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■WEEKLY MEETING. A meeting of the Management Committee of the Otago Rugby Union was held last night. The president (Mr W. Brown) occupied the chair. PUTTING TUB BALL INTO THE SCRUM. Letters were received from several clubs stating, in reply to a circular letter from the committee, that they were in favour of the referee putting the ball in the scrum. All the other replies received by the committee at its previous meeting were also in favour of the proposal, with the exception of, the High School Club. Mr D. Al. Stuart said that practically every club was in favour of the proposal. Mr A. J. Haub Said that Auckland had adopted the practice for some time. The New Zealand Referees’ Association had to the New Zealand Rugby Union on one occasion that the referee should put the ball in the scrum, but t’.e union would not agree, as it maintained it was against the laws of the game. My W. Allan said if the local clubs agreed to the proposal the New Zealand Rugby Union could hardly take exception to it. Mr H. Harris said'they had to consider the question of uniformity in their Ne* Zealand football. Personally, however, he favoured the referee putting the ball into the scrum, but there was the broad aspect to be considered. Some years ago the referee used to put the ball into the scrum, but 1 the English Union had then decided that players must put the ball into the scrums. Mr G. A. Nelson said he did not believe in tampering with the rules of tin English Union, and as soon as they got back to the full rules of the English Union the better for their game. Mr Allan said ho failed to see how the laws of the game were being altered by the: proposal. It was quite a different matter so far as the kick into touch rule was He Would move that the Referees’ Association be requested to instruct their referees to put the ball into the scrum in future matches. Mr Haub seconded the motion. Mr Harris said he did not think there was any doubt, but that, under the laws of the game, the players should put the ball into the scrum. Mr Nelson asked if Mr Haub Suggested that playeris did not put the balpinto the scrum fairly. ■, Mr Haub: Yes. He had seen a particular instance on Saturday; when’the hall was put in just as the player’s side called " Heave.” A member: ■ Well, the referee should penalise the offence. Mr D. 11. Stuart said that the best thing they could do would be to the New Zealand Rugby Union and ask if it was within the power of the Otago Union to make the alteration suggested. He would move ae an amendment that the New Zealand Rugby Union be asked if it would give them permission to make the change.. Practically all their clubs wanted the change, and the clubs should be considered. Mr Nelson: What about the sub-unious? Mr Harris: The only thing we are concerned'ahout is our local flag matches. Mr Allan agreed to withdraw his motion. Mr Haub said he could not understand the attitude of some of the members of the committee. They had decided to write to the clubs and ask their opinion on the matter, and now, having got the replies, members began to put forward objections. Mr Stuart said that they must put themselves on side before they made such an important alteration. 'He did not think the committee, if it were wise, would do anything hasty. They might find themselves over-ruled by the New Zealand Union. The motion was then put and carried unanimously. general. A Union Fifth Grade player, who had 'been suspended last August on a charge of having struck a Southern player, and having used obscene language, till such time as he came before the committee, appeared before the committee.—rlt was decided that the player should stand down till May S. J. Johnson applied for a transfer from the Kulkovai ■ Club to the Union Club.— Johnson said he had played for the Union last Saturday.—ln the discussion on this point Mr Allan said that they had knowledge of senior players who had played with other clubs before their transfers had been approved.—Mr Stuart said that temporary transfers had been given to these players.—The secretary (Mr E, S. Wilson) said he had informed, the - secretary of the Union Club that Johnson’s transfer had not yet been approved, , He had also written'to Johnson and told him that his transfer would be-considered that night.—-It was pointed out that 'Johnson had got a clearance from the Kaikorai Chib last September,-.and that he was under the impression he was entitled to his transfer.—lt was decided to grant the transfer. It was also decided to write to Johnson asking for an explanation why he played last Saturday. An explanation from the Union Club on the point to be likewise asked for, J. Smith was granted a transfer from the Pirates’ Club to the, Port Chalmers Club; 11. G. Hair from Clutha Valley to Taieri; R. T. Burley from United (Greymouth) to Alhambra; R. Barnes from ' Christchurch Technical College to Zincari-Richmond. The hon. secretary of the Kaikorai Club, wrote stating that liis Fifth and Sixth' Grade teams bad 'been unable to fulfil their engagements on Saturday. April 27. —The matches to be awarded to the Zin-gari-Richmond and Alhambra Clubs respectively. ■ J. O’Reilly, secretary Dunedin Football Club, wrote stating that'the-club’s Second Grade team had been unable to fulfil its engagement against Alhambra on Saturday.—Match awarded to Alhambra. A letter , was received from Mr S. Glendining stating that he was unable to aeeept the position of an Otago delegate at the annual meeting of. the New Zealand Union, as he had been transferred to' Wellington.—lt was decided to ask Air H Leith to accept the position,of delegate.' The chairman congratulated Air A. APDonald on his appointment as a member of the New Zealand Selection Committee. He considered that-Mr Al’Donald would fill the position with credit to himself. to Otago, and to the Dominion.— (Applause.) JUNIOR SELECTION COMMITTEE. Messrs Kelly (University). Porter (Port Chalmers), Butler (Dunedin). Grant (Ravensbourne), Alnrphy (Kaikovai), Geary (Taieri), -Mercer (Pirates). Simpson (Union), Timlin (Southern), and Al'Gaskill (Training College) were nominated for the Junior Selection Committee, of five. —On a ballot being taken Messrs Grant* Kelly, Simpson, Porter, and Alnrphy were appointed. Mr E. Bngby was appointed to' represent the union on the committee. AUSTRALIAN UNIVERSITY TEAAI. It was decided that the charges of admission to the match with the Australian University team at Carisbrook on May 25 should be Is to the' ground. 2s to the stand, and 3s (plus tax) for reserve seats. GATE TAKINGS. The secretary reported that the gate takings jpt Carisbrook on Saturday came to £13!) '6s 3d, and the receipts from all gates to £157 12s 6d. CONTROLLING COMMITTEE CRITICISED, A letter was received from the New Zealand Rugby Union stating that the thirty-seventh annual meeting of the council of the union would be held at Wellington on Thursday, May 16. Details of the various remits to come before the meeting were given. Included in the remits was the. following from-Canterbury ;—(1) That the New Zealand Rugby- Union negotiate with the New South Wales Rugby,Union regarding the agreement entered into in connection with the interchange of visits, with a vjew to modifying the agreement by reducing the, frequency of'the visits. (2) That the visit of a New Zealand team to Australia this season be put back one month.” The Management Committee of the New Zealand Union is to move—“ That in view of the coming British tour all matches during the 1029 and 1930 seasons be played, under the rides as laid down by the International Board.”

