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ANNUAL SHOW DOG CLASSES JUDGED h ' Judging was continued yesterday, at the Dunedin Fanciers’ Club’s Show in Bryx done Hall. The principal interest centred round the dog classes, which were well filled with representatives of almost every breed, from the diminutive .Pomeranian to the massive Great Dane and the watchful, restless Alsatians, whose: howls all day long filled the air. Sedate spaniels and bright, friendly little terriers were quartered alongside big, rough-coated collies who appeared to take the proceedings as part of the day’s work. Even the stately wiry-haired Scottish deerhound was there together with a small puppy who eyed the passers-by from the back of the pen, over which his mother kept guard. From a dog-lover’s point of view, yesterday’s exhibition was a distinct success. . The work of the judge (Mr S. C. Crisp) was followed during the afternoon by a large and interested crowd of spectators. The last awards were not made till late in the day, the judge having a particularly strenuous time, owing to the large number of classes and the keenness of the competition. The entries of Alsatians, cocker spaniels, collies, Irish setters, and smoothcoated fox terriers were especially good. The judge stated that the quality was well up to the average, and, in fact, in some of the classes the exhibits were rather- above the usual standard. This applied especially to cocker spaniels, smooth-coated fox terriers, collies. The classes for Scottish terriers introduced two new dogs in the ownership of Dr, A* Smith-Morton, and .these the judge considered to be the best • he had seen for many years. In the .cocker spaniel section,the outstanding dog and the winner of ’the class for the best cocker spaniel in' the show was Mr L. Smyth’s Church Leigh Storm Boy. This dog the judge characterised as an excellent specimen ol the breed, which was shown in the best condition, and well deserved his win. The same dog was. also placed first in the class for sporting dog or bitch, the runnerup being Mr It. W. Browns deerhound, Heatherlea Tyrone. This, the judge remarked, was also a particularly good dog, and the competition between the two was very keen indeed. The section for Labrador retrievers brought forward some good types, a fact which was of considerable importance, as this breed produces very useful dogs in the field. Among the bulldogs there were three very fine animals, the winner of the class for the best specimen of the breed in the show being Messrs B. and F. Bond’s Maori Beauty, which the judge described as a great dog. The judge remarked that he was very disappointed with the temperament of many of the Alsatians in the show. One particularly good specimen had _to bo passed over owing to a fault in this direction. Gait was also often at fault.. Two very successful dogs 'were Miss Rita Grimmet’s rough-coated collie, Lochiel Glenavon, which secured first place in the classes for dogs (limit), dogs (open), and any breed of non-sporting dog.