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To-day -is--the anniversary of the birthday of the Emperor of Japan, and is observed as the national day of the Japanese nation. ■ - ■-•

f What’s your car worth? " said conn-, sel to a’ judgment debtor at the Wangauni Court the other day (reports the Chronicle). About £10,” he replied. I was had from the start.” House Whisky. 10s 6d; Pints, 5s 6d; Wines, from 3s; Marlin- Jenne Brandv, 0s 6d at Prince of Wales'Hotel,.. : In 1911 the number, of available beds ®“_the Christchurch Public Hospital was 115. To-day it. is 430. The Gut-Patient ■department also shows, a phenomenal attendances in 1911 to 20,170 in 1928, ’ A Maori judgment, debtor at the Wanganui Court the other day, when asked many of a ‘family be had, replied, Oh, about 11" (reports the Herald).Pigs,/Pigs.—We are cash : buyers or both Pork and Bacon-Pigs, any,quant!ty; .Highest ruling price given.—-Bar-tons. .Manse street,,. The deer-shootihg season in the Rotorua district l)flS this year (writes a correspondent of the New Zealand Herald). > All ’sportsmen agree, however, that it is time the Government took steps to -cull the herds, as there are a great .number of malformed heads this year. It is very difficult to get a good-head over .10 points, which is' a clear ipdlcation that, the* herds have aetenorated,; “ • . . , v Sale of all-wool worsted Roslyn suits.' Usually sold at ,£6/6s, are now selling- at' 69s 6d. . They.are wonderful value.'- Post y°u r order now. Money returned if not suitable. —“Ascot,” corner . Princes, and Rattray streets... -S® ditor^^.sued a Judgment debtor in the Wanganui Court the other day for a small .amount of £2, The’ magistrate remarked that the creditor had left: it too Jate, for . the debtor worked in the summer only. Counsel then asked if the case could be adjourned. “What," said the magistrate, “ for six months? " He then agreecTto adjourn the case for two months in order to see whether the debtor round. employment. ' The reliability'of Barton's sugar-cured. Hams nnd/ Bacou and : Pork Small Goods is universally acknowledged.—Manse street and all Branches.. / ,In recognition of the .very arduous nature of the work and the irregular the permanent staff who for /the past fiv e years have been engaged on the construction of the New- Plymouth breakwater extensidn have been granted bonuses by the Harbour Board. The foreman was voted £2O, and four other members of the staff 'each received, £lO. The men gave practically unbroken service throughout the period. . The body, flavour, colour, and aroma found m the "Bourbon" brand of coffee and chicory ,is the result of “quality” coffee plus elperfc blendinff and roasting. Insist on “Bourbon” for-breakfast!/ The conquest of. goitre among the school children qf ; Takapuna . was credited—by the headmaster, Mr, G. H. Matthews, to the work-of the school medical officer, Dr H- Wilkie (reports the New Zealand Herald) . When Dr Wilkie first came, to the school, said Mr Matthews,-at least 10 per cent, of the pupils suffered' from the complaint, but to-day he did not think one-half .per cent, was affected. This improvement was mainly due to the medical officer’s. efforts. ■ v Save your eyes. Consult Peter G. Dick. JT8.0.A., F. 1.0. (London), optometrist Peter Dipk, jewellers and opticians, 490 Morar place (opp; City Hotel).;. A Wanganui up-river Maori, when commenting on summonses being sent out Ay registered letter, remarked to a Herald reporter the other day that “te Maori him sooner pay.te pound mileage than sign for te registered letter with te blue paper. Te Maori him say that te fellow, who handle, te mails at the variouspost offices, him might tell te other fellow that Hori him get te summons and then Hori’s business is known all/over the district, land perhaps him‘ credit stopped in another direction; That no good to te Maori, eh? ” he added.. Winter warmth obtained by purchasing all-wool colonial ribbed ’ underpants; Men’s 6s lid, O.S. 7s -6d. Fleecy-lined underpants and shirts. Men’s 4s lid, O.S. 5a Gd. Heavy ribbed dark grev Moegiel seeks, is 9d per pair. Posted’anvwher" for cash.