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During the post two years 156 notices have been issued to owners and’ occupiers of premjsefe’in Palmerston'North to provide; concrete culverts. ■ ’ t There lias been'a good supply .of mushrooms of. late; in. rural areas adjacent to iWanganui ' (says the Chronicle): The warm weather, has been responsible, for still further, growth of, the table delicacy recently: ' Douse;Whisky, IDs 6d: Pints.-5s 6d; ; Wines, ‘from - 3s; Martin Jenue" Brandy. 9s, 6d: at "Prince of Wales Hotel;,, ' ;• f ;The : Mayor,”:said'Mr- R,iEdwards ; - at the Coronation’ Hall,, Palmerston North, the other day,-should'; expend more ’of his honorarium; on entertaining. ; If I' 1 am elected I will think* nothing of ' spending £SO on a dinner.”—-(Laughter.) ; Notice has been received-that , the Government Statistician has shown the- population. of the borough of Greymouth, as on April 1, as 6030 (says the Star) . In View of this,: Greymouth will, now share oh a .population basis in the allocation if the petrol tax* as; for boroughs -with la' population of over 6000; : ; . Pigs,‘Pigs,, Pigs.—We are cash buyers .of both' * Pork and' Bacon- Pigs,-any quantity; . Highest -ruling price ciren.'-Bar- 1 ' tons. Manse street..v - , v The average daily amount of .refuse 1 collected in Tnlraerstou North is seven itohs arid, three-quarters, and this work' is perforated : by' four .'men, with van'; electric lorry, dealing principally with the residential ~ areas, (says the < Manawatu • Evening Standard). The is serv-’J by one man . with horse -and ?art. Two, Wanganui boys, seeing an animal resembling, a hare,; managed to stun it (says the Chronicle) . Brit they were 'considerably, surprised when it was picked up, for it ‘proved to be an opossum; When the animal “ came to ” it'clawed its leap-, tors viciously, and they. soon let it go. It quickly disappeared, as did the lads* visions, of \" hare pie ” for; dinner. The body, flavourcolour, and aroma ■found Sn the‘'Bourbon” brand of coffee and chicory' is 'the result of “.quality ” coffee plus expert blending arid roasting. Insist on “Bourbon ” for breakfast! ' Only ■ one. town of any size has a substantial number of Maoris: living ,in it (says,the Auckland Star). This is Rotorua, where Maoris are 15 per cent, of the: population. The highest ratios occur iu : small towns, particularly Kaikohe, Kohukohu. and Rawene" in the North; Kawhia, ,Otaki„ Te Earaka, Opotiki, Mercer, Raglan, ■ Russell, Ngarriawahia, and W.airoa (H;B;). But 90 per cent; of the Maoris live in* the country. Sale of all-wool worsted Roslyn # suits. Usually sold at, £6 65,: are now selling at 59 s 6d. They are wonderful value. Post your order now. Money returned if not suitable;—“Ascot,” corner .Princes and Rattray streets... P “Gd. bacfc and tell them ,what we have gained by' the revolution, and tell them to : hurry up with the revolution in your country.” This was the. slogan, of Soviet Hrissia ag repeated to visitors, said Mr 11 F. Griffin, of Wellington, at a public lecture iri Wanganui last, week (reports the Chronicle), The speaker added that even the police of Russia had been heard to give that advice. , , • Winter warmth obtained- by purchasing all-wool colonial ribbed: underpants: s Men’s 6s lid,'O.S.- 7s 6d. Fleecy-lined underpants and shirts Men’s 4g lid. O.S 5s 6d- ‘Heavy ribbed dark grey , Mosgiel socks, ,1s fld per pair. Posted anywher* for cash.