- Mr A. Mazey’s Chow Chow, Lystra Chang Fu, also took a good share of the prize money, being winner of the class for dogs (open), second in any breed of non-sporting dog, and third in the nonsporting brace. v. . ' . In the evening about 30 dogs with their owners joined in a parade through the city The route taken was' from' Brydone Hall up into Princes street, which vias followed till the Octagon was reached. The Octagon was circled, and the parade then returned along the same route to the 8 Entries in the children’s section showed a decided improvement over those of previous years, and the quality of the exDibits, takep. all . round, - was. good. The Pile, pullet shown by Desmond Morns and the cockerel entered by Jii. Poulter were characterised by the judge as being outstanding exhibits, as also were two Black Pekins, which,secured first places in their respective classes. Several of the ( canaries were better than those - usually shown. PRIZE LIST The following is the prize list: —- . .CATS : ' U- ?. • Judge: Mr W. Rawlinuon. Smoke female, over 12 months. One entry—Miss Herd!. -/-A;-) ' Blue male, over 12 months. One entry —Mrs C. Hyman 1. , ’' ■ Any other colour male, over 12 months. One entry—Mss Fox 1. ' Smoke male, under eight months. One entry—Miss Herd t. Neuter blue. Two entries —Mrs W. Glen 1, G. dark 2. Neuter silver tabby. One entry—Miss Rita Grimmet 1. Short-haired cat, light tabby. One entry—Mrs Fox 1. . , Black cat. Two entries —Mrs Allan 1, Mrs Fox 2. Black and white cat. Three entries — T. Wills 1, Miss Madge Gallien 2, A. H. Jones 3. . Kitten, under eight months. On entry —Miss Mavis Langmuir 1. CHILDREN’S PETS \ Judge; Mr W. Been. Pet cat, any colour, Persian, over 12 months, owner under 16 years. Four entries—June Gallister 1, Betty Thomson 2, Thelma Kelly 3. . ■ Pet cat, any colour, under 12 months, owner under 16 years. Four entries — Sherlie Le Gal 1 and 2, G. Hunter 3. Game hen or pullet. Four entries— Desmond Morris 1, W. W. Ethridge 2 and 3. 1 ’ i Any other colour cock or cockerel. Four entries—E. Poulter 1, Mervyn Aitken 2, Yvonne Bennett 3. ' Any other colour hen .or pullet. Seven entries—Lorna Gwilhams 1, E. Poulter 2, Colin Bankshaw 3. Best pair, any variety. Three entries —V. Fitzgerald" 1, W- Flawn 2, B. Hardy Pair fancy pigeons. Four entries— Marjorie Watkins 1, Keith Morris 2, E. Poulter 3. . . .. Pair homing pigeons.’ Two entries — Pat Williams 1, Thelma Kelly 2. Any other variety of bird. Two entries—Duncan Coburn 1, Colin Dalziel 2. Best lady’s or child’s canary. Eight entries —Miss N. Woodford 1, A. Collie 2. ■ Duncan Coburn 3. Pet cat, any colour, short hair, under six months, owner under 16 years. Four entries —Colin Dalziel 1, C. and G. Thomas 2, Jack Dougan 3. . Pet cat, any colour, under six months, owner under 16 years. One entry—Miss Anzac Patton 1., RABBITS. Long hair, white. Twelve entries — Colin Dalziel 1, J. Allan 2, D. Anderson and. G. M’Lean h.c. Long hair, any other colour. live entries—Allan Still 1 and 3, Norman Hayward 2. , , m Short hair, any other colour. Two entries—Colin Dalziel 1, Mervyn Aitken 2. Pair Guinea pigs, short hair, any colour. One entry—Ada and Mary Micbaclia 1. BANTAMS. Game cock or cockerel. Three ontries —Desmond Morris 1, Colin Bankghaw 2, Ada and Mary Michaclis 3. DOGS Judge: Mr S. C. Crisp. ALSATIANS. Dogs, puppy. Four entries.