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OAMARU WATER SUPPLY The race inspector reported to the Oainaru Borough Council last evening that during December the water had continued at a constantly high level, the usual 10 heads being maintained without difficulty. The constant erosion of the main stream had caused some damage to No. 2 intake race, so that some rearrangement might be necessary when the low level was again reached. Water was cut off for tour days, repairs and the cutting of abnormal growth of weed at the bottom of the race occupying the time. Repairs to the flume trestle at Waikoura had been completed, and repairs to Peebles flume were in hand. The tarring of the outsides of Coal Pit Gully and Big Hill flumes was in progress. Water was used extensively throughout the month for irrigation purposes, good results being apparent. In connection with the proposal for the construction of a reservoir on the South Hill, the unemployment commissioner advised that, as the board was in recess, he was unable to give a definite ruling whether men might be employed on this work under scheme No. 5 in view of the fact that the council had obtained authority to carry out the work with loan moneys. The commissioner asked whether the council would consider-operating under the same conditions as those approved recently for another municipality for a similar class of work, the conditions providing for the payment of subsidies of 30s per week for married men and 15s per week for single men, granted from the unemployment fund, provided that the men engaged were obtained from the ranks of the registered unemployed, and were employed full time for five days per week. Cr Kirkness moved that the work be carried out by contract. Cr Cooney seconded the motion.—Cr Colquhoui moved as an amendment that the matter be referred to the Water Works Committee, stating that he did not think a depleted council should deal with the question.—Cr Kirkness replied that the committee did not think the council should spend money on unnecessary material, whereas many contractors had the necessary materia] and were anxious to give work to satisfactory men. _ He considered that it was in the best interest of the ratepayers' to do the work by contract. This would be helping the unemployed. The concrete work should be done immediately after the excavation was completed.—Cr Colquhoun said there would be no cost for material until the excavation was finished. He considered the excavation should be done by the unemployed.—Cr Hamilton said the council, should conserve every penny, and if the council could save money by having the excavation done by the unemployed, he was strongly of opinion that this should be done.

On a division of the council the motion to do the work by contract was carried; Crs Kirkness, Cooney, Jenkins, Butterfield, and Marshall voting for the motion, and Crs Colquhoun, Milligan, Bain, and Familton against it.

LAWN TENNIS The following players have been selected to represent North Otago against Timaru, at Timaru, on Saturday—Miss D- Miller, Miss D. Baikie, Mrs Carlton, Mrs Bradley, Miss K. Weavers, Miss E. Baikie, Bryan, Gallagher, Feathers, J. Familton, Carlton, M'Ewan; emergencies—Miss R. Robertson, Mr D. Meldrura. GOLF The following is the draw for the Canadian Foursome to be played to-morrow: — Stark and P. Skirvin<r v. T. Banks and N. E. Gilchrist; J. Kilpatrick and A. Deem v. R. Hedges and B. Steven; D. L. Patterson and A. Robertson v. G. Catto and J. A. R. Scott; F. S. Milnes and R. "Watson v. G. L. Cuthbertson and W Widdowson. PERSONAL Queen’s Hotel.—Mr J. Lopan (Glasgow). Mr R. M’Donald (Auckland). Mrs W. J. Kerr, Mr J. W. MTntosh (VVellington), Mr and Mrs W. P. Aldridge (Timaru), Mr E. J. Preen, Mr T. A. Black, Mr L. G. King (Christchurch). Mr H. M’Kinlay, Mrs J. F. Reid (Dunedin), Mr J. Farrell (Oamaru). New Club Hotel. —Mr and Mrs H. Fulton, Mr F. Fulton (Invercargill), Mr and Mrs C. O. Mathias, Mr and Mrs D. Gunn (Dunedin), Mr A. Lane, Master J. Lane (Christchurch), Mr S. W. Vincent (Wellington). Mr R. Hicks (Auckland), Mr A. E. Brooker (Hokitika). BOROUGH COUNCIL The fortnightly meeting of the Oamaru Borough Council was held last night; present —The Mayor (Mr J. M. Forrester), Crs Familton, Marshall, Bain, Butterfield, Cooney, Kirkness, Colquhoun, Milligan, and Jenkins. The Finance Committee reported the following balances; —D.F. account, dr,, £17,439 8s 7d; loan account, cr., £335 10s 4d. General accounts amounting to £1256 13s 7d were passed for payment. The Finance Committee recommended that S. Dick’s claim for remission for half rates be not allowed, the premises not being unoccupied, and also that an assessment be reduced to £6 to correct an error, an amended rate demand to be issued.—Adopted. The water race inspector’s requisition for timber supplies was held over until after the council’s visit of inspection. Mr W. Hamilton’s application for a reduction of irrigation charge was declined, Messrs James King and E. 11. Aubrey were granted supplies for irrigation purposes at schedule rates. Mr F. 11. Cawley was granted permission to erect signs at the Globe and Queen’s Hotels, subject to the supervision of the foreman. The solicitors’ report on drainage notices issued was referred to the chairman of the Works Committee and Inspector Fischer. . The Oamaru Municipal Band was granted permission to hold a concert in the Public Gardens on Sunday. The Timaru Friendly Societies’ Picnic Committee was granted the use of the Oamaru Gardens on January 30, and it was decided that milk and hot water be provided.

