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MANCHESTER UNITY. At the fortnightly meeting of the Loyal Albion Lodge, held on Thursday evening last, N.G. Bro. R. Stewart presided oyer a fair attendance of members. Two nominations for membership were received. The secretary of the United Friendly Societies’ Council wrote stating that a very large proportion of branches had indicated they were against the panel scheme as recently submitted to the friendly societies, and the council hoped that no branch would participate in the scheme in the meantime. The council had fixed the annual church parade for August 6. A deputation which waited on the District Executive reported that grants from the district distress fund had been made in a number of necessitous cases, and the executive was thanked for its prompt action. It was decided to hold a card evening in place of a dance set down for next lodge night. At the close of business a degree meeting was held. This was conducted by P.G.’s Bros. M. Isaac and J. Clark, of the Past Grands’ Lodge, who were accorded a hearty vote of thanks for their services.

The annual meeting of the Past Grands’ Lodge was held on May 30, when Bro. W. Longworth presided over a fair attendance of members. The annual balance sheet, which showed the lodge to have made fair progress, was adopted, and the following officers were elected for 1933-31; -—M., Bro. C. Rogers; D.M., Bro. S. Jack; warden, Bro. J. Swan; T., Bro. M. Isaac; P.M., Bro. ,W. tongworth. P.G., Bro. J. D. Cameron was re-elected secretary and treasurer. Among matters dealt with was the preparation of a syllabus for the year, and it was suggested that a number of debates and evenings of a social nature be included. It was decided to meet bimonthly, as before, the next meeting being sot down eight weeks hence. At the monthly meeting of the Loyal Waikaka Lodge, held on May 30, the N.G. made reference to the loss sustained by the lodge in the death of Bro. D. Corel van, who for a period of 25 years faithfully carried out the duties \of trustee and took an active interest in the Waikaka Ledge. Members present stood in silence as a mark of respect, and the secretary was instructed to 1 convey to the Tate brother’s relatives the sympathy of the lodge. The fortnightly meeting of the Loyal Mosgiel' Lodge was held on Tuesday evening, N.G. Bro. J. Thomson in the chair. Four members were declared off the sick funds and one declared on the funds. One member was accepted by clearance from the Loyal Lumsden Lodge, and an application for an outward clearance granted. One new member was initiated. After considerable discussion, it was decided to revive the annual ball, which, for some time, had lapsed. A committee was appointed to arrange for this function, which will be held on a suitable, date. Four brethren were deputed to take in hand the arrangements for entertaining the Taieri Juvenile Lodge next lodge night. The secretary (Bro. Wylie) reported on the work of the committee set up by the combined friendly societies of Mosgiel to consider the question of medical fees! A deputation from the committee waited on the medical officers, and a satisfactoryagrecment had been reached. This was confirmed by the lodge, and Bro. Wylie was thanked for his report. There was a large attendance of members at the half-yearly meeting of Loyal Toko Juvenile Lodge, held at Milton, N.G. Bro. J. A. Reed presiding. Correspondence was received from the secretary of the Juvenile Council regarding annual competition' fixtures. The following officers were appointed for the ensuing term: —N.G., Bro, T. H. Wilson; V.G., Bro. N. Carruthers; E.S., Bro. W. Kennard; warden, Bro. D. H. Murrav; guardian, Bro. A. Wethey; G.M., Bro. J. A. Reed. The new officers were installed by V.G. Bro. S. Kennedy, assisted by members of the local adult lodges, Loyal Milton and Victoria. At the Loyal Caversham Lodge’s fortnightly meeting N.G. Bro. V. Dixon presided over a good attendance of members. Before proceeding with the business of the evening, the N.G. and a number of brethren made sympathetic reference to the passing of Bro. Sir Thomas Sidey, who for over 40 years was a member of the Caversham Lodge. P.P.G.M. Bro. J. Wilson paid a tribute to the services Bro. Sidey bad rendered to the lodge. On two occasions he had taken office, but owing to pressure of business in Wellington he had been unable to complete ms term of office. For many years annually he had entertained the lodge, Bro. Sidey s evening always being a most popular night; A motion of sympathy was passed to Lady Sidey and members of the late brother’s family, those present standing in silence for a few moments. _ The Loyal Oaniaru Lodge advised that it would be visiting Caversham Lodge on July 29. As the Oamaru Ladies’ Lodge would also be present, arrangements for holding a social evening in honour of the North Otago brethren were left in the hands of a combined committee of the Caversham and Princess Mary Lodges, One new member, on transfer from the juvenile branch, was initiated. The lodge adjourned at an early hour, and a ladies’ night was held. This took the form of a dance, there being a large attendance of members and lady friends. The Loyal Hand and Heart Lodge held