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■THE SHARE MARKET DUNEDIN STOCK EXCHANGE A parcel of ordinary D.I.C.V was turned over on the Dunedin Stock Exchange yesterday at TOs' 9d, and the preferred shares were dealt in at. £l. There was »n'Offer of 19s 6d for the latter at the close ,of-the market, no seller responding. New Zealand Paper Mills were sold at fi 75,;. at which figure they are now on offer. A parcel of New Zealand Newspapers realised £1 ss, a further offer of 3d leas' failing To attract a seller. Okaritos were sola at 11s, .which is the present offer, sellers asking lls Id; A late sale of Lawson's Flats on Saturday at Is 6d was reported, and a parcel of 4 per cent. Stock (1946> was turned over on 'Change at £IOO 10s. The demand : : for Government Loans continued firm. SALE ON ’CHANGE. V'- - • ; • - . ' f *. d. 4 per cent. Stock (19*6) ... 100 10 0 ’ I sales reported. DJjC. ford.) .. .. .. .. 010 9 D.I.C. (pref.) .. ,10 » N.Z.‘Paper Mills .. .. 17 0 N.Z. ' Newspapers .. .. ; • •'' 1• ® ® Okarito vV .? • • •• ; 011 0 Lawson’s Flat, (late Sat.) ~. 0 1 6 1 \ UNOFFICIAL STOCK. Beil Hooper .. v.< .. 0,1 2 The following are yesterday afternoon’s buying arid selling quotations, which are subject to the usual brokerage:— BANKING.

GOVERNMENT LOANS. / 34 'p.c.' I he. 1038- ,• 1943 V . .. ~ 100 0 0 , 4 34 p.c. Ins., 19381952 .. .. .. 100 0. 0 , 34 p.c. Ins., 19391943 .-. .. .. ioo o o 34 p.c. Ins;,'. 19391952 .. .. • • 100.0 0 34 p.c; Ins., 1941"1943 . . .: ‘, • ■ 100 0 0 - 3J' p.c. Ins., 1941- . 1952 .. • ‘ .. 100 0 0> 4 p.c. Bonds, Jan., ... 1940 .. •• 100 10 0 ; 4 p.c. Ins., Jan., . 1940 ....•• 100 10 0 4 p.c. Bonds, Feb.j 1946 .... -. 100 10 0 4 1946 IHS ".. F ' 100 5 0 100 13 0 4p it4f o ?^'.* pr f:woio 0 ; - 4 « o: iob is 0 4 p.c. Bonds, June, 1955' 100 5 0 4 ■■xi.ts. Ins., June, . ' 1955 .. 100 5 0 100 12 8

