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By Phiixida.

Mrs Lee Smith, Mrs C. Shicl, and Miss Marlin, who went north last week to judge the railway station gardens, returned to Dunedin on Friday. rif if if The final judging for the eup presented by the Gardening Circle of the Otago Women’s Club was completed last week. This year’s entry has constituted a record and the interest taken in the gardens is, if anything, keener than formerly. The prize gardens reflect great credit on those responsible for their upkeep and the judges are confronted by an increasingly difficult task each year as there is sometimes very little separating the winners from the others. The judges (Mrs C. Shiel, Mrs Lee Smith, and Miss Martin) have made the following awards:—Balclutha and Port Chalmers (equal), first; A.Hanton, third; Pairlie, fourth. For the small gardens:—Sawyers’ Bay, first, Stirling, second; Waitahuna, third. First-year gardens:—Orari, first; and Waipiata, second.

The guest list at the Wanaka Hotel, Pembroke, last week included Lady Nolan, Miss Nolan (Auckland), Mrs H. S. Barker, Miss E. Harris (Christchurch), Mrs C. Radcliffe, Miss Radcliffe, Miss Comins, Miss A. Wall, Miss Laws (England), Mrs K. 0. Thomas (U.S.A.), Mr and Mrs J. L. Hey worth, Mr J. A. Sloane, Mr G. E. Sloane, Mr J. F. Sloane (Australia), Miss Fewsley, Miss Younge (Auckland), Major and Mrs Warren (Hawke’s Bay). Miss N. F. Dowling, Mr J. B. Balharry (Wellington), Major and Mrs Money (Nelson), Mr and Mrs H. U. Ogier, Mr and Mrs A. Wintcrbourn, Mr and Mrs T. H. Bieknell, Mrs W. J. Webb. Mrs G. Jamieson, Miss N. T. Thomson, Mr T. M. Moore, Mr T. Chapman (Christchurch), Mr J. N. Cobb, Mr M. V. Bates, Master D. Bates (Oaiaaru). Mr and Mi's H. J. Gill, Mrs C. Speight, Mrs J. R. Hercus, Miss M. Thomas. Miss W. J. Speight, Mr J. Shepherd, Mr W. Fraser, Mr R. Morn, Mr A. L. Callick, Mr R. Morrison, Mr E. J. Green, Mr W. Rudkin, Mr N. F. Armstrong, Mr J. H. Clements, Mr A. L. Hern, Mr E. J. Speight. Mr L. B. Lawson (Dunedin), Mr and Mrs J. B. Courie, Mr and Mrs R. M’Dougall IWinton), Mr J. Brownlie (Gore), Miss J. Campbell, Mr D. R. Campbell (Invercargill), Mr G. M. Turner (Stewart Island), Miss M. M. Watt (Cromwell), Miss Burnett (Queenstown).

A distinct departure from the orthodox ivory and paste] tones that are generally a feature of the frocking of brides at weddings was observed on the evening of March 19 at First Church, when Miss Ida Rees, of Sydney, wag married to Mr Arthur Clapp. Both the bride and her attendant wore evening gowns of vivid tonings. Miss Rees is the only daughter of Mr and Mrs W. N. Rees, of Mossvale, Sydney, and Mr Clapp is the third son of Mr and Mrs J. o.'Clapp, of Nightcaps. The bride, who entered the church on the arm of Mr S. H. Poole, of Dunedin, who gave her away, wag attired in an exquisitely moulded gown of flame angel skin satin fashioned with a tightlyfitting bodice to well below the hipline, where the skirt, of instep length, flared with intricately-cut godets. A filmy tulle veil of flame toning was confined to the head by a thin circlet of brilliants at the back, and she wore satin slippers and hose of flame, and carried a sheaf of flame-coloured gladioli. She was attended by Miss Mona Mackay, who wore a charming mode] gown of orange georgette cut on classic lines with a flared skirt on which two peplnms slanted from the hip line to below the knee. The neck-line was outlined by a cowl collar, and the gown was sleeveless. A smart hat of brown felt with an ostrich garniture encircling the crown, brown satin slippers and hose, were also worn, and she carried a bouquet of gladioli in tones of orange. A reception was later held at the Grand Hotel, Mrs S. H. Poole, wearing a smart gown of oyster georgette printed in green, blue, and wine, and a bat of felt to tone, receiving the guests.

