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SUVfIffiRMEETING CONCLUDED SAME DOUBLE WINS AGAIN WILD GUY ; AND LOGAN : The Eorbury'Park -/Trotting' Club's Bummer meeting concluded in fine weather ind attracted, Pne of the best attendances •rer seen on "the course. The very large attendance 'provided immistakeable evidence « to how the local fixtures' would Sow in'i^^laTityi:'Mth ; >thi:iißsuitance'pt'yoiirabfe/'f'eathefiV In the feast' any. chance ofsprog'rejM /.has dbeen seripusly handicapped- at by -bad, weather and t ,wrecked;or "partially"Nvrecked' what carried every indication- of a successful meeting. ; ; The . imeeting-. *■ just concluded: waa la great a" financial point of view, and the concluding card provided some fine racing and close finishes. The introduction of the}..7s-25 division of a pool'lh cbiijunctiori with a place machine - proved an success., . On the.first diay >tne ; l-2 machine carried' about three times, the patronage bestowed on the plaw machine, bnt* on the second day the latter found much greater- support. Some large'dividends for aVplace; wag paid during the day, and the-results obtained iby r>prpviding; five. 'dividends when fields reached the riecessaryi'st'rength I proved so very successful IJiat the club's t ead in that'directionvwili; nnd followers; *Thf to the,complete, success;of the meeting was the inadequate manner' in endefcyburing.jtb<eope -with the dust. , Harvest Dillon carried about £SO more -than (1 Kine.?:in /the; WaverWl Handicap/>'.and!'.Lady Sonoma was;'a olosc |h|*d favourite. Lady Sbnomatmade: most pJtthe running, but.broke up at the far turnwhen making forhomßi,' Sonoma i King charge, and won*, from ; Parrish Chimes, who was with. Lee, B°y behind ,th^ v winner /at the- home* ,»: Lady Sonoma got back to but' the" others were mixing durihgv the race. ■ /-/• • - v.-,',/"',":,, ' Graham Direct started alsplid favourite. in a good betting race oh; the Stewards' Handicap; Graham Directsufferedinterference f;at the start: .by.■; Red. Gold breaking.'-.; Vologda/ also mixed at"vthe ,; Dinner Bell-set a strong pace and had a good leaid c ehd'of the,' first t3u?ee furlongs,. but he; did not, atav jm. Royal- de|prb ! "headed-Dinner Bell iirtilf a imile ifrOm; home, and Irish : Peacn'.and .Graham Direct were moving ■ up a|tithey raeed to the ;far turn, but wer&#ide put; aid forced to cover a good deal of ground. Royal de Oro led into the with Irish Peach and .-GraJtgpipwart closeiup. Royal de Oro ■ ,stucifV«lso- hi» work-'*hd, stalling off Graham Direct and Irish Peach beat them to Vologda wasa bad, ; and Lymrood made a poor'Siw^/Graham Direct, was unlucky . .in no* getting clearaway at ! the-start. Chechahco dropped out of the Telegraph Handicap. Battlefield was a strong and he waited in behind Prank ~' Mac until the, home turn and then -came •wifi'-to win, by half a 'lengthfrom Guy Junior, who got, up and cut Frank Maoout of second money. Scotfree faded out and-the others could not threaten danger '. .to the placed lot. .y- --'.'-r : - '■■. y ; v-: '•"-'■ .Elvowai taken out of the Metropolitan Handicap, Sure carried £33l*more than Great Logan and Cloudy Range; who dividedvhpjnpur*'for. second The betting wis eVenly spread over the restf .!. of{thfeftadi ='■> They went a.solid race all* took up the role, or . Pa«*^akjr"i.annulled. a,,, cigse-running field, ,■*■ &na* ahd-;G**'at Logan next. Vemita.rJi>wiji thff first pfi'the bickmarkers to v«|« 'aMwie badly planted "Wad* i&tW lfebeforef,be- : - . ginning the last lap, v :inayetep|ied •;along in front of the field to the hdme turn in front of, .-Vesuvius. Great Logan, Cloudy Range,', and Wild' Guy./ J Those behind 'them closed : «P- as they -.'•trughtened''-.for'vhome;-v'>'''' < 'T6dd';.'Tjohzia hung. on. until /halfway: up the straight, where'Wild Guy looked the winner. Wila\. : Guy sustained his effort, v and won by a short lengthv from Vesuvius, who'/beat Todd Lonzia half a length. Sure came through the beaten Jot to finishi alength away, fourth. . They went the':first?:halfmile'ih:,j'miniß .JJ-Sgec;-'* mile vini;2min 15 l-ssec, and a mile and a-half in 3min 20sec. '.', * ;, - : -«; : ; '-"-i

