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Notes For Women

dSjf CPaWiScl '" " r&


Mrs G. A. Findlay is visiting Auckland. * V * Mrs Gladstone Robinson returned to Timaru on Saturday last. * * * Miss Molly Collins, o£ Timaru, is staying in Dunedin. ;,a * * Miss Isobel Macdonald, ofWaimate, is spending a holiday in Dunedin. * * * Miss Effie Alison, of Devonport, Auckland, i s spending a holiday in Dunedin. * * * Mrs W. Anderson returned on Saturday after a two months' holiday in Auckland. ;$ . .» * Miss F. Couston has been spending a holiday at the Franz Josef Glacier.

Miss Mavis Raines, of Timaru, is spending a holiday in Duucdin. ;i * *

Miss F. Peake, who has been the guest of Mrs A. F. Speight, of Invercargill, returned to Dunedin on Saturday.

Miss Greta Hutton. of " Charleshope," Livingstone, is spending a holiday with friends iu Dunedin. tf « *

Miss Mabel. Prentice, "Matisefield," Mosgicl, has left on an extended holiday to Samoa.

Mrs M. Bain and Miss Corinne Bain are the guests_ of Mrs C. V. Kirke, of " Pusey " Station, Fairlie.

Mr and .Mrs D. W. M'kay, Miss E. M'Kay, and Mrs A. E. H. Bath, of Invercargill, motored to Dunedin last Tues- •> '.-. V

Miss Kathleen Derbie, ..who has beeu taking a course in dancing in Dunedin, returned to her home iu Invercargill by the express on Saturday.

Mis s Phyllis Sutton, of the teaching staff of the Otago Girls' High School, who has been visiting Christchurch, was the guest of Dr Betty G rigor, of Oamaru, for the week-end. '

The engagement is announced of Henry James, fifth son of the late Mr 11. C. Dale and Mrs K. Dale, of Clyde terrace, Kaitangata, and Ida Myrtle, only daughter of the late Mr and Mrs J. H. Roberts, of "Garfield," Inch Clutha.

The engagement is anuouueed of Edna May, only daughter of Mr and Mrs V. A. Parker, late of Roxburgh, and Matthew Ogilvie, eldest son of Mr and Mrs G. A. M. Johnstone, of New Haven, South Otago. r

The engagement is announced of Edith May, only daughter of Mr and Mrs W. G. Sewell, of Waiarcka, North Otago, and George Robert, elder son of Mr and Mrs G. Seaton, of Courtenay, Canterbury.

The Roslyn branch of the League of Mothers held its monthly meeting on Tuesday last in Roslyn Presbyterian Church Hall, Mrs G. W. Reid presiding. Flowers brought by members were sent to the Hospital. Mrs Reid impressed all with her thoughtful talk on "Influence of Love and Home Life." Mrs .Chisholm moved a hearty vote of thanks to the speaker.

Professor Strong gave! a jolly party at Upper Studholme on'Saturday evening in honour of Mr. and Mrs It. B. Tennent, who are shortly leaving to take up their residence in Wellington. Progressive bridge, music and radio items were en-, joyed during the evening which was remarkably happy and successful. TJiere were present Mr and Mrs A. C. Cameron, Mr and Mrs S. P. Cameron, Mr and Mrs R. Cameron, Mr and Mrs Pearce, Mr and Mrs Edgar, Misses Bell (Shag Valley), Ogston, Glendining, Pithic, and Bowbyes, Dr Marion Whyte, and Mi Bloomfield.