, ' Dividends payable. The following is a list of shares on which .dividends will shortly be payable:— Golden Sands, 3-sd, first .-. June 15 Okarito, 6d. fourth-.. . • June 16 Australian Glass, Is .2 2-sd, final June 22 Broken Hill South, Is .. .. June 23 Bank.of N.Z., Is, final .. .. June 24 North. Broken Hill, Is .. June 29 Goldsbrough, Mort, 6d, final .. June 29 British Tobacco, 3 3-sd, interim June 30 N.Z. Breweries, 8 2-sd. final .. . July National Mortgage (£2 paid), . i.‘ Is, interim . . .. ... .. • July 1 National Mortgage (£1 paid), i 6dj interim .. I. .. July 1 •N.Z. and River Plate, 7 l-sd, . interim • .. .. .i, .. July 1 • NORTHERN EXCHANGES £Peb . United Press Association.) ■ The following business, was . done on ’Changes, yesterday; .1 Auckland. —Sales; Auckland Harbour Board (1843) 54 per cent.. £lO2 10s; Bank of New Zealand, 475; New Zealand Insurance, 49s 6d (two parcels); National Insurance, 16s 6d; AucklandG as, 23s (two parcels) ; Northern Steam (oont.). Is lOd; New ■ Zealand Breweries, 32s (two parcels): Colonial'Sugar, £SB 10s; New Zealand Newspapers. 25s (two parcels); New Zealand Paper Mills, 275; New Zealand Refrigerating (10s paid),. 5s 6d, 5s 7d; Woolworths (Sydney; new issue), 25s 6d; Alexander, 9a. 9d, 10s 6d; Black water, 235; Gillespie’s Beach, Is 8d; Golden Sands, 3s. 6d; Mount Lye 11,228 7d.' ■ .Wellington,—Sales: 'lnscribed Stock 4 per cent. (1940), £IOO 10s (two parcels)l; National Bapk of Australasia (£lO paidJr £l2 7s 6d; Alexander Mines, 9s sd; Okarito, lls 2d (all late Saturday); Goldsbrough, Mort, 25s 2d, 25s Id;,-New Zealand Guarantee Corporation, 6s; New Zealand” Refrigerating (cont.)i 5s 6d; Alexander Mines,-9s ,6d; Mount Lyell, 22s 7d; Waihi, -22 s 4d; Nokomai, 4s 9Jd, 4s 9d. 1 ■ , . 1 , . „ , Christchurch. —Sales: Commercial Bank of .Australia, 15s- 7d (two parcels); Bank of New South Wales, £3l 10s; Bank of New Zealand' (dim div,), 4,75; Union Bank of.; Australia, £8 6s; Goldsbrough, Mort (cum div.) , 25s (three parcels)New Zealand Refrigerating (10s paid), 5s 7d, 5s 8d; Dunlop Rubber. 18s 6d; Mount Lyell, 22s Bd, 22s 7d; New Zealand Farmers’ Co-op; 4i per cent. Stock (1945), £55; Woolworths (Sydney; new £1 paid; pref.),, 25s sd; Alexander (13s 6d paid), 10s, 10s 2d; Big River, Is 4Jd (three parcels); Blackwater, 235; Freshford, 10J d; Golden Dawn,' Is 6d;'Lawson’s Flat (Is paid). Is 8d (three parcels): Nokomiu, 4s 9d (eight parcels); Waihi Grand Junction, 3s 4d; Waitahu (4s 6d paid), 7s 8d (two parcels);. Okarito (cum div.), lls Id. Sales reported: Commercial Bank of Australia, 15S 9d; Dunlop Rubber, 18s 9d; Wilsons Cement, 31s; Woolworths (Sydney; new £Tpaid; pref;), 25s'6d; Electrolytic Zinc (pref,)’, 31s 9d. Unlisted stock sales: Aotcaroa Gold, Is 7d (two parcels); Bell, Hoopbr, Is 4d. ... ; LONDON METAL MARKET (United Press Association.) "f* ' (By Electric Telegfaph-~Copy right) : LONDON. June 10. ‘ -. Th» followlni »r» the. jlßclsl-.Quotations:

H foreign' EXCHANGES . (British Official .Wireless.) ;■ (United Press Association.) • (By Electric Telegraph—Copyright.) - . BUGBT, June 10.

/ HEMP AND TOW A total of 1916 ’bales of hemp was graded for export in New Zealand during May—an increase of 734 bales on the quantity in May,’l932, and of 99 bales on, the April, 1933, total. ' . A total of 838 bales of tow was graded —an increase of 519 bales on May, 1932, and 676 bales more than in the previous month.

Scott Bros., produce merchants and commission agents, agents for the Dunedin Egg Suppliers’ Association, report:— Eggs: Preserved eggs, Is 2d; poultry farmers’, Is 7d per dozen. Butter:- Dairypats, to 7id per lb,. Honey: Bulk, to 3Jd per lb; 101 b tine, 3s 3d to 3s 9d; 51b tins, 2 g 6d each. Fat: Nominally 8s to 9s per cwt. Poultry: Hens, Is to Is 3d each; young roosters, 2s to 3s each; ducks. Is 3d to Is 6d; geese, 3s to 4s (id each: turkeys, hens 8d per lb, gobblers 9d: per lb. Pigs: Prime baconere, 4d to 4*d per lb; porkers, 4d to 4|d per lb. Potatoes, £3 5s to. £3 10s per ton. Chaff: Prime oaten sheaf, £4 to' £4 5a per ton, bags extra, ex store. Carrots for poisoning, £3, 0.t., Christchurch district. . Table carrots, 5 S per cwt. Parsnips, 6s per cwt. Marrows, 6s per cwt. Canterbury onions, 6« 6d per- cwt. Partridge peas, 5s per bushel, sacks extra. : Whole fowl wheat, 3s 9d to 4s, sacks extra., Clover, and ryegrass hay,. £4 15s, ex store. ■ Lucerne hay, £o Ifla to £6 per ton, ex store. Oats: Gartons, Is 9d; Sparrowbills, 2s per bushel, sacks extra, ex store. Pressed wheaten straw, £3 ss; oaten, £3 10s, ex store. Feed barley, 2 a 6d to 2e '9d per .bushel. Farro food, £6, ex store. Victory feeding meal, Os per Cwt. .June 12, 1933.


