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Notes for Women

c&y <PA/ZSA


Miss Betty Black left with her father on Wednesday cn route to Australia.

Mrs R. B. Bell, of Timaru, is on a visit to Dunedin.

Mrs G. H. Ussher, of Timaru, is spending a few days in Dunedin.

Mcsdamcs A. Barnett, R. Hudson, and A. Gamble will leave by car to-day to attend the races at Christchurch.

Mrs E. A. Hart, Queen street, has left for a holiday in Nelson and the North Island.

Miss Helen Fenwick, who has been staying with Mrs Harold Ehvorthy, Craigmore, has returned to Dunedin.

Mrs Malcolm Stewart, formerly of Romuera, has taken up her residence in Royal terrace.

Mrs Norman Haszard yesterday came up from Bluff for the day, to see the memorial exhibition of pictures of her late sister?-in-la\v, Rhona Haszard.

Miss Hope Pinckney, of “ Glenaray,” who was the guest of Mrs H, Tripp, of Timaru, is now staying with Mrs J. Tripp, of “ Silvcrton,” Woodbury.

Mr and Mrs lan Haggitt, of Mataura, are the guests of Mr Haggitt’s parents, Mr and Mrs John Haggitt, of Cargill street, for the 0.8.H.5. celebrations.

Mrs J. R. Copland, who was a delegate to the Women’s Institute Conference at Christchurch, returned to Balclutha yesterday.

Interest is being centred in the annual dinner and ball of the Christchurch High School Old Boys’ Association, to bo held in the Tudor Hall on the second last Thursday in this month.

Mrs Jfthn Hamer returned to Auckland by the Monterey on Saturday after an extended holiday tour of Australia. She is at present staying with Mrs Ray Fuller, of Mount Eden.

The engagement is announced of Iris, elder daughter of Mr and Mrs W, H. Montgomery, of “ Wairewa,” Little River, and Mr James Skinner, of Hongkong.

The engagement is announced between Helen Margaret, elder daughter of Mrs J. B. Sale, of Invercargill, and of the late Hr Sale, and Arthur Henderson Oughton. only son of Mr W. H. Oughton, of Invercargill, and the late Mrs Oughton.

The engagement is announced of Aimee Mavis, second daughter of Mr and Mrs B. V. Brownlee, of Wellington (late of Christchurch), and Albert William, elder son of Mrs Houlahan, of Christchurch (late of Dunedin).

The engagement is announced between Margaret Valerie Davidson, B.Sc., only daughter of Mr and Mrs John Davidson, of Serpentine avenue. Dunedin, and Lawrence V. Bibby, M.A., only son of Mr and Mrs T. Bibby, of Brooklyn, Wellington.

The Cliffs Cabaret, Cargill’s Castle, attracted another large attendance on Saturday night. No effort was spared in catering for the comfort and enjoyment of the dancers, who appreciated the band’s renderings 'of new numbers.

Mr Paul Yinogradoff, the noted Russian pianist, was the guest of the Music Circle of the Otago Women’s Club on Tuesday afternoon. The chairwoman (Mrs R. T. Little) welcomed the guest of honour, who, after tea was served thanked the hostesses for their hospitality.

It is encouraging to see the young actors of the Otago University taking part in public productions of plays, and high expectation centre around their coming performance—Rope ” —next Friday and Saturday, with Misses Jule O’Kane and Margot Garrett, and Messrs R. Napier, L. Aitken, E. Stevenson, G. Flavell, L. Moller, and M. Joel in the caste, Mr Reg. Tapley will be the producer.

Mrs Alfred Fels gave a luncheon party at the Otago Women’s Club on Wednesday in honour of Professor Strong. There were present; Mesdames R. Kennedy, A. D. Fisher, R. Gilkison, J. Dickie, J. C. Stephens, V. Galway, A. S. Paterson, J, R. Paterson, and A. C. Cameron, Dr Marion Whyte, and Misses Joachim. Barron, Black, and Bowbyes. During coffee Mrs Gilkison made a charming little speech of farewell to Professor Strong, who gave a feeling reply.

On Wednesday evening a party was given in the dining room of Studholme House by the students and resident staff in honour of Miss Isobel Crowe. Miss Gray, president of the Studholme House Students’ Association, presented Miss Crowe-with a copy of John Galsworthy's “ Caravan ” and a bouquet, Miss Crowe suitably replying. Miss Dawn Smith recited and the Studholme Glee Club sang two songs. The evening, being informal, was a very enjoyable one.

