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ODDFELLOWSHIP. During the past fortnight the following 1.0.0. F. lodges met in their respective lodge rooms;Leith .Loage, No. 4 (Albany Street Hall). —Acting N.G. Pro. R. Kirkham, P.D.D.G.M., presided over a very large and representative gathering of Oddfellows, who had assembled by special invitation to participate with members of Leith Lodge in bidding farewell to Pro. L. Deans Kitehie, prior to his departure for Canada to attend Sovereign Grand Lodge in session, in his oliiciai capacity of grand sire of Australasia. The lodge room was tastefully decorated with palms, while a purple arch in front of the djus of the chief chair, bearing the emblematic shields of .New Zealand, Australia, Canada, and America, signified the universal character of the coming session. Pro. 1, C. Somerville, grand master of New Zealand, was present and received full lodge honours. The following, officers representing the Grand Lodge of Australasia were introduced into the lodge by Pro. A. H. Valentine, P.G.M.;—Pro. L. D. Ritchie (grand sire), Pro. D. M. Miller (P.D.G. sire;, and Pro. W. b\ Grooke (past grand representative), and were welcomed accordingly. Acting N.G. Pro. Kirkham, in his remarks, expressed his gratification at the large attendance to do honour to Pro. Ritchie, who not only had been an indefatgable worker in Leith Lodge, but had been a regular attender at others. Pro. D. M. Miller, P.G.M., said he had a very pleasant ceremony to perform in presenting a small memento of friendship to then) guest, in the form of a greenstone pocket knife, suitably inscribed. In a most able maimer Pro. Miller expressed. the esteem in which Pro. Ritchie is held. He remarked that just as warm a welcome would be waiting him on his return. No doubt Pro Ritchie would be visiting many strange places, and seeing many strange sights,'he was going to a land of “ big ” things. He made jocular reference to Pro. Ritchie’s contemplated visit to Chicago, where he understood there wag an enormous searchlight erected at such a great height that it was unable to focus on the dark spots of the vicinity, he felt, that Pro. Ritchie would bo well advised to leave any criticism of Chicago until after his departure from that city He was pleased to know that Mrs Ritchie would accompany her husband, and he hoped that the greenstone knife would he the means of frequently bringing Pro. Ritchie’s thoughts back to New Zealand and to the friends who wished him a safe return. Pro. W. F. Crooke, grand secretary, expressed his appreciation of being given the opportunity of saying au revolt' to a close colleague during the past 12 years, and to pay a tribute-to his work and service. Pro. Crooke said he attributed any progress that'he, himself, had lc Order dated from the time that Pro. Ritchie had located him l n j vel ’y . "isolated position, and had fired him with that wonderful inspiration for Oddfellowship, which was such a dominant factor in Pro. Ritchie’s own life. During the past 40 years only three New Zealanders hall held the responsible position of grand sire of Australasia, and this was the first occasion during the last 60 years that New Zealand had been directly represented at Sovereign Grand Lodge, and he felt confident that alliwho had had the privilege of hearing Bip. Ritchie address a gathering of any dimensions realised his wonderful platform personality and his magnetic gift of impressing a large audience. He referred with pleasure to the special reference which had been made to Mrs Ritchie, and quoted “They also serve who only stand and wait ” as a loving example of the self-sacrifice and silent work done by 7 many wives and mothers of and he thought it only fitting that Mrs Ritchie should accompany Bro. Ritchie' to the world’s great conference. All the eulogistic made ,to Pro. Ritchie were thoroughly earned, and those present that night were proud of their guest : as a colleague, as a friend, and as an Oddfellow, They had every faith that his sound judgment and dignified manner would reflect credit on this Dominion. Bro. Somerville, grand master, said that the South-East Otago District appreciated the invitation to be present that night and to say an official farewell. On behalf of the executive 'officers of Grand Lodge of New Zealand, he asked Bro. Ritchie to accept al leather travelling companion, and in doing so he emphasised the work that Bro. Ritchie was doing in his various official positions in the Order, and said that no member, unless an executive officer, could half appreciate the long hours of work put in by their guest. Bro. M'Cleery, president of Kensington' Juvenile Lodge.! accompanied by. the N.G. and V.G. of that lodge, said the boys fully appreciated the unique privilege of attending such a meeting, which was unprecedented in the juvenile movement. Bro. A. Beveridge, D.D.6.M.. on behalf of South Otago District Lodge, said that as a small unit of the New Zealand jurisdiction they were glad to be associated with such a large gathering to farewell their guest to a conference which should he productive of much good. The following lodge representatives expressed their appreciation of Bro. Ritchie’s activities in lodge work: —Bro. J. MTunlcy, P.G. (Pioneer), Bro. J. M'lvor. N.G. (Unity). Bro. F. Joseph, P.G. (Linden), Bro. Kempshed, N.G. (Hereweka), Bro. M’lntyre, N.G. (Maori Hill), Bro.. Sligo. A-N-G. (St. Kilda), Bro. R. R, Hendry. S.W. (Phoenix Encampment). Bro. Ritchie, in rising to respond, was greeted with continued applause. He said the too kind expressions had reduced his mind to a chaotic condition, and his remarks might, therefore, appear disjointed. Bro. Ritchie said that since joining Leith Lodge his outlook had been widened. He felt firmly convinced that there was no greater organisation in the world to-day than that of the friendly society movement. He referred to no particular Order or lodge. To ’.him the moventent meant infinitely more than the four walls of a lodgeroom; it was founded on that great command, “ Bear ye one another's burdens.” In New Zealand alone during the past 12 months the financial payments for sick claims among the members of various societies amounted to £140,247, but something even greater had been paid out through the avenues ■of friendship, love, and truth. He gave a comprehensive description of the coming world’s conference of Oddfellows in Canada, where, for the first time in the history of the Order, the gathering would include the -grand sire of the Grand Lodge of Germany, the grand sire of the Sovereign Grand Lodge of the U.S.A., and the grand sire of the Grand Lodge of Austrafasia, bringing together from opposite sides of the world representatives with the one ideal—that of the brotherhood of man. In thanking those present for the gifts. Bro. Ritchie said they would be used on every possible occasion to turn the conversation to New Zealand, where he felt and knew sincere friends would greet him on his return. During the evening Bro. A. Snell (Unity and Bro. Edmondson (Pioneer) contributed songs and Bro. W, Snelleskz recited ( “Things That Never Die” and “Not Understood.”

