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WEATHER FORECAST. ' cas?:— f ° IloWinK 18 t* o offldal weather torePeninsula, and° off 7 toast & of Otago respectively. wflile pressure is 'alto low between southern New Zealand and south'“‘e™ Australia. Indlcatlons are for varli ab J®. *° strong northerly to westerly winds nra- ■ waid”/ R So.i nCre il Slng from Cook Strait south- ' E®? rather rough generally In New Zealand, waters; moderate north to west winds to' to®. J asm S? Sea * "W»‘ moderate mm J? • tfle aortllern portion and rather rough in Weather unsettled, dullrmlsty t 3 Btr i cts \ w,th some heavy falls to, the North Island. Mild temperatures. ARRIVALS. ■ Saturday, December 20. <5 - S0 a m -)- 68X tons. Wit ESy?°a“etI anganUi andW « mn «°“- Keith Paua. tanker (7.10 a.m.). 1260 tons. PiterPMam* ■® a «^ a^^T^ol''ytol feitas) and _north New Zealand ports! Dalgety ana Lo., ltd., agents. Sunday, December 21. _C«*itMc,,; s.s. (6.30, a.m.), 12,367 tons. H. £ rom Dondonand Southampton, via -Wellington ' and Lyttelton. agents ßl and Agency Co., Ltd., wH iDgo, xT S ' (9,2 ° a ' m ’>* 2047 tons; J. Ben--1“ 1 ' fl ro™‘Newcastle and Cofl’s Harbour ,(New , agent 1 Wale3) ‘ tJnloJl steam Ship Company, DEPARTURES,'. Saturday, December 20. s « s ' «S5S2f ‘ . St 2J™> (M 5 p.m.); 749 tons, O'NelU, for Tla ports* Holmdale.' a.s.' (11.10 p.m.), 681 ions, Wllllanw, for,Wanganui,, via ports. VESSELS IN PORT. _ , „ ' • DestiVessel ' From ; Berth. nation Corlnthlc 'London. Pt. Chalmers Bluff Canopus. Lyttelton Pt. Chalmers. Survey. jfS Ur I A “7, -Ghalmers Laid up Katoa i Auckland Pt Chalmers Survey. Kalala Auckland Ft. Chalmers -t • Sydjc , Gothenburg Victoria wf. Wellington Raranga Victoria wf. Wanganui Kaltogo Coif's H’rb’r Rattray at. wf. Lyttelton , Walkawa Los Angeles Rattray st. wf. Nelson ; EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Coastal .and Intercolonial. Walnut, Gisborne, via ports, December 23. Walkoualtl, Lyttelton, Tlmatu, Dec. 23 Calm, Wanganui.,,via;ports, December 23. Breeze, Wanganui, via ports, -December 24. Kamona. Westport, via ports, December 24, Myrtlebank, Nauru Island. Lyttelton. Dec. 24. Progress, Port ’Waikato,'via ports, Dec. 27. Walplata,/Auckland, via ports, December 28. canadllan Victor, Lyttelton, Tlmaru, Dec. 28. -Kotare. Invercargill, Port Craig, Dec. 28. Storm,-Wanganui, via ports, December 31. Rotorua Wellington. Bluff, December 31. Holmdale. Wanganui. Wellington, January 2. £?** of Delhi. Wellington, Lyttelton, Jan. 3. ’ Northumberland, Lyttelton,. January 3, Benmotar, Lyttelton, Tlmaru. January l 4. Port Wellington, Wellington, Lyttelton, Jan. 4. Karepo, Adelaide, Melbourne, January 4. Maheno,. Melbourne,, via Bluff, January 6. lacuoline, Wellington, Lyttelton, January 8. walmarlno, Auckland, via ports, Jan. 9. , Mam Poroare, Apia, Niue island. Jan. 13, PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Raranga, Wanganui .roadstead, to-day. Kaltogo, Lyttelton, Wanganui, to-day. Kotare. tovercargtU, Port Gralg,. to-day. Walkawa, Nelson, New Plymouth, Dec. 23. «!f?’ ™ a ?,? anul * Tla Porta. December 28. “°j L Welllnßton. Auckland, December 23. Corlnthlc, Bluff, Tlmaru, December 24. Breeze, Wanganui, via ports, December 24. Walkoualtl, Sydney, via Bluff, December 27. Program, New Plymouth, via ports, Dec. 27. Canadian Victor, Wellington, December SO. - ' S-i I ™# Wanganui, via ports, December 31. Holmdale, Wanganui, via porta, January 2. * Rotorua London, via Panama. January X Walplata, Auckland, via ports, January 3. Benmohr. Dunkirk, London January 6. Walnul, Gisborne. via porta, January 6. Northumberland. New Plymouth, January 7. Maheno, Melbourne, via ports, January 7. Port Wellington. London, via Panama. Jan. 7 Walmarlno, Auckland, via ports, Jan. 10. Vacuoline, San Francisco direct, January 10. Maul Pomare, Lyttelton. Wellington. Jan. 13. OVERSEAS STEAMERS FOR OTAGO Myrtlebank (due December 24).