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Notes for Women


Items of social interest and topics relating to the home are invited. Communications must be accompanied by the name and address of the writer. Notices of engagements must be signed by one at least of the principals, or by some responsible person, as a guarantee of genuineness.

PERSONAL AND SOCIAL. Miss T. Dickson is a Christchurch visitor to this city. , » * • Mrs M'Kcc is a Methven visitor to this city for the Hunter-Russell wedding. Mrs A. Stevens, of Westport, is a visitor to this city. • • • Miss Kettle, of London, is the guest of Mrs G. 11. Ritchie, Heriot row. • • • Dr and Mrs J. J. Brownlee are Christchurch visitors to the city for the HunterRussell wedding. • » Miss Reid is paying a visit to Invercargill as the guest of Miss Lulu Henderson. • * • Dr and Mrs Hugh Hunter, of Ashburton. will arrive to-day to attend the marriage of their sop. Dr Stewart Hunter. # * • Miss Esme Trotter, of Riverton, is the guest of Mrs John MacPherson. Moana crescent. • • • Mr and Mrs MTvellnr and Miss Bloomfield left Dunedin yesterday to pay a visit to Wellington. • * ft Sirs L. T. Herbert, t>f Pahiatua, arrived in the city on Saturday, and is the guest of her mother, Mrs D. Russell, St. Leonards. * * » Dr Edith Mayo, who is revisiting the Dominion after an absence of five years, is at present the guest of Mrs Charles Todd, St. Clair. The Misses Mardie and Helen Hunter, of Ashburton, who are in the city for their brother’s wedding, are the guests of Mrs David Russell, St. Leonards. » • # Mrs Ray Brownlee and the Misses Brownlee, of Christchurch, will arrive in the city to-day for the Hunter-Russell wedding. • • • Mr and Mrs J. Sutherland Ross returned to Dunedin last Wednesday evening after spending a holiday at Pembroke, * * • Miss Nancy Crockett and Miss Florence M’Millan, who visited Invercargill for the Smlth-Ingram wedding, have returned to the city. • • • Miss Allen and Miss Nancarrow, who left for Auckland recently intending to stay the winter in that city, have taken a flat at IMaunsell road, Parnell. • * * Mr and Mrs N. G. Saunders, of Herbert, will arrive in Dunedin to-day to attend the Hunter-Russell wedding, and will during their stay fee the guests of Dr and Mrs Stuart Moore, Selkirk street • • • Mrs Ingles Miller, of Waikari, North Canterbury, who is expected to arrive in this city to-day, will be the guest vr Rcv - G ' Miller and Mrs Miller, North-East Valley. • » * Dr and Mrs David Dickson, of Coni■rate, Canterbury, who arrive to-day for the Hunter-Russell wedding, will be the ‘Tiiesta of Mrs Dickson’s sister, Miss Rata D Auvergne.' ~ * * • Tlie engagement is announced of Mar■one Hearne elder daughter of Mr and Mrs W. J. M'Kenzie, of “ Rungahiwi,” Waikoikoi, to Eric, son of Mr and Mrs u. M Quarrie, of Dalrymple road, Invercargill. • • • Mrs Calder and Mrs Rae were joint hostesses on Wednesday last at an afternoon given at their residence " Canberra,’ Helleknowes, in hqnour of Mrs Hug! MacDonald, who is leaving the district wnests present were Mrs and Miss Bagrie Mesdames Blackwood. Ball, M'Doull, Mar riage, and M*Arthur, * * « Mrs A. Mr Crockett and her daughter-in-law. Mrs W. M'Gill Crockett, of Pal merston, who visited Invercargill for the Smith-1 ngram wedding, have been spend mg a few days at the Rocks, Riverton and are now the guests of Mrs W. Turnbull, of M'Quarrie street, Invercargill. • * * A morning tea was given on Saturday at Tudor Hall by Miss Ruahine Allen and Miss Nora Mayhead to Miss Betty Huesell, of St. Leonards, who is to be married this evening at Knox Church to Ui Stewart Hunter, of Ashburton. Dr Hunter returned last week from England The guests present were Mesdames A Allen, D. Russell, J. M. Fraser, and N Buchanan, Misses Marna Service, Nancy Oram. Brenda Palmer, Cicely Mauhire and Katrina Bardsley.' • • • The Wakari branch