South Otago District Lodge, No. 1. - Bro. A. Beveridge, D.D.G.M., presided over an excellent attendance. First degree was conferred on three candidates by Acting D.M. Bro. H. G. Carson and officers of Degree Lodge. A communication was received from the Rev. L. B Neale (Central Mission Relief Depot) asking for co-operation of lodge members. The secretary was instructed to write and advise the Rev. Neale that "the District Lodge held no funds for distribution. Communications were received from several country lodges advising they would he well represented at the annual reunion. Rules in connection with forthcoming com petitions were amended to provide for judges presenting a combined report. The following judges were appointed:—Bro. G. Gordon, G.L. representative, Bro. A. H. Valentine. P.G.M., and Bro. J. Skinner P.D.D.G.M. Special committee to control card tournament was set up as follows: - Bros. A. Beveridge, G. Gordon, and E Dunn. It was decided that the first competition be held to-night at Leith Lodge Teams were also competing from Pioneer Lodge Unity Lodge, Linden Lodge, and Maori Hill Lodge. Maori Hill (Coronation Hall). —N.G. Bro. MHntyre presided over a fair attendance. A number of sick claims were passed for payment. Correspondence included a letter from the district secretary forward ing tickets for the annual reunion and asking for the same hearty co-operation of members as was received last year. The syllabus item. “ N.G. and V.G. evening,” was carried nut in the form of competi tions. The N.G. supplied prizes, and the competitions proved very entertaining Supper was also provided, after which the lodge was resumed. A vote of thanks and appreciation was passed to the officers arranging the entertainment, and a vote of welcome to the visitors was responded to bv Bro. A. Beveridge, D.D.G.M.; Bro. Clarke (Leith), and Bro. Harborne (Linden).

