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1 WORK OF RESTORATION. STEADY PROGRESS REPORTED. ; SOME WOMEN RETURNING. 1 ; (Per United Press Association.) NAPIER, February 20. The weather remains fine and the sea calm. The wind to-day was a light westerly. It has been decided to pay skilled workers the award rates and unskilled labour 14s per day. There has been much agitation over the proposal to compel all to pay 4s per day for food, but it is understood that the scheme is not to ba proceeded with. It was announced late to-day that the Relief Committee _ is to be disbanded and local authorities are to function as far as possible. This is the outcome of the visit of Mr R. Masters, M.L.C., who has sent a report on the position to Cabinet. There have been r.o noticeable shock* since 5 a.m. Some women are now returning, but it is nqt desirable that families should return just yet, not until the sanitary arrangements are more complete. Water is now fairly generally available, and electric light is being installed in the houses where the wiring is intact. 1 Much progress is being made, and it is expected that husbands and fathers will soon be requesting a return of the absent members of their families, but there should undue haste. The Press Association will announce the decision to recall the absentees as as the officials decide in that direction. It is stated that upwards of 200 undesirable visitors will be escorted from the town to-morrow. GOVERNMENT ASSISTANCE. A LOAN OF £IO,OOO. (Per United Press Association.) HASTINGS, February 20. The erection of temporary shops in Clive and Memorial squares in Napier is to be financed by a Government-loan of 610,000. The scheme is to be controlled by the Borough Council, and rentals form the sinking fund for the repayment of the capital. Mr R. Masters, M.L.C., told the council that the Government was willing to bear any loss above the rents. ‘ORDER OUT OF CHAOS. SHOPS SPRINGING UP. (Per United Press Association.) NAPIER, February 20. Three fairly violent shocks were felt in Napier between 4 and 5 a.m. to-day followed by several minor tremors. Wonderful work is being done in clearing the debris, and some streets now possess usable footpaths. Shops are springing up all over the city’s centre, and an effort is to be made to control the erection of temporary premises. HASTINGS BOROUGH COUNCIL. GOVERNMENT URGED TO RAISE LOAN. (Pee United Press Association.) HASTINGS, February 20. Speaking at the council meeting last evening, the Mayor (Mr G. F. Roach) suggested that the Government should realise the necessity of raising a loan to rehabilitate the earthquake damage in this area; .Unless money could be got soon, he said, nothing could be done in the way of reconstruction. “ We’re entitled to it,” he said. “ There’s no doubt about that.” Many were ready to rebuilt as soon as money was available. Cr 'Slater: Cheap money would be far better than a 50 per cent, grant on the amount of the earthquake damage. The meeting passed a resolution urging the Government to realise the importance of floating the necessary loan. Though his remarks had no connection with the council’s discussion. Archbishop Averill, in an interview, urged the same step by the Government. “ I consider it is the Government’s duty to declare what sort of building is going to be allowed here.” He added that the Government should ask for a loan from Britain, where the interest and sympathy with the Dominion were great. He believed a loan would be subscribed several times over, and unless a loan were raised to enable the people to return and build they might never return. NAPIER HARBOUR. LINE OP SOUNDINGS. (Pee United Pbess Association.) WELLINGTON, February 20. The Marine Department received a report this morning from the Government steamer Matai showing the line of soundings from the eastern limit of Napier Harbour. It showed a general lessening .of depth of from five feet to seven feet. < PROVISION FOR CHILDREN. / STATEMENT BY MINISTER OF EDUCATION. (Pee United Pbess Association.) NELSON, February 20. Mr H. Atmore, Minister of Education, stated to-day that in view of the number of children from the devastated area in Hawke’s Bay who have been placed out in private homes, either direct or from the refugee camps, and also of the fact that a number of applications have been received by the child welfare branch of his department from people who are willing to take such children, and in some cases adopt children who have lost their patents as the result of the earthquake he considered it necessary to make a public announcement covering the position. /The Minister said that if all such cases were reported to the nearest district officer of tne child w r elfare branch, arrangements would be made for investigation and action. In the course of its ordinary duties the branch is required to investigate and report on all applications for adoptions, and under the provisions of part V of the Infants Act it also supervises all cases where children under oix are maintained, whether for payment or not, in private homes • apart from their parents. Child welfare offices exist in the principal centres, and the officers attached thereto can always be referred to, and are available to give advice and make investigations or supervise any child or family who in these special circumstances is likely to require permanent social readjustment. Mr Atmore invites the co-operation of relief committees and private social service organisations, particularly in the direction of notifying the nearest child welfare officer of any cases where children have been placed, either with a view to adoption or for board (other than merely temporary arrangements). Foster parents of State children, or children placed under the infant life protection system, who have removed from the devastated area, should communicate as early as possible with the nearest child welfare officer. AWAPUNI CAMP. / PRIVATE HOMES PREFERRED. (Per United Press Association.) , PALMERSTON N„ February 20. The announcement that every endeav- '■ cur would be made to evacuate the Awuj puni earthquake refugee camp by Saturday of next week was made by Majorgeneral Young, who added that the Central Relief Committee recognised that it would be a considerable time before the women and children would be able to return to Napier or Hastings, but he con-

sidered it better to have refugees billeted in private homes. He also stated that he is not yet in a position to make a statement regarding the show grounds camp evacuation. Awapuni racecourse will be the first move.




