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MANCHESTER UNITY, The fortnightly meeting of the Loyal Mosgiel Lodge, M.U.1.0.0.P., was held on Tuesday evening, there being a fair attendance of members. This being past grand" night, the following past officers filled the chairs:—N.G., Bro. J. Aitken; V.G., Bro. A. Cameron; GAL, Bro. R. Wylie: warden, Bro. W. L. Craig; guardian, Bro. Roberts. Four candidates were proposed for membership. Two members were reported to be on the sick funds. In conjunction with the local friendly societies, it waa decided to hold a church parade to the Mosgiel Baptist Church ‘on Sunday, April 27, in commemoration of Anzac, and a full muster of members is expected. A vigilance committee, to act in conjunction with, the Central Vigilance Committee, was appointed as follows: P.G.’a Bros. W. L, Craig, J. Aitken, and G. H. Irving. Under the adjourned summoned meeting, four of the delegates to the annual district meeting submitted their reports on the proceedings. A letter was received from the Tuapeka Pioneer Lodge, thanking the .local lodge for the arrangements made for the delegates to the district meeting and jubilee functions. It was decided to .hold a meeting, of the Jubilee Committee next lodge night at 7 o’clock. A large gathering of Oddfellows assembled at Port Chalmers on Tuesday evening . on the occasion of an official visit to the Loyal Prince of Wales Lodge. The N.G. (Bro. R. Cromarty) presided over a good attendance of members of the local lodge, and extended a cordial welcome to the visiting brethren, which included representatives-from the various city and suburban lodges. P.P.G.M. Bro. P. Young, on behalf of the District Executive, introduced to the lodge the newly-elected P.8.0.M. (Bro, J. mworth), who was warmly received, Bro Young stated that their new deputy’s qualifications for district office were well Known, and he was sure Bro. Longworth would receive the whole-hearted support and co-operation not only of Prince of Wales ladge but of every, lodge in the district. The P.D.G.M. was greeted with the Oddfellows’ toast, and suitably acknowledged his welcome. Prior to adjourning for harmony, the N.G. asked the P.D.GAI. to present to P.G., Bro L. Jack an emblematical certificate, in recognition of his having passed through the chairs of the lodge. The P.D.GAI., in handing over the handsomely-framed certificate, complimented Bro. Jack on the capable manner in which he had carried out his duties while in office. He had been an assiduous visitor to other lodges and had also good service on various committees, whilst his services as pianist had always been willingly given and had contributed largely to the success of social functions., Bro. Jack, who was toasted with musical honours, briefly returned thanks. The meeting then adjourned, and the Prince of Wales brethren carried out a first-class programme of vocal and instrumental items which was thoroughly enjoyed. The following brethren contributed items:—Bro. Holden (piano solos) Bro. Jack (songs . and . stories at the piano). Bros. E. Brown ahd Martindale (songs), Bro. B.- Brown ban jo), Bros Cromarty and Russell (recitations). During the evening P.P.GAL Bro. P; Stabb, in referring to the retirement, of P.P.GAI. Bro. W. JT Johnston from district ■ office, stated that he bad..had the -privilege of serving on the executive , with Bro,-John-ston, and he desired to pay tribute ,to the retiring district officer’s splendid services to the Order , during his" three years of office. He had given - of his best as a district officer, and. one and t all were deeply appreciative of, his services, After the toasts of- the Visiting brethren and the District Executive Kam been honoured, responses were made on behalf of visiting lodges, Bros, Longworth and Young acknowledging the toast of the district. The P.D.G.M. apologised for the nonattendance of the- P.GAI. (Bro. T. Michelle), who had returned to Roxburgh. A special meeting of the Loyal Roxburgh Lodge would be held on Saturday, when the new P.GAI. would be fittingly welcomed, and the remaining mem-' bora of the executive- hoped to attend this function. Bro. Young, in responding., congratulated the Prince of Wales Lodge on the large gathering that evening,, which was evidence of,the fraternal spirit prevailing. In addition to the. regular official