—Kilroy and Sutherland. Ltd., 192 Princes-street. Dunedin... , Enthusiasmis always displayed at'the Petone Oval- on' Saturday, afternoons during, the football'season (remarks the Dominion). While the Petone-Athletic match’\fn« in its last stages on Saturday the crowd of spectators in their excitement, broke bounds and surged around the press table. The pressmen were obliged to, stand on, the. table, but the crowd on the line was -so dense that little of the plav could be seen. The other evening a tram from New Brighton was delayed at Aldwin’s road for a'minute or :two by a person,'who, gesticulating wildly, hurried, out of: the misty rain and boarded the car. (states the Christchurch . Sun!. To the amusement of passengers, he proudly displayed a jam jar of water in which a goldfish swam, and , said.’ half-apolocetically. “Sorry to hold you folks up. but I didn't want to run arid lose the little, beggar’’—indieating the fish—“he’s in a skittish mood! ' Somebody, with little sense: of .responsibility went, out of his way recently to slash through the telephone cords : in at least two of the., public ■ slot booths iri Wellington (says the Dominical. Such an net. is a very serious one in view of tbc fact that tho street telephone is often called upon for use in emergency, and ; when every second counts. Those severed ends, not immediately visible. -may . mean the difference between life and d°ath • j The population of the United States, of Apiermn has b»en officially estimated at T, Th" population of Great Britain, and Northern Ire’and was ißsiß.pon ;-v 1926. . -All the 27 eases of murder recorded in London in 1927 were solved by Scotland Yard and £130.000 worth of stolen ■ property recovered. Of 1932 motor, cars and motor cycles ■ stolen throughout Great Britain ,in the sanVa were recovered.

, When X commenced- to argue with tKe ■■ inspector, ho told me if'l was cheeky, he /■• would put me up on both charges,” re--'I marked a youth at the. Hamilton. Court . '’ recently, charged with riding -.without a'-'. - light ou both his motor, cycle and. sidechair {relates the-Waikato Times); “ And lie did .put me up on- both,” added dc-, fendant ruefully. l-1 ii! i a Lvays pays to be respectful to the law. Fined 10s and costs on each charge.” . ... Fanners, We may not be the cheap- , cst in the market. for Horse and Cow Covers, but we aim to give you -the ’best possible .value for your moneyl. Horse Lovers from 3-s, Cow Covers from Ids 3d. — The ■ Otago Farmers.”., “I’m getting Us..bad as Joe Ward", commented,the Mqyor (Mr D. W. Coleman) during a pre-election .address at Gis- > borne (reports the Poverty Bay Herald), when, he made a slip of the tongue and spoke in millions instead of thousands pounds sterling. He. was referring, vo thp water* supply proposals, for which,,he - said.-the Local Government Loans Boat’d had authorised the holding of a poll for the raising of £73,000,000. V, He, imme- - diately corrected himself with the' coin* 1 ment quoted above,, and said - the "figure . was £73,000. - . ; •’ 1 . • Waters’ “ Chiltabs ” prevent or cure ■' chilblains; .2s 9d posted.—Waters’. Phar- : raacy 0n1y... ■ • ■ ■ An unfortunate position • arose in con-’; neetion .with' the Taranaki Hospital Boardelection when it,was discovered that-the. Rev. ’R. B, Gosnell,. the chairman of the/ hoard, was not. on the electoral ’ roll./ While in Waitara; Mr Gosnell represented,the. Waitara-Inglewood .district oh the hoard,, and. when ne moved to'New,: Plymouth he continued, to/represent the; country district. For’ the recent elec-.-tion he was to have been nominated as av representative of the New district, but it .was found that be was-not' °P ;t he New Plymouth roll, and had-.been struck off the other roll. He Was,, theref°ve ineligible to contest either seat. • ; /' „, Lon t bother 'about; the gramophone." - Why? ” A* Oh! •, I’ve brought a‘ Radio ; home." Where is' it? • “Here, under - unn.' “ Don’t be "absurd! ” . But he toid' the truth. You see, he had bought one of the ' Gossor . Melody Makers," only £!