—Kilroy and Sutherland, Ltd., 192 Princes street, Dunedin.;. The opinion that the flavour of New • Zealand .cheese for export is capable of in>pr6vernent was csprt»BS*?<l by, Mr, Downs, of Susser, England, who arrived from Sydney by (he Mauaganui. In other respects, New Zealand dairy produce was wonderful, be added. : It was advertised iroll, and sold in /all the best shops handling goods of the kind in London. ’ While Gay .M’Millan, aged three years and a-half, the daughter of Mrs/M’Sliilan, of Kiwitahi; was feeding • fowls the other day, she - was attacked and severely injured by a pig (says the Morrinsvilie correspondent of the New Zealand. Herald). The child’s parents were standing near her when .the animal rushed at her. and threw her’ down, The -child was severely bruised and .her collar-bone was broken. She was taken to hospital in Mori-cs-ville. / , ■ Our new corselettes add grace and loveliness to the figure and are delightfully supple and comfortable, allowing the utmost freedom of movement. In pink broche coutille, size 32 to 40 bust. Posted to any address for 5s 6d_. 9s 6d, and, with abdominal belt, 12s 6d.—From X. Ross, 130 Princes street... Apparently used to coming out in the evenings x to forage for unconsidered trifles, a mouse made its appearance at a householders’ meeting recently (says the Wellington Evening Post). The eight stalwart committee men who were present eyed the four ladies who constituted the meeting,.waiting for signs of alarm or for antics popularly associated with mice and the fair sex, but they were just ns unperturbed as the mouse. The meeting pursued the even tenor of its way, and the mouse, apparently quite tame, continued its quest for its'supper, refusing to forego this just for the sake of a school committee. That the system adopted in the Phillipstown School last year of allowing tiny children to start school only at two periods of the year had been very successful, was a statement made by the headmaster (Mr A. C. Maxwell) at the recent meeting of householders’ (reports the Christchurch pun). In other schools, small children are ' allowed, to start the great trek towards learning on any school day of the year. Thus, the system of teaching is hampered. Under the, Plnlhpstown system infants enrolled start under an uninterrupted and systematic syllabus. The Royal Mint, Tower Hill, London, contains specimens 'of some ■ curious errors which have been made in its coins. When the florin was coined for the first time in 1849 it was found that, the lett®rs .D.G.” had been omitted, and the dies had to be changed. In 1887, when some new sixpences were coined, there were many complaints of the alarming resemblance the reverse side bore to that of a-half-sovereign, and the sixpences were immediately withdrawn. It was said that the coinage of 1887 made Queen Victoria look ridiculous. She was re{ueaented as an elderly, austere woman with a tmy crown stuck Jauntily on the back of her head. ‘After a committee appointed by the Chancellor of the Exchequer had gravely reported on the subject the coinage was 'withdrawn. mPwup 66ll n as congratulated Mr and Mrs WiUiam Pcasey, of the Almshouses. ■Wang, London, on the eixty-seveuth anniversary of their weddingin T te ' V - e foo^ 410 jo^stria l accidents m Britain in 1927; of these ,the greatest number occurred among miners, compensation bemg paid in 205.382 mining cases. With a-growing population, Dureley, in Gloucestershire, has no unemployed; Its gieat industry is the making of agricultural machinery. . - —Herr Parlatus, a German actor, recently created a record by speaking 132 hours continuously.