of the Otago Home Economics Association met last week at the residence of Mrs W. S. Cubitt, when the president, Mrs S. Knights, presided over a good attendance. It was reported that the president and Mesdames Cubitt and E. Mack had assisted on Poppy Day and bad met with 1 good results. Mrs Knights read several poems and a paper by Annie Besant on “ The Key to Future Education,” and. the evening was concluded with supper and a, social hour. ■• * • “The ladies, under Mr Comyns Carr’s observation, seem to lack the imaginative faculty” (says the London Daily Telegraph). “Inability to find justification for getting a new frock is not a general weakness in the sex. The natural desire for new frocks docs not generally comprise a desire for rubbish. Women are really almost human in their intelligence, and for frocks which have to stand wear, prefer material that will wear. It is unfortunate the defence of Freetrade should require the assumption That, most people have no common sense,” ■ • ft- ft An interesting innovation—a supper club—to be inaugurated at the Y.W C.A cafeteria to-morrow evening is to be conducted by Miss Copsey and Miss Macmillan, two home science students. A fascinating programme was drawn up at tininaugural meeting last Wednesday, consisting of sweet-making, cakes, puddingssoups, dietetics, fruit dishes for all meals and simple meat and vegetable dishes which may be cooked on a gas ring Everyone interested is invited to the opening night next Wednesday at 7.30 o’clock. * * i Linoleums in all the newest designs and colourings, from 5s fid a yard. 6ft wide Only the best British makes in stock. —C and W. Hayward. Ltd.—Advt. • • • -Note.-When deciding on your Gloves or Stockings go to the specialist London Town Hosiery Parlour where you buy direct .lorn mill nt the lowest cost.--IBl> George street (3 doors from Terry’s).Advt. • • • During the absence of Mr and Mrs W D. Napier from New Zealand Mist Dorothy Napier is undertaking the man agement of "Tc Kiteroa,” the pnpulai guest house and health resort at Wai mate. Modern house, with electric light and drainage. Ideal winter climate: beautiful garden, unique bird life, exten sive view For illustrated descriptive circular, containing full particulars, acl dress Miss Dorothy Napier, P.O. Bos 10 Waimate. Telephone 151, Waimate. — Advt. • « • Black satin and gold evening cloaks, reversible, are priced at 17 19s fid. A black_ satin evening cloak, tuek/d, and rose-lined, is £7 19s fid. A black satin coat, sky blue lined, is priced £8 Bs. A carnation pink velvet coat is £7 7s. A tinsel brocade coat, with moufflon collar, is priced £6 6s. One in navy and silver brocade has white foxalipe cuffs and collar; price £8 Be. These are some of the latest evening 1 wraps just unpacked. Bridge coatees, in lovely floral chenilles, are bright and cosy; prices 89s fid and 955. Rich coats, in soft brown.,' mole shades, are in the much-sought-after fur fabrics, or broadtail; prices £0 9s.— Lucia, 35 George street, coat, frock, and costume specialist.—Advt.*

, Mrs Garth Callaway was hostess on Friday at a bridge party given for Mrs Gladstone Robinson, of Timaru. Mesdames Marshall Macdonald, Riley, George AlacLean. M. Gallaway, Misses Callaway and F. Rattray were the other guests present. • • • Mrs R, Dawson gave a small bridge party yesterday evening in honour of her brother. Captain J. Brook, N.Z.S.C of Christchurch. The other players present were Mesdames Leslie Mills and Brooke (India), Miss Gallaway, Messrs S. Maepherson and R. Dawson, and Captain Shuttleworth. * • • “E° n ’t be surprised,” says a fashion writer, if you see a woman who is apparently wearing her hat back to front —do not accuse her of carelessness. She is merely obeying with her usual alacrity the latest dictates of Dame Fashion, and trimmings on both dresses and hats are to be worn at the back. Hats which are