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MAGISTRATE’S COURT. At the weekly, sitting of the Magistrate's Court yesterday morning the lollowing cases were heard by Mr H. W. Bundle, S,M. — CIVIL CASES. Judgment by default was given in- the following cases—Waitaki Farmers’ Freezing Company, Ltd., v, P. J. Hanley, claim £2OO, and costs ,(£9: 18s) ; Hjorring and Hjorring v, .Alfred E. Smith, claim £9 I9s Bd, and costs (17s). ; ; BY-LAW OFFENCES. Patrick O’Shaughnessy, for riding a bicycle after dark without a light, was fined 5s and costs. (10s). For a similar offence, James Keown was fined 3s and costs (12s). BABBIT PROSECUTIONS. The-stock inspector' proceeded against A;,B. Rapson and Katherine Rapson for failing .to destroy rabbits on their property at Ngapara. Defendants were represented by Mr A. Hamilton.—Evidence was given by William W. Walker'

ACTIVITIES OF THE DISTRICT. CFkok Oce Spxcuit Coßß.'vSvuimiNT.)

as to the absence of rabbits on tie property, in question, and Duncan Macdonald stated that he went over the property on Sunday and saw no sign of rabbits. If there were any on lie-land they cam# from the :neighbours.—Mr Bundle “ Inspector Taylor . stated on February 21 that the hill was moving with rabbits.”— Mr 'Hamilton “ That is an unfair statement, and I think it an unfair action.”— Continuing, witness stated that he thought the feed was better on defendant’s property than on the adjoining properties.— Defendant, stated that ftibibts came on to his property from' tip ■ adjoining country. Thefeed on his place was better, as it had been top-dressed, and attracted rabbits.—Mr .Bundle stated that the area of' an_ acre and a-half of Crown land adjoining defendant’s property was most unsatisfaetory.if it was allowed to become a breeding place for rabbits. —Mr Hamilton “ That' is the position. It is thick with rabbits,”—Mr Bundle “ Is it Crown property?—lnspector Taylor “ Nobody know .about the area. The rabbits do increase there, and no, steps have been taken, to clear them.”—Mr Hamilton: “ You are putting, it on to'us. It’s, a useless .piece of country.”—Defendant Rapsqn stated that he had, fumigated the area inside the wire. netting, and was at present ploughing the area for lucerne.— Inspector Taylor: “The neighbours tell me that they get rabbits from Rapson’s property, so where: does the inspector come Tn? ” —Mr Bundle said that the reserve should he cleared up in fairness to the defendants and the. Stock Department. He would take, into, consideration the unsatisfactory nature of the reserve, and ■ would dismiss both charges subject to the payment of costs (12s) in each case! He aske.d Inspector. Taylor to. stress ,to the Lands Department that the control of the reserve should be ascertained.— Inspector Taylor: “ They pay no attention to me.”—Mr Bundle: “It is a matter the Lands Department should settle with Mr Rapson.” ' , „■ The , stock inspector . proceeded against Thomas M'Conc for failing to destroy rabbits, at Ngapara.—The case had been adjourned -to enable defendant to carry out -the' work■ • by May I.— Defendant reported that he and four men had filled up tbq warrens as instructed,* and he iirtendvd'to put up wire-netting fences around his property and . keep it clear of rabbits.—lnspector Taylor stated that he was quite satisfied with the defendant’s report. H - e added that M'Cone had-40 acres of green feed. He had never said that rabbits came on to his property from his neighbours, though his neighbours said they, got.rab-' bits from M’Cone’s,—Mr Bundle:. It’s' a way farmers have. Defendant is charged with not having done the work in February and he will be fined 20s and costs (235). ...V. .. , .. BUILDING PERMITS. • The. building permits ‘ issued by the Oamaru Borough Council totalled £I4OO, as. follows;—One residence, £850; additions to two' existing .residences, £400; three motor garages, £l5O. NORTH OTAGO . PLUNKET society; At the annual meeting of the country branch of the North Otago Plunket Society there were presents Mesdamcs T. AMunro, Stevenson, Doig, Smith Morton, Hamilton, HarkueeS) .Is ursc Rogers, and Miss Treseder. The election of officers resulted as follows:—President, Mrs T. A. Munro (Kurow); vice-presidents, Mrs Doig (Papakaid) and Mrs Stevenson; trcasuVer. Mr O. Garvie (Oamaru); secretary, Miss R. Treseder (Oamaru); committee—Officers io£ sub-brandies, with Mrs Hamilton and Airs, Smith Morton. A hearty yote of thanks to Mrs Doig was proposed by Mrs Stevenson, who spoke of the. good wbrk done by Mrs Doig during, her term of office. The secretary! was instructed to write, to Mrs Clark expressing the ■ sympathy of the committee in her recent trouble. 