Mother's Boy aiid Kippagh werestifuck out of the Crescent Handicap, whichprovided an; excellent race amongst the'.ir,eV legged, brigade. Gyrate eet off at a great rate at the start, but broEe badly after : going/ a v furlong When they settled' down Travis Pringle and Helen's Biy were in charge from Lee Boy arid Chinira£'Wr»ck". Kbtinga" : moved rip and' v joined Helen« Bay in. the; lead, arid they went.down the back in frbrit of Chiming Wrack, with Gyrate ;and Lee Boy followfng.;.. Racingvfor, theVhome turn Kot , tinga and Helen's Bay, with : Chiming Wracfc close up, had drawn clear of the pothers.' Helen's -Bay went to a break halfway , up.; the straight,; and Kotinga Won. by a short neck., Helen's Bay did nOTCloseby v the break-and finished a . neck away, just -beating Chiming Wrack. Prince Harvester was a moderate fourth, with Gyrate next, v "After the race the- Judicial Committee-riiet and reversed the placings of second and third horses. ; Amonos set the pace in the Gore Memorial Handicap as he took lrain Usee to .run" Mldshipmaid, ' Full>flind, Punaee, "All pSujishirie; and : ' wej£ following ■, the,"leader with* a lap to' go: '£: Ariiriribs led into ;tbe straight'.'with.rMidshipmaid '.and Full ; Hand close Guy junior,-and'All Sunshiny, in behind i,the leaderg.r In a. good finish home Guy; Junior beat Midshipmaid i' abort head, with All Sunshine a head away, and, Amonos a close fourth/ -. Iraq, wide out, was fifth, with Battlefield (who got badly away) arid Full ■ ; , The Royal Handicap became a duel between Llewellyn's ' Pride and Kibo. They .'raced together in the', lead all.-the way* wtyh Kibo.on the outside. A hard fighting.finish, Baw j LJiewellyn's Pride,who. haJithe -whip: .on him in the last 50 'jnird»> beat 'Kibo .by<■; a. short neck. Wise Guy was several length away. The winner and -second horse both : went inside the track record established by Sylyia -Sydney at 3mih '2 '■■ 3-ss§c. last season.'

Major Lind reared at the start of the Au Revoiij Handicap, and. blocked ..Elvo, Pricclear and 'Dusoiina '-got- well away, and; were" iri charge early, but at the end;of a lap Eureka Boy, Priceless, Dusoiina, and Colonial Boy were showing the way, with Great Jjbgan: and. Cloudy Range prominent amongst; the, others. Eureka Boy, Dusoiina, and John Jinks and then Great Logan raced up on the outside,- and Cloddy Range came through a lucky open-

ing pn the rails. Great Logan and Cloudy Range finished wide apart on the track, and the verdict went to the former. Dusolina was close up third, and then came Avernus, Elvo, Eureka Boy, and Colonial Boy. The totalisator handled £25,378 for the day, £15,378 10s win (75-25 per cent.) and £9999 10s place, as against £19,387 10s for the second day of the summer 'meeting last year. The total for the two days was £41,329, as compared with £32,196.10s for the two days last year, an increase of £9132 10s., The takings at the gate on Saturday came to £666 Is 6d, as against £SBB 8s 6d for "the second day last year. The total for the two days was £1052 12s 6d, as against £934 8s 6d last year. ■

WAVERLEY HANDICAP, Of 140sovs; second 25«6veX and third v lOsovs from the stake. Trotters only. J.\ Class, 3.46; One mile'and a-half. \ Jakine's b e SONOMA '' "KING,, by Sonoma Harvester—- :: '•? 'Nelflonr Bingen mare, syrs. 24yds !."'■'■ "' febhd-CAl 'Davey); .V Li T ;v 12/12i-Mr F. Johnson's PARRISH CHIMES, syrs, scr ?"w: .•■•:.:':. , (C. A.;Pringle) "2 7/B—Mr E: Mitchell's LEE BOY, aged, 1 -36 (Owner) ....,.., '.. 3