visits, be hoped to see an inter-, change of visits between the, lodges. ,„In. this connection heffibped ’.that’ a visit to' the Loyal Prince Alfred (Waikouaiti) Lodge would eventuate during May. The Loyal, Centenary Lodge met on and two propositions for membership Tulhers, presiding. Owing to the official visit to the Prince of Wales Lodge being held the same night, the attendance of members was somewhat smaller than usual. One new, member was initiated and two propositions for membership received. A special ' summoned meeting of members is to be held'next lodge night. After formal business had been dealt with, Bros. J. Boardman and J. D. Corbett, took charge of the evening, entertaining members at a card tournament, the prize-winners being Bro. Harrison (first) and Bro. Carrnthers (booby), . The fortnightly meeting of the Loyal Caversham Lodge on Wednesday evening was largely the N.G., Bro. Fay, presiding. An official, visit was received from the* Loyal Princess Mary Lodge. There being three candidates to be initiated, the N.G, asked the officers of the Princess Mary Lodge to take the chairs and carry out the initiation ceremony. The ladies gave a very fine rendering of the ceremony, and were congratulated by the N.G., who expressed the hope that the lodge would, in the near,future, again have the privilege of hearing the ceremony so impressively and capably conducted. A cordial welcome waa extended to P.P.GAI. Bro. P. Young and the new P.D.G.M., Bro. E. Longworth, who was making his first visit to the lodge as .a district officer. The N.G. and a number of brethren congratulated Bro. Long-, worth on attaining district honour?, and he was toasted with musical honours. A pleasant incident during the evening was the presentation of a 25 years’ membership to a very old member. of the lodge, P.G, Bro. C. Gilliand. The presentation was made by P.D.GAI. Bro. E. Longworth. In an appropriate speech, the deputy said that this was the first presentation of its kind he had the pleasure of making as a district officer, and he was delightedto have the' privilege of honouring such’ a worthy and respected member as Bro. Gilliand, who was the first Caversham member to be so honoured. P.P.G.M. Bro, A. Lawry, added his, congratulations and gave an interesting account of the origin of the membership medal, which was instituted as the-result of a remit from the‘Loyal Alexandra Lodge in 1912. Bro. Gilliand, who was greeted with the Oddfellows’ toast, stated that he had derived many advantages from being a member of the Order, and had only done his duty in endeavouring to induce others to join and enjoy similar privileges. A letter from the secretary of the M.U. Ball Committee was received and Bros. F. Woodhonse and C. Riddell were delegated to represent the lodge on the committee. One member was granted a transfer to the Loyal Oamaru Lodge. P.G.’a Bros. J. Lon am and E. J. Hey gave a lengthy report on the district meeting, and were thanked for their services. A card match with the Unity (1.0.0. F.) Lodge was played on March 31, when the Unity members were successful in winning the card shield bv 39 games to 24, The Loyal Albion Lodge met on Thursday evening in the M.U. Hall, Stuart street, when there was a large attendance of members and visiting brethren, the N.G,, Bro. C. Schmelz, presiding. Lengthy correspondence was received and dealt with, and a number of business, matters attended to, one new,member being initiated. Two propositions for membership were also received. The N.G. and P.G. J. Wright were appointed to the M.U. Ball Committee. The meeting was later adjourned to allow the permt secy (Bro. A, Monk) to carry out his evening. This took the form of a musical evening, Bro. Monk having prepared a programme of varied, items which met, with hearty approval. Songs, recitations and musical selections were presented, being contributed by both Albion and visiting members, and the evening was a decided success. A hearty vote of thanks to Bro. Monk and the performers was earned, special mention being made of the effiment manner in which Bro. Coutts carried put the duties of accompanist. An acceptable item was a short but interesting address bv Bro. Stabb on •" Oddfellowship.” Bro. Stabb traced the origin of the Manchester Unity, and his able exposition of the financial methods which had been evolved from, their former crude «tatc to the sound position of to-day was closely followed. Bro. Stabb, in mentioning the advantages of consolidation #f funds which was effected in 1914-15, stated that the Otago District waa unique in view of the fact that theirs was the only district in the world where as a result of consolidation, individual lodges had handed over their suroluscs for the bene-