1 . >lt .was reported that during the year the services- of Mr-G. M'Douall had been lost through-his removal from the district. The president, Mrs T. A. Munro. as a from the.-braneh, attended the ■ Dominion ■ conference in Wellington, and' on .her return, gave /an interesting account of the, proceedings. - A new car was purchased for the nurse to replace the old omp which had done a great. deal of travelling. The formation of a separate 1 Junket Branch at Palmerston has-been contemplated for some time and in January of ■this year a nurse was appointed to take the work of Palmerston, Hampden, and Mocraki. The ■thanks of the branch were expressed to Nurse Rogers tor her untiring efforts in covering such a large area, to the regular members and supporters of the branch,: and to those who had assisted in any way to make the work of the Plunket Society a success. The list the quotas sent in fi-omthe different districts is as follows: Duntroon £ls, U indsor £1 ss. , Awamoko £7 2s, Herbert Weston £ls, Enfield £4 3s Cd, Wai-* taki South £1 10s, Tokarahi £lO 10s, Five Forks £3 15s , 6d, Peebles £l6, Omarama fll 7s, Pukeuri £6 14s 6J, Tot.ra Hildertlmrpe £3 15s, Mahcno £!•;> os 4d, Kurow £3O, CUSTOMS RETURNS. The Customs returns for the port of Uamaru lor the month of April compared uith those of the same’month of last year - I Cr i w ow J —Customs revenue, £1627 os 4cl (£384 15s); marine revenue, £36 3s 3s Gd); meat export lew, £283 -sjld (£l4B 0s 1 Od); total, flOolTls (3d (£550 10s 4d), The big increase is principally due to the fact that two overseas Vessels, loaded at the port, one of which also discharged Home cargo. MOTOR DRIVERS’. LICENSES. Ihe number of motor drivers’ licenses issued by fhe Oamaru Borough Council during the month of April was 48. RUGBY FOOTBALL. There arc 21 teams taking part in the isorth Otago Rugby competitions in the tour grades, and when the country competition.'; commence the number is expected to increase to about 35. Although Old Boys’ chances against Athletic were generally favoured, it was not anticipated that such a runaway victory mouKI bo secured. ' The victors’ superiority lay chiefly in the speed and combination of the backs, who, though far from being faultless, gave a pleasing exhibition of passing. ‘Tn the first spell the game was a battle between the opposing packs, but in the second half the Old Boys’ rearguard swung into action and amassed points almost at will. Macdonald, behind the pack, is , following-in the footsteps of ns brother,;,Ken, and feeds his speedy backs consistently, and well. Ross made some good openings, but wa s inclined to hang on too long. Kent gave flashes of iiis. true form, and rnadn penetrating thrusts through. the - defence. ■ He handled well, but,his passing was erratic. Sumpter, at centre, used his speed to advantage, and gave his wings a chance to finish off the attack. He renewed, his reputation, as a fine line kick-with either foot. Blackmore again donned the jersey, for his club, and notched two fine tries by resolute dashes to the line. The Cameron brothers, M’Gnllum and I. Walton were consistent, workers in the ' forwards, ■ bearing the brunt of-the fray. Every man in the pack made good use of his weight in the scrums, however, and played Ilia full part in the victory, I. Walton gave a fine exhibition of goal kicking, piloting the ball over the crossbar four times out of six attempts ■Malcolm is a decided acquisition to Old Boys as a winger, showing that he can put the finishing touch to a passing rush in good style. The Athletic forwards gave a good account of themselves, but the rear-

