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DAILY TIMES WEATHER REPORT. Readings by self-recording instruments at the Daily Times Office, Dunedin, up to midnight on Saturday, January 4. and Sunday, January 3 (standard time). Barometer at mrdaignu . a j midnight 100 Saturday—Wind, fresh S.W.. sunshine and rain; barometer ■ ' , rlslnc. A —J Barometer. 29.20; Thermometer, 66dee. f Yesterday—Wind, fresh S.W., intermittent ralu; barometer X 90 rising. 1/ Barometer, 29.50; Thermometer, 57dee/' — -Jf 0 . PHASES OF THE MOON FOE JANUARY. 80 First Quarter: Bth, 3.11 p.m. Full Moon; loth, 10.39 a.m. Last Quarter: 22nd. 4.7 a.m. Now Moon: 30tU, 7.7 a.m. 70 SUN (TO-DAT). ,HIGH WATER. m sets, 8.30 p.m. (to " da Ji; 7M To" oO •- > a.m., 7.56 p.m. 29 t __ At Port Chal- \~~ „ mers: 5.14 a.m.. 60 MOON (TO-DAT] 8.35 p.m. ' ~ 1 ■ i JUiies, 10.39 a.m. .. _ ~ „ . At Dunedin: 8.44 ._ — _. a.m., 9.6 p.m. _L ' ' ' • 28 SYNOPSlS—Saturday. SO 8 iJn- Noon. 6 p.m. Midnight. '"' iSnrometer ..• .. 29.10 20.5 20.10 29.20 I Thermometer .... 58 60 64 53 Sunday. on Barometer .. .. 29.35 29.45 29.60 29.75 Thermometer .... 57 55 51 41.2 _ Maximum temperature for 24 hours ended 9 p.m. Saturday ' ' —~ cede*. JO Minimum temperature for 24 hours ended 9 p.m. Saturday—50deg. Maximum temperature for 24 hours ended 9 p.m. yesterday—57dee. Minimum temperature for 24 hours ended 9 p.m. yesterday—47dejr. , Halnfall for 24 hours ended at midnight on Saturday—.6lln. Rainfall for 24 hours ended at midnight on Sunday—!"6. Halnfall for December, 1929 —4.381 n. Rainfall for 1929—32.321 n. Rainfall for 1930 to date—l. 66. -\ Sunshine recorded on the Dally Times recorder on Saturday—- ! Before noon, 4 hours: after noon, 45min. Total, 4 hours 45 minutes. Sunshine recorded yesterday—Before noon, 3 hours; after noon, 30mln. . Total, S hours 30 mlri;

WEATHER FORECAST. The following la the official weather toreeast:— The recent deep depression has moved rapidly eastward, but a small secondary one Is now crossing the South. Island. An anticyclone Is advancing over the Tasman Sea. Indication* ar« for south-westerly winds, moderate to strong, and squall; at times, buL decreasing; seat rather rough to rough generally in New Zealand waters; moderate to strong south-west winds with rough seas In the eastern Tasman Sea, but wind and sea decreasing; weather cool and changeable - , with passing showers In most districts, but improving and soon becoming fair to line generally. ♦ . ■ ABBIVAL. Saturday, January 4. Fort Campbell, s.s. (8.35 a.m.), 8308 tons. Mason, from Tlmani. H. L. Tapley and Co,, agents. . DEPARTURE. Saturday, January 4. - ' Blmutaka,■ b.s. (7.45 a.m.), 8997 tons, C. S. Lamb, for Lyttelton. Mania, s.s. (12.45 p.m.), 791 S tons, Andrews, for Wellington. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. > Coastal and Intercolonial.. Katoa, Lyttelton, Wellington, to-day. ' Kaltuna, Newcastle, Sydney, January 7.. Bencruachan, Wellington, Tlmaru, Jan. 7. Storm, Wanganui, via ports, January 7. Mahana, Wellington, Lyttelton, "January 7. ' BdHreas. Port Walkato, via ports, Jan. 8. jjaßlmdalejjdfanganul, Wellington, Jan. 10. Calm, Wfifiarml, via ports, January 11. Lyttelton, Jan. 12. Wfjfeze, por^K^nua^yjl6. Fomare, Auckland, ighland&c TlmaijjgKjanuary ?8. CJpnberlaJn, Wellington, Lyttelton, Jan. 23.i jg Sgva- Auckland, January 23. j ' Plymouth dEEMS, to-day.jf ipnadlajfiteonqueror, f: J&dPtlwiljnio, Jan. i%' rf< 538F 1, "BPSanui, r JwencrußcHui, ;Dunffik, Lonjgffi Jan. 9. % - Jjjiiuary 9? rf? potts, JEi. 10. # w^ahenoraßWßurae2«rßluffgJanuary §!. Narbadjjf Bluff, r E6rt Kembla? Jan. 20l Maul Pomare, Lyttelton, Wellington, JaS. 21. .Kurow, Auckland, via ports, January 21S Karetu, Sydney, via ports, January 23a Canadian Highlander, Wellington', Jan. 14. Port Dunedln. Wellington, Auckland, Jan. $5. Poolta, New Plymouth direct, January 27. Cumberland, Bluff,. Tlmaru, January 28. Coptic, Wellington direct, January 28. Australind, Port Alma, Townsville. Feb. 1. OVERSEAS STKAMEttS FOB OTAGO. ' Mahana (due January 7).