fit of non-surplus lodges. At tlie, conclusion of the programme, supper was served, after which’ the lodge was reopened. Visiting lodges responding to the toast were; Princess May, Centenary, Valley and Caversham, P.P.G.M. Bro, P. Young, representing the executive,, in acknowleding the toast of the district, congratulated the secretary on presenting such an entertaining programme, and said it was pleasing to see young members giving items. Prior to the closing of the lodge the .N.G. extended an invitation to visiting members to attend the next meeting, when the lodge would suitably commemmorate Anzac Day. DRUIDISM. The Lodge Otago’s meeting was largely attended. Routine business was transacted, during which several invitations from sister lodges were received and accepted, Bros, Dove, Cannon, and Barton were 'appointed to act as delegates at the U. Dispensary Committee meetings during the current year. Bro. J. \V. Dove gave a very interesting address as to the benefits that would accrue to friendly societies should a medical institute be established in Dunedin. Three news members were initiated in a very impressive manner by A.D. Bro. Barton and his officers. Past Arch and Vicearch competitions were held, and after keen contests Bros. Kilgour and Barton were declared winners of the respective sections. P.D.P. Dro. Hill, from the North Island, was present at the meeting and expressed his pleasure nt being •amongst brother Druids., A.D. Bro. A. E. Jelley presided over a fair attendance of members at Pride of Mornington Lodge meeting on Thursday, night. D.P. Bro. T. Clark paid his first official visit and received a cordial welcome. It was decided to postpone older members’ night until May 22. During the evening a V.A. competition was held, D.P, Bro. Clarke and P.A, Bro. F. Lawson acting as judges. This proved a very interesting competition, the younger members acquitting themselves very well. V. Bro. Richardson proved the winner. During the meeting one candidate was proposed for membership. The fortnightly meeting, of Mistletoe Lodge was held in the lodgeroom, Green Island, on Tuesday, A.D. Bro. J. C. S. Logie presiding. Correspondence was dealt with and sick pay amounting to £6 was passed for payment. PA. Bro. A. C. Dumble was re-elected as dispensary delegate. PA. Bro. A. Mildenhall reported attending ' Royal Oak Lodge, and A.D. Bro. Logie reported an attendance at Bay Lodge, PA. Bro, Dnmble reported on a cricket match with Good Intent Lodge, and also on behalf of the Euchre Committee, It was decided to hold a progressive euchre contest on April 29, and to invite Bay Lodge members and their friends. Regarding the coming VA. charge competition, the lodge decided to award a prize to the member below the rank of Arch Druid gaining the highest, number of points, and also to ask DP, Bro. T. Clarke to act as judge. Two candidates were proposed for initiation, as full financial members. After the toasts ware honoured the Arch Druid adjourned the lodge for -the purpose of carrying out the item on the syllabus. This took the form of a "Question Night.” Several questions pertaining to lodge work were 1 asked and answered, the junior members of the dodge thereby acquiring useful' and interesting information on the finer points of lodge routine. Royal Oak Lodge held its usual meeting in the lodgeroom, Caversham, A.D, Bro. Steele presiding. D.P. Bro. T. Clarke was present officially, and received a warm welcome on the first occasion of his visit as district president. The usual donation to the Royal Arch Chapter was granted. Bro. Robertson was elected VA.B., and was duly installed into the office by D.P. Bro. Clarke.' The secretary was instructed to challenge Enterprise Lodge for the Euchre Shield. 