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THE SEASON CONCLUDED GRANGE WINS SENIOR SHIELD A CENTURY TO BLUNT By defeating Carisbrook in a game »hich had an exciting finish. Grange Won the senior championship shield on SaturGrange declared with six wickets down for 380, leaving Carisbrook a heavy task. Carisbrook, however, gave a fine display, and, though three-quarters of an hour’s playing time remained when the ninth wicket fell; it was only seven minutes before “time” that Grange succeeded in bringing the innings to a close, the last wicket adding 65. The principal scorers were Blunt, who played a very sound innings for 102, Allan (71), and Dunning (54). The only other match which could have had a bearing on the championship was that between Albion and University, Albion narrowly failing to gain a. four-point win, which would have given it the same number of points as Grange. Gcod batting performances were 74 by L. Smith for Albion, 70 by Badeock for Christian Brothers, and 57 by Rennick for Kaikorai. Coupland registered two fine bowling performances by taking six for 32 and six for 12 against Kaikorai, and Shepherd was also in form, securing five for 28 against University. Against Christian Brothers N. Cherry took five for 30. The following are the final positions of the teams;—


The match .between Grange and Cambrook was - concluded, at the Carisbrook Ground. Grange declared with a total o£ 380 for six wickets, made on the first day.

j. Cameron and Dunning opened for Carisbrook, the former facing Lcinin, who bowled from the pavilion end. The fifth ball Cameron played into the slips, and Chettleburgh accepted the catch. Blunt filled the vacancy and opened the scoring by sending the last ball of the over to the fine leg boundary. ' Galland took, the ball at the other end and sent up a maiden. The batsmen wer% playing quietly, but Dunning added a couple or fours with good shots. Twenty was brought up in 18 minutes. The score when it reached 30 contained six fours, and Dunning added two more in an over from Galland. Elmea then relieved his captain, and 50 was brought up in 10 minutes, Dunning, who was in the thirties, lifting one just out of Breen’s reach. M'Kay was given a trial in place of Lemin, and Blunt gave him a maiden. With the total at 64 Chettleburgh relieved Elmes, and in his second over Dunning lifted a ball into the hands of Lemin at mid-on. The batsmen had scored 76 in just under an hour, Dunning’s contribution of 54 including 10 fours. Smith filled the vacancy, but had scored only a single when he attempted to pull Chettleburgh round to square leg, the ball coming in beautifully to bowl him. Three were down for 82. The outlook was black for Carisbrook when Moloney stepped in front of a ball from Elmes and was out Ibw for a single, four being down for 83. H. Cameron filled the vacancy. Blunt opening out to hit three fours in quick succession. The century was brought up in 85 minutes. The score had reached 108 before the first extra_ came. Chettleburgh .sending down a wide. A minute later Blunt reached the half-century with a 4, but Cameron had been at the wickets for three-quarters of an hour before he reached double figures. Blunt at 62 played a ball from Lemin sharply into the'slips, and it hit the' ground just short ®f Galland. At the adjournment the score was 131, Runs came at a good rate on the resumption, 11 being scored off an over from Elmes. A useful innings came to an end, however, when M'Kay bowled Cameron, whose score was 26. Five were down for 17fi. Thomson, playing his first game in senior cricket, was the incomer. Blunt entered the nineties with a couple of fours, and by steady batting reached 9!). He could not get the ball away for the

necessary single, and was still one short of the century when Thomson, was bowled by Elraes for five. The score was 190. Allan filled the vacancy, and Blunt pulled the first ball of Chettleburgh’s next over ruond to square leg to reach the hundred. In the next over from Elraes, however, he was out Ibw. He had not given a chance in the course of a very sound .display. Seven were down for 199.

Napier partnered Allan, and the pair scored steadily until Lemin skittled Napier with the total at 224. Kerens was the next batsman. He was at the wickets for 18 minutes before he scored, and was then missed by Elmes in the slips off Galland. Galland bowled him, however, with the next ball, and nine were down for 242. Procter went to the wickets with threequarters of an hour’s playing time still to go. Allan, who was playing a bright innings, hit two successive balls from Galland to the fence and added a single off the next. He then drove Elmes twice to the boundary, following this up by lifting a ball from Galland on to the roof of the stand. By 6 o’clock the pair had added 32. Chettleburgh then relieved Elmes, and Allan pulled the first ball high round to deep square leg, where Dey dropped the catch. At 288 Allan lifted Chettleburgh into the outfield again. Tomkinson ran in to take the catch, but could not quite reach the ball, which hit the tips of his fingers. Only 20 minutes’ playing time remained, and the crowd was taking a keen interest in the play. Galland tried a double change, using Elmes and Lemin, but with 12 minutes to play 300 was brought up. and runs continued to come at a good rate until, seven minutes before “ time,” Allan, after a fine innings for 71, went out Ibw to Elmes, Grange securing a twopoint win. The last wicket had added 65. Grange’s fielding was generally very faulty. Scores:—