Linden Lodge, No. T 9 (Linden Hall). — Bro. W. M’Donald presided over a good attendance of members and visitors. After the routine business was disposed of the lodge closed early for the purpose of engaging in a card match for the district card shield. The teams representing Leith and Unity Lodges against Linden.’ A very enjoyable evening was spent, which was concluded by the home team entertaining the visitors at supper. Unity Lodge, No. 16 (Kensington Hall). —Bro. J. M’lvor, N.G., presided over a good attendance. Several sick claims were passed for payment. Correspondence included a letter from the secretary of the district lodge enclosing tickets for the annual reunion of town and country members. The lodge closed early for the purpose of admitting members of Caversbam Lodge.. M.U.1.0.0.F., for the purpose of playing the half-yearly card match. The visitors, who are .the present holders of the shield, again proved the winners and thus retain the shield for a further term. Unity members entertained the visitors at supper. N.G. Bro. M’lvog extended congratulations of Unity Lodge to the Caversham Lodge members on their well-de-served win, and expressed his appreciation of once again having the pleasure of their company, which was really the object of the shield competition. Cavershain members expressed their pleasure for the enjoyable evening, and extended the hope that the good feeling would continue to exist between the lodges. St. Kilda Lod£e, No. 87.—Acting N.G. Bro. Sligo presided over an excellent attendance. One candidate was initiated into the lodge in an impressive manner A. special committee was set up to interview_ the Forbury School Committee reSirding the heating of the lodgePoom. wing to N.G. Bro. A.' Phillips being transferred to Christchurch, Bro. 6. D. Smart, P.G.. was appointed to fill the position until the end of the current term. The secretary drew attention of members to the forthcoming reunion of town and country members. Votes of welcome to the visitors was responded to by Bro. Cardell (Ridgley, Christchurch), D.D.G.M. Bro. Beveridge, Bro, R. M’Hardy (Maori Hill), Bro. Harborue (Linden), and Bro. Kirkham (Leith). The latter speaker expressed his pleasure at seeing so many of the lately initiated members of St. Kilda Lodge attending so regularly, and invited them to attend the first of the initiatory competitions which would be held at Leith Lodge next meeting. GOOD TEMPLARY. L 0n August 3 the Star of Freedom Lodge, 1.0.G.T., celebrated the third anniversary jof its reopening by holding an open night. Many friends were present, including the grand chief templar of New Zealand, Bro. T. H. Dalton, and the district chief templar, Bro. Dickinson, both of whom congratulated the lodge on its work, and wished it much success in the future. Bros. Stanley, and Gore also conveyed the greetings of their respective lodges, and congratulations were received from the All Nations’ Lodge (Port Chalmers). Bro. Gore reminded the company that in its early days the Star of I 1 reedom Lodge and the kindred workers were among the pioneers of prohibition, Roslyn being the first district to abolish hotels in New Zealand, i Items were pro- • by Miss Morton (piano), Norman (songs), Sis. Ledgerwood (song), Sia. Ruby Powell (piano), Sis. R. D. Sell, Norman Nisbet (songs), Bro. C. South (mouth organ), Bro. Smith (banjo mandolin), Mr Watt, Sia. Leishman (songs), Bro. Alex. Miller (piano), and fancy dances given by Agnes Stewart and James Flett.

The weekly meeting of the Silver Star Temple was held on Wednesday. C.Tj Bro. Norman M'Keiizie presided over a good attendance of members. Three new members were initiated. Bro. Asher, of the Hope of Dunedin Lodge, gave an address on “The Pledge.” Sis. Raynor, A.S.J.W., invited the temple to a party on the loth. Bro. South gave the children their temperance lesson, and the members joined in parlour games. The weekly session of the Conquest Temple was held in the Green Island Swl gymnasium on Wednesday night. T.y.T. Bro. C. Rhodes presided over a good number of members. Nine new members were initiated. Alan Rhodes won the quarter membership medal with 10 members. The new officers were appointed as follows;—Chief templar, Bro. Dave Reid; vice templar, Sis. Daisy Reid; chaplain, Bro. Bruce Barnes; past chief templar. Sis. J. Woolsey; marshal. Sis. Lula Gardiner; deputy marshal, Bro. Alastair Duifn; secretary, Sis. Cathie Rhodes; . assistant secretary, Sis. Alary Jordon; jfin. secretary. Sis. Lily Barnes; guard, Bro. Russell Waite; sentinel, Bro. Alan Rhodes.

The Hope of Dunedin Lodge held its 'weekly meeting on Wednesday. C.T. Bio. C, South presided over a good attendance. One candidate was initiated. The lodge, deputy (Sis. Gain), assisted by Sis. Raynor and Sis. fright, as installing marshal and deputy marshal, installed the officers for the ensuing quarter. All officers returned thanks, A jumble sale was discussed and final arrangements were made. A debate, “ Should Reduction Have Been Abolished?” was vigorously discussed for and against, both sides putting up good arguments. ’ v. : ' ■ ;'

