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DOMINION TOURNAMENT LOCAL TEAMS UNBEATEN The Dominion Ladies' Hockey tournament was continued at Logan Park yesterday. The grounds were not in the best of order, having suffered somewhat as a result of the rain at the week-end. Tlay, however, did not appear to be affected, and a good standard was again maintained. The Otago B team had a bye, but still holds its position with the leaders with four points, honours being shared in the B section by Otago B, Canterbury, which failed to win its match with Eastern A, snd the last-named team. In the A section Otago holds the lead, having defeated Eastern B by four goals to nil. Marlborough, which drew with Wellington in one Of the best games of the tournament, is next with three points. Central Otago played an excellent game to defeat Southland A by three goals to one. POSITIONS OF TEAMS. "The following table shows the positions of the teams in their respective sections: — A SECTION.

A SECTION. Marlborough 1, Wellington 1. Otago A 4, Eastern B nil. Central Otago 3, Southland A 1. B SECTION. West Coast B 2, South Canterbury 1. Southland B 1, West Coast A.nil. , Eastern A 1, Canterbury nil. A SECTION CENTRAL OTAGO v. SOUTHLAND A. Southland. —Misses C. Crighton, L. Humphries, R. Burt, D. Robb, M. Belsham, I. White, K. Hunt, M. Clark, M. Balch. K. Hodgetts, W. Belsham. Central Otago.—Misses D. Hewson, L. Bourke, M. Hanning, B. Carline, R. Campbell, S. Cameron, E. Saville, J. Carline, B. Hesson, D. Attfield, P. Anscombe. Southland broke away early in the game against Central Otago, but Central returned and Miss Attfield had a shot which just missed. A Southland rush was nicely cleared by Miss Campbell. Both teams were defending well, a Southland attack yielding a penalty corner which was cleared. After another attack by Southland Central Otago returned and, with the Southland backs bunching in the circle, Miss Hesson flicked the ball in. Central Otago 1, Southland nil< Just before half time Southland came to Central's circle, where Miss Balch shot, the ball going in off the goalie's pads.' Central Otago 1, Southland 1. Early in the second spell Miss Savill took the ball nicely up the right wing, but the movement was broken up by Miss Burt. The Central forwards continued to make the play, but found Southland's defence solid. After pressing for some time, Central got ahead, Miss Hesson sending to Miss Attfield, who scored. Central Otago 2, Southland 1. - Central continued to press, but the Southland backs were clearing well. , Eventually Miss Hesson found an opening and beat the goalie. Central Otago 3, Southland 1. Miss Savile was making some fine solo runs up the right wing, but she was not getting support. Central continued to have the better of the play and the game finished with Central attacking. The scores were:— Central Otago .. .. 3 goals. ' Southland A .. ..-1 goal. Messrs W. Gow and G. Hamilton were referees. MARLBOROUGH v. WELLINGTON. Wellington.—Misses L. Dick, M. Huggins, K. Miller, B. Charles, P. Hendle, M. Fraser, M. West, H. M'Lellan, D. Foreman, M. M'Coll, S. Swinburne. Marlborough.