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FLETCHER CUP COMPETITION SATURDAY'S MATCHES The two senior matches at the Caledonian Ground on Saturday drew’ a large attendance, but owing to the strong southerly the play was not up to the standard expected from the competing teams. In each of the games, the two leading clubs in the competition, Maori Hall and Mosgiel, proved victorious, and the positions on the table remain as previously. The results of the matches played w’ere; — Maori Hill . . 2 Seacliff . . 1 Mosgiel • • 4 H.S. Old Boys 1 Northern . . 2 Mornington 1 Roslyn-Wahari 4 Port Chalmers 2 Technical . . 4 Kaitangata . . 2 POSITIONS OF TEAMS. The following table shows the positions of the teams in the First Division to date: — Goals. Cup

MAORI HILL v. SEACLIFF Maori Hill and Seacliff provided the first game at the Caledonian Ground and, displaying better football throughout, Maori Hill fully deserved its win. The teams were:— Maori Hill—Wills; Taylor, Bayne; Dougal, Brown, Thompson; Carse, Oliver, Gordon, Baird, Balk. __ „ . , Seacliff.—R. Jordan; Walkinshaw, Milne; Shearer, Warnock, A. Jordan; M'Laughlan, Simmons, Hooper, Gilchrist, O’Rorke. „ ... Winning the toss, Seacliff, with a strong wind in their favour, at once took play to the Hill area, where Bayne slipped the ball nicely to Brown, who opened up to Carse. The winger's cross was cleared bv Milne, and Warnock put Simmons in a handy position, but the latter was too slow, Bayne clearing smartly. Baird, with clever footwork, let Carse away again, but the defence was sound, and the play quickly shifted to the other end, where Bayne made a bad miss and Hooper, lying handy, drove for goal, but Wills cleared. Later MLaughlan was too slow in crossing, and Bayne cleared, and the Hill van set off in a fine movement, Gordon cleverly allowing Carse to cut in and shoot, but Jordan made a great save and shortly after saved well from Balk. It was geachff’s turn now, and with Warnock forcing the play, O’Rorke sent on to Hooper, whose shot just skimmed the bar. Hooper attempted to force his way through but Taylor was defending well, the Hill back placing well to Brown, and with clever play Brown sent upfield to Gordon, who drew the defence and placed on to Baird who raced in to score a fine goal. Hill .Seacliff nil Hill continued to press and Milne, at back, had a busy time and, with Jordan safe, managed to keep the Hill torwards out. Warnock returned a clearance to Brown, and placing well to goal forced a corner. From a well taken corner by Simmons, O’Rorke scored from the resultant scramble. One all. Back came the Blues, and Hooper narrowly missed with a great shot. IVI Laughlan next sent in a fine cross to Hooper, but Wills was smart in clearing the danger, and Brown passed out to Balk. Baird, neatly slipping past Warnock, gave Gordon a chance, and. a good shot by the centre was well fielded by Jordan, 4ue first spell ended with Hill pressing. Playing with the wind in their favour, Hill set out to take the lead, but Hooper intercepted nicely and the Otago centre was seen in one of his characteristic dashes, but his shot went wide. The Blues with hard play again took the ball to the Hill area, where a fine cross from the wing was snapped up by Hooper, and with the Hill backs beaten, a goal' looked certain, but Wills made a brilliant save from close range. Shortly after, the goalie failed to clear a hard drive, but Bayne made a timely clearance. Balk had had few chances up to this stage, and, receiving the ball, raced down the wing to cross perfectly, and Carse, coming up fast, had Jordan in two minds with a fine shot. The goalie cleared, however, and Warnock, always handy, let Hooper away in another dash, but the centre shot wide. Hill came away in a fine passing movement, Oliver sending out to Balk, and with machine-like action the ball travelled to Baird and on to Gordon, who finished the best movement of the day by leaving Jordan standing with a fine shot. Hill 2, Seacliff 1. Hill now had a grip on the game, and with the halves placing well to the forwards beacliff were held on defence. Warnock was outstanding, but his outside halves were not keeping in touch with the forwards, and consequently numerous passes went astray. Taylor was injured, and was helped to the side line for. attention. Balk sent in a hot shot which Jordan had difficulty in clearing. A corner to Hill saw Brown head behind. Milne next fouled in a dangerous position, but cleared from the free kick, and Simmons worked his way down the field, and sent out to M'Laughlan, who crossed to Hooper, and ■Wills was again brilliant in clearing a hob shot. Hooper was now being closely watched by Brown, and with both sides tiring play became slower except tor spasmodic rushes by Seacliff. Hill continued to play the better football. Warnock once again turned defence into attack. and O’Rorke raced down the field to cross to Hooper, but Taylor cleared strongly, and Thompson placed well into the Seacliff goal area, but Jordan cleared, and play settled in midfield for the rei mainder of the game, which ended:

Maori Hill ? goals. Seacliff 1 soal. Mr A. Riach was the referee. MOSGIEL v. HIGH SCHOOL OLD BOYS The play between Mosgiel and High School Old Boys provided a more spirited ■exhibition than the earlier game, and the former, displaying superiority in the torward line, deserved the honours. The teams were: Mosgiel.—M'Dougall; M'Cloy, Steven; Stenhouse. M'Lean, Truesdale; Gome, Whyte, Porter, Davidson, Skinner. Hi< r h School Old Boys.— Hall; Sutherland, Pickerill; M'Farlane, Chapman, Bringans; C. Latimer, Duncan, P. Latimer. Groves, Cameron. Losing the toss, Old Boys had the disadvantage of the wind and from the kick off Mosgiel pressed, Porter early testing Hall with a header. The respite was short, as Mosgiel returned and Hall was kept busy in clearing bis goal. short-passing movements, Groves and 1 • Latimer worked through to within striking distance of Mosgiel’s goal, but M Dou<rall returned play upfield, and MLean slipped the ball out to Skinner on the left, who placed nicely for Porter to trap and beat Hall. Mosgiel 1, Old Boys ml. Old Boys were kept mostly on detenee, the wind being a liig factor, and Steven, repulsing an attack on the right, drove to "oal, where the weak clearance ot the backs gave Porter an easy goal. Mosgiel 2, Old Boys nil. Old Boys’ forwards displayed little cohesion, but a rally by the vanguard ended in a goal kick, from which Mosgiel again came through. The winger, Skinner, lobbed over a good ball, and Porter headed his third goal. Mosgiel 3, Old Boys nil. Hall saved a further shot from Davidson, and Chapman sent up field, Duncan opening out to the right. P Latimer’s shot from the centre was cleared by M'Dougall. Old Boys’ pace was troubling their opponents, and M'Dougall was forced out to relieve a further advance. Midfield play followed, Chapman eventually sending on to Cameron, who tested M'Dougall with a good drive, and Mosgiel were soon in an attacking position, Whyte having a shot which Hall cleared. Old Boys, mainly through poor placing, could make little headway, and Mosgiel continuing to press, Gorrie twice shot past. Good defence was shown by Old Boys, Sutherland being prominent, and Mosgiel were not as effective, although Skinner hit the crossbar with a good cross and Hall safely fielded a long drive from Stem