—W. R. Smith’s Kanow von Erichsohn of Nowe 1, James Dick’s Bob 2, W. L. Notmau’s Alu of Oamaru, 3. , . . ’ Dogs, novice. Three entries—W. K. Smith’s Karrow von Erichsohn 1, B. W. Tremaine’s Mark von Blaisienburg 2. W. H. Hick’s Mayor of Clutha 3. Do<*s, open. Six entries —Mrs B. VV. Tremaine’s Silver Fang 1, W. L. Notmau a Chief of Oamaru 2. B. W. Tremaines Mark von Blasienburg 3, W. il. Hicks a Mayor of Clutha v.hx. r Bitches, puppy. . Two entries—W. L. Notman’s Flora of Oamaru 1, Miss L. Greig’s Peg of Chingford 2. Bitches, novice. Three entries—W. Watson’s Strathmark Rilda 1, Vv. L. Norman's Flora of Oamaru 2, Miss L. Greig a Peg of Chingford 3. . ’ Bitches, open. Two entries—W, Wat»onV Strathmark Hilda 1, W. L. Notmau s Champion Correnn of Thornwood 2. Brace. Two entries —W. L. Notman s Champion Correnn of Thornwood and Chief of Oamaru 1, B. W. Tremaines Silver Fan" and Mark von Blasienburg DU

Team. One entry—W. L. Notmau’s team 1. ' Great Dane. One entry—W. M'Leod’s Duchess of Dorset 1. DEERHOUNDS. Dogs, open. One entry—R. W. Brown’s Heatherlea Tyrone 1. WHIPPETS. Dogs, puppy. Three'' entries —F. Tanner's Rendezvous 1, D. H. Bracks’s Quickstep 2. •; ' Bitches, puppy. Two entries —Mrs M. Smith’s Elma 1, Mrs J. Donaldson’s Gol- j den Melody 2. . . Dogs, open. Four entries —D. H. j Bracks’s Quickstep 1. Bitches, open. Two entries —Mrs M. Smith’s Melody Maid 1. IRISH SETTERS. Dogs, novice. Two entries —F. J. Medley’s Mick Dammit Joker 1, D. A. Tredor’s Red Rags 2. Dogs, open. Three entries —Mrs S. D. ; Stewart’s Whero 1, F. J, Medley’s Mick Dammit Joker 2, D. A. Tredors Red Rags 3. Bitches, puppy. One entry—S. D. Stewart’s Rita 1. Bitches, novice. Two entries—S. D. Stewart’s Rita 1 W. T. Hill’s Killarney Trix 2. Bitches, open. Two entries—S. D. Stewart’s Rita 1, W. T. Hill’s Killarney ■ Trix 2. , • r. ■ -V SETTERS, ANY VARIETY, Dogs, open. Three entries —Mrs S. D. Stewart’s Whero 1, F. J. Medley’s Mick Dammit Joker 2, D. "A. Tredor’s Red Rags 3. ’ ■_ Bitches, open. Two entries—S. D. Stewart’s Rita 1, W. T. Hill’s Killarney Trix 2. , , Brace, One entry—Mrs S. D. Stewart s brace 1. RETRIEVERS, CURLY COATED. Dogs, open. Two entries —R. W, Simpson’s Ponto 1, F. 6. Harris's Nip 2nd 2. LABRADOR RETRIEVERS. Dogs. open. Three entries —J. T. Matson’s Cassar of Toward 1. Bitches, puppy., One entry— 1 J 1 . Long’s Linton Lass 1. . ...... Bitches, novice. One entry—T. Long’s Linton Lass I; , 1 »' Bitches, open. Two’ entries —A. A. Atkinson’s Braeville Bridget 1, T. Long's i Linton Lass 2. Dogs, open. Two entries —C. V. M'Beath’s Pompey 1, R, W. Simpson’s Ponto 2. Bitches, open. One entry—A. A. Atkinson’s Braeville Bridget 1. ROUGH-COATED COLLIES. Dogs, puppy. One entry—D. H. Bracks’s Distinction of Clermont 1. Dogs, junior. _ Two' entries—D. ,H. Bracks’s Distinction of Clermont 1, W.B. Lamberts Led of Loehiel’2. _ Dogs, novice. Four entries —D. H.