—Misses A. Hastleton, W. Woolley, M. Woolley, M. Voyce, M. Wareham, T. Simonsen, E. Woolley. E. Maule, R. iDrake, F. Drake, and Z. Heffer. There was little incident in the early stages of the Marlborough-Wellington game, Marlborough having slightly the better of the play. A strong Marlborough attack was spoiled by an infringement, but Marlborough returned, and Miss Drake scored. Marlborough 1, Wellington nil. The Wellington forwards made several sallies up the field, but failed to beat the defence. Wellington came through for a corner, and a shot at goal was nicely saved by the goalie. Wellington had another chance, but the shot lacked direction. The Marlborough goalie was very safe. . There was no further score at half time. _ Almost immediately on resumption Wellington attacked, and Miss Foreman sent in a great shot. Marlborough 1* Wellington 1. Wellington continued to have the better of the play for a time, but Marlborough broke away in a good forward movement and had Wellington on defence. Play was always fast, the Wellington forwards showing good combination. Ihe centre-forward had a shot at goal, but the goalie kicked clear cleverly. The remainder of the spell was fairly even. The game ended: * Marlborough ........ 1 goal. Wellington 1 goal. Messrs H. Sew Hoy and W. M'Queen were referees. OTAGO A v. EASTERN B. Otago A.—Misses H. Johnson. A. Marshall, V. Scott, A. Mackie, L. Vidal, M. Blagdon, S. Vidal, I. Graham, D. Meade, M. Scott, and D. Moir. , Eastern B.—Misses M. Wright, J. Simons, A. Stewart, T. Shuttleworth, K Taylor, M» Lowe, M. Maley, E. Miller, C. Reidy, E. Woodhead. Otago started off with a strong rush, Miss L. Vidal doing good work. lhe movement was held up by Miss Simons, and M. Maley carried play to the Otago circle, where good defence averted a score. Otago retaliated, Miss Graham carrying on. Play was fast, but Otago's centreforward was not accepting her passes, and many opportunities went begging. Good play by Reidy and Lowe carried play into Otago's territory, Miss Scott holding up the attack. Miss Mackie. playing a great spoiling game, harassed the JiastSrn attack and stalled oft many good moves. Miss Woodhead got away, but was well held by Miss Vidal, this player playing a great game. Half .time saw Otago one up from a perfect shot by Miss M. Scott. The half time score was: Otago A 1 goal, Eastern B nil. Play was exciting at the commencement of the second spell, and Eastern looked dangerous on several occasions. Otago stored from a scramble, a rather lucky "oal. Eastern retaliated per Misses Maley and Lowe, but the Otago defence was proving quite sound. Otago clinched the argument by another good goal by Miss Graham from a beautiful centre from Miss Vidal. Otago 3 up. Matters looked serious for Eastern, and they were repeatedly penalised for obstruction in the circle. The Otago forwards continued to attack, and good passing broke down at Miss Meade. lhe Eastern defence was sorely tried in the later stages, and Otago scored again from another scramble. Final:

Otago A • ■ 4 soals. Eastern B .. Nil. Messrs Miller and Wood Geld controlled the game. B SECTION EASTERN A v. CANTERBURY. Eastern (Southland) A-—M. Malcy, J. Waytc. C. Dempster, L. Matheson. F. Allen, M. Gerken, M. Nicol. M. White, H. Rcid, K. Bond, M. Sherriffs. Canterbury.—D. Maginness. A. Loach, E. Milton, M. Gudsell, M. Chapman, B. Morrison, F.. Gudsell, T. Williams, V. MNab, I). Dickey, and C. Cooper. From the bully Canterbury attacked and took play right to the Eastern goal, where Miss Cooper, the Canterbury left-

wing, was unlucky in not -scoring. A period of midfield play followed, and then Eastern set up a strong attack which very nearly resulted in a score, good work by Miss Maginess saving Canterbury. Canterbury attacked and kept play in Eastern's quarter for some time, but Miss Maley cleared, and Eastern attacked hard, Misses Sherriffs and Bond leading the rush and the former's shot going wide. Miss Cooper made a good run and Miss J. Wayte cleared in good style, Miss Dempster driving Canterbury back a moment later. Half time was sounded without a score.

Eastern attacked hotly from the resumption and Mrs H. 'Reid carried play almost to the goal from a centre by Miss K. Bond, Miss E. Milton clearing well. Miss M. Sherriffs made a good run along the line and passed in to Miss K. Bond, who went through in fine style to net a great goal. Eastern Southland A 1, Canterbury nil. Eastern continued to attack, but a shot by Miss M. White went Miss M'Nab putting in a good run. Eastern was not to be denied, and another rush was led by Miss Sherriffs. who skied the ball over the net. Miss Milton was getting through a lot of work for Canterbury, but received a bad knock in ping an Eastern rush, Mrs Reid (Eastern) also being hurt. Both players.were able to resume, and Miss Morrison cleared well, Canterbury going to the attack. Miss Sherriffs launched an Eastern offensive, Mrs Reid carrying on. Miss White stopped a clearing hit, and had bad luck with a shot which went just outside the goal. Canterbury rallied and F. Gudsell put in a good run. Up-and-down play followed until Miss F. Gudsell made another good effort. Miss Maley saving brilliantly. Mrs Reid put in another good run, and she and Miss White* put in successive shots which Miss Maginness saved in fine style. Time was sounded with the score: — Eastern Southland A .. 1 goal. Canterbury Nil. Messrs R. S. Wallace and C. Sew Hoy were referees.

SOUTHLAND B v. WEST COAST A. West Coast A.—Miss A. Stapleton. Mrs J. Eager, Misses R. Stapleton, B. Milligan. O. Stapleton, D. Marshall, M. Little, R. M'Grath* Mrs H. Currie, Misses H. Ridland. L. Monk. . _~ Southland B.—Misses 0. Stott, E. Kerse, K. Breen, E. Hope, M. Hall, G. Hurle, D. Gray, M. M'Ewan, M. White, D. Boyle, E. Bell. From the initial bully Coast attacked, carrying play to the Southland circle, a twenty-five resulting. Mrs Eager stopped a good forward rush, a penalty for offside taking play to halfway." Coast was infringing, but Southland could not take advantage. Miss Bell made a good run, the movement being well stopped by Miss Stapleton. The Coast wing, Miss Monk, carried Rlay well into the Southland area, but Miss Hope put her side on attack with a good clearing hit. The Coast forwards got offside and play went to midfield. A'good Southland rush resulted in l Miss White placing outside. So far play had been very even. Miss Monk made a good run, the movement breaking down, and Southland again attacked. Play went to Southland's territory, Miss Boyle saving well. Play went to the West Coast circle, Where Miss White missed. A free hit to Southland saw a Coast back save at the expense of a corner, play going to halfway. Southland kept up the pressure, but the game was even with both back lines saving well. Miss Maule, the Southland centre-half, was playing a good game, saving well and passing judiciously. Mm Little got offside, a free hit to Southland taking play to the Coast line," where the ball went over. Miss Bell scored from a good centre. Southland 1, West Coast nil. Southland continued to press, Mrs Eager playing Avell to save on a number of occasions. Mrs Currie broke away, but the movement broke down. A penalty corner to Southland resulted. in another twenty-five, the play going to the centre. The scores at half time were:—Southland B 1 goal, West Coast nil. On the resumption play was fast and very evenly contested, each side taking a turn at attack. Miss Stapleton and Mm Eager and Miss Marshall stopped a number of .hostile movements by Misses White, Bell, and M'Ewan. A good run by the Coast wing was well saved