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By Amateur. CENTRE'S SPORTS MEETING. The; first track and field sports to be held by the Otago Centre during the coming season will. take place on the Caledonian Ground -on Saturday, October 6. The programme drawn, up is as follows:'— 100 Yards - (A Grade), . 100 Yards (B Grade) , 220 Yards,. 440 Yards, 880 Yards, One Mile, Three Miles, 100 Yards (under 18), One mile (under 18), 100 Yards (ladies).. Half-mile' Walk; Half-mile Cycle, One-mile Cycle, Two-mile Cycle, - High .Jump, Broad Jump, ■ Javelin Throwing,-Pole-Vault,- Ladies’ .Relay, and One-mile Medley Interclub Reiayi All the events are of a handicap nature. , 'CIVIL SERVICE NOTES. Once again the Modified Marathon has been run, an’d_ the] club can well’ be : proud ,of the determined efforts of its members, both in the Marathon and the Port Road Race. In, taking , second place to Pacific for: the Nickels. Cup, the Civil Service representatives succeeded in equalling the high , standard/, attained by the club in recent years. .-.

In Saturday's race the performance of the ageing Bernie M'Kernan calls ‘for ■special notice. At Macandrew Bay he ■was well, back in seventh position, -but three miles further on he had gone up to fourth. Grossing- the , Anderson’s Bay bridge he went iip to second place, and, although he ~ had . no chance with the winner, his was a great run for a man of his weight and years. The distance and the long, stretch. of flat road were not altogether to the lik-’ ing of E. C., Brown,-but he rah with his usual steadiness, and finished quite iresh to gain second fastest time. Next Saturday Ernie will journey to Christchurch to compete in an eight-mile, road race. This will probably show him . to better advantage than the 14-mile event/ . '; , Shortly, after. Brown came Lawson- Bot- . ting. Had this runner been properly fit he would have been well; placed at the finish, hut his working hours do not allow for any systematic training. He deserves the heartiest 'Congratulations, for sticking out such a severe trial. ! In'fifteenth position came J. Black. The Port Road Race brought this runner to light, but the Marathon confirmed his ability for road running. He has yet to acquire, a. perfect style, - but next year should see him a much improved performer. : Jim’s younger. brother- joined.- the •Civil Service ranks last Saturday,; and if he is as the’-older one he will Te a decided acquisition-to the club. The veteran, ■ W., Poulter, was very much; at sea when he encountered the solid - , breeze , on. the way down.: An iri--jured ankle added to his troubles, hut he plodded on all the same. This season he_ has not-struck the good form 1 that gained second, place for him' last year, but it woud not be surprising to see him again-in the limelight. ... . .. . PACIFIC NOTES. - The Pacific - Club ended the season,in a blaze of glory: as far as interclub competition is - concerned. It-will, I think, be a long while before their performance in the two Toad classics is beaten. The great efforts, of; Chettleburgh, Pledger, MTaren, Mouat,. and Kennedy in the Port Road Race are now past history; and last, Saturday in the Marathm Road Race .sis of the club, members finished in the first ten—a grpat feat. Norman Pledger was the first Pacific man home, 'and took third place.' Then-followed Traill, MTLaren, Mouat/ and Kennedy, all ■of Pacific; in that order. ■ , Jim; M‘Lareh,’put up the-best; performance’ of- his -career by returning fastest time for The Marathon. He. is the most improved'runner in Dunedin. He has won the, Pacific Club’s Three and Five-mile Championships two . years in succession. Last year he ran fourth in the Edmond Cup' Race. and took- the same place' in the' Five-mile Otago; Cross-country. He followed it up by coining fifteenth in the. New ' Zealand Crosscountry- Championship at Wanganui, and also returned.third fastest’time in the Port Road Race. This year he ran fifth, in the Edmond Cup event, but -was handicapped ; by a poisoned leg. He then came eighth in the Otago Cross-country Championship, and followed' it tenth' in the New/Zealand Cross-country Championship. and was the fourthOtago man to finish/ ; ' Heathen came fourth in the Port-Race, and-re-turned third fastest time for the distar ce, .while bn Saturday at his firpt- attempt at the Modified Marathon he Took fifth place and returned