absolutely plain in front are elaborately embroidered at the back. These have taken the’fancy of the Queen of Spain, who has ordered several to be sent ’ to Madrid from Paris. Some of the new buckles are made of looking glass. Worn at the back of a hat, these should be dis dmctly useful for the person behind.” Dr A. R. Falconer, ex-superintendent of the Dunedin Hospital, with Mrs Falconer, entertained Miss Wells, the institution’s i dietitian, at a luncheon party at the Tudor | Hall on Friday. Conspicuous in the deco- i rative scheme of the table were the bronze chrysanthemums mixed with golden rod, America’s emblematic flower, while diminutive flags of New Zealand and America gave a national aspect to the procedings. The guests present were Sir James and Lady Allen. Mr and Mrs Walter Ross, Dr and Mi's Newlands, Mrs Stanley Batchelor, Professor Strong, Miss Torment, Matron of the Dunedin Hospital, Misses E. Roberts, Runciman, and Disbrey (Wellington), Archdeacon Whitehead, Dr Carmalt Jones, and Dr Thomson (present superintendent of the Dunedin Hospital). • • < A New Zealand woman who has made a mark for herself in the United ’ States and Canada, Dr J. Pilcher, professor of psychology at the University of British Columbia, arrived from Vancouver by the Aorangi, and with her husband and_ son will spend a holiday in the Dominion (says the New Zealand Herald). Relinquishing the position of science mistress at the Auckland Girls’ Grammar School nine years ago, Dr Pilcher went to the United States and spent six years at Stanford University, where she gained the degree of doctor of philosophy. Before her appointment to the University of British Columbia, she spent some time at the University of lowa, “ One does not get any consideration because one is _ a New Zealander at an American university,” Dr Pilcher said. “Every student has to make his own. way, and to do this every student must work very hard indeed. Many people in the United States think that New Zealand is part of Australia,” The subject of psychology was a very important one at all American universities, Dr Pilcher added. Medical students were obliged to take a course, for instance. In Canada and in England, also, the subject of psychology was playing a large part in university training. Dr Pilcher is paying her first visit to New Zealand m nine years. She was educated at Otago University, and during the course of her tour will visib it again. * • Miss May Haggitt, second daughter ol Mr and Mz-s J. A. Haggitt. of Dunedin, was married on April 24 at the Roman vathohe Basilica to Mr Charles Eric Uulstone, eldest son of Mr ami Mrs C. E. Rillstone, Eye street, Invercargill. The bride, who in the absence of her parents who are touring abroad, was given away by her brother, Mr lan Haggitt. She wore a gown of white taffeta with closely nttmg bodice and V shaped neckline, and full skirt of white tulle, drooping at tin , ' Her veil of hand-embroidered white tulle reaching to the ground, was pleated over her forehead, and was arlanged with orange blossom over each ear, and at the back. The chief bridesmaid, Miss Lilian Haggitt, sister of the - ir e> wore a frock of turquoise blue taffeta and tulle, and Miss Margaret Rillstone, sister of the was attired in a frock of apricot coloured tafteta and tulle. Both bridesmaids wore champagne coloured picture hats with shoes and hose of the same shade. Mr James Francis carried out the duties of best man, and Mr Harry Rillstone was groomsman. After the ceremony, the guests adjourned to the residence of Mr and Mrs Rillstone, Eye street. Mrs Rillstone, who received the guests, wore a hat and grown of navy, blue crepe de chine. The young couple left by the mid-day express for the north, the bride travelling in a suit of brown mixed tweed, with hat, shoes and stockings to tone. The future home of Mi- and Mrs Rillstone will be in Timaru. ,» * • A