—Left Nauru Island December 6 for Lyttelton and Port Chalmers; due Lyttelton December 20 Canadian Victor (due December 28) Left Montreal October 26 for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Tlmaru, Dunedin and Bluff; arrived Auckland December 13. • _ Ctty of Delhi (due January B).—Left Ke« Tor* November 19 for Auckland. Wellington. Lyttelton, and Dunedin j due Auckland De. , cemoer. 21. 4 Northumberland . (due January 3)*—Left Liverpool November 8 for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton Port Chalmers and New Plymouth ; arrived Auckland December 17, Taranaki (due January 8).-Left London November 28 for Suva, Port Chalmers, Lvttelton and Tlmaru; due Suva December 30. Vacuoline (due January B).—Left San Fran 'tsco i December 6 for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton and Dunedin; due Auckland December 30. Korne (due January 10).—Lett Seychelles Islands December 7 for Pott Chalmers and Auckland. Narbada (due January 16).—Left Calcutta December 2 for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Tlmaru, Dunedin, and Bluff; due Auckland . January 2. Golden Cross (due January 16),—Left Los Angeles December 1 for Auckland, Wellington Lyttelton and Dunedin; due Auckland December 27. , Zealandlc (due January 22).—Left London December 20 (to ballast) for Port Chalmers Bluff, and. Tlmaru. » Enton (due January 23),—Left New Fork December 2 and Newport News December 4 for Auckland. Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin, Noumea and Rab&ul; duo Auckland January Surrey (duo January 17).—Left Liverpool November 22 for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedin; due Auckland December Canadian Cruiser (due January 18).—Left Montreal November 25 for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton. Tlmaru and Dunedin; due Auckland January 8. Port Dunedin (due January 22).—Left Liverpool December 6 for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton; and Dunedin; due Auckland January FOB NORTHERN PORTS. Brunswick, left Lps Angeles December 1 for Auckland and Wellington; duo Auckland January 15.

, Readings of self-recording instruments at the Dailv Tim nffi Thermometer It fllMnlnVi* .

i • lemperaiure for 24 hours endodfln«ll.; j **' —»*u«b, i -n a 65deg. : for week ended Dec e mber 13-72ri P i Dumber 6_ ' December.2o—64deg. " ecemDer w—J2deg.; for week ended ' ■ Halnfall f™ M h ,, 011r8 end S d “““fcht on Saturday—Nil BainfaU for 24 hours ended midnight sesterdav— i7i„’ Balnfall for week ended sl.STln - ~ ~£Sga=s^«aa^ Balnfall for 1929—32.751 n. Balnfall for 1930 to da1e—27.241n. ' : S “Sf^fclsTSiSl' 1 "”’ 1 »■“■»-«» *»> Sunshine, for week ended December 6 231 hours ■ tnr j as*?' “-“i SUDB^>.{ orl 5 r ! e T month „ 3ended March 31-582 hours: for sir months, ended June- 30—940 hours: for nine . 81 * September 30—1270 hours. r nlne montbs ende<i ; : . Sunshine recorded on the Daily Times recorder on Saturday Before noon, 4 hours 10 minutes; after noon 1 hour 7 2s . minutes. Total. 5 hours 35 minutes! ' 1 “ our 2a Sunshine recorded on the Dally Times recorder yesterday ; s&Tiinm°r ; after n ° on * 3 hours 45 &