} Bracks’s Distinction of Clermont 1, A. | Bracegirdle’s Lochiel Authority 2, W. B. Lambert’s Leo of Loehiel 3, G. H. Donaldson’s Lochiel Cadet Dog, limit. Four entries—Miss Rita Grimmet’s Lochiel Glenavon 1, D. 11. Bracks’s Distinction of Clermont 2, A. Bracegirdle’s Lochiel Authority 3, G, H. Donaldson’s Lochiel Cadet v.h.c. Dogs, open. Four, entries—Miss Rita Grimmet’s Lochiel Glenavon 1, Miss 0. A. Muir’s Lancer of Lochiel. 2, D. H. Bracks’s Distinction Of Clermont 3, G.’ H. Donaldson’s Lochiel Cadet v.h.c. ■ Bitches, puppy. ■ Two' ’ entries —A. M'Rae’s Sunny Brae Sapphire 1, D. Hi Bracks’s Deva of Clermont 2. . Bitches, junior. . Two entries —A. M'Rae’s Sunny Brae Sapphire 1, D. H. Brack’s Dera of Clermont 2. ... Bitches, novice. Two _ entries —A. M'Rae’s Sunny Brae Sapphire 1, D, H. Brack’s Dera of Clermont 2. Bitches; - limit. Two > entries—A. M'Rae’s Sunny Brae Sapphire 1, D. H. Bracks’s Deva of Clermont 2. . .... . Bitches, open. Two , , entries—A. M'Rae’s Sunny Brae Sapphire 1, D. H. Bracks’s Deva of Clermont 2. SAMOYEDE '$R, ■ Dogs, puppy., One eptry—F. G., Zaffer’a Snow Chief!. )' f- ... ‘. ■', ~ Dogs, open. One entry-—F, G. Zaffers Snow Chief 1. _ Bitches, puppy. One entry—F. G. Zaffer’s Snow Queen 1. Bitches, open. Two entries —F. G. Zaffor’s Snow Queen 1, Mrs A, Cameron’s Polar Beauty 2. CHOW CHOW. Dogs, open. One entry—A. Mazey’s Lystra Chang Fu 1. , Bitches, open. One , entry—A. Mazey s Lystra,Lee Ping 1. , COCKER SPANIELS (Black). Dogs, puppy. Five entries—A. Begg’s Day Boatswain 1, N, S. . Brosnan’s Renwick Nugget 2, A. Begg’s Bay Baster 3, R. B. Mason’s Winsome Laddie h.e. ' Dogs, junior. Two entriesr—N. S. Brosnan’s Avon Ability 1. Dogs, novice. Three entries—N. S. Brosnan’s Avon Ability 1, D. M. Todd’s Parkside Picture 2. ' Dogs, limit. Three entries—F. Robertson’s Nader. of .Iyer Heath 1, D. M. Todd’s Parkside Picture 2. . Dog’s,' open. One entry—F. Robertson s Vadef of Iver Heath 1. Bitches, puppy.’ Three entries—F. Robertson’s Tver Heath Gloria' 1, F. Robertson’s Tver Heath Dawn 2, A. Begg’s Bay Belle 3. . Bitches, junior. Two entries—F. Robertson’s Iver Heath Gloria 1, F. Robertson’s Iver Heath Dawn . 2. < . Bitches, novice. Three entries—P. Robertson’s Iver Heath Gloria 1, F. Robertson’s Iver Heath Dawn 2, W. D. Choyce’s Bess 3. >■ ’ ’•'» "■ i ' _ Bitches, limit; Four .entries—F. Robertson’s, Iver Heath Gloria 1, H.. C. Oettli’s..lver Heath Belle 2, F. Robertson’s Iver Heath DaWn 3, W. D, Choyce’s Bess - v.h.c. COCKER SPANIEL (other than Black). Dogs, puppy. Two entries—T. Snow’s Bon Elect 1. . . .. Dogs, junior. Two entries—T. Snow’s Bon Elect 1. I . . Dogs, novice. .■ Three entries —T. SnowV Bon Elect 1; N. S. Brosnan’s Braeval Bandit 2.•. • Dogs, limit. Four entries—L. Smyths Church Leigh Storm Boy 1, T. H. Hodge’s Ross Raider 2, N, S. Brosnan’s Braeval Bandit 3. '• • . ; • Dogs, open. Three entries —L. Smyth s Church Leigh Storm Boy 1, T. H. Hodge’s Ross Raider 2. . Bitches, puppy. Three entries—N. S. Brosnan’s Renwick Tangle I, L. Barton’s Judith 2. . , _ Bitches, junior. Three entries—N. S. Brosnan’s Renwick Tangle 1,. L, Bartons Judith 2. . ... Bitches, novice. Three- entries—N. b. Brosnan’s Renwick Tangle 1, L. Barton s Judith 2. ■ ‘ , Bitches, limit. Three