Among the recent guests at Wanaka Hotel, Pembroke, were:—Mr 11. W. Browne, Melbourne; Mr C. A. Robinson, Timaru; Miss M. C. Cook and Mr 11. A. Murison, Oamaru; Mr and Mrs R. B. Tetinent, Miss Elizabeth Tennent, Miss G. Kensington, and Messrs S. Whitehead, W. H. Jenkins, A. V. Crombio, O. I*. Sage, and W. Wills, Dunedin: Mr 11. I lesson, and Mr J. AI. Macdonald, Alexandra; Mr J. D. M’Lennan, Waikaia; and Mr G. Whitncll, Pembroke.

The fortnightly meeting of (ho St. (Muir Women’s Club w:ih held on Monday, (he president, Mrs (). I*. Williams, licing ill the chair. The programme lor the evening, which had been arranged by members of the Literary Circle id the club, opened with a sketch in character, “ Sairey Gamp’s Tea I’arty," from “ Martin Clin/.slcwit,” Mrs William llislop playing the part of Sairey Gamp, while Mrs 11. Arclibold porl rayed her friend Betsy Prigg. The arrangement of the stage and costuming of both performers added considerably to the item. Mrs Douglas Barton (hen artistically rendered the vocal solos “ The Song of the Clock ” and “ Sol* veig’s Song” (Groig), the accompaniments being played by JUiss Ilina Ligbtfoot. The next item was a modern play reading, “ Smoke Screens,” in which Mcsdamcs Cl. 11. I dgbl.foot, J, W. Thomson, C. F. Fowler, ami Miss Hina Lightfoot took part. Miss Todd introduced the play and read the running description as it proceeded. Mrs L. Withers then presented a humorous sketch in character, ‘ I Wouldn’t tie too Ladylike.” In this she was assisted by Miss Olive Quarlcrmain, and as an encore recited “Ooh! Vr.” The concluding item wan a play. •‘The New Doctor,” the action of which took place about 1812. (ho performers wearing the picturesque costumes of that day; one member’s frock was 120 years old. Tliis play, with its (lashes of humour and pathos, was much appreciated by members. The performers were Mes(jjimes 11. Arebbold. G. W. Warwick, .7. W. Thomson, K. Galbraith, G. (I. Green, and !. Sutherland. The evening nndoutitcdly proved the ability of the performers.

Items of social interest and topics relating to the home are invited. Communications must be accompanied by the name and address of the writer. Notices of engagements must be signed by one at least of the principals, of by some responsible person, as a guarantee of genuineness.

The Otago B and C Grade representative basket ball teams which will travel to Oaraani to-morrow to play the North Otago A and B teams, will be accompanied by Mrs W. B. Taverner and Miss S. Foster. The visitors will be the guests of Miss J. B. Wilson, the president of the North Otago Basket Ball Sub-association, at Waitaki House on Saturday evening. The match between Otago B and North Otago A will be for the Taverner Cup.

The last lecture of the course arranged for the 1933 programme of the Home Economics Association will be given in Allen Hall by Mr A. B. Struthers, M.A. The subject, “ Household Expenditure,” suggests that an expert's advice will be offered on the subject of balancing the domestic budget and the advantages _of account keeping—in fact, on a scientific nfethod of cutting one’s.coat according to one’s cloth.

Mrs Guy Williams . (Mastortou), Mrs J. C. Templer (Waimatc), Mrs H. Dodgshun (Dunedin), Miss Oliver Kay (Dunedin), and Miss Bessie Gaisford (Marton), members of the New Zealand ladies’ golf team chosen to play Australia, will leave Auckland for Australia on August IG. The ladies’ championship golf meeting of Australia will be played at the Victoria Golf Club’s links. Cheltenham, Victoria, from August 28 till September 8, inclusive, and the Australia-New Zealand match will be played on the same links between those dates.

Miss H. Hayes, of “ Beldevere,” St. Clair, was hostess at a jolly supper parly on Tuesday evening, in honour of Miss Pamela Watts-Morgan, who leaves shortly for her home in London. The guests included Mr and Mrs J. Edmonds (Christchurch), Mr and Mrs A. Ramsay, Misses J. Clark, Porteous, Hartman, B. Williams, S. Alexander, M. Jolly, R. Dawson, F. Ewing (Auckland), D. Roberts, and P. Turnbull, and Messrs J. Horn, de Latonr, I. Ross, E. Ewing (Auckland), Stewart, F. Mackisaek, Bcgg, G. Thomson, A, Duthie, and M. St. G. Hallswell (Sydney).