OKARITO RETURN.' Messrs W. A. Mitson and Co., secretaries of the Okarito Five Mile Beach Gold Dredging Company, Ltd., report that the wash-up for the week ended Saturday, June 10, 1933, wa s 102 oz lldwt for 124 hours’ dredging. FRESHFORD REPORT. The Freshford Gold Dredging Company, Ltd., reports as follows: — The dredge has been turned back out of the gully in which it has been working for the past few weeks. It was necessary to come back through part or the tailings, so no wash-up has taken place for the last week. „ . ~ It has been proved that the flat is the better ’ dredging ground, a greater deptn having already been reached and better wash showing. The directors considered it-inadvisable to carry on un thc gul y as no great depth was reached, and con eequently full buckets were pot being obt3The' dredge is now approaching the point where the first and better results were obtained, and the directors are hopeful of better returns. within the next fortnight. GOLCONDA COMPANY. The mine manager' of .the Golconda Gold - Mining Company, • Ltd. (Thames ), ha? bee. carried onl:-W, have not yet holed through to the; footwall winze from the hanging walk winze on the hangiub wall dropper. The dropper still shows colours of gold. -Until we hole Through we cannot determine which reef we have hppn working upon/ On the 70-teet le\ ei we have not yet reached the junction of the branch reef in the leading stope. The reef is about Si feet in width, and shows colours of gold. A change' of jntrj came in in the last round fared out, ana the country on both walla, oi ttie reef i now of a milder nature interlaced ...with quartz, and black mineral seams, and The reef looks promising for making gold. MINING LICENSES.' THE LATEST RETURN. The Minister of Mines (Mr C. E. Macmillan) stated last week that d unn the year ended March 31, 1933, IJoz licenses were granted under the Provisions of the Mining Act, 1926, and 104 mining privileges were struck on me re^he er f olio wing table sets out the position, The figures for last year being also shown gtnlck off the New licenses

MAHAKIPAWA RETURN. (Peb United Peess Association.) CHRISTCHURCH, June 12. The Mahakipawa return for the week was 14oz. GRAIN AND PRODUCE REPORT Donald Reid and Co., Utd., report as UD Wheat.—There is practically no business passing with .milling wheat. Prices advanced from the beginning of June, and good milling is.quoted as follows. Tuscan, 3s 6d; Hunters, 3s 8d; Veivet, 3s lOd, sacks extra, f.o.b. main ports, howl wheat has firmed in j value,, and thejbesb quality lines are gradually being, disposed, of. There is ample. variety .of quality available, and prices range' from 3s 3d to 3s Od, sacks extra, ex, store. , : Oats—The shipping demand eased during the week, but, very few actual oats are offering. The bulk of the gram threshed has been, disposed of to sheepfeeders. Values ruling at the beginning of the season saw oats' the cheapest they hive been .for a gfeat many years and growers preferred- to feed them to their pigs and other animals in preference to accepting the prices offering. Values have now improved, but very few oats will be offered until ii threshing is commenced in the spring. It is not e^pected that the seed -demand will be of large proportions this year: Values to-day at handy railway stations is as follows: A grade, , la 7d; B grade. Is 3d, sacks extra, on truck.- ' • Chaff:—The recent continuous wet weather has greatly interfered with chaff cutting, and stored stocks have had to be drawn from to fulfil the demand. Ihesc stocks are now’ very much depleted, ahrt values have improved, to the extent or abbut 10s per ton. Prime oaten sheaf is worth £4 ss„ sacks extra, ex store, consignments are needed. ... - . * Potatoes—Odd trucks are continually arriving, and, as merchants are well supplied, a fair quantity is now held in store. Recent arrivals have been dug while the soil has been wet and consequently the tubers carry more,’dirt than usual. Buyers will not accept these lines at top prices. • Allowance must be made for the- dirt in the bags. Well-picked tables are worth up to £3 15s, bags in, ex store, Dunedin. Farmers should see that their lines are well graded. .There is ample room for improvements in this respect in Otago. TEA MARKET EASIER Private advices from Colombo this week indicate that'the tea market reacted after the very considerable advance ot last week. Prices were easier for all descriptions, quality also being rather poorer than that recently seen. . A Calcutta cablegram showed that there was a very , strong market in the opening sale. Prices realised wore higher than the valuations. This was the first sale of the season, and offerings were only small. There will be no sale next week in this market. The London tea market was reported by cablegram as being “ strong.’' ■. • .


