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The late Mr William Leeney bequeathed £IOO to the North Canterbury Hospital Board for general purposes. As a result of scientific fertilisation, a Bluff resident has produced turnips the size of an average swede (says the Southland Daily News). The variety grown was Enrly Snowball, which usually attain the dimensions of an orange, but one shown to a News representative weighed 441 b, was solid right through, and was very palatable in its raw state. The increasing demand for ” Bourbon proves the housewives’ appreciation oi a genuine breakfast beverage. “ Bourbon ” is produced by A. Durie and Co. coffee specialists. 32 Octagon. Dunedin.. Fifty thousand miles of railway travel in New Zealand have been sold to Americans during the past six months, according to Mr J. L. Wheeler, the American representative of the New Zealand Government Tourist and Railway Departments, who arrived in Christchurch a few days ago as conductor of a party of 24 American tourists—the first party to visit New Zealand under the new Government scheme for personally conducted tours.

The maximum load at the Lake Coleridge power station during the week ended February 23 was 21,940 k.w. (previous week 21,780 k.w.), and was recorded between 11 a.m. and 11.30 a.m. on February 22. At the Addington substation the maximum load was 16,028 k.w. (previous week, 15,830 k.w.), and was recorded between 11.30 a.m. and noon on February 21. The lake level was at 1672 ft, which was no alteration, as compared with the previous week; and the average inflow from the Harper River was 405 eusecs, previous week 425 cusecs. Conn’s Footrot Cure. Only two applications needed to cure footrot in sheep or cattle; prices, 5s 6d, 10s 6d, and 255, only from Conn’s Pharmacy, Ltd., High street, Dunedin... “It is regrettable that owing. to the ‘ talkies ’ many musicians throughout New Zealand are unemployed, and indications for the future are not,too hopeful,” states the annual report of the Wellington Musicians’ Union. “ Everything possible ■is being done by the committee to further the interests of musicians, but we must admit that in spite of our efforts and the combined efforts of the Musicians’ Unions throughout the Dominion, the services of professional musicians are at present at a discount.”

Two sharks cruising close inshore at Ruakaka Beach the other day (says the Northern Advocate) made bathers keep a lookout for the presence of other similar creatures, and later a school of the fish was seen swimming not a great distance from the shore. The presence of sharks in comparatively shallow water indicates that it is necessary in all circumstances to keep a good lookout. .The best sports coats value in Dunedin this year is at “Ascot," corner Princes and Rattray streets. They have 250 coats in single and double-breasted to pick from: prices from 17s Cd...

A resident of St. Andrew’s square, Christchurch, whose household has recently returned from a six weeks’ holiday at the seaside, found a katipo spider among her beans the other day. Now, knowing that the katipo is usually found only near the sea, she is wondering if this oxife made the journey up with the family baggage. The progress of the harvest is shown by the fact that the annual burning of stacks has commenced (says the Ashburtuo Guardian). A dull red glow suffused the sky to the south and the west of the town late the other evening. Several stacks in the country districts were burned,'and the reflections could be seen for miles on all sides. Do not - miss this; Prince of Wales house wh-isky. 10s 6d: four or more, 10s. Fine old port, 3s. —C. Hinchcliff, proprietor Phone 10-721...

Most people have heard' of the goose that laid the golden egg and of the saying that a person was born with a'silver spoon in his mouth, but an entirely new story emanates from Waikaremoana, where, while preparing a trout which had been caught for dinner, a silver florin was found in his stomach.

One of the best years for milk yields is being experienced in the Lowcliffe and adjacent districts at present. Frequent rain has caused an unusually heavy growth of grass, and the manager of the Black Bridge cheese factory states that the amount of milk received is considerably above the amount of any other year since he has had charge. Speaking at a function arranged after the official opening of the new infant side school and dental clinic at Carterton the other day, the Minister of Education (Mr H. Atmore) announced that the Penrose farm, which was established for returned soldiers and is now no longer required, would be changed to an agricultural training school for the Wairarapa district. Children from schools in the Wairarapa would be passed on there for agricultural training. Grandsm (956) r Pilsener Beer imported by the Grand Hotel direct from Holland. Bottle Is 6d; medium glass 9d; English beer glass sixpence. .. Towards the end of last week there was a fair run of quinnat salmon in both the Waimafcariri and Rakaia Rivers (says the Christchurch Press). In the former, at Dunn's bank and the Junction, some fair-sized fish were caught, while in the Rakaia most of the salmon were obtained off the beach and in the stream near the Huts, on the south side. It is possible to fish in both rivers at present. The matter of arranging a night train from Wellington to .Napier is now engaging the attention of' interested parties in Hawke's Bay. The Napier Chamber of Commerce is taking an interest in the matter, and Mr W. E. Barnard, M.P., is making certain representations in Wellington. The service sought is on the lines of that recently introduced from Wellington to New Plymouth, and developments in regard to the proposal arc expected shortly.