Also started: 3/3 Lady Sonoma ecr' (J. Bryce; -jun.)/ 10/10 Travis Pringle «cr (C. King), 9/7;Patty Todd scr (F.Farquharson)-, 8/11 Kilbirnie.Dan 12yds'bh'd (B. Jarden),.s/6 Sylvia Moko ■l2 (P. Gallagherl, 6/5 Jacob 24 (J. Bryce)/11/9 Mother'sjßoy 36 (G. W. White),; 1/2 Har,Vest f Dfltoli -48 (C. S. Donald), 4/4'Kip- : -Sylvia Mokb,'Jacob, and Mother's Boy lost, grpuhd'at the start. Lady Sonoma was the first, to showf out, and, led past the stand at the end of two fiirlbngs from Patty Todd," Parrish Chimes,' and Travis Pfinglpi and thenj after a- gap,• c.aihe ; Sonbnia- King. Lee Boy. and Kilbirnie *Dan.., 'Lady Sonoma carried on,therun- ; nine oyer; the'circuit from Patty' Todd, hncF with a lap to go the order was Lady l,Spnpma) Parrish -ChimeSj Patty Todd,-' ;Sohbma.King, Travig'Pringle,! and Lee Boy, Lady Sonoma, led through, the ■back stretch,'withvParrishChimes,Patty :T6dd,,Bbhoma.King," and Lee- Boy also showing up.-' Lady Sonoma'broke, at the far turn, and Sonoma King;went to the ■.front/,to'-- lead; (Cbimes in to" the straight. Sonoma King "came.on to win by a length, and v a-halr frbm Parrisb Chimes, ,who was a similar .distance; in front of Lee Boy. Lady • Sonoma.was fourth, and;then came Patty Todd and Travis Pringle. ■ '">. -, Times: 3min ;33 ;3-ssec, 3mih.36sec, ,3mih 33,.1-ssec. .' r ;■'"-. STEWARDS'.HANDICAP, •

Of ; 140 soys; second ,;ind ,;third ' lOsovs from the stake. >.<■ Class' 3.37. - '.'.One.mile and a-half. ' c» . . iiSfMifc■'■&. Maidens'* b h.ROYAL .DE.ORO, by Key deOrtf—Jingle —Lluyis; de Oro mare, syr», " • 12yde bbdHOwner) ..: .. .. 1/I—Mr J. B; Westermari's GRAHAM DIRECT, 3yre, 11(F.G. Holmes) 2 3/2—Mr D. A. Wither's'sv IRISH' - 1 PEACH, Syrs, 12 (Owner) „. 8

Alsostarted: 6/7 Red Gold scr (0. S. Donald), 7/8 Vologda scr (P. Gallagher),* 10/10 Dinner Bell. scr (R". MTtewen), 8/4 Awa Dillon scr (F. G. Lynch), 11/11 Anthum 12yds bhd (B. Jarden), 2/5 Full Hand 24 (0. Tasker); 5/6 Lynwood 36 (E; : Todd), 9/9 Midehipmaid 48 (V. AlbornOyiU U r ~,,;.'■ ',;.:,■" . Rect Gold, and Vologda broke at the etai^ ;/ )and : (Grahtai: Direct Uc^|:% ? sof :jg>ound, ,y;Dialer Bell ®«lSf|K ~Awa; - ...Dino,o,.']Pwiii« with' tiro * Royal de Orb, Irish Peach, - t and Arithijm. Dinner Bell was .six;. lengths clear-?ot ;Royal de Oroi Awa Dillon, and Irish Peach;facing down the,back, but with /apap to go the field bad; telosed upy'DinJrier Bell just heading Royal de Oro,; Awa Dillon, Irish Peach, Graham Anthum. "Royal de Oro went to theftflni as they, raced-through the then coming Awa Dillon. Irish-Peach, and Graham Direct;; ■». ,Duiiier had dropped -back. Royal de Oro was first intdi.tbe,straight frota;,l*ieh;;Peach Graham 1 Diriect, aridthe came onYto win by half a'' length from '■' iheifavourite'. Irish Peach -was', a; short length away third, and then came Vologda, Anthuibi Awa Dillon, arid Midshipmaid; Times: 3miri 21sec, ' 3min 21 l-ssec, . Smiri 21j,2r5seci, ■ •,•';.'■

