. Lawson 76. J. Clark 76, 1. Gould 75, A. Lindsay 75, M. Craighead 75. W. Stringer 75, W. Yorston 74, L. Dougherty 74, S. Pringle 73, H. Rapeon 72, P. Chirnside 72, E. Nicholson 72. P. Dougherty 71, D. Woodley 68, J. Paton 66;—total, 1485. OAMARU LADIES' CLUB. The following are the scores, with handicaps, of the Oamaru Ladies' Clubs weekly shoot:—Mrs Nimmo. 77—3—80; Miss Wylde Browne. 74—7—80; Miss Keen, 68—20—80; Mrs Rennie, 73—4 77: Mrs Dennison, 72—5—77: Miss Roney, 57—20—77; Mrs Taylor 71—6— 77; Mrs Macgregor, 73—3—76; Miss Bee, 7 3 1_3_7C; Miss Taylor, 54—20—74: Mrs Thvne 52—20—72; Miss Hanley, 51—20 —7l; Mies Copeland, 50—20—70; Miss Richardson, 44—20—64: Miss Mitchell, 20—20—40. RAILWAY CLUBS. The match between the Railway Men's and Ladies' Clubs resulted in a win for the men by eight points. Ihe following are the results: — Railway Men.—C. Andrew 80, C. Hinkley 80, W. Anderson 77, C. Rennie 77, A. Brown, sen., 77, A. Brown, 3un., 77, Or. Brightwell 76, J. Mackie 76 J Larcombe 70, A. Rennie 76, G. Ward 75, W. Middleditch 74. | Railway Ladies.—Miss Wilson, 76—5 80; Miss Benson, 69-21-80; Mrs Mackie, 68—15—80; Mrs Andrew 76—2 —7B; Miss Port, 70-7-77; Miss O Donnell, 73—4—77; Mrs Brightwell, <>9—7— 76; Jlrs Benson, 60—6—75; Miss Cnm- .,.:„„ 67—8—75: Mrs Anderson, fab—B— Miss Donnelly. SS-13-71; Mrs Greaves, 60—10—V0..