" Manufactured in Inchinnan, in Scotland, the India Super Tyres, although new to New Zealand motorists, have a wellestablished and enviable reputation among motorists at Home. Otago Agents, The 1 Otago Farmers’ Co-operative Association. Ltd. Crawford street, Dunedin ”..

"It is gratifying to note,” stated a report to the Canterbury Manufacturers’ Association the other evening, “ that the Christchurch City Council accepted a tender from a local firm for sand and shingle at a higher price in preference to one at a lower price from the Prison Department. While there is so much unemployment it behoves all public bodies to give the work to the unemployed and to help the work in our own country.” Some indication of the terrible fighting equipment of the monster shark caught at Stewart Island a fortnight ago was gained by a reporter the other day from a single molar taken from the jaws of the giant raider of the sea, which was brought to the Southland Times office by a young woman who is the proud owner of this trophy. The tooth, which is still in its natural state and unpolished, was bright like ivory. It was tapered to a point and saw-edged, and it was stated that the teeth were so arranged that when the jaws were closed the teeth would he interlocking.

The strongest and lightest draft Tractor Implements are the Oliver. They are made of high carbon steel, and the prices are right. Inquire from the Mosgiel Motor and Engineering Company, Mosgiel... The Rev. Percy T. Norris, rector of Trinity Church, London road, Southend, has made an effort to prove to the mothers of his congregation that he is capable of managing their babies while they attend the church services. In his parish magazine some weeks age the rector stated that if any of the women did not care to go to church because their babies cried, he would, when it was his curate’s turn to preach, collect them, taken them into the clergy vestry, and look after them. A number of women who came to put up the Christmas decorations in the church were accompanied by their babies, which they handed over, complete with dummies, bottles, and toys, to Mr Norris in the vestry. Mr Norris said afterwards that he managed quite well. “As long as they don’t all want their bottles at the same time, I ought to manage,” he said.

A landing circle to indicate the field, and for the guidance of visiting aviators, was marked out on the surface of the Ashburton airport the other evening by a working bee comprising members of the Mid-Canterbury Aero Club (says the Guardian). The circle is 100 feet in diameter, with a two-foot strip chipped out round the circumference, and this strip will shortly be coloured white. Owing to the exceptionally good fruit season the demand for sugar for jammaking during January and February has been very much greater than usual and there has been some delay in the execution of orders. Commenting upon the position the manager of the Colonial Sugar Company, Mr G. IST. • Worledge, said to a New Zealand Herald representative that it was not anticipated that orders would continue to be so heavy for much longer, as the seasonal rush must be nearly over. The company's position was a difficult one, as it could not anticipate with certainty what the demand would be. However, it had taken steps to increase its output and the position should gradually improve. Special shipment ladies’ woven marl arl. silk jumpers, newest V neck style; two pockets, trimmed contrasting colours; red-white, black-white, royal-white, fawnnigger. red-black, red-navy, green-nigger; 18s goods all at 11s 6d. —T. Ross, 130 Princes street... The extent of the Roman civilisation of the first century B.C. was forcibly brought home to Mr C. E. Boon, of Christchurch, who was attending the New Zealand Master Bakers’ conference. Speaking at Hawera last week; Mr Boon said that in the Naples Museum among other interesting curios he had seen a range with hot water service. This was particularly interesting to Christchurch bakers, he said, because it was almost identical with one made in that city. This particular range had been recovered from the city of Herculaneum, destroyed over 2000 years ago. There were also, with the range, charred wheat grains and another variety of corn in the museum. Several turnip crops in the southeastern portions of the Ashburton County can be put down as practically failures (says the Guardian). Some are on the light land and some are on the heavy cerned. Fathen, encouraged by the land, but natural conditions account for the trouble so far as they are both concerned. Fat hen, encouraged by the heavy and frequent rains of the summer, and fostered by spells of warm days, has taken control in some, places till little of the sown crop-is to be seen. In many paddocks, however, good crops are to be found, large bulbs having already made their appearance, with conseqently every prospect of large yields resulting. Rape has done very well in these districts.

The Mishko Boot, the boot that won’t wear out; soles last twelve months; ideal for Farmers, Tradesman, Factory Workers, Railwaymen, Postmen, 35s 6jJ, from Gray’s Mail Order House, Milton...