'Bro. Churchill reported on the Booklet Committee’ meeting, and also oo the form in ’which the syllabus bpoklet ■ would be issued ’ next year. The lodge adjourned in order to carry out the syllabus—M.P. • mock elections. Several brothers were duly nominated, representing Labour, Reform, United, and Independence. Each candidate delivered his policy, after which a ballot was taken, and the .Reform candidate was elected. D.P. Bro. T, Clarke and J.PA. Bro. Bezette (Enterprise Lodge) replied to the toast of the visitors.' Myrtle Juvenile Lodge met on Tuesday evening, A.D. Bro. Douglas presiding over a good attendance of members. An invitation. -was - received; and accepted for five members to attend' the Otago Lodge on Monday night. The balance sheet and auditor’s report for the half-year were received, and showed the lodge to be in a very' satisfactory position. PA. Bro. Sinclair, the installing officer for the juvenile lodges, was present, and in, a very able manner installed the following offi-' cers into their respective positions: — J.PA., Bro. S. Douglas: A.D., Bro. Ryder; V.A., Bro. J. Douglas; conductor,. Bro. M, Greenalh secretary, Bro. C.Tait; treasurer, Bro, J. M. Sinclair; J.G., Bro. M'Narey; 0.G., Bro. C. Scott; A.D.B.’s— : Bros. J. - M'Goun and J. Robinson; V. —Bros. Wyburn and Mullholland. It was decided to invite Southern Oak Lodge to the next meeting. The usual toasts were honoured, and responded to by PA. Bro. Sinclair and PA. Bro. M'Gallum. During the meeting one candidate was admitted into the Order, The umml large number of members was present at the last meeting of the Lily of the Valley'Lodge, held last Wednesday in the Millar Street Hall, NorthEast Valley. A.D. Bro. E. W. Carr declared the meeting open at 7.30. p;m. D,P; Bro. F. T. Clark was given a cordial welcome on the' occasion of his first official visit, and the officers and members of the Ivanlioe Lodge presented themselves as challengers for the district euchre shield. After a very close contest, and a number of interesting games, the A.D. announced that the visitors were victorious, and he called upon A.D. Bro. Reeves to accept the shield on behalf of Tvanhoe Lodge, and expressed the wish that ‘ it would not be long before the shield' again adorned the walla of this lodge. . . A larger attendance than usual greeted A. Bro. Clinch when he opened Bay Lodge in his customary efficient manner on Tuesday last. Pleasure was evinced at the presence of Grand Secretary Bro. W. B. Steel and D.P, Bro. T. Clark, No. 2 District,- waa received with musical honours shortly after the lodge commenced. One account only was received for for sick pay. Routine business was given quick despatch. Grand Secretary Bro. W; B. Steel, on behalf of a member, made a presentation of some beautiful furnishings to the lodge, and made reference to the .good-heartedness of the .donor, and then spoke at some length on the welfare of the Order, Bro. Steel said that he hoped that the members would support any matter the Grand Lodge sent, on to subordinate lodges for consideration. He hoped that their criticism would not always be of a destructive* nature, and that in all matters they would discuss them from the viewpoint of an Order, not as an individual. Several members gave’ interesting accounts of their visits to various lodges in both districts, D.P. Bro. T. Clark, ot No. 2 District, in replying to the toast of the D.P,, put forward to the lodge several suggestions concerning the better working of the lodge. He also paid a compliment to the Arch Druid and officers on the efficient manner in which the business had been carried out. He stated that he was pleased to see that the lodge had entered a strong team for the Ross Stewart Shield competition, to be held next month. One candidate was proposed for initiation, and , amongst the visitors present were P.D.P. Bro J, Bond and Bro. Martin (Enterprise),PA. Bro. Morris (Lily of the Valley), P.A Bro. W- T. Gray (Ivanhoe), P.A. Bro. C. M Cone and V.A. Bro. I. T. Tasker (Otago Lodge). The fortnightly meeting of the Linden Lodge. No. 5 U.A.0.D., was held in the lodgeroom on Tuesday, A.D. Bro. J. Owens presiding over a moterate attendance of officers and members. There was a fair a'mount of correspondence received and Bealt with, after which a candidate was initiated into the Order in a very impressive manner. The Bards' report was then received, and sick pay and accounts passed for payment. Arrangements are well in hand for the opening of the Juvenile Lodge in this district, and it only remains