(United Press Association.) (By Electric Telegraph—Copyright.) SYDNEY, June 12. (Received June 12, at 8.15 p.m.) On the Stock Exchange the market was somewhat hesitant, except for Commonwealth Bonds, which were firmer and were more actively traded. The turnover generally was,well up to the aver- - BSales—Bank—Bank of New South Wales, £3l 15s; Commercial Bank of Sydney, £l/: National. Bank (£lO paid, New Zealand delivery),. £l2 15s; Colonial Sugar, £SB 10s; Howard Smith, 10s 4d, Burns Philp, 53s 3d; Berlei (cont. .New Zealand delivery), 13s 3d; Associated News, 9s 6d : Associated News (pref.), 19s 3d; Dalgety’s, £9; Goldsbrough, 25s 6d; Dunlop Perdriau, 18s Dd; Winehcombe Carson, 265: Greater J. D. Williams, 7s: Automatic Totalisators, Us 6d; Gordon and Gotch, 34s Od; Tooths, 38s 3d; Toolieys. 23s 3d; Mount Lyell. 235; Broken Hi 11 Proprietary, 34 s sd: North Broken Hill, 81s 6d; 4 per cent. Commonwealth Bonds, 1938, £lO4 6s 3d; 1941, £lO2 17s 6d; 1944, £lO3 Is 3d; 1947, £lO2 15s; 1950. £lO3 15s; 1953, £lO3 10s: 1955, £lO3 15s; 1957, £lO2 12s 6d; 1959, £lO3 Is 3d; 1961, £lO3 ss. SYDNEY, June 12. Morning Sales.-- Bonds: 4 per cent., 1941, £lO2 17s 6d; 1944, £103; 1947, £lO2 15s; 1950. £lO3 ss; 1955, £lO3 15s; 1957, £lO2 12s 6d: 1959, £lO3. Australian Gas (A), £7 3s; Toohcy’s, 23s 6d; Tooths, 38s lid; Associated News, 9s 4d; Australian Glass, 49 s 9d: Burns, Philp. 53s 3d; Dalgety’s, £9: Goldsbrough. Mort, 2os 3d; Winehcombe. Carson, 2os 9d; Wilcox, Moffhn, 7s lld - MELBOURNE j une 12. (Received June 12, at 8.15 p.m.) Sales. —Metropolitan Gas, £l2 18s; Gordon and Gotch (pref.), 325; Herald and Weekly Times, 56s 9d; Nestles (pref.), 24s 6d; National Bank (£5 paid), £6 9s; National Bank (£lO paid), £1- 16s; Broken Hill Proprietary, 345. 6d: North Broken Hill. 82s; Taranaki Oil, 2s 6d. SNOWY RIVER SLUICING COMPANY The Snowy River Sluicing' Company’s •water race, the _ construction of which was commenced in September, 1932, is nearing completion. All tunnels ■ have been finished, the longest, through the Millerton Spur, holing a few days ago This tunnel has a total length of 1200 feet, being practically all in solid rock. The remaining tunnels, 30 in all, have an aggregate length of 15,000 feet, and are driven in good standing ground. Approximately three piles. of ditching have been constructed in fairly difficult country. A weir has been built in the Snowy River, which constitutes a very reliable water supply, due to the fact that it is augmented by the Blackwater mines’ supply race from the Alexander River. A few chains of ditching, the completion of which has been delayed by the weather, remain, and it is expected to have the water on the claim by the middle of the month. The manager (Mr Aynsley) has everything, in readiness to commence the work, of opening out. GEAR MEAT COMPANY INTERIM. DIVIDEND OMITTED. The directors of the Gear Meat Preserving and Freezing Company of New Zealand, Ltd., have decided to omit an interim dividend for the current year. Payment usually, is made this month, and last year 6d a share was distributed, this rate having been maintained for some years. The company’s accounts are made up to November 30, and no final dividend was paid last year* which ended with a loss of £7615. .WHEAT AND.'OATS ~ The results of threshing operations carried out during the period January-April have been ascertained from returns received up to May 26. The figures show that -9.056.111 bushels of wheat and 3,766.954 bushels of oats have been threshed from harvested areas of these crops, the; ascertained average yields per acre being 38.06 bushels for wheat and 48.11 bushels for oats. i TAXING THRIfT The effect of Australian taxation and reduction of interest and rents upon the amount available for distribution among policyholdbrs is one of the outstanding features of the accounts of all Australian life'offices over the last few years, remarks the Bulletin. In a well-estab-lished office, interest is the most important of the three chief sources of bonuses to policyholders—-loading, for expenses and mortality are the other two. , The amount of surplus under each heading depends upon the extent to which actual results exceed what the office assumes that its experience will be.

