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. -/to. ... vy ; ’ . • ACTIVITIES OF THE DISTRICT

' ; (FROM OUR SPECI/ “STACKED” RINKS w DISCUSSION AT CENTRE MEETING -The bid question of “’stacked” rinks for the North. Otago Centre’s Champion of Champions Competition, which has caused such a Tot of discussion between players in the past, came in for a good deal of controversial discussion at the annual meeting, of the Xorth Otago Bowling Centre. When the conditions of play for the Champion of Champions. Rinks came forward, it was moved that the conditions be the same’as, last year; that is that.'players ■ choosetheir ,own -rinks and that a substitute be allowed. . Mr J. Gerrie stated that it would be in the interest of the game.and of the clubs if the rinks were formed of recognised 1 leads, seconds, thirds,' and skips. If that were done it would create more interest in the competition, both for the players and the clubs. Mr D. H. Thomson said it would be better to play -the competition as they did last year:;'.;, • ■ • ’ Mr Gerrie said the matter was causipg a lot of, discussion. " r.

L CORRESPONDENT.) T fowling : --T\ /—///.; NOR#: OTAGO "CENTRE ■ ... ~i •*; », . * i’l ’ ’ , ’- '* 1 lV.A' ( r There, was only a quorum at the last meeting of the North Otago Bowling Committee for the 1933-34 season, there being present Messrs Alexander Robertson (chairman), J. Gerrie,-W. Selfe, A. C. Forrest, and H. Ross-Clark. Mr G. ‘A. _ Cartwright (president) wrote apologising for. - his, absence from tlie meeting on account' of an .injured arm. Mr Cartwright; thanked members of -the centre for their assistance and co-operation during tlie past year, and also the secretary (Mr H. Hay) for his valuable guidance and help. . The Manawatu. Bowling Centre (Palmerston North) wrote requesting information as to the catering arrangements at., the, Oamaru Easter tournament.—The action of the secretary in supplying the desired information was approved.- ; The ; financial' - statements in connection with the centre and Easter tournament were" approved. V ;Members- expressed .sympathy- with Mr G, Ai Cartwright in Tils/ accident, and Mr ■Robei'tson, in retiring from the executive,, commented that- he: had been nil, the centre, for: three years and that he 'had enjoyed his/association with members, whom he thanked ■,for .their cooperation. Hearty; votes, ,of thanks- were passed to/-fil'd-' retiring', members' and :to the' press. ■ 1 ' ;■'/-// ■ANNUAL.MEETING. . ' ; ■Tlie annual meeting of the centre was held subsequently, there ' being also present’ Messrs H. Archibald, F. L. Barr, W. B, Galloway, and < D. H. Thomson.. ;Mr J. Gemie occupied the chair,/add" ’extended’ a,' very w'arm _welconfe' to club representative, and especially MrYGhlloway, of the-:Palmerston Club,which had in previous; years-bpen reprfi; serited- by-local members. 'Mr Gerrie thanked ’Mr'-'W. Brown" (treasurer) and' A./ W. Wbodward (auditor) for their, services during tfie.year. The following ■officers were elected for the ensuing year:—President, Mr A. C. Forrest;. vice-presidents—Messrs J. Gerrie -.arid H. Ross'Clark; . treasurer, Mr Wv Brown; auditorpMr A. W. Woodward; .centre selectors —Messrs D. H. Thomson, M. -Donald/ and E, Tomkins; Match .Committee--—Messrs A.' C. Forrest, G. ,A. CartaTight, and F. L. Barr. . Invitations were -received 'from various clubs for the officiaTbpeniUgs of .’the:greens, those for- Hampden and -Meadowbank being for Saturday. October 20, and for Waimate, Labour Day, October 22. —Accepted. with thauks.' . , vv'; Y/The' South Canterbury Centre wrote reqnestion ' a supply, of 10 score charts.—■ The request was agreed to. The Dominion Bowling Association forwarded the poster -with particulars of the Dominion tournainent, to. be held at, Auckland, and the RaihVays Department' and Union, 'Steam Ship Company fbrwvarded particulars of .concessions of fares ■toi'.bowlers'.attcnding -the- tournament.— Referred tq. the clubs. / ... /; .' Messrs Briscoe and Co, forwarded a' sample of the Hcnselite bbwl;.with.beading,iver’y .much;modified.—Received.,'. Y ?/ / The Meadowbu nk, Club forwarded a rc-' cordihehdaliGni frqtn - its , annual meeting that,. only two-,.rounds' be played-' in .the, ..Mills Shield ■ competitipn.—Some discusgibn .took pface oh/fhe- subject, a motion >;{6E:;th^e-ronnhs. being' one- vote,an ameridfneht .for two rounds, moved by the MeadoAvbank-delegates, /being defeated,; t It wap decided/to : start the matches -in •the Sidey Cup competition for evening players at 6.15 p.m. instead of at 6.30 p.m. as fbrmerly, the competition to be of two rounds.