fastest time for the-distance. ’ . . Jim Kennedy, on his performance in the' Marathon, -must be classedas /he greatest “find” of’the winter just closed. He ran M'Lafen to a yard in the ! Club Championship/'biit could- do ho better than twenty-third in the Otago Championship. However, he showed that road running is... his / forte’ by finishing tenth’ in the Port 1 Road Race off train ISsec and. chalked up fifth fastest time. This was a great ..performance when one considers that the . only runners to. beat him were Francis, Broifn, M'Laren," and C. W. - Frye. Now. he has 'closed, his' first winter; season by returning third fastest time for the Marathon._ His future career on the running track will be watched with interest, and to say that lie .will be a great. asset to Pacific is to ■ put, things mildly. That’ paragon of consistency, Fred Mouat, also performed well in- the Marathon. He was the winner of the first race over , this distance-three .years ago, and ’on Saturday he came in sixth and turned in fourth fastest time. Others to run well for Pacific in the road races are Qhettlebtirgh (the Port Road Race winner), the Pledger;brothers (Jim, who came second in the Port, Race, and. Norman, who ran third in..the Marathon), Phil Traill (fourteenth in the Port Road Race and fourth in the Marathon), and V. Isbister (twenty-fifth in the Port Road Race and thirteenth in thd Marathon). ' While Caversham can boast of-its great cross-country team, and Civil Service and Anglican'of' their crack track teams, it is only fair to say that no-other club in Dunedin has in recent years had such a remarkably successful season on the road as Pacific, and for this they have to' thank the runners mentioned above and also many others; including the club trainers, who spent a great deal of time in rubbing down; etc. v The nest item to interest club members is the dual rqeet- with Caversham Club on Saturday. The ■ winner of this year’s meeting will hold the T. K. Sidey Challenge Cup. The Pacific Club members are eager to win it, and. also to retain the laurels they gained last year, when they won the meet by a handsome margin. Several title holders will be defending their crowns, among them being Arthur Holt (who last year won the Furlong), Andy Holt (the present holder of the Shott Putt Championship), Ernie Fish (who last year won the “Quarter”), and Jim M'Laren (who is Hie present Mile title-holder). W. Smith and V. Isbister - will this year attempt to win for the fourth time the Javelin Throw and High Jump events. They are the only two of either club to win an event three years in succession, and their performances on Saturday will be watched with interest. • HANOVER ACTIVITIES. With the final run of the season next Saturday liarrierism, so far as the Hanover Baptist Club is concerned, will come to an end for the 1929 season. In their second year the members are to be. congratulated in having had-another successful term, though not; so' much marked ■ with success as last year.. The numerous - interclub Tjaces were participated in "by Hanover, and- the has' given experience -which - jrill prove invaluable. "‘The combination work "of captain, {secretary. and members has put the club bn a sound foundation, and no doubt success will follow. The much-talked-of Modified Marathon Race proved the centre of Hanover’s interest last Saturday. Perhaps if the race were hold over a stretch ,of cross country more enthusiasm would he shown. '• However, with an entry of five members. Hanover set improve their position for the Nickels Cun. The greatest win was D; Thompson’s first home, which record . equals that of last year. Although not’ quite so successful in the club’s and other interclub races, the winner -of the Modified .Marathon has made a. name for himself on the long-distance roll. The next two —S. C. Gibson and H. J- Hayward—ran considerably ..well- under the prevailing conditions. The other two representatives—A, R. Kay and J, G. Bartlett—ran strongly on the journey down, but the .loose gravel affected tli.eir running. ,/ ■ ■ , 'A 1 abort rUtt will 'take J>lace from Hano-