The Otago University Cricket Club dance took place on Saturday at the Garden Tea Kiosk, some 200 dancers being present. The ballroom was gay with bright adornments of streamers and coloured lights, and the music, dispensed by an excellent orchestra, was infectious and lively. Among those present were Mieses M. Halsted, A. Pithie. B. Brailey. H. Scurr, M. Anderson, T. Palmer, E. Siedeberg. M. Lusk, D. Allison, B. Palmer, B. Harker, N. Kennedy. M. Hardman, D. Arnoldson, M. O’Hallaran (2), C. Browne, A. Browne, E. Marshall, M. Hopkins. E. Mathieson, M. Howard, N. Hamer. D. M'Stay, E. Tipping, A. Holmes, L. Samson. M. Tannock, E. Neill, A. MacArthur, M. Butler. R. M’Ewan, M. Webster, D. Garratt, S. Napier, I. Souness, I. Butler. H. Gray, F. Woods, V. Gray, M. Bartholomew. K. Debenham, K. Bartholomew, I. Seelye, J. Copeland, I. Graham, D. Samson, M. Garrett, and Ritchie, Messrs A. Aitken, F. Reid, W. Aitken 0. Rout, N. Kelly, N. Napier, M. Wylie. S. Blue, J. Temple, A. M'Leod, I. Ross. W. Burt, A. Burt, C. Gleason, R. Mathieson, W. Brinsley. T. Mannsell, J. Hawkesworth, A. Wise, I. Styche, N. Davis, Ibbotson, T. Thomson, Cachemaille. J. Woods, S. Moloney. N. Cherry, A. H. Anderson. V. Cavanagh. Lloyd, W. Robertson, B. O’Driscoll. R, Kelly, A. Vondersloot, F. Salinger, E. Macpherson, W. Elliott, W. Watt, I. M’Kinnon, A. King, J.' Harkness, D. Hunter, I. Arthur, J. Wilson. G. Lister, F. Avent, W. Simmers, D. Samson, E. Boddy, H. Sinclair, J. Temple, J, Gilkison, Armitage, A, Sinclair, A. K. Ibbotson, E. M’Tavish, and E. Arthur. *

There wae an excellent attendance of members at the March meeting of the National Council of Women. Mrs Aslin presided and .welcomed back Dr Siede-berg-M‘Kinnon, who had been absent for some considerable time. Mrs Aslin also thanked the Mayoress (Mrs R. S. Black) for the keen interest she had always taken in National Council matters, particularly when she had so much work on hand in connection with the unemployment problem. In reference to a letter received from the Dunedin Creche Committee asking for a donation towards their funds, it was resolved that each member should bring before her society the claims of this fine movement. The hon. secretary (Mrs Alexander) was appointed to represent the council at the public welcome to be given to Commissioner and Mrs Higgins. A letter was read from Professor Strong enlisting the council’s sympathy in protesting against the deletion of cookery and manual training in Standard V of the primary schools, and after some discussion it wae resolved that the president be empowered to bring the matter before the Dominion Executive, and the following resolution was passed: —“ That the Dunedin branch of the National Council of Women views with dismay the possibility > of curtailment of home science training in the schools. Home science is a fundamental- subject for all future homemakers, and should be the last subject to be subjected to restriction." It wag resolved to send a letter of sympathy to Mrs Fraer, of Christchurch. It was unanimously agreed to convey to Miss Sullivan the congratulations of members on her election as president of the Dunedin branch of the Teachers’ Association. Miss Nome Hardie, of the Y.W.C.A., gave a very interesting account of the Girls’ Conference which was recently held at Masterton and attended by about 100 girls from all parts of New Zealand. She outlined some of the advantages the girls gained by meeting others—comparing standards of work in clubs, living together, fellowship, friendships formed, letters, etc., and discussions on wide world questions and personalities. Miss Hardie referred to the fine programme carried out at the conference, and in a concise and telling manner showed of what inestimable value such a movement as the Y.W.C.A. is .to the girls and young women of the Dominion. Dr Siedeberg-M'Kinnon, in a very interesting speech, gave an account of the conference of the Federation of University Women held recently in Christchurch. and outlined the subjects brought up by Mrs T. E, Taylor. “Nationality of Married Women Mis M. E. Sims, “ Aims and Objects of the Pan-Pacific Conference”; Miss Lambie, “Training of Soeial Workers”; and Miss E. A. Chaplin, “Disarmament.” Mrs Benson then gave an absorbing talk on “ Manchuria.” and wag listened to with much attention, as members were anxious to increase their knowledge of this subject. Votes of thanks to the speakers brought the meeting to a close.