for the committee to secure a suitable meeting hall. The representatives presented their report on the Grand Lodge meeting and received a hearty vote of thanks. The fortnightly meeting of the Good Intent Lodge waa held in the Oddfellows’ Hall, Mosgiel. on Wednesday evening, A.D Bro. C. Scott in the chair. D.P. Bro. T. Clark paid his first official visit and received a hearty welcome. Several officers and members from Enterprise Lodge were also present to play Good Intent Lodge for the Euchre Shield, they also receiving a warm welcome. A trophy was received from P.G.P. Bro. T. Walsh, to bo presented to the winner of the A.D. charge competition, but on account of the Euchre Shield match, the lodge decided to postpone it till May 14. The secretary was instructed to write ami notify Bro. Walsh of the decision, and at

the same time thank him for his donation. It was decided to invite Mistletoe Lodge to attend the next meeting and work the lodge. An invitation from the A.D. of Enterprise Lodge to pay it a visit was accepted, and the usual donation to the R.A. Chapter was passed for payment. Reports from several members who had attended the Oddfellows’ jubilee ball and banquet, the cricket match with Mistletoe Lodge, the local fire brigade social, and Royal Oak were received. After the usual toast of the visitors had been proposed and responded to, the lodge adjourned to play for the Euchre Shield, the result at the finish being Enterprise Lodge 16, and Good Intent Lodge U. The A. of Good Intent Lodge then banded over the shield to the A.D, of Enterprise Dodge, and congratulated him on the performance of his colleagues. In accepting the shield, Bro. Leatliley commented, on the good fellowship which was derived from such contests, .and hoped that at some future date they would again have the pleasure of crossing swords with Good Intent Lodge. RECHABITES. On the evening of Anniversary Day a highly successful social ’ evening was held in the Hope of Dunedin Tent’s room, C.E. Bro. E. J. lies welcoming a large gathering of Rechabites and friends. The holiday spirit was present, and the many and varied games and dances were entered into whole-heartedly, whilst the C. who acted as M.C., imbued not a email amount of enthusiasm in his work. During the evening solos were rendered by Sister A. Steedman and Bro, L. V. Gain, whilst Sister E. Leach occupied the accompanist’s chair os well as providing the necessary music for the games and dances. As usual, the catering was ably controlled by Sister A. Coulter and her many willing helpers. " Auld Lang Syne" brought to a close a very happy evening, and it was with reluctance that the .arge gathering dispersed, I'ke Primrose Juvenile W ka9 KsW some very pleasant and successful evenings during the past quarter and has entertained the Rising Star Juveniles and also visited the Southern Cross Tent, both occasions being very successful. iwo new members were initiated and the work of the officers had been exceptionally good, reflecting great credit; on the superintendents. A memory competition, was held last meeting and caused a great deal of interest, two sisters (E. Johnsjton and B. Barnett) being successful. On March 31 Sobriety Tent field its twentietli anniversary social in Miller Street. Hall, North-East Valley. The G.R. in a few well chosen words warmly welcomed the large number of visiting members and friends. The evening was spent in dancing and games,, interspersed with several items, all of which were well received. - Bro, L. V. Gain, in replying on behalf of the Hope of Dunedin Tent, and Bro. A. Stanley, representing the Star of the South Tent, thanked .the convenors for the very pleasant evening. There was a large gathering of members at the Hope of Dunedin Tent s fortnightly meeting which was held last Memday evening in Marshall Chambers. in the unavoidable absence of the C.R., the chair was occupied by P.C.R. .Bro. L. V, Gain. Three candidates were initiated, and Bros. E. A. Roeevear, A. T. M Indoe and L. V. Gain were elected representatives to the United Friendly Societies Dispensary. The business was dealt with expeditiously, and the remainder of the evening was spent in table games. The Crystal Spring Juvenile Tent held its fortnightly meeting in Caversham Methodist Hall on Wednesday evening last, when C.R. Bro, F. Keach presided over