land a^^Wet^rt oondo^NoVfni 0 on do^ NoV f nib ® , ‘ 19 for Auea * 23. d Wellington: due Auckland December .Falmouth December 1 for New Zea ' a f„ d (In ballast): due on coast January IX A^°n C, j e Southampton December 8 fm* TO^S , i a^i ne ' Southampton December 14 fmWemngton and Lyttelton f due WeluSntonu! TO SAIL FOB OVERSEAS PORTS as.' «„iris isss- » •« teSsffit‘a/s, ° H “”” * uSsis. 1 ""”»>» tor™ i“"i.■><““»•>« «rsa»“*3 sss *'» SSS. 4 "”"'“■ ■» S ;s J n, . PACIFIC MAIL SERVICES, ■^ja&uZ^ss^tsi tor I Wen a ngtMf T ind Sa s / ranclsco December 24 SniPPI - NQ TELEGRAMS. , f ?\4^r^m S r,V.l5 A S U for & vmL e iNQTON (S n° ' V 'V' fo^Vttelton Huntir L /ft G «m N i’ ® ecemb « 20.—Arrived; Port «lir» r 9 a -n.), from Napier; Walnul (9 40 am.), from Napier; H.M.S. Veronica t 4 40 a.m.) from Auckland; Port Huoa (ID4O aml » at^T1 —Sailed; Maheno (1.40 n.m ) for (6 l 3^’n^ a { nU f l (5 t for Dunedin; Breeze (6.30 P-m.), for Lyttelton; John (7 n.m) for DeceXr : 21 Ma i^. (7 i 50 v5V ) ' f ° r “rn Arrived: Wahlne (7 a.m.). from mmith t -° a wJ| Urakllla <8 a,m,) * from Ne W Ply- ; m ' ) ' from Gisborne; fawi l ASl l^is: , ' from Portland: Tls -. Dece , mber 20—Arrived: Wahlne * 6 m 3? Wellington; Poston (11.35 Maori f ffi F a ™°\ D ' » Deeember 21—Arrived: (’TU 6 i # fl ,^! 4m Wellington; Breeze Dm) P Trom f wZ l %, lU . ngton; Gorlnthlc (12.25 nmi' fror?w P | 0 t Gbflmers; Hlmatangl (3.10 'i, Walkawa (5.10 p.m.), from Dunedin; Wahlne (8,35 p.m.). from Wrilto E “ Beeember 21—Arrived; Storm XnnoTT 1 Port Chalmers,' Decemb or 20—Arrived; WalwTTTm.e’n p-m : ) ' frora Dunedin, am i v ' December 21.—Arrived: Calm (3.10 Wanganui, via ports. /a^I DNE X* December 20—Arrived: Makura Wellington. FRANCISCO, December 20.—Arrived: Monowal, from Wellington. '• Cjrd NC for U Auckla D nT mber 20 - Eatled: for C DeCeml,er Sailed: Norfolk. t o PAIs ’AMA. Arrived: Mahana, from WelllngThe Waimartoo sailed on Saturday for T iJ. ar i l i l i’ and Lyttelton to complete I TiIf C w ol i Wellington,. Napier and Auckland. The Walplata Is to leave Auckland to-day with general cargo for discharge at Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin and Bluff. t b ® Walnul Is due at Dunedin to-morrow from Gisborne, via ports. She will be laid up until after the holidays. The Walnul will sail on January 6 for Napier and Gisborne, via ports. The Holmdale, which arrived here on Saturday morning from Wellington, sailed on Saturday night for Oamaru, Tlmaru and Lyttelton to comp.ete loading for Wellington and Wanganui. The Storm, which arrived early on Saturday morning from Wellington,, sailed on Saturday evening for Tlmaru and Lyttelton to complete loading for Wellington, Plcton and Wanganui. The coastal tanker Paua arrived on Satur- .'? . m M aJn B from Wellington and was berthed at the Victoria wharf to discharge a cargo of bulk motor spirit. She sailed in the afternoon for Wellington. At present discharging in Australia, the Fakeha Is due at New Plymouth on January 14 to commence loading for London, Advice received by the Atlantic Union Oil Company states that the tanker Brunswick, with oil from Los Angeles, will visit Sydney, Melbourne and Wellington before proceeding to Auckland, She was previously expected at the northern port on December 21, but under her altered Itinerary she will not arrive until the middle of January. CARGO FRO SI AUSTRALIA. The Union Company advise that the Karepo was to leave Adelaide on Saturday for Melbourne and Devonport (Tasmania) to complete loading for Auckland and Dunedin. ZEALANDIC TO LEAVE LONDON. The Shaw, Savlll Company’s motor ship Zealandic was to leave London on Saturday to ballast for New Zealand. She Is due at Port Chalmers on January 22,