The annual meeting or the St. Clair Croquet Club was held on Tuesday, when there was an excellent attendance of members. The election of officers resulted as follows: —President, Mrs M'Naughton; vice-presidents, Miss Sparrow and Mrs White; captain, Mrs Dalgliesh; delegates to Otago Croquet Association, Mesdames M'Naughton and Dalgliesh; committee— Mesdames Fleming, Speight. Briggs, Webster, and Buist; secretary and treasurer, Miss Hunter. It is expected that the greens will be opened early in October, as the lawns are in very good condition.

The third annual meeting of the ’St. Dominic’s Ex-pupils’ Association was held at the college on Monday evening, when Mrs A. F. Quelch presided over a large and enthusiastic gathering of members. The following office - bearers were elected for the coming year:— Patroness, the Rev. Mother Prioress; president, Mrs R. Bosw'tell; vice-presi-dents—Mesdames A. F. Quelch, J. A. Brown, W. R. Rodgerson, N. Speight, A. R. Harris, and Miss M. Cotter; secretary, Miss Doris Roche; treasurer, Miss Rose Vallis; and committee—Mesdames E. J. Mee and P. Shiel, and Misses E. Tipping, N. Blaney, R. Quelch, and G. Hall.

Recent guests at Jackson’s Hotel were; Mr R. Chanman (Auckland), Miss H, Heads (Wanganui), Mr and Mrs W. Cunningham and Mr and Mrs Gurr (Wellington). Mrs G. Bilson and Mr and Mrs G. T. Heads (Christchurch), Mr D. H. Graham (Timaru), Mr and Mrs Robinson (Hakataramea), Mr R. Stewart, Mrs P. Jones, Mies E. Jones, and Mr s R. Hislop (Oamaru), Mr A. E. Smith and Messrs R. and J. Smith (Skippers), Mr W. Gordon (Roxburgh). Mr G. Thompson (Alexandra), Mr R. Craig (Omakau), Mr L. G. Duncan (Queenstown), Mr T. Haugh (Tapanui), Mr and Mre N. Roff and Mr and Mrs T. A. C. Pearce (Gore), Mr and Mrs K. Allen (Lumsden). and Mrs T. A. Young (Riverton) .

Birds of many a hue and feather will gather together on the stage of His Majesty’s Theatre next Wednesday and Thursday, when the girls of the Otago Girls’ High School will present the Athenian comedy of Aristophanes, “The Birds.” Owls, parrots, penguins, blue birds, roosters, canaries, robins, linnets, dressed in realistic costume, will flutter and utter their calls or tune their songs in rhythmical beauty. “ The Song of the Hoopoe ” is enhanced in its artistic repdering by the musical following of the flute, and the chorus of the birds sots their songs to sweet harmony. Miss Aitken and Miss Kirkpatrick have designed the costumes, and all the music is the original work of Mr C. Roy Spademan. The first half of the programme will show Hungarian and Spanish dances and movements of co-ordination and deportment, playing by the school orchestra, and singing by the school choir, not to mention the Greek ballet, which will be presented as a prologue to “ The Birds.”

Yesterday afternoon an enthusiastic gathering thronged the grounds and rooms of the Otago Boys’ High School on the occasion of. the garden party arranged in connection with the seventieth anniversary celebrations of the school. A sports programme. including a gymnastic display under Mr J. P. Northey, Rugby and Association football matches between teams representing past and present boys, and fives matches. Later, tea was served in the impressive assembly hall to the old boys and visitors and to present boys in flu* cricket pavilion. An efficient committee of ex-High School girls assisted with the tea, and effectively coped with the large number of visitors. Among those present were Mr Justice Kennedy, the Mayor ami Mayoress (Mr and Mrs E. T. Cox). Lady Sidey, Mr and Mrs Morrell, Mr and Mrs Williams. Mrs S. M. Park, Mrs W. Watters, Mrs Blyth, Mr and Mrs James Blair (Taieri). Airs I niton, Mi' and Mr.; Bolting, Mrs P. At. La n rin. Air and Mrs John Tlnggitt, Mr Peter Gow (Winton), Mrs Newiands, Mr and Mrs K. Kamsay. Air and Mrs H. Alaeandrcw. Air and Airs Caldcr, Miss F. Al. Allen. Mrs H. L, APFarlane, Air and Miss Briigh. Airs Chrystall, Dr and Mrs Kpedding. Dr and Airs Smith-Aforton (Oamaru), Miss APCaw (Alosgiel), Air and Mrs A. E. Richards (Alexandra), and Aliss Nicolson.