—Left 'Liverpool November 9 for Auckland, Wellington. Lyttelton, and Port Chalmers; arrived Auckland December 17. ' Herminius (due January 12).—Left Bunburj December 3 for Auckland. Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedln; arrived Auckland December 19. Armadalo (due January 14).—Left New York November 22 for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton and Dunedln; arrived Auckland December 28. .. ' Narbada (due January 16).—Lett Calcutta December 4 for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Tlmaru, Dunedln and Bluffy arrived Auckland January 2. Cumberland (due January 23). —Left LhrerEool November 25 for Auckland, Wellington, yttelton. Port Chalmers. Bluff, and Tlmaru: arrived Auckland January 4. Canadian Highlander (due January 23). Left Montreal November 26 for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Tlmaru and Dunedln: due Auckland January 12. ■ . Coptic (due January 23). —Left London December 9 for Suva, Auckland, Port Chalmers and Wellington; due Auckland January 17. Port Denlson (duo January 28).—Left Liverpool December 8 for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttcltnc, and Dunedln; due Auckland January 14.' Australind (due January 30).—Left New York December 5 for Suva, Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedln and Australian porta. due Auckland January 18. Lucerle (due: February 2).—Left Galveston (Texas) December 18 for Auckland, Lytteltou. and Fort Chalmers; duo Auckland January 19 City of Wellington (due February 12).—Left New York December 21 for Auckland, Napier, Wellington. Lyttelton and Dunedln; due Auckland January 29. Rotorua (due February 16). —Left Liverpool December 21 for Auckland, Napier, Wellington, Lyttelton and Port Chalmers:" due Auckland January -2G. FOB NORTHERN TORTS. Ch'arlbury, left Casablanca (.Morocco) November 25 for Auckland and New Plymouth; due Auckland January 4.' Canadian Constructor, left AlontreaJ Novem- ' ber 26 for Wellington; due January 0. Indlen. left' Los Angeles December 18 for Auckland and Wellington, duo Auckland January 10. Talnul, left Southampton December 6 for Wellington and Lyttelton: due Wellington January 11. Durenda, left Calcutta, December 11 for Auckland and Wellington; due Auckland January 18. Itlo Dorado,.left Casablanca December 8 for . Auckland, New Plymouth, and Wanganui; due Auckland January 19. Frances Massey, left Tampico (.Mexico) December 10 for Auckland, Glsborne, Wellington, Lyttelton, Wanganui and New Plymouth; due Auckland January 20. Rangitabe, left Southampton December 20 Tor Wellington and Auckland; due Wellington .January 22. TO SAIL FOR OVERSEAS PORTS. Bencruacnan. leaves Port Chalmers January 8 for Dunkirk. London, and Hull. Canadian Conqueror, leaves Auckland January 13 'or New York, Boston, and Montreal. Cornwall, leaves Auckland February 6 for London, Avonmouth. Liverpool, and Glasgow Fer'ndole, leaves Auckland February 5 tor London, via Panama. Kent, leaves Wellington January 25 for London, via Panama Malmoa, leaves Napier January 3 for London, via Panama Mahla, leaves Lyttelton January 15 for London via Panama Mataroa, leaves Wellington January 15 for Southampton and London, via Panama. Mahana, leaves Napier January 31 for London, via Panama. Norfolk, leaves Napier January 4 for London rla Panama Port Campbell, leaves Wellington January 11 for London - via Panama. Port Darwin, leaves Lyttelton January 21 for London via Panama Port Dunedln leaves Auckland February 4 for Halifax and London, via Panama. Port Sydney, leaves Napier January 31 for London via Panama. Ruahlno. leaves Napier January 15 for Southampton and London, via Panama. Surrey, leaves Auckland January 21 for New York, Halifax, and London. Raraltata, loaves Wellington February 1 for ■kartliuinDion and London, via Panama.