The Star of the South Temple met in the Kensington Hall on Tuesday, with Sis. Jessie Cameron in the chair and Bro. Hilton in charge. Four new members were initiated. Greetings were conveyed by letter from the Hope of Prospect Temple, Devon, England. The pro* gramme for the evening was a debatd, “Who Should Hold the Majority of Officers’ Chairs,” sisters v. ■ brothers. The election of officers resulted as follows: C.T.. Sis. Patterson: P.C.T., Sis. Jessie Cameron; V.T., Sis, Stevens; , marshal. Sis. Ina Cameron; F. secretary, Sis. E. Tregea; secretary. Sis. D. M'Farlaue; chaplain, Sis. Lily Read; guard, ,Bro. C. Freeman; sentinel, Bros. J. Freeman; pianist, Sis. A. Steedman. i The Rescue Lodge, 1.0.G.T., met in the Kensington Hall on Tuesday, C.T, Bro. W. G. lies presiding over a good attendance of members. . Two new members were initiated and welcomed into the Order. A vote of sympathy was passed with the Hope of Caversham Lodge in the loss by death of a brother. Greetings wer% conveyed by Bro. Curry, Hope of Dunedin. Various reports were submitted. Bro. Hilton, treasurer, showed the lodge financial,, and Bro. E. ,J, lies, L.D., showed a membership of 78. The election of officers resulted as follows: C.T, Bro. W. G. lies (re-elected); P.C.T., Bro’. W. A. lies; V.T., Sis T. Pauli; secretary, Sis. Thomas; A. secretary. Sis. B. lies; treasurer, Bro. Hilton (re-elected) ; F. secretary, Sis. E. Duncan;; chaplain, Bro. G. S. lies; marshal, Bro. T. lies; deputy marshal, Sis. Dougall; guard, Bro. Anderson; sentinel, Bro. Churchill (reelected); organists—Sisters Morwood, Dougall, and M'Millan. Bro. E. J. lies installed the officers. Sis. Steedman and Bro. Kinch acted as installing marshals. The Hope of Caversham Lodge, No. 128, 1.0.G.T., held the weekly meeting in Baxter Hall, Marion street, on Thursday. C.T. Bro. T. Giles presided over a good attendance of members and visitors from Rescue and Hope of Dunedin Lodges. Correspondence was received from Hope of Dunedin and District Lodge. Greetings were conveyed from Rescue and Hope of Dunedin by Bros. W. G. lies and Williams respectively. The following officers were elected and installed for the forthcoming quarter:— C.T., Sis. Donaldson; V.T., Sis. Leishman; P.C.T., Bro. T. W. Giles; chaplain. Sis. Douglas; treasurer, Bro. Hilton; F secretary. Bro. Seque; marshal, Bro Douglas; deputy marshal, Sis. Halhs; guard, Bro. Wilson; sentinel, Bro. Hayward;; secretary, Bro. Crawshaw; A secretary, Bro. M'Kersey; reporter, Bro Crawshaw; organist, Sis, < Steedman; registrar, Bro. M‘Kersey. Sis, Lydiate was recommended for S.L.W. FORESTERS. The fortnightly meeting of Court Pride of the Leith was held on Wednesday evening, when there was a good attendance of officers and members under the charge of C.R. Bro. C. K, Heaton. Several letters of greetings and good wishes from .members further afield were read, and ,an invitation to visit Court Little John was accepted. It was arranged to entertain. the members of the juvenile court, Pride of the Valley, at its next meeting night. Preliminary arrangements were made in regard to the annual Rugby and Association football matches against Court Excehior. The C.R. welcomed the visitors and gave the usual toast, which was responded to by C.S. Bro. E. o Patton (Court Excelsior).'C.S. Bro. E. Clayton (Court Woodlands Pride), and Bro G. G. Davis (Court Foresters’ Pride. Waimate) One member was accepted by transfer, and two candidates were duly initiated during the meeting. After the close of the meeting a Scottish evening was held. National dances were given by Miss M. Munro. and songs were rendered bv T.P.C.R. Bro. D. S. Munro am. Mrs A. W. Jones. Piper Hill supplied the music. The popular feature of the evening was

the entrance of the famous dish of Scotland —the haggis—which was preceded by the pipes and received with all the honours. The address was ably rendered by P.D.C.R. Bro. C. C. Robertson. A dance- followed until a late hour.

