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the share market. DUNEDIN Stock EXCHANGE Several parcels of Kildare mining shares changed hands on the Dunedin Stock Exchange yesterday afternoon at Is. The shares were later on offer at la .?d,r-but-< buyers, were not attracted at. price?t Mount Lyells had buyers at 26a>bu'rsellets' were asking 8d more. , offered at 7d, but failed..tfltbrink;a. 'Btty'et. In the bank sectfon. offered at 675, with? 67s 8d (cum dividend)) while;-Commercial Banks were quoted, at 205 , 3 d andi2os 9d buyer and seller respectively; 1 National Insurances were- wanted at 14s 4d, but tt 5j 8 (cum dividend)/ ‘ Huddart, Parkeri-'and... Uhion Company’ shares were no business i was TheteVWak'considerable * activity in War;Bonds, there *° r en almoat but jelleM; j Sales: i and. se%n g quofeeqnn; ;ifrhi6h 'are subject to the Usjgal; •>*.- Bai& of Austl‘k|^s)a'rr-Bu : y £l2. Bank of New 9d (cum div.). 'i ■ ; ' Bank—Buy 20s 3d, sel 208 8.8. and A. Bank—Sel £6 Bs. * INSURANCE. isf a^ r "“ Co -~ Bny la * '«ffd Ir ‘ SUran ° e Co.—Buy 44 5 -3 d, eel Standard Insurance Co.—Buy 52s 6d. ' SHIPPING, Parker (ord;)—Buy’; 36s 6d; Huddart, Parker (pref) —Sel 20a... tVaS 4 OdPeferred-Stock-Sel fils. «d (»m.u;.) <ptrf - ! - r - Bur “>;** «• «• v .V- . COAL. Kaitangata—Buy 8s dis. Westport Coal; Co.—Buy 30s Bd. . LOAN AND AGENCY. Dalgety and Co.—BuyMl.'selill 7s 6J ,(cum div.), , ■ ; Mort—Buy National Mortgage—Sel 655, Trustees, Ex. and Agency—Buy 60s, .Wright, Stephenson (ord.)—Buy 20s od, sel 245. , * ■'. t . MEAT PRESERVING. : Refrigerating, (pd.)—SklUs.ed." , N. 4. Refrigerating (cont.)—Buy 4s 10d. cel 5s Id. . ... ■ * MISCELLANEOUS. Australian Iron and Steel (pref.)— oei 18s 6d. v| • „ British Tobacco—Buy 36s 7d. sel 37s : > Brown, Ewing (pref.)—Buy‘2llß. ■ V ' Colonial Sugar—Buy 139 Jex' div.) V , DJ.C, (pref.)r—Buy 20s 3d: -,i “ • •’ Kaiapoi Woollen (cont.)—Buy 3s Bd. Milburn Lime and 33s. National . . . ;• -vJi.X? ,r N.Z. Drug Co,—Sel 665. Products (debs.)—Buy 21s Regent Theatre—Sel 24s 6d. Wilsons (N.Z.) 39s, scl 40s. BREWERIES, • N.Z. Breweries, Ltd.—Buy 50s 6d, sel 625.., - - - ; MINING. ' ’ Kawarau G, M, Co.—Buy fijd, sel 7d. Waihi—Buy 14s (cum div.). Mdunt Lyell—Buy 265, sel 26a Bd. Beach—Sel 6a. * . BBjdare —Buy lOd, sel Wfndina_ Creek (pd.)— Sbney Creek (pd.)—Sel 3di -M Paddy’s Point—Buy 3s TfcUWS y? Cornish Point —Buy 6d. V’, ' ' ' 1 ' WAR BONDS; ' 41 Jper cent. Bonds, 4f,‘!per cent. Bonds, ’ 4|;Per cent. Bonds, 1941 ifia' Simper cent. Soldiers’ Bbndd, 1933 Buy if 99. ’ 4j.,per cent. Inscribed, 1 15a,-, ’ cent. Inscribed, £97 15s. ’-■* , 51 (per cent. Soldiers’ Inscribed, 1933—r Buy >99. * 61‘per cent, Bonds, 1936—8uy £99. 61, per cent. Inscribed, 1936—8uy £99. 'sJ ? per cent. Bonds, 1933X8t1y £9S. sl'per cent. Inscribed, 1933-i-Buy •£9Br--51yper cent. Bonds, 1937—8uy £96. 