A meeting of the Special Business Men's Committee set up in connection with the Earthquake Relief was held yesterday, the following being present:—Messrs A. C. Cameron (chairman), J. B. Waters, J. L. MTndoe, J. G. Jeffery, E. X. Porter, W. G. Kindley, his Worship the Mayor, and C. H. Chapman. The chairman gave a progress report in connection with the canvass of the business area of the city.—This was approved. Mention was made of the fact that refugees were arriving in Dunedin and were appi’oaching various organisations in the city for relief. Some appeared to be wandering aimlessly about tne country making the moat of their free travelling warrant. The committee discussed the position at length, and the following motion was carried: —

“ It is evident from instances cited to this committee that a number of residents from the earthquake area are wandering aimlessly about the country armed with a free travelling warrant, and that such people are expecting sustenance from each place they elect to stop in. As this procedure lends itself to overlapping and abuse, this committee recommends that steps be taken to control the issue of these passess.” The chairman stated that at the last committee meeting the Mayor had, at the request of the committee, telegraphed the Prime Minister asking for definite information as to what would be done with private subscriptions and what the Government intended to make itself responsible for. It was felt that the reply received still left the public in doubt this score. The Mayor (Mr R. 8. Black) said he was a member of the Central Committee, and that he could give np information, as he had been left entirely in the dark as to what was being done. He did not know how they were functioning or if anybody in the earthquake area was endeavouring to co-ordinate the expenditure of relief funds. The following resolution was adopted:— . ... “ This committee is of opinion that a definite statement should be made by the special committee set up in the earthquake zone as to the method in which they are administering the position. In the absence of any information here ? it appears to this committee that tne hist suggestion made by the Dunedin Chamber of Commerce should be given effect to, VJ?., ‘This executive considers that in order to co-ordinate effort and prevent unnecessary supplies being purchased a ? d sure most efficient administration Gov eminent should immediately appoint an administrator such as Sir Andrew Russe 1 to take complete control of the administration of the earthquake area and relief measures, such administrator to act with the Minister of the Crown responsible. Believe that such an appointment would establish public confidence. The Mayor mentioned that several donations from Dunedin organisations had been sent direct to the Prime Minister, and that Dunedin was not getting the credit for this amount. The chairman stated that in the appeal sent out from the committee all business men were asked to hand their donations to the Mayor’s Fund. It was decided