WAIKAWA from pacific coast. arrived Y? 1 ??, C °| rlpany ’ a totehter Walkawa p.„m d 1 ? nedln yesterday afternoon from ShS t^»» Co hf t fi? O i tS V T .l a Na P‘ or and Lyttelton, tL b 6 at „ the Ra«ray street wharf, tlle local PotUon of her Canadian and American cargo will be discharged. The Wal>awa win sail hence for Nelson and New Plymouth to complete discharge. RUAHINE LEAVES SOUTHAMPTON. Advice received by the New Zealand Shinping Company states that the Huahlne. which loaded at London, left Southampton last Friday afternoon for Wellington and Lyttelton, via Rananja. She Is due at Wellington on January 26. NARBADA LEAVES SAMARANG. The Union Company has received cable advice that the Narbada, en route from Calcutta, Penang, and Singapore, cleared Saraarang on December 16 for Auckland, Wellington. Lyttelton, Tlmaru, Dunedin and Bluff, bhe is due at Auckland on January 2, and at : Dunedin about January 16. MAUNGANUI AND ULIMAROA. The Maungauui Is due at Auckland tomorrow from Sydney, and owing to the Christmas holidays she will sail the following day on her return trip to Sydney, where she Is ™ ni on December 28 - ' The Ulimaroa Is due at Wellington to-morrow from Sydney, and .she Is to sail for Sydney next Saturday, Instead of Friday, her usual sailing day. KALINGO FROM COFF'S HARBOUR. The Union Company’s cargo steamer Kallngo arrived In the Lower Harbour yesterday morning from Newcastle and Coil’s Harbour after a stormy passage. Tho vessel, after being cleared by tho port health officer, came to Dunedin and was berthed at the Birch street wharf, where the local portion of her timber cargo will be discharged. The Kallngo left Coff s Harbour at midnight on Saturday, December 13, and encountered a strong north-east gale and heavy seas on Friday and Saturday. Her speed was affected to such a degree that she only steamed about three and a-half knots throughout Saturday. The Kallngo is to sail this evening for' Lyttelton and Wanganui to complete discharge. PERSONAL ITEMS. Captain A. MTntosh Is In command of the Shaw, Savlll motor ship Karamea, due at Wellington on Wednesday from Napier. Captain J. M’Padyen Is In command of the Canadian Victor, which was due at Wellington on Saturday from Montreal, via Auckland. WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE. The following vessels were reported to be within range of tho undermentioned wireless stations last night Auckland.—Maunganul, Tofua, Sierra, Brunswick, Laurel, Maul Pomare, H.M.S. Veronica, H.M.S. Laburnum, Golden Coast, Northumberland, Port Wellington. Wellington.— Aorangi, Niagara, Tamaroa, Ull- - Marama, Otokla, Kaponga, Rotorua, Rangitiki, Karamea, Benmohr, Remuora. Awarua.—Discovery, Htnemoa, Whalers, Maheno. - RABANGA FROM LIVERPOOL. An arrival at Dunedin on Saturday afternoon was tho Shaw,. Savlll and Albion steamer Raranga, from Glasgow and Liverpool, via Colon, Panama, Auckland, Wellington, and Lyttelton. She was berthed at the Victoria wharf, where the remainder of her Home cargo will be discharged. The Raranga sailed from Liverpool on October 28. She reached Colon on November 12 and cleared Panama the following day. Generally fair weather prevailed throughout the voyage. Captain F. Ogilvle is In command and he has associated with him the following officers: — Chief, Mr Q. M. Robertson; second, Mr P. Campbell; third, Mr A. Turnbull: fourth, Mr E. L. Harper; chief engineer, Mr D. Urquhart; second, Mr D. G.. Hardy; third, Mr A, Compton; fourth, Mr A. Avastone; fifth, Mr .A. Rappo; sixth, Mr A. Adams; seventh, 1 Mr O, Jones; chief refrigerating engineer, Mr L. Lynch; second, Mr A. Young; wireless operator, Sir I. Keogh; chief steward, Ur A. Preston. The Baranga : . Is expected to sail this evening for Wanganui roadstead to commence loading for London. COBINTHIC AT PORT CHALMERS. The Shaw, Savlll and Albion liner Corlnthlc arrived yesterday morning from Lyndon and Southampton, via Panama, Wellington, and Lyttelton. She was berthed at the George street wharf. Port Chalmers, where the Dunedin portion of her London cargo will be discharged. The Corlnthlc sailed from London for Southampton oh November 6, and cleared Southampton the following day for Panama. With the