PACIFIC MAIL SERVICES. Tahiti, left Wellington December 31' for San Francisco, via Ratolonua and Papeete*, due San Francisco January 17. Makura, left San Francisco December 25 for Wellington and Sydney, via Papeete and Rarotonga; due Wellington January 13. Aorangl, leaves 'Sydney January 9 and Auckland January 14 for Vancouver, via Suva and Honolulu; duo Vancouver January 31. Niagara, leaves Vancouver January 8 for Auckland and Sydney, via Honolulu and Suva: duo Auckland January 27, and Sydney February 1. . SHIPPING TELEGRAMS. AUCKLAND, January 4.—Arrived: Kalapol (2.30 p.m.), from Greymouth; Ruahlne (10.30 p.m.), from Tokomaru Bay; Cumberland (11.45 p.m.), from Liverpool. WELLINGTON, January 4,—Arrived; Katoa (12.45 p.m.), from Lyttelton; Kuku (4.15 p.m.), from Lyttelton. Sailed: Paua (11.30 a.m.), for Napier; Komata (1.30 p.m.), for Westport;, Storm ■ (1.30 p.m.), for Lyttelton: Katoa (7.5 p.m.), for Dunedin; John (11.40 p.m.), for Plcton. January s.—Arrived: Progress (12.55 a.m.], from Plcton: Wahine (7 a.m.), from Lyttelton; Holmdale (9,45 a.m.), from Lyttelton; Hlmatangl. (10.30 a.m.), from Plcton; Walruna (noon), from Now; Plymouth; Calm (2.10 p.m.), from Lyttelton; Elax (3 p.m.), from-Auckland; Mahla (3.5 p.m.), from Port Chalmers; Canadian Constructor (4.50 p.m.), from, Montreal. LYTTELTON, January 4.—Arrived: Holmdale (5.55 a.m.), from Tlmaru; Wahine (0.40 a.m.), from Wellington; Calm (9.30 a.m.), from Tlmaru. Sailed: Kurow (10.50 a.m.), for Auckland; Holmdale (1.10 p.m., for Wellington; Calm (6.25 p.m.), for Wellington: Wahine <8.40 p.m.), for Wellington. January s.—Arrived; Maori (8.50 a.m.), from Wellington; Blmutaka (7.30 a.m.), from Port Chalmers; Storm (9.45 a.m.), from ’ Wellington. Sailed: Maori (7.45 p.m.), for Wellington. SYDNEY,.January 4.—Sailed: Port Dunedin, for Wellington. MELBOURNE, January 4.—Arrived: Maheno, from Bluff. LONDON. January 3.—Sailed: Tamaroa, for Auckland. The Blmutaka sailed on Saturday morning for Lyttelton to continue discharging general cargo from London, She will proceed later to New Plymouth to complete discharge. Tho Canadian Conqueror Is to sail tomorrow for Tlmaru, Wellington, Napier and Auckland to. completo. loading for New York, Boston and Montreal. The Shaw-Savlll steamer Mahla left Fort Chalmers on "Saturday for Wellington and Lyttelton to complete loading. She Is scheduled to sail finally from" Lyttelton on January 15 for London. The Gale will load general cargo at Dunedin to-day and sail 10-morruw evening for Tlmaru, Lyttelton, Wellington and Wanganui. Tho Tamaroa Was to sail from Southampton on January 1 for Auckland and Wellington. She Is due at Auckland on February 4. The Port Darwin arrived at New Plymouth last Thursday morning from Duneciln for. loading. She Is to clear New Plymouth fu-day for Wanganui roadstead. The Andrew, Weir Cm’s ..'bartered steamer Frances Massey left Tampico (Mexico) on December 10, with a cargo of bitumen to discharge at Auckland, Gisborne, Wellington, Lyttelton, Wanganui, and New Plymouth. The vessel is due at Auckland about January 20 Tho Walotnpu arrived at Wellington last Wednesday from Auckland to continue unloading Pacific coast cargo. From Wellington the vessel will proceed to Australia. The tonnage of cargo