Mr Thomson safd' they'called for entries at Phoenix last year, ,’andV had seven'or eight-rinks. Mr Gerrie replied"’that- his club was, of the opinion that the'rinks should be formed of recognised players of the dif.fer.ent, grades, , . ,-V Mj;- r ''selfcfsaid-that 1 at' Meadqwbank the players- selected their/, own rinks. The better -players a skip'conld.get, the better he was.,pleased, witk.the'result .that one ’skip’ got three’-new chums, and another time (’might be composed of four skips. ■ ' Mr Ross-Clark said he had been spoken to by colts of the Phoenix Club, who said what was the, good of the, Champion of ; 'Ghdmpions, ~as/they had to stand o.n the ioank and watch ithe skips play. -He favpure.d Mr .Gertie’s ‘ idea, and. thought- the should’ a'dyise the clubs/ npcprdThomson said! he did not :,9ee' how ihekeentre• could*dictate to the .clubs.- In any•• sport - the players should earn the right to-beun the' champion, of- champions,' They would' be lookiifg for ‘trouble if they altered the conditions. They might, have :six-/-leads of \equal calibre, 'and lie as a , ;selector Would/, not like .to-f'clect.a'rink' 1 ■.under , those (conditions. - ’ - f v'lilrT Gertie’/, retorted that they, had -trouble''already.,'! .V .--■Mr'Porresi-said the Champion Rinks •were found by -play, and to) adopt-the suggestion: wouldAie really reverting back to ‘the old’'system; * vt I to Mr Selfe said he : had one to-play with, as all the champion rinks had been picked, some with three .recognised ,sl?ip£. ■« They; stack Tt - up- every; time/’-concluded-Mr Selfe. . - % ’' * ’ - to’,/ ' T . J . ' i Mr-Thomson said that last-year Tie was asked to skip a rink, and did not know at that time who they were. Mr Forrest was a lead or skip, Mr Wilson a second, and-Mr-Mitchell-a-third or; skip/i. Mt‘ Forrest said it meant going- back to Club-Rinks. It would cause a lot of trouble. , - - • ’ ■ ■ - Ross-Clark said the old skips, die/ : tated, as gpt -a ,game,: v .,0 f;/ ' '/Mr/'-.Fqi'rest -said:' there .were -.-a gCdd,; Dumber . of -; colts . playing 'gti.Rhffiniki- .and/ ' he did riotothihk they could alter toe epnditions - Kiiiks ere "selected.' -. ( Mr' Gerrie ■■■ Paid ■it could l be very much; improved. . Therp ,'were /quite .good leads; and seconds wvho could . hot gef in tharinks. ■ '-to v ■■u-- ; 1 ’ : f-Mr- Forrest replied, that/t|iey .could , get (riiika-themselves, ri 'Mr' Thomson moved that the Champion of Champion Rinks be conducted on the same conditions as last year, that-is, that; they be found by play.—This was seconded by Mr Selfe ; and carried. ■ Mr Gerrie moved as a recommendation to the: clubs that the Champion of Champions Rinks be composed of recognised leads, seconds, thirds, and skips.—Mr -Ross-Clark seconded the motion.-which was carried.