TELEGRAPH HANDICAP, •Of vlsosovs, second 25sovs, ,and third :.;:,'lOsoys s from the 'etake; Class 2.5^6. ■One mile , and a-quarter. >j Brosnari's b g RATTLE- , -„' : X- FIELD, by Man o' War—Golden : Vale,4yrsrscr.(D. C. Watts) .C 1 3/2—Mr "C.:P; Cameron's GUY ; /JUNIOR,- 4yrs, 24yds b>d, F ■■'■'■'■■>£}'■&■'■'■'<:■ "' ' (C. King) 2 Fv M'Gregor's FRANK' .■'. MACj'aged, scr (Owner) .. .. 3

•Also; smarted:.:.7/7 Olive Rey scr (M. Stewart)," 4/4 Scotfree scr (M. Holmes), 2/3.Gay lister 12yds;, bhd /(E. N. Kennerley),. 5/5 Golden Gross 24. (J. Mouritz); 8/8 Red Spur'3d 1 (B.' Jarden); 9/9 Royal Parade 60 (C. J; Hunter). Battlefield was quickly in the lead, and showed ■. the way! out. of the : straight to Prank Mac, Olive Rey, Scotfree, and Gay Sister.. Half way through the back stretch frank Mac was in frbrit,: with Battlefield, Olive Rey, and Scotfree handy. Frank Mae carried on the running, rind, going past the stand for the final laii he was closely followed by Scotfree, Battlefield, Olive Rey, and Gay. Sister. Frank Mac held his place in front right round and into the' straight, but at the distance 'he was under pressure, and was headed by Battlefield, and then by Guy Junior.' Scotfree had "dropped but in the bottom stretch. Battlefield won by half a; length 'frbtnV; Guy "Junior, with Frank Mac a neck away third. Then: came Olive Rey and Gay Sister. Times; 2min 47 3-ssec, 2min 45, 4-seec, 2min 48sec. : "; METROPOLITAN HANDICAP,

Of 306sbys,, second' 50sbvs, and third ;20sbVs from the stake.' Class 4.32. Two miles. 5/s—Mr D. Rodgers's b gWILD GUY, by Guy Parrish—Wild Moness; aged, 24yds bhd (G.Mouritz) .. 1 8/B—Mr V. Alborn's VESUVIUS, aged, 48 (Owner) '.'.' ■'.-;: .':. 2 7/6—Mr A. H: Todd's TODD LONZIA, aged, scr . (D. C. Watts) .. v.. 3 6/7—Mr M. C. M'Tigue's ; Waress,

s,yre. scr.v (Mi^Stewart)-., . i,. ... ■o' 8/9—Mr;Hi, Murphy's Craganaur? Byrsi" scr (M Stewart)" -.. .. .. 0 2/2 —Mr L..A. Maiden's Great Logan, aged, 12yds bhd (Owner) .; .. 0 2/3—Mr E. C. M'Dermott's Cloudy Range, syrs, 24 (Owner) ■■.'.• ..-. 0 1/I—Mrs W. Mackenzie's Sure, aged, 24 (S. A. Edwards) .. ...'.. -0 4/4—Mr; C. P.. Cameron's Averrius, ' 6yrsJ(C. King) ...... .. 0

Craganour, lost ground at the, start, and passing the stand at the end of a fur'. long 1 Waress was leading Great Logan, Todd Lonzia, Wild Guy, Sure, and Craganour, the field having already closed up. Waress carried on the running from Great Logan and Todd Lonzia, arid at the end of six furlongs the order was Waress, Todd Lonzia, Great Logan, and Vesuvius, heading a bunched field. Waress held his place from Todd Lonzia, Great Logan, Vesuvius, and Wild Guy down the back, and just before commencing the last lap Todd Lonzia forged to the front from Vesuvius, and Cloudy Range was moving up. Todd Lonzia held his place from Vesuvius along the back, then coming Cloudy Range, Great Logan, Wild Guy, and Sure. Todd Lonzia led Vesuvius into the straight from Great Logan and Wild Guy, and in the run home Wild Guy won well by three-quarters of a length from Vesuvius, who was half a length in front of Todd Lonzia. Then came Sure, Great Logan, Cloudy Range, and Craganour. Times: tain 24 2-ssec, 'tain 22 3-ssec, tain 26 4-ssec.