handled at tho port of New Plymouth In. the 11 months ended November 30 was 186,741 tons, which was exceeded only by tho four chief ports and the two coal ports, Westport and Greymouth. Napier came next with 180,109 tons, then Wanganui with 172,396 tons. " Cabled news has been received by tho C. and D. Line that tho Port Sydney left Brisbane on January 1 for Opua, where she Is due to-day to commence loading for Panama Tho vessel will subsequently load also at Auckland, Gisborne; Walkokopu, Wellington and Napier. The Port Sydney wilt sail finally: from Napier on January 31 for London, via Panama canal. MAHENO AT MELBOURNE. Cabled advice received states that the Maheno arrived at Melbourne on Saturday morning from Dunedin and Bluff) six hours late. The .vessel was delayed by bad weather. PORT CAMPBELL LOADING. Tho C. -and D. Line steamer Port Campbell arrived at Port Chalmers on Saturday morning- from Tlmaru to load 0000 bales of wool and other products. She Is to salt to-morrow for Wellington to complete loading. Tho Port Campbell will leave the northern port about Janunry II for London, via Panama. NARBADA FROM EASTERN PORTS. ' _ Tho Union Company advises that the steamer Narbada left Auckland on Friday evening for Wellington, Lyttelton, Tlmaru, Dunedin, and Bluff to discharge the remainder of her freight trom Calcutta and other Eastern ports. The vessel Is due at Dunedin about January 11. KAREPO LEAVES COLON. The Union Company has been notified lovable that the new cargo steamer Karepo left Colon on December 29 for Wellington, in continuation of her voyage from Birkenhead. The vessel Is due at Wellington on January 28 She Is a slater ship to the Kalmlro, which arrived at Wellington recently from Home. PORT DUNEDIN TO .LOAD. The C. and D. Line advises that the Port Dunedin left Sydney on Saturday morning for Wellington and Plcton, in continuation of her voyage, with a cargo of hardwood, from Banbury. The vessel is duo at Wellington on Wednesday. Her cargo Is for the Government. The Port Dunedin will afterwards load products at Plcton, Port Chalmers, Wellington, and Auckland for London. PERSONAL ITEMS. Captain A. P. Bach Is in command of the Armadale, now discharging New York cargo at Wellington. Mr J. Melville has joined the Kaltoke as chief engineer In place of Mr P. Morrison who has gone on holiday leave. ‘ ’ SULPHUR AND PHOSPHATES. The British steamer Benholm, 5026 tons, has been chartered to load sulphur at Galveston, Texas, for New Zealand and Australian ports. The Barrdale, 5072 tons, has been taken up on a time charter for 12 months in the Nanru-o*an Islands phosphate trade. WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE. The following vessels .were reported to be within range of the undermentioned wireless stations last night;— Auckland,—Maul Tomato, Tofua. Cumberland, Dlonysslos Stathatos, Maunganul, Knlfngo, Port Sydney, Ruahlne, Golden Cross, Golden Harvest, H.M.S. Laburnum, H.M.S. Veronica. Wellington.—Maori, Marama, LTimaroa, Norfolk, Tutanekal, Malmoa, Cambridge, Port Dunedin. Elax, Armadale, Paua, Mataroa, Narbada, Mqhla. Awarna.—Makura, Tahiti, Sir James Clark Ross, C. A. Larsen, Southern Princess, Kosmos, City of New York, Kaltuna. Chatham Islands, —Talnul (London to Wellington).