guard' failed completely in both attack and defence. No attempt at combination was made, and on the,odd occasions the inside backs did get the ball, they at once kicked it back into their opponents’ possession regardless of the waiting line of supporting backs. Mansfield, at centre, was the soundest Athletic back, fielding accurately, 1 and tackling well. I. Campbell, at full-back, was cool and made few mistakes. His was a smart piece of work in picking the ball right off the toes of a charging forward to .find the Ijjie with a good kick. Turvey played, a plucky uphill game behind the scrum. Sim and Frame played their usual bustling game, and A. Campbell, who made'his first appearance _ this season,' was a tower of strength in the vanguard. The ruling of the referee in awarding Mansfield a second kick at goal from a penalty was sound, as players on the mark must remain passive, which is interpreted as standing motionless with: arms to the sides'. The obstruction try awarded'in the same match was discussed at length at the referees’ meeting. It is a question of fact, the referee in control being the sole 1 judge. An Old Boy player lay on the ball,, and the referee was of the opinion that a try would otherwise have been scored, and awarded a try under the rules. Some onlookers considered a penalty would have met the case, but the referee's opinion is the one that counts. On Saturday the combination of the Maheno backs was still, weak, but showed much improvement on the previous game. The formation was better, but lob passes were frequent. Hacquoil was fairly safe at full-back, and cleared well, Bruce is a promising player for 'his first season m the seniors, and at wing three-quarter should do well. Hollow was safe on the del cnee, and made several good openings, The Mahemjf forwards had greatly improved, and were a hard-working pack, and with Pat Reid playing once .more, after a long spell, the Green vanguard combined well. Newlands was up to his usual form, and was always troublesome to the town team. Gillies, a last year s junior, went very well on Saturday, and proved a very fast and hardworking forward.. The Excelsior, backs were .very ragged, hardly ever participating in a passing rush, and lacking combination. ; Hunter was outstanding, and proved very useful to the town team, biit is inclined to Work the blind side' pii too many occasions. OiTosky has pace, but was never given much of a chance ‘ to show his speed. Davey improved, ag the , game progressed, and fielded the. ball well. The town forwards,.on the whole, worked well, and were always on the ball, the hooking from the scrum being particularly good; Wesley and Faris are fine forwards, and are always in the thick of play. A friendly match between the Duntroon and Awakino fifteens, played at the Waitaki hydro works, proved 'to be a fast and interesting game, and resulted m the Awakino fifteen winning by 12 points to 3, Duntroon were unable to field their best team, but the players, on th® whole, worked well. For Awakino, Cleland, Barton, and Dunbier were outstanding in.the forwards, while Trevathan was the pick of the backs. No senior or junior matches will be played on Saturday on account of the Oamaru Jockey Club’s winter meeting. The draw for the Third anil Fourth Grade matches is as follows:—Third Grade: Excelsior v. School, No. 2 ground. 1.15 (Mr A. Keith): Athletic v. St. Kevin’s, Oval, 115 p.m. (Mr H. Cross); Old Boys v. Enfield, Oval, 3 p.m. (Mr B. Lorimcr). hmirth Grade: School D v. Excelsior, g v : °i R X°’ ,nd - Ml /Mr W. May); School C v. Old Boys, No. 2 ground, 1 3 p.m. (Mr R. Booth). PERSONAL. _ At the Rotary meeting yesterday,' Mr • loJm t-rascr was elected president and Mr v\. Ct. Grave vice-president for the ?£ su £ g Messrs C. W. Kent and Vv. xv.. Jomlmson were re-elected secretary, and treasurer respectively. ■ Miss Dora Miller and F. Gallagher have been nominated by the North Otago Hawn Tennis Association, to take part In l?r C iiT lmor 1 a wn tennis championships at Wellington on May 14. , Mr F. S. Steffan has returned from a shooting expedition in the Blue Mountains (Central Otago), whore ho secured a number of fine fallow deer heads. Mr Steffan has been selected to mount the first moose head secured in New Zealand. Tins was recently shpt by Mr E. J. Herrick, of Hastings.' ' MINIATURE RIFLE SHOOTING. At the first aggregate-shoot of the season,.held on the Glenavy range, the President’s trophy and also the Tisdall button were competed for,'both of which -in the shoot off. fell to Rifleman J. H. Andrews ii ,car c as follow: N. Gibson 76, W. Dickson, C. Fleming; D. M'Cnllocli. N. Morning 77, J. H. Andrews, C. Dugdale i. Fleming, H. Jackson 76. J. Hollambv. Mailiaroa, S. Seavlc 75;. B. Dull, A .MCußoch.