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NORTH OTAGO RUGBY UNION. The weekly meeting.of the North Otago Rugby Union was held last evening, Mr G. B. Stevenson presiding over a full attendance of members. The chairman reported that the Finance Committee would bring forward a report on the insurance scheme at the next meeting. A letter trom the New Zealand Rugby Union asking for nominations for the trial match at Wellington was referred ro the Selection Committee. Mr W, James advised that he was unable to undertake the duties of timekeeper this season, and a hearty vote ot thanks was passed to him for his past services. The appointment of a timekeeper was held over till next meeting. Transfers were granted to C. Davey, R. MTvor, A. Stichman, W. Cubitt, and D. Kae from the Excelsior Senior to Junior Grade. H. Carrington, W. Robinson and Les Wilson were granted transfers from the Athletic Senior to the Junior Grade. The Old Boys Club advised the withdrawal of the B team from the -Third Grade competition. A transfer was granted to R. W. Smith from University to Old Boys. The transfer of R. Hill from the Ravensbourne Club to Excelsior, was approved. The secretary was instructed to advise clubs not to practise at Tokaro Park on the hockey area on Monday and Wednesday evenings. Mr Mollison reported that Mr Hedley advised that there would be at least eight teams in the country competitions. The secretary reported that the gate takings at the show grounds amounted to £ls 10s Cd, compared with £l3 18s on the corresponding day last year. The Referees' Association advised that Goodall and Rawcliffe were ordered off in the Excelsior-Athletic Third Grade match on Saturday, and that Tait (Weston Pirates) was ordered off for disputing the referee’s decision. _ Mr Crone reported that one of his decisions was disputed by the Weston Pirates. They were all talking while a kick at goal was being taken. He would not have taken action had they not “ booed ” and jeered, and when he turned round Tait was talking. The whole team directed remarks at him, and he ordered Tait off as an example. Mr Hendy* stated that he happened to be there and there was quite a lot of talking. Tait denied that he was the player talking, and stated that his team reckoned that there was a lot of favouritism towards Athletic. Mr Mollison: The essence of football is to take a decision as you get it, whether it is right or wrong. The_ captain of th 6 Weston Pirates team stated that they were dissatisfied with the decision, and some |of them E eased remarks. Certainly one. should ave been cautioned, but Tait did not say a word out of place. Mr Crone reiterated that Tait argued and he woe quite satisfied that he was talking A member stated that he was watching the game, which, in his opinion, should have been stopped. The referee would have been justified in ordering the lot off. Tait was suspended for one playing Saturday, a motion to suspend him for two playing Saturdays being defeated by seven votes to five. Mr Lorimer stated that there was rough play in the Athletic-Excelsior Third Grade match, and one or two players had beerT hurt. He saw Goodall and Rawdine engaged in a rough and tumble, and ordered them off. Goodall stated that the facts as outlined were correct. Both playerr were suspended for one playing Saturday. The New Zealand Rugby Union advised that the following remits would come before the annual meeting:—The West Coast Union to move—“ That 5 per cent, of 'the balance of receipts in Ranfurly Slhield matches be paid to the New Zealand Union to,form a nucleus for the assistance of such unions requiring it.” (Delegate to support the remit.) The Canterbury Rugby Union advocated a modification of the agreement with New South Wales by reducing the frequency of visits, and that the visit of a team to Australia this season be put back a manth. (Left to the delegate.) The King Country Union to move—'• That £IOOO a year be advanced, by. the New Zealand Union to he utilised in assisting minor unions.” (Left to the delegate.) The Management Committee to move— That in view of the coming British tour all matches during the 1929 and 1930 seasons be played under the rules as laid down by the International Board ” (The was instructed to vote against the remit as at present worded, and was given a -free hand as to the playing of representative matches under international rules and club matches under the present rules.) NORTH OTAGO GUN CLUB. A large number of members attended the clay bird shoot ot the North Otago Gun Club, five sweepstake matches being shot off—one eight-bird and four six-bird The eight-bird match was won by Ivau Mitchell, who shot all his birds, W. Dewar and A. Harvey dividing second and third money with seven birds