ACTIVITIES OF THE DISTRICT. (Feou Oca Special Cob kkspobdeni. J

The Oainaru Fire Brigade" was granted permission to erect a ladder practice stand in Takaro Park for use at the demonstration to be held in March . The North Otago Agricultural and Pastoral Association wrote accepting responsibility for the gas meter at the Show Grounds. —Received. Mr G. Smart’s tender for slaughtering at the Municipal Abattoirs was accepted. Mr John Tait (curator) wrote acknowledging with thanks the granting of leave of absence by the council, and expressing the hope that the experience gained would be of great assistance in the development of amenities in the town decided upon by the council. —Received. The Oamaru Municipal Band was granted permission to carry out the installation of electric lighting in the gardens for the garden fete on January 23. Messrs James Craig and Co. were granted remission of rates on -section 33, block 72, Cross street, which had been vacant since March. On the motion of Cr Hamilton, the foreman was instructed to furnish an estimate of the filling in of the outlet of the drain from the town boundary to Forth street. The Mayor stated that the staff had done excellent work in removing the Forth street drain from six inches above the surface to 18, inches below the surface of the street without breaking a pipe. He congratulated the foreman on the expeditious way in which the work had been done. Cr Hamilton was appointed the council’s representative on the committee to co-operate with the Unemployment Committee in a scheme for the unemployed to grow vegetables. CRICKET Albion Juniors v. Union.—Palmer, Brosnahan, Rackley, Firth, Black,, Halkett, Hodge, Geddcs, Farrant, Easton, Butts, Hunter. CYCLING MISHAP While participating in the final of the Two Miles Cycling Race at the Show Grounds last evening two cyclists (Church and Barnes) fell heavily in the last round. Church received a broken collarbone, while Barnes was uninjured. EVENING SPORTS MEETING A further successful sports meeting was held by the Oamaru Athletic and Cycling Club at the Show Grounds last evening. In spite of unfavourable weather conditions, one of the largest crowds seen at sports gatherings here assembled to witness a very fine programme _of events. Little time was lost in running off the various races, and the meeting proved the most successful yet held by the club. Messrs J. Fiddes, T. Connors (secretary), and A. Bain (treasurer) were mainlv responsible for the success of the evening’s sport. Piper Jackman supplied the music for the national dances, which attracted good entries. The following are the results:— HALF MILE CYCLE RACE. First heat: E. Wilson (40yds) 1, Mulhern (40yds) 2, Barnes (45yds) 3. Time, Imin 7sec. Second heat: A. Wilson 1, Elliott 2, Shalders 3. Time, Imin 7sec. Final. E. Wilson .. 1 A. Wilson 2 Mulhern 3 Time, Imin 7sec. 220 YARDS HANDICAP. First Heat. —Sievers (16yds) 1, Jones (16yds) 2, Newlands (4yds) 3. Time, 24 3-ssec. Second heat: Steele (16yds) I, May (16yds) 2, Webb (7yds) 3. Time, 24 2-ssec. Third heat: Ledingham (16yds) 1, C. Diver (16yds) 2, Dwyer (16yds) 3. Time, 24sec. Final. Steele 1 May .. .. 2 Ledingham 8 Time, 23 3-ssec. HARRIERS’ 880 YARDS HANDICAP. Lavender (15yds) 1 Carson ,( 10yds) 2 Slater (35ycls) 3 Time, 2min 14sec. ONE MILE CYCLE RACE. First heat Shalders (50yds) 1, Church (115yds) 2. A. Wilson (80yds) 3. Time, 2min 22 2-ssec. Second heat: Sparks (65yds) 1, Mather (40yds) 2, Barnes (115yds) 3. Time, 2min 22 4-ssec. Final. Sparks .. 1 Shalders .. 2 Barnes 3 Time, 2min 22 4-ssec. BOYS’ ONE MILE RACE. (Sixteen years and under.) Dobson 1 Hughes 2 Franklin 3 HARRIERS’ 440 YARDS HANDICAP. J. Smith (35yds) 1 Crawford (6yds) 2 Lavender (20yds) .. 3 Time, 54 2-ssec. 880 YARDS HANDICAP. Woods (30yds) 1 Wilson (15yds) 2 Ludeman (35yds) 3 Time, 2rain 4 3-ssec. TWO MILES CYCLE RACE. First heat: Sparks (95yds) I, Church (150yds) 2, Barnes (135yds) 3. Time, smin lOsec. Second heat: Elliott (110yds) 1, E. Wilson (100yds) 2, Shalders (75yds) 3. Time, smin 9 4-ssec. Final. Sparks 1 E. Wilson 2 Shalders 3 Time, Srain 1 l-ssec. BOYS’ CYCLE RACE. A. Sparks 1 Harrington 2 . 40 YARDS HURDLES. First Division. Newlands (30yds bhd) .. .. 1 May (15yds) 2 Taylor (scr) 3 Time. Imin 4 2-ssec. " Second Division. Steele (20yds bhd) 1 Ledingham (scr) 2 Woods (10yds bhd) 3 Time, Imin 2sec. DANCING. Highland Fling (14 years and under). —G. Ferris 1, E. Dwyer 2. Highland Fling (eight years and under). —L. Downing 1, E. Dwyer 2. Irish Jig (12 years and under). —N. Harper 1, J. Dwyer 2.