GRANGE. First innings (declared closed) .. .. 380 CARISBROOK. First Innings. J.- Cameron, c Cbettleburgh, b Leinin 0 Dunning, c Leinin, b Cbettleburgh ~ 54 Blunt, Ibw, b Elmes 102 D. Smith, b Cbettleburgh 1 Moloney, Ibw, b Elmes 1 H. Cameron, b M‘Kay 26 Thomson, b Elmes 5 Allan, Ibw, b Elmes 71 Napier, b Lemin 14 Hercus, b Galland 2 Procter, not out 17 Extras 14 Total 307

CHRISTIAN BROTHERS v. OLD BOYS The match between Christian Brothers and Old Boys was concluded at Logan Park on Saturday, Old Boys securing a two-point win. On the previous Saturday Christian Brothers had made 187 and’Old Boys had lost four wickets for 145, Cherry being not out for 23 and J. Smith not out for 7. Neither J. Smith nor Ruff stayed long at the wickets, but Cherry and C. Smith made a serviceable stand and carried the score past that of Christian Brothers. C. Smith had a Jeton in the slips, otherwise the finish would have been closer. Old Boys were all out for 217

Christian Brothers went to the wickets again, and Badcock and Toomey put 107 on the scoring board before Badcock, who Clayed a sparkling innings, was stumped y Botting off the slow bowler. Groves. When he was 61 Badcock skied a gall, off Alloo, between the wickets. Alloo got

his hands on the ball but then dropped it. Included in Badeock’s innings 'of 70 were two sixes and nine fours. Toomey batted steadily for his 42. The innings closed a few minutes before half past 5, and the game ended, Old Boys not desiring to go to the wickets again. The two slow bowlers, Groves and Cherry, got all the wickets, no fewer than three batsmen being stumped. The batsmen were inclined to go for a hit, as there was not much chance, after the stand made by Badcock and Toomey, of Old Boys going in again and hitting up the runs required to secure a four-point win. Details:—

CHRISTIAN BROTHERS. First innings IS7 Second Innings. Toomey, cC. Smith, b Groves .. .. 42 Badcock, st Botting, b Groves .. .. 70 Lynch, c Rulf, by Cherry 14 M'Carten, c Gale, b Cherry .. .. 20 Crookes, st Botting, b Cherry .. 11 MTlroy, st Botting, b Cherry ~ ~ 18 Dawson, b Cherry 4 Cahill, c and b Groves 7 Rodaerson. not out 1 Sullivan, Ibw, b Groves 0 Blair absent 0 Extras 4 191

OLD BOYS. First Innings. Groves, Ibw, b Badcock 27 Gale, c Blair, b Badcock 52 Alloo, b M'llroy 8 Dickinson, c Blair, b Badcock .... 15 Cherry, b Lynch 38 J. Smith, b M'llroy 11 Huff, b M'llroy 0 C. Smith, b Badcock 21 Leader, not out 20 Holden, e Toomey, b Lynch 4 Lotting, Ibw, b Badcock 0 Extras 21 Total 217