It Was suggested that the Otago delegates (Messrs Harris and Nelson, with two Wellington residents)'be given a free hand as - usual.

Mr ' y. Qt. ' Cavanagh said he thought they should give- their delegates a distinct Instruction in-so far at least as tho Can-

terbury remit was concerned. He thought that the New_ Zealand Management Committee was going a little too far and making club football subsidiary to what he might term their star attractions. The Management Committee seemed to be taking an undue responsibility, without consulting the various unions.

Mr Harris said there had been a distinct understanding that the Management Committee should not enter into any new agreement with New South Wales without submitting the proposals to the annua! meeting of delegates. Mr Douglas Spcdding: What is the financial arrangement between the two bodies? Mr Harris said he did not know. He took it that the details would be published in the annual report. Mr Speckling said he had seen it stated in a press report that when an Australian team came to New Zealand it was to get 20 per cent, of the gates, but that New Zealand teams 'visiting Australia were to receive no part of the gates. It was stated that the last New South Wales team that came to New Zealand got £250 as its share. Mr Harris: That was under an old agreement. A fresh agreement had now been entered into. He did not see that much good could follow by supporting the remit that the visit of the New Zealand team should be put back a month. It would interfere with their club, football just as much perhaps. Mr Stuart said he thought they ought to voice their objection to the Committee of Management entering into an agreement without consulting the unions. Mr Harris; The delegates can refuse to ratify the agreement. Mr Speckling: It seems to me they are making club football a secondary consideration.