“When is Wanganui going to havo nn Aero,Club? ” asked a young man the oUmz day (says the Hordld). The question is ' n difficult one to answer. Following the visit' of Kingsford Smith' and bis colleagues -to Wanganui,- everyone was enthusiastic about - aviation,' and. It was stated that, before many weeks ' lied' elapsed the city would have Sts own aorov club and piano. Seven months have passed" since, the proposal was first mooted, and’ matters arc at a standstill. Waters' "Anticrin" meet treatment for unwanted hair; 2s id.' posted.—Waters’Pharmacy... . ♦ That New ’ Zealand, "mid Clu-isiohiuch particularly, is well favoured with ozone is shown by the observations which/are . being conducted at Canterbury College/ :(says the Press). Tests have been made at Arose, Egypt, South India, and California, aqd in practical!}’': every case Christchurch shows the highest percentage. Dr Coleridge Farr stated, the. other day’ that ozone was not to be confused lyitit the,g.\s given off by decaying seaweed-- the well- , known seaside smell—which many' people take to be ozone. < The'. tests- are being made ib conjunction with. Dr G. M, B. * v Dobson,F.R.S.. of Oxford, England. /‘■Did yon hear all about Kingsford Smith? ” “ No,. What! " “. Oh. I mean ' when «ie was lost. 1 heard all the news . over ray radio, from Australian and New Zealand ■Stations.”. And this owner is p.o more fortunate,than nil who■ have bought a radio set from Laidlmr and Gray's. Hijjbeet-grade machines and accessorise of which complete stocks are kept at Laid- .. law. and Gray’s, Rattray street. On very, easy terms... I have just discovered a-disastrous state of affaire,” said Mr It. Twynoham in the: Christchurch- Magistrates Court . last week, after he had .opened plaintiff’s 1 case in an action for ’damages, tollov'ira' a . motor collision. ,iu which Charles Major Barnett claimed £2B 10s from; Clive Moody (Mr F, ,W. Johnston), who counterclaimed for £2l 12s. Plaintiff, it was discovered, had gone Tor a trip into the country, and had missed his own case. An adjournment was. granted, with full costs to defendant, ; ‘ ! r , , Children's .-Wear;- During this week'we are- making a special-showing in windows ’ and in the showroom. The variety and, values are surprising. If ..interested, look us up.—The Mosgiel Warehouse, A. F. Cheyne and Co.. . ‘ % Illustrative of the,means used W-people, in an endeavour to.;cheat. thefamiliar • pehny-inrtherslot vending machines . was the collection of-, foreign coins,/ tokens and, pjeces of raetal foundreceutly bynn chvine’er in a/chocolate-vendihg machine at Devonport. (says . New ■ Zealand Herald). ■■ Included in .the collection were the following articles;—The flattened top •of; a lemonade bottle, a Chinese coin the ■ size of a penny, a halfpenny, ft Japanese token much larger than a peniiy. a Mexi- ■ ■. can coin, an old New Zealand token for ’.threepence, . a coiihterfeit ; brass- penny and a florin. None of the articles was.capable of-operating; the ma- -. ’ ■ chine-successfully! Buy your Guiness*B English, stout wholesale at 12a 6d per dozen pints at Hotel Carlton, Box 106. Phone Tl-716. With Sir _ Harry the . principal guest it was not surprising that humour should predominate at the; after- ; ; luncheon proceedings of the Auckland Rotary Club, the other day (says/ the Star). The president (Mr G. W. Hutchison) /.set’ the -ball rolling/ when- he- an- ■■ nounced that Sir Harry had offered Ss for the club’s ceremonial, mere—a particularly fine specimen. The mere has; a half- ‘ crown embedded in each side,' so - the joke was not lost' on- the club members/ • One of these is Mr C. J. Tuhks, who was recently elected chairman «f the ‘ Auckland Kindergarten ; Association. He was heartily congratulated: by the president,who presented Kim with h; child’s pinafore of' remarkably small’ site. v', Mt Hutchinson said it would be permissible for Mr Tunks to wear. it ai a sporran, in memory of the occasion v : . ' Conn's / Celebrated Worm Powders,' for safely destroying all worms in adults and • children. Price, 3s 6d per : packet.—Only from Conn’s Pharmacy, High street, Dunedin.. . ' .■/’/ 1 ;■■■■ f '..;/■/• ■' ■:/- ■ .