ALBION v. UNIVERSITY Albion and University continued their match on the main ground at Logan Park on Saturday. On the previous Saturday, University’s first innings had realised 134 runs and Albion had lost five wickets for 69 runs. The wicket was perfect—dry and fast. Dalziel (12) and Smith (30) resumed their places at the wickets, and when the former had added a couple he lost his wicket leg before to Jolly. 78 —6 14. Shepherd filled the vacancy. Both batsmen hit freely and carried the score to 103, when M'Haffie, the medium-pace bowler, replaced Jolly with his fast ones. Still the runs came quickly, and after 40 minutes’ play the University total of 134, of the preceding Saturday, was reached. Shortly after this Smith had a life, being dropped in the slips, and a minute later Shepherd lost his wicket. Jolly taking his wicket with a lightning ball. 137 —7—26. Heenan joined Smith, who was playing stylishly and confidently. At 150 Sinclair took the ball from M'Haffie. bowling from the Fever Hospital end. Six runs came off his first over, four of which went to Heenan with a hit that landed close to the fence in front of the grand stand. When Smith had scored 66 he was again missed in the slips, but it was a hot chance and the fieldsman was facing the sun. Hanan relieved Gilkison at the town end, and eight runs came off his over—two fours to Heenan. raising the score to 182. Within five minutes Heenan was given out leg before to Hanan. 195 —8—37. Heenan had been at the wickets for 32 minutes, and his score included seven boundaries. Henderson was nest. After an hour and 25 minutes’ play 200 was hoisted. Smith’s innings ended when he was run out —203 —9 —74 —and with the total at 225 the Albion innings was declared dosed. At 4.10 p.rn. University commenced their second innings, with a deficit of 91. Burt and Ibbotson opened, and the former, after scoring three, was bowled by Shepherd. Priest partnered Ibbotson. Shepherd and L. Silver were bowling steadily, and the batsmen treated them with caution. Shepherd’s first four overs were maidens. With the score at 16 Duncan took the ball from Silver. To a well-pitched ball Priest stepped out, but missed it, and was smartly stumped by Heenan. 18 —2 —9. M'Haffie went in. Shepherd was bowling steadily. Only one run had been hit of his six overs. At this stage he was replaced

by Henderson. Runs come slowly, mostly singles, and with the score at 25 M'Haffie cut Henderson into the hands of Smith, in the slips. 25 —3 —5. Hanan partnered Ibbotson, who was batting carefully; his score was nine in 45 minutes. Silver again took the ball at the town end, and a little later Smith relieved Henderson. The batsmen still held their wickets up, however, notwithstanding the change of bowlers. In 65 minutes 45 runs had been scored. With the total at 49 Hanan wag run out, following a smart return by Dalziel to the wicket-keeper. 49—4—7. Sinclair and Ibbotson took the score to 74, mostly by well-judged strokes by Sinclair, when the latter was caught by Shepherd at mid-on. 74 —5 19. Uttley was caught in the same manner; and Hnwkesworth survived only a few balls. 77—7—0. Gilkison and Ibbotson carried the score to 90, and a single to the latter wiped off the deficit with which University started their second strike. The century was signalled after two hours’ play, and at 112 Gilkison stepped out to Barron and lost his wicket. 112 —B—2o.8 —20. Cameron was caught, and Jolly went out only to sec Ibbotson caught by the wicket-keeper, the innings closing for 116 runs. Albion secured a two-point win. Scores;

ALBION. First Innings. Miller, run out 4 Duncan, run out 8 R. Silver, c Cameron, b MTlaffic .... 5 Vinnicombe, b Jolly 4 Barron, b Jolly 3 Dalziel, Ibw, b Jolly 14 L. Smith, run out 74 J. Shepherd, b Jolly 26 Heenan, Ibw, b Hanan .......... 37 Henderson, not out 10 L. Silver, not out 8 Extras 23 Total for nine wickets (declared) 225 Bowling Analysis.

UNIVERSITY. First innings 134 Second Innings. Burt, 1) Shepherd 3 Ibbotson, c Heenan, b Shepherd • • 43 Priest,_ st Heenan, b Duncan .... 9 M'Haffie, c Smith, b Henderson .... 5 Hanan, run out 7 Sinclair, e Barron, b Shepherd .... 19 Uttley, c Barron, b Shepherd .... 0 Hawkesworth, llnv, b Duncan .... 0 Gilkison, st Heenan, b Barron .... ‘2O Cameron, c R. Silver, b Shepherd .. 0 Jolly, not out 0 Extras 10 Total 110 Bonding Analysis.