Air Harris said that delegates had previously told the Alanagemcnt Committee that it had not to fix up agreements without consulting the unions. The Alanagement Committee’s report might be adopted and the whole thing would then go by the board. The Alanagemcnt Committee bad really committed the New Zealand Union to certain fixtures, and the delegates might not like to turn them down. Mr Cavanagh: Well, its about time they turned them down.— (“Hear, hear.”) The Management Committee was not appointed to over-ride the wishes of the unions. He would move that the Otago delegates support the Canterbury remit. Canterbury might have some particular reason, moreover, for their second remit, and that should he supported too. Air Harris;-When does the team leave New Zealand? If Canterbury had several men in the team it would hit their club football very hard. If the tour was .put back a month it might not so seriously affect their club football, but it would affect their interproviucial matches. If put back a month it would also prevent Otago players who might be selected to go to Australia taking part in,'the .Otago tour north. Personally, he would sooner sacrifice their iuterprovincial engagements than, their club football. — (“Hear, hear.”) • The secretary said the team was to leave New Zealand on Juno 21. Mr N.clr.a said he thought the idea of the Canterbury Union was to find out where the unions really stood as against the Alanagemcnt Committee. ' If-the; departure of Hie team was put back a monthyounger players might probably .be considered. On the one hand, if th*e team went on the date fixed the older players—several of whom had gone to South Africa —would probably be included. . Mr Nelson, said that the delegates had previously forgiven the Management inittec for ignoring the delegates’ wishes,’ and the committee had promised definitely that it would .not enter- into • any new agreeinents.'Without consulting the unions. Air Harris; That is stronger even than 1 put it.— (Laughter.) Mr Nelson: We have the power to force the hands of the Alanagemcnt Committee. and to my mind there is only one way of doing it. They knew what he meant. Air Harris said that a member of the Afan-agemont Committee had stated (hat they would require their strongest New Zealand team to repel the “British inI e did not know bon this member' arrived at this eonclusioi as in recent years New Zealand teams had more than held their own with. British teams. It seemed -to him that the Alanageraent Committee did not care anything about their club football. Their'only thought was to beat England. What did it matter if fihe.i beat England, if they were going, to sacrifice their club football in the attempt?—.(“ Hear, bear.”) Air J. AlitrheUseconded Air Cavanagh’s motion, which was carried unanimously. The. delegates were given a free hand as regarded the other remits. The secretary said that a trial match was. to be_ held in Wellington on June 3, and tba nominations of players were to be made from the various unions. The mateb would not be considered as a North v. South Island one. The nominations were to be in by Alay 20. - The matter of Otago nominations was referred to the Selection Committee. SATURDAY’S MATCHES. The following .is the draw for Saturda£>. B r °unds and referees:— First Grade.—Kaikorai v. University A. Cansbrook (Afr G. APKenzie); Alhambra '- Pirates. Carisbrook. 1.30 p.m. (Air J. Himburg) 1 Taieri v. University B. Alosgici (Mr K Lee); Dunedin v. Zingari ■Alontecillo No. 1 (Air W. Jones) ; Southern v. Union, North Ground (Air J Aitchcson). . , ‘ ; ' Second Grade.