i CRESCENT HANDICAP, <; Of 15056v6, second 25s6vs, and 'third lOsovs from the etake, Trotters only. Class 4.3, One mile, arid five furlongs. .2/2—Mr G. F, Clarke's blk- m KOTI- ; NGAv by Sonom*Harvester*Harold Dill'ou mare,syrs, 72yds 'bhd (Owner) ' .. ...... 1 1/I—Mr J. Richardson's CHIMING WRACK, Cyrano (J. Fraser) -2 7/B—Mns ,H. M. Jopp'fi HELEN'S ~;, BAY, syrs, ;, (P. Gallagher) 3 .'Also started: 9/9 Travis Pringle scr (0. King), 8/3 Lee' Boy 12yds bhd (E. Mitchell), 6/7 Golden" Bingen 24, (L. A. Maidens), 5/3 Prince Harvester '4B. (J. Bryce, jun.),. 4/6 Billy Sundy 48 (M. Holmes), 10/10 jOrphanßirigen 60 (W. Teaheri); 3/5 Gyrate 96 (D. I 0. 1 Watts). ; 'Orphan"Bitigen broke .up at the-start. Travis Pringle went out smartly and led over the first, three furlongs to the Btands, with Helen's Bay, -■ Lee Boy, 'and Chiming Wrack • next, the field having already 'ckmed ypft Kotinga made up ground going down the back, and; commencing the final five-furlong circuit: the order was Kotinga, Helen's Bay, and Chiming Wrack, the others close up. Kippagh broke up in the back stretch and dropped out. Helen's Bay was in front of Kotinga as they went to the far turn, with Chiming Wrack, Gyrate, and Lee Boy,handy. Helen's Bay and Kotinca came into the straight together, just in front of Chiming Wrack. In the run home. Kotinga beat the breaking Helen's Bay by a short neck. Chiming Wrack was another neck away third, and Prince Harvester two lengths and a-half further back- Then came Lee Bp-y. Times: 3iniri 48 2-ssec, 3mm 49 4-ssec, 3min 52 3-ssec. v , The Judicial Cominittee met at the conclusion of the race and reversed the placings of Helen's Bay and Chiming Wrack." .'>■ v •

GORE MEMORIAL HANDICAP, Of 160sovs; second 30sovs and third lOsovs • ■'•," from the stake. Class 4.47. Two miles. 4/2—Mr C. P. Cameron's b g GUY JUNIOR, by Real Guy—Princess Perfection; 4yrs, 36yds bhd (C.King) 1 6/6—Mr V.. Alborn's MIDSHIPMAID, 4yrs, scr (Owner) .... 2 2/4—Mk F. L.; Price's ALL'.SUNI SHINE, syrs, 36 (E. Todd) ..3

: Also .started: 3/3 Dundee iscr (R. B. Berry), 9/9 Amonos scr (G. Mouritz), 8/8 Frank Mac scr (A. F. M'Gregor), 7/7 Battlefield 36yds bhd (D. C. Watts), 5/5 Full "Hand scr (C. Tasker), 1/1 Iraq 36 (J. Fraeer). Passing the stand at the end of a furlong Amonos was leading Midshipmaid, then coming Dundee, Frank Mac, and Full Hand. Battlefield was bringing up ;the rear., At the end of six furlongs Amonos was still in the lead, with Midshipmaid, Frank Mac, and Dundee next, ;at the head of a ; close-running field. Amonos led round the circuit, and commencing the■■ last'■ lap*the .order was Amonos,. Midshipmaid, Full' Hand, Dundee, All Sunshine, and, Guy Junior. The field was bunelied running along_ the back. Amonos was first into the straight, with Midshipmaid,. Full Hand, Dundee, AH Sunshine, and Guy. Junior all in the picture. In the race hoine Guy Junior won in a fine' finish by a short neck from Midshipmaid, yho was a head in front of AIL Sunshine, Amonos was a short length away fourth. . Times: 4min 36 4-ssec, 4min 40sec, 4min 37 l-ssec. ROYAL HANDICAP, .

Of 170sovs; second 30sovs, and third lOsovs from, the stake. Class 3.11. One mile and three furlongs: ; . ,2/I—Estate, late Mrs G. Stanley's b g LLEWELLYN'S PRIDE, by . . Llewellyn—Molly. Pointer., scr , '•- (G. M'Kendry) 1 1/I—Mr J. Walsh'a KIBO, aged, scr (J. Walsh) 2 3/3—Mr W. A. Howell's WISE GUY, syrs, 12yds bhd (A. Butterfield) 3

Also started: 8/7 Raider scr (C. J. Hunter), 5/4 Blue Mountain Queen scr (M. Holmes), 6/6 Aristotle 12yds bhd (R. Motz), 7/7 Admiral Wrack 12 (C. King), 4/5 Worthy King 36 (G. Mouritz) .-••■•

