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DRUIDISM. The fortnightly meeting of Linden Lodge was hold on Tuesday, when A.D. Bro. Pratt presided over an excellent attendance of officers and members. Correspondence was dealt with. The bards reported favourably on eick members, and sick pay and accounts were passed for payment. The balance sheet was then placed before the lodge, and duly received and adopted. Comment was on the lack of now members for the year, and the hope expressed that the new year would bring about a revival of interest. The following officers were installed by D.P. Bro. Hughes, assisted by P.A. Bro. Clarke, of All Nations Lodge:— A.D., Bro. J, Owens; V.A., Bro. T. Jenkins: secretary, Bro. A. Walker; treasurer, Bro. R. Rushbridge; 1.G., Bro. R. Jordan; 0.G., Bro. K. Litolff; M. 0., Bro. E. M'Parlane; A.D. bards, Bros. Flynn and Stewart; V.A. bards, Bros. Cope and Flett. The lodge was honoured by the presence of P.G.P, Bro. Oliver and P.G.P. Bro. Walsh. It was decided to hold children's evening on December 16, and an appeal was made to nil Linden members to attend, and thereby help to give the children a right royal welcome The loyal toasts were given and responded to by the following visitors: HP Bro. Hughes, P.G.P. Bro. Oliver, and P.A. Bro. Clarke. Bro Oliver’s remarks were especially interesting, this brother giving an account of his experiences when visiting the Druidic Order in the North Island The lodge was then closed in unity, peace, and concord. A.D. Bro. E. H. Bczett presided over the regular meeting of Enterprise Lodge last Wednesday, there being a good attendance of members. During the evening one proposition wan received and two candidates were admitted as full benefit members, one on behalf of Linden Lodge. The half-yearly balance sheet and auditor s report were presented and adopted. An invitation was received from Lily of the \ alley Lodge to attend its anniversary meeting, but unfortunately it falls On the night set apart for the children, and. under the circumstances, had to be declined, although one or two members signified their intention of attending. The question of the proposed Druidic picnic was discussed, and the delegate instructed to support the proposal. D.P. Bro. J B Welsh, assisted by P.D.P. Bro E ’ H i very ably stalled the newlyelected officers to their respective chairs. Ghnstmas greetings wore received from va m^ Us , Io “ Bes and du ly reciprocated. The fortnightly meeting of Mistletoe Lodge was held in St. Mark’s Hall, Green Island, A.D. Bro. A. C. Bumble presiding oyer a fair attendance. D.P. Bro. Welsh attended officially, and was accorded musical honours.- Seasonal greetings were received from Otago and Lily of the Valley Lodges and also 1 1 • t. ■vA Lod fi e (Green Island), which the secretary w HB instructed to reciprocate It was decided to accept the invitation from Lily of the Valley, A Bill complement q£ officers faced D.P. Lro. Welsh for installation, the ceremony being carried out in a very pleasing and efficient manner. A vote of ft w? E accorded P A. Bro, Reid and A? -f • G - Smi f h * or their past services, and it was resolved to present them with a small token in recognition of same. One proposition for membership was revtM Gl> YIAH Dp - Bro. Welsh. AAVX 1E ? n ( ? a y) and Bro. R. Logie Visitors" ak rep ied to tllc 10386 of “The The half yearly meeting of Gore Lodge aCO t° n 1 r ! day evening, a large attendance of members being present. Visitors were present from Acorn Lodge (Invercargill. Pride of Mataura Lodge (MaW U \T‘T a s d „ Lo^« e - G ' G - Bro, W. MLeod and P.G.P. Bro. A, Sherborne Here also present. The usual routine business and correspondence were dealt with, after which ono candidate was initiatec. The installation of officers was earned out by P.D.P. Bro. James Fraser, m the absence of D.P. Bro. Middlemiss through illness, the ceremony being carn®? °fit in an impressive manner, for whuffi Bro. Fraser received a special vote of thanks. The following are the officers for the half-year;—J.P.A., Bro. H. Graham; A.D., Bro. V. Gerken; V.A.. Bro, c?r Ferguson; secretary, Bro, T, J. Sherborne; treasurer, Bro A. Kroninp; w G ii Hapke: 0.G.. Bro. W. J. Holland: A.D bards, Bros, W. T. Trusov and C. T. M'Math; V_A. bards, Bros. G - Stevenson and F. J. Middlemiss; M.G., Bro. W. Stevenson; district president, Bro. W. Crawford. Congratulatory addresses were