ver -street next Saturday, and during tliat run' a Consolation Race will ’be held for all those who have-not gained a trophy within the , past’two years. , AUCKLAND CHAMPIONSHIP. . The Auckland-Amateur Athletic'Club brought its winter competitions to a conclusion with a 75 yards sprint and a fourmile steeplechase for ■ the Auckland cnampionsbip at' the .Ellerslie • racecourse on Saturday week. 'Savidan, who was still feeling the effects’'of his strenuous race at Dunedin, was not a starter, but all the other’ leading harriers were competitors in-what proved to be the hardest, race in Auckland this season. The water jump, which was fill! of mud,’proved much more difficult than it looked,'and several'of the runners had trying experiences, at this point, Dowle actually losing hie Shoes, Browne won by ,about 10 yards. Cooper finished well over- the’last. furlong (says the New Zealand Herald), and-just got up in tini’e .to beat. Eyre for third-place. Barker; was fifth/ and then calne Nilson, Crum; Henshall, and' M'NeiL- Fastest time and. the championship went to Cooper, -whose' time, was just 5 4-osec better- than that of Whitten. Browne has two w-ins'to his credit ..this season in spite, of the'fact that he has raced only' four time (says the Auckland '. r He; .is the present' Grammar School champion, .and on present form should, have no difficulty in holding that championship. Whitten; who -is an exMount Albert'Grammar boy, came second,, a position which shows-that he has retained his form right through the harrier season. N.-F. Cooper ran an excellehtly judged .race.'and .registered • the fastest, time, his time being 22min 9-2-osec. RUNNING . ROAD RACE. A field of.- 29 runners has entered for the Eight-,Mile, Road Race to be held on September 28 by the Papanui Amateur; Sports Club in conjunction with', the-’ Round-the-Gorges Cycle . Race. ■ The course will be from- the start of the crosscountry championship ■ at Cashmere to’ Halswell quarries and back to the Show Grounds. ’ >'■ The following are the handicaps:rr-E; C. Brown (Dunedin) scr, A. D. Park, R. ■ M.- Barrer. A. -D. -Kane, G. L. Austin Umin, J. D; Pascoe 3min, J. W. >M‘Lean, B. A. Barter Sjmin, J. Walton, L; Harper 4imin, Wi Parrott. H. Cookson 6miu, E. H. Shirley, E, Knight 7min. A. J. Wagner. 8./R. M‘Kernan (Dunedin), R. R.-. Chester, H.-T; Lawrence Bmhi.'-H; Carter, Ri-Smith, F; A; Nelson . lOriiin,'. R.-Graham, P. Edwards. R. Brown Umin; W; Niehollfe 12min, C. R. Hervey 14min,; Anderson.-,L. Sullivan, -W. Sparks lomin. THE. CANADIAN TEAM. Arrangements'in, connection with the ' tour of New Zealand by the Canadian' athletes are held up (says the Welling-’ ton’ correspondent of the Christchurch; Times), -as doubt still: exists, as- to what men arc available. , ■ The latest advice is to the ’effect that J. Ball, .who was beaten :hy a foot for ’ the '4OO Metres title. at t|ie O'ympie Games,, has suffered, an injury, and that; Edwards; .the half-miler, ; is taking up.-.a' medical course, and may not be able to visit New ’Zealand.. : Percy ■ WilliamSj; the : star-sprinter,- is certain to make the, trip,'.but, it;, has .yet to be (decided who will,accompany him. ; . .It is- possible that :a jayelin , thrower, may he available. His. name, has/not’ been forwarded,, but .it is'stated, that he won the/ Irish Games event Tast season. Finality will not he reached for- two or three weeks yet. ■ : notes./’ ■ . The jlate of tbCj ,30 miles, Canterbury Championship .Road Cycle Race/has . been fixed for/October 12. The , Caversham, Club’s annual race and presentation of prizes wHI be held in the Embassy‘Salon 'on Saturday, October 5. . ■New South Wales was/to have novel representation in the women’s 880. Yards Walking Championship of; Australia; at Adelaide last'Saturday.. It was to be represented by- three pairs of .sisters. The Pacific/and Caversham Clubs will hold a combined sports meeting on Forbury Park on Saturday. The St. Patrick’s Club will also hold- a .sports meeting on the same'day. / • The date for the. Palmerston North to Wellington cycling road race has' been definitely’fixed for October T2.' /It is expected that-F. J. Grose will he-a coni*; .petito'r. ■ ■/■'. ;-i: ; c:--.;.... Acting' oh rnedical 'advice '(says -the Christchurch Sun) J. G; Barnes/Canterbury -Cross-country Champion, - will' notcompete in' the Halswell-Christchurch road race ’on Septembe’r 28, /and' probably .will . hot start' track running; until, 1 late • :in December. • ’ ' - ; At a-meetirig of the'Canterbury Ceptre last week; it was decided /that a letter of thanks be' sent to ■ the Otago Centre for its' hospitality to the ’Canterbury team at the New ’-Zealand Cross-country Championship . meeting. ;and .also” to.. Mr.. L: C. M'Lachlan’ for taking’charge of the team. -The question of the harrier clubs ceasing ; their act.iyities during the summer months was again discussed by the Wellington Centre ; recently, but no finality was readied, and the matter was referred to a sub-committee for a further report. - , B. W. Arnst, winner of the last TimaniChristchurch road, race, intended riding again. this year . (says -. the Christchurch Star)/ hut, owing to an ‘ accident in the garage.'where’he was wprking/he has been compelled to'abandop ; the idea., ■ A few days ago (says the Christchurch Sun) that great sporting enthusiast, F, D. Kesteven, handed 'over to the Kaiapol Harrier ClUh*a', splendid challenge cup for annual competition among club members. Probably a race .for the cup will be held this year, and afterwards it will be prer .sented to the chib member who, gains most points .in a series of races during the winter. ; A suggestion was made by Mr G. G. Lockwood, at a meeting of the executive ,of the .Canterbury Centre of the NeW Zealand Amateur Athletic Association last week that■' the Canterbury: amateur athletic- championships be held at-Lan-caster Park on -February 15, the date pencilled in for the park for the Canadian meeting.. The question of the formation of a new harrier club in Auckland for next season was discussed at a gathering of harriers on oaturday week. A temporary committee was formed as follows:—Captain Congdon. A. H. Eyre, J. W. Savidan/. N: i;. Cooper, L. Barker, and J. Gfeeii. The main -idea for next season (says the New /Sealand Herald) is to-have inorc loupe distance, harrier runs, iu place of the - cruel*ling run each Saturday, with just enough hard work to prepare theTunners for the championships. , •The discrepancy in. regard to the times recorded by J. H,. MTinren and’ E C Brown iw the road race from Port Chalmers to Dunedin was due to a mistake in one of the judge's cards. M'Laron was off 4nscc and Brown off 30sec, but though, M Laren beat Brown by only a very small ntargin, the former’s time was-given as 41mm 51sen. and Brown’s as only Bsec faster. -Actually,' M‘Lnreh’B ’ tiine was 41mm 5 /sec, and Brown’s 41min 43sec.„In th e Wellington Provincial 50-mile Cycling Champiouship (says the Dominion), S. Webber demonstrated how clean living gives a man great - vitality while getting well into middle'age. As far back as 1908, Webber was contesting and winning cycle races in this country, and-to strike good'form again after some years of war service speaks well for the attention paid to training when a young man. Webber has tremendous stamina, and a century of miles covered on a bicycle by himself is merely a pleasant <)ayVouting. The Papanui Amateur Sports Club will hold'a “Round the Gorges” cycle road race.and modified Marathon race oil Saturday, .'September 28. --This race was run for the first' time last year, and proved very successful. • F. Grose made fastest time (4hr 54min jl2soc). Frank Grose will ride apain’this year (says the Christchurch as will L. Lukey, another promising rider. C.'Ericsson, who made the fastest time iu the. Wellington -SO-iiiile race, and S. Webber, who came in first, are also exported to ' competes. There should-also .he a large field .of local riders. A Christchurch promoter has. made an offer to Jack Fitzgerald, Australian cash cyclist, for a trip to New-Zealand for two meetings in Christchurch next track .seasqu. So-far (says no word has been received_ from Fitzgerald,'but if he makes the. trip he should- draw ’crowds. When he. appeared on Christchurch tracks before he demonstrated that he is a remarkable speedster—indeed, the best rider we have seen in New Zealand since the war, with the exception only of ■ Harris Hordef. “Eitzie” was not given the best opportunities tb f show his, ability, but on his return, to Australia : he. quickly established himself as one of the best track riders in the Commonwealth. / .

' C. Ericsson, thb present Wellington provincial cycling 'champion, - first 'eyel • racing" J in Talbapa,

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 20832, 26 September 1929, Page 4

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ATHLETIC NOTES. Otago Daily Times, Issue 20832, 26 September 1929, Page 4

ATHLETIC NOTES. Otago Daily Times, Issue 20832, 26 September 1929, Page 4