The annual meeting of the Clydevgle Women’s Institute, presided over by Mrs Cookeley, was held in the Qlydevale Hall on March 17. The officers elected for the ensuing year were as follow: —Prc* Bident, Mrs Weir, vice-presidents, Mesdaraes Cooksley and A. I. Miller; hon. secretary, Miss K. Mowat; treasurer, Mrs Kee; committee —Mesdames Weir, Kee, Cooksley, Allen, Soper, Mowat, P. Miller and A. I. Miller, Misses B. May and K. Mowat. Mrs Cooksley read a very interesting account of the Institute Movement in Canada and of the foundation and growth of the movement in New Zealand. Votes of thanks were accorded to the retiring president, the secretary, the retiring committee, Mrs Allen for her capable management of the market table, also to Mrs Carmody and Miss Sutherland, who bad acted as scrutineers in the election, and to the press for the publishing of the reports. The retiring president (Mrs Cooksley) thanked the committee and members for their loyal support and co-operation during her term of office, and urged the members to rally round their officers. Mrs Weir (the newly elected president) expressed the hope that members would extend to her the same co-operation and help that had been given to her predecessors.. The hostesses for the afternoon were Mesdames M’Allum, Hyslop, Soper and G. Dunlop. During the afternoon two new members were enrolled—this bringing the roll number up to 45. A competition for “ sample stitehery ” was won by Mrs Kee, who also secured most points on the honours board for the year. A very successful meeting was_ concluded with the singing of the institute ode of Ontario, Canada, a copy of which had been kindly presented to the institute by Mrs Cooksley. » * »