delivered by the visiting brethren and votes of thanks were passed to past officers and visitors. A banquet was subsequently held in the Gaiety Hall at which about 60 of the brethren took part. The toasts suitable to such an occasion were honoured. P.D P. Bro J Fraser proposed the toast of "The Grind Lodge,’ whiflh was replied to by G.G. Bro. W, M‘Leod. “The Visitors” was proposed by Bro. H. Graham, J.P.A. and responded to by Bros. Anderson and Steele (Acorn), Ruston (Mataura), and gotten (Otago). "Tho Installing Officer by Bro, W. Stevenson, responded to by Bro. Fraser, and " The Press ” wore also proposed, and tho meeting terminated shortly after 11 The anniversary meeting of the Pride of the Oak Juvenile Lodge was held in the Druids’ Hall, Port Chalmers, on Monday, Bro. Wade, A.D., presiding over a large attendance. The usual routine business having been dealt with the lodge prepared to carry on with the anniversary celebrations. G.P Bro. Watson, acccompanied by members of the board of management, was present, also the president and members of the Juvenile Council. Delegates from Progress, Olive Branch, Myrtle, and Southern Oak Juvenile Lodges, attended official]}- and several items were given by the visiting members, which were much appreciated by all present. During the evening G.P. Bro. Watson was called upon to present prizes to successful competitors. - Tho season’s greetings were conveyed to all present by flic A.D., and the lodge closed. PROTESTANT ALLIANCE. The fortnightly meeting of the Loyal Excelsior Lodge, No, 41, was held in the lodge hall, Green Island, pa Wednesday, December 11. The meeting was opened i A'A Bro. C. F. Adam, assisted by chaplain Bro. H. A. Christie and officers. Correspondence was dealt with, and sick pay passed. As this was the final meeting of the year, the election of tho executive officers took place, and the following elected:—P.M., Bro. C. F. Adam; W.M., Bro. J. MTnnes; D.M., Bro. A. D. Lindsay; secretary, Bro. A. S. Murie.; ti-easm-er, Bro. T. Robson; chaplain \v .G.M., Bro. H, A. Christie; hon. ehaplam. the Rev. Bro. Dunn; S.E., Bro. J. rJ-E-P-M., Brn. Wilden; tA 1 A” Bl '°- W - Watt; 0.G.P.M., Bro. d. Lindsay; auditors, Bros J. A. and A. D. Lindsay. It was decided that the next meeting of the lodge be held on Janu8, that the Grand Lodge be invited to install the officers, and that the sister lodges be invited to attend. All business being completed, the lodge was closed in due lorm. MANCHESTER UNITY. r-,' 1 -! I '', fortnight!}’ meeting of the Loyal Lmted Juvenile Lodge held on Monday ni > r -A aS "A attended by members nv^;V S i The ., N - G - Bro - B- Borrie. pie.ided. Sympathetic reference was rwr to th , c death . of a member, Bro. c J. ,d a niotion of condolence was b 1 r’ w l , l !® r Wation of the G.M., £' ■ HalI > oWlll g to his removal from Dunedin, was accepted witli regret. Bros. AA'A 1- nd A R - Huntley were the recipients ot emblematic certificates in reAV IIB Passed through the °/ the lodge. A number of other icrtificate mj bo presented at a suittbi At a fuli mooting of h I ) l ?, nag . emen t Committee, held later, the following officer-bearers were elected:—President, Bro. A. M’Dougall-vice-president, Bro. E. Longworth; secretary. Bro Peart; auditors, Messrs bmeaton and Co. It was decided to tori'aid a letter ot thanks and appreciation to Bro Smcaton and staff for services rendered in auditing the lodge books, *■<?•. cineaton having donated the amount of his fees to the funds of the lodge. At the summoned meeting of the Loyal Boxburgh Lodge the lodge was in mourning for the death of Bro, Stanley Omond. reeling reference was made to his death and a motion of sympathy with his parents and brothers was carried in silence, ■Nominations were received for the various offices. A degree meeting was later ,/'• iiicre wore a number of candi nates tor the minor degrees and the purple lecture, but the lodge was not disposed to entertain the proposal to attend i anothor lodge to receive the decrees It vas stated that the District Executive

