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F.A. TROPHY MATCH OTAGO DEFEATS WELLINGTON FAST AND EXCITING PLAY At the Caledonian Ground on Saturday, before an attendance of nearly 3000 spectators, Otago won its first interprovincial match of the season by defeating IV ellington in an F.A. Trophy challenge game by five goals to four. This was Wellington’s second attempt to regain possession of the trophy which it lost to Otago in 1931, and the game produced, one of the finest exhibitions of Association football seen 'locally for some time. . Ideal conditions prevailed, there being little wind to interfere with the play, although the ground was a trifle on the heavy side, but the play was, nevertheless, fast and full of incident throughout. Although the challengers were beaten, their clever football and team work showed up strongly against the less methodical play.of the holders, who, however, played with more dash in front of goal and made better use of their opportunities. The whole Wellington front line performed well, with Cunningham and M'Leod outstanding, and,, apart from playing too much football in front of goal, were dangerous on attack. Campbell. at centre-half, . held his team well together, and was the best of the halves. Miles proved a strong defender and M'Vean performed well in goal. Otago s play was disappointing, but' Hoopers characteristic dash again prevailed in the Otago vanguard, when he scored the ‘ hat trick ” and, with M'Dougall’s sound goalkeening, Wellington were robbed of the victory. In Otago’s defence Duncan, at right half, and Coats, left full-back, were always to the / fore. Sutherland was a tireless worker throughout, whilst M Cormack. in the forwards, played with unceasing vigour and was troublesome to the Wellington defence. Otago’s next challenge will be against Canterbury, Two changes were made in the original team selected to represent Wellington, the wing-halves, J. M'Lennan and A. Hanlon, being replaced by T. Hindle and JTodd. The teams were: — Wellington (Black).—P. M'Vean, W. Miles. S, Haines. T. Hindle, J. Campbell (captain), J. Todd, R. M'Leod, E. Jeffery. R. Janes. W. Cunningham, and V. Cr Ota""o (Blue and Gold Stripes).—J. M'Dougall; G. Taylor, L. Coats (captain); S. Duncan, J. Porter, A. Sutherland: J. Witch all, T. M'Cormack, W. /Hooper, R. M'Lean, C. Skinner. Otago won the toss and played towards the harbour end, having the advantage of n slight breeze. Wellington were early on attack. Good play by Todd let Cunningham and Craig through on the left, M'Dougall clearing well. Otago took play to past halfway, where Campbell relieved and Hindle slipped the ball to Jeffery and M‘Leod. These two made a fine run. Coats partially stemmed the movement, but Cunningham came up to connect with M'Leod’s cross and beat M'Dougall. Wellington 1, Otago nil. Good play by Duncan and Witcball had the visitors on defence, Miles’s clearance being received by M'Cormack, who transferred to Hooper, the latter heading past. Coats repulsed a Wellington attack on the right, and Skinner, getting possession, crossed for M'Cormack to drive for goal. M'Vean partially saved and Hooper dashed in to equalise from the rebound. Play was fast, with Wellington showing the'better football. Campbell again sent his forwards away, Taylor relieving, and following a free-kick to Otago, MLean opened out to Skinner, the winger's cross to goal being returned by Haines, and Sutherland receiving, placed behind. Campbell, in repelling an Otago attack, was hurt and taken to the side line. From the throw down Porter sent up to M'Cormack, the latter placing to Witchall. Two corners to Otago followed. Witcball crossed a nice ball with his second attempt and Hooper headed a neat goal. Otago 2, Wellington 1. _ After the restart a free kick to Wellington was without advantage, Porter receiving and sending on to M'Lean. The latter placed niceiy~for Skinner, who cut in and beat M'Vean with a low drive. Otago 3, Wellington 1. Campbell now returned and Wellington were seen in some bright, attractive football, Campbell, Jeffery, and Cunningham going through the Otago defence, which was shaky, but M'Dougall made a great save, turning the ball outside for a resultless corner. A free kick for off-side play Brought further relief for the defenders, but Wellington gradually worked the play back, M'Leod being very active. From midfield he opened tip play by passing to Jeffery. The latter returned to the winger, who ran round Coats and beat M'Dougall with a low shot. Otago 3, Wellington 2. Otago showed dash, and from a poor pass by Witcball, Haines gave away a corner, the play remaining around' the Wellington goal until Miles cleared. Play was stopned for a short period when M'Cormack was injured. With the recommencement of play both sides kept the bail moving Vapidly, the low precise passing of the Wellington team being in sharp contrast to the hard kicking of the Otago players. Skinner, closing in on a pass by Duncan, sent narrowly past, and Coats was prominent in stopping the fine movements of the Wellington halves and forwards. A corner kick to Wellington proved resultless, and Sutherland sent M'Lean and Skinner away. Hooper connected with the centre, but Miles blocked the shot, and M'Cormack, receiving, placed behind. Wellington were playing fine football. Cunningham, at inside left, was clever, and Otago wena outclassed, the defence of Porter and Taylor being weak. Campbell again sent his forwards away, and Craig, finally receiving, crossed to goal, where Porter cleared, and offside stopped a further advance. Duncan and M'Cormack were working hard for Otago, and Skinner was given an opening. He placed well to goal, but Hooper shot over. In a further Wellington advance Cunninghaifi neatly tricked Porter,and, catching Taylor out of position, had a good chance of scoring, but lost the ball. From the goal kick, Porter received, and Duncan and Witchal! took play _to Wellington’s goal, where M'Vean. coming out. cleared the shot from Witcball. Taylor repulsed a Wellington attack, and Miles missed badly. Hooper sent to goal, M'Vean saving again by coming out, but Otago returned to the attack, and Campbell relieved from a dangerous position when Miles again miskicked. Offside play ao-ain held tip but Hindle shot from the touchline, Porter returning upfield. The Otago advance was nullified by Hooper shooting poorly. Miles tackled well when McLean opened out play to Skinner, and M'Leod, taking the ball up smartly, sent across to Craig, but the winger hung on too long and the ball went over. Witcball and M'Cormack showed good play, the latter handling when in a good position, and from the free kick play hung in midfield when half time was called, the score being:—