Llewellyn's, Pride led' Kibo.past the standg at ihe end of. a furlbng,' then cpni,ing Aristotle, Blue* ; Mountain Queen, and Wise Guy, the field being bunched. Racing down the back Worthy King put in a great run, and rfoming along the bottom stretclf Llewellyn s Pride, Worthy King, and Kibo were four lengths clear of the others. Going to the last lap Llewellyn's Pride was just clear of Kibo, Worthy King, and Wise Guy, the rest out of it. Llewellyn's Pride held His

place well, and in a good finish held off Kibo to win by a short neck. Wise Guy was five lengths away third, and then camk Aristotle. Times: Smin 1 4-ssec, 3min 2sec, 3min 2 3-ssec. The ! winner put up a* track record. i

! ,v- : !.AU REVOIR HANDICAP, , Of 240sove; i secondiOsova, and third 20sova 1 from, the stake. Class 2.47. One mile and a-quarter. L. A. .Maidens's b g GREAT '" LOGAN, by Logan Pointer— Chiidwood, aged, ! 36yds bhd ' = (Owner) 1 1/2—Mr E. C. M'Dermott's CLOUDY RANGE, syrs, 12 (Owner) .. 2 11/12—Mr A. Ferguson's DUSOLINAi aged, scr (B. Jarden) .. 3 I Also started: 8/9 Priceless scr (J. P. 'M'Kendry), 4/5 Eureka Boy 12yds bhd (J. D. Smith), 6/7 Major Lind 12 (I. Young), 3/3 Colonial Boy 12 (M. Holmes); 5/10 John Jinks 12 (M. C. M'Tigue), 7/8 John Noble 24 (S. A. Edwards), 2/1 Elvo 24 (R. A. Bebbingtbri), 9/8 Avernus 36 (C. King), 11/11 Native Chief 48 (F.Johnson). Priceless, Dusolina. and Cloudy Range were the first to show out. Native Chief and Major Lind did not go off, and the latter interfered with Elvo. Racing through, the back stretch Priceless was four lengths ahead of Dusolina, and another four lengths away came Cloudy Range, and then Eureka Boy. At the far turn Priceless was leading Eureka Boy, Dusolina, and Colonial Boy, and racing past'the stand for the final circuit Eureka Boy was just in front of Priceless, Dusolina, Colonial Boy, John Jinks, and Great Logan. Priceless and Eureka Boy carried on the running down the back from a packed field) and Colonial Boy, Dusolina, and John Jinks were the leaders rounding the far turn. Eureka Boy led Dusolina and John Jinks into !the straight, and in a fine finish. Great Logan came on to beat Cloudy Range, who got a lucky run on the rails, by half a length. Dusolina was a neck away third, and then came Avernus, Elvo, Eureka Boy, and Colonial Boy. Times: 2min 45 4-ssec, 2min 48sec, 2mm 49 l-ssec.'

i WINNING OWNERS. The following are the stake winners in connection with the meeting:— D. Rodgers £545, L. A. Maidens £515, C. P. Cameron £235, W. H. Jakins £2lO, J. Richardson £165, late Mrs G. Stanley £l6O, G. F. Clarke £l5O, W. A. Howell £l4O, F. L. Price £125, F. Walhs, jun., £l2O, F. P. Broenan £lls, A. S. Gurney, £lls, V. Alborn £BO, Walsh £4O; E. F. C; Hinds £4O, E. C. M'Dermott £4O, J. R. M'Murray £25, F. Johnson £25, J. B. Westerman £25, A. H. Todd £20," A. Ferguson £2O, J. Young £2O, K. Farquharson £lO, \F. G. Lynch £lO, Ji. :E. Buchanan £lO, E. Mitchell £lO, D. A. Withers £lO. A. F. .M'Gregor £lO, and Mrs A. M. Jopp £lo.,—total,. £3OOO. TAXES PAID. The following taxes are payable in connection with the meeting:— Totalisator tax .. .. ... .'.' £1859 16 1 Dividend tax .. .. .. .. .. 1807 11, 0 Stakes tax .. 150 0 0 Amusement tax .. .. .. .. 89 6 8 £3906 13 9

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 22487, 4 February 1935, Page 4

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FORBURY PARK TROTS Otago Daily Times, Issue 22487, 4 February 1935, Page 4

FORBURY PARK TROTS Otago Daily Times, Issue 22487, 4 February 1935, Page 4