- J. Purdie. W. M'Culloeli ' 4 v, Hollamby. sen.. P. White 73, D. Ireland, W. Robson 72. D. Cochrane 71, D. M Lean, J. Smillie 70. PLUNKET SOCIETY. The annual report of the North Otago town branch of .the Plunket Society states lliat a striking feature of the year, particularly during the. summer months, was the excellent health , of the babies, not a single serious, case, of ~ summer sickness having occurred. The, report directs parents, notice to the circular sent out by the of-Dental Hygiene against the giving pf sweets and; highly-sweetened cakes to children, as to-day dental decay is one of the child's'.greatest enemies. 1 he, Kurow branch, is congratulated, ou the very fine rooms it now possesses, the gut of Mr and-Mrs'Walter Cameron. In this . respect Kurow.. has outstripped Uamaru, but.after many months of inquiry a suitable site lias been secured in Oauiavii for new Plunket and rest rooms. .. The money has yet to be found, but as Oamaru citizens a j ways- rise to special. occasions, the committee anticipates no difficulty in this respect. The society is dependent on the help of parents, but the total membership is only 01. and the committee, considering ib.should b e at least 300 in a town like Oamaru, urges-.all'who have enjoyed the benefits of the nurses* scrvices to keep up their subscriptions. PORT STATISTICS. The following are the port statistics tor Oamaru for April:— Coastal cargo—inwards, 450 tons (fuel oils 11. sugar 154, timber !>, bitumen 7, shocks 22. three motor cars, one motor lorry, other goods 240); outwards, 1327 tons (beans and peas 4, flour 056, lime 51. oats 10. oatmeal 21. pollard and bran 37. T seeds'2o, wheat 60, woollens 24 Lane’s Emulsion 23, ©anumi stone 13, casings 4, furniture 22. other goods 23), Overseas cargo—inwards. 882 tons (bottles 345, cod liver oil 15. chemical's 41, sheep dip 7. drapery 23, groceries 19, hardware 219, leather goode 0. manures 10, machinery 37. paints, salt 134, general 8): outwards, 1428 tons (frozen meat 1159, sheepskins 14, tallow 127. wool 127, other goods 1). LADIES’ HOCKEY ASSOCIATION. T,lie following is the draw for Satur-day:—Araw-a A v. Hampden, Takaro Park, Oamaru, 3 p.m, (referee, Rev. N. F. ■ Benham); Pirata A v. Totara, at Totara, 2.45 p.m. (referee, Mr Kay); Watea v. Maheno, Moeraki, 2.15 p.m. (referee, Mr_J. H. Scully). The following will represent Pirata A on Saturday:—Misses' Dx'E. Meehan, 1, Hicks, E. Bedford, (captain), M, Dwyer. R. Hannah, J. M'Kay, J. Winsloe,' R. Lewan, L. Thompson, J. Palmer, F Milne. 1 ' MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS. The municipal elections passed off quietly yesterday. They Were robbed of much interest on account of there being no contest for the mayoralty, Mr Frank. Oawehaw being returned unopposed. The ' polling was o good deal lighter than at the last municipal elections. ’ A large

number of electors waited last-night for fhtv I'eturns, which were not announced until a late hour. For the borough Council the following returned:—Messrs Forrester, A Dnir in id, Crombie. Cooney, Jenkins, I* ann I ton. _ Caldcl - ,' Colquhoun, Fraser, Frith, M right, and Fox. .For the-Harbour Board .the following wera returned;—Messrs Ireland, M’Diarnud, Maepherson, and Wright, For the Power Board the following retm-ned:—Messrs Forrester, M Diarmid, Frith, and Maepherson. CADETS’ CLUB. At the weekly shoot of the above dub, held last night, the rifle and handicap buttons were won by E. Symon and C. Can-oil respectively.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 20706, 2 May 1929, Page 14

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NORTH OTAGO. Otago Daily Times, Issue 20706, 2 May 1929, Page 14

NORTH OTAGO. Otago Daily Times, Issue 20706, 2 May 1929, Page 14