that publicity be Riven to this matter, as it was felt that Dunedin should receive credit for all fund contributions. ■ _ , n . WELLINGTON, February 20. The Prime Minister’s fund now stands at £150,553 12s lOd. ' WHANGAREI COLLECTIONS. (Pee United Press Association.) WHANGAREI, February 20. The Earthquake Relief Funds approximate £l6oo—Northern Advocate £I4OO, and the Mayor’s list £2OO. SOUTH OTAGO CONTRIBUTIONS* The sum of £45 5s 6d was collected by the Clutha branch, Women’s Division, New Zealand Farmers’ Union for the Earthquake Relief Fund. The_ following are the collectors and their districts: — Mesdames Jensen, J. Crawford Anderson and A. Anderson collected £ll 14s 6d and goods from the Stirling district; Mesdames Renton and Donaldson, £9 15s and goods from Inch Clutha; Mesdames Kuarston, Throp, and Moffat, £7 15s and goods from Te Houka district; Mrs Murray, £3 Us; Mrs Holgate and Miss Tosh collected goods; Mrs Craig, £2 15s and goods from Greenfield; and Mrs Telford £9 15s from the Otanomomo district. As an indication of the splendid spirit with which some of the country women are co-operating in the matter of raising funds for the earthquake relief, it is interesting to note that the Clyde branch. Women’s Division, New Zealand Farmers’ Union, assisted by the Clyde Town Trust raised the sum of - £76 18s 8d in their small district. The collection, which took the form of a house-to-house canvass, was organised by Mrs W. Annan, president of the Women’s Division, New Zealand Union. MOSGIEL DONATIONS. The Mayor of Mosgiel (Mr V 7. E. M‘Lean) acknowledges receipt of the following:—Amount already acknowledged, £683 13s 3d; F. and F. Shaw, £2 2s; J. S. Turnbull, £1 Is; Mrs E. H. Brown £1; Mrs A. Stevens, £1; J. S. G., 7s 6d; Mrs A. E. Thomson, 2s 6d; J. N. Oliver, ss; C. Stephen, 10s; Mrs W. Roberts, 2s; S. M. 2s*6d; R. P., 2s; Mr and Mrs K. B. M'Killop, 10s; Mrs T. Pullan, ss; Mrs J. B. M'Leod, 10s; A. C., 2s; A. S. Wright, 2s 6d; Mrs Illingworth, 2s; Mrs Cartwright, 2s 6d; —total, £692 3s 3d. METHODIST CHURCH WORK. At the opening session of the Methodist Conference it was announced, on behalf of the Conference Arrangements Committee, that any surplus remaining after paying the conference expenses would be devoted to helping the church’s work in the devastated areas of Hawke’s Bay. THE MAYOR’S FUND. Previously acknowledged .. £4013 17 10 N. Paper Mills, Ltd 100 0 0 Trinity Methodist Church .. 31 19 2 N.E.V. Methodist Church .. 3 14 0 Woodhaugh Methodist Church 0 14 0 Dunedin Rechabites 10 0 0 Zingari-Richmond Football ■» Club 7 0 0 Neil Manufacturing Company 5 5 0 J. K. Mooney, Ltd. _ 5 0 0 Children, Nuggets Lighthouse School (in lieu of picnic) 3 10 0 O/C., H.M-S. Wakakura (proceeds of dance at Akaroa) 2 6 6 A. Park 1 0 0 Mrs D. Duncan, Larnacb’s Castle 100 Total .. .. .. .. .. £4185 G 6 WAIKOUAITI CONTRIBUTIONS. The Mayor of Waikouaiti (Mr Andrew Fell) acknowledges the receipt of the following sums: —Waikouaiti Borough Council £25.; Domain Board, £2O; Waikouaiti Racing Club, £lO 10s; Mr