Otago •• •• 3 Wellington 2 Wellington opened the second spell strongly, M'Leod, Cunningham, and Jeffery being prominent, and Janes s shot was nicely saved by M'Dougall. Jeffery forced a corner and M'Dougall punched clear, and two more corners followed. Sutherland eventually relieved, Al'Lean and Skinner breaking away on the left for Otago, the attack being held up by Haines, but M'Cormack opened out to Witchall. who placed past. Wellington returned play to Otago’s end, M'Leod and Jeffery combining nicely. The latter crossed to Craig, whose shot went over. With Wellington playing great football, Otago were hard pressed. Campbell sent Craig away, and he beat Coats, only to shoot narrowly past. From a throw in, Janes received and quickly sent goalwards, where M'Dougall was alert, but Campbell returned to M'Leod, who centred well for Cunningham to deflect the ball into the net. Otago 3, Wellington 3. Hooper broke through on his own, to be held up bv Haines, who returned hard upfiold. An Otago defender- miskieked, but again M'Dougall saved the situation. Back came Wellington with fine passing movements. The Otago defence held, however, and both Campbell and M'Leod eventually placed over, whilst M'Dougall held a shot from Janes. Duncan and Coats were always prominent in defence for Otago, and with Sutherland and' Porter showing to better advantage than in the first spell, the local side threw off the pressure, and Hooper, receiving well upfield, crossed to Skinner, who shot past, and M Cormack followed with a ■imiiar shot shortly after. Following a

period of midfield play, Hooper sent on to Witcball, M'Vean making a fine save by tipping the winger’s shot over the bar. Two corners followed, Hooper scoring with the second one from a fine cross by Witcball. Otago 4, Wellington 3. The challengers continued to play strongly, Campbell holding his team well together, but Otago put up a strong defence. Miles did good work for the visitors, and Coats and Duncan frequently got the local side out of difficulties. M'Lean made a good opening for Skinner, the winger’s shot being returned by M'Vean, and Campbell sent through to Janes, who scored, but was pulled up for offside play. Further pressure by the Wellington forwards saw Coats clear strongly, and Skinner raced down the left and sent over a fine cross, and Witcball, coming in smartly, headed a well-taken goal. Otago 5, Wellington 3. About half the spell had now gone, and Otago, on the play, were not value for the difference in the scores. Wellington worked hard to make up the leeway. Sutherland, Duncan, and Coats defended strongly, and Hooper, breaking away from a clearance, passed out to Witcball, the winger centring for M'Lean to shoot wildly past. Again M'Leod, Jeffery, and Craig were prominent for Wellington, and M'Dougall just managed to turn a shot from Jeffery round the post for a resultless corner. Campbell drove the ball back to goal, M'Dougall being safe, and play went to midfield. Craig made clever play, going through the Otago defence, but his shot was headed out by Coats, and Campbell shot over. Otago < advanced from a free kick. Witcball making a good run, and beating Haines shot for goal. M'Vean, taking the ball on the run, cleared. Otago kept up the pressure. Skinner crossing to Hooper, and Miles saved at the expense of a corner, -from the cross kick Hooper- headed to goal, M'Vean tipping the ball over the bar. The corner was cleared, and Todd sent on to Craig, and matters looked bad lor the holders when Taylor made a timely save. An Otago attack was short lived, Wellington’s sure placing putting the forwards in position. M'Dougall twice saved from Campbell, and Jeffery went close with a further shot. A miss by Coats looked serious for Otago until M Dougall relieved, and misunderstanding between Porter and Taylor nearly let the Wellington forwards through. Duncan averted the danger, and Skinner waif in the act of racing away when pulled up for ottside. Again Coats saved, with Campbell, Jeffery, and M'Leod in close attendance, but M'Leod returned to the attack, and, passing Sutherland, sent across to Craig, a centre from the latter giving the inside forwards a great opening M'Dougall got down to stop Janes a shot, lost the ball, but recovered tb punch it clear of danger as Janes and Cunningham rushed in. A poor clearance by Porter was returned by Campbell, Janes testing M'Dougall without success, and Otago broke away on the left. Skinner, beating Miles, sent on to Hooper, who, when well placed, shot wildly over. Welington came through from the goal Kick, and Janes looked to he in scoring mood, when he was tripped by Porter. Campbell took the penalty kick and goaled, the ball hitting the upright. Otago o, Wellington 4. With about a minute to go the excitement was intense, loda handled the ball, and Campbell headed clear the free kick to Otago, and Craig made a desperate attempt to level m> the (.cores, his cross being cleared by Coats, and time was called with Duncan sending the ball upfield. The final score was: Otago 5 goals. Wellington 4 goals. Mr F. G. Smith was the referee. The curtain-raiser played between the third division teams, Caversham and High School Old Boys, was won by the former by two goals (one a penalty) to nil. WELLINGTON MANAGER IMPRESSED The manager of the Wellington team, Mr George Aers, asked for hie impressions of the match, stressed the fact that it was one of the best games he had wit. nessed for the F.A. Trophy, and, although his team had not won, he was very pleased with its display, and extended his congratulations to Otago on retaining the trophy. ’V esterdav • the visitors were taken for a motor run, and the party will return by the first express this morning well-pleased with the treatment accorded them in Dunedin. ,