—Kaikorai v. Ziugari Bishopscourt Nd. I (Air R.- Finder) •’ Union v, Pirates A, . Tahuna No. 1 (Air G. Alarstoni; Dunedin v. Pirates B, Tahuna No 2 /Mr R. J. Smith); Ravensbourne v. Training College, Ravensbourne No.-l (Mr I. Grant) ; Alhambra v. Taieri, Opoho *o.l (Mr G. R, Hanan): West JLaien v. University D, Outram (Mr B. Ollivcr); Port Chalmers v. University C Logan ■ Park, University No. 1 (Mr O. Knox); Southern, a bye, Third Grade.—Training College A v. Pirates,. Logan Park, outside area No, 4 (Mr R. Watson); Zingari v. Taieri, Alontccillo No. 2 (Air E. Clancy); University E v. Port Chalmers. Logan Park; University No. 2 ,(Alr J. Hayes); Union B v. Southern A, Bathgate Park No. 1 (Air J. APCombie); High School v.- University G, Littlebourne Park (Air J. Fletcher); University F v. Union A, Logan Park, No. 3 outside area (Air W, M'Stay); Training College B v. Kaikorai. • Bishopscourt No. 2 (Air C. Napper)'Alhambra A v; Alhambra B, Opoho No. 2 (club arrange); Dunedin v. Y.M.C.A.. Oval No. 2 (Air H. Prehble); Southern B, ,a bye. t Fourth Grade.—Green Island v. Southern A. Bathgate Park No. 2 (Air F. Swote); Pirates v. Dunedin. Oval No. 3 (Air N, Reardon); .High School v. Alhambra B, Opoho No. 2, 1.30 (Air W. Connor); Port Chalmers v. Zingari; Culling Park (Air A. Hay); Union - v.- Southern B, North Ground. 1.30. (Air C. Williams); Alhambra. A- v, M'Glashnn. Al'Clashim Ground (Air J. Winsloe); Kaikorai, a bye. - Fifth Grade.—Pirates '’. Technical College, Alexandra Park (Mr Burnnand); Ravensbourne v. Alhambra .B. Ravensbourno No. 2 (Air T. Strode); Zingari v. High School D. Alontecillo No., I, 1.30 (Air L. Wright): High School A v, Dunedin, Oval No. 2, 1:30 (Air A. Fleury); Union v. Taieri, Tahuna No. 3 (Mr W. Baxter); Southern v. High School C, Bathgate Park No. 1, 1.30 (Air S. G. Smith); Kaikorai’ v.' Southern B. Bathgate Park No.- 2., 1.30 (Mr L. Jack); High School B v. Alhambra A. Opoho No. 1 I.3o'fMr J. S. Andrews). Sixth Grade. —Southern v. High School, Littlebourne Park.. 1.30 (Air H. Herd); Alhambra v. Dunedin, Alontecillo No. 2. 1.30 (Air T. Kcllan): Kaikorai v Green Island. Oval No. 3. 1,30-(Air L. E, Alacassey). . • ' > SeaclilT v. Palmerston. Seacliff (Air \V. Jenkins); Dtuiliack v. Wnikouaiti, Dunback (Mr, A. Eckhold). ... SECONDARY SCHOOLS. (All matches at 11a.m.). A Grade.—O.B.H.S. C r. Technical B, at Tahuna No. 2 (Air Harvey); Christian Brothers Av. 0.8.H.5.’8, at Littlebourne (Air Carswell); Al'Glaslian A v. Technical A at Ova? No.' 1 (Air Beath); 0.8.H.5. D v. Al'Glaslian B. at Bisliopscom-t No 1 (Air Blue); Alosgiel v, Christian Brothers B, at Alonteeillo No. 1 (Air Brnee): 0.8.H.5. A. a .live. B Grade.—O.B H R. B v. M'Glnslmn. at Bishopscourt No 2 (Air Beck); Christian Brothers B v, 0.8.H.S C. at Logan Park No. 1 (Mr Henry) ; 0.8.H.S A v. Christian Brothers A. at Logan Park No. 2 (Air Murrav); technical : v, 0.8.H.5. p. nt Tahuna No 1 (Air Roscvear), ’ C rifti n n Brothers A v. Christian Brothers B. at North Ground (Air Littleiohn): Technical v, 0.8.H.5. A. ; at Oval No. 2 (Air Rivers); Christian' Brothers E v.. Christian Brothers C. at Alontecillo No., 2 (Air AI'Dowall); i 0.8.H.5. B'v. Christian Brothers' D,' at Oval No. 3 (Air Leech).’

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 20704, 30 April 1929, Page 7

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OTAGO RUGBY UNION. Otago Daily Times, Issue 20704, 30 April 1929, Page 7

OTAGO RUGBY UNION. Otago Daily Times, Issue 20704, 30 April 1929, Page 7