()• at*Laidlaw ■ and Gray’s, Moray p.ace. It s' toe simplest thing, in the world-' to assemble, And/the .whole bet f is. packed’ intD_a,very'sniallpaclcet; • ■Certainly, wonderful value for the' money.'! See ' them before you’buy... . ' - Reporting to the committee of. the Wtl-’ Imgtqn Show Association, the 'manager, - stated-that the number of -applications for.- space, l both - fot : exhibits And - side- *■- shows. had exceeded those of any previbus t year (states; the Dominion)": The : show .-'. will, not be- opened, -until' July\B,.but-wVv' this early" date only a few of. thesmaller Vspaces ate; unallocated. ■'The/'AideAhO'fr*l-; spaces, both inside gnd: outside the; hqild- u ’ . mg, have been applied for three timeg ■ oyer... The eiitries jn .the-.various classes-' v for. butter .and cheese also show' an increase over those of last-year. - t _ The reliability of . Barton a sugar-cured ". Hams and-Bacon and Pork Small. Goods • is.-universallyAcknowledged*—Manse street ■ and all; Branches.; , Anew departure in adult education'has heen_made : by; the Ghristchureh: branchiof Jj? e ,. Workers’'Educational .Association rin -the ..fpxmation of lecture / courses ntr Abe Papanta-xprison (says the Sun)- “Each Saturday, evening a i lecturer • visits . the' ■prison, and, with tlie aid-ofiantcrn elides, depicts ■ some -.aspect of human ..development. -, in -this, work the .Rotary, Club tooperates' with the.Workers’ Educational A‘BK»fciation, providing the necessary -transport-"for" the-lecturers.' ■ • v; • ; ;GhudrenA Wear:;'Hunng;lhis 'week- we "■ ; are making. a special showing in windows : and" in the : showroom./ The variety-and ■ values; are /surprising. - If interested-. look < us up.—-The Mosgiel -Warehouse, A, .E. . ’ Chcyneand Co. x , "; ./ ,- ■■■ ,y; ■ Motorists -cityAound. Along the Hilft road a little before 6 o’clock last Satur- . day-night were, intrigued % the .seemingly•' jUnaccountahle' a.. ~tiatEbl'‘ con-' Stable / (says the Dominion) . He r hc\d disrnountted fnom his' raqtor cycle, ahd, leav' ■ ing it ■ standing- unligHted on the hitumen, was_ apparently signalling' Petone-bound traffic to pass round, him on the. tnacadanl,' but why. he was doing no’was A mystery to those 'driving Along bn - thb other Aide’. \ ■> Our new eorselcttos add grace and "loveliness 'to the figure- and • are delightfully supple and comfortable, allowing the utmost- 'freedom 'of movement. -In :pink brpch’e coiitille, sizer S2 to 40 bust. Posted tq; any for ",55.,6d, '9s fid/; and, with abdominal belt, : 12s 6d.—From T. Ross.. 130 Princes street... • “So, far rlhe mumcipality has treated the_ motorist with ’a certain amount’ of indifference and even, with -contempt,” ,eaid‘Mr K. Yaile,,a candidate.for the Auckland, mayoralin ah'Addrbss'jint Kohimaramarthe btner; evehihg ; (reports the Hernld)* "! can spgak qnite dis'paSßionately, bßcanse T : do apt own add - cannot drive a (jAr,”/ he, added. I walk into, town every morning/ ond.Epend-Sfd : oh‘ a tram home.*’ . Conn’s Celebrated ' Wotro, Powders, for safely ’destroying ; aU . worhm in, adults‘ ant children, Ss ,6d per packet.—Only ■from Conn’s Pharmacy, High strect. Dun■edinf.’..• - ./A"-."/ ; . Attention was recently draivn to the state of’certain graves of eoldiers in’ the soldiers’ plot.' at Waikumeto (says the New Zealand.,Herald).