Buyer, Seller. £ «. d. £ «. d. N.S.W. 30 10 0 — New Zealand .. 2 6 6 — N.Z. (Jodr D) 1 10 0 — Coinraef cial ■ ■ —-■ 0 15 10 E.S.and A. .. .. 4 18 .0 5 1 0 Natl, of N.Z. 3 15 0 — Natl. of A’asia. (cont.) .. . 6 0 0 Union .. .... 8 0 0 1 T • INSURANCE. South British 3 5 0 Standard ’• .. .. 2 11 6 —- SHIPPING. Huddart, ■ Parker V ; - (pref.) .. . • 12 3 ■—• U.S.S. Co, (pref.) 1 2 3 \ — • COAL. ,Kaitangata .. ... 1 0 0 '— Westport '.1 .. 0 11 5 0 12 0 ‘ ■ LOAN AND AGENCY. Dalgety and Co. .; 8 10 0 — Goldsbrough, Mort 1 4 9 * — National Mortgage (B issue) . . •• 1 0 ,6 — N;Z.,.'.' Guarantee Gorp. — e « 0 Wright, : Stephenr ’son* (ord;) ... 0 9 0 —, Wright, Stephenson (pref.) .. 0 11 6 . " MEAT PRESERVING N.Z: Refrig. (pd.) 0 14 3 0 15 0 N.Z,. Refrig.; (cont.) 0 5 7 ‘ —v South. Froz.-Meat /paid) 2 4 3 : 2 '4 9 South Otago Irzg. 4 3 0 ■ MISCELLANEOUS. Australian Gfatt 2 S 0 — British Tobacco .. •; 1 18 0 Broke South • — 2 15 '«/ Bruce, Woollen' (ord.)' 0 To 0 Bruce, Woollen (pref.) 0 15o 10 0 Crystal Ice .. 1 .5 0 111 0 Dominion Fertiliser (Debs.) .. 100 0 0 — Dominion Rubber 0 13 6 — Donaghy’s Rope ,, 1 18 0 2 .0 0 Stock Ex. Propy. 1 15 0 ' — Dunlop Perdriau " ■ Rubber • —■ 0 19 8 Electrolytic,- Zinc 7^' :■ (pref.) . i ir 3 1 11 9 Electrolytic Zinc ford.) .. .... 0 19 0 1; 0 0 M.ilburn . Lime .. . I 7 3 —r Mount Lyell 12 4 ■ 1 3 0 N.Z. Drug Co. fy. ■ —, 3 4 6 Farmers’ Fertil. — 0 16 6 N.Z. Paper Mills - ■■■ — 1 7 .0 Smith and Smith ‘ 0 10 , ■ - — Whitcombc, and . Tombs. .’. t" 1 3 8 0 Wilson? Cement ; V 1 10 0 1 11 -6 Wooiworthfl (pref.) 1 15 0 — N.Z. Newspapers 1 4 9 v*. ~ ' ; BREWERIES. N.Z. Breweries . •; : 1 11 7 Dunedin 10 0 1 1 6 Tooths 1 16 0 ' — ' MINING. Kawarau ... .. .0 0 5 ' — Waihi •1 2 0 — Waihf Grnd. Jctn. 0 3 2 . 0 3 8 Mahakipawa, 0 0 1 0 0 3 Kildare, ...... 0 2 1 0 2 5 Okarito 0 11 0 0 11 1 Cornish Point ■ .. 0. 0 H ' — Golden Progress*.•. ■ — 0 1 9 King Solomon .. 0 1 6 0 1 9 Blackwater ... 1 2 0 — Alexander (cont..) :o io 0 — Gillespie’s- Beach 0 1 7i 0 I 8 Waitahu .. .. ,0. 7: 6 0 7 7 Golden Sands .. 0 3 3 — Big River .. .. :. * v' — 0 1 5i ; ..; - • .0 4 7 0 4 9 Freshfdrd .. .. 0 0 105 0 1 0 Central Shotover ■ 0 0 10 0 1 0 Lawson’s' Flat ... • ,* 0 1 7 '■ 0 1 8 *