Mr J. L. Davidson, of the Central Otago Centre, wrote advising that that centre had decided to give a set of bowls for patients at the Waipiata Sanatorium, and requesting that, .the- North- Otago Centre endeavour to also forward a set of bowls. A letter on. the same lines was also received from the Waipiata Sanatorium Committee, and the Hampden Club, and Mr J. A. Dunbar wrote urging sup.port of the request, the club suggesting that . the cost be met by a levy on members. ,:Mr Ross-Clark stated that the Pukeuri Club decided at the annual "meeting t 6 agree to a levy to secure the bowls. 1 Mr Thomson reported that the Phcenix Club was willing to join in with other ‘ clubs, and Mr ; Selfe reported .similarly'; bn '/behalf?; .of Meadowbahk.—lt .was, decided to give a Set of bowls, provided Phcenix, Meadowbank, and Awamoa contribute £1 each, and Hampden, Palmerston, and Pukeuri 10s each' towards the cost. The Patients and, Prieonars’ Aid Society wrote requesting a set of bowls for the Seacliff ’Mental Hospital.—The request having been referred to the clubs, was Held over till next meeting. It was agreed to accede‘to the request from the -Pukeuri Club that the first match held in North: Otago against South Canterbury for the Murray Bowl, be played this season at the Pukeuri green. The question of-the amount bf ,levies on clubs was brought forward by: Mr Ross Clark, who, stated that the Pukeuri members considered;that-'the secretary’s salary should be paid out of the-levies, and not’ be dependent, on ithe, proceeds of the Easter tournament. He moved as a recommendation to clubs that the levies ;be' increased by 3d to Is-vfof; active members, 9d for' honorary members,’ and 9d for country members.—This was seconded by Mr Gerrie’. and carried.

SCOTTISH SOCIETY’S SOCIAL PROGRAMME ; BY JUVENILES ; Despite the father unpleasant weather conditions, the monthly social and dance conducted, by : the "North ; Otago Scottish Society proved a successful Thh chief and chieftain were’ placed'into‘the hall by honorary pipers J. Gibson and H. Grant, after which the chief (Mr G. M. Gardiner) extended a welcome to (those attending. ■ ■ ■ The concert programme was presented udder the direction of Mies Rona Bee, whose pupils acquitted themselves excellently in providing a varied and muckappreciated concert programme.. The’ list of items, all. of' which were well received, was as follows:—Highland fling, Beatrice Macfie, Farlie Miller, Norma Harper, Lulu Downing, Nancy Terry, Audrey Ledlie, Malcolm M'Kellar; recitation, Betty M'Lean; Sean Triubhais, Malcolm M‘Kellar; song, Iris M‘Eitterick; Irish Hornpipe, Beatrice Macfie; double sword dance, Lulu Downing and Malcolm M/Kellar; single sword - dance, Norma Harper and Fairlie Miller; cornet solo;' Betty Burns; Highland feel—Nancy .Terry, Audrey Ledlie, Fairlie Miller,-and-Norma Harper; recitation, Louis Forbes;.step dance, Lulu Downing; ■ pianoforte solo,’ Molly ‘Familtbn;, operatic dance) Beatrice Macfie; military dance. Fairlie Miller; clog .M'Kitterick, Audrey Ledlie, Betty M'Leah, and.-Naiicy Terry; sailor song .and dance—Lulu Downing, Norma (Harper,- Malcolm ' MTvellar; skipping dance, Fairlie Miller; song, M°By Familton; cornet solo, Betty Burns; Dutch song, and dance —Lulii Downing, Audrey Ledlie, Beatrice Macfie, Fairlie Miller, Norma Haper; pianoforte, duet, .Betty Rush and Williamson;- Spanish dance, Betty MLcan: recitation, Louis Forbes; tap dance—Norma Harper, Iris MTvitterick, Audrey. Ledlie, Fairlie Miller; song, Molly Familton;, military' tap> dance, Beatrice Macfie and Lulu Downing; Irish song and dance —Iris MTCitterick, Betty M'Eean, Nancy. Terry, and Malcolm MTvellar. The accompaniments were played by Miss Daphne Grawshaw, and those for the national dances by honorary pipers .J. Gibson and : H. Grant. • . - ~ , At the conclusion of the concert programme supper was partaken of, after ■which an extended dance was held to music supplied by Rae’s Gaiety Orchestra. Mr R. Lambie carried out the duties of M.C. . ■ _ ■;■ PERSONAL At the Oamaru Borough Council meeting last night a motion-of sympathy was •passed with Cr F. Butterfield'in the death of his mother, who passed away at Dunedin on Tuesday. ■ Mr W. S. Gilkinson. of the staff of G. T. Gillies and Co., Oamaru, has-been admitted to membership of the- Society of Accountants with the status of A. . .:• . Queen's Hotel.—Mr P. E.' Jones, Mt C.- Peters (Christchurch), Mr R. .Milne, Mr J. A. C. Allum, Mr R. H. Agar, Mr. H. W„ Hunter, Mr, AL/C.. . Wallace: Wright, Mr D. A. Jenkins, "Mr J. Bradley (Dunedin). New Club Hotel. —Mr J. A; Ferguson (Melbourne), Mr L. Lythgoe. Mr H, Brook (Wellington), Mr A.’ Blacklock, Mr A. J. Milne (.Christchurch!Mr. J. L. Drysdale, Mr and Mrs J.- S.' Nicholson, Mr A. H. Campbell, Mr G. S. Crawford. Mr J. Hughes" (Dunedin). Mr W. B. Galloway (Palmerston), Mr E. Smith (Kelso).