•’■ The solemnity of . the : citizen's/ Anzac service in Waa marred/hyf a musical mix-hp (says the Press); Tim hymn “Goid of Our . Fathers ’’ was an-” nounced, whereupon the band' 1 playedseveral bars of ; tbe tune for “0 God Our Help in Ages Past,” ' The -speaker’pro- . ceeded to recite the first verse of Kipling’s familiar, poem,, and the band. boldly struck up “ 0 God Our Help.” The congregation took up the’ impossible-task of fitting the metre of the . recessional to the tune, and managed the first line fairly wall. The second line proved .too much for. most of them, and those who/ valiantly, hung on found thcmWlves xvitn. two lines'outstanding when tha bind completed its;'first stanza. The instrumentalists, carried on alone for’a .second verse,' and ther too broke down. The announcement followed that a mistake had been made,' and. the ' hymn was' then rendered, ■ with' piano accompaniment, to the customary music. ’ “Kind seven ,and sixpence for ait yaVda ■of first 'quality Draper, for Nursery Squares; a nine-shilling value from James Gray and Son’s -Mail Order House, Mi 1t0n... ton... /'/-.. ■ . A request for the incoming committee) , to hold an 'investigation intp a serious accident to his daughter ,’at the school was made by Mr Forbes Eadie at the meeting of/parents at Mount Albert School (reports,the Auckland Star). During the absence of the teacher, Mr Eadie stated, his daughter had tripped while running -across the'floor, and, in falling,had struck her bead on the fireguard. Tho little’ girl- had suffered concussion, and was now in the hospital in-a serious condition. In view of the fact that a similar accident had occurred some years ago, Mr Eadie recommended that -.the • fireguard should be immediately, removed, and that the incoming committee, in the course -of ,-its inquiry; should apply for a pupil teacher or assistant to take enarga of the junior -classes. when the mlitrass Was called away. A motion to that effect was carried. Waters’ "Korubanc” really takes old corns out; lc 2d, posted.—Watero’ Pb-ar-mat-v, 20 Princes _ street;.. ’“What about the ducks at the Zoo? ” .asked a questioner at a meeting which the retiring Mayor at Auckland: (Mr G.' Bail* ■dost) addressed the other evening. His Worship was puzzled, l aud someone suggested that. the questioner had said “ deaths at tho Zoo, referring to the demise of the first baby hippopotamus. “ No, I menu ducks,” replied the first speaker. “I want to. ktiow about' the’cheap feed some of you had.” . Mr Baildon, then realised what was meant. -“ Out at the Zoo,” ho said, “ they are trying to keep the strain pure, hut there .wete one or two crosses. The caretaker wanted to get rid of them, so he sent three brace of ducks to some members of the Parks Committee.- They did not ask for tho ducks. They just found them on their doorsteps, anjj- they, did not know at tho time where thei birds ■ had come from. The caretaker had either to do that or .to wring the ducks’ necks. /There was'a lot of-talk about it, so now we send tho ducks we d,® not want to the auction and get about a bob each for them. ” Grandism (607): The tonic wine of thousands, Aragon Spanish W:a«. Tho luscious living.blood of the grape. Bottle, 4s.—Grand Hotel...' Captain E. C.' Vellenowoth, resident - agent of Aitutaki ' Island, of the Cook group, who is at present visiting New Zealand on furlough, stated in Wellington that the-natives of tho island are 00& tented and happy, and there is an absenceof, serious crime. The produce consists chiefly of copra and oranges; , th* latter being all sent to the New Zealand market. The food of the people is fish, of which there is an abundant supply and groat variety, arrowroot, kumeras, taro and’ yarns. The local laws ’ are. administered by an Island Council. Roads are kept in fair order; and it is the duty of every man to give 10 days’ work on the* roads during every sis months. vTho only animals on the island are the native rat and native mouse; the large grey rat which , works such ' havoc amongst the coconuts in other islands does not; exist on Aitutaki. ' The only permanent bird is a native parakeet. The population ,of the island is 1450, natives arid eight Europeans. N ■ - . X 121 and 544 Are railing wagons loaded for Hitchon’a Store. They are loaded up, if I’m not mistaken, With tons and tons of Hitchbn’s Bacoit,

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 20703, 29 April 1929, Page 18

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NEWS IN BRIEF. Otago Daily Times, Issue 20703, 29 April 1929, Page 18

NEWS IN BRIEF. Otago Daily Times, Issue 20703, 29 April 1929, Page 18