PILOT'S EARNINGS. An abstract of returns relating to pilotage In the United Kingdom, Issued as a House of Commons White Paper, shows that there are 195 pilots In the Port of London whose gross averago earnings were over £IOOO a year. The number and average gross earnings were: 76 Channel pilots, £1342; 69 Cinque Port pilots, £1037; 4S North Channel pilots, £1018; two, home trado pilots, £lO2l. Some of y tnese figures include earnings In deep-spa waters outside the district. EighteenJßutward sea pilots stationed at the Isle of Wight had a gross arerage of £1134. Muchjr the highest total in Scotland Is for the Op-de, where 52 pilots had gross average earnlrjgs of £832 each. / * ~~ f HORORATA'S SUCCESS. As a result of the success attained with the pulverised coal-burning lnstallatlou in the New Zealand Shipping Company's steamer Hororata, all her boilers are to be fitted instead of only half of them. This was stated at a general meeting of the HowdenBuell Combustion Company, Ltd. It was further reported that a leading steamship company, in recently Issuing specifications for the building of two new cargo steamers, driven by engines of 7000 h.p., had specified the Howden-Buell system and designs for using pulverised coal. It would be of interest to know the company which has shown this enterprise (says the Shipping World). It would i not be surprising to learn that- it was the British India Steam Navigation Company, Ltd., which has ]ust placed an order for two new vessels with Messrs Alexander Stephen and Sons, Ltd., of Llnthouse. The 8.1. was one of the first companies, it Is interesting to recall, to adopt the steam turbine. In -. the Llama, Lhasa and Llnga, and its sister company, the P. and 0., owns the only British turbo-electric liner, the Viceroy of India. O —' OVERSEAS SUMMARY. Ttoo following movements of overseas'vessels bouVi to and from New Zealand and coastwise were%:eportod by cablegram and telegram last week:-V AoranV arrived Sydney January 3 from Vancouvevand Auckland. Armadalk arrived Wellington January 5 from New York, lia Auckland. Bencruachato, arrived Tlmaru January 4 from Plcton ftad Wellington. Coptic, left Panama December 24 for Suva and Auckland, eh route from London. Canadian Highlander, left Panama December 15 for Auckland, en route from Montreal. Canadian Explorer, left Boston December 24 for Montreal; on route from Auckland. ■ Cambridge, arrived Wellington December 31 from Lyttelton. Canadian Conqueror, arrived Dunedln January 1 from Montreal, via Tlmaru, Cumberland, arrived Auckland January 4 from Liverpool, via Panama. Dlonysslos Stathato3, arrived New-Plymouth January 4 from Nauru Island and Auckland. Elax, arrived Wellington January 5 from Singapore and Auckland. Falsterbo. arrived Beauty Point (Tasmania) January 2 from Port Arthur'(Texas), Tla Lyttelton. Herminlus, arrived Wellington December 30' from Bunbury, via Auckland. Invergorden, left Wellington December 20 for San Pedro. Makura, ieft Papeeto January 4 for Wellington, en route from San Francisco. Mania, arrived Wellington January 5 from Tlmaru and Port Chalmers. Mahana, arrived Lyttelton December 29 from Liverpool, via Wellington. Niagara, arrived Vancouver Januarys from Sydney and Auckland. Northumberland, left Liverpool January 4 for Auckland and Port Chalmers. r,w» ada, . arr i vod Wcllln et<m January 6.from Calcutta, via Auckland. *,!£? Venison, Ie » Panama December 27 for Auckland, en route from Liverpool. 2 Fr°om Bi arrlTed NW Plym ° Uth ,anUary ary 0 4 rt fr C o a m raD Tim J aru arrlV<!d ** C ™™".>*™- Port Sydney, left Brisbane January 1 for Opua and Auckland. wSun , Dunedln > le " Sydney January 4 for Wellington, en route from Bunbury w 3n Dgl . tane ' ieft Madeira December 24 for Wellington, en route from London. Ruapehu, left Montevideo -December 25 for London, ea route from Port Chalmers Bangltlkl, left Colon December 2S for London, en route from Wellington. **' JanUary 2 'SS&f* I**"* 1 **"* JaßUary 5 from T>„n^. Ul ' , ! tt o Wellington December 31 for Papeete and San Francisco from xl B ."*' a , tr,ve< ! We 'llnßt°n January 1 from Los Angeles, via Auckland.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 20917, 6 January 1930, Page 6

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SHIPPING NEWS. Otago Daily Times, Issue 20917, 6 January 1930, Page 6

SHIPPING NEWS. Otago Daily Times, Issue 20917, 6 January 1930, Page 6