house. Groves made a good run, and, ] neatly slipping past M'Cloy, spoilt his I play by a poor pass, and further attacking movements by Mosgiel were frus- ] trated by the smart work of the defenders. By determined play on the right, j C. Latimer took play to Mosgiel’* area, M'Cloy returning a cross. Duncan se- i cured, and a strong shot was punched out | by M'Dougall. P. Latimer got possession, j his shot being deflected for a corner by j a delender. The corner was repulsed, and half time was sounded with Mosgiel in the act of taking a corner. Starting off in the second half with | the wind behind them, Old Boys held ( Mosgiel penned. M'Cloy was defending solidly, and M'Dongall saved a hot i-ne from Groves. M'Far lane stopped Skinner ; and Davidson in a movement, and cleverly | took the ball well up and passed on to , C. Latimer, whose shot was blocked by | M'Cloy for an abortive corner. Old Boys ( continued to hold the advantage. Slow- , ness on the part of the forwards nullified | most of the attacks, but Duncan gave M'Dongall a hot one to stop. M Dougall was playing right up to form, all his clearances showing finish. A breakaway by Skinner on the left saw the winger cross strongly to goal, where Gome missed badly- Weak play on Old Boys left enabled M'Cloy to transfer play. offside spoiling the movement, but Whyte and Gorrie returned to the attack, the latter crossing to Skinner, whose shot was blocked by Sutherland. Old Boys defence was sound, and Cameron came away on the left. Groves completing the movement with a good drive, which M Cloy deflected for a corner. From the cross M'Dougall saved splendily, and although Mosgiel’s defence was no better than Old j Boys' display in the first haR the letters j forwards were too slow in shooting, j M'Farlane’s cleverness in opening up play gave Old Boys their chance. Coming through with the ball nicely, he passed up to the forwards, and Groves, getting possession, beat M'Dougall 'wjtli a strong shot. Mosgiel 3, Old Boys 1. Mosgiel moved forward from the kick off, forcing a corner from a shot by Porter. Skinner’s cross went to Gorrie, who lobbed the ball into the net. Mosgiel 4, Old Boys 1. Duncan now took up the centrehalf berth, Chapman going to centreforward and M'Cloy was fortunate to clear by giving away a corner. This wag repulsed, but more clever play on the part of M'Farlane ended in a further corner. C. Latimer placed to Chapman, whose shot M'Dougall spread out to tuin outside. A second corner followed, and Mosgiei’s goal had a lucky let off, when a shot by Groves was deflected towards M'Dougall, who was down on his knees. The goalie cleared. Old Boys' pace had Mosgiel well held in the final stages, and only the safe goalkeeping of M'Dougall kept them from scoring again. The final result was: —

Mosgiel 4 goal*, High School Old Boy* 1 goal. Mr H. T. Knight was the referee.



Playing at Prospect Park, Roslyn won the toss and Port Chalmers attacked from the kick off. Copland relieved, sending up to Rutherford and Condor, the latter shooting past. Ramage took the ba I off Ives’s feet when the latter was lying handy, but Port Chalmers returned. Ives crossed for Holden to beat the goalkeeper. Port Chalmers 1, Roslyn nil. The hill team livened up after this reverse, Ramage sending his forwards away. Haldane and Grieg were prominent, and Rutherford capped the movement by beating Smolensk! with a nice shot. One all. Port Chalmers were indulging in the long passing game, which had the Whites halves guessing, and Holden missed with a good chance when Donaldson placed nicely. Hutchison was playing safely for Port Chalmers on defence, but Rutherford swung in a good cross to goal. The goalie partially cleared and F. Condor, connecting with the rebound, placed into the net. Roslyn 2, Port . Chalmers 1. The strong wind was spoiling the play to some extent. Roslyn, however, now had the advantage, and a free kick was well returned by the goalie, Smolenski, who was kept busy, although most of the shots lacked sting. Port Chalmers broke through on the right, Ramage saving a certain goal, after Clarke had cleared from Cuthbertson. Half time followed Without further scoring. . On resuming, Port forced a corner, winch wa« abortive, and Haldane, taking play upfield, Groves intercepted with a smart tackle. A free kick to the Whites saw Smolenski save from Lennon, M Sloy kicking clear. With the wind, Port continued to force the play, but hard kicking spoilt their chances. Being awarded a penalty for hands off Ramage, Donaldson scored the equalising goal. The lull team now pressed, with the forwards playing well together, and Rutherford tested Smolenski unsuccessfully. ’ Copland was keeping the ball well up, and the Fort halves were hard pressed, Hutchison playing a good game. Latta next attempted a shot which went past, and Roslyn advanced on the left, V. Condor placing nicely to Rutherford, who sent goalwards, and Smolenski failed to hold the ball. Roslyn 3. Port 2. Port, with Ives in the lead, attacked strongly, Holden spoiling by kicking wildly over. Haldane tricked past Cuthbert and sent F. Condor away, a good cross following. The I ort goalie cleared well. Donaldson was steady on defence for Port, but kicked too strongly for his forwards. Roslyn s fourth goal resulted from a clearance by Copland. Rutherford and V, Condor going through for the latter to beat Smolenski with a close shot The hill team were now having the better of.the play, the forwards combining better than in the first half. A further advance saw V. Condor and Rutherford just miss. Whyborn repeatedly repulsed Ports attack, and M'Callion clearing from Ives on the right, sent Haldane away, a shot by the latter being punched clear by the goalie. In a further advance Ramage blocked Edmonston, and Roslyn were opening out an attacking movement when time was called. Result; Roslyn-Wakari .... 4 goals. Port Chalmers 2 goals. Mr V. Dickel was the referee.