61 per cent. Inscribed, 1937—8uy £96. ii - '( NORTHERN EXCHANGES. (Be« The following busing • Jtas brn'i Changes yesterday:— Auckland.—Sales: Bank of Australasia, £l2 ; 6s; Commercial Bank, 20s 6d; E.B. and'A. Bank, £6 sa; Bank of New Zealand, ‘67s 6d National Insurance, 14a . 8d; Dalgety and Co., £ll 4s; Auckland Gas (late.- sale Monday), 23s 9d; Northern Steam, 14s 6d; Kauri Timber, 13s 6d; New'Zealand Breweries, 51s 9d, 51s 7d; New Zealand Farmers’ Fertiliser (late sale Monday), 18a 6d; Waihi, 14s 2d.- . Wellington.—Sales reported: Commer-cial-Bank of Australia (ord.), £1 0s 9d; Banb of New Zealand. £2 17s 9d; National Bank' of. New Zealand, £6 6s (two parcels); Gear Meat. Company, £1 18s; Wilsons -Cement, £1 19a 3d; Paddy’s Point Milling, 4s 3d; Union Bank of Australia. £ll-6s. Christchurch.—Sales: Commercial Bank of Australia, 20s 4d, 20s Id; National Bank of Australasia (£5 paid, cum div.), £7 7s; Bank of New Zealand (cum, div.), 575;6d; New Zealand Refrigerating (£1 paid), 10s 8d (two parcels); New Zealand‘Breweries. 51s 3d, 51s 4d; British Tobacco, 36s 9d; Cornish Point (Is paid), 7d.^—Sales reported: Bank of Adelaide (cum div.), £6 11a 6d; Bank of Australasia, £l2 ss; Commercial Bank of Austfalia, 20s 6d, 20s 4d; E.S. and A. Bank; £6 4s; Dalgety and Co. (cum div.), £ll <4s; Goldsbrough, Mort, 30s 6d; Commercial Bank of Australia, 20s 6d, 2 , 0 s 3d, 20S-f4d. : CANTERBURY MARKETS. (SE« United Press Association.) :: CHRISTCHURCH, ; May 6i: : There has been very little ; ,chahge J . in the ‘grain and produce market since the : previous report. Most of the wheat hasnow (been sold, and there is not very much - offering. Values are unchanged. To-day's-quotations are:—Tuscan, 5s 8d to 5s 9<l- - bushel; Hunters, 5s 9d to 5a 10d;‘ Pearl, 5s lid to 0a Id, on trucks in each case/ The market for fowl wheat remains firm at Ss. lid, f.0.b., s.i., equivalent to 5s 6d on trucks. The oat market is also unchanged. The on-Wijcks price in Canterbury is 3s Cd. 'Jragre has' been a better inquiry for chaff .recently, and the on-trucks price is now’£s to-£6 2s. 6d.. . .. The price to firmers'-'On ’trucks" for potatoes is unaltered, being £3 5s a ton. There is a better .inquiry, for potatoes in all forward positions, quotations being;— June, £4 15s, a tbn; July, £5 ss; JulySeptember,' £5 10s. ■ ‘ Cape barley is qffoted at 3s. 6d on trucks, best malting at 4s 2d to -4s 3d, and mediufiV 5 quality at about .4s. The latest linseed'-'quotation is' -£ls a ton on trucks. Thpre, is a better inquiry for-partridge peas;: and! there has been ; a .slight firming in values, tonsequent upon a scarcity of No. '■ .They -have,,'beanVitold as high as 5s equal- tcvAs Sfd; on.trucks, and lafl-r^iialities are quirted-at/4k to 4s 3d -da.trueka: TheCh Has -been an prices for 'ibfcan arid riollard,./whidly iriow- .'.come intol.lJh 6 with those- iri' Australia, -namely, £8 a ‘ton. for 'bran .and. £8 :XOs a toif for jollar.d* . t . -, v ' ■ I ...