fashionable wedding took place at £5- Peter s Church, when Miss Zoo Witherow. daughter of Mr and Mrs F. J. Witheiw. of " Willowbank,” Wuipawa, and Air Eric Fulton, of Auckland, son of Mr and Mrs Fulton, Dunedin, were niai> necl, the ceremony being performed by the Rev. J. Pigot, of Waipawa. The bride was given away by her father, and 1 wore bridal attire of apricot taffeta. The bodice was close-fitting, and the skirt tiered with frills, with a dipped hem. The lace veil, lent by Mrs Walton, was secured on the head with a small circlet of orange blossoms. ■ Slippers, whose colour blended with tho gown were worn, and a bouquet of carnations, roses . fcrnß was carried. Miss Vera Withferow attended her sister as bridesmaid, and was frocked in pale celery green georgette, made in the latest mode, and with it was worn a picture felt hat. A bouquet of autumn tinted (lowers and foliage was carried. Mr Tickner attended as best man. After the ceremony the guests motored to “Willowbank,” the house of the bride’s parents. Mrs Witherow was wearing a gown of black lace over grey, and a black hat. The bridal table was decorated with small pink lilies and maidenhair fern. In future Mr and Mrs Erie Fulton will reside at Auckland. 1 lie bride travelled in a frock of brown brocho crepe de chine with a smartlvtailored coat and felt hat. and a set of fox furs, the, gift of bridegroom. On March 23 a very popular wedding was solemnised at Becks Church, when Rutherford, - oldest- daughter m Hr a nd Mrs James Rutherford, of btewart Burn.” Cambrian, and Air D. Hall, son of Air and- Airs A. Hal), of it t” a i Ratearoa. were united in the holy bonds of matrimony. The Rev, ;, Crockett officiated at the ceremony. Hie bride entered the church on the arin of her father to the strains of a wedding march played my Aliss Hall, sister of the bridegroom. The church was beautifully decorated by friends of the bride and the attendance was so large that fully half of the guests had to wait outside the church to get a glimpse of the bridal party. The bride wore a charming gown of white satin and lace with a beautiful veil and orange blossom's, The two bridesmaids—Aliss Laura Rutherford and Miss Alay Beattie, sister and cousin respectively of the bride—wore lovely frocks of pale green georgette trimmed with sliver ]aco and featuring the handkerchief skirts, with bandeaux round their hair. The two little flower girls, daughters of Mr and Airs Rutherford, of Rimfurly. and cousins of the bride, were frocked in white satin frilled with not. the bridegroom was attended by Mr Harold Blakely as best man, and Air Jackson Hull as groomsman. The wedding breakfast' was held at the Lauder Hall, where the guests, numbering almost 300, were received by Air and Airs Rutherford and Mr and Mrs Hall. The break-, fast was concluded with the singing of ‘ Apld Lang Svne.” following which a festive evening was held, everyonethoroughly enjoying, themselves. The" bridegroom’s • present to the bride was a' red fox fur. and to the bridesmaids a gold expanding wristlet watch and string of Pearls respectively. The numerous and handsome presents received are a striking testimony to tho popularity of both the bride and bridegroom. -

At the annual meeting of the Roslyn branch of the Gome Economics Association, held at Colutnba College, last week, Mrs W. D. Anderson was unanimouslyelected president for the year, and Mrs b. M. Park and Miss F. J. Ross, M.A., were re-elected vice-presidents. A strong committee was set up, and an interesting programme of work arranged for the session. Meetings will be held monthly during the winter. A regular attendance is hoped for at these meetings, also an increase in the membership. The retiring president, Mrs C. O. Al’Kellar, was accorded a hearty vofe of thanks for the work she had done for the branch since its inauguration. % » • • '.The Musselburgh