DUNEDIN v. KAIKORAI Kaikorai was defeated by nine wickets in its match against Dunedin, played at Bishopscourt. When play was resumed Kaikorai had sis wickets down for 49, and Balk and Smales continued their batting, the former carrying his bat right through the innings for 41. Smales added only a single to his 10 before he was run out. and the innings closed for 88. Kaikorai followed on and had made only 44 when the seventh wicket fell. Rennick and M'Carten, however, established a useful partnership which produced 43 runs before M'Carten was caught behind the wickets at 12. By that time the game had reached an interesting stage, as Kaikorai was now playing to avert an innings defeat. Rennick was playing a splen did did game, hitting the bowling all over the field when the opportunity offered, and just when another run was w'anted to pass Dunedin’s first innings score he went out leg before wicket to Ditchfield, his score being 57. Dunedin had then to go in to make a single, and lost one wicket in doing so, Regan being dismissed with Hollander’s fourth ball. The feature of the match was Coupland's splendid bowling on both days. In Kaikorai’s first innings he took six for 32 and in the second six for 12. He was varying his bowling a good deal and had the batsmen puzzled. His deliveries on Saturday were slow and the wicket favoured the bowling. Ditchfield

also captured three wickets at a cost of only four runs. Scores: — DUNEDIN.

First innings 194 Second Innings. Regan, b Hollander 0 Claridge, not out 1 Symonds, not out 1 Bowling Analysis. O. M. R. W. Hollander .. 1 Ilollebon ..1 —2 KAIKORAI. First Innings. Hood, c Ditohfield, b Claridge .... 4 M'Knight, run out 0 Balk, not out ~' 41 Burgess, c Regan, b Claridge .... 0 Rennick, c Hitchlield, b Couplaud .. 1 Constable, c Strang, b Coupland .... J 6 Vial, c and b Couplaud 1 Sinales, run out 11 M'Carten, c Hope, b Coupland .... 0 Hollebon, e Hope, b Coupland .... 5 Hollander, b Coupland 1 Extras 8 Total 88

Second Innings. Balk, b Claridge 2 M'Knight, Ibw, b Coupland 0 Hood, b Coupland 3 Burgess, c Simmonds, b Coupland .. 0 Constable, st Began, b Coupland .. 11 Kennick, Ibw, b Ditchfield 57 Smales, c Clicrry, b Coupland .... 10 Vial, st Began, b Coupland 0 M'Cartney, c Began, b Ditchfield .. 12 Hollebon, b Ditchfield 0 Hollander, not out 1 Extras 10 Total 10C>

JUNIOR GRADE RESULTS SECOND GRADE A. Under ideal conditions Carisbrook B (112 for six) continued its first innings confidently against Carisbrook A (177). With 60 needed to win a partnership added 30 for the seventh wicket, but the last three wickets fell for 15 runs, making the total 157 (Manson 21, J. Procter 14). Bowling for the A’s, Chapman took three wickets for 25 off 23 overs, while M‘Leod (four for 59), Russell (two for 22), and Cox (one for 17) bowled well. The A team had reached 221 for seven wickets in its second strike when stumps were drawn, of which Cox had made 50. S. Procter 39 not out, Howorth 35, Geddes 29, M'Leod 24, Chapman 17, and Groves 16. For the B’s, Kerr took three for 49. The game was notable for keen fielding by both sides.

Albion continued its first innings against Grange, who had made 249 (T. Knowdes 77, Riach 73, Bird 34, Weir 18 not out, and R. Knowdes 13), and was all out for 154 (Campbell CO not out, Frood 17, Mayston 16, and Waikinshaw 12) The best bonders for Grange were Weir (five for 46), Riach (three for 50), Shepherd (one for 13), and T. Knowdes (one for 28). Grange’s second innings realised 101 runs, good stands being made by Weir (28), T, Knowdes (25), R. Knowdes (13), and Dey (19 not out).- Waikinshaw (three for nine). Samuels (three for 17), Campbell (two for 29), and Neilson one for 20) bowled best for Albion. Albion’s second innings was started at 5 p.m., and a stubborn defence (Waikinshaw 40 runs and Murray 15) saw the last man in and the last over being bowded by Weir, who took his wdeket with the last ball. Weir put up a fine bonding performance by taking five for 18. \ bile T. Knowdes secured two for 30. Grange secured a four-point win after an enjoyable game.