LOCAL AND OVERSEAS MARKETS. .j* - •'* > ’*> .. ‘ i* * i M • •; -jl-

SHEEPSKIN MARKET REPORT. , Tke Dunedin Stock Agents’ and Woolbrokers Association (the National Mortgage and Agency Co. of N.Z., Ltd., Wri~ht, Stephenson and Co., Ltd., D. Reid and Co., Ltd., Stronach, Morris and Co., Ltd., New Zealand Loan and Mercantile /Agency Co., Ltd., Otago Farmers’ Gp-ogbrative’Associatior Ltd., and DalCo., Ltd.) held their usual fort- I nightly-sale before a good attendance-of prices, at id- to Id above last . sales grates. wens realised. Quotations:—Halfbred’ full wools, 8?d to 9Jd; halfbred half-wools, 8d to BJd; fine crossbred full wools,’ SJd to B|d; fine crossbred half wools, ,7|d. to 8d; crossbred full wools, to 8d; crossbred three-quarter wools, to 8d; crossbred half wools,. 7id tp "3d; , fipe crossbred hoggets, 8d to B|d; erbssbted hoggets, to' 8d; halfbred dead, 6Jd to Bd;.;crossbred dead, 6id to 7d; crossbred qyarter rirools, to 7id; merino .full ; wpola, to 8d; halfbred lambs, to BJd; crossbred-lambs, 7Jd to 8d; merino dead, 6df >o'/7id; '.'crossbred hoggets dead, to ■6|d; good pelts, 6Jd to 7id; second pelts, 4Jd to SJd; ■. . ';. SOUTOEAND STOCK SALE. (Special to Daily tUhes.) . • INVERCARGILL. May G. At the Lorneville stock sale to-day the yardings- in all sections showed a considerable decrease, compared with last sale day, The market was particularly small in view of the fact that no sale will be held next week on account of the winter show; f i 1 '‘"Hditions were good, and the attendance was fair. Though fat lambs lew aud difficult of sale, fat cattle and fat sheep improved a little. There were only small yardings of store sheep and store cattle offering. Prices all round snowed a slight advance, and must be classed as an improvement on last week’s market. . There was a large yarding of vealers,- . comprising some well-finished sorts, also,-,a?pen of: particularly, weltbfed bull calves,'-Good vealers realised from 40s [fM Up‘,;tri £5: 2s 6d and. bull- calves ;«P . tO’>s’ 7s 6d:’ 1 Prices may. be .quoted prime bullocks sold up to »1610 s; medium weights, £ll 10s to £l4 ss; lighter sorts, down to £10; prime heifers, up to £ll 10s; medium to £0;10s; prime heavy cows, up to £l2 ss; medium weights, £7 10a to £9; lighter sorts, down to £5 15s; vealers, 35s to 655; with runners up to £5,7s 6d. tT H a / t F e '—•^ I , e yarding consisted of about 40 fewer than last sale day, and the quality of the 'greater part could only be classed as. medium. A few pens of well-finished bullocks were yarded, also a tew peps of prime, heifers. The yarding, taken all round, was small in view of ■ ou * ) e market and the requirements °t the next supply. Fat Sheep’.—The yarding was a small one, comprising about half that of last , a “? a . Pfy small .proportion comprised the fat lamb section. In view of the 'Rouble market, this mart must be V t l ry small-yarding, and as a Result of this the pricey improved to some Jittle extent in both fat wethers and fat ewes, w Fat lambs-were sold at “rift PS®? B’-, 8 ’-, a , nd , f°me exceptionally heavy butchers lambs realised up to 22a 9d* while good freezing lambs realised 17s to PUCes..may be quoted:—Extra prime heavy, butchers? wethers, up to 33s • medium weights, from 24s to 275; lighter to 21 «: extra prime heavy o ,l7B;;mednim weights and heavies, - from 14s to 10s; lighter sorts, from 10s to 12s 6d; extra prime heavy butchers’ lambs, up to 22s 9d; P gool freezing sorts, ’from 17s to 10s; liglter sorts, down to 16s. b ■ Cattle.