There is little demand for harvesters-" .in the country districts just now, judging by the experience of one of the unemployed, which was related to a Christchurch Sun reporter recently. This man 1 said he walked practically all ths way to Kurow and back to Christchurch, without getting a day’s work.. Unemployed men in that city state that only one man has been sent .to work by the Government Empolyment Bureau this week. The position seems to be getting worse again. These towels x are sterling value: Coloured striped guaranteed fast to washing; 18 by 38, Is lid; 20 by 42, 2s 6d; 23 by 49, 4s 6d per pair. White Admiralty, 24 by 48. 4s lid per -pair, posted anywhere for cash.—Kilroy and Suther-.; land. Ltd.. 192 Princes street, Dunedin... That he lived with hie wife and five children in a five-roomed house in which the furniture was valued at £B' was admitted by a young man who was examined in the Waitara Court -last week on a judgment summons case. In further evidence he stated that the £2 which formed the -basis of the claim was borrowed to enable him to. get married. He was doing only casual labour. “ Did you sell your horse?” he was asked by examining counsel. The debtor replied that the horse had broken one of its legs and he had to, shoot it, No order was made. Owing to enormous demand foi Barton’s famous sugar-cured Bacon, more, and yet more Pigs are wanted to meet it; highest current prices.—Bartons, bacon curers. Manse street. Dunedin...

Information concerning the legal position regarding the renewal of insurance policies was sought by Mr L, Ppnpard at a meeting of the Dairy Farmers' Union at Palmerston North. When a premium was paid after tlje due date, he said, the holder of the policy was usually informed that his cover still existed, but would that statement be maintained if a fire occurred in the interim? He did not think so. The position should be clarified so that there would be no such misconception' as apparently existed. Other members pointed out that if the premium were not paid on the due date the risk of not being covered was entirely that of the person who took out the policy. . Country Storekeepers.—Handle the famous, acknowledged best, smallgoode in the South Island, and increase yonr turnover; liberal margin.—Barton's. Manse street...

Discussing the tramways with a Chronicle reporter, a Wanganui motorist condemned the habit many car owners had of giving free transport to their friends to the detriment of a ratepayer's concern. “It is hard to 'pass a pedestrian who you know,” he said, “but he should, he loyal enough to his city to understand. I’ve been * caught' once or twice myself. I saw my neighbour coming along in his car this week and I felt so sure of a lift I stepped out to meet him. He-pulled up all right and just pointed to the tramway stop. ‘Be loyal to the trams,’, and then passed on. I felt a little hot under the collar at the time, but I believe he was right.” Annual Summer Sale in full swing. Bargains for all. Special display of School wear this week. See windows, all at Sale Prices. The Mosgiel Warehouse. —A." F Cheyne and C 0... In a few days a number of fowls will be shipped from New Zealand to Australia to compete in the Australasian Egg-laying Competition to be held at Croydon, Victoria, shortly, and among them will - be 30' birds from Canterbury (says the Christchurch Sun). This is the first competition of its kind that has ever been held, the idea being to ascertain the best laying birds in Australia and New Zealand, Arrangements for shipping the birds are being made by the Christchurch Utility Poultry Club, anti eight poultry men from Canterbury are sending birds from Timaru, Albury, Ashburton, Styx, and Christchurch. The other hens will go from the North Island.

Save your eyes. Consult Peter G. Dick, D.8.0.A., F. 1.0. (London), optometrist. Peter Dick, jewellers and opticians. 490 Moray place (opp. City Hotel)...

The baby sea-lion at the Auckland Zoo has died. It was the first of its species born at the zoo and was two months old. Great interest was taken in the youngster by the public and the zoo officials, who are extremely disappointed at its death (states the New Zealand Herald). The curator of the zoo, Mr L. C. Griffin, said the little animal had enjoyed excellent health until Sunday, when a visitor noticed that it was rolling on its back, evidently in great pain. Attendants made haste to remove it from the pond, but it died almost in their hands. A post-mortem examination revealed that the animal was suffering from acute enteritis. “It is difficult to say how the trouble was caused, but the weather has been very hot,” said Mr Griffin. “No doubt better returns would be obtained with animals born in cooler weather.” Fish and chips arc very nice. Just taken from the pan; But ray old man won’t eat them. He will have Hitchon’s ham...

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 20964, 1 March 1930, Page 28

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NEWS IN BRIEF. Otago Daily Times, Issue 20964, 1 March 1930, Page 28

NEWS IN BRIEF. Otago Daily Times, Issue 20964, 1 March 1930, Page 28