by Miss E. Kerse, and play went to midfield. Miss E. Bell's run down the sideline was well stopped. Southland continued to attack, but good centres ivere going astray. The Coast attack, however, was not goOd, the attempts being too much of an individual nature. Play continued fast, but the backs were better than the forwards. There was some bright flashes of play, but at times very scrappy. The game ended:— Southland B 1 goal. West Coast A ....... Nil v Messrs Underhill and Harris were referees. SOUTH CANTERBURY v, WEST COASTS. South Canterbury: Misses A. Sewell, V. Guthrie, D. Doyle, D. Rodgers, J. Doyle, J. Orr, G. Sherbourne, J. Aker, M. O'Brien, M. H. Weir. West Coast B: Misses S. Shernff, M. Sumner, D. M'Whirter, L. Stains, I. Tullock, J. Collett, M. Hughes, N. Youall, J. Hall, E. Collett, P. Dowell. ;, This game was very well contested, and from the initial bully Canterbury set up a hot attack. The passing broke down, and Coast retaliated, their"forwards never missing opportunities and finding the defence very good; Even play followed, being centres in midfield, and the halt lines of both teams did good work. Misses M'Whirter and Collett saved some good rushes, and for South Canterbury Misses V. Guthrie and D. Doyle held up many likely looking movements. Play continued fast, both sides doing their best. South I Canterburv scored from a good shot, and immediately afterwards Coast were doing their best to score. Miss Youall scored for Coast, and just on the call of time Coast, from another good rush, pushed the ball in to win the match. West Coast B .. .'. .. 2 goals. South Canterbury .... 1 goal. Messrs F. Hinton and A. J. Hinton controlled the game. TO-DAY'S MATCHES. ' The following referees have been appointed for to-day's games:— , ■ , Section A.—Marlborough v. Southland A, at 3.15 ■ (Messrs Miller and H. Sew Hoy); Eastern B v. Central Otago, at 2 p.m. (Messrs Harris and White): Wellington v. Otago A, at 3.15 p.m. (Messrs Wallace and Gow). _ Section B. —West Coast B v. Eastern A, at 3.15 p.m. (the Rev. Kendon and Mr A. J. Hinton); Southland B v. South Canterbury, at 2 p.m. (Messrs Bradsbaw and Woodfield); Otago B v. West Coast A, at 2 p.m. (Messrs Hamilton and Hewitt). Canterbury a bye. Attention is drawn to rule 33, tournament rules, which states that no manageress or coach shall instruct or coach a team during the progress of the match. Any breach of this rule renders the offending team liable to disqualification. TOURNAMENT BALL One of the most important social functions connected with the Dominion Ladies Hockey Tournament is the tournament ball, which will be held in the Concert Chamber of the Town Hall on Thursday night. As it is expected that most of the player taking part in the tournament will be present, it is confidently anticipated by the Otago Association, by which the arrangements have been niade, that the function will prove a decidedly successful one. Every effort has been made by the association to ensure the enjoyment of the visitors, and to this end an excellent band has been engaged. MEN'S EXECUTIVE MEETING The following were present at the last meeting of the executive of the Otago Hockev Association:—Messrs W. M'Queen (chairman), J. Harris, C. Mayston, W. Gibson, R. Wallace. A letter was received from Mr T. Turbitt , (Sydney) thanking the association for the presentation of u blazer. The Southland Association wrote agreeing to September 10 as the date for the return match for senior and junior teams at Jnvcreargill. It was decided that the following games should be played next Saturday:—Second Grade: Caversham v. H. 5.0.8.. University D v. T.C.0.8.. Albany v. H. 5.0.8. C. University 0 v". Training College. The senior seven-a-side tournament was set down for September 17 and the junior tournament for September 24, entries to close on September 10 and 17 respectively. September 24 was suggested as the date for a return match with North Otago at Oamaru.

Goals. P. W. L. D.F.A. rts Dtago A 2 2 9 1 4 Marlborough .... 2 1—1 3 1 3 Wellington .. 2 2 5 -5 <> Southland A .. .. 2 — 17 5 7 l Dentral Otago .. 2 11 — 4 6 l Eastern B .. 2 — 2 — 0 6 0 B SECTION. Canterbury .... 3 2 1 — 9 4 4 2 2 0 1\ 4 Eastern A .... 2 2 — — 9 0 4 West Coast A .. 3 12-^ 2 10 2 Southland B .. .. 3 12 — 3 6 2 West Coast B .. 2 11 — 3 6 South Canterbury 3 — 3 — 3 8 0 Results:—

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 21736, 30 August 1932, Page 7

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HOCKEY Otago Daily Times, Issue 21736, 30 August 1932, Page 7

HOCKEY Otago Daily Times, Issue 21736, 30 August 1932, Page 7