branch of the League of Mothers is homeless. So far it has proved impossible to find a meeting place within reach of the members. In this dilemma Mrs Paton Dunlop most kindly invited the branch to hold the April meeting at her house last Tuesday, when 18 members were present. Apologies were received from Mrs G. C. Begg (president), Mrs Denton Leech (hon. secretary), and Mrs Abernethy, Mrs Bennett, vice-presi-dent, was voted to the chair. Mrs North, provincial president, attended in order to admit six new members, and gave a very helpful and appropriate address. The speaker for the evening was Nurse O’Shea, whose pleasant manner of conveying knowledge charmed her hearers. The evening passed quickly, and was thoroughly enjoyed. The branch awaits an invitation for the next meeting on the third Tuesday in May. * • * The "Saravati” Musical Club, of Palmei’ston, met for its second meeting of the. year on April 18, at the reoidence of the president of the club (Mrs J. W. Sutherland). The meeting was very well attended, a both pleasing and highly entertaining programme being offered.- The opening item was a pianoforte duet, entitled “ Italy,” by Rakoff, rendered by the Misses M. King and N. Pickett. Other contributions to the programme were recitations, bv Misses Guffie, S, Elson, and I. Pickett, vocal solos by Misses I. Brown, 0. Bennett and E. Brown; pianoforte solos, Misses I. Laing, E. Sheat, and I. Thomas, and a ladies’ glee by the members of the Saravati Club. During the evening a paper on "Bach” contributed and read by Miss Cochrane, was highly appreciated. At the conclusion of the programme supper was sex-ved. • • • Visitors to Mount Cook are still as numerous as ever, "The Hermitage” housing many merry parties of sight-seers. Among those there last week were:—Mr J. E. Stephens, Mr G. Jones, Miss B. L. Hodges, Mr and Mrs Rr Malcolm, Miss A. M. Andrew, Mr and Mrs A. Smith, Miss F. A. Roberts, ..Dunedin; Mrs A. Talbot, Mrs W. Thomas, Mr F. W. Ward, Dr J. C. Al'Kenzie, Mr and Mrs D. Standage, Mr and Mrs C. H. Coshead, Mr and Mrs Al'lver, Mr J. H. Houlston, Timaru; Mr J. B. Stanbury, Mr and Mrs E. A. Duncan, Christchurch; Mr and Mrs W. R. Martyn, Nelson; Mr A. Ellis, Miss J. I. Ellis, Auckland; Mr A. N. Gage, Mr W. MTntosh, Mr C, S. Anderson, Melbourne; Miss L. E. Fletcher, Mrs A. B'. Fox, Miss Fox, Mrs Littlejohn, Miss Fitzhardinge, Mr A. B. Nairn, Sydney; the Misses N. and S. Kidner, London; Mrs Dunlop, Mr A. J. Wallace, Dr L. J. Johnstone, of Scotland. - •* . • Recent guests at the White Star Hotel, Queenstown; were;—-Miss M. M. Campbell, Mr W. Stephen, Mr J. S. Lewis, Mr and Mrs E. J. Wren, Mr S. Pitt, Mr J. M. Dickson, Mr R, Caines, Mr and Mrs W. E. Reynolds, Mr C. R. Nicholson, Mr and Mrs Donaldson, Mr A. Clark, Messrs M. Warhurst, G. Robertson, J. K. Webling, Hugh Elder, of Dunedin; Messrs C Bradfield, W. Walker, Mr E. J. Sutherland. Mr and Mrs W. A. Brown, Invercargil; Mrs and Miss Telfoi’d, Otauainomo; Mr and Mrs Donald, Mr T. Duncan, Ranfurly; Sir and Mrs W. Howell, Waipiata; Mrs Wright, Waimea South; Mr H. Tucker, Auckland; Mrs Carter and Miss Belless, Taihape; Mr and Mrs L J Bayfield. Mr am’ Mrs J. Triggs. Miss I. Elder,- Christchurch; Mr K. Clarke, Ashburton; Mr and Mrs W. W Orr, Mr J. S. On- Linsmere; Mr and Mrs M Ivor, Timaru; Miss M. Poff, Oamaru; Mr and Alrsß. A. Bailey, boiith Africa; Mrs R, Sydney Stewart. Federated Malay States: Miss Dunlop Glasgow Scotland; Mr E. Crosier, BrisjeLMr and ilrs D - M - Drummond, Mr aud Mrs Hughes, Miss Royan, Mrs A B box and Miss Fox. Sydney; .Mrs Littlemhn. Ban-aba; Mr F. W. Castle Roche. V ass.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 20704, 30 April 1929, Page 18

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Notes for Women Otago Daily Times, Issue 20704, 30 April 1929, Page 18

Notes for Women Otago Daily Times, Issue 20704, 30 April 1929, Page 18