would be making au official visit early next year, and, if possible, arrangements would be made to have these degrees delivered then. A letter of recommenda* tion was granted to a member now resident on the West Coast. The fortnightly meeting of the Loyal Valley Lodge was held in the hall, Albany street, on Monday evening, when the N.G., Bro. R. Bussell, presided over a good attendance of members. One hew member was initiated. The election of officers was held, the following being installed by the P.G.M., Bro. P. Young and the visiting officers:—N.G., Bro E Shepherd: V.G., Bro. G. M’Donald; E.S ’ Bro A. Burton; G.M.. Bro. R. Russell; warden, E. Thompson; guardian, S. Yarcoe. Owing to the holidays intervening, it was decided to cancel the next meeting and resume on January 6. At the close ot the meeting a pleasant social function was held, when P.G. Bro. \V. Hutton was the recipient of a presentation from the members of the district in appreciation of his services to the Order over many years. There was a large attendance of members from the city lodges, and the District Executive was represented by the P.G.M.. Bro. P Young P.D.G.M. Bro. T. Michelle (Roxburgh), and Prov Treas. Bro. A. Sligo Apologies were received from-the remaining executive officers and a number of prominent brethren. In asking Bro. HutMeV° + i;' ICC i P n * a , hand6ome oak chiming clock, the P.G.M. paid a tribute to his services to the Valley Lodge. As a memher of the official Handbook Committee. Bro. Hutton had been 21 years on the committee, and for a number of years was secretary, and later editor. During hie period as editor the handbook had been brought to its present high standard, and it was recognised as the best publication of its kind in. New Zealand, Bro. Huttons services to the Valley Lodge were well .mown to members, particularly in ritual work The P.G.M. extended beat wishes to Bro. Hutton from the district, and trusted he would have many more £ ears T f m SC £ U 1 sen V<:e. The P.D.QAI., Bro. T. Michelle, also spoke, and conveyed greetings from the country lodges, were Bro, Hutton was well and favourably known. Bro. Hutton, who was greeted with the Oddfellows’ toast, stated that he deeply appreciated the kindlv sentiments expressed by members, and reeounted some early experiences od the Handbook Committee. During the evenmg Bros. Shepherd (piccolo), Mitchell (violin), and Burton (piano) contributed acceptable items. At the close of the meeting the N.G. extended season's greet* mgs to members. At the fortnightly meeting of Loyal Laversham Lodge there was a fair attendance of members. The N.Q., Bro. Roy was in the chair. Nominations for officers tor the ensuing half-year were received. Ir ) ,y i ®w °f the installation next lodge night. One funeral claim was passed for payment, and it was decided to forward a letter of condolence to the Loyal Centenary Lodge on the death of the N.G., Bro. E. Butcher. After business had been dealt with, the meeting adjourned to carry out a debate between teams representina the N.G. and V.G. The subject Should Bachelors Be Taxed? w proved a fruitful source ef argument, victory resting with the V.G., who championed the affirmative. Bros. Sounness and Hill, who acted as judges, complimented both sides on their excellent standard of debate. The P.G.M., Bro. P. Young, was present, and in responding to the toast Of the executive, asked for the support of past officers in the forthcoming installations at the various lodges. The Loyal Dunedin Lodge held its final meeting for the year on Thursday evening, when N.G. Bro. Haugh presided over a large attendance of members and visitors. Feeling reference was made to the death of Bro. Long, several brothers testifying to the esteem in which he was held as an Oddfellow. Two new members were initiated, P.G. Bro. Barrowclough acting as conductor. A letter was received from the Children’s Rest Home appealing for funds, and it was resolved to donate £2. Congratulations were extended to P.G. Bro. A. M'Dougall on his election to the position of president of the Loyal United juvenile lodge. The first business under the half-yearly ei unm°ned meeting was the election of officers and auditor, the following being elected;—N.6., Bro. Roberts; V.G., BroMorris; E. 8., Bro. Stuart; warden, Bro Rodgers; guardian, Bro. Rhodes; auditor. P.G. Bro. Cameron. Tht installation was carried out by Proy. G.M. Bro. D. Young, who was ably assisted by several visiting brothers.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 20901, 16 December 1929, Page 2

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FRIENDLY SOCIETIES. Otago Daily Times, Issue 20901, 16 December 1929, Page 2

FRIENDLY SOCIETIES. Otago Daily Times, Issue 20901, 16 December 1929, Page 2