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POPPY DAY RETURNS. The secretary of the Oamaru Returned Soldiers’ Association (Mr Neil H. Colquhaun) reports that the response to tire Pappy Day appeal in the country is on a par with previous years, the following returns having come to hand:—Awaruoko (Mesdames E. S. Brewster and V7inchester. Misses Elliott, Ledingham, Miles, Brunton, and Strachan, Mr R. Poison and Master Brunton), £5 lie; Kokoamo (Miss E. L. Nishet and school children). £1; Kakanni (Mr T. S. Tyson), £1 10s; Weston (Mr J. Campbell and school children), £2 19s; Enfield (Mr J. Joiner) £3 17s; Duntroon (Mr S. S. Barclay and school children), £3 13s; Kia Ora (Mr J, Esson and school children), 13s. There are a few additional returns yet to come to hand. LAND SALE. There was a large, attendance of buyers at the sale of freehold sections at Awamoa, held at Tattersall's by Messrs Wright, Stephenson, and Co., in conjunction , with Messrs George Sumpter and Son, several sections being sold at prices ranging from £l6O to £205. As Awamoa is becoming one of the favoured residential areas in Oamaru. the remaining scctions should meet with a ready sale.


HILDERTHORPE SCHOOL. The following committee lias been elected for the Hilderthorpe School: — Messrs J. Duncan (chairman), I). Greer, H. Denuison, R. Condon. H. Williams (secretary). THE PASSMORE SHIELD. The Oamaru Cadets, C Company, Otiigo Regiment, again annexed the Passraore Shield for the best night parading unit in the southern command, and will now represent the South Island against the selected companies of the central' and northern commands for the Campbell Statuette, awarded to the best company of New Zealand. The examination of -ttie Oamarj Cadets for the statuete will be held by the "Wellington board before May 18. Last year the Oamaru Cadets won the trophy from Wanganni, and high hopes are entertained for the company repeating its performance. HARVEST THANKSGIVING SALE. A very successful harvest thanksgiving sale in connection with the Herbert Presbyterian Church was held in the Herbert Hall. The Rev. Mr and Mrs Todd, who are to take over the charge of the parish during the absence of the R.ev. Mr and Mrs Reunie, were introduced by Mr Rodman. At the close .of the evening everything was sold from the stalls. Cakes "for guessing the weight were kindly given" by Mrs George Robertson and Mrs "Agnes Campbe]!, The stalls were in" the charge of the following:—Fruit and vegetable— Mesdames MurselJ, Morrison, and Hooper: rake, Mesdames Aitchison and E. Ross; sweets, Misses Jones and May Irvine: produce—Messrs A. Forbes, Irvine, and M'Millan;. shooting—Messrs A. Campbell, J. A. Ross, and Rodman; nail driving. Mr A. M'Millan; refreshments —Mesdames A. Campbell, Rodman, W. Ross, and Miss Kroon; guessing— Misses Irvine, Campbell (2), M'Lean, Wilson (2), Craig, and Hooper. The correct weight of the sheep was guessed by Mr A. Campbell and the correct number of peas by Mr J. Mursell. One cake was won by. Miss Betty .Watson and the other was divided between Mrs King and Mr Percy Wilson, both guessing the weight. ON THE RANGE The Papakaio Rifle Club shot the return match against the Oamaru Defence Rifle Club on Saturday afternoon over the ,100 and 600 yards ranges. For the sake of convenience the match was fired on the Federal'range, and resulted in a win for Oniliavu b„v 7G points. It is only fair to state that Papakaio. has no 600 yards on its range, so was under a disadvantage in shooting at that distance. The yeather conditions were bad, the light being dull and patchy, and a cold biting wind blew down the range, making the shooting conditions unpleasant. Some excellent scores were put up, W. Gibson, of Papakaio, securing a brilliant 91. and R. Smith (Oamaru) put on a well deserved 89. Some of the marksmen had a bad spin at the finish, shooting in a fading light. In fact, the. targets were hardly, visible for the last men down. Afternoon tea was provided on the range by. the Papakaio Club and was thoroughly enjoyed by ail. A very enjoyable afternoon was spent and was a fitting finale for the shooting season. This concludes .the .season for the Oamaru Defence Rifle Club/ After the usual speeches had been made three hearty cheers were given for the victors and vanquished, and the visitors departed for home well satisfied with the afternoon's outing. Following are the scores:— OAMARU..