A pretty wcddiii" was solemnised at First Church on March 17 when Linda, daughter of Mrs and the late Mr A. H. Tonkinson, of Manor place, was married to Mr George W. J. Bell, son of I rolessor and Mrs R. J. T. Bell, of Dundas street, Dunedin. The church was charmingly decorated for the occasion by friends of the bride, and the Rev. W. A. Stevely, assisted by the Rev. W. Saunders, was the officiating minister, while Dr V. E. Galway presided at the organ. The bride, who was given away by her mother, wore a gown of deep cream satin, the tightlyfitting bodice and mitten sleeves of which were handsomely embroidered with pearls. The long skirt fell in full, graceful folds to the ground. Falling from the waist was a long train embroidered with pearls and lace, while a large satin bow at one corner held a long spray of orange blossoms. An orange blossom bud coronet, which confined the long veil to the head, and a bouquet of deep cream roses and maidenhair fern was carried. She was attended by two bridesmaids, Miss Winnie Speight and Miss lona Irwin, who were charmingly attired in turquoise blue satin gowns designed on simple lines with tightly-fitting bodices and small coatees falling softly to just above their waist lines, and long, fun skirts. Black velvet hats trimmed with turquoise rosettes were worn and also long white gloves. They carried large muffs made of pink larkspur. The bridegroom was attended by Mr Warrington Taylor as best man and Mr Jack Thomson as groomsman. After the ceremony a reception was held at the Tudor Hall, where the guests were received by Mrs Tonkinson and her son, Mr M. H. lonkinson. The mother of the bride wore a beautiful gown composed of apple green georgette and blade satin. Over her tucked bodice of georgette she wore a coatee of apple green georgette beautifully appliqued with velvet .and studded with diamante. A large picture hat of black velour and a bouquet of apricottinted roses completed her toilette. Mrs Bell, mother of the bridegroom, was attired in a very smart gown of black ace over which was worn a black velvet coatee trimmed with a large white fur collar. A black velour hat trimmed with white osprey was also worn and she carried a bouquet of red roses. Later, when Mr and Mrs Bell left by car on their wedding tour through Central Otago, Mrs Bell was wearing a navy blue satin frock under a navy face-cloth coat trimmed with squirrel collar and cutts, and navy felt hat. The guests present were:—Sir Thomas and Lady Sidey, Professor Bell and Mrs Bell, Dr and Mrs J. E. Elder, Dr and Mrs James Thomson. Mr and Mrs H. T. Speight, Mr and Mrs J. A. Hnnan, Mr and Mrs J. L. Salmond, Mr and Mrs A. Wood, Mr and Mrs Walter Speight, the Rev. Mr and Mrs W. A. Stevely, Mr and Mrs James Brown, Mrs D. M. Spedding, Mr and Mrs J. D. Charlton Edgar, Mr and Mrs W. E. Speight. Mr and Mrs W. J. Crawford, Mr and Mrs 13. A. Searle, the Rev. Dr and Mrs Dickie, Mr and Mrs E. Syretfc, the Rev. Mr and Mrs W. Saunders, Mr and Mrs J. A. Haggitt, Mrs R. C. Young, Mr and Mrs James Heaney, Mr and Mrs J. Adams (Timaru), Mr and Mrs B. S. Irwin, Mr and Mrs J. Nimmo, Mrs A. Burns, Dr and Mrs V. E. Galway, Mrs Milward, Mr and Mrs S. F. M’lnnes, Mr and Mrs I*. O. M’Farlane Mrs H. Shacklock, Dr and Mrs R. Jack, Mr and Mrs J. R. Fairbairn. Mrs C. Speight. Mr and Mrs J. D. M’Kechnie Mr and Mrs F. H. King, Mr and Mrs H L. Macmillan, Mr and Mrs H. Mitchell, Mr and Mrs R. Watson, Mr and Mrs J. A. Mathewson, Mr and Mrs W. H. Adams. Dr and Mrs C. H. Tail, Mrs S. 0. Battersby, Mr and Mrs A. A. Orton, Mr and Mrs W. A. Mitson. Mr and Mrs R. Nichol. Misses E, King, A. Greenslade, M. Lane, B. Croft, A. Morrell A. Blair, D. Retd, J. Hay, F. Brown, D. Cornish, E. Reid, K. M'lnnes, K. Salmond, C. Conn, I. White, E. Hay, E. Searle, E. King, Adams (Timaru), E. Nimmo, Tonkinson, G. Saunders, W. Speight, I. Irwin, and R- Nicolson: Professor Adams, Dr M. C. Speight, Messrs R. Blair, W. Taylor, L. Black, J B. Thomson, Dr C. Hanan, G. Salmond, I. B. Speight, M. H. Tonkinson, M. Hanan, E. Styche, T. Kinmont, A. H. Williams. W. MTnnes, Charles Smith, R. Greenslade, W. 0. Martin, J. Elder, S. Falconer, C. Nicolson, W. E. C. Reid. C. Speight and H. H. Ferguson.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 21600, 22 March 1932, Page 15

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PERSONAL AND SOCIAL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 21600, 22 March 1932, Page 15

PERSONAL AND SOCIAL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 21600, 22 March 1932, Page 15