a large attendance of members. An invitation to a social evening on Wednesday next waa accepted from the Rising Star Juvenile Tent. One candidate was initiated, and it was decided that next meeting would be a fancy dress evening. Bro. Northey, of Palmerston North, forwarded a donation to the tent, stating that he was delighted that the members had chosen such an appropriate name. "Crystal Spring,” he said, “was the name of a juvenile tent in Australia, where he first joined the Order as a lad many years ago.” The donor was heartily thanked. GOOD TEMPLARY. The meeting of the Rescue Lodge, No. 105, International Order of Good Templars, was held in the Oddfellows’ Hall, King Edward street, on Tuesday evening, when Bro.- T. H. Dalton, chief templar, presided. There was a good attendance of members, and visitors were present from Kia Ora, Hope of Caversham, Hope of Dunedin, and Star of Freedom Lodges, A vote of sympathy was passed with Bro. D. C. Cameron, sen., whose sister had recently passed away. Members who had been on the sick list for some time were welcomed back, and reports were received from Absent Members’ Committee and juvenile temple visitors. The monthly epitome from the G.S.L.W. was read by the S.D.Wu »r<?, G, Dougal. A special ‘committee was appointed to make arrangemerits for aggressive work. , The item for the evening was "Unseating the Chief Templar,” with constitutional, questions, several changes taking place during the programme. Special mention was made to grand lodge sessions, which are to be held during Easter week,at Christchurch. The Star of the South Juvenile Temple held its weekly meeting prior to the Rescue Lodge on Tuesday, when Chief Templar Bro. James Bell presided over a good attendance of members. Five new candidates were initiated. After a fair amount of business had been dealt with in connection with forthcoming meetings, a number of competitive games were taken part in by the members. Bro. James Hilton, superintendent, was in charge. Chief Templar Sister. Meryl Hollis presided over a good attendance ; of members at the weekly meeting, of the Sunshine Junior Lodge, No.-A._on Friday night in the Church of Christ Sunday school hall, St. Andrew street. Two candidates were initiated. All the _members are keen on their work, and are anxious to build up a large membership. A pleasant time was spent after business, all the members taking part in a round of song, games, etc. One of the new candidates .rendered an elocutionary item of high, merit, and wag accorded hearty applause. ■ Bro. S. Sell was asked to convey the greetings of the lodge to lodges and temples in Christchurch during Easter. Sister R. D. Sell, superintendent. was in charge. , , The Ever Hopeful Juvenile Temple held its weekly meeting in the Caversham School gymnasium on April 7. Sister Giles, superintendent, was in charge, and Bro. E.” Giles (C.T.) presided over a large attendance of members. Bro. Hilton. D.S.J.W., spoke a few encouraging words to the members, and also read a very interesting story, as it was “ Storyette ” night which was very much enjoyed. Bro. Dalton (G.G.T.) also spoke a few words. A vote of thanks was accorded to the visitors. The Hope of Caversham Lodge, No. 128, held its weekly meeting in the Baxter Hail, Marion street, Caversham, on Thursday last. Sister Mrs Giles (C.T.) presiding over a fair attendance of members and visitors from Rescue and Hope of Dunedin Lodges. The programme for the night was sacred night, in the hands of Bro. J. lies. The following members contributed items;—Sister Steedman (gong),Sister Giles (reading). Sister T. Pauli (recitation), Bro. L. T. Cochrane (mandolin selection), Bro. Giles (reading), Bro. Restieaux (song), Bro. Stanley (song), and Sister A. Steedman and Bro. Restieaux (duet). The members joined in singing a few hymns. A vote of thanks was accorded to Bro. G. lies for the excellent sacred, programme he had given, and to the visitors for their presence, to which Bro. G. lies, Sister Steedman (Hope of Dunedin), and Bro. E. lies suitably responded..

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 21003, 16 April 1930, Page 5

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FRIENDLY SOCIETIES. Otago Daily Times, Issue 21003, 16 April 1930, Page 5

FRIENDLY SOCIETIES. Otago Daily Times, Issue 21003, 16 April 1930, Page 5