Miss Joan Scaife, of Glendhu, was hostess at a "kitchen" afternoon given in honour of Miss Tui Wilson on Thursday. A happy afternoon was spent with various and amusing competitions. After a delicious tea the bride-elect opened a varied and useful basket of parcels. The happy afternoon was brought to a close with the singing of "Auld Lang Syne." The guests present were:—Mesdames ScaiFe, sen., W. Scaife, N. Scaife, Wilson, Aubrey, M'Kegg, Allison, Rowley, Hunt, Fairbairn (Duuedin), Studholme, Walker, Paulks, Jackson, Gunn, Burrows, and Mann, and Misses T. Wilson, G. Habner, Methven (2), M. Gawn. B. Halliday, Rowley (2), B. Faulks, E. Aubrey, and M. Fairbairn (Dunedin). * * * Misses E. and. W. Rowley, of Lake Hawea Station, were joint hostesses on Wednesday at a " White " afternoon given in honour of Miss Tui Wilson, who is to be married early,in' June. In spite of the damp weather a number of Miss Wilson's Wanata and Hawea friends attended to do her .honour and a jolly afternoon was spent in competitions and music. After tea the presents were brought in •and opened by the bride-elect, all of them being useful and much admired. Among the guests present were: Mesdames J. C. Rowley, Wilson, Sullivan, M'Kegg, Allison, Gunn, Hunt. Scaife and N. Scaife, and Misses B. Miller, T. Wilson. B. Halliday, G. Habner, Methven (2, Timaru), M. Gawn, B. Faulks, J. Scaife, and M. Kane. * * * On Wednesday the wedding was solemnised at St. John's Church, Invercargill, of Marion Isobel, youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs J. H. Aldridge, Eye street, and Claude Morris, only son of the late Mr and Mrs S. Collins, of Dunedin. The Ven. Archdeacon Lush performed the ceremony and Mr J. H. Aldridge, LA.B., of Dunedin, thß bride's brother, presided at the organ. Wagner's Bridal Chorus from " Lohengrin " was played as the bride entered the church with her father. She wore a frock of cream georgette cut on classical lines, with danty pin tucked yoke and a pearl horseshoe at the waistline. Hpr tight-fit-ting sleeves came to a point over her hands, and her veil, which fitted close to her head, was caught at each side with orange blossom and fell in graceful folds to form a train. Her only ornament was a string of pearls lent by a friend, and her shower bouquet consisted of cream chrysanthemums, roses, freezias, asparagus, and maidenhair fern. Miss Madge Aldridge attended her sister as bridesmaid, and wore a frock of shrimp windswept satin moulded to the figure and fallinz in flares to the ankles. The long sleeves were puffed and finished at the wrist with tiny buttons to. the elbow. At the neckline of the bodice two flared frills were caught in front with a bow. She wore hat and shoes to tone, and carried a bouquet of pink chrysanthemums, roses, carnations, cyclamen, and maidenhair fern. Mr Victor Aldridge, brother of the bride, was best man. After the ceremony the quests adjourned to the Country Club, where they were received by Mrs Aldridge. mother of the bride, wearing a model frock of black georgette and lace, with coatee to match. Over this she wore a musquash coat with brown felt hat to tone. She carried a posy of bronze chrysanthemums, abulutions, and maidenhair fern. Mr and Mrs Collins, who left for their honeymoon by. car, will take up residence in Musselburgh Rise, Dunedin. For, travelling the bride chose a frock wood blue crepe serge, oyer which s"he wore a musquash coat, with brown hat i and python shoes to toue.

Items of social interest and topics relating to the home are invited. Communications must be- accompanied by the name and address of the writer. Notices of engagement must be signed by one at least of the principalis, oar by some responsible person, as a guarantee of genuineness.

Mr arid Mrs George Burns, of Caversham, who have been spending a holiday in Timaru, returned home on Friday.

Mrs R. B. Bell, of Timaru, is visiting Dunedin. She will return north to-mor-row.

Mrs T. A. Nicholson, who is spending a holiday in Dunedin, expects to return to Invercargill early this week.

Mr and Mrs W. Ewing, who have been staying with Mi's A. Taylor, of Waikiwi, Southland, returned on Thursday. * "• * Miss Maud Wilkie, of Dunedin, and Miss Rub.v Wilson, of Balfour, members of the junior representative lawn tennis team, returned on Friday from Auckland. They speak very highly of the kindness and hospitality extended to them iu Auckland and Wellington.

A delightful "bathroom" afternoon was given by Miss Gawn. of " Oroshill," Hawca, "in honour of Miss Tui Wilson, last week. Midst glorious sunshine the guests spent an enjoyable afternoon playing golf, the winner being Mrs G. Morris After tea the presents were opened by the bride-to-be, and the bright afternoon was brought to a close with the singing of " For She's a Jolly Good Fellow." The guests present included:—llesdames Wilson, Hunt, W. Scaife, .Morris, Waldron, Studholme, Gunn, Allison, and M'Tvegg. Misses T. Wilson, E. Rowley, and J. Scaife.

Mrs Frankel, of Cbristchurch, arrived last night to be the guest of Mrs John MofTett, Cargill street, for a few days. •V * # Mrs J. A. Roberts gave a delightful bridge party at the Otago Women's Club yesterday afternoon in honour of her guest, Mrs Thornes, of Shropshire. Mrs Roberts wore a smart saxe bine ensemble with hat to match, and received her guests in the lounge. Tea was served in the dining room, which was arranged for the occasion with bowls of autumntinted flowers. Among those present were Mrs R. Kennedy, Lady Williams, Lady Ferguson, Mesdames Rattray, H. S. Fenwick. A. Fenwick, Batchelor, Hunter Weston, Fitchett, Reynolds, Cheeseman, Oldham, • Gallaway, Garth Gallaway, Macassey, Laidlaw, J. Laidlaw, Downes Roberts, M'Lean, Dodgshun, Sise, Watson Shennan, T. C. Irvine, «Haggitt, J. Sinclair, Birch, L. Wilson, G. Ferguson, S. Neill, J. Cook, E. Orbell, Jenkins. Edmond. F. Eclmond, Throp, Cruickshank, S. Roes, Sargood, G. Bell, and T. stills, and Misses Denniston, Gallaway, M'Lean (2), Ulrich, Shand (2), Webster, Graham (2), and Neill.