TECHNICAL OLD BOYS v. KAITANGATA The match between Technical Old Boys and Kaitangata was played on Oval No. 1 ground. Technical won the toss, and elected to play with the wind behind them Armishaw, who was playing on the left wing, put in a couple of good shots, but Hector failed to connect with the second one. Anderson, who was filling Witchall’s place in the forwards, was playing well, and centered nicely, the Kaitangata backs clearing. Wilkinson, the righthalf for Technical, met with a slight accident, which necessitated his leaving the field for 35 minutes. Armishaw was puttirur in some good shots from the wing, and Campbell, Kaitangata s goalie, was called on to save time and tune again. Even play followed until Kaitangata came away with a rush. Addison cleared, and sent the ball to Patton, the wind hist carrying his shot oiKside the post. Technical had the better of the game assisted by a strong wind and shot after shot proved rcsultless. Kaitangata again rallied, and their forwards took the ball right down to Technicals goal mouth. Holden saved a nice shot by Middlemass. Addison again came through, and placed a nice shot, Campbell clearing bv tipping the ball over the bar. Technical again pressed, and Middlemass, in order to clear, had to concede n corner. Batchelor placed nicely, and Aiulerson beat Campbell with a low shot. Tcchmca 1, Kaitangata ml. Half time followed shortly afterwards. The second spell opened more evenly, though Technical showed the better combination. A free kick to Technical was well placed by Addison, and Armishaw secured and netted. Technical 2. Kaitangata nil. Kaitangata were striving to even up matters, but the wind was very tricky and made good football out of the riuestion. Patton put in a nice shot when Kitto, the Kaitangata full-back, beaded the ball into his own goal. Technical 3 goals, Kaitangata ml. Kaitangata again pressed hard when Technical were penalised for tripping. Stanaway put m a good shot, which Holden pushed over the bar. Not to be denied Stanaway came again, and tili s time beat Holden. Technical 3, Kaitangata 1. Technical took up the attack, and though Campbell was playing a really good game Anderson managed to beat him with another low shot. Technical 4, Kaitangata 1. Middlemass was prominent, and put in a great shot, but Holden made a brilliant save. Kaitangata still pressed, and the best shot of the day was made by Dunn, who dropped a fine goal from near the line. Technical 4, Kaitangata 2. The game resulted :

Technical 4 goals. Kaitangata 2 goals. The Rev. Mr Ferry was the referee.