- It,appharß'(that the War Graves Department recognises no responsibility Tor. a grave of a soldier who was not in receipt of a pension niid whose death.was not directly attributable to war ’ service.” The, Auckland;'City Squadron of the Lcigion of Frontiersmen took up the : matter; and a reply has how / been received from-Mr P, de la 'Pcirelle ; stating,that he had considered thie squadron’s representations and had’ decided to have" the whole question of- soldiers’;ferayes at/ Waikumete gone .-.into; again. / , /•' Eighty-four pages Af / inMruttion bn Knitting all- styles of , garments is con- - tamed in - Batons : and Baldwin’s latest issue/ of “Wpolcra&t.”' Send penny .stamps to .Gray’s, Ltd-, Milton... . Supplies of. coal .and timber are- continuing to ' come forward, in heavy quantities iromthe’West, Coast; and,=with the wet weather. , and ;-winter approaching, there will, be big increases in. the coal trade ,during the .next few months , (s’aya the Christchurch Sun). . For the /week ended’: on Saturday last the tonnage handled on the Midland line was .0652, ah compared tvith 7940 for the aanip week last year. .In both cases the'week was one working day short, Anzac Day being Tresppnsible for the break. Waters’ “ Chap-o-lo ” still guaranteed to . cure the worst chapped hands; 2s posted. —Waters’ Pharmacy... ■ / . Parades'of the South' African ; War Veterans often- result in unexpected. reunions of old comrades, Among (be 25 veterans who paraded at the ..Sieywright. 1 Memorial and .marched to join.the/other units ,in the. Gisborne Anzac Day parade were threev who 1 had, taken part, in the , siege and relief of Ladysmith (report tlie Poverty Bay Herald). One, was an.ex-na'val-man, who was one of the force sent - up/ to’ Ladysmith from H.M.S. Powerful just. prior to the complete investment -of that city ■by the' Boers. ' The other two were respectively, of the. Eoyal Engineers and the Rifle Brigade, and each had taken part in the relief /of ,Ladysmith, serving under General Bullet. One of the veterans on parade had. taken .parti in the famous mai’ch to Khartoum in; 1898.' and also;in the Battle of Omdurman, under Lord Kitchener j his later experiences in- * chiding narticipation. in the Boer War of 1800*1902. ; ' / .' v • ' > Grandism ' (7j)0): ’ Take your Grand House; Whisky, to-day/ - It tones up the resistive powers of the 'body, and the influenza germ id defeated: 12s Bottle... ‘‘ I’d love to eee Aim. with' his cap, on,” said a tiny girl .’in one of / the' children’s wards at the Auckland Hospital last Thursday,, as. Sir Harry Laudet;.and his niece. With other visitors, were- being shown through by the 1 medical suoerih- ; tendent. and the matron (relates > the Star).. On went the lam-o’lshanter, and Abe enjoyment of/the youngsters was complete: . “ What have .you,, been -doing?.” • asked' the ’ Scots visitor of”, a ydutbful patient.swathed in bandlgcs/- " A motor bike ran into me on' Grafton bridge,” wae the reply.- “Well/ I hope soon better—and is the motor bike all-right? ” fai’d the, Scotsman. ..When'a little'fellow in bed was asked what' he had been rin to, he said that he had cut himself. “ With a‘ knife? ” was. asked. “No.”’‘came the reply, “ fr-ith" a slasher.” “ Well,/I’m keeping away from yon.” said the noted comedAn„, simulating hasty retreat. , Leaving A ripple of -childish’ laughter, the' vioitors passed; on their way. ' . / . : • This commodity is- in the lead, v , And constitutes a. splendid-feed. . I Famous now.-o’er ail the'plain,/ -■ / And .Hitchon’s-hacon is its name... '

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 20706, 2 May 1929, Page 18

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NEWS IN BRIEF. Otago Daily Times, Issue 20706, 2 May 1929, Page 18

NEWS IN BRIEF. Otago Daily Times, Issue 20706, 2 May 1929, Page 18