Miss Elinor Jones, of Invercargill, who visited Dunedin for the capping festivities, returned home on Saturday eveu-

Mrs W. 0. M'Kellar and her two children, who have been the guests of All" and Mrs W. L. Cunningham, Castle Downs, returned to Dunedin on Friday.

Miss Xancy Nicholson, of Invercargill, who has been spending a holiday at Mount Cook, is at present the guest of her aunt, Mi's S. C. Sutherland.

Our London correspondent writing on April 13 says: Mrs G. W. Morrison, of Timaru, is staying in Oxford with her cousin, Mrs E. Black. After a month in London and visits to relatives in Surrey, Hertford, and Sussex, Mrs Morrison will leave in September with her parents, to stay with her sister, Mrs Moore-Sturgess, in Alexandria. This will be followed by a fortnight's visit to Mr and Mrs G. D. Frazer, in Cairo. At Port Said she will embark on her homeward journey, expecting to arrive in Timaru betore Christmas.

Members ajid friends of the Dunedin Club in Auckland spent an enjoyable evening on Thursday, when the club gave another of its many delightful and successful entertainments. The evening was bright and animated, the guests all thoroughly enjoying the programme provided. Dancing was enjoyed in conjunction with a good orchestra, while those who preferred to do otherwise indulged in bridge. The guests were received by Mr and Mrs H. ¥'. Wright, the latter wearing a black crepe suede frock. Among those present were: Mvsdamcs W. Faulkner, M. S M'Nickle, R. A. Cornish. W. Davis, Ring, Grant.. Cnllinan, H. Leadbeater, N. Hamilton, Wetherilt, H. H. Wilson. J. A. Cow, E. A. Allen, J. G. Shearer. L. S. Piper, M. M. Dodd, J. Oliver, Lindsay Anderson, Eccles, R. MacDonald, R. R. MiTler, H. E. Burton, L. J. Warren, R. C. Jamieson, T. Long, and A. Snedden, and Misses M. Prince. Blaad, J. and N. Oliver. Reid, Broad, Warren, Sherriff. King, Ronnie, G. Jones, P. Grant, B. Newbold, Muggleworth, Oran. Sicdeberg, Findlay, M. Longand R. Hardley.

Very distinctive is tliis bridesmaid's frock in georgette trimmed with a heavy taffeta niching at hem of skirt. The smart little cape is also in taffeta with self-niching to match. The waist belt corresponds and is tied in front in the new style. Ifc is a creation from the house of Marshall and Snelgrove, London.

The annual meeting of the Leith Croquet Club was held in the club's pavilion on Thursday afternoon. Though the weather was rather wintry, there was a good attendance of members, Mrs Simpson presiding. Before proceeding with the election of office-bearers Mrs Simpsou referred to the project .which the club had in view, the laying down of a full-sized lawn adjoining the present ones. This would help to keep Leith Club on the same level as.other dubs, full-sized lawns being essential ,to the progress of clubs these days. Members were all in favour of the idea, all promising loyal support. The following officers were elected:—President, Mrs Adamson; secretary, Mrs Nelson; club captain, Mrs Munro; deputy-captain, Mrs Rhodes: committee—Mesdames Simpson, Withers, and Ponton; delegates to 0.C.A., Mesdames Munro and Rhodes. The meeting closed with a hearty vote of thanks to the retiring president.