(United Press Association.)

(By Electric Telegraph—Copyright) NEWCASTLE, June 11. (Received June 11, at 6.30 p.m.) The New Zealanders registered one of the best performances of their tour to hold an Australian eleven to a two-all draw to-day. The weather was ideal, but the ground was very soft, following heavy rain. The teams were:— New Zealand.—Zuill, Graham, Gerrard, Stenhouse, Chapman, Crabbe, Blackie, Barton, Kershaw, Christie, Kay. Australia. —Morgan, Evans, Henwood, Forrester, Edgeton, Osborne, Wilkinson, O’Brien, Quill, Price, Smith. Christie won the toss, and play opened quietly. Kay and Kershaw shaped nicely, and Zuill was again brilliant, his frequent saves drawing cheers from a fairly large attendance. New Zealand played the short passing game, and Australia’s fence was hard pressed. Kershaw'opened the scoring. The ball struck the upright before entering the net. The same player should have scored again, but the kick went high over the crossbar. Quill then equalised for Australia, and the score was unchanged at the interval. Shortly after the resumption the referee was hooted for a penalty given to Australia, but the advantage was lost when O’Brien’s pass went astray. New Zealand missed a further chance to score when Kershaw slipped nearly the goal. The visiting forwards were neat in approach work, but poor shooting spoiled their efforts. .Quill scored Australia's second goal, Kershaw equalising. Weak finishes marred many fine New Zealand movements, but Zuill gave a polished display. AN AUSTRALIAN TEAM PROPOSED TOUR OF NEW ZEALAND. (Pek United Press Association.) WELLINGTON, June 11. There is a possibility that an Australian Association football team will visit the Dominion in August, about a month after the return of the team at present touring Australia. A letter making the suggestion was received from the Australian Football Association by Mr F. Campbell, chairman of the New. Zealand Council. While he was unable' to commit the council, Mr Campbell was inclined to regard the proposal favourably, as x a quick return visit would undoubtedly be popular in New Zealand, and it would offer a good opportunity of recouping the expenses incurred in fitting out the New Zealand team. The proposal will probably come before a special meeting of the committee on Tuesday. Mr Campbell said the proposed tour of Australia by a schoolboys’ team was definitely off, as none of the affiliated associations was in a position to contribute to the cost. FIFTH GRADE. Y.M.C.A. 3, Technical 1.

IN OTHER CENTRES {Per United Press Association.) AUCKLAND, June 10. Abels 2, New Lynn 1. Thistle 3, Y.M.C.A. 2 Ponsonby 3, Glen limes nil. Onehunga 4, Comrades 4. North Shore 2, Tramways 2. WELLINGTON, June 10. First Division. Watersiders 6, Swifts 3. Marist 2. Technical Old Boys nil. Lower Hutt 2, Hospital 1. Second Division. Island Bay 3, Rovers nil. Seatoun 5, Miramar 2. N.A.D.A. 4, Onslow 2. Institute (i. Stopout 2. CHRISTCHURCH. June 10. Nomads 3, Thistle 2. Rangers 5, Linwood nil. Technical 4, St. Albans 1.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 21977, 12 June 1933, Page 4

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ASSOCIATION FOOTBALL Otago Daily Times, Issue 21977, 12 June 1933, Page 4

ASSOCIATION FOOTBALL Otago Daily Times, Issue 21977, 12 June 1933, Page 4