its fortnightly meeting on Tuesday evening, N.G. Bro. H. Armstrong presiding over a good muster of members. The meeting opened early to transact usual business, this being the annual # official visit, from sister lodges. Nominations for office were opened, the half-yearly election of officers to held next lodge night. The annual balance sheet of the United Juvenile Lodge was submitted by the secretary, Bro. R. Sharp. The sick and funeral fund disclosed a satisfactory credit balance. The balance sheet was adopted, and a recommendation made to the trustees that a grant be made towards the Juvenile Lodge management fund. With the addition of visiting brethren the total attendance was over 130, all city and Btirburban lodges being represented, while members were also present from the Port ; Chalmers and Mosgiel Lodges. The N.G., in extending a welcome to the visitors expressed pleasure at the good muster on such an inclement evening. At a later stage the members of the District Executive were also in attendance. The Social Committee of the lodge-had for some time past been preparing for the function, and the programme submitted met with the approval of all present. A popular item wag the lodge choir, which rendered a number of selections, including a senes of topical verses, relating to welhknown members of the lodge. Several enjoyable vocal and musical items were included in the programme, and Bro. Joyces ser-

vices aa accompanist contributed greatly to the success of the evening. A pleasing incident was a presentation to G.M. Bro. E. L. Hope, who was the recipient of a tea service from his fellow-members on the occasion of his approaching marriage. The presentation was made by P.P.G.M. Bro. J. H. Hamel, who conveyed to Bro. Hope the good wishes of the lodge, Bro, Hope suitably acknowledging the kindly sentiments expressed. At the conclusion of the programme a tasty supper was dispensed, and the evening concluded with responses from . visiting lodges and the district officers, and a hearty vote of thanks to the performers. The fortnightly meeting of Loyal Tuapeka Pioneer Lodge was held at Lawrence, the N.G., Bro. Murdoch, welcoming a good attendance of members. Correspondence %vas dealt with, and nominations for office were opened. Two new members were initiated. After the meeting closed the members of the. local Druids’ Lodge were the guests of the Tuapeka brethren, and a card match between the two lodges resulted in a win for the visitors, who were afterwards entertained to supper. FORESTERS. The fortnightly meeting of Court Woodlands Pride was held on Monday, June 5, the chief ranger, Sis. E. Marks, presiding over a full staff of officers and a very large attendance of members. The woodj waiMs gave their report on the health |of the members who were laid a'side I through illness, after which the sick pay claims were dealt'with and authorised for payment. The secretary reported that a grant had been received from the officers in charge of - the district relief fund to be paid over to a member who had been ill for a long period. A -letter was .received from the United Friendly Societies’ Council stating that a large proportion of the friendly societies were against the panel scheme as proposed by the British Medical Association, and that the council did not recommend individual branches to participate in the scheme in the meantime. -The council also intimated that arrangements had been made to hold the annual church parade of all societies on Sunday. August 6, at St. Matthew’s Church, the parade to leave Ahzac square at 6 p.m. Sis. Hynes, who had had a lengthy, illness, wrote resigning her office in the court. A report regarding the last social of the : court was read, the statement showing that a very satisfactory profit had been made. The secretary was instructed to write thanking a sister who had rendered good service to the Order in connection with her work at the annual Foresters’ hall. The chief ranger, ' assisted by her officers, initiated'a new member into the Order. The propositions of three candidates were received and recorded. At the close of the meeting the officers and members of the town Druid lodges were admitted and welcoriied by the chief ranger. The officer, who was in charge of the Druids, responded, and expressed the pleasure it fave him and his brother officers and memers to be present and renew acquaint-, ances. The form of entertainment was a dance in the Embassy Salon, about 50 ‘couples participating, while a number played cards. : : / ", ' : v The fortnightly meeting of Court Pride of Alexandra was held on-Monday last, when C.R. Bro. H. Beilby presided over a good attendance of members and visitors. The feature of the evening was the official visit from Courts Star'of the Dunstan and Roxburgh, over 50 members, being present to make the occasion a representative one for Forestry in Central Otago. The visitors were announced and admitted by , the marshal, P.C.R. Bro.. A. M'Kellar. The ceremony of initiation was conducted by the local officers, with P.C.R. Sis. McLennan, of Court Roxburgh, in' the chair. Following the meeting, supper was served by the sisters, and the usual toasts were bestowed on the visitors, intermixed* with harmony, which