The Poetry Circle of the Otago Women’s Club held its monthly meeting on Tuesday afternoon, when Miss Vida Reynolds presided over a good attendance. Mrs R. C. Jones opened the proceedings with a pleasing account of the life and works of John Keats. She said that the life of Keats was uneventful, ami might be summed up in the composition of three small volumes of verse, some very earnest friendships, one passion. and a premature death at the age of 25. During the discussion which followed. Mr C. R. Allen, a welcome visitor to the circle, made interesting reference to the work of a young Australian poetess, Eve Langley. Some of the poems read were —“ On Fame.” “On Poets,” “ Ode to a Nightingale,” “Ode to a Grecian Urn,” “I Stood Tiptoe Upon a Little Hill ” —and extracts from “ Endymion ” and some of the longer poems.

On Wednesday evening the Otago and Southland Optical Association held their annual social. A representative gathering of the opticians and their friends spent an enjoyable evening in the homely and comfortable surroundings of the Somerset Lounge. Variation was added to a programme of dancing, games, and competitions by Miss J. Neill playing pianoforte solos, Miss M. Tuckwell singing a bracket of songs, and Air A. R. Watson playing violin solos. The accompanying pianist was Mrs Peter G. Dick, Among those present were:—Mr and Mrs R. A. Bridgman, Mr and Mrs G. K. Neill, Mr and Mrs T. G. Young, Mr and Mrs A. H. Fairmaid, Mr and Mrs Watson, Mr and Mrs A. R. Watson. Mr and Mrs J. Lindsay, Mr and Mrs H. Outram, Mrs P. G. Dick. Misses Fox. W. Tborburn, V. Watts, P. Anderson, J. Neill, Osbinal, M. Tuckwell. M. L. Watt, and D. Hazelwood, and Messrs W. V. Sturmer. Brown, S. Armishaw, L. Medlin, T. Shanks, A. Dick, Outram, H. Taylor, and P. N. Dick.

On Monday evening the recently-formed Grand Opera Club of Dunedin held its first social and dance in the Somerset Lounge of the Savoy. A large number of members and friends were present to enjoy a successful evening. The programme included a dumb concert and two delightfully interesting musical monologues by Mr A. C. Paine. Among those present were Mesdames A. Walmsley, T. J. Kirk-Burnnand. E. Griffin, A. Macdonald, M. B. Macarthney, and R. Harrould, Misses J. M’Millan, D. Mackay, G. Paape, E. M. Tuckwell, M. Belcher. E. G. M'lntosh, G. Webster, A. Maitland, M. Rankin, T. Tilbury, E. Barron, J. Smith, E. Burnard. B. Pocock. F. Blyth, L. Mackenzie, M. Jarvis, J. Proctor, C. de Silva. N; Tyrrell, and A. Pocock, Dr J. Thom son, and Messrs A. Walmsley. W. M. Taylor, T. J. Kirk-Burnnand. S. Thompson, J. H. Oliver, J. J. Webster, A. MacDonald, E. Griffen, C. Oliver, A. C. Paine. A. D. Macarthney, D Inglis, S. Paul-Jones, A. E. G. Mackay. R. C. M'Farlane, A. G, Gallic. C. Naismith, R. A. Baker, R. R. Blagdon, A. C. Birss. V. B. Smith, S. Hambleton, R. Johnston, W, A. Finnie, 0. C. Holland, and E. S Tuckwell, jun.

On the evening of Monday, July 10, Mr and Mrs A. G. Mathias gave a delightful party at their residence, “ Station View.” Waipiata, in honour of the coming of age of their only son Ivan. Mrs Mathias, attired in an ankle-length frock of black satin, with lace coatee, received the , guests. The dining room in which the young people danced and played caines was tastefully decorated with streamers and balloons. The older ones played cards in the drawing room. Afterwards the cuests adjourned to the decorated supper room, where the usual toasts were proposed. Gaily coloured paper hats and balloons made a bright scene. Among those present were—Mr and Mrs R. Tregonning, Mr and Mrs L. Tregonniug. Mr and Mrs J. Roberts. Mr and Mrs F. Roberts. Mr and Mrs A. Booth, Mesdames F. Mathias and G. F. Scott. Misses L. Ferguson, K. Pearce. V. Udy. M. Greer, M. Scott. A. and D. Roberts. C. Hedges, C. Mathias. M, Harrex. and N. Geary, the Rev. S. Baird, and Messrs W. Pearce. R. Paterson, E. M'Donald, F. and B. Greer. J. Blakelv. A and G. Mathias. C. Lennon. M. and W MacDonald, P. Roberts, and N. Davey.