entries—F. Robertson’s Sylvan Quality 1, W. S. : Brosnan’s Renwick Tangle 2. Bitches, open. Six entries —F. Robertson’s Sylvan Quality 1, Mrs A. Nicoll s Penscroft Paradox 2, W.' S. Brosnans Renwick Tangle 3, T. L. Blumsky’s Bonnie of Clifton v.h.c. SPANIELS (LIVER AND WHITE). Dogs or bitches, puppy. One entry—H. H. Henderson’s Freckles 1. Bitches, open. One entry—H. H. Henderson’s Diana 1. __ Working gun dogs. Three entries—V, M'Beatli’s Pompey 1, A. A. Atkinson’s Braeville Bridget 2, F. J. Medley’s Mic Dammit Joker 3, W. T. Hill’s Killarney Trix v.h.c. BULL DOGS. Dogs, novice. One entry—L. S. ’Wine-; field’s Satan 1. ■ Dogs, open. Two entries —L. S. Wmefield’s Satan 1, L.:AJ Darracott’s Armadale Tony 2. _ , „ Bitches, open. "One entry. B. and V . Bond’s Maori Beauty 1. AIREDALE TERRIERS. Dogs, novice. One entry—D. S. M'Kcnzie’s Macdnfi 1. Dogs, open. One entry—D. S. M Ken-, zic’s Macduff 1. IRISH TERRIERS. Dogs, puppy. ' Oim entry—W. ■'Bain’s Tim Malone, li. , v : » Dogis, novice. One, entrys-A,, Q(: Chismafi’s'Sir Miehael. li’ *■'■**' ■ . Dogs, open. One entry—A. G. Unsman’s Sir Michael i. Bitches, pnppy. One entry—Mrs A. h. Crighton’s Shetland Lassie 1. Bitches, novice. One entry—Mrs A. L. Crighton’s Castle Lassie 3 Bitches, open. One entry—Mrs A. D. Crighton’s Castle Lassie 3. FOX TERRIERS (SMOOTH). Dog. puppy, Two entries—W. Henderson’s Stowaway 1, R. G- Sherrill s Logan Chief 2. . „ Dogs, novice. Two entries—W. Henderson’s Stowaway 1, R. G. Shcmffs Logan Chief 2. Dogs, junior. One entry—W. Henderson’s Stowaway .'!, i C • Doga, limit. Three entries —W. Henderson’s Stowaway 1, A. J. Dean s L°senoyue Rally 2, W. U. Eaylors Aork Standard 3.

Doge, open, Four entries —W. .Henderson’s Stowaway 1, A. J. Dean’s Rosenoyne Rally .2, W. H, Naylor’s York Standard 3, Dpuglas .MTnnes’s Unknown v.h.c. Bitches, novice. Four entries—!. Allan’s Merry Peel 1, N. Sander’s Edith Logan 2, Mrs Bowell’s Northern Girl 3, J. Mercer’s Ball Dress v.h.c. _ Bitches, puppy. Two entries—!. Allan’s Merry Peel 1, N. Sander s Edith Logan 2. t Bitches, junior. Four entries—W. Henderson's Gay Idea 1, N. Sanders Edith Ldgan 2, Mrs Bowell’s Northern Girl 3, J. Mercer’s Ball DresS v.h.c. Bitched limit. Three entries—W. Henderson's Gay Idea 1, N. Sanders Edith Logan 2, J. Mercer’s Ball Dress 3; Bitches, open. -Four entries—W. Henderson’s Gay Idea 1, -W. Henderson s Merry Damon 2; N., Sander’s Edith Logan 3, J. Mercer’s Ball Dress v.h.c. FOX TERRIERS (WIRE). Dogs, novice. One entry—R. L. Austin’s Elderslie Extreme 1. Dogs, junior. • One entry—R. L. Austin’s Elderslie Extreme !.- _ Dogs, limit. Two entries—R. L. Austin’s Elderslie Extreme 1, Mrs H. T. Speight’s Revelry Summit 2. Dogs, open. Two entries—R. L. Austin’s Elderslie Extreme 1, Mrs H. T. Speight’s Revelry Summit 2. SCOTTISH TERRIERS. Dogs or bitches, novice. One entry— Miss H. J. Smith’s Cameronian 1. , Dogs, open, • Four entries—Dr A, Smith-Morton’s Totendge Macduff 1, Miss N ! J ' Smith’s Cameronian 2, Miss Isabella Balk’s HaVrthorne Laddie 3, L. Mathieson’s Mae'iV.h;C. . " , " Dogs or bitches, puppy. One entry— Dr A. Smith Morton's Cumbrae Robin Adair 1. SEALYHAM TERRIERS. Bitches, open. _ One entry—Miss C. Dunne’s Opihi Princess 1. SYDNEY SILKY TERRIERS. Dogs or hitches, puppy. One entry— Mrs L. Barton’s Mangawhane Baby 1. Bitches, open. One entry—Mrs L. BarMangawhane Baby 1. . POMERANIANS (ANY COLOUR, . : Under tlb). 