—The yarding was the f,W ®r fc f ?tu a -J ong time > bu * ffuite suffivear ' t® mahd ' : ' Two ' and a-half year old bullocks made up to £7 Cs: 18 months, up to £4 10s; inferior sorts, £2. Store Sheep.—There was also' a reduction in this sVction. the ? a and indull, but most i-' llu . a 15s' 'I Qj j : small inixfid-api > jufetiori-dpikbrto ,2a. ' LONDON METAL MARKET. ! \ ;,(?altoa Frees .Association;); V,, - l-lactrlo -Telegraph—Copyright.!- ' h r-D LONDON, May 5. (Received May 6, at 9 p . m .) l g C T e r: Spot, £49 12s 6d; forward, £49 fee r bK : £63 P . ot ' £59 *‘ forward > «3. ‘ 1 Lead: Spot, £l7; forward, £l7 2s 6d. Spot, £l6 ss; forward, £l6 18s 17s M Spot ’ £l4B loa forward, £l5O 2lfd V ° r: Fine ’ 19 9 ' l6d per oz >' standard, ,, LONDON -WHEAT MARKET. (United Picas.'Association.) (By Electric Telegraph— Copyright.) ' . LONDON, Mav 5 Cargoes are inactive, though Plates fn 6 d A at to 6d advance, owing to the Argentine exchange. Parcels , s Futareß: T .London—Majq 7 *l u ! y - 35s 0 d; Liverpool—May, JU y ’ 78 ■ 7^d net; october > 7s RUBBER MARKET. (United Press Association.) (By Electric Telegraph—Copyright.) -p ,; '.. - j London, May 5. . Rubber stools 75,640-tons-.-. BRADFORD TOPS MARKET. (United Press Association.) (By Electric Telegraph—Copyright.) m, -j, „ , LONDON, May 5. c Bradford tops market is -quiet tops drm ’ Wlt l sotne turnover in stock SYDNEY WOOL SALES. (United "Press Association.) (By Electric . Telegraph—Copyright.) '(ti ' -j' vV SYDNEY, May 6. M ay , 6 < at-10 p.ra.) vAt the Sydney wool - sales the offerings bales, of which 10,009 wete. s6ld.-,m addition ’to 403- privately Competition was very , keen, particularly .on. French, account, for finer descriptions, and the tendency of - prices in sellers’ favour. was fully maintained. Greasv .merino brought 25|d. i COPPER PRICES IN VANCOUVER. (United Press Association.) (By Electric Telegraph—Copyright.) . . . Vancouver. May 6. (Received. May, 6. at .10 p.m.) Because their stocks continue to accumulate, domestic users have cut the, 13 cents, which is the. lowest •since 1927, touched 12g cents. WELLINGTON WOOL SALES. THE SEASON’S OFFERINGS. (Per United . Press Association.) ’ WELLINGTON, May 0. At the. Wellington wool sales this season 91,629' bales were offered; 74.093 were sold at an average of £l3 11s 4d per bale. pr?9.204d per ,Ib. ‘ cold, . then you' need . NAZOL. " This, scientific- remedy, is powerful and penetrating and thus goes right to the root of the trouble and brings quick relief. 60 doses for Is 6d.— Advt

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 21019, 7 May 1930, Page 7

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COMMERCE AND FINANCE Otago Daily Times, Issue 21019, 7 May 1930, Page 7

COMMERCE AND FINANCE Otago Daily Times, Issue 21019, 7 May 1930, Page 7