IRRIGATION FOR NORTH OTAGO In accordance with his motion to convene a conference of the representatives of local bodies to" consider the question of an irrigation scheme for North Otago. Or Colquhoun, speaking at the meeting of the Borough Council last night, advocated afforestation and {irrigation schemes in the district as productive work for the unemployed. Dealing with irrigation. Cr Colqnhonn sought the support of members of the council on behalf of the proposal, and referred to the visit of Mr T. M. Ball (the district engineer) to Steward Settlement. _ Mr Ball, he said, had expressed the opinion that there was no engineering difficulty in the way of enlarging the water race system on the settlement and had urged the settlers to go in for irrigation. Mr Ball had also visited the Otiako system, and stated that he considered that the potentialities of the Waitaki dam for irrigation were as great as they were for electricity. They had only to visit Hurst’s Farm at Papakaio and Bulleid’s at Deborah, Cr Colquhoun said, to see what irrigation had done. North Otago was capable of carrying three times the present population. It only needed the scientific application of water to make the land more productive. He hoped councillors would lend assistance to a project which would he of benefit to business men, farmers, and other -workers. Cr Bain seconded the motion.

Cr Marshall supported the proposal. Cr Kirkness suggested that instead of throwing the onus on the public bodies a public meeting should be convened with a view to forming a North Otago irrigation league, so that everyone interested could join up. He felt that whenever there’was work of importance to be done they should have men who were vitally interested in the project. There should be only a nominal subscription, and he would like the league to push on with the project and have the preliminary work done this winter. Cr Colquhoun replied that he had discussed the matter with interested parties, who wanted the public bodies to take up the project and meet the people in the country districts. ,It had been pointed out that the prosperity of North Otago was linked up with irrigation. He thought it would be better to have a conference of local bodies to get an expression of opinion that the project was desirable, and then, having got the business men interested, to form the Irrigation League. Cr Hamilton supported this proposal, urging that the council should work in conjunction with the Chamber of Commerce, which had already taken steps in the matter.

Ci’s Milligan and Butterfield also supported the motion. Cr Cooney suggested that steps should be taken to make sure that the Waitaki dam scheme was practicable. He would then give his heartiest support to the proposal. The motion to convene a conference of the representatives of local bodies was carried unanimous’y, the Mayor and Crs Colquhoun and Kirkness being appointed a committee to confer with the Chamber of Commerce and arrange the details to be placed before the conference. MISSING LAUNCH RECOVERED Word was received last night by the Oamaru police that the Timaru fishing launch Homeland had been recovered by the Timaru police. The owner, Mr J. B. Gardiner, and bis son James were on board. The launch had been missing since 3 p.m. on Wednesday. Captain White flew out to sea in an aeroplane yesterday afternoon and discovered the launch well out to sea. MEADOWBANK CLUB’S JUBILEE A meeting of the combined committees of the Meadowbank Bowling and Lawn Tennis Clubs was held last evening, when definite decisions were arrived at as to the programmes for the jubilee celebrations on January 30. The Lawn Tennis Club will hold, a Combined Handicap tournament, an old members’ tournament, and competitions of all kinds. The Bowling Club will hold jubilee rink competitions for both ladies and men. In the evening the celebrations are to be concluded with a social and dance.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 21543, 15 January 1932, Page 12

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NORTH OTAGO. Otago Daily Times, Issue 21543, 15 January 1932, Page 12

NORTH OTAGO. Otago Daily Times, Issue 21543, 15 January 1932, Page 12