Sis. Fiddes, the C.R. of Court Bruce, presided over a well-attended meeting of that court at Milton on July 27. A good deal of general business was transacted. An appeal for assistance from a member in distressed circumstances was left to a committee for investigation. C.S. Bro. Paul made complimentary reference to the social evening held at last meeting under the guidance of the C.R. ana sisters of the court, and a hearty vote of appreciation was carried by acclamation. The half-yearly balance sheet, which showed the court to be in a prosperous condition, despite the present depression, was read and adopted. The. Social Comraittee reported that arrangements were j well in hand for celebrating the sixth anniversary of the court on August 14. One new member was admitted, and two nominations were received. At the conclusion of the meeting a very successful card evening was held, the winners being 1 Sis. C. Williamson (ladies) and Mr E. O’Shauglmessy (gentlemen). Court King Edwards Pride held its fortnightly meeting on July 23, when there was a large attendance of members, C. Bro. J. A. Peat being m the , chair. Invitations were accepted trom Court Woodland’s Pride and Court Bruce to ba present at the anniversary celebrations. The half-yearly report and balance sheet was submitted by the auditors (Bro. E Clayton and P.C.R. Bro. A\ S. Dyke), which showed that the court was maintaining its steady progress in membership as well as in its finances. The secretary (8r0..A. W. Jones) also spoke on the report and balance sheet, and was heartily complimented for the manner in which he had kept the books. One new member was initiated and one nomination Vas accepted. After the meeting a novelty evening was held, in which games and dancing were indulged in. Music for the. dancing ; was-supplied by Sis. A. .T. Mills, E. D. M. Mercer, and Bro. A. W. Jones. ' . , Court Pride of Gore held its usual meeting at the band room. Gore, on July 23, when C.R. Bro. Opttrell presided over a fair attendance of members. One member was reported to be on the sick list. A good deal of business was transacted for the welfare 1 of the court, and the invitation from Court Molyneux for its annual ball was received. The court decided that ,it was unable to visit Court Star of the Forest, at Woodlands, as was formerly arranged. One new member iVas admitted, and the meeting closed in due form. • j The fortnightly meeting of Court Woodland's Pride was held on Monday last, when there was a large gathering of .members and visitors present. The . C.R., Sis. Stickman, carried out her duties in a capable manner, and initiated one new member. Invitations were accepted from Courts Pride of the Leith,. Bruce, Excelsior, Little John, King Edward’s Pride and Enterprise. The officers were specially asked to be present at the next meeting of l , Court Pride of«the Leith, when the district, secretary would give, an address on friendly society ance was rendered' to a member in distressed circumstances. Official visits were received from the District Executive, represented by D.C.R. Bro. J. H. Reynolds, D. Secretary ‘ Bro. J. K. Maofie, and D.B. Bro. T. J. E. Pitts, Courts Pride of the Leith, Robin Hood, Excelsior, King Edward’s Pride. Enterprise, and Pride of Dunedin. The visitors-were welcomed by the C.R.. his remarks being responded to by C.R. Bro. C. K. Heaton, of Court Pride of the Leith, who spoke on behalf of all the visitors. The D.C.R. responded to the toast of the executive, and congratulated the court on reaching its thirty-seventh anniversary. At ' the close of the meeting a dance to celebrate the anniversary was held, and the music was in the capable hands of Sis. Clayton and Mr Beath, while the duties of M.C.’s were carried out by Bros. -Heaton and D. S. Munro. , The monthly meeting of Court Star of Dunedin, juvenile branch attached to Court Woodland’s Pride, was held on July 25 at the Foresters’ Hall, Albany street, 1 when there was a large attendance of members. The C.R.. Sis. Campbell, was in the chair. Two new members were admitted, and official visits were received from all the juvenile branches of the Order in the Dunedin district, and also from the Juvenile Council. The celebration of the tenth anniversary of the court toot’ place after the close of tlie meeting, to which parents and friends of members were admitted, the hall being packed. An excellent programme was submitted by the juvenile performers under the care of Sis, Reggiardo, and vocal and instrumental items were rendered by Masters D. Ross, B. Henry, A. and 0> Black, R. Applegarth, C. Birrell. C M'Guire, and C, Maoandrew. Misses -N. Glue, J. Holmes, E. Elder, M. Robbjns. Jean and Joyce Macandrew, Blanche Macandrew, A novelty was given by Ralph Kelly and June Holmes. At the conclusion, of the programme, the district secretary, Bro. J. K. Macfie, presented the prizes won during the year to Sis. E; Lyons, and D. Stewart for efficiency, 0. Campbell. for attendances, and. S. Stevenson and J. Lyons for membership. Sis. Stewart’ also received hfer certificate and badge as. a P.C.R., along with a token of appreciation fron) the members for occupying the chair for the past 12 months.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 21409, 10 August 1931, Page 14

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FRIENDLY SOCIETIES Otago Daily Times, Issue 21409, 10 August 1931, Page 14

FRIENDLY SOCIETIES Otago Daily Times, Issue 21409, 10 August 1931, Page 14