RESIDENCE ENTERED On Friday night during the absence of the occupants, a residence, in Foyle street was broken into. The burglars ransacked the place and removed three £5 notes and n. couple of gold rings from a drawer. MINIATURE RIFLE SHOOTING. A meeting of those interested m the formation of a miniature rifle-club at Totara was: held in the Public Hall on Saturday evening, about 14 residents beinj present. Mr M\Lay was voted to the chair, and explained matters in regard to the formation of a club. As there were not sufficient members present to form a club, a temporary committee of those present was set up to try and procure as many members as possible. Mr M'Lay w;is elected to act as chairman, and Air T. Liickman was appointed secretary. Sir 1). Clark, who was unable to be present, wrote .stating that he'was willing to become a member, and promised every assistance.- - . • A practice shoot was held by the Hailway Miniature Rifle Club on Saturday evening. The following arc the scores:— A. Brown 78. W. Woodall 78, D. Williams 77. U. Alexander 77, J. Watcrworth 76. 8. Sangfiter l.i. E. Bragging vo. W. Hartley 74. R. Laurie 73,' I). Collins 72. J. Young 71, A. Cunuvng 71. E. Parker 70. K. rainier 70. G. Ward 70. GOLF. A bogey match was played on the links on Saturday and was won by G. Heurv (II) 6 up, followed by Nieholls (11) 1 up. Roll (1.2) all .square, Hewat (13) all square, M'Kenzie (16) 1 down, K. Familtou (8) 3 down, D. Reid (13) 3 down, Mulligan (14) 3 down. Rivers (18) 3 down, Ireland (13) 4 dbwn.M'Ewcn (11) 4 down, Wyber (12) 4.down, L. Henry (18) 4 down. G. Henry went oiit m 42 and in in 37—79. PERSONAL. The sudden death occurred on Saturday morning of Mrs Hannah Paterson, aged 57 years, .wife of Mr John Paterson, at her residence'-in Ure street.. The deeeast'd had been in ill-health for some time past, and was seized with ,a'stroke. Mrs Paterson was born in Westmoreland, England, and came to New Zealand at the age of 10 years. She is survived by her husband, >a son, and four daughters. MOTOR ACCIDENT. On Saturday evening'a motor cyclist named William Manson met with an accident resulting in injuries to one of his legs. He stated that he was proceeding in second gear up the hillon -the Georgetown road near Pukeuri, when he encountered a motor car coming from the opposite direction, and m order to avoid

a collision ran up . the bank. The motor cycle' and sidecar capsized, pinning him down by the leg, but the car proceeded on its way. He lay there for some time, but eventually freed himself and was able to return to Oamaru. SOCIAL GATHERING. On the eve of their departure for Auckland Mr and Mrs Harold Ante were met by the Bible classes of the Oamaru Baptist Church at a social gathering to bid them God speed. During the evening, which was spent in playing games, the secretary, Mr Ronald Luxon, on behalf of the classes, presented Mr Auty with a gold-mounted fountain pen and a gold ever-sharp pencil, and spoke highly of : the good work_ done "by him while acting as leader during the absence of Mr Clarke. Mr Auty suitably, responded, and said that he had thoroughly enjoyed -his associations with the Bililc classes. ' Miss Smyth, on behalf of the .P.W.M.U.. expressed appreciation of the help rendered by Mrs Auty and presented her with a supper cloth of Indian hand work, and also a bouquet of autumn flowers. Mrs Auty expressed regret at departing from Oamaru and feelingly thanked the givers. A message of appreciation of the work done by the departing guests was received from the pastor, who was absent through illness, HOMING PIGEON CLUB.. The points for the gold niednl for young bird racing up to the present are as follows:—A. Eudduck 9, J. Meikle, D. Sparks, Webb brothers 7, E. Vernor ■C, B. Dwyer 2; J. Forrester and MTntosh brothers 1. RUGBY FOOTBALL. OLD BOYS v. ATHLETIC. The weather was dull but fine for the competition games on Saturday. at the Oval. There was a large attendance. Old Boys proved too good for their opponents, running up 28 points to 8. In the early stages the game developed into a hard forward tussle, in which the. honours were slightly in favour, of Old Boys. Blackraore made a good run to the line, and an infringement gave I. Walton an easy chance to convert, which he. accepted Speculating by ..the Athletic inside backs lost ground, but Sim relieved with a good charge to midfield. MacDonald started a nice passing movement, the ball travelling out to Blackmore, who forged his way across for a good try. I. Walton missed- a -difficult kick. A penalty to Athletic gave Mansfield a chance, but he failed to find the uprights at - the first attempt. Another kick was allowed, because the men on the mark -did not remain passive, and Mansfield this time piloted the ball over the crossbar. Mansfield, failed in a'difficult kick from near midfield, and half time came with the score: Old Boys. 6; Athletic, 3. The Athletic forwards attacked strongly and for _a. spell kept Old Boys penned near their line. Kent made a good save, and’following up the advantage Sumpter broke away down the line to send Blackmore over for his second try. I. Walton converted. The Athletic forwards again made desperate efforts to reduce Old Boys’ lead, and Sim, A. Campbell, and mine were conspicuous in several dashing movements. Old Boys rallied, and MacDonald secured from ■ a scrum and set his backs moving, Malcolm racing over to touch down in a handy'position. I. Walton added the major points. The Old Boys’ vanguard assumed the ascendancy, the Cameron brothers figuring conspicuously. R. Ross secured in front of the. posts and passed to Kent, who potted a fine goal. Shortly after Macdonald again opened a successful passing rush, Kent cutting m nicely and sending Sumpter over, to score near the posts. T. Walton made no mistake with the kick. Another passing rush initiated by Macdonald saw the ball travel, out to Malcolm, who scored near the , corner. I. Walton’s hick went wide. A final rally by the Excelsior forwards saw Sim make a fine solo effort to the Old Boys’'quarter-line, with Campbell and another in close attendance. The rush was held up, but the referee awarded a try for obstruction, which Mansfield converted. Ross sold a dummy nicely to send Sunipter over the line unopposed, but the hitter- was recalled for a scrum, and time sounded with the score;— Old - Boys .. .. .. 28 poinfs. Athletic .. .. ... 8 points, Mr L. J. Smith was referee. EXCELSIOR v. -MAHENO.