NORTHERN v. MORNINGTON The match between Northern and Moraington was played at the Gardens. In the first half, with the wind behind them, Mornington did most of the attacking, but the Black and Whites defence was too sound. In a breakaway the Northern forwards took play to Mornington’* goal, and a shot striking the upright, Anderson secured the rebound and scored. Northern 1, Mornington nil. Mornington again took up the attack and after repeated efforts a forward movement ended in Donnelly equalising the scores with a close shot. One all. Play continued in Morningtoivs favour, but they failed to increase their score from a penalty, Jones, the Northern goalkeeper, making a fine save. Half time was called almost immediately after. Resuming play, Northern quickly forced three successive corners, these being repulsed by the Mornington defence. In up and down play there was not a great deal between the teams until the Northern forwards combined in a good movement, from which Anderson netted with a low shot. Northern 2, Mornington 1. The remainder of the game was evenly contested, but no further score resulted, and the match ended; Northern 2 goals. Mornington 1 goal. Mr A. Paterson was the referee. SECOND DIVISION. Tramways 2, High School 0.8. 2. Roslyn-Wakari 2, Leith 2. Northern 3, Y.M.C.A. 2. THIRD DIVISION. Caversham 1, Northern A 1. Y.M.C.A. 2, Celtic 1. Technical 5, Northern B 1. High School 0.8. 3, Port Chalmers 1. FOURTH DIVISION. Northern 7, Roslyn-Wakari nil. High School 7, Leith nil. FIFTH DIVISION. Y.M.C.A. 3, Technical B 3. High School 1, Caversham nil. Technical A beat Port Chalmers by defaUlt’ SIXTH DIVISION. Northern beat Y.M.C.A. B by default. High School 0.8. A 2, Y.M.C.A. A nil. Technical 2, Roslyn-Wakari 1. NORTHERN TAIERI SCHOOLS. Wylie’s Crossing 4, North Taicri nil. East Taicri 1, Mosgiel B nil. Mosgiel A 3, St. Mary’* 2.

FA TROPHY OTAGO TEAM SELECTED. The selectors of the Otago team to defend the F.A. Trophy challenge _ against Auckland on August 26, at Dunedin, have announced the following selection: — Goal, J. M'Dpugall. Full-backs, L. Coats, G. Taylor. Halves —A. Stenhouse, S. Duncan, W. Moon. _ Forwards —J. Gorrie, T. M'Hugh, W. Hooper, T. M'Cormack, C. Skinner. Emergencies—G. Sutherland, Warnock, • Davidson.

W. Capman, the New Zealand representative, informed the selectors that he was not available.


The following will take part in the B Grade trial match to-day, at the Oval, at 3.30 pan.: —Cameron, Henderson, Morris, Everett, Sutherland (Mornington), Simpson, I. Adamson, C. Adamson, Holden, Garrick, G. Richards, A. Richards (Kaikorai), Barton, Still. Hamilton, Richan, Sheppard, Anderson (Wakari), Stewart (George Street), M'Quarne, Hyslop, Chapman, Richardson (Maori Hill), Hitchcox (Anderson’s Bay), Munro (Tainui), A. Watson, E. Sell (High Street). Townrow (Fairfield), Ross (Normal), Arthur, IN OTHER CENTRES (Per United Press Association.) AUCKLAND, August 6. CHAMPIONSHIP AND FALCON CUP. North Shore 2, Y.M.C.A. 1. Ponsonby 2, Comrades nil. CHAMPIONSHIP ONLY. Tramways 3, Glen Innes 3. Thistle 8, Abels 2. New Lynn nil, Onehunga nil. PALMERSTON NORTH. The Chatham Cup district final resulted: —Waterside (Wellington) 4, St. Andrew’s (Palmerston North) 1. CHRISTCHURCH. Western 3, Technical 1. Nomads 4, Limvood 2. Thistle 3, Rangers 1.

P. w. L. D. P. A. Pts. Maori Hill., 12 10 — 2 37 11 22 Moegiel 13 10 1 2 52 11 22 Northern .. 13 8 3 2 42 26 18 Technical .. 14 9 5 — 39 32 18 Seacliff .. 14 7 5 2 42 28 16 Old Boys .. 14 4 6 4 33 38 12 RoslynWakari .. 14 5 8 1 31 39 11 Mornington.. Pt. Chalmers 14 4 8 2 20 45 10 14 2 12 — 26 68 4 Kaitangata.. 14 1 12 1 14 44 3

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 22025, 7 August 1933, Page 5

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ASSOCIATION FOOTBALL Otago Daily Times, Issue 22025, 7 August 1933, Page 5

ASSOCIATION FOOTBALL Otago Daily Times, Issue 22025, 7 August 1933, Page 5