By decisively beating North-East Valley by an innings and 17 runs. Old Boys gained the distinction of being premiers in this grade for the season. Resuming their first innings with eight wickets down for 64 runs. North-East Valley were all out for 72 (H. Cullen 12. Marks 29). Bowling for Old Boys, Green took four wickets for 10 runs and Beck six for 27. Following on. North-East Valley could score only 107, the double-figure scorers being Faithful 125), Burtenshaw (16). Marks (13), Cook (11), and H. Cullen (11). In this innings Logan (four wickets for 31) and Beck (two for 17) bowled well for Old Boys. In the match University v. Christian Brothers Old Boys, wihch was won by University by 10 wickets, Christian Brothers’ first innings realised 143 and

the second innings 75 (Butler 16, Cole 12). Bowling for University, Malcolm took three for seven, Howden four for 16, and Henderson two for 18. University in their first innings made 213 (Cox 21, Elder 20, Harvey 12, Laing 24, Malcolm 24, Howden 63 not out). University’s second innings realised 10 runs for the loss of no wickets. Second Grade B.

Albion 158 (Robinson 71. Stark 13, Wilson 36) drew with M'Glashan College 154 for nine wieketg (Lambert 80, A. Stevenson 20, Bell 20, E. Stevenson 12). For M'Glashan College E. Stevenson took five wickets for 26 runs. For Albion Smith and Flynn were the most successful bowlers.

High School defeated Knox Church by 12 runs. Batting first on a good wicket School compiled 75 runs, to which M'Kelvey (16) and Mills (16) were the main contributors. Bowling for Knox Lennox took five for 22 and Downes three for 16. Knox made 62, of which Sinton made i 8 and Forrester 16. Bowling for High School Payne took seven for 12 and M'Kelvey two for 18. Dunedin C and Taieri, the two leading teams in this grade, met at the Oval_ No. 2 and an exciting finish resulted in a draw. Taieri made 144 by careful batting, Williams playing excellent cricket for 60. Scott (24), Doogue (15), and H. Craig also batted well. Dunedin started badly and looked like losing, but a prolonged stand by Lethaby (21) and Robson (14 not out), made a draw possible, which resulted with one wicket to spare. Macneil and Valentine each made 11. The score was 91 for nine wickets. For Dunedin Petre (five for 34) and Valentine (four for 46) bowled well, and Scott (five wickets) and Williams (two wickets) for Taieri. Taieri win the section with 26 points, Dunedin being runners-up with 23 points. In the game between High School Old Boys A and Christian Brothers Old Boys played at the Oval the former batted first and compiled 59 runs (Wood 16, M‘Rae 10, and Bridgeman 10). Bowling for Christian Brothers O’Reilly (five for 13) and Latfey (one for 8) bowled well Christian Brothers replied with 126 (Cusack 62 not out, Young 24, and Montague 10). Bowling for Old Boys Allen took two for 15, Bridgeman one for 6, and Hayes one for 11. In the concluding match of the season, played at Carisbrook, Green Island (171) defeated Carisbrook C (74) by 97 runs. For Green Island A. Miller scored 54 (not out), while W. Barry (33), W. Miller (20), Smellie (15), and A. Berry (11) also batted well. The chief scorers for Carisbrook were Gourley (35), Cameron (15), and Austin (10). The best bowlers wore G. Miller (three for 7), W. Berry (two for 8), and Samson (two for 24) for Green Island, and Cameron (three for 21) and Raynor (three for 31) for Carisbrook. Playing at Kaikorai No. 2, Kaikorai B, batting nine men, made 125 (Stewart 65, Ahlbrandf 16 not out, Fulton 11). Aitken took two for 16, M'Gregor one for 20, and Rodgers three for 26. Kaikorai A replied with 128, winning by 3 runs (M'Gregor 25, Shanks 24 not out, Dey 17, S. Crawford 16). Mattingly took four for 22, Ahlbrandt three for 25, and Barnard two for 6. THIRD GRADE. In the match, Port Chalmers v. NorthEast Valley Presbyterian, at Port Chalmers, the former, batting first, compiled 137 (Armstrong 24, Love 23, Peppered 21, Irwin 29, Earl 20 not out). NorthEast Valley made 41 (E. Vivian 16, R. Reilly 10). Bowling for Port Chalmers, Armstrong took five for 5, Peppered three for 7, and Olsen one for 26. Bowling for North-East Valley, Rogers took five for 17, Weir three for 53, and Vivian two for 57. Port Chalmers won by 96 runs. Grange (74) defeated Technical College (56). Batting for Technical, Kerr was top scorer with 12. Batting for Grange, Anderson made 52 and Owen 10. Bowling for Grange, Luckman took five wickets, Robinson two, and Anderson three. Bowling for Technical, Hodebon (four wickets) and Smith (three wickets) were in good form.