was contributed by several members. A very successful arid enthusiastic meeting closed at a late hour with “Auld Lang Syne.” PROTESTANT ALLIANCE. On Thursday, June 1, the Valley True Blue Juvenile Lodge paid an official visit to the Triumph Juvenile Lodge No. 1. A very happy evening was spent with the South Dunedin juveniles, and W.M. Bro. F. Young, on behalf of the Valley True Blues, extended a cordial invitation to the officers and members of Triumph to visit them at an early date. The fortnightly meeting of the True Blue Juvenile Lodge was held last Tuesday, when there was a large attendance of fnembers., The meeting was opened by the W.M. and various officers. An invitation was , received from the Loyal Excelsior to the opening of the Juvenile Lodge at Green Island. This was accepted, and the Valley True Blue officers were asked, to conduct the. initiation ceremony. OrT Wednesday the officers and members of the lodge attended the opening of the juvenile lodge at Green Island. . Bro. .Neil •Williams,. assisted .by the various officers, initiated the'new members of the Green Island Lodge in a very able manner. The fortnightly meeting of the Valley True Blue Lodge was opened by the WJVL, Bro. W. J. Graves, who ■ was, assisted by Chaplain Bro. Campbell ‘and P M. Bro. R. Drysdale. Two candidates were initF ated into thfe Order by the; W.M. and officers. It was decided to enter a team for the tug-of-war contest. One proposition for membership was received, A handsome, cup was received, from' Bro. Parker, ,pf Invercargill, for competition purposes. It was decided to send a letter of thanks to Bro. Parker. An official visit was received from W.M. Sis. Currie and members of the Pride of. Valley True Blue Lodge. W.M. Brol Graves extended a welcome to the visitors, Sis. Currie replying. P.M. Bro. J. Zimmerman reported on the Social Committee’s doings and stated that he had £3 6s 9d in hand. After the closing of the lodge an enjoyable social hour was spent by the members, the' winners of the competitions being W.M. Sis. Currie and P.M. Bro. R. Drysdale. DRUIDISM. The quarterly meeting of Enterprise Lodge was held last Wednesday, ancQ, despite t)ie inclefnent weather, a good attendance of members greeted A.D. Bro. A. Leathley when he took the chair. Amongst the correspondence was an _ invitation from Court Woodlands Pride, A.0.F., to attend its social evening, which was accepted, the lodge to attend officially. All Nations Lodge wrote enclosing tickets for two delegates to attend their jubliec function on June 13, Bros. A. Ockwell and A. T. Workman being selected to represent the The secretary of the Friendly Societies’ Council notified the lodge that the annual memorial church parade was to take place on' Sunday, August 6, at St. Matthew’s Church,' and it was decided to attend officially. The bard’s report disclosed that a large amount of sickness prevailed amongst the members, and sick pay amounting to £3B was passed for payment. The lodge trustees were in attendance and gave the members present a very,, interesting report on the John Jackson Trust Account, several members expressing the appreciation of the capable manner in which the trustees were handling the trust. The nomination and election of officers for the ensuing term took place, and resulted as follows: — J.P.A., Bro. Leathley; A.D., Bro. W. Brown; VA.., Bro. E. Maybee; M.C., Bro. A. Ockwell; 1.G., Bro. J. S. Johnston; 0.G., Bro. Constable; A.D. bards, Brs.A. T. Workman and J. M'Farlane (reelected) ; V.A. bards, Bros. W. D.. Flockton and S. C. Hopkins; treasurer, Bro. G. Alexander (re-elected); - pianist. Bro. J. B. Welsh (re-elected); auditors, Bros. A. J. Camion and Mitson. Bros. E. H. Bezett and J. P. Rees gave a report on the recent annual meeting of the Dispensary Council, and were accorded a hearty vote of thanks. At the meeting of Otago Lodge last Monday V.A. Bro. Shepherd presided,over al large attendance of members. An invitation to attend the chapter meeting on June 27 was accepted, and the lodge promised to give its support to the combined church parade on August 6. One candidate was initiated into the Order by the officers, and a further proposal was received for next meeting. The anniversary of the lodge will be celebrated this month, and the lodge will hold its church parade on June 25 at St. Kilda. In the unavoidable absence of D.P. Bro. Morris, P.D.P. Bro. E. Reeves presided oyer the installation ceremony and installed the following officers:—A:D., Bro. Shepherd: V.A., Bro, Grant; treas., Bro. Cannon; 1.G., Bro. Sutherland; 0.G., Bro. Wadsworth; A.D.8., Bros.' Smith and Hopwood; V.A.8., Bros. Manning and Gillam; minute secretary, Bro. M’Grone; organist, Bro. Leishman; M.C., Bro. Walker. During the evening the secretary, on behalf of a friend, presented the lodge with a handsome English, past arch collar with jewels, which Bro. Shepherd received and requested that the thanks of the lodge should be conveyed to the donor.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 21977, 12 June 1933, Page 14

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FRIENDLY SOCIETIES Otago Daily Times, Issue 21977, 12 June 1933, Page 14

FRIENDLY SOCIETIES Otago Daily Times, Issue 21977, 12 June 1933, Page 14