1 ~;■ Hogs,, puppy. Two entries —,Miss R. Maitland’s Billy Boy !., r> ’ Dogs, novice. One entry—Miss K. Maitland’s Billy Boy 1. Dogs, limit. Three entries—W. B. Perrin's Bounce 1» Bain's Ra Whitanga Goldie 2, Miss R. Maitland’s Billy Boy 3. Dogs, open. Three entries—W. B. Perrin’s Bounce 1, ’W. Bain’s Ra Whitanga Goldie 2. • . ITr T) Bitches, puppy. Two entries—W. B. Perrin’s Windsor Belle 1, Mrs F. 0. Gillara’s Sable Rose 2. , Bitches, novice. One entry—Milne s Southern Trixie 1. . , Bitches, limit. Two entries—G. Aan s Goldbrook Orange. Glory 1, Milne s Southern Trixie 2..• ,• 1 Bitches, open. Two entries—G. Allan s Goldbrook Orange Glory 1, Milne s Southern Trixie 2. POMERANIANS (ANY COLOUR, OVER TLB). Do"s or bitches, open. Three entrics—Mrs T. Holland’s Boss 1, Terry F. Baton’s George 2, C.. V. Dickinson’s Sara , CHILDREN’S GLASS. Any breed, the property of a child under 14 years. Three entries—Terry F. Paton’s George 1, C. V. Dickinsons Sam 2, F. o.' Gillam’s Sable Rose 3. OPEN VARIETY CLASSES. Any breed of sporting dog or bitch, excepting terriers. Six entries L. Smyth’s Church Leigh Storm Boy 1, R. W. Brown’s Heatherlea Tyrone 2, F. Robertson’s Sylvan Quality 3. Any breed of non-sporting dog or bitch, excepting toys. Eleven entries —Miss Rita Grimmet’s Lochiel Glenavon 1, A. Mazey s Lystra Chans Ru 2, D. EE. Bracks g Bistinction of Clermont 3. Any breed of terriers, dog or bitch. Six entries —Dr A. Smith-Morton’s Toteridge Macduff 1, A. J. Dean’s Rosemoyne Rally 2, A. G. Chisman’s Sir Michael 3. Any breed of toys, dog or bitch. Five entries —W. B. Perrin’s Bounce 1, G. Allan’s Goldbrook Orange Glory 2, W. Bain’s Whitanga Goldie 3. NOVICE OWNERS’ VARIETY CLASSES. Anv breed of non-sporting dog or bitch, excepting toys. Five entries—W. Lambert s Leo of Lochiel I, Mrs B. Eremainc’s Silver Fang 2, W. Watson’s Stratlunark Hilda 3. Any breed of terrier, dog or bitch. Four entries—N. Sander’s Edith Logan L 11. J. Smith’s Cameronian 2, D. S. M'Kenzie’s Macduff 3. Any breed of toy, dog or bitch, rivp entries —C. Allan’s Goldbrook Orange Glory 1, Mrs L. Barton’s Mangowliare Baby 2- W. ,B. Perrin’s Windsor Belle 3. BRACE AND TEAM CLASSES. V Sporting brace, excluding terriers. Two entries —F. Robertson’s brace 1, N. S. Brosnan’s brace 2. Sporting team, excluding terriers. One entry—F. Robertson’s team. Non-sporting brace, excluding toys. Five entries —D. 11. Bracks 1, B. W. Tremaine 2, A. Mazey 3. Non-sporting team, excluding toys. One entry— W. L. Notman 1. , Brace of toys, any breed. One entry— W. B. Perrin’s Bounce and Windsor Belle 1. :

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 21668, 11 June 1932, Page 16

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FANCIERS' CLUB Otago Daily Times, Issue 21668, 11 June 1932, Page 16

FANCIERS' CLUB Otago Daily Times, Issue 21668, 11 June 1932, Page 16