In the match Christian Brothers’ High School v. Otago Old Boys, Christian Brothers scored 99 runs (W. Cummings 37, Ryan 18, and Corcoran 10). Old Boys replied with nine for 101 (Lawn 19, Smith 16, Blnckie 16, and Richards 15 not out). I. Smith bowded well for Old Boys, taking seven wickets for 37 runs. Ryan was Christian Brothers’ best bowler, wdth four wickets for 20.

Grange played Kaikorai at Logan Park. Grange batted first, making 144 runs for seven wdekets (declared). The best scorers were Timms (OS), Real (20), Ogier (19), and Williams (23 not out). The best bonders for Kaikorai were Homer (two for 42) and Denton (one for 19). Kaikorai made 96 for six wickets (Denton 23 not out, R. M'Hardy 24 not out, and L. Stokes 13). The most successful bowders for Grange were Ogier (two for 3), Michie (two for IS), and Mercer (two for 28). Playing at Mosgiel, Dunedin (217) defeated Taieri (122). The top scorers for Dunedin were Callam (60, retired), Hudson (45), Heather (33), Vernon (27), Cranston (13), and Mcurus (11). Bowd-

ing for Taieri, Scott took four for 54, Bowie two for 25, Chettleburgli two for 33, and MTntosh one for 35. Taieri’s best batsmen were MTntosh (30), Pauli (23), Chiles (17, not out), Bowie (14), and Chettleburgh (14). Hudson (four for 23), Callam (two for 22), Denholm (two for 44), Vernon (one for 10), and Cranston (one for 12) bowled well for Dunedin. A GOOD SCORE. Playing for North-East Valley Third Grade against Carisbrook E at Logan Park on Saturday Angus Heenan hit 27 off one over from Russell —four sixes and a three. Heenan made 59. FOURTH GRADE. M'Glashan College 60 (Walker 22, Drake 15, Wood 10) and 62 (Walker 20, Wood 14) defeated Dunedin 52 (Beighton 24) and 56 for seven wickets (Smith 16, Douglas 10) on the firel innings. FRIENDLY MATCHES. Linden U.A.O.D. defeated Good Intent at Mosgiel after an exciting game by one run. Good Intent made 41 (B. Scott 14, Thompson (10) against the bowling of Montgomery (six for 12). Linden made 42 (Miller 11). C. Scott took six for 13 and Thompson two for nine. A match was played on the Oval on Saturday between Barton’s and Woolworth’s, the former winning by 101 to 26 and 23. BOYS’ ASSOCIATION. Grange (98) defeated M'Glashan (54) at Logan Park. Sandom (26), A. Divers (15), Donovan (15), and G. Knowles (10) showed good form for Grange, while Gowland (22) and Gray (10) played good cricket for M'Glashan. Knowles, Sandom, and Pullar secured good bowling figures for Grange, whilst Dawson and Stewart bowled very well for M'Glashan.

IN OTHER CENTRES AUCKLAND GAMES. (Per United Press Association.) AUCKLAND. March 20. Ideal conditions prevailed for the cricket yesterday. Y.M.C.A. made 201 (Clark 59, Elliott 48 not out) and University three for 75. Grafton made 254 (Allcott 108, Eatcliffe 54); Ponsonby two for 18. Eden 222 (G. L. Weir IOC); King’s Old Boys two for 11. North Shore 299 for nine (Player 92 not out. Bush 58, Ferguson 49) met Parnell. TARANAKI CHAMPIONSHIP.

(Per United Press Association.) NEW PLYMOUTH. March 20. The cricket championship of Taranaki was wone by the New Plymouth Club (winner of the northern division), which defeated Stratford (the southern division winner) by six wickets on the first innings. WELLINGTON COMPETITION. (Per United Press Association.) WELLINGTON, March 20. The final series of matches to decide the senior cricket championship was commenced in ideal weather on Saturday and the result of the day’s play was to make the ultimate outcome extremely problematical. Institute scored 225 (Lambert 63, Hankins 40, Wareham 40, Cleave 44) against Hutt, the leading team, which lost three wickets for 55 runs (Gwillinm 34 not out). Bowling for Hutt, Champness took four for 59 and M'Girr four for 02. Kilbirnie made 341 in 175 minutes against Old Boys and applied the closure. Coltman, an ex-Sydney player, scored 107 not out. Crook 105, and Christopherson 36. Old Boys lost two wickets for 14 runs. Midland ■totalled 248 (W. Dustin 67, Lawton 45, Law 43) against University, which scored 77 for the loss of four wickets (Pacey 28). Bowling for University. Harrison captured six for 98. Wellington compiled 194 (Hollings 82) against Petone, whose response was 184 (Roberts 55). Bowling for Petone, Hope took six for 73. If Kilbirnie and Institute secure eightpoint wins they will be level for the championship with 38 points, thiee points ahead of Hutt.