A large assembly of relatives and friends gathered at St. Augustine's Church, Waimate, on Wednesday to witness the nuptials of two well-known families in Waimate district, when Helena Osborne, second daughter of Mr and Mrs C. S. M'Lachlan, of Limestone Hills, Waimate, was united in holy matrimony to Rupert Edward Henry, younger son of Mr and Ml 's E - B - Harrison, Vale terrace, Waihao Downs. The Rev. G. N. Watson, of Opawa, performed the ceremony and Miss G. Mum ford played the nuptial music. The bride, who was escorted by her father, made a charming picture in her close-fitting gown of ivory satin cut on princess lines, the back panel forming a train. The halter collar was finished at the side with a buckle and spray of orange blossom, and the long sleeves were tucked to the elbow. Her long tulle veil was embroidered with wedding bells and true lovers' knots, and was worn over the face, being held to the head with a circlet of orange blossoms. She carried a bouquet of white frccsias and chrysanthemums and maidenhair fern. Miss Janet M'Lachlan, the bride's sister, and Miss Marion M'Lean were her bridesmaids, and two cousins of the bride, Misses Ottalie Osborne and Betty Carr, were flower girls. The bridesmaids' dainty frocks of white taffeta sprigged with clusters of roses were made with georgette yokes. The sleeves had tiny frills over the hands, and on the hems of the full skirts were three rows of frills. They wore halo caps of tulle and small flowers and carried bouquets of sweet peas and chrysanthemums in pastel shades. _ The flower girls wore white organdie sprisged with tinv roses, made on Empire lines with a frill at the hem, and halo caps of tulle and flowers. Their posies matched those of the bridesmaids. Mr J. S. Manchester was best man and Mr Morton Medlicott acted as groomsman. The ushers were Messrs G. W. R. Osborne, Bernard Harrison, and Ken Manchester. After the ceremony the guests motored to Limestone Hills, where they were received by the bride's mother, who wore a smart black, georgette crepe frock and lace coatee, and hat to match. Her bouquet was of bronze chrysanthemums. Afternoon tea was served in a marquee on the lawn, the tables being bright with sweet peas, irises, scabious, and stocks in paste! shades. The wedding cake was surmounted by a gold cup which had been presented to the bride's grandparents on the occasion of their golden wedding. The bride travelled in a navy wind-swept worsted trimmed with heige and silver buttons, her hat Vicing of navy felt to match her frock. She earned a blue fox coat.

The Maori Hill branch of the League of Mothers met on Thursday in the Sim Street Hall, Mrs Cree Brown presiding. Owing to the inclemency of the weather there was not a large attendance. Those who had braved the elements were 'well rewai'ded in listening to an interesting Miss Jeffries, who told of her work in the mission schools of Syria. Mrs Bczelt favoured the gathering with two songs. Mrs Robinson proposed a vote of thanks to Mrs Bezett and Miss Jeffries. « * * At last the long-looked-for event is at hand—the British Drama League festival. The following are the competing organisations, with the names of the plays to be presented by them:— Play-reading Circle of the Otago Women's Club (scene from "Hippolvtus"), W.E.A. Arts Class ("Dumb Jewels"), W.E.A. Drama Class ("The Old Lady Shows Her Medals " and ''Followers"), the Thespian Club (vindication " and "It Happened on Dartmoor "), the Dunedin Repertory Society (" Anniversarv" and " Gruach "), the Palmerston Dramatic Club ("The Grand Chan is Diamond"), the Columba Old Girls' Association (''Postman's Knock ),

the Benhar Women's Institute C" Wanted, a Housekeeper"), and the Warepa Women's Institute (" The Old Lady Shows Her Medals"). The last-named entry is that of the winning team from the Women's Institute festival at Balclutha. This team has been allowed to enter only because another team had to withdraw at the last moment, thus upsetting the programme. In order to keep faith with the public and give a full programme of four plavs each night, the committee felt that this team should be allowed to enter even though another team wag presenting the same play on a different night. Miss Elizabeth Blake, of Wellington, is to be the judge. # # H-

Miss Ruby Robinson and Miss Kathleen Curran were joint hostesses at a farewell party held at the Savoy last Saturday afternoon in honour of Mrs Ivan Nicholson (nee Dale Austen), who is leaving shortly to take up residence in Australia. Mrs Nicholson, in her speech, thanked the guests for their useful gifts and good wishes. Those present were: Mesdames D. Smart, T. C. Collins, G. Moody, and H. Gourley, and Misses A. Osborn, P. Black. D. Wheatland, N. Howard, A. Gourley, E. Lane, and T. Manson.

Last Tuesday evening a surprise party was given by about 35 friends to Miss May Boddy, of " Airlie Bank," Macandrew Bay, a bride-elect. When the party had all assembled in the spacious room used for the occasion. Miss Boddy was presented with a novel bouquet of pegs, blue, and washing soda. The evening was spent in games, which were enjoyed by all. Just before supper a clothes basket bearing gifts from all was brought into the room and opened by Miss Boddy and the intended groom, Mr JohA Keruahan, all being of a useful nature. Mr Kernahan, in a iieat speech, thanked all present. The party was brought to a close by the singing of "Auld Lang Syne."