A quiet but-pretty wedding was solemnised at St. Paul’s Church, Oamaru, on Tuesday last, when Hazel Myrtle, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs C. Morgan, of “ Spring Vale.” Totara. was married to Arthur Carswell, youngest son of Mr W. Elliot, of Oxford street, South • Dunedin. The Rev. H. Hogg, of Weston, conducted the service, and Mr W-. Naylor officiated at the organ. The bride, who entered the church with her father, wore an anklelength frock of mulberry elephant crepe, made on simple lines, with hat and shoes to tone. She carried a shower bouquet of Edith Cavel] chrysanthemums and maidenhair fern, and was attended by her sister May, who wore a pretty frock of pink floral georgette with mulberry tonmgs, made on lines similar to the bride’s, with pale green hat and shoes, and carried a bouquet of bronze chrysanthemums. The bridegroom was attended by his brother William, of Dunedin. As the bride left the church she was presented by her small nephew with a token of good luck. The reception was held at the “ Bungalow.” where the guests were received by Mrs Morgan, vvbo wore a brown gown, with hat to tone, assisted by Mrs S. Johnson, of Sutton, sister of the bridegroom, who wore blue crepe de chine, with hat to match. Mr and Mrs Elliott left later for the south, the bride wearing a brown coat with fur trimmings over a brown and orange woollen frock, with hat and shoes to tone. Their future home will be at Te Tua, Southland.

In the presence of the many friends and relatives who gathered at St. John’s Church, Latimer square, Christchurch, on Tuesday evening, the marriage of Thelma Doreen, younger daughter of Air and Mrs 11. Haydon, Worcester street, and John AVhite, only son of Air and Airs Wi liam Anderson, of Dunedin, was celebrated by the Rev. J. T. ATWilliam. Air C. Davies acting as organist. In the church white narcissi and green foliage were introduced as an artistic decorative note, aided by a white wedding bell suspended over the bridal group. Dressed .with charming simplicity in creamy-tinted ring velvet, the bride entered the church escorted by her father. Her frock had a deep pointed yoke emphasised by a line of tiny velvet leaves, which extended down over the shoulders to meet the ful ness of the sleeves, these being caught in below the elbows into long, tight cuffs shaping to points over the hands. From the bodice the frock was cut to slender fitting design to the knees, where, from a diagonal seam, it opened into soft folds about her feet. A tulle veil, finely embroidered in silk, was arranged back from (he face with a narrow strand and clusters of orange blossom holding it in place, and on her arm rested a lovely long spray, extending right to the hem of her gown, of white hyacinths, rosebuds, and lilies, prettily relieved with red anemones. Vivid contrast was offered by the bridesmaids’ frocks of cherry red ring velvet, worn by Aliss Ena Simpson (chief maul) and Aliss Eileen Ewan. A white velvet yoke set in each bodice and continuing a little over the shoulders to meet the puffed sleeves had companions in effect in the tight white cuffs set from elbows to wrists. Each frock, distinctively plain in design, with a belt at the natural waist, was completed with a smallbrimmed hat of the red velvet, worn smartly to one side of the head and finished with a small white bow. An attractive note was the muff composed of rod anemones and white winter roses and fern that each maid carried. Air E. L. Rolfe attended the bridegroom as best man, and Air G. Walker was groomsman. The guests afterwards assembled at the Frascati, where a reception and dance was hold. As hostess, the bride’s mother wore a distinctive frock of Parma violet crinkly crepe, with soft grey in relief as tut inset vest, and in similar contrast on the unusual sleeves. Her toque of violet-shaded velvet was in keeping, and she held a bouquet of shaded purple anemones and silver leaves. Airs Anderson's frock was of rich gold lace oyer black satin with bands of black fox fur extending from the waist in front, over the shoulders and low on the back of the bodice. A black straw hat a sable coat, and a bouquet of daffodils with light touches of mauve irises completed her toilet. The bride's grandmother, Airs F. Harvey, was in black marocain and lace relieved with white, arid a black velvet toque, and the flowers she carried were primroses and pale pink and white hyacinths. AAfficn Air and Airs J. AY. Anderson left on their wedding trip the bride traveled in a smart little belted frock of mustard yellow in fino woollen weave, finished with dark brown buttons and a brown satin bow at the neck line. Her tilted hat of the same material was banded with brown and white, and she also wore a musquash fur coat.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 22023, 4 August 1933, Page 14

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Notes for Women Otago Daily Times, Issue 22023, 4 August 1933, Page 14

Notes for Women Otago Daily Times, Issue 22023, 4 August 1933, Page 14