p'ti •/; ■ Ton. Copper.,'gpo!l' 5 ..'.. V. 637 0 8 Fall *0, 0 m Copper, fofnrd ... st;h 3 Rise 0 0 7V4 Electrolytic. «pet .. .. 42 0 0 Fall 0 5. 0 Eloctrolytlc. forward 42 10' 0 FaU 018 0 Wirt ban . .. .. .. 42 10 0 Fall 0 15 0 . Lead, ‘si. 13,10 0 No change Lead, forwiitd ;. llSIO 3 : Else ■o.'l 3 Spelter.' spot... .. .. .17 0 0 Else 0 3 9 Spelter.' forward . ’.. 16 17 6 " Klee 0 1 3 TIB. iPOt ..’ .; 227 7. 6 Bl«e « 0 0 Tin. i forward. -227 7 6 - Eli* « O' 0 PI* Jroa, bora* trad* v. 3V2'. fl" Fall 0:1 0 Plif-iroii. export .. .'. * 18 8‘. • ~ ; Antimony, British .. 30 10 0 No change ' Antimony. ‘ foreign . 33 15 0 Bis* 1 8 0 f Unit. Molybdenite .. .. . 2 5 0 No change Wolfram : 0 10 9 No change 0%. . / ■ surer.- itand’ard .. .. 19 7-163 Else ■ S-I9d Sllrer. fine .. .. 21,4., S; Else lid

Paris — Par. June 9. June 10. Francs, to £1 .. 124.21 85 13-16 85 15-16 Brussels—' ' " •' ■ ■■ Beigasto£l .. 35 : ;■ . 24.21) 24.20 osic— * • 19.80 /19 13-16 v-’ '£!... 18.186 Stockholm— 18.15b'* 19 13-32 19 13-32 - Kroner to £1 ■.. Copenhagen— 22.45 22.42} Kroner to £ 1... 18.150 Berlin— ■ -14.45 ' 14.44 Marks to £1. 20.48 Montreal— .■Dollarsto £1 .. 4.8S 2-3 4.55 4.55} New York —<■ ; Dollara to £1 .. 4.86 2-3. 4.11} 4.12 Yokohama— 14 31-32 14 15-16 . Pence to yen 24.582 Hongkong— 16 13-16 17} Pence to dollars 24158 Bombay— 18 5-64 . 18 5-64 *- Pence.,to rupee • r — • Batavia— '•■■ Florins to, £ 1 12.10 . . ■ f-.. Milan— 64% 64 27-32 Lire to £1 .. 82.48 Amsterdam — , > ■ •*' ; 8.40 8.41 • Guilder ■ to £X 12.107 Prague—' 113} 113) Kroner to £1.. 104} V Geneva— 17.50 17.52} Francs to £1 .. 25.221 Vienna — ‘ S0}> 81 Schillings to £1 84.86} Helsingfors— ' . Marks to £ X .. 193.23 226} 226} Madrid — 39 7-16 • 89 9-16 Pesetas , to- £1 25.23} Belgrade— 25:22} 240 — Dinars to,£1 .. Athens— Drachma to £1 375 590 590 Lisbon — Escudos to £ 1 110 110 110 Bucharest — 570 570 . Lei to £1 .. 931.6 Klo de Janeiro— I’ence to mllrels 5.890 4| 4% Buenos Aires — 41,3-16. 411 I’ence to pesos 47.28 Shanghai— 15} 15% I’ence to tael .. — Montevideo — Pence -to pesos • 34 34 Warsaw — £1 ..

Nature of license. Water races Residence sites .. Claim licenses Business sites .. Dam licenses Miscellaneous register. 1932. 1933. 78 75 20 41 18 12 6 8 18 18 granted. 1932, 1933. 255 337 89 93 281 383 1 — 32 61 620 1,108 142 154 1,276 1,082

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 21978, 13 June 1933, Page 5

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COMMERCE AND FINANCE Otago Daily Times, Issue 21978, 13 June 1933, Page 5

COMMERCE AND FINANCE Otago Daily Times, Issue 21978, 13 June 1933, Page 5