FINAL GAME IN CHRISTCHURCH. IPicb Cmtkd Press Association i CHRISTCHURCH. March 20. The final of the cricket competition was commenced yesterday between Old Roys and Svdenham. The former team made 105 (Hobbs 50, Colville 14 not out; Hamilton, six for 00). Sydenham had scored 25 rims for the loss of no wickets at the drawing of stumps.

SHEFFIELD SHIELD MATCH. SOUTH AUSTRALIA v. NEW SOUTH WALES. (United . Press Association.) (By Electric Telegraph—Copyright.) SYDNEY. March 20. (Received March 20, at 8 p.m.) In a Sheffield Shield match against New South Wales, South Australia in their first innings scored 272 (Nitschke 42, Lonergan 68, Whitfield 51, Grimmett 51; O’Reilly five for 68, Theak three for 68). New South Wales have lost two -wickets for nine runs. , THE SOUTH AFRICANS. FINAL MATCH OF TOUR. (United Press Association.) ■, (By Electric Telegraph—Copyright.) SYDNEY, March 20. (Received March 20, at 8 p.m.) . The final match of the South African tour was begun against Western Australia yesterday. The local team scored 183 in the first innings (Hill-Smith 56, Taaffe 23, Inverarity 28; Bell one for 35, Quinn three for 38, Balaskas three for 48, Vincent one for 26, Morkel none for 17, Mitchell none for five). South Africa in their first innings have lost one wicket for 98 (Christy 29, Mitchell not out 56, Cameron not out 6).

Grange 4-pt. 2-pt. P. W. W. .824 L. o Climp. Pts. 16 Carisbrook ., . . 8 2 3 3 14 Albion 2 3 3 14 Old Boys 1 4 3 12 University .. . . 8 1 3 4 10 Christian Bros. . . 8 1 3 4 10 Dunedin 2 1 5 10 Kaikorai — — S

Bowling Analysis. 0. M. R. W. Lemin ., .. 26 4 65 2 Gallant! . ,. IS 4 51 i Elmes .. .. 27.1 6 70 4 M‘Kay .... 13 5 27 1 Chettleburgh 25 1 80 2

Bowling Analysis. 0. M. K. W. Dickinson (i 1 20 Alloo .. 5 40 Leader .. (5 1 25Groves .. 8 — 48 4 Cherry .. 4 — 30 5

Bowling Analysis, 0. M. K. w. Badcock 35.5 13 77 5 Blair 5 — 20 — M'llroy .. 21 4 82 3 Sullivan 3 3 _ — Lynch 6 2 11 2

0. M. R. W Jolly .. .. ..23 6 57 4 Gilkison .. ..18 5 4!) 0 M'Haffle .... 0 2 2(5 1 Cameron .... 4 2 13 0 Sinclair .. .. 7 2 16 0 liana n .. .... 7 0 41 1

0. M. R. W. L. Silver . .. 6 0 15 0 Barron . 2 0 5 1 Shepherd .. .. 18 8 28 5 Duncan .. 15 3 27 o Henderson . .. 5 1 8 i Vinnicombe .. 3 1 12 0 Smith .. .. .. 7 3 11 0

Bow ing An nlysis 0. M. K. w. Claridgo . 10 3 28 , 2 Coiipland . . 21.3 7 32 6 Langley . 5 — 10 — (Javanagh . o — 6 — Torrance i — 4 —

Bowling Analysis. 0. M. K. W. Claridge 'J 1 l(i 1 Coupland . 13 5 12 6 Langley . 10 1 43 Cherry .. . . 7 1 21 . Ditchlield . 5.5 2 4 3

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 21599, 21 March 1932, Page 12

Word Count

CRICKET Otago Daily Times, Issue 21599, 21 March 1932, Page 12

CRICKET Otago Daily Times, Issue 21599, 21 March 1932, Page 12