A very instructive and interesting lecture on Mesopotamia was given recently in Eveline Church by the Rev. W. Lawson Marsh, M.A. The lecturer, by means of lantern slides, graphically described the ruins of Babylon, Nineveh, and the ancient historical sites, with present-day Arab life, in the light of his experience as chaplain to the, troops during the Mesopotamian'campaign. Ur of the Chaldees from which Abraham set out, the route of the 10,000 Greeks under Zonophon, the captures of Alexander the Great were explained in an able manner. Ancient ruins, splendid in their rich historical significance, reminded the audience of time's destroying sway and the fate of kings and empires that forgot God. The Rev. N. T. Blair, who presided, expressed his great appreciation of the lecture and a cordial vote of thanks was accorded the lecturer on the motion ot the Rev. P. C. Rennie. PORT OF OAMARU High Water.—June 28: 0.20 a.m. and 0.46 p.m. , _ , , The Wninui is expected on Wednesday, July 10, to load for Wellington, Napier and Gisborne, via Timaru and Lyttelton. The Karetu is due to load at Newcastle about July X Sydney about July 4, and thence to Hobart for Oamaru. The Wingatui left Auckland last Friday afternoon with sugar and general cargo for Oamaru. She is due at this port on Monday, to load for Wellington and Auckland, via Timaru and Lyttelton. "' The Waipahi is expected about Thursday, July 4, to load for Wellington, Nelson and New Plymouth, via ports. She left Auckland on Wednesday, via Portland, for Wellington, Dunedin and Oamaru. The New. Zealand Shipping Company advises that the Ruahine will now make her final departure on August 17, instead of August 10, and will sail from Auckland. The Union Steam Ship Company has received advice that its new cargo vessel, s.s. Kara, of 1050 tons gross, will be ready for despatch from the United Kingdom about July 11. The Karu will trade between Dunedin and New Plymouth, via ports, including Oamaru. The National Mortgage and Agency Company, Oamaru, has received advice that the s.s. Pakeha will call at Oamaru about July 8 to lift 10,000 freight carcasses of frozen meat for West Coast United Kingdom ports, and general cargo for these ports and London. The Port Hobart is scheduled to arrive at Oamaru on July 20 to load 15,000 freight carcasses and general cargo for London. Messrs Darling and M'Dowell are the agents. GENERAL NEWS Bro. A. Carrodus, N.G., presided over a good attendance of members at a meeting of the Hope of Maheno Lodge,*. Two brothers were reported to be sick, and hopes for their speedy recovery were expressed. A report on the euchre tournament and dance showed a profit, which, it was agreed, should be expended on improvements for the card players. After a good deal of discussion on lodge matters the meeting was adjourned for supper. There was a packed house at the weekly community sing on Wednesday night in the Opera House, and the response of £6 13s was the best of the season so far. The song leaders were Messrs J. Weir and P. Linton Hodge, and Mr Paris delighted the audience with his singing of "I Hear You Calling Me," "Take a Pair of Sparkling Eyes," and " Love, Life, and Laughter." Mra Loper played the accompaniments for these songs and the community singing. Eight pupils of Miss Rona Bee contributed a sword dance and Scotch reel, for which the music was played by Piper Gibson. At the next sing a novelty item will be presented with Mr A. Nye's band of mouth organs, in which 15 players will take part. It is also proposed at the next sing to make a special appeal for funds to purchase clothing for infants. ' There wag a good attendance of members at the monthly meeting of the Hampden branch of the Women's Division of the Farmers' Union, Mrs Belcher presiding. A motion of sympathy was passed with Mrs Aitcheson in the death of her husband. The roll call was, "What would you do with £1000?" The flower competition was won by Miss M'Kerrow. with Mrs Dick second and Mrs Caldwell third. Mrs Watt, a member of the branch, was congratulated on receiving a jubilee medal. It was decided to hold a social and dance to raise funds on Thursday, July 4. Afternoon tea was served by the hostesses —Mesdames Cameron, J. Douglass, and R. Duncan. At the fortnightly meeting of the St. Patrick's Debatipg and Literary Society a good attendance of members participated in a very enjoyable evening, which took the form of an "old,school reunion." Earlier in the week a very interesting debate was held between teams from the society and St. Kevin's College at Redcastle. The question in debate was, " That the nationalising of our industries would be beneficial to New Zealand." Following keen discussions for and against, the decision was given in favour of St. Kevin's College. The Otago Mortgagors' Adjustment Commission is at present holding a sitting in Oamaru. The business will be completed to-day. when members will leave for the south. PERSONAL Mr J. Newson, who will shortly leave for Dunedin, was met by members of the North School Committee at the home of Mr W. Widdowson. Making the presentation of a case of military hair brushes to Mr Newson. Mr Widdowson referred to the valuable work the recipient had done during his 14 years on the committee. Mr Newson suitably acknowledged the gift. At the Oamaru Borough Council meeting last night the Mayor (Mr M. F. Cooney) made feeling reference to the passing of Mrs James M'Diarmid, who in the life of the community, especially during the period in which her husband was Mayor of Oamaru, had rendered distinguished service to the town with graciousness and dignity. She certainly discharged her duties as Mayoress ot Oamaru with distinction, as during that period there had been many prominent visitors to the town. The whole community deplored her death and extended sympathy to Mr James M'Diarmid, whose health he (Mr Cooney) was sorry to say was not good at present. A motion of sympathy was carried in the usual manner.

Yesterday Mr and Mrs E. Willers left for Dunedin, where Mr Willers will take up his new duties at the Dunedin branch of the Union Bank of Australia. Prior to thfir leaving for the south, Mr and Mrs Willers were guests at several social evenings, at which their numerous frk-nds took the opportunity of wishing them good health and happiness in their new home. , Mr J. Dunbar left Oamaru yesterday for Auckland, where he will be joined later by his clubmates before proceeding to Fiji to take part in the Suva bowling tournament. Queen's Hotel.—Mr .T. B. Malcolm (Christchurch), Mr T. J. Shagland, Mr H. E- Mostin (Wellington). Mr A. Clarke (Auckland), Mr M. J. Murphy, Mr L. West, Mr and Mrs W. Gibson, Mr J. Dunn (Dunedin).