: The secretary V Reported ■ that he- had received several - replies from other centres on the question Of' the constitution and ,rules of the centre, and a sub-corn-' niittee. consisting; pf'Messrs D. H. Thomson, P; L. Barr, and the secretary, was appointed to peruse the rules submitted, and bring forward a recommendation to the next meeting.' - Mr , I). 11. Thomson referred to the selection of representative teams on the quota system,' whereas he considered the .teams should- be selected oh merit, and that the selectors should be given a free hand.—Tt- was decided that representative teams-he selected on merit of players as available, and not on the quota from clubs, and that players who travelled should receive first consideration for matches at home.

CRICKET 'TEAMS FOR- TO-MORROW. Union Seniors.—Blair, Budd, Brown, Meikle, Maddigan, M'Donald, J. Robertson, Robbie, Spear, Tonkin, and Becking* ham. Union Juniors.—King, Stark, Park, Mahoney, Brook, Crombie, Doig, Falloon, C. Ewing,.H. Robertson, and Rutherford.Union Third Grade.—E. Ewing, .M'Mnrtrie, Ambler, L. Hedges (captain), Atriott, Martyn, Middlediteh, Dobson (2), Johnston, and Roney. WOMEN'S CLUB Mrg J. M. Forrester, was the speaker at a meeting of the Gardening Circle of the' North Otago Women’s Club, and she took for. the subject of. her -talk, •‘Fragrance in- the Garden Throughout the Year.” The subject proved to be a very interesting and- instructive one. Mrs Forrester had a collection of many beautiful, sweet-scented (lowers, which gave practical illustration of her subject. Sirs A. Douglas (chairwoman of the circle) introduced Mrs Forrester, and Mrs Simpson .proposed a vote, of thanks to the speaker for her interesting address.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 22397, 19 October 1934, Page 12

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NORTH OTAGO Otago Daily Times, Issue 22397, 19 October 1934, Page 12

NORTH OTAGO Otago Daily Times, Issue 22397, 19 October 1934, Page 12