The game between Maheno and Excelsior was mostly a forward tussle, but at times some good movements by the backs were witnessed. The Maheno forwards were without the services of the.-Clark brothers, but with a different formation to that of last Saturday, made a good showing and were instrumental .in wresting the victory by 9 points to 3. All the points.were, scored iii the first half. With a slight, wind in their favour the country players started on the attack, Newland's going 'through the ruck to send out to Bruce, who went for the line, but a forward pass spoiled a good movement. From a kick upheld, Nowhmds followed up and took the ball from an Excelsior man and went for the line, in fine style to score a good try near the posts. Hacquoil failed to add the major points. From loose play the Excelsior forwards sent the ball back to Hunter, who dummied his-hum- nicely and cut through to .send:to Gnbitt, who crossed unopposed. . Wesley failed to convert. Hunter was again . seen to advantage, finding the' line nicely and putting Excelsior in a safer position, but a kick through by Soilness saw Gillies follow up to take possession and pass ti Bruce, who passed in again to Gillies, the last-named Scoring well out.' Hacquoil s kick failed. The town players attacked strongly, and Hoplcy cut round the scrum to secure possession. He made a dash through, but was brought down near the line. From a scramble, Souness gathered in and sent the ball to Hollow, who dashed up the line and transferred to Ne.wkiiids, who crossed well out: flue quoil’s kick was unsuccessful. Half time canlc soon after, with the score: Maheno 9, Excelsior 3. " ' 1 . ..

. resuming, Excelsior adopted - aggres-sive-tactics/but good the’country forwards took play to the Excelsior line. Hunter brought relief with a nice solo up-ficld. From a scrum in mid-field, Yeoman secured and transferred to Dluldrcw, who lost a golden opportninty by retaining possession too long Newlands was again in the van and nearly got across, but a rally by the Excelsior pack took play back to mid-field. In another dashing movement by the country players. Gillies was seen to advaiitim.Hc transferred the ball' to- Somiess, who passed to Mlildrew, and the latter was gi asset! by. Grlowsky, In ■ allot her'tin shim - ' movement by the country forwards, . Hob low gained possession from’ a scramble/ am! made a good run. dodging several,op poncnls. He passed to Souness, who, with two men on bis outside, cut in to lose what appeared to he a sure trv. Time whs sounded soon after with no; further score. Maheno .. .. .. .. .. 9 Excelsior 3 Mr C.' Mollison was referee. juniors.:’ . ;• .Maheno l IS. Excelsior nil, School 9, Old Boys-3. Athletic 34, Weston Pirates nil. ■ ■ THIRD GRADE. . Athletic 3, Excelsior 3. ■ St. Kevin's 19, Old Boys A 0. School 6, Enfield 4. In the Athletic-Excelsior match two opposing players were ordered off. FOURTH GRADE. , School U 31, Athletic 5. School C. 12. School E 3, St. Kevin’s 30, Old Boys 9.

'500 GOO TI R. Smith ... .. .. 44 '45 80 W. Barnard ,44 SO I. Sfcenson' - '42 '■■■ 85 H. Koppcrfc ■41 85 K. M.-Latcliic •.. ... ... 44 41 85 "R. Borric ' 45 S4 H; Moslcy 38 S4 W. Gillies 40 83 fi. Doran ... :. .. 4i 40 '81 C. Hedges ...■ '.'. '.'." '47 '34 SI G. Gillies , ".".'- .. .. 38 37 '75 Totals TAPAKATO. 447 •918 W. Gibson ... ..... -45 4G . 01 H. Norton V> .. ... .45. ,43' 88 D. Borric . .37' .82 G. Gibson .. ..." ... '43 37 80 C. Whyte 36 79 A. Gibson .,-..•.. 4n 38'.' ■' 78 R. Gibson .. .".' .. 41 34 75 Don Borric .. ,. :. 41 34 75 R. Borric 38 30 74 A.Hal! .. 30 71 J. Gibson 37 49 Totals 417 S42

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 20703, 29 April 1929, Page 14

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PROVINCIAL NEWS. Otago Daily Times, Issue 20703, 29 April 1929, Page 14

PROVINCIAL NEWS. Otago Daily Times, Issue 20703, 29 April 1929, Page 14