each. The. other matches resulted as follows:—First match: B. Gardiner, J. Mitchell, and C T. Thompson, five birds each. In the shoot off they were placed: Gardiner 1, Mitchell 2, Thompson 3. Second match: C. Thompson. J. Mitchell, and L. H. Sumpter each shot six birds, and the money was divided. Third match: C. Thompson, W. Dewar, L. H. Sumpter. W. Harvey, J. Mitchell, M. Douglas. T J ; Stephens. J. R. Mitchell each shot five birds. In the shoot off C. Thompson was first, W. Dewar and J. R. Mitchell dividing second and third money. Fourth match: A. Harvey won with six birds. M. Douglas, S. Spiers, and C. Thompson each shot five birds. In the shoot off C. Thompson was placed second, with S Spiers third. OAMARU PIGEON CLUB. The Oamaru Pigeon Club liberated 38 birds from Rakaia on Saturday, in the race held by the New Zealand Homing Pigeon Federation for young birds over an air line of 100 miles. Conditions were not conducive to fast times, the placed birds in the local contest being as follows: —S. Browne’s Tearaway, 022.3 yards per minute; E. Vernon’s Fay 619.8, A. H Ruddick’s Pioon 619, Webb Bros’ Battle Saint 618.3, Winning time, shr Oinin 19sec. PLUNKET SOCIETY. The fourth annual report of the country branch of the North Otago Plunket Society, submitted by Nurse Rogers; states, inter alia, that the work has developed splendidly, and keen interest is being shown by the sub-committees and parents in the various districts; In the south district the work became 'too much for f ’ie Oamaru nurse to overtake, and a resident nurse now lives at Palmerston, her district extending from Hampden to Seacliff, Kurow is now the largest sub-branch, and through the generosity of Mr and Mrs Walter Cameron, the society possesses an up-to-date Plunket oom and rest room. A room at the Y.M.C.A. at the Waitaki hydro camp is nlaced at the disposal of the nurse, so that mothers can interview her when needing’help for themselves or their babies. Th attendances at offices were as follow:—Oamaru—adults 533 babies 300, children 13; Kurow —adults -1.92, babies, 172, children 67; Hydro camp —adults. 24, babies 16, children 7; Duntroon—adults 31, babies 20, children 6; ■ Palmerston—adults 155, babies 133. children 57; Herbert—adults 38, babies 27, children 20; Moeraki—adults 1), babies 8, children 4; Tokarahi—adults 28, babies 23, children 9; Hampden—adults


28, babies 22, children 8; Enfield—adults 39, babies 36, children 5; totals —adults 1078, babies 756, children 321. Visits to homes, 1411; advice to expectant mothers, 58; new cases, 126; breast-fed, 102; partially 8, artificially 16; letters written 221; letters received, 213; parillac sold, 13151 b; pariol sold, 10551 b. POPPY DAY RETURNS. Additional Poppy Day returns have been received by the secretary of the Oamaru Returned Soldiers’ Association (Mr Neil H. Colquhoun) as follow; Windsor (Mr G. C. Macdonald and school ,r< l T^ ’ 12s J Hampden (Misses M Kerrow, Williamson, Dunbar, and-Mrs J. Dick), Waianakurua (Miss M. Green), Hillgrove (Miss E. Cleverly), and Kartigi (Miss Daphne Craighead and Mr A Robson), total £9 4s. On Anzao Day a beautiful floral tribute of red and white flowers, forming the letters R.S.A., made by Miss M, Hay, was placed on the Hampden .war memorial by Mr H. Mursell PERSONAL. A large number of friends and neighbors assembled at Rocklauds, Totara, on Wednesday evening last to say “An Kevmr and wish bon voyage to Mr William Wintle, who has for several years been head gardener at Rockiande,' and who is leaving shortly on an extended tour of Great Britain. Miss M’Donald, m presenting Mr Wintle with a handsome suit case as a tangible token of the esteem in which the recipient is held by all wished him a very pleasant holiday and a safe return, and expressed the wish that he would visit some of the best gardens while he was abroad, and thus add to his already wide experience in horticultural affairs. _ She assured him that all would do their best to carry on during his absence. Mr James M’Donald, Mr James Dunne, and others also eulogised the recipient’s good work and qualities Mr Wintle feelingly replied, thanking all for their useful and unexpected gift. A very pleasant evening was spent with music and cards, and the visitors were most hospitably entertained by Miss M’Donald. The singing of “ Auld Lang Syne terminated a pleasant function. SCHOOL LAWN TENNIS. The inter-school lawn tenuis fixture between the Waitaki and Timaru Girls’ High Schools was played at Timaru, the Waitaki teams securing victories in both senior and junior matches by 8 sets to 1 and 6 sets to 4 respectively. The details are as follows (the Waitaki names being mentioned first):—Senior: Singles— D. Miller v, J. Brewer 7 —o, E. Hughes v. H. Show 7—2. D. Baikie v. M. Christie 7 —2, H. Sutcliffe v. M. Mackenzie 7 —4, B. Manchester v. N. Oxford 7—o, E. Bloomfield v. S. Gillanders 6—7; doubles —* D. Miller and E. Hughes v. J. Brewer and H. Show 7 —2, D. Baikie and B. Manchester v. M, Christie and M-. Mackenzie 7—3, H. Sutcliffe and B. Bloomfield v. N, Oxford and S. Gillanders 7—5. Waitaki, 8 sets (62 games); Timaru, 1 set (25 games). Junior: Singles—J. M’Culloch v. D. Andrews 2—7, F. Edwinson v. D. Smythe 7—5, M. M’Culloch v. A. Ussher 7—6, H. Sumpter v. O. Lamb 7—2, A Miller v, M. Clements 6—7, M. Service v M. Howden 7—6; doubles —J. M’Culloch and H. Sumpter v, D. Andrews and D Smythe 4—7, F. Edwinson and M. M’Culioch v. A. Ussher and O. Lamb 7—4, A. Miller and M. Service v. M. Clements and M. Howden 5—7. Waitaki, 5 sets (53 games); Timaru, 4 sets (51 games). WAITAKI .RUGBY SUB-UNION. The annual meeting of the Waitaki Rugby Sub-Union was attended by four delegates from each club. Mr Hedley presided. The following notice of motion was dealt with. —“ That the Committee of Management of the union shall consist of seven delegates, to be elected by delegates of affiliated .clubs, a president, immediate past president (who shall be ex-officio member of the' committee), a secretary, one vice-president, a delegate to be,appointed by the Waitaki Referees’ Association, none of whom shall be playing members during the current season. Six shall' form a quorum. These officers, except as otherwise provided for, shall be elected annually by ballot at the general meeting in March. Each delegate must vote for. the required number of members, otherwise the vote shall be declared informal. The committee shall have power to fill any vacancy that may occur on the committee, and to transact any business of the union except that which is otherwise provided for by the rules. No officer of the union other than a salaried officer shall derive any pecuniary gain from the property or operations of the union. No person who is not present at the annual general meeting shall be eligible for election to the Committee of Management unless his consent to act shall have been obtained in writing and handed to the secretary at least three days before the annual general meeting.” On being put to the vote the motion was rejected by a considerable majority. The various clubs put forward the following! delegates to act during the ensuing year: —Duntroon, Messrs Taylor and Carmichael; Omarama, Messrs Don and Hedley; Otiake, Messrs W. Lucas and Mulvena; Tokarahi, Messrs Here and Murray; Awakino, Messrs Grant a’id Turnbull; Kurow, Messrs Lawler and Condon; Ngapara, Messrs Echold and Munro. ■ The election of officers resulted as follows:—President, Mr W. Hedley; vicepresident, Mr Taylor. Messrs Hedley, Taylor, Carmichael, and the secretary were appointed a sub-committee to revise the rules, The appointment of selectors was held over until next meeting. It was decided to form a referees’ association. It was that six members form a quorum at meetings of the Management Committee. The affiliation of the Otiake and Awakino Clubs with the sub-union was approved. The change of name from Upper Waitaki Club to Kurow Club was approved.. A transfer was granted to L. Humphries from Woodend Club to Omarama Club. The clubs are to be requested to supply the names of players to the secretary before the second playing Saturday. Messrs Hedley, Carmichael, Taylor, and the secretary were empowered to meet the referees in conference. The opening day was fixed for May 11. hut it was decided that no games should be played on May 18. Messrs Hedley. Taylor, and the secretary were appointed a subcommittee to inquire into an insurance scheme, and report at next meeting. The secretary was instructed to write to the Georgetown Club inquiring if a team would be entered for the competitions. MINIATURE RIFLE CLUB. The annual meeting of the Oamaru Miniature Rifle Chib was held last evening, Mr W. Gemmell presided. The election of officers resulted as follows:—Patron, Mr J. M, Forrester; president, Mr W. Gemmeli; vice-presidents, Messrs R. Pollock and H. Koppert; secretary, Mr_ T. Kennedy: committee — Messrs J. Nimmo, E. Swinard. W. Munro , J. Leslie. M. Sinclair. O. Glynn; handicapper, Mr H- Koppert; selectors— Messrs W. Gemmell. H. Koppert, and R Pollock; scrutineers^ —Messrs M. Sinclair. J.‘Leslie, and J. Nimmo; auditor. Mr J. Wilson; delegates to association, Messrs W. Gemmell, H. Koppert; coaches. Messrs R. Pollock and G. Doran. It was decided to shoot off the 25 yards mound in future.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 20704, 30 April 1929, Page 8

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NORTH OTAGO. Otago Daily Times, Issue 20704, 30 April 1929, Page 8

NORTH OTAGO. Otago Daily Times, Issue 20704, 30 April 1929, Page 8