P. Heckler, £10; Mr and Mrs W. Taine, £10; Mr and Mrs J. A. Townsend, £5; Waikouaiti School children in lieu of picnic, £5: Mr A. Dempster, £4; Mrs and Miss Orbell, £3 10s; Mr G. Toomey. £3 3s; collected by the Rev. C. N. Luker, £3 Ss 7d; Mr D. Mai loch, £3; “Hard Hit,” £2 2s; Mrs W Coultray, £2 2s; Mr N. Stewart, £2 2s; Mr A. Murray, £2 2s; Andrew Fell, £2 2s; Mr and Mrs R. Templeton. £2 2s; Waikouaiti A. nud P. Society, £2 2s; Mr J. J. Puddy. £2; Mr W. Hay, £2; Mr A. Heckler, £2; Rev. and Mrs T. Wilson Potts, £2; Mr W. Hallum, sen., £2; Mr and Mrs H. Carson. £2; Mr J. W. Gent, £2; Mr J. M. Nichol, £2; Mr D. W. Malloch, £2; “ K.,” £2; Mr R. M. Templeton, £2; Mr C. Cribb. £1 16s; Miss Evelyn Black, 30s; Mr J. Holland, 21s; Mr B. W. Fell. 21s; Mr and Mrs 0. A. de Lautour, 21s; Miss E. J. Reid, 21s; Mr J. T. Allcock, 21s; Mr, W. Higgins, 21s; Mr N. J. Hannah, 21s; Mr J. C. M'Clymont, 21s; Kerr and Co., 21s; Mr E. Davis, 21s; M'Dougall Bros., 21s; Mr T. Lang, 21s; Mr and Mrs A. R, Townsend. 21s; Mr and Mrs J. M'Grath, 21s; Mr J. Hal him, 21s; Mr J. C. Diack, 21s; Mr A. Gilmore, 21s; Mr J. R. Dempster, 21s; Mr S. Hagan. 21s: Mr J. Lee, 21s: Mr J. Maxwell, jun., 21s; Mr J. Shields, 21s; Mr C. T. M’Callum, 21s; Mr A. Wilson, 21s; Mrs James Summers. 21s; Mr and Mrs J. W. Timmins, 21s; Mr Osborne

M‘Fie, 21b; Mr F, W. Inder, 21s; Mr Wiliam Crothers, 20s; Mr and Mrs J. Patterson, 20s; Mr A. J. Keenan, 20s; Mr C. W. Hallum, 20s; Mr and Mrs W. O. M‘Fie, 20s; Mr E. Griffiths, 20s; Mrs Hayward, 20s; Mr D. M'Gregor, 20s; Mr and Mrs William Walker, 20s; Buunatyne, 20s; Mr and Mrs C. Hoad, 20s; Miss K. Hallum, 20s; Mr and Mrs A. Woods, 20s; Mr and Mrs Dooley, 20s; Bradley and Ward, 20s; Mr A. Y. Park, 20s; Mr F. O. Buchanan, 20s; Miss Lillian Dempster, 20s; Misses M. and J. Macaulay, 20s; Mrs Hay, 20s; Mr S. Payne, 20s; Mr A. B. Scott, 20s; Walker Bros., 20s; Mr A. Sutherland, 20s; Mr and Mrs J. Vickers, 20s; Mr and Mrs Orange, 20s; Mr W. Journeaux, 20s; Miss M. M'Leau, 20s; “ Friend,” 20s; Mr and Mrs Simmons, 20s; Mr W. Willcock, eon., 20s; T. J. W., 20s; Mr Sandford, 20s; Mr S. Bray, 20s; Mr William Maxwell, 15s;. Mr G. W. Knight, 12s 6d; Mrs C. Robertson, 10s 6d; Mr H. W Nind, 10s Gd; Mr J. W. Hill, 10s 6d; Mr C. Hall, 10s 6d; Mrs Hope, 10s 6d; Mr A. Prescott, 10s 6d; Mr A. Rollins, 10s; Misses Graham, 10s; Mr and' Mrs A. Rendel, 10s; Mr W. J. Treeby, 10s; Ur J. Hunter, 10s; Mr G. H. Allcock, 10s; Mr James Payne, 10s; Mr and Mrs W. Russell, 10s; Mr J. Cooper, 10s; Misses M'Gillivray, 10s; Mr F. Toomey, 10e; Mr A. Stewart, 10s; Mr and Mrs Jenkins, 10s; Mr R. M‘Clew, 10s; Miss Fleet, 10s; Misses Dunbar,' 10s; Miss Quartermain, 10s; Mrs Dempster, 10s; Mr and Mrs M‘6ill, 10s; Mrs W. HalTum, jun., 10s; Mr and Mrs Steedman, 10s; Mrs Russell, sen., 10a; Mrs J. Bell, 10s; Mrs Gilmore, 10s, Mr J. A. Summers, 10s; Mr William Little, 10s; Mr S. Lee, 10s; Mr W. Tibbitt, 10s; Mr D. Sebaumann, 10s; Miss Jean Diack, 10s; Mr S. Vanes, 10s; Mr J. S. Parks, 10s; Mr J. Martin, 10s; Mr John Galbraith, 10s; Mr James Galbraith, 10s; Mr