exception of two days’ rough weather the passage across the Atlantic was uneventful. The vessel arrived at Panama on , November 23, and passed through tho canal that day. Fine weather was experienced In, the Pacific until' December 14, when the .Corlnthlc ran Into a' strong southerly gale; which,’however, did not delay her arrival at Wellington to any extent. Captain H. Bowman is In command of the Corlnthlc, and his officers are: Chief officer, Mr A. Pawley; first officer, Mr R. S. Fardoc; second, Mr B. Harrison; chief engineer, Sir W. M. Horsburgh; second, Mr J. Richardson; third, Mr G. W. Buchanan; surgeon. Dr J. G. Higgins; purser, Mr H. J. Pitman; chief steward, Mr J. Burtlnshaw. ' The Corlnthlc Is to sail .on Wednesday for Bluff to complete discharge and commence Homeward loading. She will' proceed thence to Tlmaru, and then return to Port Chalmers to continue loading. • OVERSEAS SUMMARY. The following movements of overseas vessels bound to and from New Zealand ports and coastwise were reported by cablegram and telegram last week: — - Aorangi, left Auckland December 16 for Honolulu and Vancouver. i Benmohr, arrived Tolaga Bay December 20 from Port Eembla and Plcton. City ot Delhi, left Panama December 12 for Auckland, en route from New York. • . Canadian Victor, arrived Wellington December 18 from Montreal, via Auckland. ’ Cumberland, left Glasgow December 13 for Liverpool and Auckland. Corlnthlc, arrived Port Chalmers December 21 from London, via Lyttelton. Golden Coast, left Gisborne' December 16 for Tonga and San Francisco. Golden Cloud, left Seattle December 15 for Los-Angeles and Auckland.. Hertford, left Caracas Bay December 13 for London, en route from Auckland. Karamea, arrived Napier December 18 from New Plymouth. ; Makura, arrived Sydney December 20 from San Francisco and Wellington. Monowal, arrived San Francisco December 19 from Wellington, via Ports. Niagara, left Honolulu December 17 for Auckland, en route from Vancouver. Nome, left Seychelles Islands December 7 for Port Chalmers and Auckland. Narbada, left ■ Samarang December 16 for Auckland, en route from Calcutta. Northumberland, arrived. Auckland December 17- from Llrerpool, via Panama. Nucula, left San Francisco December IT for Auckland. Port Brisbane, arrived London December 16 from Wellington, via Panama. Port Wellington, arrived Auckland December IS from Launceston. , Port Huon, arrived Wellington December 30 from London, via Auckland. Port Hunter, arrived Wellington December 20 from Napier. Raranga, arrived Dunedin December 20 from Liverpool, via Lyttelton. Ruahlne, left Southampton December 19 for Wellington and Lyttelton, Rotorua, arrived Tokomam Bay December 20 from Napier. Solna, arrived Auckland December 19 from Ballkpapan, via Dunedin. Surrey, left Panama December 13 for Auckland, en route from Liverpool. Sydlc, arrived Dunedin December 18 from Gothenburg, via Australian ports. Tamaroa, left Wellington December 17 for Southampton and London. Taranaki, left Balboa December 12 for Suva and Fort Chalmers, en route from London. Tlsnaren, arrived Wellington December 21 from San Francisco and Auckland. Tongarlro. arrived Auckland December 20 from Napier. Turaklne, arrived N4w Plymouth December 18 from Bluff. Walotapu, left Wellington December 17 for Melbourne, en route from San Francisco. Westmoreland, arrived Wellington December 18 from Napier. Walkawa, arrived Dunedin December 21 from Pacific coast ports, via Lyttelton.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 21215, 22 December 1930, Page 8

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SHIPPING NEWS. Otago Daily Times, Issue 21215, 22 December 1930, Page 8

SHIPPING NEWS. Otago Daily Times, Issue 21215, 22 December 1930, Page 8