NORTH OTAGO PENS The following are the judge's comments on the three best pens from_ North Otago in the South Island district fat lamb competition:— "A creditable exhibit of lambs of good shape and make and full of flesh. Of only a very limited number could it be said that they carried an excess of fat. Generally speaking, the whole exhibit was highly commendable, if a trifle weighty, still good butcher's meat." First Pen, No. 95. —Three exceedingly good lambs. For size, make, and shape leave nothing to be desired. Exceptionally full of meat, with no trace of excessive fat. Short legs, thick backs, and good shoulders. Second Pen, No. 77.—Three very good lambs. A tribe heavier than pen No. 95, but running them verv close in general excellence. Third Pen. No. 11. —Three choice lambs from the butchers' point of view. For size they were more attractive than pens Nos. 95 and 77, but for general coutour scarcely up to their high standard. The exhibitor of pen No. 95 was Mr L. Maddison, of Rosebery estate, of pen No. 77, Mr A. Wallis, of Five Forks; and of pen No. 11, Mr H. Denison, of Hilderthorpe. RUGBY FOOTBALL Teams for to-morrow: — Maheno Seniors. —Campbell, Gray, M'Gregor, Clark, Souness, Bruce (2), Newlands (2), Johnston, Dougherty, Wood. Sim, Hollow, Watt, Yorston, Davis, Grigg. Maheno Juniors.—Robertson, Whelan, Henderson, Cook, Campbell (2), Muldrew t2), Byers (2), Ewing, Gillies, Ferguson, Johnston, Currie, Kelcher, Gutteridge, Heron, Cameron. . Excelsior Juniors.—M'lntosh, Millar, Harwood, Faris, White, Barnes, Bee, Tempero, A. Ross, M'Kendry, Jenkins, Ross, Sampson, Cunningham, Gillespie, Wilton; emergencies—Campbell, Shalcers, Wilson. Southern Juniors.—M'Phail (2), Kinder (2) Rapson (2), Lindsay (2), Cayford, Williamson, Patterson, Robinson, Duncan, Carlson, Daniell, Dickson, -Minty, Wilson, Scally. Southern Fourths.—Cooper (3), Barnett (2), Maffey, Smith, M'Donald, Matheson, Sidon, Carruthers. Duncan, Cayford, Henderson, Wedderell, Cleverly, Forbes, Carrig, Reid. Athletic Seniors. —Park, Carrington, Wilson (2), Howell, Carrodus, Godsell, Matherm, Holland, Stichman, Dwyer, Mason, Kilgour, Turvey. Athletic Juniors.—Luxon, Farrell, Marshall, Hooper, M'Kay, Morris, Doran, Seivers, Park, May, Sparks, Robertson, Davis, Godsell, Brown. • Athletic Third Grade.—Burns, Smart (2), Hooper (2), Godsell, Latimer, Hunt, Sparks, Saxon, Grant, D. Sparks, Harney, Scott, Brown, Blackgrove, Paterson, M'Lean, Goodall. . ~ ... Athletic Fourth Grade.— Campbell (6), Dunlop, Ross, Rowell, Hawtin, Nelson, Anderson, Farrell, Ward, Park, ravendale, Robinson, Steffenson, Rusbatch, Boyd, Brown, Robertson. Athletic Fifth Grade.—Lynch, Halverson, Walshe, Allington, Brown, L. Ross, Devon, Hodgkinson, Luxon, J. Ross, Nelson, Todd, Latimer, Wedrill, M'Kenzie; emergencies—Robinson, Hayes, Smart, Young. DOGS AT FRIENDLY BAY The Timaru Borough Council advised the Oamaru Borough Council last night, in reference to the by-law controlling dogs at Caroline Bay. that no person was permitted to bring a dog or other animal to Caroline Bay, but that it was lawful n such dog or animal wa 9 kept under con trol by means of a leading chain. Constables and officers were empowered to detain any dog or animal found not under control, and if unclaimed for 48 hours, to G The By-laws Committee recommended that a similar by-law be passed for the control of dogs at Friendly Bay:—Adopted. HOME NURSING CLASS Of the 25 students, 22 candidates sat for the Home Nursing Class examination held under the auspices of the St. John Ambulance Association, and there was a 100 per cent. pass. Dr E. S. Stubbs was the lecturer at the classes and Dr E, E. Butler the examiner. The following were the successful candidates: — Mesdames L. Baker, Z. M'Stay, Misses Essie Connell, Catherine Hall, Mary Holmes, Daisy Goodson, Maud Gray, Winifred Gray, Annie Grenfell, Gladys Johnstone, Owen Kirkwood, Mary Leonard, Rena Mackinnon, Marjorie Meikle, Ruby M!lvor, Caroline Sherwin, Doris Reilly, Joyce Robertson, Mary Robertson, Eileen Rush, Georgie Steele, Katie Wilson, Edna Ward, Grace Williamson and Thelma Wylie.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 22609, 28 June 1935, Page 12

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NORTH OTAGO Otago Daily Times, Issue 22609, 28 June 1935, Page 12

NORTH OTAGO Otago Daily Times, Issue 22609, 28 June 1935, Page 12