J. Galbraith, jun., 10s, Mr T. Ward, 10s; Miss Tsobel Hunt, 10s; Mr and Mrs Nolan, 10s; Miss Ham, 10s; Mr and Mrs Little, 10s; Mrs Easther, 10s; Neuropathic Hospital, 10s; Mr and Mrs Tubman 10s: Mr William Pile, 10s; M. C. F., iOs; Mrs J. M'Lean, 10a; Mrs MacKenzie, 10s; Mr E. Austin, 10s; Mr E. Aitcheson, 10s; Mr W. H. Brown, 10s; Mr William Hood, 10s; Mrs J. M. Fell, 10s; Mr Mudge, 10s; Mr J. Toomey, 10s; Mrs W. Ward, 10s; Mr James Summers, IOs; Mr M. L. Tennet, 8s; Mrs Lawless, 7s 6d; Miss M. E. Sandford, 7s 6d; Mr William Lawless, 6s; Mr J. Rattigan, ss; Mrs D. Myers, ss; Mrs Stringer, ss; Mr R. Bell, ss; Mr R. Ferguson, ss; Mr M. Abernethy. ss; Mrs Carling, ss; Mrs Henderson, ss; Mrs E. Paterson, ss; Mrs Williamson,. ss; Mrs Gilchrist, ss; Mrs Jones, ss; Mrs Bunting, ss; Mr White ss; Miss Smith, sa; Mrs Bowles, ss; Mrs Black, s§; Mr G. E. Hind, ss; Mr G. M'Arthur, 5 S 6d; Mr L. Nye ss; Miss Groves, ss; Mrs Bailley, ss; Mr J. Antonio, ss; Mrs M'Beath, ss; Miss F. M‘Leod, ss; Mr J. Cullen, ss; Mr H. Head, ss; Mrs Aitcheson, ss; Mr, Hurndell, ss; Mrs Quelch, ss; Mrs W. Aitcheson, ss; Mr W. Sutherland, 6s; Mrs C. Leary, ss; M. Aitcheson, ss; Mrs James Flannery, ss; Mr Gallagher, ss; Mrs Sheehy, ss; Mrs R. Cleave, ss; Mrs Fodor, ss; Mrs Hislop, ss; Mrs MacLeod, ss; Mrs T. G. White, 4s 6d; Miss Foley, 4s; Mrs M'Dougall, 4s; J. 8., 4s; Mrs Apps, 4s; Mrs D. Grant, 3a 6d; Mrs Dunn, 3s Gd; Mrs Galbraith, 3s; Mr J. Flannery, 3s; Mrs Caldwell, 3s; Mr W. J. Willcock, 3s; Mrs Chatham, 3s; Mrs J. Welsh, 3s; Mr T. Dowie, 2s 6d; Mrs Bech, 2s fd; Mrs Crawford, 2s 6d; Mr F. R. Smith, 2s 6d; Mr T. Tait, 2s 6d; Mrs Painter, 2s 6d; Mr P. Bell, 2s 6d; Mr W. J. Gilchrist, 2s 6d; Miss Maxwell, 2s 6d; Mrs Johnstone, 2s 6d; Mrs Bell, 2s 6d; Mr R. Sanderson, 2s 6d; Miss M’Phcrson, 2s 6d; E. Herd, 2s 6d; A. Aitcheson, 2s 6d; Mr and Mrs Gilchrist, 2s 6d; A. W. M., 2s 6d; Miss Muir, 2s 6d; Mrs Stanton, 2s 6d; Mrs Thomas, 2s Gd; Mrs Fleming, 2s 6d; Mrs Nihil, 2s 6d; M. C., 2s 6d; Mr J. Bradley, 2s Gd; Mrs Park, 2s; Mr A. Hunt, 2s; Mr W. Lennie, Anon, Is; Mrs Brinsdon, Is; —total amount, £256 8s Id. ' INSURANCE COMPANY MEETS ALL CLAIMS IN EARTHQUAKE AREA. The Dominion Life Assurance Office of N. Ltd., wishes to notify its numerous Policyholders that the Society’s Life Policy includes compensation for Hospfial expenses and liberal benefit for permanent disability caused through the effects of the recent or any future catastrophe. Arrangements have been made by the Directors to deal promptly and sympathetically with all claims made in consequence of the Hawke’s Bay disaster. Full particulars obtainable from the local Branch Office, Donald Reid and Co.’s Buildings, corner Vogel and Jetty streets, Dunedin. —Published by arrangement.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 21266, 21 February 1931, Page 14

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AFTER THE EARTHQUAKE Otago Daily Times, Issue 21266, 21 February 1931, Page 14

AFTER THE EARTHQUAKE Otago Daily Times, Issue 21266, 21 February 1931, Page 14