The Tokomairiro Presbyterian Church at Milton was tastefully decorated in autumn tints for the wedding on Monday, May 7, of Mary Joyce Thomson, elder daughter of Mr and Mrs ton Thomson, of Milton, to Aubrey Hugh Williams, elder son of Captain and Mrs Hugh Williams, of Dunedin. The Rev. A. M'Neur performed the ceremony, assisted by the Rev; Albert _ Mead, of Dunedin. The bride was attired in a dress of ivory wind-swept velvet simply made, with a wide collar falling over her shoulcjers. while her net veil fell from a coronet of orange bossoms to form a train. She carried a sheaf of lilium auraturn and maidenhair fern. Her bridesmaids, Misses Margaret Thomson and Myra Brookes, were dressed alike in autumn flame wind-swept velvet. Tiny caps of bronze chenille with jaunty bows of the dress material matched their sheafs of dahlias and chrysanthemums. Bronze kid shoes and hose completed the ensemble. Mr John Williams acted as best man and Mr lan Thomson as groomsman, while Messrs Robert Swing and Colin Speight were ushers. During the signing of the register Miss Eunice Stewart sang " Thanks be to God." Autumn tints were also used to decorate the Motorists' Refreshment House, where the wedding reception was held. Mrs Thomson and Miss Watson (aunt of the bridegroom) received the guests. Mrs Thomson was gowned in a black and white faille ensemble, worn with a toque in the same colouring, and carried a charming bouquet of red ixias and dahlias. Miss Watson wore a mole-coloured ensemble with hat to match. Mrs Walter Speight and Mrs Eric Speight delighted the guests with vocal solos at the reception. For her travelling outfit the bride wore a frock of deep blue faille trimmed with grey squirrel. Over this a dark grey coat was worn and an Angora hat in the same colouring. * * *

A novel social function of considerable interest took place last Tuesday in Millar Street Hall, North-East Valley, in the form of a mock wedding breakfast. The contracting parties were Lady Diana Montmorency (Miss L.Reilly),daughter of Lord and Lady Montmorency (Miss Muriel Pearce and Mrs J. Dean), and the Right Hon. Marmaduke Popoff (Miss Isabel Gillies), son of Lord and Lady Archibald Popoff (Mrs H. Hogg and Miss Mabel Paul). The officiating minister was the Rev. Peter Fitz-Morris-Buchanan (Miss Jessie Anderson). Following the signing of the register, to the strains of the "Wedding March," played by Miss Tasma Woodward, the' bridal party proceeded to the supper room. Some 50 guests were received by Lady Montmorency, attired in floral georgette, with hat to tone, and a musquash coat, and Lady Popoff, who looked charming in a frock of black lace, with small black hat with eyeveil. The bride wore an exquisite gown of ivory chenille georgette, with a beautiful veil of Brussels net and coronet of orange blossom. She carried a shower bouquet of white chrysanthemums and maidenhair fern. A string of pearls, the gift of the bridegroom, completed her charming toilette. The bridesmaids, Ladies Dorothy-May _ and Rose-Marie (Misses Doreen Fitzsimmonds and Lilian Harris), sisters of the bride, wore frocks of green and lemon floral georgette respectively. Each carried a bouquet of autumn-tinted chrysanthemums, Little Elizabeth-Anne Montmorency (Miss Beatrice Moore), cousin of the bride, looked sweet in a dainty frock of white crepe de chine. The duties of best man were ably carried out by Sir Reginald Popoff (Miss Eileen Wise), brother of the bridegroom, while Colonel Algenon Smart (Miss Alice Gillies) acted as groomsman. The ushers were Charles and Henry (Misses Myrtle Still and Joyce Kofoed), and the charminglydecorated tables were waited upon by Misses N. Pearce, E. Young, and P. Woodward. The duties of chauffeur were carried out by Miss Anne Reilly. During the evening items were rendered by Misses M. Giles. June A'den, and Signor Isereechio (Mrs S. Ikin). 'Mid showers of confetti, the happy couple left by car for the south. Games and dancing were enjoyed by all till a late hour. Among those present were:—Madame Popoff (Mrs H. Dudfield), grandmother of the bridegroom, Mrs Deborah Fitz-Morris-Buchanan (Miss Mavis Moore), Miss Montague-Tones (Miss A. Hurd), -Miss Juliet Smithson (Hiss Olive Brewster), Mrs IT. Dudfield,. jun. (Hastings), the Rev. S. A. G. Hurd. and Mr Michael Colqukoun (Miss Reta Brown).

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 22268, 22 May 1934, Page 14

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Notes For Women Otago Daily Times, Issue 22268, 22 May 1934, Page 14

Notes For Women Otago Daily Times, Issue 22268, 22 May 1934, Page 14